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Effect of hormones on number and relationship between perfect and staminate flowers in andromonoecious melon cultivars

dc.creatorGirek, Zdenka
dc.creatorProdanović, Slaven
dc.creatorZdravković, Jasmina
dc.creatorCvikić, Dejan
dc.creatorUgrinović, Milan
dc.creatorAdžić, Slađan
dc.creatorZdravković, Milan
dc.description.abstractEgzogeni tretman biljnim hormonima deluje na promene broja, tipa cvetova i njihovog odnosa kod dinje. Efekat hormona da prevodi hermafroditne cvetove u jednopolne može se iskoristiti u proizvodnji semena F1 hibrida dinje. U ovom radu ispitano je dejstvo tri biljna hormona (etrel, srebro nitrat i giberelinska kiselina) na cvetove pet andromonoecijskih sorti dinje (Kineska muskatna, Ananas, Fiata, Medna rosa i A2-3lb). Te sorte imaju razdvojene hermafroditne i muške cvetove. Ogledi su izvedeni tokom 2010. i 2011. godine u Institutu za povrtarstvo, u Smederevskoj Palanci. Praćeno je dejstvo hormona na sledećih pet osobina: 1) broj hermafroditnih cvetova po biljci, 2) broj muških cvetova po biljci, 3) ukupan broj cvetova (hermafroditnih i muških) po biljci, 4) % hermafroditnih cvetova na biljci i 5) % muških cvetova na biljci. Od korišćenih hormona, najjači uticaj na ispitivane osobine ispoljio je etrel koji je povećao broj hermafroditnih cvetova po biljci za 6,2 i smanjio broj muških cvetova po biljci za 22,0, što predstavlja promenu njihovog učešća za 6,67% u odnosu na kontrolu. Hermafroditni cvetovi posle tretmana etrelom imali su deformisane antere i bili su autosterilni, odnosno pogodni za hibridizaciju polenom iz drugih cvetova. U odnosu na etrel, tretmani hormonima giberelinskom kiselinom i srebro nitratom imali su slabiji efekat koji je imao suprotno dejstvo na posmatrane osobine dinje.sr
dc.description.abstractExogenous application of plant hormones affects changes in number, type and percentage of different flower types in melon. The effect of hormones to transform perfect flowers into staminate or pistillate flowers can be used in the production of F1 hybrid seeds of melon. The influence of three plant hormones (ethrel, silver nitrate, and gibberellic acid) on the flowers of five andromonoecious melon cultivars (Chinese muskmelon, Anannas, Fiata, Honeydew and A2-3lb) was evaluated in this study. The used melon varieties had separated perfect and staminate flowers. Experiments were carried out in 2010 and 2011 at the Institute for Vegetable Crops in Smederevska Palanka. Effect of hormones was observed on five traits: 1) number of perfect flowers per plant, 2) number of staminate flowers per plant, 3) the total number of flowers (perfect and staminate) per plant, 4) percentage of perfect flowers per plant, and 5) percentage of staminate flowers per plant. Of the used hormones, the strongest influence on the investigated traits had shown ethrel by increasing the number of perfect flowers per plant for 6.2 and reducing the number of male flowers per plant for 22.0, what represents change of 6.67% compared to the control. Perfect flowers after treatment with ethrel had deformed anthers and they were self-sterile, i.e. suitable for hybridization with pollen from other flowers. In relation to the ethrel, treatments with two other hormones, gibberellic acid and silver nitrate, had weaker and opposite effect on the observed melon traits.en
dc.publisherInstitut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
dc.sourceZbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
dc.subjectandromonoecious varietiesen
dc.subjectgibberellic aciden
dc.subjectsilver nitrateen
dc.subjectflower typeen
dc.subjectandromonoecijske sortesr
dc.subjectgiberelinska kiselinasr
dc.subjectsrebro nitratsr
dc.subjecttip cvetasr
dc.titleUticaj hormona na broj i odnos hermafroditnih i muških cvetova kod andromonoecijskih sorti dinjesr
dc.titleEffect of hormones on number and relationship between perfect and staminate flowers in andromonoecious melon cultivarsen
dc.citation.other18(1-2): 79-88



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