Radosavac, Adriana

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Radosavac, Adriana (9)
  • Радосавац, Адриана (1)

Author's Bibliography

The relationship between gluten proteins and loaf volume

Knežević, Desimir; Kondić, Danijela; Dragovich, Aleksandra Yu; Kudryavtsev, Alexander M.; Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Zečević, Veselinka; Radosavac, Adriana; Paunović, Aleksandar

(Banja Luka : Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2024)

AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Kondić, Danijela
AU  - Dragovich, Aleksandra Yu
AU  - Kudryavtsev, Alexander M.
AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Radosavac, Adriana
AU  - Paunović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2024
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/877
AB  - The storage proteins influence technological quality value of grain wheat, dough quality traits, and loaf quality. The aim of this study is to estimate variability in the dry gluten content, loaf volume, and their relationships with encoding alleles of gliadin and glutenins. Wheat genotypes grown in two vegetation seasons (2015/16 and 2016/17) were studied. The technological quality traits analyzed in this study varied in wheat genotypes within and between vegetation seasons. In both vegetation seasons the highest dry gluten content was established in G-3621-1 (30.23% and 31.15%) and the highest value of loaf volume in G-3621-1 (530 ml and 540 ml). In both vegetation seasons the least dry gluten content was found in G-3606-6 (25.42% and 25.98%) and the least loaf volume in G-3606-6 (380 ml and 390 ml). The composition of gliadin and glutenin alleles in the wheat genotypes analyzed was different. The genotypes carrying Gli-B1b, Gli-D1b, Gli-D2b, and Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d had the highest gluten content, while the genotype that carried Gli-B1l and Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d had high bread volume. The results have shown relationships between gliadin and glutenin alleles and quality traits of grain, flour, and bread.
AB  - Резервни протеини  ендосперма семена утичу на вредност особина технолошког квалитета семена пшенице, особине квалитета теста и квалитет хлеба. Циљ овог рада је био оцена варијабилности садржаја сувог глутена и запремине хлеба, као и њихове повезаности са кодирајућим алелима глијадина и глутенина. У изучавања је укључено 10 генетички дивергентних генотипова пшенице (G-3626-1, G-3618-2, G-3606-4, G3636-3, G-3627-1, G-3621-1, G-3606-5, G -3607-5, G-3606-6, G-3632-2). Код ових генотипова је анализиран, садржај сувог глутена и запремине хлеба у две вегетационе сезоне (2015/16 и 2016/17). У истраживањима је установљено варирање вредности особина технолошког квалитета код анализираних генотипова пшенице у обе вегетационе сезоне, као и варирање вредности особина између вегетационих сезона код истог генотипа. У обе вегетационе сезоне утврђен је највећи садржај сувог глутена код генотипа G-3621-1 (30,23% и 31,15%) и највећа вредност запремине векне код генотипа G-3621-1 (530 ml и 540 ml). У обе вегетације је најмањи садржај сувог глутена био код генотипа G-3606-6 (25,42% и 25,98%), а најмањa запремина векне у G-3606-6 (380 ml и 390 ml). Састав алела глијадина и глутенина код анализираних генотипова пшенице је био различит. Генотипови код којих су били идентификовани алели: GliB1b, Gli-D1b, Gli-D2b i Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d су имали највећи садржај глутена, а генотипови који је носиоци алела Gli -B1l и Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d су имали веће вредности запремине хлеба. Добијени резултати су показали да постоји повезаност између алела глијадина и глутенина са испољавањем вредности особина квалитета семена, брашна и хлеба.
PB  - Banja Luka : Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Poljoprivredni fakultet
T2  - Agroknowledge
T1  - The relationship between gluten proteins and loaf volume
T1  - Веза између протеина глутена и волумена хлеба
EP  - 65
IS  - 1
SP  - 45
VL  - 25
DO  - 10.7251/AGREN2401045K
ER  - 
author = "Knežević, Desimir and Kondić, Danijela and Dragovich, Aleksandra Yu and Kudryavtsev, Alexander M. and Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Zečević, Veselinka and Radosavac, Adriana and Paunović, Aleksandar",
year = "2024",
abstract = "The storage proteins influence technological quality value of grain wheat, dough quality traits, and loaf quality. The aim of this study is to estimate variability in the dry gluten content, loaf volume, and their relationships with encoding alleles of gliadin and glutenins. Wheat genotypes grown in two vegetation seasons (2015/16 and 2016/17) were studied. The technological quality traits analyzed in this study varied in wheat genotypes within and between vegetation seasons. In both vegetation seasons the highest dry gluten content was established in G-3621-1 (30.23% and 31.15%) and the highest value of loaf volume in G-3621-1 (530 ml and 540 ml). In both vegetation seasons the least dry gluten content was found in G-3606-6 (25.42% and 25.98%) and the least loaf volume in G-3606-6 (380 ml and 390 ml). The composition of gliadin and glutenin alleles in the wheat genotypes analyzed was different. The genotypes carrying Gli-B1b, Gli-D1b, Gli-D2b, and Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d had the highest gluten content, while the genotype that carried Gli-B1l and Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d had high bread volume. The results have shown relationships between gliadin and glutenin alleles and quality traits of grain, flour, and bread., Резервни протеини  ендосперма семена утичу на вредност особина технолошког квалитета семена пшенице, особине квалитета теста и квалитет хлеба. Циљ овог рада је био оцена варијабилности садржаја сувог глутена и запремине хлеба, као и њихове повезаности са кодирајућим алелима глијадина и глутенина. У изучавања је укључено 10 генетички дивергентних генотипова пшенице (G-3626-1, G-3618-2, G-3606-4, G3636-3, G-3627-1, G-3621-1, G-3606-5, G -3607-5, G-3606-6, G-3632-2). Код ових генотипова је анализиран, садржај сувог глутена и запремине хлеба у две вегетационе сезоне (2015/16 и 2016/17). У истраживањима је установљено варирање вредности особина технолошког квалитета код анализираних генотипова пшенице у обе вегетационе сезоне, као и варирање вредности особина између вегетационих сезона код истог генотипа. У обе вегетационе сезоне утврђен је највећи садржај сувог глутена код генотипа G-3621-1 (30,23% и 31,15%) и највећа вредност запремине векне код генотипа G-3621-1 (530 ml и 540 ml). У обе вегетације је најмањи садржај сувог глутена био код генотипа G-3606-6 (25,42% и 25,98%), а најмањa запремина векне у G-3606-6 (380 ml и 390 ml). Састав алела глијадина и глутенина код анализираних генотипова пшенице је био различит. Генотипови код којих су били идентификовани алели: GliB1b, Gli-D1b, Gli-D2b i Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d су имали највећи садржај глутена, а генотипови који је носиоци алела Gli -B1l и Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d су имали веће вредности запремине хлеба. Добијени резултати су показали да постоји повезаност између алела глијадина и глутенина са испољавањем вредности особина квалитета семена, брашна и хлеба.",
publisher = "Banja Luka : Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Poljoprivredni fakultet",
journal = "Agroknowledge",
title = "The relationship between gluten proteins and loaf volume, Веза између протеина глутена и волумена хлеба",
pages = "65-45",
number = "1",
volume = "25",
doi = "10.7251/AGREN2401045K"
Knežević, D., Kondić, D., Dragovich, A. Y., Kudryavtsev, A. M., Matković Stojšin, M., Zečević, V., Radosavac, A.,& Paunović, A.. (2024). The relationship between gluten proteins and loaf volume. in Agroknowledge
Banja Luka : Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci, Poljoprivredni fakultet., 25(1), 45-65.
Knežević D, Kondić D, Dragovich AY, Kudryavtsev AM, Matković Stojšin M, Zečević V, Radosavac A, Paunović A. The relationship between gluten proteins and loaf volume. in Agroknowledge. 2024;25(1):45-65.
doi:10.7251/AGREN2401045K .
Knežević, Desimir, Kondić, Danijela, Dragovich, Aleksandra Yu, Kudryavtsev, Alexander M., Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Zečević, Veselinka, Radosavac, Adriana, Paunović, Aleksandar, "The relationship between gluten proteins and loaf volume" in Agroknowledge, 25, no. 1 (2024):45-65,
https://doi.org/10.7251/AGREN2401045K . .

