Prodanović, Slaven

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Prodanović, Slaven (39)
  • Продановић, Славен (1)
Integrating biotechnology approach in breeding vegetable crops for sustainable agricultural systems Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200216 (Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka)
Sustainable agriculture and rural development in the function of accomplishing strategic objectives of the Republic of Serbia in the Danube region Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200116 (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture)
Project of the HERD: Research, education and knowledge transfer promoting entrepreneurship in sustainable use of pastureland/grazing. (Project No.: 09/1548, 332160 UÅ) The development of new technologies of small grains cultivation on acid soils using contemporary biotechnology
Utilization of plant sources of protein, dietary fiber and antioxidants in food production Project of the HERD: Agricultural Adaption to Climate Change – Networking, Education, Research and Extension in the West Balkans (Project No.: 332160 UØ)
Project of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, HERD/Agriculture, No. 332160 U0 “Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change - Networking, Education, Research and Extension in the West Balkans” Project of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, HERD/Agriculture, No. 332160 UA “Research, education and knowledge transfer promoting entrepreneurship in sustainable use of pastureland/grazing”

Author's Bibliography

Analiza stabilnosti mase ploda kod linija dinje AMMI i BLUP metodom

Girek, Zdenka; Pavlović, Suzana; Damnjanović, Jelena; Ugrinović, Milan; Belić, Lela; Živanović, Tomislav; Prodanović, Slaven

(Kragujevac : Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela, 2023)

AU  - Girek, Zdenka
AU  - Pavlović, Suzana
AU  - Damnjanović, Jelena
AU  - Ugrinović, Milan
AU  - Belić, Lela
AU  - Živanović, Tomislav
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - U ovom radu su ispitivana dva metoda analize stabilnosti kod 23
genotipa dinje gajenih tokom osam vegetacionih sezona na lokalitetu
Smederevska Palanka (ogledno polje Instituta za povrtarstvo). Analiza je
vršena AMMI metodom i BLUP metodom, koje se zasnivaju na analizi
interacije genotip x spoljna sredina (G×E). Najvažniji cilj rada je bio da
se odrede genotipovi dinje koji se karakterišu stabilnošću bez obzira na
uslove spoljašnje sredine. Ogledi su sprovođeni u periodu od 2014. do
2021. godine. Ispitivana osobina je bila masa ploda. Utvrđeno je da se
genotipovi, čija je prosečna masa ploda ispod ukupnog proseka,
karakterišu manje varijabilnim vrednostima mase ploda u odnosu na
genotipove koji su prinosniji. Kao najstabilniji genotipovi, bez obzira na
vodni režim u toku cvetanja i zametanja plodova izdvojili su se G3 i G16
(AMMI analiza) i G7, G14 i G20 (BLUP analiza).
AB  - In this paper, in 23 melon genotypes grown during eight growing
seasons at the Smederevska Palanka location (the open field of the
Institute of Vegetables), two methods of stability analysis were examined.
The analysis was performed using the AMMI method, and BLUP
method, which are based on genotype x environment (G×E) interaction
analysis. The most important goal of this paper was to determine the
melon genotypes that are characterized by stability regardless of the
conditions of the environment. The trials were conducted in the period
from 2014 to 2021. The examined trait was fruit weight. It was
determined that genotypes whose average fruit weight is below the
overall average are characterized by less variable fruit weight values
compared to genotypes that are more productive. G3 and G16 (AMMI
analysis), and G7, G14, and G20 (BLUP analysis) stood out as the most
stable genotypes regardless of the water regime during the flowering and
fruit set.
PB  - Kragujevac : Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela
C3  - Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. Jun
T1  - Analiza stabilnosti mase ploda kod linija dinje AMMI i BLUP metodom
T1  - Analysis of fruit mass stability in melon lines by AMMI and BLUP methods
EP  - 122
SP  - 113
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Girek, Zdenka and Pavlović, Suzana and Damnjanović, Jelena and Ugrinović, Milan and Belić, Lela and Živanović, Tomislav and Prodanović, Slaven",
year = "2023",
abstract = "U ovom radu su ispitivana dva metoda analize stabilnosti kod 23
genotipa dinje gajenih tokom osam vegetacionih sezona na lokalitetu
Smederevska Palanka (ogledno polje Instituta za povrtarstvo). Analiza je
vršena AMMI metodom i BLUP metodom, koje se zasnivaju na analizi
interacije genotip x spoljna sredina (G×E). Najvažniji cilj rada je bio da
se odrede genotipovi dinje koji se karakterišu stabilnošću bez obzira na
uslove spoljašnje sredine. Ogledi su sprovođeni u periodu od 2014. do
2021. godine. Ispitivana osobina je bila masa ploda. Utvrđeno je da se
genotipovi, čija je prosečna masa ploda ispod ukupnog proseka,
karakterišu manje varijabilnim vrednostima mase ploda u odnosu na
genotipove koji su prinosniji. Kao najstabilniji genotipovi, bez obzira na
vodni režim u toku cvetanja i zametanja plodova izdvojili su se G3 i G16
(AMMI analiza) i G7, G14 i G20 (BLUP analiza)., In this paper, in 23 melon genotypes grown during eight growing
seasons at the Smederevska Palanka location (the open field of the
Institute of Vegetables), two methods of stability analysis were examined.
The analysis was performed using the AMMI method, and BLUP
method, which are based on genotype x environment (G×E) interaction
analysis. The most important goal of this paper was to determine the
melon genotypes that are characterized by stability regardless of the
conditions of the environment. The trials were conducted in the period
from 2014 to 2021. The examined trait was fruit weight. It was
determined that genotypes whose average fruit weight is below the
overall average are characterized by less variable fruit weight values
compared to genotypes that are more productive. G3 and G16 (AMMI
analysis), and G7, G14, and G20 (BLUP analysis) stood out as the most
stable genotypes regardless of the water regime during the flowering and
fruit set.",
publisher = "Kragujevac : Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. Jun",
title = "Analiza stabilnosti mase ploda kod linija dinje AMMI i BLUP metodom, Analysis of fruit mass stability in melon lines by AMMI and BLUP methods",
pages = "122-113",
url = ""
Girek, Z., Pavlović, S., Damnjanović, J., Ugrinović, M., Belić, L., Živanović, T.,& Prodanović, S.. (2023). Analiza stabilnosti mase ploda kod linija dinje AMMI i BLUP metodom. in Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. Jun
Kragujevac : Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela., 113-122.
Girek Z, Pavlović S, Damnjanović J, Ugrinović M, Belić L, Živanović T, Prodanović S. Analiza stabilnosti mase ploda kod linija dinje AMMI i BLUP metodom. in Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. Jun. 2023;:113-122. .
Girek, Zdenka, Pavlović, Suzana, Damnjanović, Jelena, Ugrinović, Milan, Belić, Lela, Živanović, Tomislav, Prodanović, Slaven, "Analiza stabilnosti mase ploda kod linija dinje AMMI i BLUP metodom" in Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. Jun (2023):113-122, .

Analiza potencijala i stabilnosti osobina kvaliteta KG linija pšenice

Luković, Kristina; Perišić, Vladimir; Bratković, Kamenko; Zečević, Veselinka; Prodanović, Slaven; Perišić, Vesna

(Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije, 2023)

AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Bratković, Kamenko
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Perišić, Vesna
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Izražene klimatske promene predstavljaju ograničavajući faktor biljne proizvodnje.
Negativni efekti tih promena dovode do promena u kvalitetu zrna pšenice,
usled čega ne dolazi do ispoljavanja genetskog potencijala sorti. Cilj ovog
istraživanja je da se ispita potencijal i stabilnost kvaliteta zrna genotipova pšenice,
selekcionisanih u Centru za strna žita i razvoj sela Kragujevac. Kao materijal
istraživanja korišćeno je 13 perspektivnih genotipova ozime pšenice stvorenih
u Kragujevcu i jedna standardna sorta, Pobeda. Poljski ogledi su izvedeni u tokom
2013/2014. i 2014/2015. na tri lokaliteta: Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela u
Kragujevcu, Institut za krmno bilje u Kruševcu i Agroinstitut u Somboru. Ogled
je postavlјen po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu, u tri ponavlјanja sa veličinom
osnovne parcelice od 5 m2. Nakon žetve, analizirani su sedimentaciona vrednost i
sadržaj vlažnog glutena. Prvu eksprimentalnu godinu odlikovala je izuzetno velika
količina padavina na sva tri lokaliteta tokom fenofaze klasanje i nalivanje zrna,
što je negativno uticalo na kvalitet zrna analiziranih genotipova pšenice. Kao najstabilniji
genotipovi za sedimentaciju proteina, sa iznad prosečnim vrednostima,
izdvojili su se KG-52/23 i KG-1/6 (33,89 ml; 34,94 ml) i KG-27/6 za sadržaj vlažnog
glutena (31,36 %). Genotip KG-52/3, koji je imao visoke interakcijske vrednosti,
ostvario je i najveće prosečne vrednosti za obe analizirane osobine kvaliteta zrna.
Interakcije genotipa i spoljne sredine je imala najveće učešće u ukupnoj varijaciji
za sedimentaciju proteina, dok spolјnoj sredini pripada najveći deo sume kvadrata
za sadržaj vlažnog glutena.
AB  - Pronounced climate changes are a limiting factor in plant production. The negative
effects of those changes, lead to changes in the wheat grains quality, as a result
of which the genetic potential of the varieties is not manifested. The goal of this
research was to examine the potential and stability of grain quality of wheat genotypes
selected at the Centre for Small Grains and Rural Development Kragujevac.
As research material, 13 perspective winter wheat genotypes created in Kragujevac
and check variety Pobeda were used. Field trials were conducted during 2013/2014
and 2014/2015 in localities: Centre Kragujevac, Institute for Forage Crops Kruševac
and Agroinstitute Sombor. The experiment was set up according to a completely
random block system, in three replications with a basic plot size of 5 m2. After
the harvest, sedimentation value and wet gluten content were analyzed. The first
experimental year was distinguished by an extremely high amount of precipitation
in all three localities during the ear development and grain feeling phenophases,
which negatively affected the quality of the grains of the wheat genotypes analyzed.
Genotype KG-52/23 stood out as the most stable for protein sedimentation (33.89
ml; 34.94 ml) and KG-27/6 for wet gluten content (31.36 %). Genotype KG-52/3,
which had high interaction values, achieved the highest average values of both
analyzed grain quality traits. Interaction genotype-environment had the largest
part in the total variation for protein sedimentation, while the largest part of the
sum of squares for wet gluten content belongs to the environment.
PB  - Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije
C3  - Book of abstracts : X symposium of the Serbian Association of Plant Breeders and Seed Producers and VII symposium of the Serbian genetic society Section of the breeding of organisms Vrnjačka Banja - Serbia, 16-18 October
T1  - Analiza potencijala i stabilnosti osobina kvaliteta KG linija pšenice
T1  - Analysis of potential and stability characteristics of KG wheat lines
EP  - 134
SP  - 133
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Luković, Kristina and Perišić, Vladimir and Bratković, Kamenko and Zečević, Veselinka and Prodanović, Slaven and Perišić, Vesna",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Izražene klimatske promene predstavljaju ograničavajući faktor biljne proizvodnje.
Negativni efekti tih promena dovode do promena u kvalitetu zrna pšenice,
usled čega ne dolazi do ispoljavanja genetskog potencijala sorti. Cilj ovog
istraživanja je da se ispita potencijal i stabilnost kvaliteta zrna genotipova pšenice,
selekcionisanih u Centru za strna žita i razvoj sela Kragujevac. Kao materijal
istraživanja korišćeno je 13 perspektivnih genotipova ozime pšenice stvorenih
u Kragujevcu i jedna standardna sorta, Pobeda. Poljski ogledi su izvedeni u tokom
2013/2014. i 2014/2015. na tri lokaliteta: Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela u
Kragujevcu, Institut za krmno bilje u Kruševcu i Agroinstitut u Somboru. Ogled
je postavlјen po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu, u tri ponavlјanja sa veličinom
osnovne parcelice od 5 m2. Nakon žetve, analizirani su sedimentaciona vrednost i
sadržaj vlažnog glutena. Prvu eksprimentalnu godinu odlikovala je izuzetno velika
količina padavina na sva tri lokaliteta tokom fenofaze klasanje i nalivanje zrna,
što je negativno uticalo na kvalitet zrna analiziranih genotipova pšenice. Kao najstabilniji
genotipovi za sedimentaciju proteina, sa iznad prosečnim vrednostima,
izdvojili su se KG-52/23 i KG-1/6 (33,89 ml; 34,94 ml) i KG-27/6 za sadržaj vlažnog
glutena (31,36 %). Genotip KG-52/3, koji je imao visoke interakcijske vrednosti,
ostvario je i najveće prosečne vrednosti za obe analizirane osobine kvaliteta zrna.
Interakcije genotipa i spoljne sredine je imala najveće učešće u ukupnoj varijaciji
za sedimentaciju proteina, dok spolјnoj sredini pripada najveći deo sume kvadrata
za sadržaj vlažnog glutena., Pronounced climate changes are a limiting factor in plant production. The negative
effects of those changes, lead to changes in the wheat grains quality, as a result
of which the genetic potential of the varieties is not manifested. The goal of this
research was to examine the potential and stability of grain quality of wheat genotypes
selected at the Centre for Small Grains and Rural Development Kragujevac.
As research material, 13 perspective winter wheat genotypes created in Kragujevac
and check variety Pobeda were used. Field trials were conducted during 2013/2014
and 2014/2015 in localities: Centre Kragujevac, Institute for Forage Crops Kruševac
and Agroinstitute Sombor. The experiment was set up according to a completely
random block system, in three replications with a basic plot size of 5 m2. After
the harvest, sedimentation value and wet gluten content were analyzed. The first
experimental year was distinguished by an extremely high amount of precipitation
in all three localities during the ear development and grain feeling phenophases,
which negatively affected the quality of the grains of the wheat genotypes analyzed.
Genotype KG-52/23 stood out as the most stable for protein sedimentation (33.89
ml; 34.94 ml) and KG-27/6 for wet gluten content (31.36 %). Genotype KG-52/3,
which had high interaction values, achieved the highest average values of both
analyzed grain quality traits. Interaction genotype-environment had the largest
part in the total variation for protein sedimentation, while the largest part of the
sum of squares for wet gluten content belongs to the environment.",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije",
journal = "Book of abstracts : X symposium of the Serbian Association of Plant Breeders and Seed Producers and VII symposium of the Serbian genetic society Section of the breeding of organisms Vrnjačka Banja - Serbia, 16-18 October",
title = "Analiza potencijala i stabilnosti osobina kvaliteta KG linija pšenice, Analysis of potential and stability characteristics of KG wheat lines",
pages = "134-133",
url = ""
Luković, K., Perišić, V., Bratković, K., Zečević, V., Prodanović, S.,& Perišić, V.. (2023). Analiza potencijala i stabilnosti osobina kvaliteta KG linija pšenice. in Book of abstracts : X symposium of the Serbian Association of Plant Breeders and Seed Producers and VII symposium of the Serbian genetic society Section of the breeding of organisms Vrnjačka Banja - Serbia, 16-18 October
Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije., 133-134.
Luković K, Perišić V, Bratković K, Zečević V, Prodanović S, Perišić V. Analiza potencijala i stabilnosti osobina kvaliteta KG linija pšenice. in Book of abstracts : X symposium of the Serbian Association of Plant Breeders and Seed Producers and VII symposium of the Serbian genetic society Section of the breeding of organisms Vrnjačka Banja - Serbia, 16-18 October. 2023;:133-134. .
Luković, Kristina, Perišić, Vladimir, Bratković, Kamenko, Zečević, Veselinka, Prodanović, Slaven, Perišić, Vesna, "Analiza potencijala i stabilnosti osobina kvaliteta KG linija pšenice" in Book of abstracts : X symposium of the Serbian Association of Plant Breeders and Seed Producers and VII symposium of the Serbian genetic society Section of the breeding of organisms Vrnjačka Banja - Serbia, 16-18 October (2023):133-134, .

