Mamlić, Zlatica

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Mamlić, Zlatica (25)
  • Miladinov, Zlatica (4)
  • Мамлић, Златица (3)
  • Zlatica, Mamlić (1)

Author's Bibliography

The influence of effective microorganisms on the yield and quality of individual seed components of different soybean genotypes

Bajagić, Marija; Đukić, Vojin; Cvijanović, Vojin; Mamlić, Zlatica; Đurić, Nenad; Ivetić, Aleksandra; Sekulić, Jovana

(Čačak : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačku, 2024)

AU  - Bajagić, Marija
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Cvijanović, Vojin
AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Ivetić, Aleksandra
AU  - Sekulić, Jovana
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Soybean as a member of the legume family has a high economic value, thanks to the high protein and oil content of the seed. In addition, its importance is evidenced by its breeding potential and symbiosis with nodulating bacteria, which facilitates production in increasingly extreme climatic conditions and degraded soil conditions. Considering the need to search for optimal solutions in the production of this legume, in order to achieve high yields and grain quality, research was conducted to determine the effect of applying a microbiological preparation containing effective microorganisms on the yield, and protein and oil content of soybeans. Research was conducted in the period 2016–2018 (factor A), on 6 different soybean genotypes belonging to different ripening groups: 0 (Galina and Valjevka), I (Sava and NS Apolo) and II (Rubin and NS Zita) (factor B), and under fertilization treatments: F0 – control, F1 – NPK fertilizer, and F2 – NPK + microbiological preparation (incorporated into the soil and two foliar treatments) (factor C). It was shown that the application of NPK fertilization treatment in combination with effective microorganisms was the most beneficial for all investigated parameters, with a high statistical significance. This treatment increased yield by 15.67%, protein content by 0.34% and oil content by 0.47% compared to the control. The additional importance of this research is the simultaneous positive impact on protein and oil contents in soybeans, given that they are generally negatively correlated.
AB  - Соја као члан породице махунарки има високу економску вредност, захваљујући високом садржају протеина и садржају уља у семену. Осим тога, њен значај се огледа у могућности оплемењивања сорти и симбиози са квржичним бактеријама, те је олакшана производња у све екстремнијим климатским условима и деградираним земљишним условима. С обзиром на потребу тражења оптималних решења у производњи ове махунарке, у циљу постизања високих приноса и квалитета зрна, спроведена су истраживања како би се утврдио ефекат примене микробиолошког препарата са ефективним микроорганизмима на принос и садржај протеина и уља у зрну соје. Истраживања су спроведена у периоду 2016–2018 (фактор А), на 6 различитих генотипова соје различитих група зрења: 0 (Галина и Ваљевка), I (Сава и НС Аполо) и II (Рубин и НС Зита) (фактор Б) и третманима ђубрења: Ф0 – контрола, Ф1 – НПК ђубриво и Ф2 – НПК + микробиолошки препарат (инкорпориран у земљиште и два фолијарна третмана) (фактор Ц). Показало се да је примена третмана НПК ђубрења у комбинацији са ефективним микроорганизмима била најкориснија за све испитиване параметре, са високом статистичком значајношћу. Овај третман је утицао на повећање приноса за 15,67%, садржаја протеина за 0,34% и садржаја уља за 0,47% у односу на контролу. Додатни значај овог истраживања је истовремени позитиван утицај на садржај протеина и уља у зрну соје, с обзиром на то да су они генерално у негативној корелацији.
PB  - Čačak : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačku
T2  - Acta Agriculturae Serbica
T1  - The influence of effective microorganisms on the yield and quality of individual seed components of different soybean genotypes
EP  - 16
IS  - 57
SP  - 9
VL  - 29
DO  - 10.5937/AASer2357009B
ER  - 
author = "Bajagić, Marija and Đukić, Vojin and Cvijanović, Vojin and Mamlić, Zlatica and Đurić, Nenad and Ivetić, Aleksandra and Sekulić, Jovana",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Soybean as a member of the legume family has a high economic value, thanks to the high protein and oil content of the seed. In addition, its importance is evidenced by its breeding potential and symbiosis with nodulating bacteria, which facilitates production in increasingly extreme climatic conditions and degraded soil conditions. Considering the need to search for optimal solutions in the production of this legume, in order to achieve high yields and grain quality, research was conducted to determine the effect of applying a microbiological preparation containing effective microorganisms on the yield, and protein and oil content of soybeans. Research was conducted in the period 2016–2018 (factor A), on 6 different soybean genotypes belonging to different ripening groups: 0 (Galina and Valjevka), I (Sava and NS Apolo) and II (Rubin and NS Zita) (factor B), and under fertilization treatments: F0 – control, F1 – NPK fertilizer, and F2 – NPK + microbiological preparation (incorporated into the soil and two foliar treatments) (factor C). It was shown that the application of NPK fertilization treatment in combination with effective microorganisms was the most beneficial for all investigated parameters, with a high statistical significance. This treatment increased yield by 15.67%, protein content by 0.34% and oil content by 0.47% compared to the control. The additional importance of this research is the simultaneous positive impact on protein and oil contents in soybeans, given that they are generally negatively correlated., Соја као члан породице махунарки има високу економску вредност, захваљујући високом садржају протеина и садржају уља у семену. Осим тога, њен значај се огледа у могућности оплемењивања сорти и симбиози са квржичним бактеријама, те је олакшана производња у све екстремнијим климатским условима и деградираним земљишним условима. С обзиром на потребу тражења оптималних решења у производњи ове махунарке, у циљу постизања високих приноса и квалитета зрна, спроведена су истраживања како би се утврдио ефекат примене микробиолошког препарата са ефективним микроорганизмима на принос и садржај протеина и уља у зрну соје. Истраживања су спроведена у периоду 2016–2018 (фактор А), на 6 различитих генотипова соје различитих група зрења: 0 (Галина и Ваљевка), I (Сава и НС Аполо) и II (Рубин и НС Зита) (фактор Б) и третманима ђубрења: Ф0 – контрола, Ф1 – НПК ђубриво и Ф2 – НПК + микробиолошки препарат (инкорпориран у земљиште и два фолијарна третмана) (фактор Ц). Показало се да је примена третмана НПК ђубрења у комбинацији са ефективним микроорганизмима била најкориснија за све испитиване параметре, са високом статистичком значајношћу. Овај третман је утицао на повећање приноса за 15,67%, садржаја протеина за 0,34% и садржаја уља за 0,47% у односу на контролу. Додатни значај овог истраживања је истовремени позитиван утицај на садржај протеина и уља у зрну соје, с обзиром на то да су они генерално у негативној корелацији.",
publisher = "Čačak : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačku",
journal = "Acta Agriculturae Serbica",
title = "The influence of effective microorganisms on the yield and quality of individual seed components of different soybean genotypes",
pages = "16-9",
number = "57",
volume = "29",
doi = "10.5937/AASer2357009B"
Bajagić, M., Đukić, V., Cvijanović, V., Mamlić, Z., Đurić, N., Ivetić, A.,& Sekulić, J.. (2024). The influence of effective microorganisms on the yield and quality of individual seed components of different soybean genotypes. in Acta Agriculturae Serbica
Čačak : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačku., 29(57), 9-16.
Bajagić M, Đukić V, Cvijanović V, Mamlić Z, Đurić N, Ivetić A, Sekulić J. The influence of effective microorganisms on the yield and quality of individual seed components of different soybean genotypes. in Acta Agriculturae Serbica. 2024;29(57):9-16.
doi:10.5937/AASer2357009B .
Bajagić, Marija, Đukić, Vojin, Cvijanović, Vojin, Mamlić, Zlatica, Đurić, Nenad, Ivetić, Aleksandra, Sekulić, Jovana, "The influence of effective microorganisms on the yield and quality of individual seed components of different soybean genotypes" in Acta Agriculturae Serbica, 29, no. 57 (2024):9-16, . .

Sadržaj i prinos ulja u zavisnosti od folijarne primene vodenih ekstrakata od banane i grejpa

Bajagić, Marija; Mamlić, Zlatica; Đukić, Vojin

(Novi Sad : Tehnološki fakultet, 2024)

AU  - Bajagić, Marija
AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Folijarna primena vodenih ekstrakata od banane i grejpa ima pozitivan uticaj na prinos i kvalitet zrna soje. Folijarna primena vodenog ekstrakta od kore banane povećala je: prinos soje za 24,82%, sadržaj proteina za 0,60%, sadržaj ulja za 0,29%, prinos proteina za 25,57% i prinos ulja za 25,18%, dok je primena vodenog ekstrakta od ploda banane povećala prinos soje za 19,77%, sadržaj proteina za 0,68%, prinos proteina za 20,59% i prinos ulja za 18,04%, a smanjila sadržaj ulja za 1,44%. Folijarna primena vodenog ekstrakta od ploda grejpa bez kore smanjila je prinos zrna za 4,67%, sadržaj proteina za 1,45%, prinos proteina za 6,06% i prinos ulja za 3,44%, dok je povećala sadržaj ulja za 1,30%.
PB  - Novi Sad : Tehnološki fakultet
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo : Institut od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju
PB  - Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje doo
C3  - Zbornik radova / 65. savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica sa međunarodnim učešćem = Proceedings / 65th Conference Production and Processing of Oilseeds with international participation, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024. godine
T1  - Sadržaj i prinos ulja u zavisnosti od folijarne primene vodenih ekstrakata od banane i grejpa
EP  - 108
SP  - 102
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bajagić, Marija and Mamlić, Zlatica and Đukić, Vojin",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Folijarna primena vodenih ekstrakata od banane i grejpa ima pozitivan uticaj na prinos i kvalitet zrna soje. Folijarna primena vodenog ekstrakta od kore banane povećala je: prinos soje za 24,82%, sadržaj proteina za 0,60%, sadržaj ulja za 0,29%, prinos proteina za 25,57% i prinos ulja za 25,18%, dok je primena vodenog ekstrakta od ploda banane povećala prinos soje za 19,77%, sadržaj proteina za 0,68%, prinos proteina za 20,59% i prinos ulja za 18,04%, a smanjila sadržaj ulja za 1,44%. Folijarna primena vodenog ekstrakta od ploda grejpa bez kore smanjila je prinos zrna za 4,67%, sadržaj proteina za 1,45%, prinos proteina za 6,06% i prinos ulja za 3,44%, dok je povećala sadržaj ulja za 1,30%.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo : Institut od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju, Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje doo",
journal = "Zbornik radova / 65. savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica sa međunarodnim učešćem = Proceedings / 65th Conference Production and Processing of Oilseeds with international participation, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024. godine",
title = "Sadržaj i prinos ulja u zavisnosti od folijarne primene vodenih ekstrakata od banane i grejpa",
pages = "108-102",
url = ""
Bajagić, M., Mamlić, Z.,& Đukić, V.. (2024). Sadržaj i prinos ulja u zavisnosti od folijarne primene vodenih ekstrakata od banane i grejpa. in Zbornik radova / 65. savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica sa međunarodnim učešćem = Proceedings / 65th Conference Production and Processing of Oilseeds with international participation, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024. godine
Novi Sad : Tehnološki fakultet., 102-108.
Bajagić M, Mamlić Z, Đukić V. Sadržaj i prinos ulja u zavisnosti od folijarne primene vodenih ekstrakata od banane i grejpa. in Zbornik radova / 65. savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica sa međunarodnim učešćem = Proceedings / 65th Conference Production and Processing of Oilseeds with international participation, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024. godine. 2024;:102-108. .
Bajagić, Marija, Mamlić, Zlatica, Đukić, Vojin, "Sadržaj i prinos ulja u zavisnosti od folijarne primene vodenih ekstrakata od banane i grejpa" in Zbornik radova / 65. savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica sa međunarodnim učešćem = Proceedings / 65th Conference Production and Processing of Oilseeds with international participation, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024. godine (2024):102-108, .

