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Seed yield of lettuce in different sowing periods

dc.creatorZdravković, Jasmina
dc.creatorStanković, Ljiljana
dc.creatorTodorović, Vesna
dc.creatorPavlović, Nenad
dc.creatorZdravković, Milan
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu ispitivali smo broj semena salate (Lactuca sativa L.) po biljci u dva roka setve Pretpostavka je da su osobine, ukupan broj cvetova i broj cvetova po cvetnoj glavici visoko korelisane između sebe, a one predstavljaju komponente prinosa semena. Drugim rokom setve, izazvano je "preskakanje" faze glavičenja. "Preskakanje" faze glavičenja je posledica uticaja dugog dana, kada biljke iz faze 4-6 stalna lista prelaze u fazu icvetavanja. Ovo ispitivanje ima cilj da ispita smanjenje broja semena u zavisnosti od zasnivanja semenskog useva salate. Komparativno je ispitano l O sorti salate (Nansen, Majska kraljica, Safir, Univerzal, Ravel, Atraction, Superble, Type-5140, Ljubljanska ledenka i Brauner) za ukupan broj cvetova i broj cvetova po cvetnoj glavici, u dva roka setve. Izveden je dvofaktorijelni ogled, po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu u četiri ponavljanja. Korelacija između ove dve osobine su srednje jačine (r = 0,706) bez utvrđene značajnosti. Regresioni koeficijenti ukazuju na postojanje međuzavisnosti ovih osobina. Analiza varijanse ukazuje na signifikantnu varijansu genotipa, dok drugi faktor, rok i interakcija (genotip x rok) nemaju signifikantne vrednosti. Koeficijent fenotipske varijacije je veći od koeficijenta genetičke varijacije kod obe osobine.
dc.description.abstractThis paper is a result of researching the number of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seed per plant in two sawing periods. The presumption was that the traits: total number of flowers and total number of flowers per head, are highly correlated and that they represent the components of seed yield. In the second sawing period the skipping of the heading phase was provoked. Skipping of the heading phase is the effect of the long day, when plants transfer to flowering phase from phase of 4-6 permanent leaves. This research aimed to investigate the decrease of the seed number depending on sowing time lettuce seed crop. Ten lettuce varieties (Nansen, Majska kraljica, Safir, Univerzal, Ravel, Atraction, Superble, Type-5140, Ljubljanska ledenka and Brauner) for total flower number and the number of flowers per flower head in two sawing periods were compared. Two-factorial trial in random block system with four replications was performed. The correlation of the two researched traits was medium (r = 0,706) without significance. Regression coefficient showed the correlation of these traits. Variance analysis showed that variance of genotype was not significant: the other factor, sowing time and interaction (genotype x sowing time) were not significant. The coefficient of phenotype variance was higher than the genetic variance coefficient for both traits.
dc.publisherDruštvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd
dc.sourceSelekcija i semenarstvo
dc.subjectseed yield
dc.subjectLactuca sativa L.
dc.titlePrinos semena salate u različitim rokovima setve
dc.titleSeed yield of lettuce in different sowing periods
dc.citation.other12(1-2): 23-26



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