Primena veštačke inteligencije u oplemenjivanju poljoprivredih biljaka

Prodanović, Slaven; Luković, Kristina; Radinović, Irena

(Kragujevac : Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela, 2023)

AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Radinović, Irena
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Pri donošenju odluka o selekcionom materijalu na osnovu prikupljenih
podataka, oplemenjivači širom sveta sve češće koriste veštačku
inteligenciju. Termin „veštačka inteligencija“ (VI) opisuje sposobnost
mašina da oponašaju ljudsku inteligenciju. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da prikaže
način funkcionisanja VI uz objašnjenje odgovarajućih termina, kao što su:
algoritam, mašinsko učenje, duboko učenje, neuronska mreža, stabla
odlučivanja, mašine vektora podrške, obuka ili trening za razvoj VI,
računarstvo u oblaku, grafičke procesorske jedinice (GPU) i lokalni
klasteri GPU. U radu se navode aktuelni oblici korišćenja VI u
oplemenjivanju biljaka i diskutuju mogućnosti i izazovi primene VI u
narednom periodu.
AB  - When making decisions about selection material based on collected
data, breeders around the world are increasingly using artificial
intelligence. The term "artificial intelligence" (AI) describes the ability of
machines to imitate human intelligence. This paper aims to show how AI
works by explaining the relevant terms, such as: algorithm, machine
learning, deep learning, neural network, decision trees, support vector machines, training for AI, cloud computing, graphics processing units
(GPUs) and local GPU clusters. The paper lists the current forms of using
AI in plant breeding and discusses the possibilities and challenges of
using AI in the future.
PB  - Kragujevac : Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela
C3  - Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. jun
T1  - Primena veštačke inteligencije u oplemenjivanju poljoprivredih biljaka
T1  - Application of artificial intelligence in the breeding of agricultural plants
EP  - 91
SP  - 84
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Prodanović, Slaven and Luković, Kristina and Radinović, Irena",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Pri donošenju odluka o selekcionom materijalu na osnovu prikupljenih
podataka, oplemenjivači širom sveta sve češće koriste veštačku
inteligenciju. Termin „veštačka inteligencija“ (VI) opisuje sposobnost
mašina da oponašaju ljudsku inteligenciju. Ovaj rad ima za cilj da prikaže
način funkcionisanja VI uz objašnjenje odgovarajućih termina, kao što su:
algoritam, mašinsko učenje, duboko učenje, neuronska mreža, stabla
odlučivanja, mašine vektora podrške, obuka ili trening za razvoj VI,
računarstvo u oblaku, grafičke procesorske jedinice (GPU) i lokalni
klasteri GPU. U radu se navode aktuelni oblici korišćenja VI u
oplemenjivanju biljaka i diskutuju mogućnosti i izazovi primene VI u
narednom periodu., When making decisions about selection material based on collected
data, breeders around the world are increasingly using artificial
intelligence. The term "artificial intelligence" (AI) describes the ability of
machines to imitate human intelligence. This paper aims to show how AI
works by explaining the relevant terms, such as: algorithm, machine
learning, deep learning, neural network, decision trees, support vector machines, training for AI, cloud computing, graphics processing units
(GPUs) and local GPU clusters. The paper lists the current forms of using
AI in plant breeding and discusses the possibilities and challenges of
using AI in the future.",
publisher = "Kragujevac : Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. jun",
title = "Primena veštačke inteligencije u oplemenjivanju poljoprivredih biljaka, Application of artificial intelligence in the breeding of agricultural plants",
pages = "91-84",
url = ""
Prodanović, S., Luković, K.,& Radinović, I.. (2023). Primena veštačke inteligencije u oplemenjivanju poljoprivredih biljaka. in Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. jun
Kragujevac : Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela., 84-91.
Prodanović S, Luković K, Radinović I. Primena veštačke inteligencije u oplemenjivanju poljoprivredih biljaka. in Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. jun. 2023;:84-91. .
Prodanović, Slaven, Luković, Kristina, Radinović, Irena, "Primena veštačke inteligencije u oplemenjivanju poljoprivredih biljaka" in Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. jun (2023):84-91, .

Primena molekularnih tehnika reafirmiše mutaciono oplemenjivanje povrća

Prodanović, Slaven; Đorđević, Radiša; Radinović, Irena; Živanović, Tomislav; Savić, Jasna

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2023)

AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Đorđević, Radiša
AU  - Radinović, Irena
AU  - Živanović, Tomislav
AU  - Savić, Jasna
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - U ovom preglednom radu prvo su opisane klasične metode mutageneze
i mehanizam nastanka mutacija, a zatim su nabrojane molekularne tehnike
u mutacionom oplemenjivanju: 1. inserciona mutagneza, 2. transformacije, 3. editovanje i 4. TILLING. Najveća pažnja posvećena je TILLING tehnici kroz prikaz svake od njehih etapa. Molekularne tehnike omogućuju unos
gena za poželjne osobine u genom i unapređuju klasičnu selekciju u
mutacionim populacijama kroz analizu ciljanih mesta na genomu. Ove
prednosti molekularnih tehnika reafirmišu mutaciono oplemenjivanje
povrća i drugih grupa biljaka.
AB  - In this review paper, the classical methods of mutagenesis and the mechanism of mutations are first described, and then the molecular
techniques in mutation breeding are listed: 1. insertional mutagenesis, 2.
transformations, 3. editing and 4. TILLING. The greatest attention is paid
to the TILLING technique through the presentation of each of its stages. Molecular techniques enable the introduction of genes for desirable traits
into the genome and improve classical selection in mutational populations
through the analysis of targeted sites on the genome. These advantages of molecular techniques reaffirm the mutational breeding of vegetables and other plant groups.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
T1  - Primena molekularnih tehnika reafirmiše mutaciono oplemenjivanje povrća
T1  - Application of molecular techniques reaffirms mutation breeding of vegetables
EP  - 26
SP  - 16
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Prodanović, Slaven and Đorđević, Radiša and Radinović, Irena and Živanović, Tomislav and Savić, Jasna",
year = "2023",
abstract = "U ovom preglednom radu prvo su opisane klasične metode mutageneze
i mehanizam nastanka mutacija, a zatim su nabrojane molekularne tehnike
u mutacionom oplemenjivanju: 1. inserciona mutagneza, 2. transformacije, 3. editovanje i 4. TILLING. Najveća pažnja posvećena je TILLING tehnici kroz prikaz svake od njehih etapa. Molekularne tehnike omogućuju unos
gena za poželjne osobine u genom i unapređuju klasičnu selekciju u
mutacionim populacijama kroz analizu ciljanih mesta na genomu. Ove
prednosti molekularnih tehnika reafirmišu mutaciono oplemenjivanje
povrća i drugih grupa biljaka., In this review paper, the classical methods of mutagenesis and the mechanism of mutations are first described, and then the molecular
techniques in mutation breeding are listed: 1. insertional mutagenesis, 2.
transformations, 3. editing and 4. TILLING. The greatest attention is paid
to the TILLING technique through the presentation of each of its stages. Molecular techniques enable the introduction of genes for desirable traits
into the genome and improve classical selection in mutational populations
through the analysis of targeted sites on the genome. These advantages of molecular techniques reaffirm the mutational breeding of vegetables and other plant groups.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar",
title = "Primena molekularnih tehnika reafirmiše mutaciono oplemenjivanje povrća, Application of molecular techniques reaffirms mutation breeding of vegetables",
pages = "26-16",
url = ""
Prodanović, S., Đorđević, R., Radinović, I., Živanović, T.,& Savić, J.. (2023). Primena molekularnih tehnika reafirmiše mutaciono oplemenjivanje povrća. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 16-26.
Prodanović S, Đorđević R, Radinović I, Živanović T, Savić J. Primena molekularnih tehnika reafirmiše mutaciono oplemenjivanje povrća. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar. 2023;:16-26. .
Prodanović, Slaven, Đorđević, Radiša, Radinović, Irena, Živanović, Tomislav, Savić, Jasna, "Primena molekularnih tehnika reafirmiše mutaciono oplemenjivanje povrća" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar (2023):16-26, .

Morfološke i biohemijske karakteristike genotipova pastrnka (Pastinaca sativa L.)

Đorđević, Radiša; Đurić, Nenad; Đorđević Melnik, Olivera; Živanović, Tomislav; Prodanović, Slaven; Damnjanović, Jelena; Dervišević, Marina

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2022)

AU  - Đorđević, Radiša
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Đorđević Melnik, Olivera
AU  - Živanović, Tomislav
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Damnjanović, Jelena
AU  - Dervišević, Marina
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Pastrnak (Pastinaca sativa L.) je aromatična biljna vrsta koja zbogsvojih kvalitativnih osobina široku primenu nalazi u ljudskoj ishrani, kaoi u medicinske svrhe. U radu su prikazani rezultati trogodišnjih ispitivanja(2011-2014.) četiri genotipa pastrnka selekcionisanih u Institutu zapovrtarstvo Smederevska Palanka. Analizirane su sledeće morfološkeosobine: prosečna masa korena, prosečna dužina, prečnik vrata i prečniksredine korena. Hemijskom analizom određena je suva materija, ukupniminerali, ukupni šećeri i sadržaj vode. Ispitivane osobine odabranihgenotipova poređene su sa standardnom sortom Podravski srednje dugi.
AB  - Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) is an aromatic plant species that, due toits qualitative properties, is widely used in human nutrition, as well as formedicinal purposes. The paper presents the results of three-year research(2011–2014) of four parsnip genotypes selected at the Institute for vegetable crops Smederevska Palanka. The following morphologicalcharacteristics were analyzed: average root mass, average length,diameter of the neck and diameter of the middle of the root. Dry matter,total minerals, total sugar and water content were determined by chemicalanalysis. The tested properties of the selected genotypes were comparedwith the standard Podravski medium-long variety.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar
T1  - Morfološke i biohemijske karakteristike genotipova pastrnka (Pastinaca sativa L.)
T1  - Morphological and biochemical characteristics of parsley (Pastinaca sativa L.) genotypes
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Radiša and Đurić, Nenad and Đorđević Melnik, Olivera and Živanović, Tomislav and Prodanović, Slaven and Damnjanović, Jelena and Dervišević, Marina",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Pastrnak (Pastinaca sativa L.) je aromatična biljna vrsta koja zbogsvojih kvalitativnih osobina široku primenu nalazi u ljudskoj ishrani, kaoi u medicinske svrhe. U radu su prikazani rezultati trogodišnjih ispitivanja(2011-2014.) četiri genotipa pastrnka selekcionisanih u Institutu zapovrtarstvo Smederevska Palanka. Analizirane su sledeće morfološkeosobine: prosečna masa korena, prosečna dužina, prečnik vrata i prečniksredine korena. Hemijskom analizom određena je suva materija, ukupniminerali, ukupni šećeri i sadržaj vode. Ispitivane osobine odabranihgenotipova poređene su sa standardnom sortom Podravski srednje dugi., Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) is an aromatic plant species that, due toits qualitative properties, is widely used in human nutrition, as well as formedicinal purposes. The paper presents the results of three-year research(2011–2014) of four parsnip genotypes selected at the Institute for vegetable crops Smederevska Palanka. The following morphologicalcharacteristics were analyzed: average root mass, average length,diameter of the neck and diameter of the middle of the root. Dry matter,total minerals, total sugar and water content were determined by chemicalanalysis. The tested properties of the selected genotypes were comparedwith the standard Podravski medium-long variety.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar",
title = "Morfološke i biohemijske karakteristike genotipova pastrnka (Pastinaca sativa L.), Morphological and biochemical characteristics of parsley (Pastinaca sativa L.) genotypes",
url = ""
Đorđević, R., Đurić, N., Đorđević Melnik, O., Živanović, T., Prodanović, S., Damnjanović, J.,& Dervišević, M.. (2022). Morfološke i biohemijske karakteristike genotipova pastrnka (Pastinaca sativa L.). in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo..
Đorđević R, Đurić N, Đorđević Melnik O, Živanović T, Prodanović S, Damnjanović J, Dervišević M. Morfološke i biohemijske karakteristike genotipova pastrnka (Pastinaca sativa L.). in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar. 2022;. .
Đorđević, Radiša, Đurić, Nenad, Đorđević Melnik, Olivera, Živanović, Tomislav, Prodanović, Slaven, Damnjanović, Jelena, Dervišević, Marina, "Morfološke i biohemijske karakteristike genotipova pastrnka (Pastinaca sativa L.)" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar (2022), .

Morfološke i biohemijske karakteristike genotipova pastrnka (Pastinaca sativa L.)

Đorđević, Radiša; Đurić, Nenad; Đorđević Melnik, Olivera; Živanović, Tomislav; Prodanović, Slaven; Damnjanović, Jelena; Dervišević, Marina

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2022)

AU  - Đorđević, Radiša
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Đorđević Melnik, Olivera
AU  - Živanović, Tomislav
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Damnjanović, Jelena
AU  - Dervišević, Marina
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Pastrnak (Pastinaca sativa L.) je aromatična biljna vrsta koja zbog
svojih kvalitativnih osobina široku primenu nalazi u ljudskoj ishrani, kao
i u medicinske svrhe. U radu su prikazani rezultati trogodišnjih ispitivanja
(2011-2014.) četiri genotipa pastrnka selekcionisanih u Institutu za
povrtarstvo Smederevska Palanka. Analizirane su sledeće morfološke
osobine: prosečna masa korena, prosečna dužina, prečnik vrata i prečnik
sredine korena. Hemijskom analizom određena je suva materija, ukupni
minerali, ukupni šećeri i sadržaj vode. Ispitivane osobine odabranih
genotipova poređene su sa standardnom sortom Podravski srednje dugi.
AB  - Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) is an aromatic plant species that, due to
its qualitative properties, is widely used in human nutrition, as well as for
medicinal purposes. The paper presents the results of three-year research
(2011–2014) of four parsnip genotypes selected at the Institute for vegetable crops Smederevska Palanka. The following morphological
characteristics were analyzed: average root mass, average length,
diameter of the neck and diameter of the middle of the root. Dry matter,
total minerals, total sugar and water content were determined by chemical
analysis. The tested properties of the selected genotypes were compared
with the standard Podravski medium-long variety.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar
T1  - Morfološke i biohemijske karakteristike genotipova pastrnka (Pastinaca sativa L.)
T1  - Morphological and biochemical characteristics of parsley (Pastinaca sativa L.) genotypes
EP  - 156
SP  - 150
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Đorđević, Radiša and Đurić, Nenad and Đorđević Melnik, Olivera and Živanović, Tomislav and Prodanović, Slaven and Damnjanović, Jelena and Dervišević, Marina",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Pastrnak (Pastinaca sativa L.) je aromatična biljna vrsta koja zbog
svojih kvalitativnih osobina široku primenu nalazi u ljudskoj ishrani, kao
i u medicinske svrhe. U radu su prikazani rezultati trogodišnjih ispitivanja
(2011-2014.) četiri genotipa pastrnka selekcionisanih u Institutu za
povrtarstvo Smederevska Palanka. Analizirane su sledeće morfološke
osobine: prosečna masa korena, prosečna dužina, prečnik vrata i prečnik
sredine korena. Hemijskom analizom određena je suva materija, ukupni
minerali, ukupni šećeri i sadržaj vode. Ispitivane osobine odabranih
genotipova poređene su sa standardnom sortom Podravski srednje dugi., Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L.) is an aromatic plant species that, due to
its qualitative properties, is widely used in human nutrition, as well as for
medicinal purposes. The paper presents the results of three-year research
(2011–2014) of four parsnip genotypes selected at the Institute for vegetable crops Smederevska Palanka. The following morphological
characteristics were analyzed: average root mass, average length,
diameter of the neck and diameter of the middle of the root. Dry matter,
total minerals, total sugar and water content were determined by chemical
analysis. The tested properties of the selected genotypes were compared
with the standard Podravski medium-long variety.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar",
title = "Morfološke i biohemijske karakteristike genotipova pastrnka (Pastinaca sativa L.), Morphological and biochemical characteristics of parsley (Pastinaca sativa L.) genotypes",
pages = "156-150",
url = ""
Đorđević, R., Đurić, N., Đorđević Melnik, O., Živanović, T., Prodanović, S., Damnjanović, J.,& Dervišević, M.. (2022). Morfološke i biohemijske karakteristike genotipova pastrnka (Pastinaca sativa L.). in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 150-156.
Đorđević R, Đurić N, Đorđević Melnik O, Živanović T, Prodanović S, Damnjanović J, Dervišević M. Morfološke i biohemijske karakteristike genotipova pastrnka (Pastinaca sativa L.). in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar. 2022;:150-156. .
Đorđević, Radiša, Đurić, Nenad, Đorđević Melnik, Olivera, Živanović, Tomislav, Prodanović, Slaven, Damnjanović, Jelena, Dervišević, Marina, "Morfološke i biohemijske karakteristike genotipova pastrnka (Pastinaca sativa L.)" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar (2022):150-156, .