Primena vodenih ekstrakata u cilju promene kvantitaivnih i kvalitativnih osobina zrna soje

Cvijanović, Gorica; Mamlić, Zlatica; Bajagić, Marija; Đukić, Vojin; Dozet, Gordana; Cvijanović, Vojin; Đurić, Nenad

(Novi Sad : Tehnološki fakultet, 2024)

AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Bajagić, Marija
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Cvijanović, Vojin
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Vodeni ekstrakti od biljnog materijala sadrže makroelemente i mikroelemente, kao i različite fiziološki aktivne materije koje imaju pozitivan uticaj na prinos i kvalitet zrna soje. Folijarna primena vodenog ekstrakta od ploda đumbira povećala je prinos soje za 23,9%, sadržaj proteina za 2,3%, smanjila sadržaj ulja za 0,9%, povećala prinos proteina za 26,8% i prinos ulja za 23,0%, dok je primena vodenog ekstrakta od ploda nara povećala sadržaj ulja u zrnu soje za 1,5%.
PB  - Novi Sad : Tehnološki fakultet
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo : Institut od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju
PB  - Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje
C3  - Zbornik radova / 65. savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica sa međunarodnim učešćem = Proceedings / 65th Conference Production and Processing of Oilseeds with international participation, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024. godine
T1  - Primena vodenih ekstrakata u cilju promene kvantitaivnih i kvalitativnih osobina zrna soje
EP  - 86
SP  - 80
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Cvijanović, Gorica and Mamlić, Zlatica and Bajagić, Marija and Đukić, Vojin and Dozet, Gordana and Cvijanović, Vojin and Đurić, Nenad",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Vodeni ekstrakti od biljnog materijala sadrže makroelemente i mikroelemente, kao i različite fiziološki aktivne materije koje imaju pozitivan uticaj na prinos i kvalitet zrna soje. Folijarna primena vodenog ekstrakta od ploda đumbira povećala je prinos soje za 23,9%, sadržaj proteina za 2,3%, smanjila sadržaj ulja za 0,9%, povećala prinos proteina za 26,8% i prinos ulja za 23,0%, dok je primena vodenog ekstrakta od ploda nara povećala sadržaj ulja u zrnu soje za 1,5%.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Tehnološki fakultet, Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo : Institut od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju, Novi Sad : Industrijsko bilje",
journal = "Zbornik radova / 65. savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica sa međunarodnim učešćem = Proceedings / 65th Conference Production and Processing of Oilseeds with international participation, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024. godine",
title = "Primena vodenih ekstrakata u cilju promene kvantitaivnih i kvalitativnih osobina zrna soje",
pages = "86-80",
url = ""
Cvijanović, G., Mamlić, Z., Bajagić, M., Đukić, V., Dozet, G., Cvijanović, V.,& Đurić, N.. (2024). Primena vodenih ekstrakata u cilju promene kvantitaivnih i kvalitativnih osobina zrna soje. in Zbornik radova / 65. savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica sa međunarodnim učešćem = Proceedings / 65th Conference Production and Processing of Oilseeds with international participation, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024. godine
Novi Sad : Tehnološki fakultet., 80-86.
Cvijanović G, Mamlić Z, Bajagić M, Đukić V, Dozet G, Cvijanović V, Đurić N. Primena vodenih ekstrakata u cilju promene kvantitaivnih i kvalitativnih osobina zrna soje. in Zbornik radova / 65. savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica sa međunarodnim učešćem = Proceedings / 65th Conference Production and Processing of Oilseeds with international participation, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024. godine. 2024;:80-86. .
Cvijanović, Gorica, Mamlić, Zlatica, Bajagić, Marija, Đukić, Vojin, Dozet, Gordana, Cvijanović, Vojin, Đurić, Nenad, "Primena vodenih ekstrakata u cilju promene kvantitaivnih i kvalitativnih osobina zrna soje" in Zbornik radova / 65. savetovanje Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica sa međunarodnim učešćem = Proceedings / 65th Conference Production and Processing of Oilseeds with international participation, Herceg Novi, 23-28. jun 2024. godine (2024):80-86, .

Application of Plant Aqueous Extracts on Yield and Quality Parameters of Soybean Seeds (Glycine max L.)

Mamlić, Zlatica; Đukić, Vojin; Vasiljević, Sanja; Miladinović, Jegor; Bajagić, Marija; Dozet, Gordana; Đurić, Nenad

(Agricultural Research Communication Centre, 2024)

AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Miladinović, Jegor
AU  - Bajagić, Marija
AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Background: In order to reduce the use of synthetic and chemical agents in agriculture, more and more research is turning to
ecological, more environmentally friendly methods. Plant aqueous extracts are products that can be a significant source of various
elements, depending on the type and quality of soil on which the plant species from which the solution is prepared is grown.
Methods: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of aqueous extracts of different plant species on the yield and quality
parameters of soybean seeds (Glycine max L.). Aqueous extracts of: nettle, nettle+comfrey, banana, banana peel, onion, willow and
soybeans were used foliarly. The 1st foliar treatment plants was done when first flowers opened and the 2nd treatment was done when
first pod reached final length.
Result: The effect of aqueous extracts depends on the agroecological conditions and the analyzed traits. In 2020 the greatest effect
was achieved on the free proline, SOD, Px and CAT. In 2021 the application of certain aqueous extracts had a significant effect on
the yield, gerimination energy, germination percentage and vigour seed.
PB  - Agricultural Research Communication Centre
T2  - Legume Research
T1  - Application of Plant Aqueous Extracts on Yield and Quality Parameters of Soybean Seeds (Glycine max L.)
VL  - online first
DO  - 10.18805/LRF-767
ER  - 
author = "Mamlić, Zlatica and Đukić, Vojin and Vasiljević, Sanja and Miladinović, Jegor and Bajagić, Marija and Dozet, Gordana and Đurić, Nenad",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Background: In order to reduce the use of synthetic and chemical agents in agriculture, more and more research is turning to
ecological, more environmentally friendly methods. Plant aqueous extracts are products that can be a significant source of various
elements, depending on the type and quality of soil on which the plant species from which the solution is prepared is grown.
Methods: The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of aqueous extracts of different plant species on the yield and quality
parameters of soybean seeds (Glycine max L.). Aqueous extracts of: nettle, nettle+comfrey, banana, banana peel, onion, willow and
soybeans were used foliarly. The 1st foliar treatment plants was done when first flowers opened and the 2nd treatment was done when
first pod reached final length.
Result: The effect of aqueous extracts depends on the agroecological conditions and the analyzed traits. In 2020 the greatest effect
was achieved on the free proline, SOD, Px and CAT. In 2021 the application of certain aqueous extracts had a significant effect on
the yield, gerimination energy, germination percentage and vigour seed.",
publisher = "Agricultural Research Communication Centre",
journal = "Legume Research",
title = "Application of Plant Aqueous Extracts on Yield and Quality Parameters of Soybean Seeds (Glycine max L.)",
volume = "online first",
doi = "10.18805/LRF-767"
Mamlić, Z., Đukić, V., Vasiljević, S., Miladinović, J., Bajagić, M., Dozet, G.,& Đurić, N.. (2024). Application of Plant Aqueous Extracts on Yield and Quality Parameters of Soybean Seeds (Glycine max L.). in Legume Research
Agricultural Research Communication Centre., online first.
Mamlić Z, Đukić V, Vasiljević S, Miladinović J, Bajagić M, Dozet G, Đurić N. Application of Plant Aqueous Extracts on Yield and Quality Parameters of Soybean Seeds (Glycine max L.). in Legume Research. 2024;online first.
doi:10.18805/LRF-767 .
Mamlić, Zlatica, Đukić, Vojin, Vasiljević, Sanja, Miladinović, Jegor, Bajagić, Marija, Dozet, Gordana, Đurić, Nenad, "Application of Plant Aqueous Extracts on Yield and Quality Parameters of Soybean Seeds (Glycine max L.)" in Legume Research, online first (2024), . .

The influence of effective microorganisms on some characteristics of different maize

Stepić, Vesna; Cvijanović, Gorica; Bajagić, Marija; Đurić, Nenad; Đukić, Vojin; Mamlić, Zlatica; Dozet, Gordana

(Kragujevac : University, Faculty of Agronomy in Čačak, 2024)

AU  - Stepić, Vesna
AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
AU  - Bajagić, Marija
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Dozet, Gordana
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - The aim of the research was to determine the impact of the EM Aktiv preparation in the maize crop (ZP 427 and ZP 548) at 160, 120, 102 kg ha-1 N in 2017 at the location of the municipality of Vladimirovci. During the growing season, there was a pronounced water deficit. The preparation was applied in three variants: EM1 - control, EM2 - foliar 2 x 6 l ha-1 in the phenological stages of 5-7 leaves and after 15 days; EM3 - the preparation was introduced into the soil 7 days before sowing 30 l ha-1 + EM2. The mass of 1000 grains, the height of the yield and the nitrogen content in the grain were determined. Application of 160 kg ha-1 nitrogen had the greatest effect on the weight of 1000 grains, and 120 kg ha-1 The production of maize on a global level takes place in a way that affects the degradation of resources and elements of the environment, the increasing dependence on mineral fertilizers and pesticides, which leads to the production of greenhouse gases and a negative impact on climate change. Today, N on grain yield in all treatments. The treatments had a positive effect on both traits. Higher values of the tested properties were found in the EM3 treatment. The applied factors did not have a statistically significant effect on the nitrogen content of maize grains.
PB  - Kragujevac : University, Faculty of Agronomy in Čačak
C3  - 2nd International Symposium on Biotechnology, 14–15 March 2024, Čačak
T1  - The influence of effective microorganisms on some characteristics of different maize
EP  - 68
SP  - 63
DO  - 10.46793/SBT29.07VS
ER  - 
author = "Stepić, Vesna and Cvijanović, Gorica and Bajagić, Marija and Đurić, Nenad and Đukić, Vojin and Mamlić, Zlatica and Dozet, Gordana",
year = "2024",
abstract = "The aim of the research was to determine the impact of the EM Aktiv preparation in the maize crop (ZP 427 and ZP 548) at 160, 120, 102 kg ha-1 N in 2017 at the location of the municipality of Vladimirovci. During the growing season, there was a pronounced water deficit. The preparation was applied in three variants: EM1 - control, EM2 - foliar 2 x 6 l ha-1 in the phenological stages of 5-7 leaves and after 15 days; EM3 - the preparation was introduced into the soil 7 days before sowing 30 l ha-1 + EM2. The mass of 1000 grains, the height of the yield and the nitrogen content in the grain were determined. Application of 160 kg ha-1 nitrogen had the greatest effect on the weight of 1000 grains, and 120 kg ha-1 The production of maize on a global level takes place in a way that affects the degradation of resources and elements of the environment, the increasing dependence on mineral fertilizers and pesticides, which leads to the production of greenhouse gases and a negative impact on climate change. Today, N on grain yield in all treatments. The treatments had a positive effect on both traits. Higher values of the tested properties were found in the EM3 treatment. The applied factors did not have a statistically significant effect on the nitrogen content of maize grains.",
publisher = "Kragujevac : University, Faculty of Agronomy in Čačak",
journal = "2nd International Symposium on Biotechnology, 14–15 March 2024, Čačak",
title = "The influence of effective microorganisms on some characteristics of different maize",
pages = "68-63",
doi = "10.46793/SBT29.07VS"
Stepić, V., Cvijanović, G., Bajagić, M., Đurić, N., Đukić, V., Mamlić, Z.,& Dozet, G.. (2024). The influence of effective microorganisms on some characteristics of different maize. in 2nd International Symposium on Biotechnology, 14–15 March 2024, Čačak
Kragujevac : University, Faculty of Agronomy in Čačak., 63-68.
Stepić V, Cvijanović G, Bajagić M, Đurić N, Đukić V, Mamlić Z, Dozet G. The influence of effective microorganisms on some characteristics of different maize. in 2nd International Symposium on Biotechnology, 14–15 March 2024, Čačak. 2024;:63-68.
doi:10.46793/SBT29.07VS .
Stepić, Vesna, Cvijanović, Gorica, Bajagić, Marija, Đurić, Nenad, Đukić, Vojin, Mamlić, Zlatica, Dozet, Gordana, "The influence of effective microorganisms on some characteristics of different maize" in 2nd International Symposium on Biotechnology, 14–15 March 2024, Čačak (2024):63-68, . .

