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The influence of agro-ecological conditions on the production properties of miscanthus

dc.creatorGlamočlija, Đorđe
dc.creatorĐurić, Nenad
dc.creatorSpasić, Marija
dc.description.abstractDvogodišnja istraživanja uticaja agroekoloških uslova na proizvodnju biomase miskantusa izvedena su na pet lokaliteta koji su se značajno ralikovali po zemljišnim uslovima. Na prvom lokalitetu ogledi su postavljeni na tipu zemljišta beskarbonatni (izluţeni) černozem, na drugom na gajnjači, na trećem na smonici, na četvrtom na ritskoj crnici i na petom na deposolu. Iako se svi lokaliteti nalaze u predelima kontinentalne klime, ona ima lokalne specifičnosti kao posledicu orografije, preovlađujućih vazdušnih strujanja i blizine velikih rečnih tokova. Najpovoljniji klimatski uslovi bili su na petom lokalitetu (Stanari), a najmanje povoljni na trećem (Mladenovac). Na ogledima je primenjena standardna tehnologija proizvodnje, a za sadnju su korišćeni odsečci neoţiljenih rizoma uvezeni iz Austrije. U dopunskoj ishrani biljaka upotrebljene su različite količine NPK asimilativa kako bi se ublaţile razlike u prirodnoj plodnosti pojedinih tipova zemljišta. Morfološke osobine (visina stabala) i prinos zelene biomase mereni su u fazi metličenja, a prinos suvih stabala posle berbe tokom zime. Dobijene vrednosti izračunate su u prvoj i drugoj godini i statistički poređene po lokalitetima i godinama. Najbolje proizvodne osobine biljke su imale na beskarbonatnom černozemu, a najmanje na deposolu. U drugoj godini uticaj zemljišta bio je manji posle uspešnog porasta biljaka i prezimljavanja zasada na deposolu, jer su vremenski uslovi na tom lokalitetu bili najpovoljniji.sr
dc.description.abstractA two-year investigation of the influence of agroecological conditions on Miscanthus biomass production was carried out at five sites, with significantly different soil conditions. Trials were set up on following types of soil: at the first site, on carbonate-free (leached) chernozem, at the second on cambisol, at the third on vertisol, at the fourth on marshy chernozem, and at the fifth on degradet soil. Although all sites were located in continental climate, it has local specificities as a result of orography, dominating air flows and proximity of major river flows. The most favorable climatic conditions were at the fifth site (Stanari), and the least favorable at the third (Mladenovac). The trials applied standard production technology, and planting was done using sections of unrooted rhizomes imported from Austria. In order to alleviate the differences of the natural fertility of specific soil types, supplementary nutrition for plants was provided using different quantities of NPK assimilates. Morphological characteristics (stalk height) and yield of green biomass were measured in the panicle formation phase, and the yield of dry stalks after harvesting during the winter. Obtained values were calculated in the first and the second year, and were statistically compared by sites and years. Plants had best production properties on carbonate-free chernozem, and worst on degradet soil. In the second year, the influence of soil was less after successful plant growth and wintering of the plantation on degradet soil because weather conditions at that site were the most favorable.sr
dc.publisherZaječar: Faculty of Management, Megatrend Universitysr
dc.source8. međunarodni simpozijum o upravljanju prirodnim resursima, Zaječar, Serbia 2018, May 19sr
dc.subjectuslovi uspevanjasr
dc.subjectmorfološke osobinesr
dc.subjectprinos biomase miskantusasr
dc.subjectgrowth conditionssr
dc.subjectmorphological traitssr
dc.subjectmiscanthus biomass yieldsr
dc.titleUticaj agroekoloških uslova na proizvodne osobine miskantusasr
dc.titleThe influence of agro-ecological conditions on the production properties of miscanthussr



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