Celerov sok u trendu: za zdravlje - u čaši, a za detekciju mutacija - u test tubi

Prodanović, Slaven; Đorđević, Radiša; Živanović, Tomislav

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2022)

AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Đorđević, Radiša
AU  - Živanović, Tomislav
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - U formi preglednog rada razmatrana je primena celerovog soka u dve
različite oblasti: jedna se odnosi na očuvanje zdravlje, a druga na
detekciju mutacija. Prikazan je sastav celerovog soka i ukazano na ulogu
pojedinačnih komponenti u zaštiti i popravci zdravlja. Takođe je opisan
efekat enzima CEL I iz ekstrakta celerovog soka u istraživanjima iz
mutacione genetike. Hipotetisano je da CEL I ima potencijalni
zdravstveni doprinos, mada za sada nema takvih naučnih rezultata.
AB  - In the form of a review paper, the application of celery juice in two
different areas was discussed: one related to preserving health, and the
other to detection of mutations. The composition of celery juice is shown
and the role of individual components in protecting and improving health
is indicated. Also, the effect of the enzyme CEL I from celery juice
extract in research on mutational genetics is described. It has been
hypothesized that CEL I have a potential health contribution, although
there are no such scientific results so far.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar
T1  - Celerov sok u trendu: za zdravlje - u čaši, a za detekciju mutacija - u test tubi
T1  - Celery juice in trend: for health - in a glass, and for mutation detection - in a test tube
EP  - 164
SP  - 157
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Prodanović, Slaven and Đorđević, Radiša and Živanović, Tomislav",
year = "2022",
abstract = "U formi preglednog rada razmatrana je primena celerovog soka u dve
različite oblasti: jedna se odnosi na očuvanje zdravlje, a druga na
detekciju mutacija. Prikazan je sastav celerovog soka i ukazano na ulogu
pojedinačnih komponenti u zaštiti i popravci zdravlja. Takođe je opisan
efekat enzima CEL I iz ekstrakta celerovog soka u istraživanjima iz
mutacione genetike. Hipotetisano je da CEL I ima potencijalni
zdravstveni doprinos, mada za sada nema takvih naučnih rezultata., In the form of a review paper, the application of celery juice in two
different areas was discussed: one related to preserving health, and the
other to detection of mutations. The composition of celery juice is shown
and the role of individual components in protecting and improving health
is indicated. Also, the effect of the enzyme CEL I from celery juice
extract in research on mutational genetics is described. It has been
hypothesized that CEL I have a potential health contribution, although
there are no such scientific results so far.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar",
title = "Celerov sok u trendu: za zdravlje - u čaši, a za detekciju mutacija - u test tubi, Celery juice in trend: for health - in a glass, and for mutation detection - in a test tube",
pages = "164-157",
url = ""
Prodanović, S., Đorđević, R.,& Živanović, T.. (2022). Celerov sok u trendu: za zdravlje - u čaši, a za detekciju mutacija - u test tubi. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 157-164.
Prodanović S, Đorđević R, Živanović T. Celerov sok u trendu: za zdravlje - u čaši, a za detekciju mutacija - u test tubi. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar. 2022;:157-164. .
Prodanović, Slaven, Đorđević, Radiša, Živanović, Tomislav, "Celerov sok u trendu: za zdravlje - u čaši, a za detekciju mutacija - u test tubi" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar (2022):157-164, .

Селекција индустријских сорти грашка у Институту за повртарство Смедеревска Паланка

Ђорђевић, Радиша; Цвикић, Дејан; Ђурић, Ненад; Гавриловић, Бојана; Ђорђевић Мелник, Оливера; Живановић, Томислав; Продановић, Славен

(Смедеревска Паланка : Институт за повртарство, 2021)

AU  - Ђорђевић, Радиша
AU  - Цвикић, Дејан
AU  - Ђурић, Ненад
AU  - Гавриловић, Бојана
AU  - Ђорђевић Мелник, Оливера
AU  - Живановић, Томислав
AU  - Продановић, Славен
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - У раду су приказани резултати селекције индустријских сорти
грашка Института за повртарство, Смедеревска Паланка. У
Институту се, почев од 2000. године, ради нови селекциони програм
који обухвата стварање индустријских сорти грашка, где су махуна и
зрно израженог квалитета, а имају концентрично сазревање због
једнократног убирања, механизованим начином. Створени су нови
генотипови грашка са уграђеним генетским предусловима за висок
принос, крупноћу и квалитет зрна и махуна, као и отпорности према
проузроковачима болести. Новостворени генотипови Галија, СГ-РР-
3 и С Г-РР-6 припадају грашку са нормалном грађом листа и имају
побољшани квалитет, који се препоручује сетвеним програмима код
произвођача који гаје грашак за индустријски начин убирања и
индустријску прераду, конзервирањем и замрзавањем. Генотипови
ЖЖ-7 и Ж Ж-28 припадају афила типу грашка, са врло фином
махуном и зрном прилагођеним за индустријски начин убирања, тј.
сортама без лишћа које уместо лиски поседују витице
(трансформација је условљена деловањем једног рецесивног гена af)
и те сорте су потпуно отпорне на полегање.
AB  - The paper presents the results of selection of industrial pea varieties of
the Institute of Vegetable Crops, Palanka. Since 2000, the Institute has
been working on a new selection program that includes the creation of
industrial varieties of peas, where the pods and grains are of pronounced
quality and have concentric ripening due to one-time harvesting, in a
mechanized manner. New pea genotypes have been created with built-in
genetic preconditions for high yield, size and quality of grains and pods,
as well as resistance to pathogens.The newly created genotypes Galija,
SG-RR-3 and SG-RR-6 belong to peas with normal leaf structure and
have improved quality, which is recommended for sowing programs at
producers who grow peas for industrial harvesting and industrial
processing, canning and freezing. Genotypes ŽŽ-7 and ŽŽ-28 belong to
the pea afylla type, with a very fine pod and grain adapted for the
industrial method of harvesting, ie. varieties without leaves that have
tendrils instead of coots (transformation is conditioned by the action of
one recessive gene af) and these varieties are completely resistant to
PB  - Смедеревска Паланка : Институт за повртарство
C3  - Биотехнологија и савремени приступ у гајењу и оплемењивању биља, научно-стручни скуп са међународним учешћем, Зборник радова, Смедеревска Паланка, 15. децембар
T1  - Селекција индустријских сорти грашка у Институту за повртарство Смедеревска Паланка
T1  - Selection of industrial pea varieties at the Institute for Vegetable Crops Smederevska Palanka
EP  - 128
SP  - 123
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Ђорђевић, Радиша and Цвикић, Дејан and Ђурић, Ненад and Гавриловић, Бојана and Ђорђевић Мелник, Оливера and Живановић, Томислав and Продановић, Славен",
year = "2021",
abstract = "У раду су приказани резултати селекције индустријских сорти
грашка Института за повртарство, Смедеревска Паланка. У
Институту се, почев од 2000. године, ради нови селекциони програм
који обухвата стварање индустријских сорти грашка, где су махуна и
зрно израженог квалитета, а имају концентрично сазревање због
једнократног убирања, механизованим начином. Створени су нови
генотипови грашка са уграђеним генетским предусловима за висок
принос, крупноћу и квалитет зрна и махуна, као и отпорности према
проузроковачима болести. Новостворени генотипови Галија, СГ-РР-
3 и С Г-РР-6 припадају грашку са нормалном грађом листа и имају
побољшани квалитет, који се препоручује сетвеним програмима код
произвођача који гаје грашак за индустријски начин убирања и
индустријску прераду, конзервирањем и замрзавањем. Генотипови
ЖЖ-7 и Ж Ж-28 припадају афила типу грашка, са врло фином
махуном и зрном прилагођеним за индустријски начин убирања, тј.
сортама без лишћа које уместо лиски поседују витице
(трансформација је условљена деловањем једног рецесивног гена af)
и те сорте су потпуно отпорне на полегање., The paper presents the results of selection of industrial pea varieties of
the Institute of Vegetable Crops, Palanka. Since 2000, the Institute has
been working on a new selection program that includes the creation of
industrial varieties of peas, where the pods and grains are of pronounced
quality and have concentric ripening due to one-time harvesting, in a
mechanized manner. New pea genotypes have been created with built-in
genetic preconditions for high yield, size and quality of grains and pods,
as well as resistance to pathogens.The newly created genotypes Galija,
SG-RR-3 and SG-RR-6 belong to peas with normal leaf structure and
have improved quality, which is recommended for sowing programs at
producers who grow peas for industrial harvesting and industrial
processing, canning and freezing. Genotypes ŽŽ-7 and ŽŽ-28 belong to
the pea afylla type, with a very fine pod and grain adapted for the
industrial method of harvesting, ie. varieties without leaves that have
tendrils instead of coots (transformation is conditioned by the action of
one recessive gene af) and these varieties are completely resistant to
publisher = "Смедеревска Паланка : Институт за повртарство",
journal = "Биотехнологија и савремени приступ у гајењу и оплемењивању биља, научно-стручни скуп са међународним учешћем, Зборник радова, Смедеревска Паланка, 15. децембар",
title = "Селекција индустријских сорти грашка у Институту за повртарство Смедеревска Паланка, Selection of industrial pea varieties at the Institute for Vegetable Crops Smederevska Palanka",
pages = "128-123",
url = ""
Ђорђевић, Р., Цвикић, Д., Ђурић, Н., Гавриловић, Б., Ђорђевић Мелник, О., Живановић, Т.,& Продановић, С.. (2021). Селекција индустријских сорти грашка у Институту за повртарство Смедеревска Паланка. in Биотехнологија и савремени приступ у гајењу и оплемењивању биља, научно-стручни скуп са међународним учешћем, Зборник радова, Смедеревска Паланка, 15. децембар
Смедеревска Паланка : Институт за повртарство., 123-128.
Ђорђевић Р, Цвикић Д, Ђурић Н, Гавриловић Б, Ђорђевић Мелник О, Живановић Т, Продановић С. Селекција индустријских сорти грашка у Институту за повртарство Смедеревска Паланка. in Биотехнологија и савремени приступ у гајењу и оплемењивању биља, научно-стручни скуп са међународним учешћем, Зборник радова, Смедеревска Паланка, 15. децембар. 2021;:123-128. .
Ђорђевић, Радиша, Цвикић, Дејан, Ђурић, Ненад, Гавриловић, Бојана, Ђорђевић Мелник, Оливера, Живановић, Томислав, Продановић, Славен, "Селекција индустријских сорти грашка у Институту за повртарство Смедеревска Паланка" in Биотехнологија и савремени приступ у гајењу и оплемењивању биља, научно-стручни скуп са међународним учешћем, Зборник радова, Смедеревска Паланка, 15. децембар (2021):123-128, .

Multivariate analysis of morphological traits and the most important productive traits of wheat in extreme wet conditions

Luković, Kristina; Prodanović, Slaven; Perišić, Vladimir; Milovanović, M.; Perišić, Vesna; Rajicić, Vera; Zečević, Veselinka

(Corvinus Univ Budapest, Budapest, 2020)

AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Milovanović, M.
AU  - Perišić, Vesna
AU  - Rajicić, Vera
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - In these studies, 14 winter wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp vulgare L.) genotypes were analyzed in three localities across the Republic of Serbia. Some morphological and the most important productive traits were analysed in order to determine the relationship between grain yield and these traits in the year with extreme wet conditions during period of intensive wheat development (April-June period). According to our results, period of stem extension, heading and grain filling characterized by lower air temperatures and extremely high rainfall at all three localities, had detrimental effects on the grain filling process. The genotypes KG-191/5-13 and KG-1/6 achieved above average values of the most desirable traits in all three localities, and can be singled out as desirable parents in breeding programs to create new and improved varieties of wheat. Based on the principal component analysis and cluster analysis, two groups of similar genotypes were distinguished. The highest degree of positive correlation was found between diameter of the first internode and diameter of top internode; number of spikelets per spike and number of fertile spikelets per spike; grain mass/spike and grain mass/plant; plant height and length of the top internode.
PB  - Corvinus Univ Budapest, Budapest
T2  - Applied Ecology and Environmental Research
T1  - Multivariate analysis of morphological traits and the most important productive traits of wheat in extreme wet conditions
EP  - 5871
IS  - 4
SP  - 5857
VL  - 18
DO  - 10.15666/aeer/1804_58575871
ER  - 
author = "Luković, Kristina and Prodanović, Slaven and Perišić, Vladimir and Milovanović, M. and Perišić, Vesna and Rajicić, Vera and Zečević, Veselinka",
year = "2020",
abstract = "In these studies, 14 winter wheat (Triticum aestivum ssp vulgare L.) genotypes were analyzed in three localities across the Republic of Serbia. Some morphological and the most important productive traits were analysed in order to determine the relationship between grain yield and these traits in the year with extreme wet conditions during period of intensive wheat development (April-June period). According to our results, period of stem extension, heading and grain filling characterized by lower air temperatures and extremely high rainfall at all three localities, had detrimental effects on the grain filling process. The genotypes KG-191/5-13 and KG-1/6 achieved above average values of the most desirable traits in all three localities, and can be singled out as desirable parents in breeding programs to create new and improved varieties of wheat. Based on the principal component analysis and cluster analysis, two groups of similar genotypes were distinguished. The highest degree of positive correlation was found between diameter of the first internode and diameter of top internode; number of spikelets per spike and number of fertile spikelets per spike; grain mass/spike and grain mass/plant; plant height and length of the top internode.",
publisher = "Corvinus Univ Budapest, Budapest",
journal = "Applied Ecology and Environmental Research",
title = "Multivariate analysis of morphological traits and the most important productive traits of wheat in extreme wet conditions",
pages = "5871-5857",
number = "4",
volume = "18",
doi = "10.15666/aeer/1804_58575871"
Luković, K., Prodanović, S., Perišić, V., Milovanović, M., Perišić, V., Rajicić, V.,& Zečević, V.. (2020). Multivariate analysis of morphological traits and the most important productive traits of wheat in extreme wet conditions. in Applied Ecology and Environmental Research
Corvinus Univ Budapest, Budapest., 18(4), 5857-5871.
Luković K, Prodanović S, Perišić V, Milovanović M, Perišić V, Rajicić V, Zečević V. Multivariate analysis of morphological traits and the most important productive traits of wheat in extreme wet conditions. in Applied Ecology and Environmental Research. 2020;18(4):5857-5871.
doi:10.15666/aeer/1804_58575871 .
Luković, Kristina, Prodanović, Slaven, Perišić, Vladimir, Milovanović, M., Perišić, Vesna, Rajicić, Vera, Zečević, Veselinka, "Multivariate analysis of morphological traits and the most important productive traits of wheat in extreme wet conditions" in Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 18, no. 4 (2020):5857-5871, . .

Correlation-Regression Analysis of Morphological-Production Traits of Wheat Varieties

Đurić, Nenad; Prodanović, Slaven; Branković, Gordana; Đekić, Vera; Cvijanović, Gorica; Žilić, Slađana; Dragičević, Vesna; Zečević, Veselinka; Dozet, Gordana

(Ars Docendi, Bucharest, 2018)

AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Đekić, Vera
AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
AU  - Žilić, Slađana
AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Dozet, Gordana
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The investigation of three wheat varieties (PKB Talas, BG Merkur and PKB Lepoklasa) carried out at experimental field and laboratory of Institute PKB Agroekonomik, during two years 2009 and 2010. Correlations between morphological and production traits of plants number of shoots, number of spikelets per spike, number of grains per spike, 1000 grain weight and grain weight per spike, were studied. Correlations were observed separately for three Institute PKB Agroekonomik varieties. The manner of preparing data for calculating correlations influences obtained correlation values, and these values can differ substantially. Correlations calculated based on aggregated data are higher than those based on all data. Correlations differ for different varieties, which is logical, because each variety has a different genotype and specific genes forming various interactions. Taking into account all three varieties, high and positive correlations were found between: number of grains per spike and grain weight per spike (>0.78), number of spikelets per spike and number of grains per spike (>0.79), and number of spikelets per spike and grain weight per spike (>0.73).
PB  - Ars Docendi, Bucharest
T2  - Romanian Biotechnological Letters
T1  - Correlation-Regression Analysis of Morphological-Production Traits of Wheat Varieties
EP  - 13465
IS  - 2
SP  - 13457
VL  - 23
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Đurić, Nenad and Prodanović, Slaven and Branković, Gordana and Đekić, Vera and Cvijanović, Gorica and Žilić, Slađana and Dragičević, Vesna and Zečević, Veselinka and Dozet, Gordana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The investigation of three wheat varieties (PKB Talas, BG Merkur and PKB Lepoklasa) carried out at experimental field and laboratory of Institute PKB Agroekonomik, during two years 2009 and 2010. Correlations between morphological and production traits of plants number of shoots, number of spikelets per spike, number of grains per spike, 1000 grain weight and grain weight per spike, were studied. Correlations were observed separately for three Institute PKB Agroekonomik varieties. The manner of preparing data for calculating correlations influences obtained correlation values, and these values can differ substantially. Correlations calculated based on aggregated data are higher than those based on all data. Correlations differ for different varieties, which is logical, because each variety has a different genotype and specific genes forming various interactions. Taking into account all three varieties, high and positive correlations were found between: number of grains per spike and grain weight per spike (>0.78), number of spikelets per spike and number of grains per spike (>0.79), and number of spikelets per spike and grain weight per spike (>0.73).",
publisher = "Ars Docendi, Bucharest",
journal = "Romanian Biotechnological Letters",
title = "Correlation-Regression Analysis of Morphological-Production Traits of Wheat Varieties",
pages = "13465-13457",
number = "2",
volume = "23",
url = ""
Đurić, N., Prodanović, S., Branković, G., Đekić, V., Cvijanović, G., Žilić, S., Dragičević, V., Zečević, V.,& Dozet, G.. (2018). Correlation-Regression Analysis of Morphological-Production Traits of Wheat Varieties. in Romanian Biotechnological Letters
Ars Docendi, Bucharest., 23(2), 13457-13465.
Đurić N, Prodanović S, Branković G, Đekić V, Cvijanović G, Žilić S, Dragičević V, Zečević V, Dozet G. Correlation-Regression Analysis of Morphological-Production Traits of Wheat Varieties. in Romanian Biotechnological Letters. 2018;23(2):13457-13465. .
Đurić, Nenad, Prodanović, Slaven, Branković, Gordana, Đekić, Vera, Cvijanović, Gorica, Žilić, Slađana, Dragičević, Vesna, Zečević, Veselinka, Dozet, Gordana, "Correlation-Regression Analysis of Morphological-Production Traits of Wheat Varieties" in Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 23, no. 2 (2018):13457-13465, .