Uticaj godine na prinos zrna i sadržaj proteina ozime raži

Đurić, Nenad; Poštić, Dobrivoj; Dozet, Gordana; Mamlić, Zlatica; Šević, Biljana; Đukić, Vojin; Cvijanović, Gorica

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2023)

AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Poštić, Dobrivoj
AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Šević, Biljana
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Prikazani su rezultati višegodišnjih istraživanja prinosa zrna i sadržaja
proteina u zrnu kod četiri sorte ozime raži (PKB Zmaj, NS Savo, Šampion
i KG Raša) u agroekološkim uslovima Vojvodine. Istraživanja su
sprovedena 2017. i 2018. godine, na četiri lokaliteta, i to u Kikindi, Bačkoj
Topoli, Padinskoj Skeli i Sremskoj Mitrovici. Ogledi su postavljeni u tri
ponavljanja, korišćenjem standardne metodologije prema slučajnom blok
sistemu. Analiza varijanse je pokazala da su prinos zrna ozime raži i sadržaj proteina u zrnu značajno varirali u zavisnosti od genotipa, godine i
lokaliteta, kao i njihovih interakcija.
AB  - Results of multi-year research on grain yield and protein content in grain
of four varieties of winter rye (PKB Zmaj, NS Savo, Šampion, and KG Raša) under agro-ecological conditions of Vojvodina are presented. Research was carried out in 2017 and 2018, at four locations in Kikinda,
Bačka Topola, Padinska Skela and Sremska Mitrovica. Trials were set up in three replications using standard methodology according to a
randomized block design. Analysis of variance showed that grain yield and
grain protein content of winter rye varied significantly depending on the
genotype, year and locality, as well as their interactions.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
T1  - Uticaj godine na prinos zrna i sadržaj proteina ozime raži
T1  - Uticaj godine na prinos zrna i sInfluence of year on grain yield and protein content of winter rye
EP  - 95
SP  - 87
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Đurić, Nenad and Poštić, Dobrivoj and Dozet, Gordana and Mamlić, Zlatica and Šević, Biljana and Đukić, Vojin and Cvijanović, Gorica",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Prikazani su rezultati višegodišnjih istraživanja prinosa zrna i sadržaja
proteina u zrnu kod četiri sorte ozime raži (PKB Zmaj, NS Savo, Šampion
i KG Raša) u agroekološkim uslovima Vojvodine. Istraživanja su
sprovedena 2017. i 2018. godine, na četiri lokaliteta, i to u Kikindi, Bačkoj
Topoli, Padinskoj Skeli i Sremskoj Mitrovici. Ogledi su postavljeni u tri
ponavljanja, korišćenjem standardne metodologije prema slučajnom blok
sistemu. Analiza varijanse je pokazala da su prinos zrna ozime raži i sadržaj proteina u zrnu značajno varirali u zavisnosti od genotipa, godine i
lokaliteta, kao i njihovih interakcija., Results of multi-year research on grain yield and protein content in grain
of four varieties of winter rye (PKB Zmaj, NS Savo, Šampion, and KG Raša) under agro-ecological conditions of Vojvodina are presented. Research was carried out in 2017 and 2018, at four locations in Kikinda,
Bačka Topola, Padinska Skela and Sremska Mitrovica. Trials were set up in three replications using standard methodology according to a
randomized block design. Analysis of variance showed that grain yield and
grain protein content of winter rye varied significantly depending on the
genotype, year and locality, as well as their interactions.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar",
title = "Uticaj godine na prinos zrna i sadržaj proteina ozime raži, Uticaj godine na prinos zrna i sInfluence of year on grain yield and protein content of winter rye",
pages = "95-87",
url = ""
Đurić, N., Poštić, D., Dozet, G., Mamlić, Z., Šević, B., Đukić, V.,& Cvijanović, G.. (2023). Uticaj godine na prinos zrna i sadržaj proteina ozime raži. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 87-95.
Đurić N, Poštić D, Dozet G, Mamlić Z, Šević B, Đukić V, Cvijanović G. Uticaj godine na prinos zrna i sadržaj proteina ozime raži. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar. 2023;:87-95. .
Đurić, Nenad, Poštić, Dobrivoj, Dozet, Gordana, Mamlić, Zlatica, Šević, Biljana, Đukić, Vojin, Cvijanović, Gorica, "Uticaj godine na prinos zrna i sadržaj proteina ozime raži" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar (2023):87-95, .

Effect of pulsed electromagnetic field on yield of grain, yield of protein and oil of soybean.

Bajagić, Marija; Đukić, Vojin; Mamlić, Zlatica; Sekulić, Jovana; Cvijanović, Vojin; Đurić, Nenad; Cvijanović, Gorica

(Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2023)

AU  - Bajagić, Marija
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Sekulić, Jovana
AU  - Cvijanović, Vojin
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - One of the latest environmentally friendly methods in soybean production technology is the pulsed electromagnetic field of low frequencies (PEMP). The paper presents the results of the influence of electromagnetic stimulation of soybean seeds on grain yield, protein and oil yield, depending on different agroclimatic conditions, exposure time and frequency. In the 2012–2017 research period, the soybean cv. Valjevka was used in the Institute of Field and Vegetable Agriculture experimental field, Novi Sad, Serbia. Immediately before sowing, the seeds were subjected to PEMP treatment, with a pulse generator and a tape applicator, in the following variants: electromagnetic field frequencies of 16, 24 and 30 Hz, and exposure time of 0, 30 and 60 min. The most successful variant of seed stimulation for all three examined parameters was at 16 Hz and 30 min, where the research results show that this measure can increase the examined parameters by more than 10%. The average yield of grain for all years of research with seed stimulation was 4.85% (3 338 kg/ha) compared to the control (3 203 kg/ha). The average grain protein yield in the treatments with PEMP was 1 315 kg/ha, which was 4.26% higher compared to the variant without PEMP
(1 260 kg/ha), and the treatment was 4% higher in the average oil yield, 703 kg/ha compared to the control 676 kg/ha.
Also, the analysis of the mutual dependence of the indicators is in a positive correlation, which is essential for plant breeding and the development of new technologies, which have economic justification, are safe for use and have
a positive impact on adverse effects such as drought.
PB  - Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences
T2  - Plant, Soil and Environment
T1  - Effect of pulsed electromagnetic field on yield of grain, yield of protein and oil of soybean.
SP  - 69
DO  - 10.17221/336/2023-PSE
ER  - 
author = "Bajagić, Marija and Đukić, Vojin and Mamlić, Zlatica and Sekulić, Jovana and Cvijanović, Vojin and Đurić, Nenad and Cvijanović, Gorica",
year = "2023",
abstract = "One of the latest environmentally friendly methods in soybean production technology is the pulsed electromagnetic field of low frequencies (PEMP). The paper presents the results of the influence of electromagnetic stimulation of soybean seeds on grain yield, protein and oil yield, depending on different agroclimatic conditions, exposure time and frequency. In the 2012–2017 research period, the soybean cv. Valjevka was used in the Institute of Field and Vegetable Agriculture experimental field, Novi Sad, Serbia. Immediately before sowing, the seeds were subjected to PEMP treatment, with a pulse generator and a tape applicator, in the following variants: electromagnetic field frequencies of 16, 24 and 30 Hz, and exposure time of 0, 30 and 60 min. The most successful variant of seed stimulation for all three examined parameters was at 16 Hz and 30 min, where the research results show that this measure can increase the examined parameters by more than 10%. The average yield of grain for all years of research with seed stimulation was 4.85% (3 338 kg/ha) compared to the control (3 203 kg/ha). The average grain protein yield in the treatments with PEMP was 1 315 kg/ha, which was 4.26% higher compared to the variant without PEMP
(1 260 kg/ha), and the treatment was 4% higher in the average oil yield, 703 kg/ha compared to the control 676 kg/ha.
Also, the analysis of the mutual dependence of the indicators is in a positive correlation, which is essential for plant breeding and the development of new technologies, which have economic justification, are safe for use and have
a positive impact on adverse effects such as drought.",
publisher = "Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences",
journal = "Plant, Soil and Environment",
title = "Effect of pulsed electromagnetic field on yield of grain, yield of protein and oil of soybean.",
pages = "69",
doi = "10.17221/336/2023-PSE"
Bajagić, M., Đukić, V., Mamlić, Z., Sekulić, J., Cvijanović, V., Đurić, N.,& Cvijanović, G.. (2023). Effect of pulsed electromagnetic field on yield of grain, yield of protein and oil of soybean.. in Plant, Soil and Environment
Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences., 69.
Bajagić M, Đukić V, Mamlić Z, Sekulić J, Cvijanović V, Đurić N, Cvijanović G. Effect of pulsed electromagnetic field on yield of grain, yield of protein and oil of soybean.. in Plant, Soil and Environment. 2023;:69.
doi:10.17221/336/2023-PSE .
Bajagić, Marija, Đukić, Vojin, Mamlić, Zlatica, Sekulić, Jovana, Cvijanović, Vojin, Đurić, Nenad, Cvijanović, Gorica, "Effect of pulsed electromagnetic field on yield of grain, yield of protein and oil of soybean." in Plant, Soil and Environment (2023):69, . .

