Now showing items 6-25 of 27

      Gene effects on the number of fruits per flower branch in tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) [1]
      Genetic analysis of earliness in pepper hybrids (Capsicum Annuum L.) [1]
      Genetic analysis of yield and combining abilities cucumber female lines [1]
      Influence of afila "af af' gene on height peas plant (pisum sativum L.) [1]
      Inheritance mode and gene effects on the yield of various tomato genotypes [1]
      La pourriture du collet de la tomate provoquée par Phytophtora SP. [1]
      Neki rezultati proučavanja uvenuća paprike u Srbiji [1]
      New pepper lines selected for resistance to tobacco mosaic virus [1]
      New snap bean varieties [1]
      Otpornost paprike (Capsicum SP.) prema Verticillium Albo-Atrum Reinke et Berth : I reakcija nekij populacija paprike na infekciju [1]
      Prilog upoznavanju hromozomske osnove povrtarstkih biljaka kod nas [1]
      Processing tomato situation and perspectives in Yugoslavia [1]
      Resistance of peppers (Capsicum SP.) to Verticillium Albo-Atrum Reinke et Berth : I reaction of some pepper populations to infection [1]
      Rezultati sortnih ispitavanja sa graškom [1]
      Root neck decay of tomatoes caused by Phytophtora SP [1]
      Some Results of the Research in Pepper Wilting in Serbia [1]
      Sortiment i selekcija pasulja (Phaseolus vulgaris L., Savi) [1]
      The effects of paraquat on cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) cultured in vitro [1]
      The influence of fertilization on the yield of different carrot varieties [1]
      The overwintering ability and quality of lettuce varieties grown outdoors and in greenhouses [1]