Effect of growing season and genotype on winter wheat quality

Luković, Kristina; Zečević, Veselinka; Prodanović, Slaven; Milivojević, Jelena; Đekić, Vera

(Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2017)

AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Milivojević, Jelena
AU  - Đekić, Vera
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - In this study, 11 winter wheat cultivars (KG-56S, Toplica, Perfekta, Takovčaka, Aleksandra,
Vizija, Planeta, Kruna, Harmonija, Rujna and Premija) were investigated. The research was
conducted in experimental field of the Centre for Small Grains Kragujevac (Serbia) during
two growing seasons (2012/13, 2013/14). Variability of bread-making quality properties
(sedimentation value and wet gluten content) was investigated. Quality components depended
significantly upon genotype and environment factors. For a two-year average, sedimentation
value varied from 23.33 ml (Premija) to 33.33 ml (Aleksandra, Planeta and Harmonija). The
analyses of variance showed highly significant differences in sedimentation values between
genotypes (F=244.273**), investigated years (F=717.176**), as well as their interaction
(F=50.767**). The highest wet gluten content on average was established at KG-56S cultivar
(39.63 %) and the lowest at Kruna (27.92 %). There were highly significant differences in the
wet gluten content among genotypes (F=81.622**), investigated years (F=816.569**), as well
as their interaction (F=25.974**). The analysis of phenotypic variance indicated that the
highest impact of variance for sedimentation value belonged to genotype, while the highest
impact of variance for wet gluten content belonged to year.
PB  - Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet
C3  - Book of Proceedings : VIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2017", Jahorina, October 05 - 08,
T1  - Effect of growing season and genotype on winter wheat quality
EP  - 542
SP  - 536
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Luković, Kristina and Zečević, Veselinka and Prodanović, Slaven and Milivojević, Jelena and Đekić, Vera",
year = "2017",
abstract = "In this study, 11 winter wheat cultivars (KG-56S, Toplica, Perfekta, Takovčaka, Aleksandra,
Vizija, Planeta, Kruna, Harmonija, Rujna and Premija) were investigated. The research was
conducted in experimental field of the Centre for Small Grains Kragujevac (Serbia) during
two growing seasons (2012/13, 2013/14). Variability of bread-making quality properties
(sedimentation value and wet gluten content) was investigated. Quality components depended
significantly upon genotype and environment factors. For a two-year average, sedimentation
value varied from 23.33 ml (Premija) to 33.33 ml (Aleksandra, Planeta and Harmonija). The
analyses of variance showed highly significant differences in sedimentation values between
genotypes (F=244.273**), investigated years (F=717.176**), as well as their interaction
(F=50.767**). The highest wet gluten content on average was established at KG-56S cultivar
(39.63 %) and the lowest at Kruna (27.92 %). There were highly significant differences in the
wet gluten content among genotypes (F=81.622**), investigated years (F=816.569**), as well
as their interaction (F=25.974**). The analysis of phenotypic variance indicated that the
highest impact of variance for sedimentation value belonged to genotype, while the highest
impact of variance for wet gluten content belonged to year.",
publisher = "Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet",
journal = "Book of Proceedings : VIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2017", Jahorina, October 05 - 08,",
title = "Effect of growing season and genotype on winter wheat quality",
pages = "542-536",
url = ""
Luković, K., Zečević, V., Prodanović, S., Milivojević, J.,& Đekić, V.. (2017). Effect of growing season and genotype on winter wheat quality. in Book of Proceedings : VIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2017", Jahorina, October 05 - 08,
Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet., 536-542.
Luković K, Zečević V, Prodanović S, Milivojević J, Đekić V. Effect of growing season and genotype on winter wheat quality. in Book of Proceedings : VIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2017", Jahorina, October 05 - 08,. 2017;:536-542. .
Luković, Kristina, Zečević, Veselinka, Prodanović, Slaven, Milivojević, Jelena, Đekić, Vera, "Effect of growing season and genotype on winter wheat quality" in Book of Proceedings : VIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2017", Jahorina, October 05 - 08, (2017):536-542, .

General combining ability analysis of sex expression, fruit and seed characteristics in melon (Cucumis melo L.)

Girek, Zdenka; Prodanović, Slaven; Pavlović, Suzana; Adžić, Slađan; Đorđević, Mladen; Damnjanović, Jelena; Zečević, Bogoljub

(Maribor : University of Maribor Press, 2017)

AU  - Girek, Zdenka
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Pavlović, Suzana
AU  - Adžić, Slađan
AU  - Đorđević, Mladen
AU  - Damnjanović, Jelena
AU  - Zečević, Bogoljub
PY  - 2017
UR  -
AB  - Melon is the most diverse species of the genus Cucumis, which is characterized by a rich diversity of shape, color and size of the fruit. This study has been conducted in order to select melon genotypes that will be used as starting material in melon breeding programs. Determination of general combining ability (GCA) is important for facilitating the selection of parents from which it is possible to get good commercial hybrids. Four monoecious genotypes (Sesame, ED-3, ED-4, Pobeditel) and 5 andromonoecious genotypes (Chinese muskmelon, Anannas, Fiata, Honey dew, A2-3lb) have been crossed (partial diallel design without reciprocal crosses) and used in the experiment. Andromonoecious lines were used only as pollen donors. The experiment was conducted during two vegetative seasons (2010 and 2011) in the experimental plots of the Institute for Vegetable Crops in Smederevska Palanka, Serbia (latitude 44°21’24.79’’N, longitude 20°56’55.70’’E, altitude 103 m). Fourteen melon characteristics were analyzed of which five related to flowering and sex expression, seven fruit, and two seed characteristics. According to the results, best general combiner for all five characteristics of sex expression was monoecious cultivar Sesame. In addition, great general combiner was A2-3lb, line that is characterized with extra small sized fruits. The best general combiner for the most observed fruit characteristics was cultivar Pobeditel, while the poorest combiner was genotype ED-3. If the aim of melon breeding will be to create hybrids with large fruit length, width, and weight - cultivar Pobeditel should be used. In this study, this cultivar has the largest, positive value of GCA, which is significant at the 0.01 level. The opposite, if the aim will be to create smaller melon hybrids with small fruit length, width and weight than genotype ED-3 should be used, which had the lowest value of GCA for this characteristics. Best general combiner for seeds weight and number of seeds is also cultivar Pobeditel.
PB  - Maribor : University of Maribor Press
C3  - Book Of Abstracts VII South-Eastern Europe Syposium on Vegetables & Potatoes, Maribor, Slovenia
T1  - General combining ability analysis of sex expression, fruit and seed characteristics in melon (Cucumis melo L.)
SP  - 74
DO  - 10.18690/978-961-286-045-5.52
ER  - 
author = "Girek, Zdenka and Prodanović, Slaven and Pavlović, Suzana and Adžić, Slađan and Đorđević, Mladen and Damnjanović, Jelena and Zečević, Bogoljub",
year = "2017",
abstract = "Melon is the most diverse species of the genus Cucumis, which is characterized by a rich diversity of shape, color and size of the fruit. This study has been conducted in order to select melon genotypes that will be used as starting material in melon breeding programs. Determination of general combining ability (GCA) is important for facilitating the selection of parents from which it is possible to get good commercial hybrids. Four monoecious genotypes (Sesame, ED-3, ED-4, Pobeditel) and 5 andromonoecious genotypes (Chinese muskmelon, Anannas, Fiata, Honey dew, A2-3lb) have been crossed (partial diallel design without reciprocal crosses) and used in the experiment. Andromonoecious lines were used only as pollen donors. The experiment was conducted during two vegetative seasons (2010 and 2011) in the experimental plots of the Institute for Vegetable Crops in Smederevska Palanka, Serbia (latitude 44°21’24.79’’N, longitude 20°56’55.70’’E, altitude 103 m). Fourteen melon characteristics were analyzed of which five related to flowering and sex expression, seven fruit, and two seed characteristics. According to the results, best general combiner for all five characteristics of sex expression was monoecious cultivar Sesame. In addition, great general combiner was A2-3lb, line that is characterized with extra small sized fruits. The best general combiner for the most observed fruit characteristics was cultivar Pobeditel, while the poorest combiner was genotype ED-3. If the aim of melon breeding will be to create hybrids with large fruit length, width, and weight - cultivar Pobeditel should be used. In this study, this cultivar has the largest, positive value of GCA, which is significant at the 0.01 level. The opposite, if the aim will be to create smaller melon hybrids with small fruit length, width and weight than genotype ED-3 should be used, which had the lowest value of GCA for this characteristics. Best general combiner for seeds weight and number of seeds is also cultivar Pobeditel.",
publisher = "Maribor : University of Maribor Press",
journal = "Book Of Abstracts VII South-Eastern Europe Syposium on Vegetables & Potatoes, Maribor, Slovenia",
title = "General combining ability analysis of sex expression, fruit and seed characteristics in melon (Cucumis melo L.)",
pages = "74",
doi = "10.18690/978-961-286-045-5.52"
Girek, Z., Prodanović, S., Pavlović, S., Adžić, S., Đorđević, M., Damnjanović, J.,& Zečević, B.. (2017). General combining ability analysis of sex expression, fruit and seed characteristics in melon (Cucumis melo L.). in Book Of Abstracts VII South-Eastern Europe Syposium on Vegetables & Potatoes, Maribor, Slovenia
Maribor : University of Maribor Press., 74.
Girek Z, Prodanović S, Pavlović S, Adžić S, Đorđević M, Damnjanović J, Zečević B. General combining ability analysis of sex expression, fruit and seed characteristics in melon (Cucumis melo L.). in Book Of Abstracts VII South-Eastern Europe Syposium on Vegetables & Potatoes, Maribor, Slovenia. 2017;:74.
doi:10.18690/978-961-286-045-5.52 .
Girek, Zdenka, Prodanović, Slaven, Pavlović, Suzana, Adžić, Slađan, Đorđević, Mladen, Damnjanović, Jelena, Zečević, Bogoljub, "General combining ability analysis of sex expression, fruit and seed characteristics in melon (Cucumis melo L.)" in Book Of Abstracts VII South-Eastern Europe Syposium on Vegetables & Potatoes, Maribor, Slovenia (2017):74, . .

Effect of growing seasons on some quality properties of winter wheat genotypes

Luković, Kristina; Milovanović, Milivoje; Zečević, Veselinka; Prodanović, Slaven; Bratković, Kamenko

(Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2016)

AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Milovanović, Milivoje
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Bratković, Kamenko
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - In this research, 16 genotypes of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were analyzed where 15
genotypes represent perspective lines created in Center for Small Grains in Kragujevac and one
standard cultivar. Field experiment was conducted in three growing seasons (2012/13, 2013/14
and 2014/15) on the experimental field of Center for Small Grains in Kragujevac (Serbia). Some
grain quality parameters (hectoliter weight and 1000 grain weight) were analyzed in this paper. In
average for three years, values of hectoliter weight varied from 76.65 kg hl-1 (KG-60-3/3) to
80.05 kg hl-1 (KG-1/6). The analyses of variance showed highly significant differences in
hectoliter weight between genotypes (F=4.554**) and investigated years (F=150.082 **), but
interaction genotype x year was significant (F=1.629*). The highest values of 1000 grains
weight expressed line KG- 52/23 (46.75 g) and the lowest line KG-28/6 (39.90 g). Compared to
the standard cultivar Pobeda, 10 genotypes had higher values of 1000 grains weight. There were
highly significant differences in the weight of 1000 grains among genotypes (F=25.011**),
investigated years (F=117.267**), as well as their interaction (F=8.684**).
PB  - Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet
C3  - Book of Proceedings : VII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2016", Jahorina, October 06 - 09
T1  - Effect of growing seasons on some quality properties of winter wheat genotypes
EP  - 826
SP  - 821
DO  - 10.7251/AGRENG1607119
ER  - 
author = "Luković, Kristina and Milovanović, Milivoje and Zečević, Veselinka and Prodanović, Slaven and Bratković, Kamenko",
year = "2016",
abstract = "In this research, 16 genotypes of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were analyzed where 15
genotypes represent perspective lines created in Center for Small Grains in Kragujevac and one
standard cultivar. Field experiment was conducted in three growing seasons (2012/13, 2013/14
and 2014/15) on the experimental field of Center for Small Grains in Kragujevac (Serbia). Some
grain quality parameters (hectoliter weight and 1000 grain weight) were analyzed in this paper. In
average for three years, values of hectoliter weight varied from 76.65 kg hl-1 (KG-60-3/3) to
80.05 kg hl-1 (KG-1/6). The analyses of variance showed highly significant differences in
hectoliter weight between genotypes (F=4.554**) and investigated years (F=150.082 **), but
interaction genotype x year was significant (F=1.629*). The highest values of 1000 grains
weight expressed line KG- 52/23 (46.75 g) and the lowest line KG-28/6 (39.90 g). Compared to
the standard cultivar Pobeda, 10 genotypes had higher values of 1000 grains weight. There were
highly significant differences in the weight of 1000 grains among genotypes (F=25.011**),
investigated years (F=117.267**), as well as their interaction (F=8.684**).",
publisher = "Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet",
journal = "Book of Proceedings : VII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2016", Jahorina, October 06 - 09",
title = "Effect of growing seasons on some quality properties of winter wheat genotypes",
pages = "826-821",
doi = "10.7251/AGRENG1607119"
Luković, K., Milovanović, M., Zečević, V., Prodanović, S.,& Bratković, K.. (2016). Effect of growing seasons on some quality properties of winter wheat genotypes. in Book of Proceedings : VII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2016", Jahorina, October 06 - 09
Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet., 821-826.
Luković K, Milovanović M, Zečević V, Prodanović S, Bratković K. Effect of growing seasons on some quality properties of winter wheat genotypes. in Book of Proceedings : VII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2016", Jahorina, October 06 - 09. 2016;:821-826.
doi:10.7251/AGRENG1607119 .
Luković, Kristina, Milovanović, Milivoje, Zečević, Veselinka, Prodanović, Slaven, Bratković, Kamenko, "Effect of growing seasons on some quality properties of winter wheat genotypes" in Book of Proceedings : VII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2016", Jahorina, October 06 - 09 (2016):821-826, . .

Seed yield and seed yield components in melon genotypes with the different sex forms

Girek, Zdenka; Prodanović, Slaven; Vučković, Savo; Pavlović, Suzana; Ugrinović, Milan; Adžić, Slađan; Zečević, Bogoljub

(Ryazan : Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production of the Ryazan region, 2016)

AU  - Girek, Zdenka
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Vučković, Savo
AU  - Pavlović, Suzana
AU  - Ugrinović, Milan
AU  - Adžić, Slađan
AU  - Zečević, Bogoljub
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - Melon seeds are rich in oil contents while linoleic fatty acid is the most prevalent fatty acid in melon oil. In this work we have studied seed yield and seed yield components of 19 melon genotypes with the different sex forms. About two third of the commercial varieties of melon in the world are andromonoecious and one third is monoecious. In our experiments, we have crossed three monoecious (M) and four andromonoecious (A) melon varieties. Twelve MxA F1 hybrids were produced, and then analyzed for four seed yield components: number of seeds per fruit, single seed weight, total seed weight per fruit and number of fruits per plant. Seed yield per hectare was calculated on the base of the seed yield per plant. The highest seed yield was recorded in F1 monoecious genotype Pobeditel x A2-3lb (483.04 kg/ha).
PB  - Ryazan : Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production of the Ryazan region
PB  - Ryazan : Ministry of Industry, Innovation and Information Technologies of the Ryazan region
PB  - Ryazan : Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ryazan State Agrotechnology"
C3  - Theoretical and Practical Aspects of oil and ether oil crops production and processing technologies
T1  - Seed yield and seed yield components in melon genotypes with the different sex forms
EP  - 56
SP  - 52
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Girek, Zdenka and Prodanović, Slaven and Vučković, Savo and Pavlović, Suzana and Ugrinović, Milan and Adžić, Slađan and Zečević, Bogoljub",
year = "2016",
abstract = "Melon seeds are rich in oil contents while linoleic fatty acid is the most prevalent fatty acid in melon oil. In this work we have studied seed yield and seed yield components of 19 melon genotypes with the different sex forms. About two third of the commercial varieties of melon in the world are andromonoecious and one third is monoecious. In our experiments, we have crossed three monoecious (M) and four andromonoecious (A) melon varieties. Twelve MxA F1 hybrids were produced, and then analyzed for four seed yield components: number of seeds per fruit, single seed weight, total seed weight per fruit and number of fruits per plant. Seed yield per hectare was calculated on the base of the seed yield per plant. The highest seed yield was recorded in F1 monoecious genotype Pobeditel x A2-3lb (483.04 kg/ha).",
publisher = "Ryazan : Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production of the Ryazan region, Ryazan : Ministry of Industry, Innovation and Information Technologies of the Ryazan region, Ryazan : Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ryazan State Agrotechnology"",
journal = "Theoretical and Practical Aspects of oil and ether oil crops production and processing technologies",
title = "Seed yield and seed yield components in melon genotypes with the different sex forms",
pages = "56-52",
url = ""
Girek, Z., Prodanović, S., Vučković, S., Pavlović, S., Ugrinović, M., Adžić, S.,& Zečević, B.. (2016). Seed yield and seed yield components in melon genotypes with the different sex forms. in Theoretical and Practical Aspects of oil and ether oil crops production and processing technologies
Ryazan : Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production of the Ryazan region., 52-56.
Girek Z, Prodanović S, Vučković S, Pavlović S, Ugrinović M, Adžić S, Zečević B. Seed yield and seed yield components in melon genotypes with the different sex forms. in Theoretical and Practical Aspects of oil and ether oil crops production and processing technologies. 2016;:52-56. .
Girek, Zdenka, Prodanović, Slaven, Vučković, Savo, Pavlović, Suzana, Ugrinović, Milan, Adžić, Slađan, Zečević, Bogoljub, "Seed yield and seed yield components in melon genotypes with the different sex forms" in Theoretical and Practical Aspects of oil and ether oil crops production and processing technologies (2016):52-56, .