Povećanje prinosa soje folijarnom primenom vodenih ekstrakata

Dozet, Gordana; Đukić, Vojin; Miladinović, Jegor; Mamlić, Zlatica; Kandelinskaja, Olga; Đurić, Nenad; Cvijanović, Gorica

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2023)

AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Miladinović, Jegor
AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Kandelinskaja, Olga
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Primena đubriva uslov je za ostvarivanje visoke i stabilne, ekonomski opravdane proizvodnje soje. Vodeni ekstrakti biljnog materijala su imali pozitivan efekat na prinos soje. Svi vodeni ekstrakti povećali su prinos
soje, a najveći efekat postignut je folijarnom primenom vodenog ekstrakta od ploda banane, zatim vodenog ekstrakta od koprive i gaveza, vodenog
ekstrakta od kore banana kao i vodenog ekstrakta od koprive.
AB  - The use of fertilizers is a condition for achieving high and stable,
economically justified soybean production. Aqueous extracts of plant
material had a positive effect on soybean yield. All aqueous extracts increased soybean yield, and the highest effect was achieved by foliar application of aqueous extract of banana fruit, then aqueous extract of nettle and comfrey, aqueous extract of banana peel, as well as aqueous extract of nettle.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
T1  - Povećanje prinosa soje folijarnom primenom vodenih ekstrakata
T1  - Increase of soybean yield usingfoliar application of aqueous eextracts
EP  - 181
SP  - 174
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Dozet, Gordana and Đukić, Vojin and Miladinović, Jegor and Mamlić, Zlatica and Kandelinskaja, Olga and Đurić, Nenad and Cvijanović, Gorica",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Primena đubriva uslov je za ostvarivanje visoke i stabilne, ekonomski opravdane proizvodnje soje. Vodeni ekstrakti biljnog materijala su imali pozitivan efekat na prinos soje. Svi vodeni ekstrakti povećali su prinos
soje, a najveći efekat postignut je folijarnom primenom vodenog ekstrakta od ploda banane, zatim vodenog ekstrakta od koprive i gaveza, vodenog
ekstrakta od kore banana kao i vodenog ekstrakta od koprive., The use of fertilizers is a condition for achieving high and stable,
economically justified soybean production. Aqueous extracts of plant
material had a positive effect on soybean yield. All aqueous extracts increased soybean yield, and the highest effect was achieved by foliar application of aqueous extract of banana fruit, then aqueous extract of nettle and comfrey, aqueous extract of banana peel, as well as aqueous extract of nettle.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar",
title = "Povećanje prinosa soje folijarnom primenom vodenih ekstrakata, Increase of soybean yield usingfoliar application of aqueous eextracts",
pages = "181-174",
url = ""
Dozet, G., Đukić, V., Miladinović, J., Mamlić, Z., Kandelinskaja, O., Đurić, N.,& Cvijanović, G.. (2023). Povećanje prinosa soje folijarnom primenom vodenih ekstrakata. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 174-181.
Dozet G, Đukić V, Miladinović J, Mamlić Z, Kandelinskaja O, Đurić N, Cvijanović G. Povećanje prinosa soje folijarnom primenom vodenih ekstrakata. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar. 2023;:174-181. .
Dozet, Gordana, Đukić, Vojin, Miladinović, Jegor, Mamlić, Zlatica, Kandelinskaja, Olga, Đurić, Nenad, Cvijanović, Gorica, "Povećanje prinosa soje folijarnom primenom vodenih ekstrakata" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar (2023):174-181, .

Variranje prinosa pojedinih sorti soje po godinama i lokalitetima

Đukić, Vojin; Miladinović, Jegor; Mamlić, Zlatica; Ćeran, Marina; Ranđelović, Predrag; Dozet, Gordana; Bajagić, Marijana

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2023)

AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Miladinović, Jegor
AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Ćeran, Marina
AU  - Ranđelović, Predrag
AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Bajagić, Marijana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Makroogledi se izvode sa ciljem raspoređivanja pojedinih sorti soje po
pojedinim lokalitetima kako bi se ostvarili maksimalni prinosi uz što manja variranja u pojedinim godinama. Koeficijenti varijacije omogućuju
detaljnu analizu sorti soje po lokalitetima i godinama. Dobijeni rezultati
pokazuju da su koeficijenti varijacije prinosa sorti veoma visoki u nepovoljnim godinama, sa veoma izraženim variranjem prinosa po
pojedinim lokalitetima. Cilj ovoga rada je sagledavanje variranja prinosa
šest NS sorti soje na četiri lokaliteta tokom tri godine.
AB  - Macro-experiments are carried out with the aim of distributing
individual varieties of soybeans in individual locations in order to achieve maximum yields with as little variation as possible in individual years. Coefficients of variation enable a detailed analysis of soybean varieties by
location and year. The obtained results show that the coefficients of variation of varieties yield are very high in unfavorable years, with very pronounced variation of yield in individual localities. The aim of this paper is to analize the yield variation of six NS soybean varieties at four localities during three years.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
T1  - Variranje prinosa pojedinih sorti soje po godinama i lokalitetima
T1  - Variation in yield of certain soybean varieties by years and locations
EP  - 156
SP  - 145
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Đukić, Vojin and Miladinović, Jegor and Mamlić, Zlatica and Ćeran, Marina and Ranđelović, Predrag and Dozet, Gordana and Bajagić, Marijana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Makroogledi se izvode sa ciljem raspoređivanja pojedinih sorti soje po
pojedinim lokalitetima kako bi se ostvarili maksimalni prinosi uz što manja variranja u pojedinim godinama. Koeficijenti varijacije omogućuju
detaljnu analizu sorti soje po lokalitetima i godinama. Dobijeni rezultati
pokazuju da su koeficijenti varijacije prinosa sorti veoma visoki u nepovoljnim godinama, sa veoma izraženim variranjem prinosa po
pojedinim lokalitetima. Cilj ovoga rada je sagledavanje variranja prinosa
šest NS sorti soje na četiri lokaliteta tokom tri godine., Macro-experiments are carried out with the aim of distributing
individual varieties of soybeans in individual locations in order to achieve maximum yields with as little variation as possible in individual years. Coefficients of variation enable a detailed analysis of soybean varieties by
location and year. The obtained results show that the coefficients of variation of varieties yield are very high in unfavorable years, with very pronounced variation of yield in individual localities. The aim of this paper is to analize the yield variation of six NS soybean varieties at four localities during three years.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar",
title = "Variranje prinosa pojedinih sorti soje po godinama i lokalitetima, Variation in yield of certain soybean varieties by years and locations",
pages = "156-145",
url = ""
Đukić, V., Miladinović, J., Mamlić, Z., Ćeran, M., Ranđelović, P., Dozet, G.,& Bajagić, M.. (2023). Variranje prinosa pojedinih sorti soje po godinama i lokalitetima. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 145-156.
Đukić V, Miladinović J, Mamlić Z, Ćeran M, Ranđelović P, Dozet G, Bajagić M. Variranje prinosa pojedinih sorti soje po godinama i lokalitetima. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar. 2023;:145-156. .
Đukić, Vojin, Miladinović, Jegor, Mamlić, Zlatica, Ćeran, Marina, Ranđelović, Predrag, Dozet, Gordana, Bajagić, Marijana, "Variranje prinosa pojedinih sorti soje po godinama i lokalitetima" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar (2023):145-156, .

Uzajamni odnos đubrenja i vremena osnovne obrade na prinos i kvalitet zrna soje

Mamlić, Zlatica; Dozet, Gordana; Đukić, Vojin; Miladinović, Jegor; Ćeran, Marina; Đurić, Nenad; Uhlarik, Ana

(Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad, 2023)

AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Miladinović, Jegor
AU  - Ćeran, Marina
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Uhlarik, Ana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Kvalitetna i pravovremena osnovna obrada zemljišta uz dobru obezbeđenost hranivima je uslov za normalan razvoj biljaka soje i ostvarenje visokih prinosa. Jesenja osnovna obrada doprinosi ostvarenju visokih prinosa soje, dok se sa kasnijom obradom prinos smanjuje. NPK đubriva, amonijum nitrat i folijarna primena vodenog ekstrakta od ploda banane povećava prinos soje, prinos proteina i ulja, a najboji efekat pstvaren je uoptrebom NPK đubriva
PB  - Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad
T2  - Uljarstvo
T1  - Uzajamni odnos đubrenja i vremena osnovne obrade na prinos i kvalitet zrna soje
EP  - 70
IS  - 1
SP  - 63
VL  - 54
VL  - 2956-0594
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mamlić, Zlatica and Dozet, Gordana and Đukić, Vojin and Miladinović, Jegor and Ćeran, Marina and Đurić, Nenad and Uhlarik, Ana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Kvalitetna i pravovremena osnovna obrada zemljišta uz dobru obezbeđenost hranivima je uslov za normalan razvoj biljaka soje i ostvarenje visokih prinosa. Jesenja osnovna obrada doprinosi ostvarenju visokih prinosa soje, dok se sa kasnijom obradom prinos smanjuje. NPK đubriva, amonijum nitrat i folijarna primena vodenog ekstrakta od ploda banane povećava prinos soje, prinos proteina i ulja, a najboji efekat pstvaren je uoptrebom NPK đubriva",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad",
journal = "Uljarstvo",
title = "Uzajamni odnos đubrenja i vremena osnovne obrade na prinos i kvalitet zrna soje",
pages = "70-63",
number = "1",
volume = "54, 2956-0594",
url = ""
Mamlić, Z., Dozet, G., Đukić, V., Miladinović, J., Ćeran, M., Đurić, N.,& Uhlarik, A.. (2023). Uzajamni odnos đubrenja i vremena osnovne obrade na prinos i kvalitet zrna soje. in Uljarstvo
Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad., 54(1), 63-70.
Mamlić Z, Dozet G, Đukić V, Miladinović J, Ćeran M, Đurić N, Uhlarik A. Uzajamni odnos đubrenja i vremena osnovne obrade na prinos i kvalitet zrna soje. in Uljarstvo. 2023;54(1):63-70. .
Mamlić, Zlatica, Dozet, Gordana, Đukić, Vojin, Miladinović, Jegor, Ćeran, Marina, Đurić, Nenad, Uhlarik, Ana, "Uzajamni odnos đubrenja i vremena osnovne obrade na prinos i kvalitet zrna soje" in Uljarstvo, 54, no. 1 (2023):63-70, .

Interakcija vremena osnovne obrade i đubrenja na sadržaj proteina i ulja u zrnu soje

Mamlić, Zlatica; Ali Abdulnabi, Nesrin Saleh; Dozet, Gordana; Đukić, Vojin; Miladinović, Jegor; Đurić, Nenad; Uhlarik, Ana

(Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad, 2023)

AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Ali Abdulnabi, Nesrin Saleh
AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Miladinović, Jegor
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Uhlarik, Ana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Kvalitetna i pravovremena osnovna obrada zemljišta uz dobru obezbeđenost
hranivima je uslov za normalan razvoj biljaka soje i ostvarenje visokoh prinosa.
Jesenja osnovna obrada doprinosi ostvarenju visokih prinosa soje, dok se sa kasnijom
obradom prinos smanjuje. NPK đubriva , amonijum nitrat i folijarna primena vodenog
ekstrakta od ploda banane povećava prinos soje, prinos proteina i ulja, a najbolji
efekat ostvaren je upotrebom NPK đubriva.
AB  - Quality and timely primary soil tillage along with good nutrient supply is a
requirement for normal soybean plant development and high yield realization.
Autumnal primary tillage contributes to the achievement of high soybean yields,
while later cultivation decreases the yield. NPK fertilizers, ammonium nitrate and
foliar aqueous banana fruit extract application increases soybean yield, protein and
oil yield, and the best effect is achieved by applying NPK fertilizer.
PB  - Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad
PB  - Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad, Institut od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju
PB  - Novi Sad :  DOO “Industrijsko bilje”
C3  - Zbornik radova : 64. savetovanje “Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica” sa međunarodnim učešćem, Herceg Novi, 25. – 30. jun
T1  - Interakcija vremena osnovne obrade i đubrenja na sadržaj proteina i ulja u zrnu soje
T1  - Interaction of primary tillage time and fertilizer with soybean grain protein and oil content
EP  - 91
SP  - 85
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mamlić, Zlatica and Ali Abdulnabi, Nesrin Saleh and Dozet, Gordana and Đukić, Vojin and Miladinović, Jegor and Đurić, Nenad and Uhlarik, Ana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Kvalitetna i pravovremena osnovna obrada zemljišta uz dobru obezbeđenost
hranivima je uslov za normalan razvoj biljaka soje i ostvarenje visokoh prinosa.
Jesenja osnovna obrada doprinosi ostvarenju visokih prinosa soje, dok se sa kasnijom
obradom prinos smanjuje. NPK đubriva , amonijum nitrat i folijarna primena vodenog
ekstrakta od ploda banane povećava prinos soje, prinos proteina i ulja, a najbolji
efekat ostvaren je upotrebom NPK đubriva., Quality and timely primary soil tillage along with good nutrient supply is a
requirement for normal soybean plant development and high yield realization.
Autumnal primary tillage contributes to the achievement of high soybean yields,
while later cultivation decreases the yield. NPK fertilizers, ammonium nitrate and
foliar aqueous banana fruit extract application increases soybean yield, protein and
oil yield, and the best effect is achieved by applying NPK fertilizer.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad, Novi Sad : Institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo Novi Sad, Institut od nacionalnog značaja za Republiku Srbiju, Novi Sad :  DOO “Industrijsko bilje”",
journal = "Zbornik radova : 64. savetovanje “Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica” sa međunarodnim učešćem, Herceg Novi, 25. – 30. jun",
title = "Interakcija vremena osnovne obrade i đubrenja na sadržaj proteina i ulja u zrnu soje, Interaction of primary tillage time and fertilizer with soybean grain protein and oil content",
pages = "91-85",
url = ""
Mamlić, Z., Ali Abdulnabi, N. S., Dozet, G., Đukić, V., Miladinović, J., Đurić, N.,& Uhlarik, A.. (2023). Interakcija vremena osnovne obrade i đubrenja na sadržaj proteina i ulja u zrnu soje. in Zbornik radova : 64. savetovanje “Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica” sa međunarodnim učešćem, Herceg Novi, 25. – 30. jun
Novi Sad : Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Tehnološki fakultet Novi Sad., 85-91.
Mamlić Z, Ali Abdulnabi NS, Dozet G, Đukić V, Miladinović J, Đurić N, Uhlarik A. Interakcija vremena osnovne obrade i đubrenja na sadržaj proteina i ulja u zrnu soje. in Zbornik radova : 64. savetovanje “Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica” sa međunarodnim učešćem, Herceg Novi, 25. – 30. jun. 2023;:85-91. .
Mamlić, Zlatica, Ali Abdulnabi, Nesrin Saleh, Dozet, Gordana, Đukić, Vojin, Miladinović, Jegor, Đurić, Nenad, Uhlarik, Ana, "Interakcija vremena osnovne obrade i đubrenja na sadržaj proteina i ulja u zrnu soje" in Zbornik radova : 64. savetovanje “Proizvodnja i prerada uljarica” sa međunarodnim učešćem, Herceg Novi, 25. – 30. jun (2023):85-91, .

Značaj gajenja leguminoza u biljnoj proizvodnji

Mamlić, Zlatica; Đukić, Vojin; Dozet, Gordana; Abdurhman, Asma; Dolapčev-Rakić, Anja; Sinjušin, Andrej; Đurić, Nenad

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2023)

AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Abdurhman, Asma
AU  - Dolapčev-Rakić, Anja
AU  - Sinjušin, Andrej
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Prinos i morfološke osobine mahunarki zavise od sorte, plodnosti
zemljišta, agrotehničkih mera, kao i od vremenskih uslova u pojedinim godinama. Gajenjem mahunarki smanjuje se upotreba skupih mineralnih
đubriva i smanjuje se zagađenje životne sredine. Cilj ovih istraživanja je da se sumiraju dugogodišnja istraživanja o mogućnosti povećanja prinosa
AB  - Yield and morphological traits of legume depend on the variety,
cultivation practice as well as the weather conditions in certain years. The cultivation of legumes reduces the use of expensive mineral fertilizers and reduces environmental pollution. The aim of this research is to summarize
many years of research on the possibility of increasing the yield of legumes.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
T1  - Značaj gajenja leguminoza u biljnoj proizvodnji
T1  - The importance of cultivation of legumes in plant production
EP  - 225
SP  - 216
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Mamlić, Zlatica and Đukić, Vojin and Dozet, Gordana and Abdurhman, Asma and Dolapčev-Rakić, Anja and Sinjušin, Andrej and Đurić, Nenad",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Prinos i morfološke osobine mahunarki zavise od sorte, plodnosti
zemljišta, agrotehničkih mera, kao i od vremenskih uslova u pojedinim godinama. Gajenjem mahunarki smanjuje se upotreba skupih mineralnih
đubriva i smanjuje se zagađenje životne sredine. Cilj ovih istraživanja je da se sumiraju dugogodišnja istraživanja o mogućnosti povećanja prinosa
mahunarki., Yield and morphological traits of legume depend on the variety,
cultivation practice as well as the weather conditions in certain years. The cultivation of legumes reduces the use of expensive mineral fertilizers and reduces environmental pollution. The aim of this research is to summarize
many years of research on the possibility of increasing the yield of legumes.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar",
title = "Značaj gajenja leguminoza u biljnoj proizvodnji, The importance of cultivation of legumes in plant production",
pages = "225-216",
url = ""
Mamlić, Z., Đukić, V., Dozet, G., Abdurhman, A., Dolapčev-Rakić, A., Sinjušin, A.,& Đurić, N.. (2023). Značaj gajenja leguminoza u biljnoj proizvodnji. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 216-225.
Mamlić Z, Đukić V, Dozet G, Abdurhman A, Dolapčev-Rakić A, Sinjušin A, Đurić N. Značaj gajenja leguminoza u biljnoj proizvodnji. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar. 2023;:216-225. .
Mamlić, Zlatica, Đukić, Vojin, Dozet, Gordana, Abdurhman, Asma, Dolapčev-Rakić, Anja, Sinjušin, Andrej, Đurić, Nenad, "Značaj gajenja leguminoza u biljnoj proizvodnji" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar (2023):216-225, .

Organic soybean cultivation with a sustainable system

Dozet, Gordana; Đukić, Vojin; Mamlić, Zlatica; Cvijanović, Gorica; Đurić, Nenad; Jakšić, Snežana; Bajagić, Marija

(Beograd : Institut za ekonomiku poljoprovrede, 2023)

AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Jakšić, Snežana
AU  - Bajagić, Marija
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The need for certified organic agricultural products is ever greater as in the World, so in Serbia. Triennial research was conducted with five soybean varieties and foliar treatment with aqueous extract and aminoacids aimed at esstablishing examined factors’ influence on soybean yield and organic soybean cultivation system sustainability. A field experiment was set in four repetitions.
All three examined factors have shown significant influence on soybean yield and that such a method of soybean cultivation is sustainable. However, in dry farming, soybean grain yield height is mostly influenced by weather conditions, primarily precipitation quantity and distribution, as well as temperature height during the vegetation period, hence yield height varies from year to year.
PB  - Beograd : Institut za ekonomiku poljoprovrede
C3  - Sustainable agriculture and rural development III : Thematic proceedings
T1  - Organic soybean cultivation with a sustainable system
EP  - 310
SP  - 301
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Dozet, Gordana and Đukić, Vojin and Mamlić, Zlatica and Cvijanović, Gorica and Đurić, Nenad and Jakšić, Snežana and Bajagić, Marija",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The need for certified organic agricultural products is ever greater as in the World, so in Serbia. Triennial research was conducted with five soybean varieties and foliar treatment with aqueous extract and aminoacids aimed at esstablishing examined factors’ influence on soybean yield and organic soybean cultivation system sustainability. A field experiment was set in four repetitions.
All three examined factors have shown significant influence on soybean yield and that such a method of soybean cultivation is sustainable. However, in dry farming, soybean grain yield height is mostly influenced by weather conditions, primarily precipitation quantity and distribution, as well as temperature height during the vegetation period, hence yield height varies from year to year.",
publisher = "Beograd : Institut za ekonomiku poljoprovrede",
journal = "Sustainable agriculture and rural development III : Thematic proceedings",
title = "Organic soybean cultivation with a sustainable system",
pages = "310-301",
url = ""
Dozet, G., Đukić, V., Mamlić, Z., Cvijanović, G., Đurić, N., Jakšić, S.,& Bajagić, M.. (2023). Organic soybean cultivation with a sustainable system. in Sustainable agriculture and rural development III : Thematic proceedings
Beograd : Institut za ekonomiku poljoprovrede., 301-310.
Dozet G, Đukić V, Mamlić Z, Cvijanović G, Đurić N, Jakšić S, Bajagić M. Organic soybean cultivation with a sustainable system. in Sustainable agriculture and rural development III : Thematic proceedings. 2023;:301-310. .
Dozet, Gordana, Đukić, Vojin, Mamlić, Zlatica, Cvijanović, Gorica, Đurić, Nenad, Jakšić, Snežana, Bajagić, Marija, "Organic soybean cultivation with a sustainable system" in Sustainable agriculture and rural development III : Thematic proceedings (2023):301-310, .

Influence of effective microorganisms on the diameter of the cap and mass of mushrooms

Cvijanović, Gorica; Petrović, Nikola; Bajagić, Marija; Đukić, Vojin; Mamlić, Zlatica; Dozet, Gordana; Đurić, Nenad

(Bijeljina : Bijeljina University, Republic of Srpska, BiH, 2023)

AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
AU  - Petrović, Nikola
AU  - Bajagić, Marija
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Mushrooms, due to their nutritional value, are increasingly included in people's diets. A small number of species are cultivated commercially in the world. There is also not a lot of research related to mushroom cultivation technology. The goal of the work was to determine the application of effective microorganisms in the production of champignon mushrooms in briquettes. EM Aktiv preparation is used in two treatments. In treatment EM1, compost was sprayed in the briquettes after mycelium sowing. Peat used as mulch was also sprayed twice. In the course of cultivation, spraying with water mist with the addition of preparations was carried out. In the EM2 treatment, only the initial treatment of compost and peat was carried out. The diameter of the champignon cap and the weight of the champignon were measured in each harvest (5 harvests in total). The diameter of the cap showed statistically significant differences only in dependence on the harvest term. With the length of the growing time, the diameter of the mushroom cap also increased. Mushroom mass was statistically highly dependent on treatment and harvest time. In treatment EM 1, an increase in the mass of champignons was determined by 19.97% compared to the control, and in treatment EM 2 by 0.04%.
PB  - Bijeljina : Bijeljina University, Republic of Srpska, BiH
C3  - Village and Agriculture : Book of Proceedings of 6th International Scientific Conference, 29.09.-30.09.2023. Bijeljina, B&H
T1  - Influence of effective microorganisms on the diameter of the cap and mass of mushrooms
EP  - 86
SP  - 79
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Cvijanović, Gorica and Petrović, Nikola and Bajagić, Marija and Đukić, Vojin and Mamlić, Zlatica and Dozet, Gordana and Đurić, Nenad",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Mushrooms, due to their nutritional value, are increasingly included in people's diets. A small number of species are cultivated commercially in the world. There is also not a lot of research related to mushroom cultivation technology. The goal of the work was to determine the application of effective microorganisms in the production of champignon mushrooms in briquettes. EM Aktiv preparation is used in two treatments. In treatment EM1, compost was sprayed in the briquettes after mycelium sowing. Peat used as mulch was also sprayed twice. In the course of cultivation, spraying with water mist with the addition of preparations was carried out. In the EM2 treatment, only the initial treatment of compost and peat was carried out. The diameter of the champignon cap and the weight of the champignon were measured in each harvest (5 harvests in total). The diameter of the cap showed statistically significant differences only in dependence on the harvest term. With the length of the growing time, the diameter of the mushroom cap also increased. Mushroom mass was statistically highly dependent on treatment and harvest time. In treatment EM 1, an increase in the mass of champignons was determined by 19.97% compared to the control, and in treatment EM 2 by 0.04%.",
publisher = "Bijeljina : Bijeljina University, Republic of Srpska, BiH",
journal = "Village and Agriculture : Book of Proceedings of 6th International Scientific Conference, 29.09.-30.09.2023. Bijeljina, B&H",
title = "Influence of effective microorganisms on the diameter of the cap and mass of mushrooms",
pages = "86-79",
url = ""
Cvijanović, G., Petrović, N., Bajagić, M., Đukić, V., Mamlić, Z., Dozet, G.,& Đurić, N.. (2023). Influence of effective microorganisms on the diameter of the cap and mass of mushrooms. in Village and Agriculture : Book of Proceedings of 6th International Scientific Conference, 29.09.-30.09.2023. Bijeljina, B&H
Bijeljina : Bijeljina University, Republic of Srpska, BiH., 79-86.
Cvijanović G, Petrović N, Bajagić M, Đukić V, Mamlić Z, Dozet G, Đurić N. Influence of effective microorganisms on the diameter of the cap and mass of mushrooms. in Village and Agriculture : Book of Proceedings of 6th International Scientific Conference, 29.09.-30.09.2023. Bijeljina, B&H. 2023;:79-86. .
Cvijanović, Gorica, Petrović, Nikola, Bajagić, Marija, Đukić, Vojin, Mamlić, Zlatica, Dozet, Gordana, Đurić, Nenad, "Influence of effective microorganisms on the diameter of the cap and mass of mushrooms" in Village and Agriculture : Book of Proceedings of 6th International Scientific Conference, 29.09.-30.09.2023. Bijeljina, B&H (2023):79-86, .