Variability of wheat technological quality propreties and their relationships with gliadin and glutenin alleles

Knežević, Desimir; Kondić, Danijela; Novoselskaya Dragovich, Aleksandra Yu; Kudryavtsev, Alexander M.; Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Zečević, Veselinka; Radosavac, Adriana; Paunović, Aleksandar

(Banja Luka : Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2023)

AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Kondić, Danijela
AU  - Novoselskaya Dragovich, Aleksandra Yu
AU  - Kudryavtsev, Alexander M.
AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Radosavac, Adriana
AU  - Paunović, Aleksandar
PY  - 2023
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/713
AB  - The storage proteins influence technological quality value of grain wheat, dough quality traits and loaf quality. The aim of this study estimation of variability grain protein content, sedimentation volume, dry gluten content, loaf volume and their relationships with encoding allele of gliadin and glutenins. For investigation used wheat genotypes grown in two vegetation season (2015/16 and 2016/17). The analysed technological quality traits varied in wheat genotypes within and between vegetation season. In both vegetation season were established the highest grain protein content in G-3627-1 (14.40% and 14.60%), the highest protein sedimentation volume in G-3606-5 (46.0 ml and 52.0 ml), the highest dry gluten content in G-3621-1 (30.23% and 31.15%) and the highest value of loaf volume in the G-3621-1 (530 ml and 540 ml). In both vegetation were found the least protein sedimantation volume in genotypes G-3636-3 (34.0 ml snd 36. ml), the least grain protein content in G-3606-4 (13.10% and 13.00%), the least dry gluten content was in G-3606-6 (25.42% and 25.98%) and the least loaf volume in G-3606-6 (380 ml and 390 ml). The composition of gliadin and glutenin alleles at the analyzed wheat geneotypes was different. In analysed wheat genotypes at six Gli- loci were identified 24 alleles and at three Glu-1 loci eight alleles. Genotypes carrying Gli-B1b, Gli-D1b, Gli-D2b and Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d had the highest sedimentation volume, genotype that carried Gli-B1l and Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d had high volume of bread. The results showed relationships of gliadin and glutenin alleles with analysed grain, flour and bread traits quality.
PB  - Banja Luka : Poljoprivredni fakultet
C3  - Book of abstracts : XII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences 24-26 May
T1  - Variability of wheat technological quality propreties and their relationships with gliadin and glutenin alleles
EP  - 62
SP  - 61
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_713
ER  - 
author = "Knežević, Desimir and Kondić, Danijela and Novoselskaya Dragovich, Aleksandra Yu and Kudryavtsev, Alexander M. and Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Zečević, Veselinka and Radosavac, Adriana and Paunović, Aleksandar",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The storage proteins influence technological quality value of grain wheat, dough quality traits and loaf quality. The aim of this study estimation of variability grain protein content, sedimentation volume, dry gluten content, loaf volume and their relationships with encoding allele of gliadin and glutenins. For investigation used wheat genotypes grown in two vegetation season (2015/16 and 2016/17). The analysed technological quality traits varied in wheat genotypes within and between vegetation season. In both vegetation season were established the highest grain protein content in G-3627-1 (14.40% and 14.60%), the highest protein sedimentation volume in G-3606-5 (46.0 ml and 52.0 ml), the highest dry gluten content in G-3621-1 (30.23% and 31.15%) and the highest value of loaf volume in the G-3621-1 (530 ml and 540 ml). In both vegetation were found the least protein sedimantation volume in genotypes G-3636-3 (34.0 ml snd 36. ml), the least grain protein content in G-3606-4 (13.10% and 13.00%), the least dry gluten content was in G-3606-6 (25.42% and 25.98%) and the least loaf volume in G-3606-6 (380 ml and 390 ml). The composition of gliadin and glutenin alleles at the analyzed wheat geneotypes was different. In analysed wheat genotypes at six Gli- loci were identified 24 alleles and at three Glu-1 loci eight alleles. Genotypes carrying Gli-B1b, Gli-D1b, Gli-D2b and Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d had the highest sedimentation volume, genotype that carried Gli-B1l and Glu-A1b, Glu-B1c, Glu-D1d had high volume of bread. The results showed relationships of gliadin and glutenin alleles with analysed grain, flour and bread traits quality.",
publisher = "Banja Luka : Poljoprivredni fakultet",
journal = "Book of abstracts : XII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences 24-26 May",
title = "Variability of wheat technological quality propreties and their relationships with gliadin and glutenin alleles",
pages = "62-61",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_713"
Knežević, D., Kondić, D., Novoselskaya Dragovich, A. Y., Kudryavtsev, A. M., Matković Stojšin, M., Zečević, V., Radosavac, A.,& Paunović, A.. (2023). Variability of wheat technological quality propreties and their relationships with gliadin and glutenin alleles. in Book of abstracts : XII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences 24-26 May
Banja Luka : Poljoprivredni fakultet., 61-62.
Knežević D, Kondić D, Novoselskaya Dragovich AY, Kudryavtsev AM, Matković Stojšin M, Zečević V, Radosavac A, Paunović A. Variability of wheat technological quality propreties and their relationships with gliadin and glutenin alleles. in Book of abstracts : XII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences 24-26 May. 2023;:61-62.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_713 .
Knežević, Desimir, Kondić, Danijela, Novoselskaya Dragovich, Aleksandra Yu, Kudryavtsev, Alexander M., Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Zečević, Veselinka, Radosavac, Adriana, Paunović, Aleksandar, "Variability of wheat technological quality propreties and their relationships with gliadin and glutenin alleles" in Book of abstracts : XII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences 24-26 May (2023):61-62,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_713 .

Importance of old bread wheat varieties in biodiversity

Knežević, Desimir; Mićanović, Danica; Branković, Gordana; Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana; Radosavac, Adriana; Zečević, Veselinka

(Trakya Universities, 2022)

AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana
AU  - Radosavac, Adriana
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/581
AB  - The cultivation wheat in past century influenced that varieties have acquired certain specific forms of adaptation and changed their hereditary basis. Farmers, have their priorities in selecting a variety for traits yield, lodging resistance, and protein content. Wheat breeders pay more attention to balance those traits with others, like nutritional quality, disease resistance into a combination going to be attractive to a grower. Aim of this study is estimation of share of old wheat varieties in improving yield, quality and adaptation of developed modern bread wheat varieties. İn this investigation analyzed diversity and fluctuation wheat varieties which grown in Serbia from 19 to 21 century. İn the end of 19th century farmers grown indigeneous population, introduced foreign genotypes, local populations, old varieties approved after period of Green Revolution and modern wheat varieties. Also in study presented work on collection old wheat genotypes and local population, and distribution genotypes on localities were collected as well İnstitution where collected genotypes deposited. The differences between old and modern wheat varieties were established for yield, protein content, quality, resistance to diseases, resistance and susceptibility to low temperature, lodging etc. On the base of analysis can be concluded that old varieties and local populations are valuable resources of desirable genes for further wheat breeding for improving yield, quality and adaptability of further varieties which will be create.
PB  - Trakya Universities
C3  - Agribalkan 2022  : IV Balkan agricultural congress
T1  - Importance of old bread wheat varieties in biodiversity
SP  - 355
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_581
ER  - 
author = "Knežević, Desimir and Mićanović, Danica and Branković, Gordana and Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana and Radosavac, Adriana and Zečević, Veselinka",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The cultivation wheat in past century influenced that varieties have acquired certain specific forms of adaptation and changed their hereditary basis. Farmers, have their priorities in selecting a variety for traits yield, lodging resistance, and protein content. Wheat breeders pay more attention to balance those traits with others, like nutritional quality, disease resistance into a combination going to be attractive to a grower. Aim of this study is estimation of share of old wheat varieties in improving yield, quality and adaptation of developed modern bread wheat varieties. İn this investigation analyzed diversity and fluctuation wheat varieties which grown in Serbia from 19 to 21 century. İn the end of 19th century farmers grown indigeneous population, introduced foreign genotypes, local populations, old varieties approved after period of Green Revolution and modern wheat varieties. Also in study presented work on collection old wheat genotypes and local population, and distribution genotypes on localities were collected as well İnstitution where collected genotypes deposited. The differences between old and modern wheat varieties were established for yield, protein content, quality, resistance to diseases, resistance and susceptibility to low temperature, lodging etc. On the base of analysis can be concluded that old varieties and local populations are valuable resources of desirable genes for further wheat breeding for improving yield, quality and adaptability of further varieties which will be create.",
publisher = "Trakya Universities",
journal = "Agribalkan 2022  : IV Balkan agricultural congress",
title = "Importance of old bread wheat varieties in biodiversity",
pages = "355",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_581"
Knežević, D., Mićanović, D., Branković, G., Matković Stojšin, M., Roljević Nikolić, S., Radosavac, A.,& Zečević, V.. (2022). Importance of old bread wheat varieties in biodiversity. in Agribalkan 2022  : IV Balkan agricultural congress
Trakya Universities., 355.
Knežević D, Mićanović D, Branković G, Matković Stojšin M, Roljević Nikolić S, Radosavac A, Zečević V. Importance of old bread wheat varieties in biodiversity. in Agribalkan 2022  : IV Balkan agricultural congress. 2022;:355.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_581 .
Knežević, Desimir, Mićanović, Danica, Branković, Gordana, Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana, Radosavac, Adriana, Zečević, Veselinka, "Importance of old bread wheat varieties in biodiversity" in Agribalkan 2022  : IV Balkan agricultural congress (2022):355,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_581 .

Variability of spike harvest index in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Knežević, Desimir; Urošević, Dušan; Mićanović, Danica; Paunović, Aleksandar; Kondić, Danijela; Đurović, Vesna; Radosavac, Adriana; Živić, Jelica; Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Madic, Milomirka; Zečević, Veselinka

(East Sarajevo : Faculty of Agriculture, 2021)

AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Urošević, Dušan
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
AU  - Paunović, Aleksandar
AU  - Kondić, Danijela
AU  - Đurović, Vesna
AU  - Radosavac, Adriana
AU  - Živić, Jelica
AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Madic, Milomirka
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/464
AB  - Grain spike index indicate wheat productivity and can be used as criterion in wheat selection in
the wheat breeding program. Aim of this investigation is study of variability of grain spike index
in wheat cultivars grown under different environmental condition. Ten genetically divergent
winter wheat cultivars were included in two year investigation in field experiment in randomized
block design in three replications. The seeds of varieties were sown at the distance of 0.10 m in
rows of 1.0 m length with the distance of 0.2 m. For analysis of grain spike index determined in
proportion of grain mass spike-1/mass of spike, 60 plants in full maturity stage (20 plants per
replication) were used. On the base of analysis of variance by using MSTAT C (5.0 version) and
computed F-test values, differences among cultivars according to value of grain mass spike-1,
mass of spike and also, spike harvest index were established. In the first year the highest spike
harvest index was 0.82 (Fortuna) and the lowest 0.76 in Ljubičevka, with average for all
varieties 0.79, while in the second year the highest spike index was 0.83 in Somborka, and the
lowest 0.77 in Ljubičevka, with average value 0.80. The different values of spike harvest index
indicate response of genotypes to environmental factors as well as interaction of
PB  - East Sarajevo : Faculty of Agriculture
C3  - Book of Proceedings XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021", Jahorina, October 07 - 10
T1  - Variability of spike harvest index in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
EP  - 426
SP  - 420
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_464
ER  - 
author = "Knežević, Desimir and Urošević, Dušan and Mićanović, Danica and Paunović, Aleksandar and Kondić, Danijela and Đurović, Vesna and Radosavac, Adriana and Živić, Jelica and Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Madic, Milomirka and Zečević, Veselinka",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Grain spike index indicate wheat productivity and can be used as criterion in wheat selection in
the wheat breeding program. Aim of this investigation is study of variability of grain spike index
in wheat cultivars grown under different environmental condition. Ten genetically divergent
winter wheat cultivars were included in two year investigation in field experiment in randomized
block design in three replications. The seeds of varieties were sown at the distance of 0.10 m in
rows of 1.0 m length with the distance of 0.2 m. For analysis of grain spike index determined in
proportion of grain mass spike-1/mass of spike, 60 plants in full maturity stage (20 plants per
replication) were used. On the base of analysis of variance by using MSTAT C (5.0 version) and
computed F-test values, differences among cultivars according to value of grain mass spike-1,
mass of spike and also, spike harvest index were established. In the first year the highest spike
harvest index was 0.82 (Fortuna) and the lowest 0.76 in Ljubičevka, with average for all
varieties 0.79, while in the second year the highest spike index was 0.83 in Somborka, and the
lowest 0.77 in Ljubičevka, with average value 0.80. The different values of spike harvest index
indicate response of genotypes to environmental factors as well as interaction of
publisher = "East Sarajevo : Faculty of Agriculture",
journal = "Book of Proceedings XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021", Jahorina, October 07 - 10",
title = "Variability of spike harvest index in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)",
pages = "426-420",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_464"
Knežević, D., Urošević, D., Mićanović, D., Paunović, A., Kondić, D., Đurović, V., Radosavac, A., Živić, J., Matković Stojšin, M., Madic, M.,& Zečević, V.. (2021). Variability of spike harvest index in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). in Book of Proceedings XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021", Jahorina, October 07 - 10
East Sarajevo : Faculty of Agriculture., 420-426.
Knežević D, Urošević D, Mićanović D, Paunović A, Kondić D, Đurović V, Radosavac A, Živić J, Matković Stojšin M, Madic M, Zečević V. Variability of spike harvest index in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). in Book of Proceedings XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021", Jahorina, October 07 - 10. 2021;:420-426.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_464 .
Knežević, Desimir, Urošević, Dušan, Mićanović, Danica, Paunović, Aleksandar, Kondić, Danijela, Đurović, Vesna, Radosavac, Adriana, Živić, Jelica, Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Madic, Milomirka, Zečević, Veselinka, "Variability of spike harvest index in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)" in Book of Proceedings XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021", Jahorina, October 07 - 10 (2021):420-426,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_464 .