Kupus glaviĉar (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) u uslovima života uljane repice (Brassica napus L.) u cilju postizajna ekonomiĉne proizvodnje semena

Adžić, Slađan; Prodanović, Slaven; Girek, Zdenka; Pavlović, Suzana; Zdravković, Jasmina; Pavlović, Nenad; Zečević, Bogoljub

(Beograd : Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, 2015)

AU  - Adžić, Slađan
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Girek, Zdenka
AU  - Pavlović, Suzana
AU  - Zdravković, Jasmina
AU  - Pavlović, Nenad
AU  - Zečević, Bogoljub
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Ekonomiĉna proizvodnja semena u uslovima kontinentalnog klimata kod kupusa glaviĉara moguća je korišćenjem vernalizacionog puta cvetanja. Cilj ovakvog naĉina proizvodnje semena jeste izbegavanje jedne etape organogeneze, u ţivotnom ciklusu kupusa, koja je neotporna na zimske uslove – formiranje glavice. Ekspresija genareproduktivnih organa kod uljane repice indukovana je niskim pozitivnim temperaturama u izvesnom trajanju, što primenom na kupusu dovodi do narušavanja bienialnosti (dvogodišnjeg ţivotnog cilkusa vrste). Kvalitativnim RT-PCR-om je dokazano da je FLC repressor cvetanja prisutan i kod kupusa kao i kod uljane repice. Setvom kupusa glaviĉara u datumima setve za uljanu repicu dobijen je stabilan prinos semena. U cilju unapreĊenja proizvodnje semena „iz vernalizacije“ u Institutu za povrtarstvo iz Smederevske Palanke postavljen je ĉetvorofaktorski poljski ogled sa tri genotipa: dva su prilagoĊena uslovima srednjedugog dana (Scc i B) dok je jedan introdukovana sorta sa severa Evrope iz uslova dugog dana (N) i od njih je dialelnim ukrštanjem seleckonisano tri F1 hibrida (SccxB, SccxN, BxN). Ogled je izvoĊen u tri temperaturno razliĉite sezone (2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13). U cilju postizanja razliĉitog vegetativnog stadijuma rasada setva je vršena u tri roka setve: 15. avgust, 1. septembar i 15. septembar. RasaĊivanje je vršeno 20. oktobra. Ogled je postavljen in vivo u kontrolnoj verziji i u tretmanu giberelinskom kiselinom. Uticaj: sezone, genotipa, roka setve kao i tretmana giberelinom pokazao se statistiĉki znaĉajnim na komponente prinosa kao i sam prinos i kvalitet semena. U temperaturno hladnoj sezoni, prinos semena bio je nizak (biološko odrţavanje vrste), dok je najveći prinos semena (2977 kg/ha) ostvario SccxB F1 hibrid u trećoj – toploj (2012/13) sezoni istraţivanja u prvom roku setve (15. avgust). Isti, SccxB F1, hybrid ostvario je najveći heterozis u prinosu semena (189,27%) u odnosu na roditeljski prosek. Najviše vrednosti klijavosti semena konstatovane su kod genotipa Scc (91%) u prvoj proseĉno hladnoj sezoni (2010/11). Regulacija ekspresije gena cvetanja primenom vernalizacije, na osnovu postavljenog ogleda in vivo, moguća je i u agronomskom smislu, ĉime se nauĉna saznanja dobijena in vitro ogledima, vezana za process vernalizacije, mogu primeniti i u stabilnom i ekonomiĉnom semenarstvu kod kupusa glaviĉara u našim klimatskim uslovima.
AB  - In order to research a possible practical exploitation of vernalization flowering pathway (which is typical for rapeseed) in terms of economical production of seeds of head cabbage was created three-year four-factorial field experiment using a randomized block design with 4 replications, and with 6 genotypes in three sowing dates. During overwintering, on two occasions, half of the plants in the trial were treated with gibberellic acid (300 ppm). ANOVA showed a statistically significant effect of all mentioned factors on the observed properties: overwintering (%), vernalization (%), seed yield (kg/ha) and seed germination (%). Using qualitative RT-PCR we found that FLC repressor of flowering is present in cabbage as well as in rapeseed. The highest seed yield (2977 kg/ha) was achieved by SccxB hybrid in the third - warm (2012/13) season of research, in the first sowing date. The highest value of seed germination was found in genotype Scc (91%), in the first, average cold season (2010/11).
PB  - Beograd : Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije
PB  - Beograd : Privredna komora Srbije
C3  - Zbornik apstrakata VIII nauĉno-struĉnog skupa iz selekcije i semenarstva društva selekcionera i semenara republike srbije „Genetički resursi, oplemenjivanje i semenarstvo u poljoprivredi Srbije-stanje i perspektive“
T1  - Kupus glaviĉar (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) u uslovima života uljane repice (Brassica napus L.) u cilju postizajna ekonomiĉne proizvodnje semena
T1  - Head cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) in terms of life of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) in order to achieve economical seed production
EP  - 2
SP  - 1
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Adžić, Slađan and Prodanović, Slaven and Girek, Zdenka and Pavlović, Suzana and Zdravković, Jasmina and Pavlović, Nenad and Zečević, Bogoljub",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Ekonomiĉna proizvodnja semena u uslovima kontinentalnog klimata kod kupusa glaviĉara moguća je korišćenjem vernalizacionog puta cvetanja. Cilj ovakvog naĉina proizvodnje semena jeste izbegavanje jedne etape organogeneze, u ţivotnom ciklusu kupusa, koja je neotporna na zimske uslove – formiranje glavice. Ekspresija genareproduktivnih organa kod uljane repice indukovana je niskim pozitivnim temperaturama u izvesnom trajanju, što primenom na kupusu dovodi do narušavanja bienialnosti (dvogodišnjeg ţivotnog cilkusa vrste). Kvalitativnim RT-PCR-om je dokazano da je FLC repressor cvetanja prisutan i kod kupusa kao i kod uljane repice. Setvom kupusa glaviĉara u datumima setve za uljanu repicu dobijen je stabilan prinos semena. U cilju unapreĊenja proizvodnje semena „iz vernalizacije“ u Institutu za povrtarstvo iz Smederevske Palanke postavljen je ĉetvorofaktorski poljski ogled sa tri genotipa: dva su prilagoĊena uslovima srednjedugog dana (Scc i B) dok je jedan introdukovana sorta sa severa Evrope iz uslova dugog dana (N) i od njih je dialelnim ukrštanjem seleckonisano tri F1 hibrida (SccxB, SccxN, BxN). Ogled je izvoĊen u tri temperaturno razliĉite sezone (2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13). U cilju postizanja razliĉitog vegetativnog stadijuma rasada setva je vršena u tri roka setve: 15. avgust, 1. septembar i 15. septembar. RasaĊivanje je vršeno 20. oktobra. Ogled je postavljen in vivo u kontrolnoj verziji i u tretmanu giberelinskom kiselinom. Uticaj: sezone, genotipa, roka setve kao i tretmana giberelinom pokazao se statistiĉki znaĉajnim na komponente prinosa kao i sam prinos i kvalitet semena. U temperaturno hladnoj sezoni, prinos semena bio je nizak (biološko odrţavanje vrste), dok je najveći prinos semena (2977 kg/ha) ostvario SccxB F1 hibrid u trećoj – toploj (2012/13) sezoni istraţivanja u prvom roku setve (15. avgust). Isti, SccxB F1, hybrid ostvario je najveći heterozis u prinosu semena (189,27%) u odnosu na roditeljski prosek. Najviše vrednosti klijavosti semena konstatovane su kod genotipa Scc (91%) u prvoj proseĉno hladnoj sezoni (2010/11). Regulacija ekspresije gena cvetanja primenom vernalizacije, na osnovu postavljenog ogleda in vivo, moguća je i u agronomskom smislu, ĉime se nauĉna saznanja dobijena in vitro ogledima, vezana za process vernalizacije, mogu primeniti i u stabilnom i ekonomiĉnom semenarstvu kod kupusa glaviĉara u našim klimatskim uslovima., In order to research a possible practical exploitation of vernalization flowering pathway (which is typical for rapeseed) in terms of economical production of seeds of head cabbage was created three-year four-factorial field experiment using a randomized block design with 4 replications, and with 6 genotypes in three sowing dates. During overwintering, on two occasions, half of the plants in the trial were treated with gibberellic acid (300 ppm). ANOVA showed a statistically significant effect of all mentioned factors on the observed properties: overwintering (%), vernalization (%), seed yield (kg/ha) and seed germination (%). Using qualitative RT-PCR we found that FLC repressor of flowering is present in cabbage as well as in rapeseed. The highest seed yield (2977 kg/ha) was achieved by SccxB hybrid in the third - warm (2012/13) season of research, in the first sowing date. The highest value of seed germination was found in genotype Scc (91%), in the first, average cold season (2010/11).",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, Beograd : Privredna komora Srbije",
journal = "Zbornik apstrakata VIII nauĉno-struĉnog skupa iz selekcije i semenarstva društva selekcionera i semenara republike srbije „Genetički resursi, oplemenjivanje i semenarstvo u poljoprivredi Srbije-stanje i perspektive“",
title = "Kupus glaviĉar (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) u uslovima života uljane repice (Brassica napus L.) u cilju postizajna ekonomiĉne proizvodnje semena, Head cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) in terms of life of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) in order to achieve economical seed production",
pages = "2-1",
url = ""
Adžić, S., Prodanović, S., Girek, Z., Pavlović, S., Zdravković, J., Pavlović, N.,& Zečević, B.. (2015). Kupus glaviĉar (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) u uslovima života uljane repice (Brassica napus L.) u cilju postizajna ekonomiĉne proizvodnje semena. in Zbornik apstrakata VIII nauĉno-struĉnog skupa iz selekcije i semenarstva društva selekcionera i semenara republike srbije „Genetički resursi, oplemenjivanje i semenarstvo u poljoprivredi Srbije-stanje i perspektive“
Beograd : Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije., 1-2.
Adžić S, Prodanović S, Girek Z, Pavlović S, Zdravković J, Pavlović N, Zečević B. Kupus glaviĉar (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) u uslovima života uljane repice (Brassica napus L.) u cilju postizajna ekonomiĉne proizvodnje semena. in Zbornik apstrakata VIII nauĉno-struĉnog skupa iz selekcije i semenarstva društva selekcionera i semenara republike srbije „Genetički resursi, oplemenjivanje i semenarstvo u poljoprivredi Srbije-stanje i perspektive“. 2015;:1-2. .
Adžić, Slađan, Prodanović, Slaven, Girek, Zdenka, Pavlović, Suzana, Zdravković, Jasmina, Pavlović, Nenad, Zečević, Bogoljub, "Kupus glaviĉar (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) u uslovima života uljane repice (Brassica napus L.) u cilju postizajna ekonomiĉne proizvodnje semena" in Zbornik apstrakata VIII nauĉno-struĉnog skupa iz selekcije i semenarstva društva selekcionera i semenara republike srbije „Genetički resursi, oplemenjivanje i semenarstvo u poljoprivredi Srbije-stanje i perspektive“ (2015):1-2, .

Comparisons of fruit and seed yield among species of the family Cucurbitaceae grown on the vertisol

Girek, Zdenka; Prodanović, Slaven; Ugrinović, Milan; Krstonijević-Živanović, Nina; Živanović, Tomislav; Vučković, Savo; Zečević, Bogoljub

(Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela, 2015)

AU  - Girek, Zdenka
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Ugrinović, Milan
AU  - Krstonijević-Živanović, Nina
AU  - Živanović, Tomislav
AU  - Vučković, Savo
AU  - Zečević, Bogoljub
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - In this paper was compared average fruit and seed yields of different varieties grown on the vertisol belonging to five species of the family Cucurbitaceae (melon, watermelon, summer squash, winter squash, butternut squah) based on the two-year data (2010 and 2011). Five genotypes of melon (Sezam, Cerovaca, Galia, Charentais, Ananas), five genotypes of watermelon (Crimson sweet, Top gun, Greybelle, Fantasy, Rosa), five genotypes of summer squash (Ezra, Opal, Beogradska, Fina, Romanesco), three genotypes of winter squash (Sedef, Domaća bela, Plovdivska siva) and two genotypes of butternut squash (Nektar, L2706) were used. The experiment was set up in Smederevska Palanka. After the production of seedlings in the greenhouse of the Institute for vegetable crops, plants were transfered and planted in the open field. Two characteristics were observed: fruit yield per hectare and seed yield per hectare. The main objective of this study was to identify the genotypes which could be recommended for the production on vertisol. Very significant differences of fruit and seed yield per hectare were found between the genotypes and years for melon, watermelon, summer squash and winter squash. The highest average fruit yield was recorded for genotypes: Cerovaca (melon), Fantasy (watermelon), Fina (summer squash), Plovdivska siva (winter squash) and L2706 (butternut squash).
AB  - Poređenje prosečnih prinosa ploda i semena razlicitih sorti gajenih na zemljištu tipa smonice u okviru pet vrsta iz familije Cucurbitaceae (dinje, lubenice, tikvice, tikve i muskatne tikvice) je izvršeno na osnovu podataka dvogodišnjeg ogleda (2010 i 2011). Korišćeno je 5 genotipova dinje (Sezam, Cerovaca, Galia, Charentais, Ananas), 5 genotipova lubenice (Crimson sweet, Top gun, Greybelle, Fantasy, Rosa), 5 genotipova tikvice (Ezra, Opal, Beogradska, Fina, Romanesco), 3 genotipa tikve (Sedef, Domaća bela, Plovdivska siva) i 2 genotipa muskatne tikvice (Nektar, L2706). Ogled je postavljen u Smederevskoj Palanci. Nakon proizvodnje rasada u staklenoj bašti Instituta za povrtarstvo izvršeno je rasađivanja biljaka na otvoreno polje. Posmatrane su dve osobine: prinos ploda po hektaru i prinos semena po hektaru. Osnovni cilj rada je bio da se odrede genotipovi koji bi mogli da se preporuče za gajenje na zemljištu tipa smonica. Utvrđene su veoma značajne razlike prinosa ploda i semena po hektaru između posmatranih genotipova i godina kod dinje, lubenice, tikvice i tikve. Najveći prosečni prinos ploda zabeležen je kod genotipova Cerovaca (dinja), Fantasy (lubenica), Fina (tikvica), Plovdivska siva (tikva) i L2706 (muskatna tikvica).
PB  - Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
T2  - Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
T1  - Comparisons of fruit and seed yield among species of the family Cucurbitaceae grown on the vertisol
T1  - Poređenja prinosa plodova i semena kod vrsta iz familije cucurbitaceae gajenih na smonici
EP  - 114
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 107
VL  - 21
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Girek, Zdenka and Prodanović, Slaven and Ugrinović, Milan and Krstonijević-Živanović, Nina and Živanović, Tomislav and Vučković, Savo and Zečević, Bogoljub",
year = "2015",
abstract = "In this paper was compared average fruit and seed yields of different varieties grown on the vertisol belonging to five species of the family Cucurbitaceae (melon, watermelon, summer squash, winter squash, butternut squah) based on the two-year data (2010 and 2011). Five genotypes of melon (Sezam, Cerovaca, Galia, Charentais, Ananas), five genotypes of watermelon (Crimson sweet, Top gun, Greybelle, Fantasy, Rosa), five genotypes of summer squash (Ezra, Opal, Beogradska, Fina, Romanesco), three genotypes of winter squash (Sedef, Domaća bela, Plovdivska siva) and two genotypes of butternut squash (Nektar, L2706) were used. The experiment was set up in Smederevska Palanka. After the production of seedlings in the greenhouse of the Institute for vegetable crops, plants were transfered and planted in the open field. Two characteristics were observed: fruit yield per hectare and seed yield per hectare. The main objective of this study was to identify the genotypes which could be recommended for the production on vertisol. Very significant differences of fruit and seed yield per hectare were found between the genotypes and years for melon, watermelon, summer squash and winter squash. The highest average fruit yield was recorded for genotypes: Cerovaca (melon), Fantasy (watermelon), Fina (summer squash), Plovdivska siva (winter squash) and L2706 (butternut squash)., Poređenje prosečnih prinosa ploda i semena razlicitih sorti gajenih na zemljištu tipa smonice u okviru pet vrsta iz familije Cucurbitaceae (dinje, lubenice, tikvice, tikve i muskatne tikvice) je izvršeno na osnovu podataka dvogodišnjeg ogleda (2010 i 2011). Korišćeno je 5 genotipova dinje (Sezam, Cerovaca, Galia, Charentais, Ananas), 5 genotipova lubenice (Crimson sweet, Top gun, Greybelle, Fantasy, Rosa), 5 genotipova tikvice (Ezra, Opal, Beogradska, Fina, Romanesco), 3 genotipa tikve (Sedef, Domaća bela, Plovdivska siva) i 2 genotipa muskatne tikvice (Nektar, L2706). Ogled je postavljen u Smederevskoj Palanci. Nakon proizvodnje rasada u staklenoj bašti Instituta za povrtarstvo izvršeno je rasađivanja biljaka na otvoreno polje. Posmatrane su dve osobine: prinos ploda po hektaru i prinos semena po hektaru. Osnovni cilj rada je bio da se odrede genotipovi koji bi mogli da se preporuče za gajenje na zemljištu tipa smonica. Utvrđene su veoma značajne razlike prinosa ploda i semena po hektaru između posmatranih genotipova i godina kod dinje, lubenice, tikvice i tikve. Najveći prosečni prinos ploda zabeležen je kod genotipova Cerovaca (dinja), Fantasy (lubenica), Fina (tikvica), Plovdivska siva (tikva) i L2706 (muskatna tikvica).",
publisher = "Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela",
journal = "Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik",
title = "Comparisons of fruit and seed yield among species of the family Cucurbitaceae grown on the vertisol, Poređenja prinosa plodova i semena kod vrsta iz familije cucurbitaceae gajenih na smonici",
pages = "114-107",
number = "1-2",
volume = "21",
url = ""
Girek, Z., Prodanović, S., Ugrinović, M., Krstonijević-Živanović, N., Živanović, T., Vučković, S.,& Zečević, B.. (2015). Comparisons of fruit and seed yield among species of the family Cucurbitaceae grown on the vertisol. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela., 21(1-2), 107-114.
Girek Z, Prodanović S, Ugrinović M, Krstonijević-Živanović N, Živanović T, Vučković S, Zečević B. Comparisons of fruit and seed yield among species of the family Cucurbitaceae grown on the vertisol. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik. 2015;21(1-2):107-114. .
Girek, Zdenka, Prodanović, Slaven, Ugrinović, Milan, Krstonijević-Živanović, Nina, Živanović, Tomislav, Vučković, Savo, Zečević, Bogoljub, "Comparisons of fruit and seed yield among species of the family Cucurbitaceae grown on the vertisol" in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik, 21, no. 1-2 (2015):107-114, .