Uticaj EM aktiva na prinos i morfološke osobine soje

Cvijanović, Gorica; Abdurhman, Asma; Abduladim, Eltrek; Bajagić, Marija; Đurić, Nenad; Mamlić, Zlatica; Đukić, Vojin

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2023)

AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
AU  - Abdurhman, Asma
AU  - Abduladim, Eltrek
AU  - Bajagić, Marija
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Intenzivna biljna proizvodnja podrazumeva primenu novih tehnologija
u cilju povećanja prinosa i kvaliteta biljnih proizvoda. Primena preparata na bazi efektivnih mikroorganizama EM Aktiv u proizvodnji soje
statistički veoma značajno povećava prinos i ima statistički veoma
značajan pozitivan uticaj na pojedine morfološke osobine biljaka poput
visine biljke, broja mahuna i mase zrna po biljci, kao i mase 1000 semena.
AB  - Intensive plant production implies the application of new technologies with the aim of increasing the yield and quality of plant products. The use
of preparations based on effective microorganisms EM Aktiv in soybean
production significantly increases the yield and has a statistically significant positive effect on certain morphological characteristics of plants such as plant height, number of pods and weight of grains per plant, as well
as weight of 1000 grains.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučnoi skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
T1  - Uticaj EM aktiva na prinos i morfološke osobine soje
T1  - Influence of EM activities on the yield and morphological characteristics of soybean
EP  - 173
SP  - 166
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Cvijanović, Gorica and Abdurhman, Asma and Abduladim, Eltrek and Bajagić, Marija and Đurić, Nenad and Mamlić, Zlatica and Đukić, Vojin",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Intenzivna biljna proizvodnja podrazumeva primenu novih tehnologija
u cilju povećanja prinosa i kvaliteta biljnih proizvoda. Primena preparata na bazi efektivnih mikroorganizama EM Aktiv u proizvodnji soje
statistički veoma značajno povećava prinos i ima statistički veoma
značajan pozitivan uticaj na pojedine morfološke osobine biljaka poput
visine biljke, broja mahuna i mase zrna po biljci, kao i mase 1000 semena., Intensive plant production implies the application of new technologies with the aim of increasing the yield and quality of plant products. The use
of preparations based on effective microorganisms EM Aktiv in soybean
production significantly increases the yield and has a statistically significant positive effect on certain morphological characteristics of plants such as plant height, number of pods and weight of grains per plant, as well
as weight of 1000 grains.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučnoi skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar",
title = "Uticaj EM aktiva na prinos i morfološke osobine soje, Influence of EM activities on the yield and morphological characteristics of soybean",
pages = "173-166",
url = ""
Cvijanović, G., Abdurhman, A., Abduladim, E., Bajagić, M., Đurić, N., Mamlić, Z.,& Đukić, V.. (2023). Uticaj EM aktiva na prinos i morfološke osobine soje. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučnoi skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 166-173.
Cvijanović G, Abdurhman A, Abduladim E, Bajagić M, Đurić N, Mamlić Z, Đukić V. Uticaj EM aktiva na prinos i morfološke osobine soje. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučnoi skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar. 2023;:166-173. .
Cvijanović, Gorica, Abdurhman, Asma, Abduladim, Eltrek, Bajagić, Marija, Đurić, Nenad, Mamlić, Zlatica, Đukić, Vojin, "Uticaj EM aktiva na prinos i morfološke osobine soje" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučnoi skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar (2023):166-173, .

Primena efektivnih mikroorganizama u proizvodnji soje

Bajagić, Marija; Đurić, Nenad; Dozet, Gordana; Đukić, Vojin; Mamlić, Zlatica; Cvijanović, Gorica; Kandelinskaja, Olga

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2023)

AU  - Bajagić, Marija
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
AU  - Kandelinskaja, Olga
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Primena novih tehnologija u cilju dobijanja višeg prinosa gajenih
biljaka i boljeg kvaliteta proizvoda je ključ za unapređenje poljoprivrede u budućnosti. Efektivni mikroorganizmi sve više nalaze primenu u intenzivnoj konvencionalnoj i organskoj biljnoj proizvodnji jer njihovom
primenom smanjuju se troškovi proizvodnje, povećava biogenost
zemljišta, smanjuju bolesti na usevima i pozitivno utiče na zaštitu životne
sredine. Primena preparata EM-Aktiv značajno povećava prinos soje i
pozitivno utiče na morfološke osobine, masu i visinu biljaka, masu 1000
zrna i žetveni indeks soje.
AB  - The application of new technologies in order to obtain a higher yield of
cultivated plants and better product quality is the key to improving
agriculture in the future. Effective microorganisms are increasingly used in intensive conventional and organic plant production because their application reduces production costs, increases soil biogenicity, reduces
crop diseases and has a positive effect on environmental protection. The
application of EM-Aktiv significantly increases the yield of soybeans and
has a positive effect on the morphological characteristics, weight and
height of plants, weight of 1000 grains and harvest index of soybeans.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
T1  - Primena efektivnih mikroorganizama u proizvodnji soje
T1  - Application of effective microorganisms in the production of soybean
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bajagić, Marija and Đurić, Nenad and Dozet, Gordana and Đukić, Vojin and Mamlić, Zlatica and Cvijanović, Gorica and Kandelinskaja, Olga",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Primena novih tehnologija u cilju dobijanja višeg prinosa gajenih
biljaka i boljeg kvaliteta proizvoda je ključ za unapređenje poljoprivrede u budućnosti. Efektivni mikroorganizmi sve više nalaze primenu u intenzivnoj konvencionalnoj i organskoj biljnoj proizvodnji jer njihovom
primenom smanjuju se troškovi proizvodnje, povećava biogenost
zemljišta, smanjuju bolesti na usevima i pozitivno utiče na zaštitu životne
sredine. Primena preparata EM-Aktiv značajno povećava prinos soje i
pozitivno utiče na morfološke osobine, masu i visinu biljaka, masu 1000
zrna i žetveni indeks soje., The application of new technologies in order to obtain a higher yield of
cultivated plants and better product quality is the key to improving
agriculture in the future. Effective microorganisms are increasingly used in intensive conventional and organic plant production because their application reduces production costs, increases soil biogenicity, reduces
crop diseases and has a positive effect on environmental protection. The
application of EM-Aktiv significantly increases the yield of soybeans and
has a positive effect on the morphological characteristics, weight and
height of plants, weight of 1000 grains and harvest index of soybeans.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar",
title = "Primena efektivnih mikroorganizama u proizvodnji soje, Application of effective microorganisms in the production of soybean",
url = ""
Bajagić, M., Đurić, N., Dozet, G., Đukić, V., Mamlić, Z., Cvijanović, G.,& Kandelinskaja, O.. (2023). Primena efektivnih mikroorganizama u proizvodnji soje. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo..
Bajagić M, Đurić N, Dozet G, Đukić V, Mamlić Z, Cvijanović G, Kandelinskaja O. Primena efektivnih mikroorganizama u proizvodnji soje. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar. 2023;. .
Bajagić, Marija, Đurić, Nenad, Dozet, Gordana, Đukić, Vojin, Mamlić, Zlatica, Cvijanović, Gorica, Kandelinskaja, Olga, "Primena efektivnih mikroorganizama u proizvodnji soje" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar (2023), .

Uticaj vremena osnovne obrade i folijarne prihrane na prinos soje

Bajagić, Marija; Đukić, Vojin; Mamlić, Zlatica; Dozet, Gordana; Cvijanović, Gorica; Miladinović, Jegor; Ranđelović, Predrag

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2022)

AU  - Bajagić, Marija
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
AU  - Miladinović, Jegor
AU  - Ranđelović, Predrag
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Visoki prinosi i stabilna proizvodnja soje pod direktnim su uticajem
količine i rasporeda padavina, dostupnosti hraniva biljkama i
pravovremenosti primene agrotehničkih mera. Cilj ovih istraživanja je
ispitivanje uticaja vremena osnovne obrade i folijarne primene đubriva
na visinu prinosa soje. Zimska osnovna obrada zemljišta smanjuje prinos
soje u proseku za 4,07%, odnosno od 2,16% do 5,57% u različitim
godinama, dok prolećna osnovna obrada smanjuje prinos za 11,20% (od
6,11% do 18,06%). Folijarna primena đubriva povećava prinos u proseku
za 4,76%, a povećanje se kretalo od 1,27% pri jesenjoj osnovnoj obradi u
2020. godini do 8,40% pri prolećnoj osnovnoj obradi u 2019. godini.
AB  - High yields and stability of soybean production are directly affected by the amount and distribution of precipitation, available nutrients, and moment of agrotechnical measures application. This research aimed to examine the effect of primary tillage moment and foliar fertilization on soybean yield. Winter tillage reduced the soybean yield by 2.16% ̶ 5.57% in different years, 4.07% on average, while spring tillage reduced yield by 11.20% on average (6.11% ̶ 18.06%). Foliar fertilization increased yield by 4.76% on average, the increase ranged from 1.27% when autumn tillage was applied in 2020 to 8.40% when tillage was conducted in spring of 2019.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. Novembar
T1  - Uticaj vremena osnovne obrade i folijarne prihrane na prinos soje
T1  - The effect of primary tillage time and foliar fertilization on soybean yield
EP  - 313
SP  - 305
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bajagić, Marija and Đukić, Vojin and Mamlić, Zlatica and Dozet, Gordana and Cvijanović, Gorica and Miladinović, Jegor and Ranđelović, Predrag",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Visoki prinosi i stabilna proizvodnja soje pod direktnim su uticajem
količine i rasporeda padavina, dostupnosti hraniva biljkama i
pravovremenosti primene agrotehničkih mera. Cilj ovih istraživanja je
ispitivanje uticaja vremena osnovne obrade i folijarne primene đubriva
na visinu prinosa soje. Zimska osnovna obrada zemljišta smanjuje prinos
soje u proseku za 4,07%, odnosno od 2,16% do 5,57% u različitim
godinama, dok prolećna osnovna obrada smanjuje prinos za 11,20% (od
6,11% do 18,06%). Folijarna primena đubriva povećava prinos u proseku
za 4,76%, a povećanje se kretalo od 1,27% pri jesenjoj osnovnoj obradi u
2020. godini do 8,40% pri prolećnoj osnovnoj obradi u 2019. godini., High yields and stability of soybean production are directly affected by the amount and distribution of precipitation, available nutrients, and moment of agrotechnical measures application. This research aimed to examine the effect of primary tillage moment and foliar fertilization on soybean yield. Winter tillage reduced the soybean yield by 2.16% ̶ 5.57% in different years, 4.07% on average, while spring tillage reduced yield by 11.20% on average (6.11% ̶ 18.06%). Foliar fertilization increased yield by 4.76% on average, the increase ranged from 1.27% when autumn tillage was applied in 2020 to 8.40% when tillage was conducted in spring of 2019.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. Novembar",
title = "Uticaj vremena osnovne obrade i folijarne prihrane na prinos soje, The effect of primary tillage time and foliar fertilization on soybean yield",
pages = "313-305",
url = ""
Bajagić, M., Đukić, V., Mamlić, Z., Dozet, G., Cvijanović, G., Miladinović, J.,& Ranđelović, P.. (2022). Uticaj vremena osnovne obrade i folijarne prihrane na prinos soje. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. Novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 305-313.
Bajagić M, Đukić V, Mamlić Z, Dozet G, Cvijanović G, Miladinović J, Ranđelović P. Uticaj vremena osnovne obrade i folijarne prihrane na prinos soje. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. Novembar. 2022;:305-313. .
Bajagić, Marija, Đukić, Vojin, Mamlić, Zlatica, Dozet, Gordana, Cvijanović, Gorica, Miladinović, Jegor, Ranđelović, Predrag, "Uticaj vremena osnovne obrade i folijarne prihrane na prinos soje" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. Novembar (2022):305-313, .

