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Rezultati proizvodnje morača (Foeniculum vulgare P. Mill.) - u izolacionom pojasu organske proizvodnje

dc.creatorUgrenović, Vladan
dc.creatorFilipović, Vladimir
dc.creatorJevremović, Stojan
dc.creatorUgrinović, Milan
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to show the results of the perennial fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mil) production in an isolation zone of organic production. Since this plant species is being used in the pharmaceutical and food industry, its production in an organic farming system has special significance. Isolation zone was founded on an organic demo field soil type carbonate chernozem of the Institute 'Tamis'. During the period 2009 - 2014, phenological observations, observations of the presence of useful entomofauna and the measurements of the fruit and essential oil yields have been performed. The rapid plant growth and the early closure of an interrow space, in the third week of April, are very useful in organic cropping system because luxuriant biomass above ground prevents the growth of weeds in the plantation. Preliminary results point to greater presence of pollinators, predators and parasitoids of harmful insects, which have special significance in organic production system, in more efficient fertilization and encouragement of biocontrol processes. The age of planted fennel and climatic factors influence the yield variations per year. The average fruit yield during the study was 1.40 t ha-1 and oil yield was 73.2 kg ha-1. The lowest fruit and oil yield was in the founding year. In the years that followed, the yields have increased, so that the highest yields were reached in the fourth year, 2.10 t ha-1 of fruit and 147.00 kg ha-1 of oil.en
dc.description.abstractCilj ovog rada je da se prikažu rezultati proizvodnje višegodišnjeg morača (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) u izolacionom pojasu organske proizvodnje. Kako se ova biljna vrsta koristi u farmaceutskoj i prehrambenoj industriji, proizvodnja u organskom sistemu gajenja ima poseban značaj. Izolacioni pojas je zasnovan na organskom demo-polju Instituta 'Tamiš', na tipu zemljišta, karbonatni černozem. U periodu od 2009. do 2014. godine, vršena su fenološka osmatranja, praćeno je prisustvo korisne entomofaune, a vršeno je i merenje prinosa ploda i etarskog ulja. Ubrzan porast biljaka i rano zatvaranje međurednog prostora, već u trećoj dekadi aprila, vrlo je korisno u organskom sistemu gajenja, jer bujna nadzemna biomasa sprečava rastenje korova u usevu. Preliminarni rezultati ukazuju na veće prisustvo polinatora, predatora i parazitoida štetnih insekata, što ima poseban značaj u sistemima organske proizvodnje, jer se time može uticati na efikasniju oplodnju, a podstiču se i procesi biokontrole. Starost useva morača i klimatski uslovi uticali su na variranja prinosa po godinama. Prosečan prinos ploda svih godina istaraživanja bio je 1,40 t ha-1, a ulja 73,2 kg ha-1.U godini zasnivanja prinos ploda i ulja bio je najmanji. U narednim godinama prinosi su rasli, tako da je najveći bio u četvrtoj godini, 2,10 t ha-1 ploda i 147,00 kg ha-1
dc.publisherInstitut za proučavanje lekovitog bilja Dr Josif Pančić, Beograd
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46006/RS//
dc.sourceLekovite sirovine
dc.subjectorganic productionen
dc.subjectisolation zoneen
dc.subjectorganska proizvodnjasr
dc.subjectizolacioni pojassr
dc.titleFennel (Foeniculum vulgare P. Mill): Production results in an isolation zone of organic productionen
dc.titleRezultati proizvodnje morača (Foeniculum vulgare P. Mill.) - u izolacionom pojasu organske proizvodnjesr
dc.citation.other(35): 181-191



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