GxE interaction by AMMI model in melon breeding

Girek, Zdenka; Prodanović, Slaven; Živanović, Tomislav; Zdravković, Jasmina; Vučković, Savo; Čolić, Vladislava

(Рязань : Министерство сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации, 2015)

AU  - Girek, Zdenka
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Živanović, Tomislav
AU  - Zdravković, Jasmina
AU  - Vučković, Savo
AU  - Čolić, Vladislava
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - Melon is plant that is used for human consumption as a vegetable and for
the production of seed oils. In this paper was investigated genotype x environment
(GxE) stability of yield per plant in melons that have different length of growing
season. Early, medium and late melon genotypes were grown in greenhouses and in
the open field. Experiments were conducted at the Institute for Vegetable Crops in
Smederevska Palanka, Serbia, during years 2010 and 2011. The aim of study was to
determine melon genotype with stable yield per plant in both modes of production.
Additional, we have set the goal to identified melon genotypes suitable for
greenhouse production and melon genotypes suitable for the production in the open
field. For analyses of GxE stability we used the additive main effect and
multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model. We have calculated values of principal
components (PC) of genotypes and environments, and values of genotype x
environment interaction (GEI). It was found that earlier melon genotypes have a
higher yield per plant when grown in an open field, while late melon genotypes had
higher yield per plant when grown in a greenhouse. The most stable melon genotypes
were “A2-3lb“ and „Honeydew“, while the least stable were melon genotypes „ED3“ and „Chinese muskmelon“.
PB  - Рязань : Министерство сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации
PB  - Рязань : Министерство сельского хозяйства и продовольствия Рязанской области
C3  - International Science and Practice Conference "Theoretical and practical aspects of Potato Cultivation and Processing Innovative Technology" Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции, 19 февраля 2015, Рязань
T1  - GxE interaction by AMMI model in melon breeding
EP  - 49
SP  - 42
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Girek, Zdenka and Prodanović, Slaven and Živanović, Tomislav and Zdravković, Jasmina and Vučković, Savo and Čolić, Vladislava",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Melon is plant that is used for human consumption as a vegetable and for
the production of seed oils. In this paper was investigated genotype x environment
(GxE) stability of yield per plant in melons that have different length of growing
season. Early, medium and late melon genotypes were grown in greenhouses and in
the open field. Experiments were conducted at the Institute for Vegetable Crops in
Smederevska Palanka, Serbia, during years 2010 and 2011. The aim of study was to
determine melon genotype with stable yield per plant in both modes of production.
Additional, we have set the goal to identified melon genotypes suitable for
greenhouse production and melon genotypes suitable for the production in the open
field. For analyses of GxE stability we used the additive main effect and
multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model. We have calculated values of principal
components (PC) of genotypes and environments, and values of genotype x
environment interaction (GEI). It was found that earlier melon genotypes have a
higher yield per plant when grown in an open field, while late melon genotypes had
higher yield per plant when grown in a greenhouse. The most stable melon genotypes
were “A2-3lb“ and „Honeydew“, while the least stable were melon genotypes „ED3“ and „Chinese muskmelon“.",
publisher = "Рязань : Министерство сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации, Рязань : Министерство сельского хозяйства и продовольствия Рязанской области",
journal = "International Science and Practice Conference "Theoretical and practical aspects of Potato Cultivation and Processing Innovative Technology" Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции, 19 февраля 2015, Рязань",
title = "GxE interaction by AMMI model in melon breeding",
pages = "49-42",
url = ""
Girek, Z., Prodanović, S., Živanović, T., Zdravković, J., Vučković, S.,& Čolić, V.. (2015). GxE interaction by AMMI model in melon breeding. in International Science and Practice Conference "Theoretical and practical aspects of Potato Cultivation and Processing Innovative Technology" Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции, 19 февраля 2015, Рязань
Рязань : Министерство сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации., 42-49.
Girek Z, Prodanović S, Živanović T, Zdravković J, Vučković S, Čolić V. GxE interaction by AMMI model in melon breeding. in International Science and Practice Conference "Theoretical and practical aspects of Potato Cultivation and Processing Innovative Technology" Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции, 19 февраля 2015, Рязань. 2015;:42-49. .
Girek, Zdenka, Prodanović, Slaven, Živanović, Tomislav, Zdravković, Jasmina, Vučković, Savo, Čolić, Vladislava, "GxE interaction by AMMI model in melon breeding" in International Science and Practice Conference "Theoretical and practical aspects of Potato Cultivation and Processing Innovative Technology" Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции, 19 февраля 2015, Рязань (2015):42-49, .

Divergence of the local populations of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) based on leaf morphological traits

Krstonijević-Živanović, Nina; Prodanović, Slaven; Girek, Zdenka

(Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela, 2015)

AU  - Krstonijević-Živanović, Nina
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Girek, Zdenka
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - The present study was conducted in order to analyze the divergence of the fourteen native populations of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) originating from different locations of Serbia based on six leaf morphological characteristics including leaf length and width, leaf area, leaf length/width ratio and light and dark gland density on leaves. Plants were grown under the same ex situ conditions, along with the standard cultivar ‘Maya’, used as control. The one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed highly significant differences (p lt 0.01) among investigated populations of H. perforatum in all studied characteristics. The highest morphological heterogeneity within populations was observed in the leaf light gland density (CV = 9.71 - 47.81%) and was followed by leaf dark gland density (CV = 12.94 - 42.19%). These characteristics are considered as important morphological markers, indicating thereby the relative extent of biologically active substances present in the analyzed genotypes of this species, without the need of chemical estimation. The noted morphological variation in H. perforatum probably had a genetic character as all plants had grown under uniform conditions. One can therefore expect that wild populations of H. perforatum are potentially important sources of genetic variation that could be utilized in breeding programs for an improvement of cultivated material and/or selection of new cultivars. Based on the results of UPGMA cluster analysis a group of genotypes of H. perforatum are distinguished from others by higher leaf gland density and presumably higher contents of the biologically active substances if compared with the cv.’Maya’ and hence could be considered in the future breeding programs.
AB  - U radu je analizirana divergentnost četrnaest autohtonih populacija kantariona (Hypericum perforatum L.) poreklom sa različitih lokaliteta u Srbiji u odnosu na šest morfoloških osobina lista: dužinu i širinu lista, odnos dužine i širine lista, lisnu površinu i gustinu providnih i tamnih žlezda na listovima. Genotipovi su gajeni u istimex situ uslovima zajedno sa standardnom sortom Maja, korišćenom kao kontrola. Rezultati ANOVA testa identifikovali su statistički znacajne (p lt 0,01) razlike između analiziranih populacija po svim ispitivanim osobinama. Najvarijabilnije osobine unutar populacija bile su gustina providnih žlezda (CV = 58,75%) i gustina tamnih žlezda na listu (CV = 51,00%), koje se smatraju značajnim morfološkim markerima za sadržaj bioaktivnih supstanci kod kantariona.Uočena morfološka varijabilnost verovatno ima geneticku osnovu, s obzirom da su analizirani genotipovi gajeni pod uniformnim sredinskim uslovima.Stoga se može ocekivati da divlje populacije kantariona predstavljaju potencijalno značajan izvor genetičke varijabilnosti, koji bi se mogao koristiti u programima oplemenjivanja u cilju poboljšanja postojećih i/ili selekciju novih sorti.Klaster analiza po metodi UPGMA je izdvojila grupu genotipova koji se od drugih razlikuju prema većoj gustini lisnih žlezda u poređenju sa standardnom sortom Maja, i koji bi stoga mogli da predstavljaju značajan početni materijal u budućim programima oplemenjivanja.
PB  - Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
T2  - Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
T1  - Divergence of the local populations of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) based on leaf morphological traits
T1  - Divergentnost domaćih populacija kantariona (Hypericum perforatum L.) po morfoloskim osobinama lista
EP  - 149
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 141
VL  - 21
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Krstonijević-Živanović, Nina and Prodanović, Slaven and Girek, Zdenka",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The present study was conducted in order to analyze the divergence of the fourteen native populations of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) originating from different locations of Serbia based on six leaf morphological characteristics including leaf length and width, leaf area, leaf length/width ratio and light and dark gland density on leaves. Plants were grown under the same ex situ conditions, along with the standard cultivar ‘Maya’, used as control. The one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed highly significant differences (p lt 0.01) among investigated populations of H. perforatum in all studied characteristics. The highest morphological heterogeneity within populations was observed in the leaf light gland density (CV = 9.71 - 47.81%) and was followed by leaf dark gland density (CV = 12.94 - 42.19%). These characteristics are considered as important morphological markers, indicating thereby the relative extent of biologically active substances present in the analyzed genotypes of this species, without the need of chemical estimation. The noted morphological variation in H. perforatum probably had a genetic character as all plants had grown under uniform conditions. One can therefore expect that wild populations of H. perforatum are potentially important sources of genetic variation that could be utilized in breeding programs for an improvement of cultivated material and/or selection of new cultivars. Based on the results of UPGMA cluster analysis a group of genotypes of H. perforatum are distinguished from others by higher leaf gland density and presumably higher contents of the biologically active substances if compared with the cv.’Maya’ and hence could be considered in the future breeding programs., U radu je analizirana divergentnost četrnaest autohtonih populacija kantariona (Hypericum perforatum L.) poreklom sa različitih lokaliteta u Srbiji u odnosu na šest morfoloških osobina lista: dužinu i širinu lista, odnos dužine i širine lista, lisnu površinu i gustinu providnih i tamnih žlezda na listovima. Genotipovi su gajeni u istimex situ uslovima zajedno sa standardnom sortom Maja, korišćenom kao kontrola. Rezultati ANOVA testa identifikovali su statistički znacajne (p lt 0,01) razlike između analiziranih populacija po svim ispitivanim osobinama. Najvarijabilnije osobine unutar populacija bile su gustina providnih žlezda (CV = 58,75%) i gustina tamnih žlezda na listu (CV = 51,00%), koje se smatraju značajnim morfološkim markerima za sadržaj bioaktivnih supstanci kod kantariona.Uočena morfološka varijabilnost verovatno ima geneticku osnovu, s obzirom da su analizirani genotipovi gajeni pod uniformnim sredinskim uslovima.Stoga se može ocekivati da divlje populacije kantariona predstavljaju potencijalno značajan izvor genetičke varijabilnosti, koji bi se mogao koristiti u programima oplemenjivanja u cilju poboljšanja postojećih i/ili selekciju novih sorti.Klaster analiza po metodi UPGMA je izdvojila grupu genotipova koji se od drugih razlikuju prema većoj gustini lisnih žlezda u poređenju sa standardnom sortom Maja, i koji bi stoga mogli da predstavljaju značajan početni materijal u budućim programima oplemenjivanja.",
publisher = "Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela",
journal = "Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik",
title = "Divergence of the local populations of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) based on leaf morphological traits, Divergentnost domaćih populacija kantariona (Hypericum perforatum L.) po morfoloskim osobinama lista",
pages = "149-141",
number = "1-2",
volume = "21",
url = ""
Krstonijević-Živanović, N., Prodanović, S.,& Girek, Z.. (2015). Divergence of the local populations of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) based on leaf morphological traits. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela., 21(1-2), 141-149.
Krstonijević-Živanović N, Prodanović S, Girek Z. Divergence of the local populations of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) based on leaf morphological traits. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik. 2015;21(1-2):141-149. .
Krstonijević-Živanović, Nina, Prodanović, Slaven, Girek, Zdenka, "Divergence of the local populations of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) based on leaf morphological traits" in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik, 21, no. 1-2 (2015):141-149, .

Diallel analysis of grain number per spike in triticale

Milovanović, Milivoje; Perišić, Vladimir; Staletić, M; Đekić, Vera; Nikolić, O.; Prodanović, Slaven; Luković, Kristina

(Agricultural Academy, 2014)

AU  - Milovanović, Milivoje
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Staletić, M
AU  - Đekić, Vera
AU  - Nikolić, O.
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Luković, Kristina
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - In this paper the inheritance of grain number per spike in hexaploid (6x) winter triticale was investigated. Studies were
performed on primary spikes of parents, F1 and F2 progenies of a 5 x 5 complete diallel crossing with reciprocals. The results
highlighted the prevalence of dominance and over-dominance in the expression of this trait at majority of combinations of F1
generation. Significant difference between direct and reciprocal crosses appeared in both generations and in generally with
combinations of the most divergent parents. Analysis of variance for combining abilities demonstrated the existence of highly
significant values for general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA) and effects of reciprocal crosses
(REC). GCA and SCA variations demonstrated similar values, which were for about three times higher than variation caused
by reciprocal effects. The best SCA were expressed in generally in combinations of good x average or good x poor GCA of
PB  - Agricultural Academy
T2  - Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
T1  - Diallel analysis of grain number per spike in triticale
EP  - 1115
IS  - 5
SP  - 1109
VL  - 20
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milovanović, Milivoje and Perišić, Vladimir and Staletić, M and Đekić, Vera and Nikolić, O. and Prodanović, Slaven and Luković, Kristina",
year = "2014",
abstract = "In this paper the inheritance of grain number per spike in hexaploid (6x) winter triticale was investigated. Studies were
performed on primary spikes of parents, F1 and F2 progenies of a 5 x 5 complete diallel crossing with reciprocals. The results
highlighted the prevalence of dominance and over-dominance in the expression of this trait at majority of combinations of F1
generation. Significant difference between direct and reciprocal crosses appeared in both generations and in generally with
combinations of the most divergent parents. Analysis of variance for combining abilities demonstrated the existence of highly
significant values for general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA) and effects of reciprocal crosses
(REC). GCA and SCA variations demonstrated similar values, which were for about three times higher than variation caused
by reciprocal effects. The best SCA were expressed in generally in combinations of good x average or good x poor GCA of
publisher = "Agricultural Academy",
journal = "Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science",
title = "Diallel analysis of grain number per spike in triticale",
pages = "1115-1109",
number = "5",
volume = "20",
url = ""
Milovanović, M., Perišić, V., Staletić, M., Đekić, V., Nikolić, O., Prodanović, S.,& Luković, K.. (2014). Diallel analysis of grain number per spike in triticale. in Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
Agricultural Academy., 20(5), 1109-1115.
Milovanović M, Perišić V, Staletić M, Đekić V, Nikolić O, Prodanović S, Luković K. Diallel analysis of grain number per spike in triticale. in Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science. 2014;20(5):1109-1115. .
Milovanović, Milivoje, Perišić, Vladimir, Staletić, M, Đekić, Vera, Nikolić, O., Prodanović, Slaven, Luković, Kristina, "Diallel analysis of grain number per spike in triticale" in Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 20, no. 5 (2014):1109-1115, .