Uticaj folijarne prihrane na visinu biljaka soje

Đukić, Vojin; Miladinović, Jegor; Mamlić, Zlatica; Dozet, Gordana; Cvijanović, Gorica; Đurić, Nenad; Cvijanović, Vojin

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2022)

AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Miladinović, Jegor
AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Cvijanović, Vojin
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Visoki prinosi i stabilna proizvodnja soje pod direktnim su uticajem
količine i dostupnosti hraniva biljkama. Cilj ovih istraživanja je
ispitivanje uticaja NPK đubriva sa mikroelementima i efektivnih
mikroorganizama na visinu biljaka kod tri sorte soje, različite grupe
zrenja. Efektivni mikroorganizmi i NPK đubrivo sa mikroelementima
statistički veoma značajno povećavaju visinu biljaka soje. NPK đubrivo
sa mikroelementima povećalo je visinu biljaka za 1,92%, dok je
kombinacija NPK đubriva sa mikroelementima i efektivnih
mikroorganizama povećala visinu biljaka soje za 6,30%.
AB  - High yields and stable soybean production are under direct influence
of plant nutrient quantity and availability. The aim of this research was to
examine the effect of NPK fertilizer with trace elements and effective microorganisms on the plant height of three soybean varieties which
belong to different maturation groups. Effective microorganisms and
NPK fertilizer with trace element statistically very significantly increase
plant height. NPK fertilizer with trace elements increased the plant height
by 1,92%, while the combination of NPK fertilizer with trace elements
and effective microorganisms increase plant height by 6,30%.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. Novembar
T1  - Uticaj folijarne prihrane na visinu biljaka soje
T1  - The effect of foliar fertilization on the height of soybean plants
EP  - 292
SP  - 284
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Đukić, Vojin and Miladinović, Jegor and Mamlić, Zlatica and Dozet, Gordana and Cvijanović, Gorica and Đurić, Nenad and Cvijanović, Vojin",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Visoki prinosi i stabilna proizvodnja soje pod direktnim su uticajem
količine i dostupnosti hraniva biljkama. Cilj ovih istraživanja je
ispitivanje uticaja NPK đubriva sa mikroelementima i efektivnih
mikroorganizama na visinu biljaka kod tri sorte soje, različite grupe
zrenja. Efektivni mikroorganizmi i NPK đubrivo sa mikroelementima
statistički veoma značajno povećavaju visinu biljaka soje. NPK đubrivo
sa mikroelementima povećalo je visinu biljaka za 1,92%, dok je
kombinacija NPK đubriva sa mikroelementima i efektivnih
mikroorganizama povećala visinu biljaka soje za 6,30%., High yields and stable soybean production are under direct influence
of plant nutrient quantity and availability. The aim of this research was to
examine the effect of NPK fertilizer with trace elements and effective microorganisms on the plant height of three soybean varieties which
belong to different maturation groups. Effective microorganisms and
NPK fertilizer with trace element statistically very significantly increase
plant height. NPK fertilizer with trace elements increased the plant height
by 1,92%, while the combination of NPK fertilizer with trace elements
and effective microorganisms increase plant height by 6,30%.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. Novembar",
title = "Uticaj folijarne prihrane na visinu biljaka soje, The effect of foliar fertilization on the height of soybean plants",
pages = "292-284",
url = ""
Đukić, V., Miladinović, J., Mamlić, Z., Dozet, G., Cvijanović, G., Đurić, N.,& Cvijanović, V.. (2022). Uticaj folijarne prihrane na visinu biljaka soje. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. Novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 284-292.
Đukić V, Miladinović J, Mamlić Z, Dozet G, Cvijanović G, Đurić N, Cvijanović V. Uticaj folijarne prihrane na visinu biljaka soje. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. Novembar. 2022;:284-292. .
Đukić, Vojin, Miladinović, Jegor, Mamlić, Zlatica, Dozet, Gordana, Cvijanović, Gorica, Đurić, Nenad, Cvijanović, Vojin, "Uticaj folijarne prihrane na visinu biljaka soje" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. Novembar (2022):284-292, .

Organic soybean cultivation with sustainable system

Dozet, Gordana; Đukić, Vojin; Mamlić, Zlatica; Cvijanović, Gorica; Đurić, Nenad; Jakšić, Snežana; Bajagić, Marija

(Beograd : IAE, 2022)

AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Jakšić, Snežana
AU  - Bajagić, Marija
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The need for certified organic agricultural products is ever greater as in the
World, so in Serbia. Triennial research was conducted with five soybean varieties
and foliar treatment with aqueous extract and aminoacids aimed at esstablishing
examined factors’ influence on soybean yield and organic soybean cultivation
system sustainability. A field experiment was set in four repetitions. All three
examined factors have shown significant influence on soybean yield and that
such a method of soybean cultivation is sustainable. However, in dry farming,
soybean grain yield height is mostly influenced by weather conditions, primarily
precipitation quantity and distribution, as well as temperature height during the
vegetation period, hence yield height varies from year to year.
PB  - Beograd : IAE
C3  - Book of abstracts : III international scientific conference Sustainable agriculture and rural development, Belgrade, December
T1  - Organic soybean cultivation with sustainable system
SP  - 34
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Dozet, Gordana and Đukić, Vojin and Mamlić, Zlatica and Cvijanović, Gorica and Đurić, Nenad and Jakšić, Snežana and Bajagić, Marija",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The need for certified organic agricultural products is ever greater as in the
World, so in Serbia. Triennial research was conducted with five soybean varieties
and foliar treatment with aqueous extract and aminoacids aimed at esstablishing
examined factors’ influence on soybean yield and organic soybean cultivation
system sustainability. A field experiment was set in four repetitions. All three
examined factors have shown significant influence on soybean yield and that
such a method of soybean cultivation is sustainable. However, in dry farming,
soybean grain yield height is mostly influenced by weather conditions, primarily
precipitation quantity and distribution, as well as temperature height during the
vegetation period, hence yield height varies from year to year.",
publisher = "Beograd : IAE",
journal = "Book of abstracts : III international scientific conference Sustainable agriculture and rural development, Belgrade, December",
title = "Organic soybean cultivation with sustainable system",
pages = "34",
url = ""
Dozet, G., Đukić, V., Mamlić, Z., Cvijanović, G., Đurić, N., Jakšić, S.,& Bajagić, M.. (2022). Organic soybean cultivation with sustainable system. in Book of abstracts : III international scientific conference Sustainable agriculture and rural development, Belgrade, December
Beograd : IAE., 34.
Dozet G, Đukić V, Mamlić Z, Cvijanović G, Đurić N, Jakšić S, Bajagić M. Organic soybean cultivation with sustainable system. in Book of abstracts : III international scientific conference Sustainable agriculture and rural development, Belgrade, December. 2022;:34. .
Dozet, Gordana, Đukić, Vojin, Mamlić, Zlatica, Cvijanović, Gorica, Đurić, Nenad, Jakšić, Snežana, Bajagić, Marija, "Organic soybean cultivation with sustainable system" in Book of abstracts : III international scientific conference Sustainable agriculture and rural development, Belgrade, December (2022):34, .

Sustainable and developmental systems in primary organic plant production

Dozet, Gordana; Cvijanović, Gorica; Đukić, Vojin; Mamlić, Zlatica; Jakšić, Snežana; Đurić, Nenad; Jovanović Todorović, Marijana

(Institute of Agricultural Economics, 2022)

AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Jakšić, Snežana
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Jovanović Todorović, Marijana
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Surfaces under organic production are constantly increasing, in Serbia as well as
in Europe and the World. Organic agriculture uses sustainable systems of production
to prevent environmental pollution, enhance biodiversity and efficiently manage
natural resources. The implementation of specific cultivation methods such as
applying plant extracts and microbiological preparations leads to plant nutrients
being secured faster and more efficiently. In field experiments, greater microbiological
soil activity was recorded in the organic cultivation system. The increase of the
abundance of microorganisms increases biochemical and enzymic activity, which
influences the incensement of soil fertility and biodiversity. A certificate for organic
products is an important milestone on the path of realizing sustainable agriculture
which is based on environmental protection paired with obtaining healthy products.
The development of consumer awareness and the values of organically produced
food will lead to the further incensement of organic plant production surfaces.
PB  - Institute of Agricultural Economics
C3  - II international scientific conference Sustainable agriculture and rural development, February, 2022, Belgrade
T1  - Sustainable and developmental systems in primary organic plant production
EP  - 243
SP  - 235
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Dozet, Gordana and Cvijanović, Gorica and Đukić, Vojin and Mamlić, Zlatica and Jakšić, Snežana and Đurić, Nenad and Jovanović Todorović, Marijana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Surfaces under organic production are constantly increasing, in Serbia as well as
in Europe and the World. Organic agriculture uses sustainable systems of production
to prevent environmental pollution, enhance biodiversity and efficiently manage
natural resources. The implementation of specific cultivation methods such as
applying plant extracts and microbiological preparations leads to plant nutrients
being secured faster and more efficiently. In field experiments, greater microbiological
soil activity was recorded in the organic cultivation system. The increase of the
abundance of microorganisms increases biochemical and enzymic activity, which
influences the incensement of soil fertility and biodiversity. A certificate for organic
products is an important milestone on the path of realizing sustainable agriculture
which is based on environmental protection paired with obtaining healthy products.
The development of consumer awareness and the values of organically produced
food will lead to the further incensement of organic plant production surfaces.",
publisher = "Institute of Agricultural Economics",
journal = "II international scientific conference Sustainable agriculture and rural development, February, 2022, Belgrade",
title = "Sustainable and developmental systems in primary organic plant production",
pages = "243-235",
url = ""
Dozet, G., Cvijanović, G., Đukić, V., Mamlić, Z., Jakšić, S., Đurić, N.,& Jovanović Todorović, M.. (2022). Sustainable and developmental systems in primary organic plant production. in II international scientific conference Sustainable agriculture and rural development, February, 2022, Belgrade
Institute of Agricultural Economics., 235-243.
Dozet G, Cvijanović G, Đukić V, Mamlić Z, Jakšić S, Đurić N, Jovanović Todorović M. Sustainable and developmental systems in primary organic plant production. in II international scientific conference Sustainable agriculture and rural development, February, 2022, Belgrade. 2022;:235-243. .
Dozet, Gordana, Cvijanović, Gorica, Đukić, Vojin, Mamlić, Zlatica, Jakšić, Snežana, Đurić, Nenad, Jovanović Todorović, Marijana, "Sustainable and developmental systems in primary organic plant production" in II international scientific conference Sustainable agriculture and rural development, February, 2022, Belgrade (2022):235-243, .

