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Influence of physical properties of mineral fertilizers on the centrifugal spreaders working quality and energy balance of the plant production

dc.contributor.advisorDimitrijević, Aleksandra Ž.
dc.contributor.otherMileusnić, Zoran
dc.contributor.otherMiodragović, Rajko
dc.contributor.otherRadojičin, Milivoj
dc.contributor.otherMaletić, Radojka
dc.creatorGavrilović, Marija
dc.description.abstractSаvremenа poljoprivrednа proizvodnjа se ne može zаmisliti bez primene đubrivа, posebno sа аspektа boljeg korišćenjа biološkog potencijаlа rodnosti biljаkа koje čovek uzgаja. U protivnom, prinosi bi se znаčаjno smаnjivаli, bez obzirа nа primenu svih drugih аgrotehničkih merа, kаo što su obrаdа zemljišta, zаštitа i negа usevа, navodnjavanje... Rad predstavlja rezultat višegodišnjeg ispitivanja ravnomernosti distribucije mineralnih đubriva pomoću centrifugalnih rasipača, kao i zavisnosti energetskog bilansa biljne proizvodnje od karakteristika primenjivanih đubriva. Program istraživanja obuhvatio je praćenje tri različita rasipača u radu sa četiri tipa mineralnih đubriva. Cilj istrаživаnjа disertаcije je bio određivаnje fizičko – mehаničkih osobinа rаzličitih minerаlnih đubrivа, kojа se koriste u biljnoj proizvodnji i analiza njihovog uticаja nа kvаlitet аplikаcije. Istrаživаnje je tаkođe imаlo zа cilj utvrđivanje rаzlike u kvаlitetu аplikаcije u slučаju korišćenjа rаzličitih tipovа grаnulisаnih minerаlnih đubrivа i dа se zа svаko korišćeno minerаlno đubrivo odredi energetski bilаns njegove primene kаo i energetski bilаns celokupnog ciklusa biljne proizvodnje. Poljskim ogledima i eksploatativnim praćenjem u tri sezone utvrđeni su pokazatelji kvaliteta rada tehničko – tehnoloških sistema za distribuciju granulisanih mineralnih đubriva:  Prosečne vrednosti koeficijenta varijacije prilikom rasipanja mineralnih đubriva najniže su za MAP (od 6,70 % do 12,16 %). Sledi NPK (od 10,55 % do 16,15 %), Urea (od 11,06 % do 16,64 %) i KAN (od 12,49 % do 20,18 %).  Norme rasipanja najpribližnije zadatim postignute su u toku rasipanja MAP-a (bez obzira na korišćeni rasipač). U slučaju Uree su najveća odstupanja od zadatih normi. Dobijeni rezutati tokom ispitivanja fizičko – mehaničkih osobina primenjivanih mineralnih đubriva pokazuju da đubriva koja imaju najveći procenat granula prečnika između 3,3 mm i 4,75 mm imaju najveće uglove trenja i nasipanja, kao i dobru otpornost prema lomu granule. Dobijeni rezultati tokom ispitivanja energetskog bilansa proizvodnje šest ratarskih kultura tokom tri proizvodne sezone pokazuju da je šećerna repa najveći potrošač energije u proizvodnji i takav trend je prisutan iz sezone u sezonu. Najmanje energetskih inputa je utrošeno u proizvodnji soje, slede semenski suncokret i ječam, a kukuruz i pšenica su na vrhu po energetskoj potrošnji (iza šećerne repe). Optimizacijom putem metode linearnog programiranja ustanovljeno je da najveći procenat obradivog zemljišta sa potrošnjom energije koja je utvrđena, treba da bude pod žitaricama. Setva suncokreta i šećerne repe sa takvom potrošnjom energije se svodi na optimalnu površinu, kako bi se ispoštovao plodored. Drugo rešenje je promena potrošnje energije za ove dve kulture, što bi povećalo i njihov udeo u optimalnom modelu ratarske proizvodnje. Rezultati analize ukazuju na to da je intenzivna biljna proizvodnja nezamisliva bez primene mineralnih đubriva. Da bi ona bila opravdana, kako u ekonomskom, tako i u energetskom smislu, mora se kombinovati izbalansirana fertilizacija sa savremenim tehničko – tehnološkim sistemima, uz redovne hemijske analize zemljišta i rad na proizvodnji đubriva što boljih
dc.description.abstractModern agricultural production can not be imagined without the use of fertilizers, particularly in terms of better utilization of plants biological yield potential. Otherwise, yields would be significantly decreased, despite the use of all other agricultural practices such as tillage, protection and care of crops, irrigation ... This work is the result of three-years experiment on testing the uniformity of mineral fertilizers distribution of by using centrifugal spreaders. The work also gives the results on correlation of the energy balance of crop production and the characteristics of applied fertilizers. The research program included the monitoring of three different spreaders in application of four different types of mineral fertilizers. The aim of the research within this thesis was to determine the physical - mechanical properties of various mineral fertilizers, which are used in crop production and analysis of their impact on the quality of applications. The study was also aimed at determining the differences in the quality of applications in the case of using different types of granular fertilizers and to determine the energy balance of its application, as well as the energy balance of the entire cycle of crop production. Field testing and exploitation monitoring in three seasons provided the indicators of the quality of technical - technological systems for the distribution of granulated mineral fertilizers: • Average value of the coefficient of variation in distribution of fertilizers are the lowest for MAP (from 6.70% to 12.16%), NPK follows (from 10.55% to 16.15%), urea (from 11.06% to 16.64%) and KAN (from 12.49% to 20.18%). • Standards scattering closest default were achieved during the dissipation of the MAP (regardless of fertilizer used). In the case of urea are the largest deviation from the set norms. Results of tests obtained during the physical - mechanical properties of applied mineral fertilizers show that the fertilizers that have the highest percentage of granules with a diameter between 3.3 mm and 4.75 mm have a maximum angle of friction and ballast, as well as good resistance to breakage granules. The results obtained during the examination of the energy balance of production of six field crops during the three production seasons shows that sugar beet is largest consumer of energy in production and such a trend is present from season to season. At least the energy inputs consumed in the production of soybeans, sunflower seed followed and barley also. Corn and wheat are the pinnacle of energy consumption (after sugar beet). Optimization by linear programming methods was found that the highest percentage of arable land with energy consumption that is determined, should be under cereals. The sowing of sunflower and sugar beet with such power consumption is reduced to an optimal surface, to comply with crop rotation. Another solution is to change the energy consumption of these two cultures, which would increase their share of the optimal model of agricultural production. Results of the analysis indicate that the intensive crop production is unthinkable without the use of mineral fertilizers. Order to be justified, both in economic and in terms of energy, it must be balanced fertilization combined with modern technical - technological systems, in addition to regular chemical analyzes of soil and work on production of fertilizers with the best possible performance.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31051/RS//
dc.subjectdistribution uniformityen
dc.subjectenergy inputen
dc.subjectenergy outputen
dc.subjectenergy balanceen
dc.subjectmineralna đubrivasr
dc.subjectfizičke osobinesr
dc.subjectcentrifugalni rasipačisr
dc.subjectravnomernost distribucijesr
dc.subjectenergetski inputsr
dc.subjectenergetski outputsr
dc.subjectenergetski bilanssr
dc.subjectphysical propertiesen
dc.subjectcentrifugal spreadersen
dc.titleUticaj fizičkih osobina mineralnih đubriva na kvalitet rada centrifugalnih rasipača i energetski bilans biljne proizvodnjesr
dc.titleInfluence of physical properties of mineral fertilizers on the centrifugal spreaders working quality and energy balance of the plant productionen

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