Uticaj komercijalnih organskih đubriva na prinos dinje i lubenice u Srbiji

Girek, Zdenka; Ugrinović, Milan; Prodanović, Slaven; Zdravković, Jasmina; Brdar-Jokanović, Milka; Đorđević, Mladen; Zečević, Bogoljub

(Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela, 2014)

AU  - Girek, Zdenka
AU  - Ugrinović, Milan
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Zdravković, Jasmina
AU  - Brdar-Jokanović, Milka
AU  - Đorđević, Mladen
AU  - Zečević, Bogoljub
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Efekat primene komercijalnih organskih đubriva na prinos genotipova dinje i lubenice je ispitivan na osnovu podataka dvogodišnjeg ogleda (2011 i 2012). Iz kolekcije Instituta za povrtarstvo u Smederevskoj Palanci je uzeto 5 genotipova dinje (Fiata, Cerovača, Galia, Charentais, Passport) i 5 genotipova lubenice (Crimson sweet, Fairfax, Greybelle, Domaća, Dunay). Nakon rasađivanja izvršena je prihrana svakog genotipa sa 4 komercijalna organska đubriva: Italpollina, DCM Ekomix, Guanitto i Duetto. Kao kontrola je korišćeno đubrivo NPK. Osnovni cilj rada je bio da se odrede genotipovi dinje i lubenice koji bi mogli da se preporuče za proizvodnju u organskom sistemu gajenja. Takođe, jedan od ciljeva je bio da se uporede prinosi po biljci dinje i lubenice u organskom i konvencionalnom sistemu gajenja. Utvrđene su veoma značajne razlike prinosa po biljci između posmatranih genotipova, godina, tretmana i interakcija i kod dinje i kod lubenice. Kod genotipa dinje Charentais je utvrđen najveći uticaj komercijalnih organskih đubriva. DCM Ekomix je imao negativan uticaj na prinos po biljci kod svih posmatranih genotipova lubenice. Gajenjem dinje uz primenu komercijalnih organskih đubriva je moguće ostvariti veće prinose po biljci u odnosu na primenu neorganskih mineralnih đubriva.
AB  - In this paper was studied effect of commercial organic fertilizers on the yield per plant of melon and watermelon genotypes based on the two- year data (2011 and 2012). Five genotypes of melon (Fiata, Cerovača, Galia, Charentais, Passport) and five genotypes of watermelon (Crimson Sweet, Fairfax, Greybelle, Domestic, Dunay) were selected from the collection of the Institute for vegetable crops from Smederevska Palanka. After plants were planted in the open field fertilization of each genotype with 4 commercial organic fertilizer: Italpollina, DCM Ekomix, Guanitto and Duetto was performed. NPK fertilizer was used as control. The main objective of this study was to determine the genotypes of melon and watermelon which could be recommended and introduced into organic farminf system. Also, one of the aims was to compare the yield per plant of melon and watermelon in organic and conventional farming system. Very significant differences of yield per plant were found between the genotypes, years, treatment and their interaction, both for melon and watermelon. For melon genotype Charentais was determined the strongest effect of commercial organic fertilizers. DCM Ekomix had a negative effect on yield per plant for all genotypes of watermelon. In the melon production, it is possible to achieve higher yields per plant using commercial organic fertilizers compared to inorganic fertilizers.
PB  - Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
T2  - Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
T1  - Uticaj komercijalnih organskih đubriva na prinos dinje i lubenice u Srbiji
T1  - Effect of commercial organic fertilizers on the yield of melon and watermelon in Serbia
EP  - 117
IS  - 1-4
SP  - 109
VL  - 20
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Girek, Zdenka and Ugrinović, Milan and Prodanović, Slaven and Zdravković, Jasmina and Brdar-Jokanović, Milka and Đorđević, Mladen and Zečević, Bogoljub",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Efekat primene komercijalnih organskih đubriva na prinos genotipova dinje i lubenice je ispitivan na osnovu podataka dvogodišnjeg ogleda (2011 i 2012). Iz kolekcije Instituta za povrtarstvo u Smederevskoj Palanci je uzeto 5 genotipova dinje (Fiata, Cerovača, Galia, Charentais, Passport) i 5 genotipova lubenice (Crimson sweet, Fairfax, Greybelle, Domaća, Dunay). Nakon rasađivanja izvršena je prihrana svakog genotipa sa 4 komercijalna organska đubriva: Italpollina, DCM Ekomix, Guanitto i Duetto. Kao kontrola je korišćeno đubrivo NPK. Osnovni cilj rada je bio da se odrede genotipovi dinje i lubenice koji bi mogli da se preporuče za proizvodnju u organskom sistemu gajenja. Takođe, jedan od ciljeva je bio da se uporede prinosi po biljci dinje i lubenice u organskom i konvencionalnom sistemu gajenja. Utvrđene su veoma značajne razlike prinosa po biljci između posmatranih genotipova, godina, tretmana i interakcija i kod dinje i kod lubenice. Kod genotipa dinje Charentais je utvrđen najveći uticaj komercijalnih organskih đubriva. DCM Ekomix je imao negativan uticaj na prinos po biljci kod svih posmatranih genotipova lubenice. Gajenjem dinje uz primenu komercijalnih organskih đubriva je moguće ostvariti veće prinose po biljci u odnosu na primenu neorganskih mineralnih đubriva., In this paper was studied effect of commercial organic fertilizers on the yield per plant of melon and watermelon genotypes based on the two- year data (2011 and 2012). Five genotypes of melon (Fiata, Cerovača, Galia, Charentais, Passport) and five genotypes of watermelon (Crimson Sweet, Fairfax, Greybelle, Domestic, Dunay) were selected from the collection of the Institute for vegetable crops from Smederevska Palanka. After plants were planted in the open field fertilization of each genotype with 4 commercial organic fertilizer: Italpollina, DCM Ekomix, Guanitto and Duetto was performed. NPK fertilizer was used as control. The main objective of this study was to determine the genotypes of melon and watermelon which could be recommended and introduced into organic farminf system. Also, one of the aims was to compare the yield per plant of melon and watermelon in organic and conventional farming system. Very significant differences of yield per plant were found between the genotypes, years, treatment and their interaction, both for melon and watermelon. For melon genotype Charentais was determined the strongest effect of commercial organic fertilizers. DCM Ekomix had a negative effect on yield per plant for all genotypes of watermelon. In the melon production, it is possible to achieve higher yields per plant using commercial organic fertilizers compared to inorganic fertilizers.",
publisher = "Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela",
journal = "Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik",
title = "Uticaj komercijalnih organskih đubriva na prinos dinje i lubenice u Srbiji, Effect of commercial organic fertilizers on the yield of melon and watermelon in Serbia",
pages = "117-109",
number = "1-4",
volume = "20",
url = ""
Girek, Z., Ugrinović, M., Prodanović, S., Zdravković, J., Brdar-Jokanović, M., Đorđević, M.,& Zečević, B.. (2014). Uticaj komercijalnih organskih đubriva na prinos dinje i lubenice u Srbiji. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela., 20(1-4), 109-117.
Girek Z, Ugrinović M, Prodanović S, Zdravković J, Brdar-Jokanović M, Đorđević M, Zečević B. Uticaj komercijalnih organskih đubriva na prinos dinje i lubenice u Srbiji. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik. 2014;20(1-4):109-117. .
Girek, Zdenka, Ugrinović, Milan, Prodanović, Slaven, Zdravković, Jasmina, Brdar-Jokanović, Milka, Đorđević, Mladen, Zečević, Bogoljub, "Uticaj komercijalnih organskih đubriva na prinos dinje i lubenice u Srbiji" in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik, 20, no. 1-4 (2014):109-117, .

Analiza prinosa zrna i kvaliteta brašna nekih sorata ozime pšenice u 2011. I 2012. godini

Đurić, Nenad; Trkulja, Vesna; Simić, Divna; Prodanović, Slaven; Đekić, Vera; Dolijanović, Željko

(Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela, 2013)

AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Trkulja, Vesna
AU  - Simić, Divna
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Đekić, Vera
AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
PY  - 2013
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Pšenica je bila u prošlosti, jeste u sadašnjosti a sigurno će biti i u budućnosti bazna komponenta svakodnevne ishrane ljudi i životinja. Sada i kod nas, kao i u svetu, sve više se javlja tražnja za sortama koje pored visokog prinosa zrna, imaju i dobar kvalitet brašna. Sorte domaće selekcije Talas i Pobeda, stabilnog prinosa i dobrog kvaliteta, i u ogledima su potvrdile svoje osobine. Ove sorte imaju i visok sadržaj kvalitetnih proteina, a analogno ovome je i visok sadržaj glutena ali i kvalitet, što su potvrdila reološka merenja. Visoki prinosi ispitivanih sorata pšenice jesu rezultat interakcije genetičkog potencijala i primene dobre agrotehnike u uslovima kada raspored padavina u toku vegetacione sezone, od momenta setve do momenta žetve, nije pogodovao proizvodnji pšenice. Nakon obavljenih ispitivanja i ove godine sorte Talas i Pobeda svrstane su u A2 kvalitetnu grupu, odnosno to su sorte dobrog kvaliteta brašna i hleba i kao takve spadaju i u grupu poboljšivača. Sorte Merkur, Ratarica i Esperia svrstane su u B1 kvalitetnu grupu, tj. one su dobre hlebne sorte. Sorta NS 40 S i Balaton svrstane su u B2 kvalitetnu grupu. Sorta sa najlošijim kvalitetom i prinosom i ove godine je sorta Apač i svrstana je u C1 kvalitetnu grupu, što znači da mlinari i pekari moraju brašno ove sorte mešati sa brašnom sorata poboljšivača, da bi se dobio hleb zadovoljavajućeg kvaliteta.
AB  - Wheat was in the past, is at present and will surely be in the future, basic and vital element of the daily diet of humans and animals. The world market, and more and we do have expressed the desire and request of sorts, which in addition to high and stable yields with good quality parameters and flour. Cultivars with the most stable yield and good quality grain were varieties Talas and Pobeda. These varieties are high in quality protein and by analogy, this is a high gluten content and quality, as confirmed by rheological measurements. High yields of tested wheat varieties are the result of the interaction of genetic potential of the tested wheat varieties and application of good management systems in circumstances where the distribution of rainfall during the growing seasons, from the time of sowing and harvest was not favorable to the production of wheat. After testing cultivars, Talas and Pobeda are classified in A2 quality group, group of cultivars for quality flour and bread, and as such also belong to the group of improvers. Varieties Merkur, Ratarica and Esperia are classified as B1 group, group of cultivars good for bread. Cultivars NS 40 S and Balaton are classified as B2 quality group. The cultivar with the lowest quality is sorta Apach and classified in the C1 group of quality, which means that millers and bakers must mix flour with a variety of cultivars of flour improver, to obtain good quality bread.
PB  - Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
T2  - Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
T1  - Analiza prinosa zrna i kvaliteta brašna nekih sorata ozime pšenice u 2011. I 2012. godini
T1  - Analysis grain yield and quality of some cultivars of winter wheat in 2011 and in 2012
EP  - 22
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 15
VL  - 19
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Đurić, Nenad and Trkulja, Vesna and Simić, Divna and Prodanović, Slaven and Đekić, Vera and Dolijanović, Željko",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Pšenica je bila u prošlosti, jeste u sadašnjosti a sigurno će biti i u budućnosti bazna komponenta svakodnevne ishrane ljudi i životinja. Sada i kod nas, kao i u svetu, sve više se javlja tražnja za sortama koje pored visokog prinosa zrna, imaju i dobar kvalitet brašna. Sorte domaće selekcije Talas i Pobeda, stabilnog prinosa i dobrog kvaliteta, i u ogledima su potvrdile svoje osobine. Ove sorte imaju i visok sadržaj kvalitetnih proteina, a analogno ovome je i visok sadržaj glutena ali i kvalitet, što su potvrdila reološka merenja. Visoki prinosi ispitivanih sorata pšenice jesu rezultat interakcije genetičkog potencijala i primene dobre agrotehnike u uslovima kada raspored padavina u toku vegetacione sezone, od momenta setve do momenta žetve, nije pogodovao proizvodnji pšenice. Nakon obavljenih ispitivanja i ove godine sorte Talas i Pobeda svrstane su u A2 kvalitetnu grupu, odnosno to su sorte dobrog kvaliteta brašna i hleba i kao takve spadaju i u grupu poboljšivača. Sorte Merkur, Ratarica i Esperia svrstane su u B1 kvalitetnu grupu, tj. one su dobre hlebne sorte. Sorta NS 40 S i Balaton svrstane su u B2 kvalitetnu grupu. Sorta sa najlošijim kvalitetom i prinosom i ove godine je sorta Apač i svrstana je u C1 kvalitetnu grupu, što znači da mlinari i pekari moraju brašno ove sorte mešati sa brašnom sorata poboljšivača, da bi se dobio hleb zadovoljavajućeg kvaliteta., Wheat was in the past, is at present and will surely be in the future, basic and vital element of the daily diet of humans and animals. The world market, and more and we do have expressed the desire and request of sorts, which in addition to high and stable yields with good quality parameters and flour. Cultivars with the most stable yield and good quality grain were varieties Talas and Pobeda. These varieties are high in quality protein and by analogy, this is a high gluten content and quality, as confirmed by rheological measurements. High yields of tested wheat varieties are the result of the interaction of genetic potential of the tested wheat varieties and application of good management systems in circumstances where the distribution of rainfall during the growing seasons, from the time of sowing and harvest was not favorable to the production of wheat. After testing cultivars, Talas and Pobeda are classified in A2 quality group, group of cultivars for quality flour and bread, and as such also belong to the group of improvers. Varieties Merkur, Ratarica and Esperia are classified as B1 group, group of cultivars good for bread. Cultivars NS 40 S and Balaton are classified as B2 quality group. The cultivar with the lowest quality is sorta Apach and classified in the C1 group of quality, which means that millers and bakers must mix flour with a variety of cultivars of flour improver, to obtain good quality bread.",
publisher = "Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela",
journal = "Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik",
title = "Analiza prinosa zrna i kvaliteta brašna nekih sorata ozime pšenice u 2011. I 2012. godini, Analysis grain yield and quality of some cultivars of winter wheat in 2011 and in 2012",
pages = "22-15",
number = "1-2",
volume = "19",
url = ""
Đurić, N., Trkulja, V., Simić, D., Prodanović, S., Đekić, V.,& Dolijanović, Ž.. (2013). Analiza prinosa zrna i kvaliteta brašna nekih sorata ozime pšenice u 2011. I 2012. godini. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela., 19(1-2), 15-22.
Đurić N, Trkulja V, Simić D, Prodanović S, Đekić V, Dolijanović Ž. Analiza prinosa zrna i kvaliteta brašna nekih sorata ozime pšenice u 2011. I 2012. godini. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik. 2013;19(1-2):15-22. .
Đurić, Nenad, Trkulja, Vesna, Simić, Divna, Prodanović, Slaven, Đekić, Vera, Dolijanović, Željko, "Analiza prinosa zrna i kvaliteta brašna nekih sorata ozime pšenice u 2011. I 2012. godini" in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik, 19, no. 1-2 (2013):15-22, .

The effect of growth regulators on sex expression in melon (Cucumis melo L.)