Оплемењивање биљака и адаптације на климатске промене

Кнежевић, Десимир; Зечевић, Веселинка; Мићановић, Даница; Рољевић Николић, Светлана; Бранковић, Гордана; Пауновић, Александар; Брзаковић, Томислав; Матковић Стојшин, Мирела; Радосавац, Адриана

(Смедеревска Паланка : Институт за повртарство, 2021)

AU  - Кнежевић, Десимир
AU  - Зечевић, Веселинка
AU  - Мићановић, Даница
AU  - Рољевић Николић, Светлана
AU  - Бранковић, Гордана
AU  - Пауновић, Александар
AU  - Брзаковић, Томислав
AU  - Матковић Стојшин, Мирела
AU  - Радосавац, Адриана
PY  - 2021
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/413
AB  - Оплемењивање биљака има опште и специфичне изазове у креирању пожељних генотипова у различитим екоклиматским условима у циљу решавања бројних ограничења: генетички потенцијал, продуктивност, климатске промене, природни ресурси, раст људске популације и задовољење потреба за исхраном, очување животне средине од загађењаи др. Постојеће климатске промене у регионима широм света (суша, високе температуре, топлота) нарушавају стабилност екосистема и представљају значајан ограничавајући фактор за остваривање високих приноса усева у пољопривредној производњи, за обезбеђење довољне количине хране за људску популацију и економску стабилност. Климатске промене које неповољно утичу на продуктивност биљака у пољопривредној производњи су повезане са постојањем глади милиона људи у свету. Оплемењивањем биљака су створени генотипови са високим потенцијалом за принос, квалитет и отпорношћу на биотичке и абиотичке факторе стреса. Адаптације на климатске промене доприносе смањењу негативног ефекта климатских промена на животни циклус биљака, отпорност на болести и штеточине, сушу, топлотни шок, мраз, односно на производњу хране са пожељним вредностима нутритивних и технолошких особина.
AB  - Plant breeding has general and specific challenges in creating desirable genotypes in different ecoclimatic conditions in order to address numerous constraints such as genetic potential, productivity, climate change, natural resources, human population growth and meeting nutritional needsas well as, preserving the environment from pollution. Existing climate change in regions around the world (drought, high temperatures, heat) disrupts ecosystem stability and is a significant limiting factor for achieving high crop yields in agricultural production, and for providing sufficient food for the human population and economic stability.Climate change that adversely affects the productivity of plants in agricultural production is associated with the existence of hunger of millions of people in the world. Plant breeding has created genotypes with high potential for yield, quality and resistance to biotic and abiotic stress factors. Adaptations to climate change contribute to reducing the negative effect of climate change on the life cycle of plants, on resistance to diseases and pests, drought, heat shock, frost, and on the production of food with desirable values of nutritional and technological properties.
PB  - Смедеревска Паланка : Институт за повртарство
C3  - Биотехнологија и савремени приступ у гајењу и оплемењивању биља, научно-стручни скуп са међународним учешћем, Зборник радова, Смедеревска Паланка, 15. децембар
T1  - Оплемењивање биљака и адаптације на климатске промене
T1  - Plant breeding and adaptation to climate change
EP  - 28
SP  - 17
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_413
ER  - 
author = "Кнежевић, Десимир and Зечевић, Веселинка and Мићановић, Даница and Рољевић Николић, Светлана and Бранковић, Гордана and Пауновић, Александар and Брзаковић, Томислав and Матковић Стојшин, Мирела and Радосавац, Адриана",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Оплемењивање биљака има опште и специфичне изазове у креирању пожељних генотипова у различитим екоклиматским условима у циљу решавања бројних ограничења: генетички потенцијал, продуктивност, климатске промене, природни ресурси, раст људске популације и задовољење потреба за исхраном, очување животне средине од загађењаи др. Постојеће климатске промене у регионима широм света (суша, високе температуре, топлота) нарушавају стабилност екосистема и представљају значајан ограничавајући фактор за остваривање високих приноса усева у пољопривредној производњи, за обезбеђење довољне количине хране за људску популацију и економску стабилност. Климатске промене које неповољно утичу на продуктивност биљака у пољопривредној производњи су повезане са постојањем глади милиона људи у свету. Оплемењивањем биљака су створени генотипови са високим потенцијалом за принос, квалитет и отпорношћу на биотичке и абиотичке факторе стреса. Адаптације на климатске промене доприносе смањењу негативног ефекта климатских промена на животни циклус биљака, отпорност на болести и штеточине, сушу, топлотни шок, мраз, односно на производњу хране са пожељним вредностима нутритивних и технолошких особина., Plant breeding has general and specific challenges in creating desirable genotypes in different ecoclimatic conditions in order to address numerous constraints such as genetic potential, productivity, climate change, natural resources, human population growth and meeting nutritional needsas well as, preserving the environment from pollution. Existing climate change in regions around the world (drought, high temperatures, heat) disrupts ecosystem stability and is a significant limiting factor for achieving high crop yields in agricultural production, and for providing sufficient food for the human population and economic stability.Climate change that adversely affects the productivity of plants in agricultural production is associated with the existence of hunger of millions of people in the world. Plant breeding has created genotypes with high potential for yield, quality and resistance to biotic and abiotic stress factors. Adaptations to climate change contribute to reducing the negative effect of climate change on the life cycle of plants, on resistance to diseases and pests, drought, heat shock, frost, and on the production of food with desirable values of nutritional and technological properties.",
publisher = "Смедеревска Паланка : Институт за повртарство",
journal = "Биотехнологија и савремени приступ у гајењу и оплемењивању биља, научно-стручни скуп са међународним учешћем, Зборник радова, Смедеревска Паланка, 15. децембар",
title = "Оплемењивање биљака и адаптације на климатске промене, Plant breeding and adaptation to climate change",
pages = "28-17",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_413"
Кнежевић, Д., Зечевић, В., Мићановић, Д., Рољевић Николић, С., Бранковић, Г., Пауновић, А., Брзаковић, Т., Матковић Стојшин, М.,& Радосавац, А.. (2021). Оплемењивање биљака и адаптације на климатске промене. in Биотехнологија и савремени приступ у гајењу и оплемењивању биља, научно-стручни скуп са међународним учешћем, Зборник радова, Смедеревска Паланка, 15. децембар
Смедеревска Паланка : Институт за повртарство., 17-28.
Кнежевић Д, Зечевић В, Мићановић Д, Рољевић Николић С, Бранковић Г, Пауновић А, Брзаковић Т, Матковић Стојшин М, Радосавац А. Оплемењивање биљака и адаптације на климатске промене. in Биотехнологија и савремени приступ у гајењу и оплемењивању биља, научно-стручни скуп са међународним учешћем, Зборник радова, Смедеревска Паланка, 15. децембар. 2021;:17-28.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_413 .
Кнежевић, Десимир, Зечевић, Веселинка, Мићановић, Даница, Рољевић Николић, Светлана, Бранковић, Гордана, Пауновић, Александар, Брзаковић, Томислав, Матковић Стојшин, Мирела, Радосавац, Адриана, "Оплемењивање биљака и адаптације на климатске промене" in Биотехнологија и савремени приступ у гајењу и оплемењивању биља, научно-стручни скуп са међународним учешћем, Зборник радова, Смедеревска Паланка, 15. децембар (2021):17-28,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_413 .

Variability of stem height in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Knežević, Desimir; Urošević, Dušan; Paunović, Aleksandar; Kondić, Danijela; Đurović, Vesna; Živić, Jelica; Matković, Mirela; Radosavac, Adriana; Madić, Milomirka; Zečević, Veselinka

(Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2020)

AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Urošević, Dušan
AU  - Paunović, Aleksandar
AU  - Kondić, Danijela
AU  - Đurović, Vesna
AU  - Živić, Jelica
AU  - Matković, Mirela
AU  - Radosavac, Adriana
AU  - Madić, Milomirka
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
PY  - 2020
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/595
AB  - The stem height of wheat has impact on grain yield. Variability of height of wheat stem
depends from environment and genetic structure of varieties. The aim of this study was
estimation of impact of genetic components and environmental conditions on variability of
stem height in 10 genetically divergent wheat varieties. The experiment was set up as a
randomised block design in three replications. Obtained results indicated differences in
average values of stem height among tested wheat varieties in each year of experiment. In the
first year of study, the least stem height had Danica variety (44.87 cm) and the highest stem
height had wheat variety Ljubičevka (64.73 cm. In the second year stem height varied
between 64.37 cm in Danica variety and 87.97 cm in Šumadija variety. In average for all
varieties the height of stem was higher in the second year than in the first year of experiment.
Also, in average the value of height of stem was higher in second year than in the first year, in
all analysed wheat varieties. The highest height of stem, expressed Šumadija variety in
average (87.97 cm) in the second year. The least value of stem height (44.87 cm) in average
had Danica variety in the first year of experiment. Based on the results significant differences
between the wheat varieties according to stem height was established and impact of genetic
factors prevailing compare to impact of environmental factors.
PB  - Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet
C3  - Book of Proceedings : XI International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2020", Jahorina, October 8 - 9
T1  - Variability of stem height in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
EP  - 329
SP  - 325
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_595
ER  - 
author = "Knežević, Desimir and Urošević, Dušan and Paunović, Aleksandar and Kondić, Danijela and Đurović, Vesna and Živić, Jelica and Matković, Mirela and Radosavac, Adriana and Madić, Milomirka and Zečević, Veselinka",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The stem height of wheat has impact on grain yield. Variability of height of wheat stem
depends from environment and genetic structure of varieties. The aim of this study was
estimation of impact of genetic components and environmental conditions on variability of
stem height in 10 genetically divergent wheat varieties. The experiment was set up as a
randomised block design in three replications. Obtained results indicated differences in
average values of stem height among tested wheat varieties in each year of experiment. In the
first year of study, the least stem height had Danica variety (44.87 cm) and the highest stem
height had wheat variety Ljubičevka (64.73 cm. In the second year stem height varied
between 64.37 cm in Danica variety and 87.97 cm in Šumadija variety. In average for all
varieties the height of stem was higher in the second year than in the first year of experiment.
Also, in average the value of height of stem was higher in second year than in the first year, in
all analysed wheat varieties. The highest height of stem, expressed Šumadija variety in
average (87.97 cm) in the second year. The least value of stem height (44.87 cm) in average
had Danica variety in the first year of experiment. Based on the results significant differences
between the wheat varieties according to stem height was established and impact of genetic
factors prevailing compare to impact of environmental factors.",
publisher = "Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet",
journal = "Book of Proceedings : XI International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2020", Jahorina, October 8 - 9",
title = "Variability of stem height in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)",
pages = "329-325",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_595"
Knežević, D., Urošević, D., Paunović, A., Kondić, D., Đurović, V., Živić, J., Matković, M., Radosavac, A., Madić, M.,& Zečević, V.. (2020). Variability of stem height in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). in Book of Proceedings : XI International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2020", Jahorina, October 8 - 9
Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet., 325-329.
Knežević D, Urošević D, Paunović A, Kondić D, Đurović V, Živić J, Matković M, Radosavac A, Madić M, Zečević V. Variability of stem height in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). in Book of Proceedings : XI International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2020", Jahorina, October 8 - 9. 2020;:325-329.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_595 .
Knežević, Desimir, Urošević, Dušan, Paunović, Aleksandar, Kondić, Danijela, Đurović, Vesna, Živić, Jelica, Matković, Mirela, Radosavac, Adriana, Madić, Milomirka, Zečević, Veselinka, "Variability of stem height in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)" in Book of Proceedings : XI International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2020", Jahorina, October 8 - 9 (2020):325-329,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_595 .

Effect of cereals + pea intercropping on spike index of spring wheat, triticale, oat and pods index of pea

Grčak, Milosav; Grčak, Dragan; Župunski, Vesna; Jevtić, Radivoje; Lalošević, Mirjana; Radosavac, Adriana; Kondić, Danijela; Živić, Jelica; Paunović, Aleksandar; Zečević, Veselinka; Mićanović, Danica; Knežević, Desimir

(Univerzitet u Kragujevcu - Agronomski fakultet, Čačak, 2019)

