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Inheritance mode and phenotypic variability for pericarp thickness in nor and rin tomato genotypes

dc.creatorCvikić, Dejan
dc.creatorZdravković, Jasmina
dc.creatorĐorđević, Radiša
dc.creatorZdravković, Milan
dc.creatorPavlović, Nenad
dc.description.abstractDebljina perikarpa kao komponenta čvrstine ploda, predstavlja bitnu karakteristiku ploda paradajza, kako zbog skladištenja, tako i zbog transporta plodova do tržišta. Metodom punog dialela (bez recipročnih ukrštanju) izvršena su ukrštanju dve linije paradajza sa normalnim periodom sazrevanja plodova i četiri mutantne linije, kod kojih je period sazrevanja odložen (nor i rin). Genetička analiza izvršena je na roditeljskim linijama i potomstvu F1 i F2 generacije. Ocena načina nasleđivanja za osobinu čvrstina ploda utvrđena je korišćenjem testa signifikasnosli srednjih vrednosti F1 i F2 generacije u odnosu na roditeljski prosek. Razlaganje genetičke varijanse izvršeno je metodom Mather-a i Jinks-a(197I), a analiza kombinacionih sposobnosti metodom Griffing-a (1956). metodi, matematički model 1. U obe generacije ispitivanja, kod nasleđivanja debljine perikarpa ploda paradajza, ispoljili su se sledeći načini nasleđivanja: intermedijarno, parcijalna dominacija, dominacija, kao i super dominacija boljeg i lošijeg roditelja. Dominantna varijansa je bila veća od aditivne. Najveći heterozis za osobinu debljine perikarpa ploda imao je hibrid NR-I x NR-10 (14.28%). Roditelj NR-3 je imao signifikantnu vrednost za OKS u obe generacije ukrštanju, dok su signifikantne vrednosti za PKS utvrđene kod šest F1 hibrida. Mutantni genotipovi paradajza imali su veću debljinu perikarpa ploda od genotipova normalnog sazrevanja ploda, te ih kao takve treba uključili u selekcione programe, koji za cilj imaju, stvaranje komercijalnih F1 hibrida, debelog perikarpa i čvrstih plodova.
dc.description.abstractPericarp thickness as a component of fruit firmness represents an important feature of tomato fruit not only because of storing but also because of transporting fruit to the market. By using the method of full diallet (without reciprocal crosses), we carried out the crossing of two tomato lines with normal ripening and four mutant lines characterized by postponed shelf life (nor and rin). The genetic analysis was made on both parental lines and the progeny of F1 and F2 generations. The mode of inheritance for fruit firmness was estimated by using the significance test of mean values of F1 and F2 generations as compared to the mean values of their parents. The segregation of the genetic variance was performed by applying the Matter and Jinks method (1971), whereas the combining abilities were analyzed by the Griffing method (1956), method 2. mathematical model 1. As for the inheritance mode of pericarp thickness of tomato fruit, both investigated generations showed the following modes of inheritance: intermediary inheritance mode, partial dominance, dominance, as well as super dominance of a better and a worse parent. The dominance variance prevailed over the additive one. The highest heterosis for the feature pericarp thickness was recorded in the hybrid NR-1 x NR-10 (14.28%). The parent NR-3 was characterized by significant GCA values in both crossing generations, whereas the significant SCA values were recorded in six F1 hybrids. Mutant tomato genotypes had the larger pericarp thickness of the fruit than the genotypes with normal fruit ripening. Being characterized by these features, they should be included in the selec­tion programs that are aimed at creating commercial f1 hybrids with thick pericarp and firm fruit.
dc.publisherDruštvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceSelekcija i semenarstvo
dc.subjectpericarp thickness;
dc.subjectfruit firmness
dc.subjectnor and rin
dc.subjectinheritance mode
dc.titleNačin nasleđivanja i fenotipska varijabilnost za debljinu perikarpa kod nor i rin genotipova paradajza
dc.titleInheritance mode and phenotypic variability for pericarp thickness in nor and rin tomato genotypes
dc.citation.other7(1-2): 15-19



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