Girek, Zdenka; Prodanović, Slaven; Zdravković, Jasmina; Živanović, Tomislav; Ugrinović, Milan; Zdravković, Milan

(Brazilian Soc Plant Breeding, Vicosa-Mg, 2013)

AU  - Girek, Zdenka
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Zdravković, Jasmina
AU  - Živanović, Tomislav
AU  - Ugrinović, Milan
AU  - Zdravković, Milan
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Seven traits related to flowering and sex expression in melon were studied and their reaction to application of two growth regulators (ethrel and gibberellic acid) was observed. Four monoecious genotypes (Sesame, ED-3, ED-4, Pobeditel) and four andromonoecious genotypes (Chinese muskmelon, Anannas, Fiata, A2-3lb) had been used for experiments. According to the results, ethrel had higher effects on the investigated traits than gibberellic acid. Ethrel increased the number of perfect flowers per plant for 7.18 (31.42%), reduced the number of male flowers per plant for 21.47 (17.98%), affected earlier appearance of the first pistillate/perfect flower for 3.68 days, and delayed the appearance of the first staminate flower for 16.07 days. Changes in the last two traits caused an extension of the period from the emergence of the first pistillate/perfect to the first staminate flower from 0.1 to 21.57 days, which represents the strongest effect of ethrel. Gibberellic acid had generally opposite effects on the studied traits.
PB  - Brazilian Soc Plant Breeding, Vicosa-Mg
T2  - Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology
T1  - The effect of growth regulators on sex expression in melon (Cucumis melo L.)
EP  - 171
IS  - 3
SP  - 165
VL  - 13
DO  - 10.1590/S1984-70332013000300003
ER  - 
author = "Girek, Zdenka and Prodanović, Slaven and Zdravković, Jasmina and Živanović, Tomislav and Ugrinović, Milan and Zdravković, Milan",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Seven traits related to flowering and sex expression in melon were studied and their reaction to application of two growth regulators (ethrel and gibberellic acid) was observed. Four monoecious genotypes (Sesame, ED-3, ED-4, Pobeditel) and four andromonoecious genotypes (Chinese muskmelon, Anannas, Fiata, A2-3lb) had been used for experiments. According to the results, ethrel had higher effects on the investigated traits than gibberellic acid. Ethrel increased the number of perfect flowers per plant for 7.18 (31.42%), reduced the number of male flowers per plant for 21.47 (17.98%), affected earlier appearance of the first pistillate/perfect flower for 3.68 days, and delayed the appearance of the first staminate flower for 16.07 days. Changes in the last two traits caused an extension of the period from the emergence of the first pistillate/perfect to the first staminate flower from 0.1 to 21.57 days, which represents the strongest effect of ethrel. Gibberellic acid had generally opposite effects on the studied traits.",
publisher = "Brazilian Soc Plant Breeding, Vicosa-Mg",
journal = "Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology",
title = "The effect of growth regulators on sex expression in melon (Cucumis melo L.)",
pages = "171-165",
number = "3",
volume = "13",
doi = "10.1590/S1984-70332013000300003"
Girek, Z., Prodanović, S., Zdravković, J., Živanović, T., Ugrinović, M.,& Zdravković, M.. (2013). The effect of growth regulators on sex expression in melon (Cucumis melo L.). in Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology
Brazilian Soc Plant Breeding, Vicosa-Mg., 13(3), 165-171.
Girek Z, Prodanović S, Zdravković J, Živanović T, Ugrinović M, Zdravković M. The effect of growth regulators on sex expression in melon (Cucumis melo L.). in Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology. 2013;13(3):165-171.
doi:10.1590/S1984-70332013000300003 .
Girek, Zdenka, Prodanović, Slaven, Zdravković, Jasmina, Živanović, Tomislav, Ugrinović, Milan, Zdravković, Milan, "The effect of growth regulators on sex expression in melon (Cucumis melo L.)" in Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology, 13, no. 3 (2013):165-171, . .

Analysis of GxE interaction by using AMMI model in melon breeding

Girek, Zdenka; Prodanović, Slaven; Živanović, Tomislav; Zdravković, Jasmina; Đorđević, Mladen; Adžić, Slađan; Zdravković, Milan

(Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela, 2013)

AU  - Girek, Zdenka
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Živanović, Tomislav
AU  - Zdravković, Jasmina
AU  - Đorđević, Mladen
AU  - Adžić, Slađan
AU  - Zdravković, Milan
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - In this paper was studied stability of early, medium and late melon genotypes grown in greenhouses and in the open field through analysis of interaction genotype x environment (GEI). The main objective of this study was to determine the most stable melon genotype. Experiments in open field and in greenhouse were conducted at the Institute for Vegetable Crops in Smederevska Palanka, during 2010, and 2011. The yield per plant in nine melon genotypes was examined. The values of the principal components of genotypes and environments and GEI were calculated and analyzed using AMMI analysis. This is the first time that in our country someone uses this method to assess the stability of melon genotypes. It was found that genotypes that mature earlier have a higher yield per plant when grown in an open field while late genotypes had higher yield per plant when grown in a greenhouse.
AB  - U ovom radu je ispitivana stabilnost ranih, srednjeranih i kasnih genotipova dinje gajenih u zaštićenom prostoru i na otvorenom polju kroz analizu interacije genotip x spoljna sredina (GxE). Osnovni cilj rada je bio da se odredi koji genotip dinje je najstabilniji. Ogledi na polju i u zatvorenom prostoru su izvedeni u Institutu za povrtarstvo u Smederevskoj Palanci, u toku 2010. i 2011. godine. Ispitivan je prinos po biljci kod devet genotipova dinje. Pri analizi podataka korišćena je AMMI analiza, na osnovu koje su dobijene glavne komponente genotipova i sredina, odnosno interakcije GxE. Ovo je prvi put u našoj zemlji da se koristi ovaj metod u oceni stabilnosti genotipova dinje. Utvrđeno je da genotipovi dinje koji ranije sazrevaju imaju veći prinos po biljci ukoliko se gaje na otvorenom polju, dok kasnostasni genotipovi daju veći prinos po biljci ukoliko se gaje u staklenoj bašti.
PB  - Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
T2  - Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
T1  - Analysis of GxE interaction by using AMMI model in melon breeding
T1  - Analiza GxE interakcije primenom AMMI modela u oplemenjivanju dinje
EP  - 174
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 165
VL  - 19
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Girek, Zdenka and Prodanović, Slaven and Živanović, Tomislav and Zdravković, Jasmina and Đorđević, Mladen and Adžić, Slađan and Zdravković, Milan",
year = "2013",
abstract = "In this paper was studied stability of early, medium and late melon genotypes grown in greenhouses and in the open field through analysis of interaction genotype x environment (GEI). The main objective of this study was to determine the most stable melon genotype. Experiments in open field and in greenhouse were conducted at the Institute for Vegetable Crops in Smederevska Palanka, during 2010, and 2011. The yield per plant in nine melon genotypes was examined. The values of the principal components of genotypes and environments and GEI were calculated and analyzed using AMMI analysis. This is the first time that in our country someone uses this method to assess the stability of melon genotypes. It was found that genotypes that mature earlier have a higher yield per plant when grown in an open field while late genotypes had higher yield per plant when grown in a greenhouse., U ovom radu je ispitivana stabilnost ranih, srednjeranih i kasnih genotipova dinje gajenih u zaštićenom prostoru i na otvorenom polju kroz analizu interacije genotip x spoljna sredina (GxE). Osnovni cilj rada je bio da se odredi koji genotip dinje je najstabilniji. Ogledi na polju i u zatvorenom prostoru su izvedeni u Institutu za povrtarstvo u Smederevskoj Palanci, u toku 2010. i 2011. godine. Ispitivan je prinos po biljci kod devet genotipova dinje. Pri analizi podataka korišćena je AMMI analiza, na osnovu koje su dobijene glavne komponente genotipova i sredina, odnosno interakcije GxE. Ovo je prvi put u našoj zemlji da se koristi ovaj metod u oceni stabilnosti genotipova dinje. Utvrđeno je da genotipovi dinje koji ranije sazrevaju imaju veći prinos po biljci ukoliko se gaje na otvorenom polju, dok kasnostasni genotipovi daju veći prinos po biljci ukoliko se gaje u staklenoj bašti.",
publisher = "Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela",
journal = "Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik",
title = "Analysis of GxE interaction by using AMMI model in melon breeding, Analiza GxE interakcije primenom AMMI modela u oplemenjivanju dinje",
pages = "174-165",
number = "1-2",
volume = "19",
url = ""
Girek, Z., Prodanović, S., Živanović, T., Zdravković, J., Đorđević, M., Adžić, S.,& Zdravković, M.. (2013). Analysis of GxE interaction by using AMMI model in melon breeding. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela., 19(1-2), 165-174.
Girek Z, Prodanović S, Živanović T, Zdravković J, Đorđević M, Adžić S, Zdravković M. Analysis of GxE interaction by using AMMI model in melon breeding. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik. 2013;19(1-2):165-174. .
Girek, Zdenka, Prodanović, Slaven, Živanović, Tomislav, Zdravković, Jasmina, Đorđević, Mladen, Adžić, Slađan, Zdravković, Milan, "Analysis of GxE interaction by using AMMI model in melon breeding" in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik, 19, no. 1-2 (2013):165-174, .

Vernalization and Seed Yield of Late Head Cabbage in Different Phases of Rosette Development by Applying GA(3) In Vivo

Adžić, Slađan; Girek, Zdenka; Pavlović, Nenad; Zdravković, Jasmina; Cvikić, Dejan; Pavlović, Suzana; Prodanović, Slaven

(International Society for Horticultural Science, 2013)

AU  - Adžić, Slađan
AU  - Girek, Zdenka
AU  - Pavlović, Nenad
AU  - Zdravković, Jasmina
AU  - Cvikić, Dejan
AU  - Pavlović, Suzana
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - The seed of the head cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) in the continental climate is produced by bringing the plants into a certain stage of vegetative development, in meteorological conditions, in which the vernalization is possible. The vernalization is a physiological process of transformation of vegetative meristem tissue to reproductive, skipping in that way one phase of organogenesis - the head. This process takes place in conditions of prolonged exposure to low positive temperatures (winter and autumn in Serbia). Only certain number of plants during the cold period survives this transformation. The experiment was set up in four replications in three sowing dates: August 15th, September 1st and September 15th, with late genotype B at the Institute for Vegetable Crops in Smederevska Palanka. The nursery was planted on October 20th 2010 in vegetative space 70 x 50 cm or 28,500 plants ha(-1). The plants were treated two times with GA(3) in concentration 300 ppm, before and at the end of optimal temperatures for vernalization. The experiment proved the statistical significance of sowing terms to seed yield (P  lt = 0,05) as well as the impact of interaction of sowing and the treatments to percentage of flourishing plants at both levels of significance (P  lt = 0,01 and P  lt = 0,05). The percentage of flourished plants was between minimal 35% and maximal 80%. The seed yield varied significantly from 194 kg to 1224 kg ha(-1).
PB  - International Society for Horticultural Science
C3  - Acta Horticulturae
T1  - Vernalization and Seed Yield of Late Head Cabbage in Different Phases of Rosette Development by Applying GA(3) In Vivo
EP  - 374
SP  - 369
VL  - 1005
DO  - 10.17660/ActaHortic.2013.1005.43
ER  - 
author = "Adžić, Slađan and Girek, Zdenka and Pavlović, Nenad and Zdravković, Jasmina and Cvikić, Dejan and Pavlović, Suzana and Prodanović, Slaven",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The seed of the head cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) in the continental climate is produced by bringing the plants into a certain stage of vegetative development, in meteorological conditions, in which the vernalization is possible. The vernalization is a physiological process of transformation of vegetative meristem tissue to reproductive, skipping in that way one phase of organogenesis - the head. This process takes place in conditions of prolonged exposure to low positive temperatures (winter and autumn in Serbia). Only certain number of plants during the cold period survives this transformation. The experiment was set up in four replications in three sowing dates: August 15th, September 1st and September 15th, with late genotype B at the Institute for Vegetable Crops in Smederevska Palanka. The nursery was planted on October 20th 2010 in vegetative space 70 x 50 cm or 28,500 plants ha(-1). The plants were treated two times with GA(3) in concentration 300 ppm, before and at the end of optimal temperatures for vernalization. The experiment proved the statistical significance of sowing terms to seed yield (P  lt = 0,05) as well as the impact of interaction of sowing and the treatments to percentage of flourishing plants at both levels of significance (P  lt = 0,01 and P  lt = 0,05). The percentage of flourished plants was between minimal 35% and maximal 80%. The seed yield varied significantly from 194 kg to 1224 kg ha(-1).",
publisher = "International Society for Horticultural Science",
journal = "Acta Horticulturae",
title = "Vernalization and Seed Yield of Late Head Cabbage in Different Phases of Rosette Development by Applying GA(3) In Vivo",
pages = "374-369",
volume = "1005",
doi = "10.17660/ActaHortic.2013.1005.43"
Adžić, S., Girek, Z., Pavlović, N., Zdravković, J., Cvikić, D., Pavlović, S.,& Prodanović, S.. (2013). Vernalization and Seed Yield of Late Head Cabbage in Different Phases of Rosette Development by Applying GA(3) In Vivo. in Acta Horticulturae
International Society for Horticultural Science., 1005, 369-374.
Adžić S, Girek Z, Pavlović N, Zdravković J, Cvikić D, Pavlović S, Prodanović S. Vernalization and Seed Yield of Late Head Cabbage in Different Phases of Rosette Development by Applying GA(3) In Vivo. in Acta Horticulturae. 2013;1005:369-374.
doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2013.1005.43 .
Adžić, Slađan, Girek, Zdenka, Pavlović, Nenad, Zdravković, Jasmina, Cvikić, Dejan, Pavlović, Suzana, Prodanović, Slaven, "Vernalization and Seed Yield of Late Head Cabbage in Different Phases of Rosette Development by Applying GA(3) In Vivo" in Acta Horticulturae, 1005 (2013):369-374, . .

Correlation of Important Agronomic Characteristics and Yield of Medium Late Genotypes of Head Cabbage

Adžić, Slađan; Pavlović, Suzana; Jokanović, M. B.; Cvikić, Dejan; Pavlović, Nenad; Zdravković, Jasmina; Prodanović, Slaven

(International Society for Horticultural Science, 2012)

AU  - Adžić, Slađan
AU  - Pavlović, Suzana
AU  - Jokanović, M. B.
AU  - Cvikić, Dejan
AU  - Pavlović, Nenad
AU  - Zdravković, Jasmina
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
PY  - 2012
UR  -
AB  - In order to determine the correlation of important agronomic characteristics and yield of medium late genotypes of head cabbage (Brassica oleracea var capitata L.), both reciprocally and with the yield, a collection of Institute for Vegetable Crops Smederevska Palanka, Serbia has been used. The research has been conducted, under field conditions, during 2009 and 2010. Twelve middle late cabbage genotypes have been included (Be; Lin 3; Gol; Rubin; P44; K. G.; Vod; K7; SM-4; Triumf; Katun; Scc) collected from different localities. Thirteen phenotype characteristics have been observed: plant weight, head weight, rosette weight, head circumference, head height, head width, number of rosette leaves, rosette height, rosette width, plant height, external core length, internal core length and vegetation period. Beside the phenotype characteristics, the yield has also been measured. The highest Pirson's correlation coefficients found between the agronomic traits were: yield and head weight (r=0.99); length of vegetation period and head width (r=0.93); head weight and head height (r=0.92); yield and head height (r=0.92); head width and head height (r=0.90). The results of correlation analysis show that 30% of estimated correlations were statistically significant. Head weight and head height, showed the highest correlation coefficients with the yield.
PB  - International Society for Horticultural Science
C3  - Acta Horticulturae
T1  - Correlation of Important Agronomic Characteristics and Yield of Medium Late Genotypes of Head Cabbage
EP  - 164
SP  - 159
VL  - 960
DO  - 10.17660/ActaHortic.2012.960.22
ER  - 
author = "Adžić, Slađan and Pavlović, Suzana and Jokanović, M. B. and Cvikić, Dejan and Pavlović, Nenad and Zdravković, Jasmina and Prodanović, Slaven",
year = "2012",
abstract = "In order to determine the correlation of important agronomic characteristics and yield of medium late genotypes of head cabbage (Brassica oleracea var capitata L.), both reciprocally and with the yield, a collection of Institute for Vegetable Crops Smederevska Palanka, Serbia has been used. The research has been conducted, under field conditions, during 2009 and 2010. Twelve middle late cabbage genotypes have been included (Be; Lin 3; Gol; Rubin; P44; K. G.; Vod; K7; SM-4; Triumf; Katun; Scc) collected from different localities. Thirteen phenotype characteristics have been observed: plant weight, head weight, rosette weight, head circumference, head height, head width, number of rosette leaves, rosette height, rosette width, plant height, external core length, internal core length and vegetation period. Beside the phenotype characteristics, the yield has also been measured. The highest Pirson's correlation coefficients found between the agronomic traits were: yield and head weight (r=0.99); length of vegetation period and head width (r=0.93); head weight and head height (r=0.92); yield and head height (r=0.92); head width and head height (r=0.90). The results of correlation analysis show that 30% of estimated correlations were statistically significant. Head weight and head height, showed the highest correlation coefficients with the yield.",
publisher = "International Society for Horticultural Science",
journal = "Acta Horticulturae",
title = "Correlation of Important Agronomic Characteristics and Yield of Medium Late Genotypes of Head Cabbage",
pages = "164-159",
volume = "960",
doi = "10.17660/ActaHortic.2012.960.22"
Adžić, S., Pavlović, S., Jokanović, M. B., Cvikić, D., Pavlović, N., Zdravković, J.,& Prodanović, S.. (2012). Correlation of Important Agronomic Characteristics and Yield of Medium Late Genotypes of Head Cabbage. in Acta Horticulturae
International Society for Horticultural Science., 960, 159-164.
Adžić S, Pavlović S, Jokanović MB, Cvikić D, Pavlović N, Zdravković J, Prodanović S. Correlation of Important Agronomic Characteristics and Yield of Medium Late Genotypes of Head Cabbage. in Acta Horticulturae. 2012;960:159-164.
doi:10.17660/ActaHortic.2012.960.22 .
Adžić, Slađan, Pavlović, Suzana, Jokanović, M. B., Cvikić, Dejan, Pavlović, Nenad, Zdravković, Jasmina, Prodanović, Slaven, "Correlation of Important Agronomic Characteristics and Yield of Medium Late Genotypes of Head Cabbage" in Acta Horticulturae, 960 (2012):159-164, . .