AU  - Grčak, Milosav
AU  - Grčak, Dragan
AU  - Župunski, Vesna
AU  - Jevtić, Radivoje
AU  - Lalošević, Mirjana
AU  - Radosavac, Adriana
AU  - Kondić, Danijela
AU  - Živić, Jelica
AU  - Paunović, Aleksandar
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/253
AB  - Advantages or disadvantages of intercropping system can estimate through expression of components of yield on the base of values of productive organs (spike, pod). The aim of this work was study of variation of spike index in cereals species and pods index in pea of spring intercropping. For investigation included spring species of small grains: wheat, triticale, oat and spring legume pea. The investigation was carried out in field condition in experiment with randomised block design of 5m2 plots, with 4 replications. Each species (cereals and pea) were sown sole and in intercrops wheat+pea, triticale+pea and oat+pea. At the maturity stage used 40 plants (10 plants/replication) for determining harvest index of spike in cereal species and index of pea pods on the base of analysis of spike mass and pod mass and seed mass spike-1 and seed mass pod-1 . Seed mass spike-1 of small grains species genotypes variate in ratio of 0.85 g (wheat+pea) and 1.59 g (oat intercrops) with average 1.19 g for all crops of cereals and variant of cultivation. The spike mass variate in range of 1.37 g (triticale intercrop) and 2.23 g (wheat intercrops) with average 1.72 g for all cereals and variant of cultivation. Harvest index of spike variate between 62.5% (triticale sole) and 89.2% (oat sole). The value of spike mass was the higher in wheat intercrops than in wheat sole, while for triticale and oat spike mass is lower in intercrops. In the same of analyzed small grain species, seed mass was the higher in sole crops than in mixture with pea. The spike index, only in intercrop triticale+pea (63.2%) was slightly higher than in single crop of triticale (62.5%). Pod mass and seed mass pod-1 of pea was the higher in pea intercrops than in pea sole. The highest pod mass was in intercrop pea+triticale (0.72 g) and the least in single crop of pea (0.45 g) with average 0.62 g for all crops. The highest seed mass pod-1 was the highest intercrop pea+triticale (0.56g) and the least in monocrop of pea (0.32 g) with average 0.46 g for all crops. Harvest index of pod variate in ratio 68.0% (pea single) and 77.% in pea/triticale intercrop. Pod index of pea in mixture with each small grains species genotypes was higher than in pea's monocrop. On the base of result we can conclude that intercropping cereals + pea, have positive effect on spike and pod characteristics which values were higher in majority of studied intercrops than in monocrops.
AB  - Prednosti i nedostaci združenih useva mogu se oceniti prema ispoljavanja komponenti prinosa na osnovu vrednosti produktivnih organa (klas, mahuna). Cilj ovog rad je izučavanje varijabilnosti žetvenog indeksa klasa pšenice, tritikalea, ovsa i žetvenog indeksa mahune kod graška gajenim u pojedinačnim i združenim usevima. U istraživanja je uključen po jedan genotip jarih formi pšenice, tritikalea, ovsa i graška. Eksperiment je izveden na oglednom polju Rimski šančevi u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad. Genotipovi strnih žita i graška su sejani na parcelicama 5 m2 u 4 ponavljanja u monokulturi i u združenoj setvi pšenica + grašak, tritikale + grašak i ovas+grašak. U vreme fiziološke zrelosti vršena je žetva biljke koje su korišćene za analizu osobina klasa i metlice kod strnih žita i osobina mahune kod graška. Za analize je korišćeno 40 biljaka (10 biljaka po ponavljanju) za svaki genotip iz pojedinačnih i združenih useva. Analizirane su osobine: masa klasa, masa semena po klasu, masa mahune i masa semena po mahuni. Na osnovu vrednosti ovih osobina izračunat je žetveni indeks klasa kod pšenice, tritikalea i ovsa kao i žetveni indeks mahune kod graška. Masa klasa je varirala između 1.37 g kod tritikalea u združenom usevu sa graškom, do 2.23 g kod pšenice u združenom usevu sa graškom, a prosečna masa klasu za sve genotipove u obe varijante gajenja je iznosila 1.72 g. Masa semena po klasu je varirala od 0.85 g kod pšenice u združenom usevu (pšenica+grašak) i u do 1.52 g kod ovsa u združenom usevu sa graškom, a prosečna masa semena po klasu za sve genotipove u obe varijante gajenja je iznosila 1.19 g. Žetveni indeks klasa je bio najmanji 62.5% kod tritikalea u pojedinačnm usevu a najveći kod ovsa 86.5% takodje u monokulturi. Vrednosti mase klasa i mase semena po klasu su bile različite u zavisnosti od vrste strnih žita i načina setve i gajenja useva. Masa klasa kod pšenice u združenom usevu sa graškom je bila veća nego kod pšenice u pojedinačnom usevu. Kod tritikalea i ovsa masa klasa je bila veća u pojedinačnom usevu nego u njihovom združenom usevu sa graškom. Masa semena po klasu kod pšenice, tritikalea i ovsa bila je veća u pojedinačnom usevu nego u njihovom združenom usevu sa graškom. Žetveni indeks klasa u monokulturi: kod pšenice (71.9%) je bio veći nego u združenom usevu pšenica+grašak (70.8%), kod tritikalea (65.3%) je bio veći nego u združenom usevu (tritikale+grašak) i kod ovsa (89.2%) je bio veći nego u združenom usevu sa graškom (88.1%). Kod graška, masa semena po mahuni je varirala od 0.33 g u pojedinačnom usevu do 0.57 g u združenoj setvi sa tritikaleom, a prosečna masa semena po mahuni u oba sistema gajenja bila 0.46 g. Masa mahune je bila najmanja kod graška u pojedinačnom usevu 0.45g a najveća 0.72 g u združenom usevu sa tritikaleom, a prosečna vrednost mahune u svim varijantama gajenja je iznosila 0.59 g. Žetveni indeks mahune je varirao između 72.9% u pojedinačnom usevu graška i 79.4% u usevu združene setve graška i ovsa. Vrednosti za masu mahune, masu semena po mahuni i žetveni indeks mahune su bile veće u združenim usevima graška sa pšenicom, tritikaleom i ovsom ali nizi bile značajno različite. Dobijeni rezultata, ukazuju da združena setva graška i strnih žita ima pozitivan efekat na ispoljavanje većih vrednosti osobina klasa i osobina mahune.
PB  - Univerzitet u Kragujevcu - Agronomski fakultet, Čačak
T2  - Acta agriculturae Serbica
T1  - Effect of cereals + pea intercropping on spike index of spring wheat, triticale, oat and pods index of pea
T1  - Uticaj združenog useva žitarica + grašak na indeks klasa jarih formi pšenice, tritikale, ovsa i indeks mahune graška
EP  - 180
IS  - 48
SP  - 167
VL  - 24
DO  - 10.5937/AASer1948167G
ER  - 
author = "Grčak, Milosav and Grčak, Dragan and Župunski, Vesna and Jevtić, Radivoje and Lalošević, Mirjana and Radosavac, Adriana and Kondić, Danijela and Živić, Jelica and Paunović, Aleksandar and Zečević, Veselinka and Mićanović, Danica and Knežević, Desimir",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Advantages or disadvantages of intercropping system can estimate through expression of components of yield on the base of values of productive organs (spike, pod). The aim of this work was study of variation of spike index in cereals species and pods index in pea of spring intercropping. For investigation included spring species of small grains: wheat, triticale, oat and spring legume pea. The investigation was carried out in field condition in experiment with randomised block design of 5m2 plots, with 4 replications. Each species (cereals and pea) were sown sole and in intercrops wheat+pea, triticale+pea and oat+pea. At the maturity stage used 40 plants (10 plants/replication) for determining harvest index of spike in cereal species and index of pea pods on the base of analysis of spike mass and pod mass and seed mass spike-1 and seed mass pod-1 . Seed mass spike-1 of small grains species genotypes variate in ratio of 0.85 g (wheat+pea) and 1.59 g (oat intercrops) with average 1.19 g for all crops of cereals and variant of cultivation. The spike mass variate in range of 1.37 g (triticale intercrop) and 2.23 g (wheat intercrops) with average 1.72 g for all cereals and variant of cultivation. Harvest index of spike variate between 62.5% (triticale sole) and 89.2% (oat sole). The value of spike mass was the higher in wheat intercrops than in wheat sole, while for triticale and oat spike mass is lower in intercrops. In the same of analyzed small grain species, seed mass was the higher in sole crops than in mixture with pea. The spike index, only in intercrop triticale+pea (63.2%) was slightly higher than in single crop of triticale (62.5%). Pod mass and seed mass pod-1 of pea was the higher in pea intercrops than in pea sole. The highest pod mass was in intercrop pea+triticale (0.72 g) and the least in single crop of pea (0.45 g) with average 0.62 g for all crops. The highest seed mass pod-1 was the highest intercrop pea+triticale (0.56g) and the least in monocrop of pea (0.32 g) with average 0.46 g for all crops. Harvest index of pod variate in ratio 68.0% (pea single) and 77.% in pea/triticale intercrop. Pod index of pea in mixture with each small grains species genotypes was higher than in pea's monocrop. On the base of result we can conclude that intercropping cereals + pea, have positive effect on spike and pod characteristics which values were higher in majority of studied intercrops than in monocrops., Prednosti i nedostaci združenih useva mogu se oceniti prema ispoljavanja komponenti prinosa na osnovu vrednosti produktivnih organa (klas, mahuna). Cilj ovog rad je izučavanje varijabilnosti žetvenog indeksa klasa pšenice, tritikalea, ovsa i žetvenog indeksa mahune kod graška gajenim u pojedinačnim i združenim usevima. U istraživanja je uključen po jedan genotip jarih formi pšenice, tritikalea, ovsa i graška. Eksperiment je izveden na oglednom polju Rimski šančevi u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad. Genotipovi strnih žita i graška su sejani na parcelicama 5 m2 u 4 ponavljanja u monokulturi i u združenoj setvi pšenica + grašak, tritikale + grašak i ovas+grašak. U vreme fiziološke zrelosti vršena je žetva biljke koje su korišćene za analizu osobina klasa i metlice kod strnih žita i osobina mahune kod graška. Za analize je korišćeno 40 biljaka (10 biljaka po ponavljanju) za svaki genotip iz pojedinačnih i združenih useva. Analizirane su osobine: masa klasa, masa semena po klasu, masa mahune i masa semena po mahuni. Na osnovu vrednosti ovih osobina izračunat je žetveni indeks klasa kod pšenice, tritikalea i ovsa kao i žetveni indeks mahune kod graška. Masa klasa je varirala između 1.37 g kod tritikalea u združenom usevu sa graškom, do 2.23 g kod pšenice u združenom usevu sa graškom, a prosečna masa klasu za sve genotipove u obe varijante gajenja je iznosila 1.72 g. Masa semena po klasu je varirala od 0.85 g kod pšenice u združenom usevu (pšenica+grašak) i u do 1.52 g kod ovsa u združenom usevu sa graškom, a prosečna masa semena po klasu za sve genotipove u obe varijante gajenja je iznosila 1.19 g. Žetveni indeks klasa je bio najmanji 62.5% kod tritikalea u pojedinačnm usevu a najveći kod ovsa 86.5% takodje u monokulturi. Vrednosti mase klasa i mase semena po klasu su bile različite u zavisnosti od vrste strnih žita i načina setve i gajenja useva. Masa klasa kod pšenice u združenom usevu sa graškom je bila veća nego kod pšenice u pojedinačnom usevu. Kod tritikalea i ovsa masa klasa je bila veća u pojedinačnom usevu nego u njihovom združenom usevu sa graškom. Masa semena po klasu kod pšenice, tritikalea i ovsa bila je veća u pojedinačnom usevu nego u njihovom združenom usevu sa graškom. Žetveni indeks klasa u monokulturi: kod pšenice (71.9%) je bio veći nego u združenom usevu pšenica+grašak (70.8%), kod tritikalea (65.3%) je bio veći nego u združenom usevu (tritikale+grašak) i kod ovsa (89.2%) je bio veći nego u združenom usevu sa graškom (88.1%). Kod graška, masa semena po mahuni je varirala od 0.33 g u pojedinačnom usevu do 0.57 g u združenoj setvi sa tritikaleom, a prosečna masa semena po mahuni u oba sistema gajenja bila 0.46 g. Masa mahune je bila najmanja kod graška u pojedinačnom usevu 0.45g a najveća 0.72 g u združenom usevu sa tritikaleom, a prosečna vrednost mahune u svim varijantama gajenja je iznosila 0.59 g. Žetveni indeks mahune je varirao između 72.9% u pojedinačnom usevu graška i 79.4% u usevu združene setve graška i ovsa. Vrednosti za masu mahune, masu semena po mahuni i žetveni indeks mahune su bile veće u združenim usevima graška sa pšenicom, tritikaleom i ovsom ali nizi bile značajno različite. Dobijeni rezultata, ukazuju da združena setva graška i strnih žita ima pozitivan efekat na ispoljavanje većih vrednosti osobina klasa i osobina mahune.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Kragujevcu - Agronomski fakultet, Čačak",
journal = "Acta agriculturae Serbica",
title = "Effect of cereals + pea intercropping on spike index of spring wheat, triticale, oat and pods index of pea, Uticaj združenog useva žitarica + grašak na indeks klasa jarih formi pšenice, tritikale, ovsa i indeks mahune graška",
pages = "180-167",
number = "48",
volume = "24",
doi = "10.5937/AASer1948167G"
Grčak, M., Grčak, D., Župunski, V., Jevtić, R., Lalošević, M., Radosavac, A., Kondić, D., Živić, J., Paunović, A., Zečević, V., Mićanović, D.,& Knežević, D.. (2019). Effect of cereals + pea intercropping on spike index of spring wheat, triticale, oat and pods index of pea. in Acta agriculturae Serbica
Univerzitet u Kragujevcu - Agronomski fakultet, Čačak., 24(48), 167-180.
Grčak M, Grčak D, Župunski V, Jevtić R, Lalošević M, Radosavac A, Kondić D, Živić J, Paunović A, Zečević V, Mićanović D, Knežević D. Effect of cereals + pea intercropping on spike index of spring wheat, triticale, oat and pods index of pea. in Acta agriculturae Serbica. 2019;24(48):167-180.
doi:10.5937/AASer1948167G .
Grčak, Milosav, Grčak, Dragan, Župunski, Vesna, Jevtić, Radivoje, Lalošević, Mirjana, Radosavac, Adriana, Kondić, Danijela, Živić, Jelica, Paunović, Aleksandar, Zečević, Veselinka, Mićanović, Danica, Knežević, Desimir, "Effect of cereals + pea intercropping on spike index of spring wheat, triticale, oat and pods index of pea" in Acta agriculturae Serbica, 24, no. 48 (2019):167-180,
https://doi.org/10.5937/AASer1948167G . .

