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Interaction fertilization and seeding system the maize and soybean for on preserving soil biological activity and plant height

dc.creatorCvijanović, Gorica
dc.creatorStepić, Vesna
dc.creatorCvijanović, Marija
dc.creatorĐukić, Vojin
dc.creatorĐurić, Nenad
dc.creatorDozet, Gordana
dc.description.abstractZdruţivanje useva je sistem gajenja biljaka koji u odrţivom načinu biljne proizvodnje sve više dobija na značaju. Pored niza prednosti zdruţenih useva (agronomskih i ekoloških) veoma je vaţno da ishrana useva bude prilagoĎena potrebama biljaka i dinamici mikrobne populacije u zemljištu. Zato je za cilj rada postavljeno da se utvrdi značaj zdruţivanja kukuruza i soje na parametre biogenosti zemljišta u odnosu na njihovu pojedinačnu setvu (faktor A). Faktor B primenjene su različite vrste Ďubriva (kontrola NPK 600 kg/ha 15:15:15 na celoj površini ogleda; S-stajnjak 30 t/ha; MM-200 kg/ha AN 34,5%N; MB- 200 kg/ha AN 34,5%N+ tečni mikrobiološki preparat sa efektivnih mikroorganizama u zemljište 20 l/ha i Nitragin za soju. Ispitivane varijabile su visoko značajno (p<0,01) uticale na dinamiku ispitivanih grupa rizosferne mikrobne populacije (ukupan broj mikroorganizama, brojnost amonifikatora) i njihovu biohemijsku aktivnost. Đubrenje je takoĎe visoko značajno uticalo na ispitivane parametre. Ukupan broj mikroorganizama je u proseku imao najveće vrednosti pri Ďubrenju u varijanti MM, dok je brojnost amonifikatora i dehidrogenazne aktivnosti imala najveće vrednosti u MB varijanti. Ispitivani faktori su različito uticali na intezitet vegetativnog porast biljaka na početku vegetacije. Način setve nije značajno uticao na visinu biljaka u početnim fazama razvoja biljaka, dok su Ďubrenje i interaktivna zavisnost faktora statistički značajano uticali na visinu biljaka. U pojedinačnoj setvi kod soje nisu utvrĎene statistički značajne razlike u visini biljaka, kod kukuruza najveća visina (p<0,01) utvrĎena pri Ďubrenju sa stajnjakom, dok je u zdruţenom usevu najveća visina kukuruza i soje (p<0,01) uvrĎena pri Ďubrenju u varijanti MB.sr
dc.description.abstractIntercropping is a plant breeding system that is gaining in importance for a sustainable way of plant production. In addition to the many benefits of intercropping crops (agronomic and ecological) it is very important that nutrition of crops is adapted to the needs of plants and the dynamics of the microbial population in the soil. Therefore, the aim of the paper was to determine the importance intercropping sowing maize and soybean for soil biogenic parameters relative to their individual planting (factor A). Factor B was applied to various types of fertilizers (control of NPK 600 kg / ha 15:15:15 on the entire surface of the experiment; S-manure 30 t / ha; MM-200 kg / ha AN 34.5% N; MB- 200 kg / ha AN 34.5% N + liquid microbiological preparation with effective microorganisms in the soil of 20 l / ha and Nitragin for soybean. The variables examined were highly significant (p <0.01) influencing the dynamics of the investigated groups of the microbial population in rhizosphere (total number of microorganisms, the number of microorganisms on average had the highest fertilization values in the MM variant, while the number of ammonification and dehydrogenase activity had the highest values in MB variants. The investigated factors differed influenced the intensity of vegetative growth of plants at the beginning of vegetation. The method of sowing did not significantly affect the height of plants in the initial stages of plant development, while fertilization and interactive dependence of factor A significantly influenced the height of the plants. In the single planting in the soybean, the significance of the difference in the height of the plants was not determined, while in the maize the highest height (p <0.01) was determined during fertilization with the manure, while in the combined crop the maximum height of corn and soybean (p <0.01) determined by fertilization in the MB variant.sr
dc.publisherPadinska Skela : Institut PKB Agroekonomiksr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46006/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomiksr
dc.subjectzdružena setvasr
dc.subjectčist usevsr
dc.subjectvisina biljakasr
dc.subjectmikroorganizmi u zemljištusr
dc.subjectindividual sowingsr
dc.subjectplant heightsr
dc.subjectmicroorganisms in soilsr
dc.titleInterakcija đubrenja i sistema gajenja kukuruza i soje na očuvanju biološke aktivnosti zemljišta i visinu biljakasr
dc.titleInteraction fertilization and seeding system the maize and soybean for on preserving soil biological activity and plant heightsr



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