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Regulation of flowering gene expression by vernalization in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)

dc.contributor.advisorProdanović, Slaven
dc.contributor.otherZdravković, Jasmina
dc.contributor.otherRakonjac, Vera
dc.contributor.otherŽivanović, Tomislav
dc.contributor.otherMilisavljević, Mira
dc.creatorAdžić, Slađan
dc.description.abstractDvogodišnje kulture među kojima se ubraja i vrsta Brassica oleracea var. capitata L., dužim izlaganjem niskim pozitivnim temperaturama, uz optimalne uslove u vlazi, svetlosti i kiseoniku, mogu preći iz vegetativnog stadijuma u reproduktivni i time učiniti praktičniju i ekonomičniju proizvodnju semena. Fiziološka pojava koja omogućava transformaciju vegetativnog meristemskog tkiva u reproduktivni, u navedenim uslovima, naziva se vernalizacija. Vernalizacija, u slučaju kupusa glavičara, svojim genetičkim mehanizmom ne dozvoljava formiranje jedne etape organogeneze, formiranje glavice. Ona omogućava da biljka direktno iz rozete, koja prezimljava, izvrši morfogenezu reproduktivne faze – procveta i donese plod i seme. Put cvetanja vernalizacijom snažno je blokiran FLC (Flowering locus C) lokusom (BoFLC homolog za kupus glavičar). Njegova osnovna uloga je da inhibira cvetne signale iz listova ka meristemskom tkivu, blokira ekspresiju FT (Floweing Time) (i drugih) lokusa i time ne dozovoli da biljka procveta u nepovoljnim uslovima zime. Tokom hladnog perioda ekspresija FLC lokusa značajno opada, jer niska temperatura aktivira ekspresiju tzv. epigenetskog faktora: VRN1 (Vernalization 1), VRN2 (Vernalization 2), VIN1 (Vernalization Insensitive 1) koji demetiliše FLC lokus. Kraj procesa vernalizacije podrazumeva aktivaciju svih cvetnih gena, koji sa pojavom odgovarajuće temperature, započinju svoju manifestaciju na biljkama. Radi ispitivanja praktične koristi od procesa vernalizacije u proizvodnji semena kod kupusa glavičara kreiran je ogled sa tri roditelja i tri njihova F1 hibrida, na poljima Instituta za povrtarstvo iz Smederevske Palanke. Odabrani roditelji su: Scc (kasni-jesenji kupus poreklom iz centra izvođenja ogleda), B (takođe kasni jesenji kupus sa prostora Semberije) i N (rana sorta Nomer poreklom iz evropske Rusije gde je dan duži a niže temperature u odnosu na naše uslove)
dc.description.abstractBiennial culture and Brassica oleracea var. capitata L. species among them, when exposed to low positive temperatures and optimal content of moisture, light and oxygen, can pass from the vegetative to the reproductive stage and thus make the seed production more practical and cost effective. The physiological phenomenon of conversion of vegetative meristem to reproduction tissue, in favorable conditions, is vernalization. Genetic mechanism of vernalization does not allow one part of organogenesis: formation of head. This process enables the plant to perform the morphogenesis of reproductive phase directly from the overwintering rosette and to flower, fructify and provide seed. Flowering process is strongly blocked by FLC (Flowering locus C) locus (BoFLC homolog for head cabbage). Its main role is to inhibit the flowering signals from leaves towards the meristem tissue, block the expression of FT (Floweing Time) locus (and other loci) and thus does not allow the plants to flower in unfavorable winter conditions. During the cold winter period the expression of FLC significantly decreases since low temperature activates the expression of epigenetic factor: VRN1 (Vernalization 1), VRN2 (Vernalization 2), VIN1 (Vernalization Insensitive 1) which demethylates FLC locus. The vernalization process ends when all flower genes are activated that together with favorable temperature start to manifest on plants. In order to research practical uses of vernalization in process of cabbage seed production, a trial with three parents and its three hybrids has been set at the trial field of the Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka. The selected parents were: Scc (late, autumn cabbage originating from The Institute for Vegetable Crops), B (also late autumn cabbage from Semberia) and N (early variety Nomer originating from European part of Russia, where the day is longer and the temperatures are lower comparing to Serbia). F1 hybrids were obtained from diallele crossing: SccxB, BxN, SccxN. The trial, in vivo with six genotypes and totally 1.440 plants in four repetitions was set during three different temperature seasons: 2010/2011, 2011/2012, 2012/2013 (in this order: averagely cold, cold and warm)...en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31059/RS//
dc.subjectvreme setvesr
dc.subjectnivo ekspresije BoFLC 2 represorasr
dc.subjectvreme cvetanjasr
dc.subjectsowing timeen
dc.subjectlevel of BoFLC 2 repressor expressionen
dc.subjectflowering timeen
dc.titleRegulacija ekspresije gena cvetanja primenom vernalizacije kod kupusa (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)sr
dc.titleRegulation of flowering gene expression by vernalization in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)en

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