Variability of length of spike and number of spikelets per spike in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Knežević, Desimir; Mićanović, Danica; Zečević, Veselinka; Branković, Gordana; Kondić, Danijela; Radosavac, Adriana; Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Srdić, Sretenka; Atanasijević, Srđan; Urošević, Dušan

(Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2019)

AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Kondić, Danijela
AU  - Radosavac, Adriana
AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Srdić, Sretenka
AU  - Atanasijević, Srđan
AU  - Urošević, Dušan
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/597
AB  - Variability of length of spike and number of spikelets spike-1 have share in forming of grain
yield of wheat. The aim of this study was estimation of variability of length of spike and
number of spikelets spike-1 in 20 genetically divergent wheat cultivars grown in different
environmental conditions. The experiment was set up as a randomised block design in three
replications. Obtained results indicated differences in average values of length of spike and
number of spikelets spike-1 among tested cultivars in both years of experiment. In average for
all cultivars length of spike was higher in the second year than in first year of experiment.
Also, average value of number of spikelets spike-1 was higher in second year at the analysed
wheat cultivars. The wheat cultivar Dejana expressed the longest spike (12.50cm) in the
second experimental year while the wheat cultivar Sumadinka had the shortest spike (8.91cm)
in the first year. On the base of results were established variability of both analysed spike
traits in wheat cultivars. Also, this results showed significant differences among wheat
cultivars according to length of spike and number of spikelets spike-1, which are determined
by genetic and environmental factors.
PB  - Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet
C3  - Book of Proceedings : X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2019", Jahorina, October 03 - 06
T1  - Variability of length of spike and number of spikelets per spike in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
EP  - 299
SP  - 295
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_597
ER  - 
author = "Knežević, Desimir and Mićanović, Danica and Zečević, Veselinka and Branković, Gordana and Kondić, Danijela and Radosavac, Adriana and Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Srdić, Sretenka and Atanasijević, Srđan and Urošević, Dušan",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Variability of length of spike and number of spikelets spike-1 have share in forming of grain
yield of wheat. The aim of this study was estimation of variability of length of spike and
number of spikelets spike-1 in 20 genetically divergent wheat cultivars grown in different
environmental conditions. The experiment was set up as a randomised block design in three
replications. Obtained results indicated differences in average values of length of spike and
number of spikelets spike-1 among tested cultivars in both years of experiment. In average for
all cultivars length of spike was higher in the second year than in first year of experiment.
Also, average value of number of spikelets spike-1 was higher in second year at the analysed
wheat cultivars. The wheat cultivar Dejana expressed the longest spike (12.50cm) in the
second experimental year while the wheat cultivar Sumadinka had the shortest spike (8.91cm)
in the first year. On the base of results were established variability of both analysed spike
traits in wheat cultivars. Also, this results showed significant differences among wheat
cultivars according to length of spike and number of spikelets spike-1, which are determined
by genetic and environmental factors.",
publisher = "Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet",
journal = "Book of Proceedings : X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2019", Jahorina, October 03 - 06",
title = "Variability of length of spike and number of spikelets per spike in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)",
pages = "299-295",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_597"
Knežević, D., Mićanović, D., Zečević, V., Branković, G., Kondić, D., Radosavac, A., Matković Stojšin, M., Srdić, S., Atanasijević, S.,& Urošević, D.. (2019). Variability of length of spike and number of spikelets per spike in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). in Book of Proceedings : X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2019", Jahorina, October 03 - 06
Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet., 295-299.
Knežević D, Mićanović D, Zečević V, Branković G, Kondić D, Radosavac A, Matković Stojšin M, Srdić S, Atanasijević S, Urošević D. Variability of length of spike and number of spikelets per spike in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). in Book of Proceedings : X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2019", Jahorina, October 03 - 06. 2019;:295-299.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_597 .
Knežević, Desimir, Mićanović, Danica, Zečević, Veselinka, Branković, Gordana, Kondić, Danijela, Radosavac, Adriana, Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Srdić, Sretenka, Atanasijević, Srđan, Urošević, Dušan, "Variability of length of spike and number of spikelets per spike in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)" in Book of Proceedings : X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2019", Jahorina, October 03 - 06 (2019):295-299,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_597 .

Variation of biological and economic yield in wheat cultivars

Knežević, Desimir; Kondić, Danijela; Radosavac, Adriana; Zečević, Veselinka; Urošević, Dušan; Mićanović, Danica; Kovačević, Vlado

(Gödöllő : Szent István Egyetemi Kiadó Nonprofit Kft., 2019)

AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Kondić, Danijela
AU  - Radosavac, Adriana
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Urošević, Dušan
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
AU  - Kovačević, Vlado
PY  - 2019
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/552
AB  - Biological yield (biomass) in terms of dry-matter (straw+grain) yield and grain yield
measured in weight per unit area (g m-2, kg ha-2), variate in dependence of genotype,
environments and interaction of genotype/environment (Fischer et al., 2012). Breeders
are focused on increasing above ground biomass and grain yield. Genetic constitution of
cultivars, soil fertility, nutrient, efficiency of absorption of mineral elements and water
are in relationships to synthesis of organic matter, translocation and reutilization for
production of dry matter i.e. biological and economics yield are important factors (Katsura
et al., 2010; Knežević et al., 2015). The aim of this study was to evaluate the variability
of mass of plant (biological yield) and grain mass plant-1 (economics yield) in genetically
divergent wheat cultivars grown in different environmental conditions
PB  - Gödöllő : Szent István Egyetemi Kiadó Nonprofit Kft.
PB  - Gödöllő : Crop Production Institute of the Szent István University
C3  - Abstract Book – 18th Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop, Cattolica, Italy, 1st - 6th April
T1  - Variation of biological and economic yield in wheat cultivars
EP  - 97
SP  - 96
DO  - 10.34116/NTI.2019.AA.39
ER  - 
author = "Knežević, Desimir and Kondić, Danijela and Radosavac, Adriana and Zečević, Veselinka and Urošević, Dušan and Mićanović, Danica and Kovačević, Vlado",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Biological yield (biomass) in terms of dry-matter (straw+grain) yield and grain yield
measured in weight per unit area (g m-2, kg ha-2), variate in dependence of genotype,
environments and interaction of genotype/environment (Fischer et al., 2012). Breeders
are focused on increasing above ground biomass and grain yield. Genetic constitution of
cultivars, soil fertility, nutrient, efficiency of absorption of mineral elements and water
are in relationships to synthesis of organic matter, translocation and reutilization for
production of dry matter i.e. biological and economics yield are important factors (Katsura
et al., 2010; Knežević et al., 2015). The aim of this study was to evaluate the variability
of mass of plant (biological yield) and grain mass plant-1 (economics yield) in genetically
divergent wheat cultivars grown in different environmental conditions",
publisher = "Gödöllő : Szent István Egyetemi Kiadó Nonprofit Kft., Gödöllő : Crop Production Institute of the Szent István University",
journal = "Abstract Book – 18th Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop, Cattolica, Italy, 1st - 6th April",
title = "Variation of biological and economic yield in wheat cultivars",
pages = "97-96",
doi = "10.34116/NTI.2019.AA.39"
Knežević, D., Kondić, D., Radosavac, A., Zečević, V., Urošević, D., Mićanović, D.,& Kovačević, V.. (2019). Variation of biological and economic yield in wheat cultivars. in Abstract Book – 18th Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop, Cattolica, Italy, 1st - 6th April
Gödöllő : Szent István Egyetemi Kiadó Nonprofit Kft.., 96-97.
Knežević D, Kondić D, Radosavac A, Zečević V, Urošević D, Mićanović D, Kovačević V. Variation of biological and economic yield in wheat cultivars. in Abstract Book – 18th Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop, Cattolica, Italy, 1st - 6th April. 2019;:96-97.
doi:10.34116/NTI.2019.AA.39 .
Knežević, Desimir, Kondić, Danijela, Radosavac, Adriana, Zečević, Veselinka, Urošević, Dušan, Mićanović, Danica, Kovačević, Vlado, "Variation of biological and economic yield in wheat cultivars" in Abstract Book – 18th Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop, Cattolica, Italy, 1st - 6th April (2019):96-97,
https://doi.org/10.34116/NTI.2019.AA.39 . .

Effects of environment on optimizing nitrogen nutrition on content of first-class seeds in winter barley cultivars

Knežević, Desimir; Rosandić, Anja; Radosavac, Adriana; Zecevic, Veselinka; Zelenika, Milica

(East African Nature and Science Organization, 2015)

AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Rosandić, Anja
AU  - Radosavac, Adriana
AU  - Zecevic, Veselinka
AU  - Zelenika, Milica
PY  - 2015
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/380
AB  - In this paper was investigated variability of percentage content of seeds first-class (thickness of seeds >2.5mm) in four divergent barley cultivars (Jagodinac, Premium, NS 489 and NS 495) originated from different breeding centres in Serbia. These cultivars investigated during two years on experimental field on plots 5m2 and four replications under four different rate of nitrogen treatments (control N0=0, N1=20, N2=40 and N3=60 kg ha-1). The variability of content of seeds first-class was established in both years of experiment and under all nitrogen rate of supplied N fertilizer. According to percentage of content first-class (thickness of seeds >2.5mm) were found differences among the cultivars in each years of experiment and all variant of nitrogen nutrition. In average, content of seeds first-class for all cultivars and all treatments was higher in second year 82.34% than in first experimental year 80.03%. The average value of percentage content of seeds first-class in both growing seasons and under N treatment was the highest in barley cultivar NS 595 (82.70%) and the lowest in barley cultivar Premium (78.79%). For all investigated cultivars, content of seeds first-class increased with increasing nitrogen rate. This indicate that content of seeds first-class mostly affected by mineral nitrogen nutrition and to a much lesser degree by cultivar.
PB  - East African Nature and Science Organization
T2  - International Journal of Advanced Research
T1  - Effects of environment on optimizing nitrogen nutrition on content of first-class seeds in winter barley cultivars
EP  - 767
IS  - 7
SP  - 762
VL  - 3
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_380
ER  - 
author = "Knežević, Desimir and Rosandić, Anja and Radosavac, Adriana and Zecevic, Veselinka and Zelenika, Milica",
year = "2015",
abstract = "In this paper was investigated variability of percentage content of seeds first-class (thickness of seeds >2.5mm) in four divergent barley cultivars (Jagodinac, Premium, NS 489 and NS 495) originated from different breeding centres in Serbia. These cultivars investigated during two years on experimental field on plots 5m2 and four replications under four different rate of nitrogen treatments (control N0=0, N1=20, N2=40 and N3=60 kg ha-1). The variability of content of seeds first-class was established in both years of experiment and under all nitrogen rate of supplied N fertilizer. According to percentage of content first-class (thickness of seeds >2.5mm) were found differences among the cultivars in each years of experiment and all variant of nitrogen nutrition. In average, content of seeds first-class for all cultivars and all treatments was higher in second year 82.34% than in first experimental year 80.03%. The average value of percentage content of seeds first-class in both growing seasons and under N treatment was the highest in barley cultivar NS 595 (82.70%) and the lowest in barley cultivar Premium (78.79%). For all investigated cultivars, content of seeds first-class increased with increasing nitrogen rate. This indicate that content of seeds first-class mostly affected by mineral nitrogen nutrition and to a much lesser degree by cultivar.",
publisher = "East African Nature and Science Organization",
journal = "International Journal of Advanced Research",
title = "Effects of environment on optimizing nitrogen nutrition on content of first-class seeds in winter barley cultivars",
pages = "767-762",
number = "7",
volume = "3",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_380"
Knežević, D., Rosandić, A., Radosavac, A., Zecevic, V.,& Zelenika, M.. (2015). Effects of environment on optimizing nitrogen nutrition on content of first-class seeds in winter barley cultivars. in International Journal of Advanced Research
East African Nature and Science Organization., 3(7), 762-767.
Knežević D, Rosandić A, Radosavac A, Zecevic V, Zelenika M. Effects of environment on optimizing nitrogen nutrition on content of first-class seeds in winter barley cultivars. in International Journal of Advanced Research. 2015;3(7):762-767.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_380 .
Knežević, Desimir, Rosandić, Anja, Radosavac, Adriana, Zecevic, Veselinka, Zelenika, Milica, "Effects of environment on optimizing nitrogen nutrition on content of first-class seeds in winter barley cultivars" in International Journal of Advanced Research, 3, no. 7 (2015):762-767,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_380 .