Prinos paprike u zavisnosti od primene vodenih ekstrakata

Dozet, Gordana; Đukić, Vojin; Mamlić, Zlatica; Đurić, Nenad; Cvijanović, Gorica; Jakšić, Snežana; Dozet, Dimitrije

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2022)

AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
AU  - Jakšić, Snežana
AU  - Dozet, Dimitrije
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Eksperimentalni ogled sa paprikom bio je postavljen u plasteniku
tokom 2021. godine sa sledećim tretmanima: vodeni ekstrakti od korena
maslačka, kore banane i preparata Nutri Fos-K koji su primenjeni
folijarno. U razvoju održivih poljoprivrednih sistema nastoji se da se
smanji upotreba sintetičkih mineralnih đubriva kako bi se dobila
zdravstveno bezbedna hrana proizvedena po organskim principima.
Postignut je zadovoljavajući broj plodova i prinos paprike u primeni
vodenih ekstrakata od korena maslačka i bananine kore. Najbolji rezultati
su postignuti sa primenom tečnog sintetičkog đubriva Nutri Fos-K, jer
sadrži visoku koncentraciju fosfora i kalijuma. Međutim, primena
nedozvoljenih preparata u organskoj proizvodnji negativno utiče na
životnu sredinu i poskupljuje proizvodnju. Primena vodenih ekstrakata od
biljaka koje se nalaze na gazdinstvu i od biljnih otpadaka ne utiče na
poskupljenje proizvodnje. Preporuka je nastaviti sa istraživanjem u
pravcu primene vodenih ekstrakata.
AB  - An experiment with peppers was set in a greenhouse during the year
2021 and it included the following treatments: aqueous dandelion root
and banana peel extracts and Nutri Fos-K preparation which were applied
foliarly. In sustainable agricultural systems' development, there are
efforts to decrease synthetic mineral fertilizer use to obtain healthy food
produced by organic cultivation principles. A satisfactory pepper fruit
number and yield were achieved by applying aqueous dandelion root and
banana peel extracts. The best results were achieved by applying liquid
synthetic fertilizer Nutri Fos-K, because it contains high phosphorus and
potassium concentrations. However, the use of prohibited preparations in
organic production negatively affects the environment and rises
production costs. Applying aqueous extracts of farmstead plants and plant
residue does not affect production cost increase. The suggestion is to
continue research in the direction of aqueous extract application.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar
T1  - Prinos paprike u zavisnosti od primene vodenih ekstrakata
T1  - Pepper yield depending on the aplication of aqueous extracts
EP  - 80
SP  - 73
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Dozet, Gordana and Đukić, Vojin and Mamlić, Zlatica and Đurić, Nenad and Cvijanović, Gorica and Jakšić, Snežana and Dozet, Dimitrije",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Eksperimentalni ogled sa paprikom bio je postavljen u plasteniku
tokom 2021. godine sa sledećim tretmanima: vodeni ekstrakti od korena
maslačka, kore banane i preparata Nutri Fos-K koji su primenjeni
folijarno. U razvoju održivih poljoprivrednih sistema nastoji se da se
smanji upotreba sintetičkih mineralnih đubriva kako bi se dobila
zdravstveno bezbedna hrana proizvedena po organskim principima.
Postignut je zadovoljavajući broj plodova i prinos paprike u primeni
vodenih ekstrakata od korena maslačka i bananine kore. Najbolji rezultati
su postignuti sa primenom tečnog sintetičkog đubriva Nutri Fos-K, jer
sadrži visoku koncentraciju fosfora i kalijuma. Međutim, primena
nedozvoljenih preparata u organskoj proizvodnji negativno utiče na
životnu sredinu i poskupljuje proizvodnju. Primena vodenih ekstrakata od
biljaka koje se nalaze na gazdinstvu i od biljnih otpadaka ne utiče na
poskupljenje proizvodnje. Preporuka je nastaviti sa istraživanjem u
pravcu primene vodenih ekstrakata., An experiment with peppers was set in a greenhouse during the year
2021 and it included the following treatments: aqueous dandelion root
and banana peel extracts and Nutri Fos-K preparation which were applied
foliarly. In sustainable agricultural systems' development, there are
efforts to decrease synthetic mineral fertilizer use to obtain healthy food
produced by organic cultivation principles. A satisfactory pepper fruit
number and yield were achieved by applying aqueous dandelion root and
banana peel extracts. The best results were achieved by applying liquid
synthetic fertilizer Nutri Fos-K, because it contains high phosphorus and
potassium concentrations. However, the use of prohibited preparations in
organic production negatively affects the environment and rises
production costs. Applying aqueous extracts of farmstead plants and plant
residue does not affect production cost increase. The suggestion is to
continue research in the direction of aqueous extract application.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar",
title = "Prinos paprike u zavisnosti od primene vodenih ekstrakata, Pepper yield depending on the aplication of aqueous extracts",
pages = "80-73",
url = ""
Dozet, G., Đukić, V., Mamlić, Z., Đurić, N., Cvijanović, G., Jakšić, S.,& Dozet, D.. (2022). Prinos paprike u zavisnosti od primene vodenih ekstrakata. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 73-80.
Dozet G, Đukić V, Mamlić Z, Đurić N, Cvijanović G, Jakšić S, Dozet D. Prinos paprike u zavisnosti od primene vodenih ekstrakata. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar. 2022;:73-80. .
Dozet, Gordana, Đukić, Vojin, Mamlić, Zlatica, Đurić, Nenad, Cvijanović, Gorica, Jakšić, Snežana, Dozet, Dimitrije, "Prinos paprike u zavisnosti od primene vodenih ekstrakata" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar (2022):73-80, .

Uticaj primene različitih mikrobioloških preparata na masu 1000 zrna i prinos pasulja

Cvijanović, Gorica; Dozet, Gordana; Đukić, Vojin; Zlatica, Mamlić; Bajagić, Marija; Đurić, Nenad; Stepić, Vesna

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2022)

AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Zlatica, Mamlić
AU  - Bajagić, Marija
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Stepić, Vesna
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Primena različitih mikrobioloških preparata sve više je prisutna u
poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, jer utiču na stabilniju proizvodnju i zaštitu
životne sredine. U radu je analiziran uticaj mikrobioloških preparata i to:
preparat sa efektivnim mikroorganizmima i preparat sa sporama gljive
Trichoderme atroviride na masu 1000 zrna i visinu prinosa zrna pasulja.
Oba preparata u ogledu su značajno uticali na ispitivane osobine kod dve
sorte pasulja Zlatko i Maksa. Efektivni mikroorganizmi, primenjeni u
zemljištu i folijarno u toku vegetacije, uticali su da je masa 1000 zrna bila
veća za 16,94%, a primena efektivnih mikroorganizama samo u zemljište
je povećala prinos zrna pasulja za 46,02% u odnosu na kontrolu. Primena
preparata sa Tr. atroviride je za 17,13% povećala masu 1000 zrna, a
prinos za 56,58 %.
AB  - The application of various microbiological preparations is increasingly
present in agricultural production, because they affect more stable
production and environmental protection. The paper analyzed the
influence of microbiological preparations, namely: a preparation with
effective microorganisms and a preparation with spores of the fungus
Trichoderma atroviride on the weight of 1000 seeds and the grain yield of
bean. Both preparations in the experiment had a significant effect on the
tested properties of two varieties of beans, Zlatko and Maksa. Effective
microorganisms applied to the soil and foliar during the growing season
had the effect that the weight of 1000 grains was greater by 16.94%, and
the application of effective microorganisms only to the soil increased the
bean grain yield by 46.02 % compared to the control. Application of
preparations with Tr. atroviride increased the mass of 1000 grains by
17.13 %, and the yield by 56.58 %.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar
T1  - Uticaj primene različitih mikrobioloških preparata na masu 1000 zrna i prinos pasulja
T1  - Influence of the application of different microbiological preparations on the weight of 1000 grains and the yield of beans
EP  - 128
SP  - 118
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Cvijanović, Gorica and Dozet, Gordana and Đukić, Vojin and Zlatica, Mamlić and Bajagić, Marija and Đurić, Nenad and Stepić, Vesna",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Primena različitih mikrobioloških preparata sve više je prisutna u
poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, jer utiču na stabilniju proizvodnju i zaštitu
životne sredine. U radu je analiziran uticaj mikrobioloških preparata i to:
preparat sa efektivnim mikroorganizmima i preparat sa sporama gljive
Trichoderme atroviride na masu 1000 zrna i visinu prinosa zrna pasulja.
Oba preparata u ogledu su značajno uticali na ispitivane osobine kod dve
sorte pasulja Zlatko i Maksa. Efektivni mikroorganizmi, primenjeni u
zemljištu i folijarno u toku vegetacije, uticali su da je masa 1000 zrna bila
veća za 16,94%, a primena efektivnih mikroorganizama samo u zemljište
je povećala prinos zrna pasulja za 46,02% u odnosu na kontrolu. Primena
preparata sa Tr. atroviride je za 17,13% povećala masu 1000 zrna, a
prinos za 56,58 %., The application of various microbiological preparations is increasingly
present in agricultural production, because they affect more stable
production and environmental protection. The paper analyzed the
influence of microbiological preparations, namely: a preparation with
effective microorganisms and a preparation with spores of the fungus
Trichoderma atroviride on the weight of 1000 seeds and the grain yield of
bean. Both preparations in the experiment had a significant effect on the
tested properties of two varieties of beans, Zlatko and Maksa. Effective
microorganisms applied to the soil and foliar during the growing season
had the effect that the weight of 1000 grains was greater by 16.94%, and
the application of effective microorganisms only to the soil increased the
bean grain yield by 46.02 % compared to the control. Application of
preparations with Tr. atroviride increased the mass of 1000 grains by
17.13 %, and the yield by 56.58 %.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar",
title = "Uticaj primene različitih mikrobioloških preparata na masu 1000 zrna i prinos pasulja, Influence of the application of different microbiological preparations on the weight of 1000 grains and the yield of beans",
pages = "128-118",
url = ""
Cvijanović, G., Dozet, G., Đukić, V., Zlatica, M., Bajagić, M., Đurić, N.,& Stepić, V.. (2022). Uticaj primene različitih mikrobioloških preparata na masu 1000 zrna i prinos pasulja. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 118-128.
Cvijanović G, Dozet G, Đukić V, Zlatica M, Bajagić M, Đurić N, Stepić V. Uticaj primene različitih mikrobioloških preparata na masu 1000 zrna i prinos pasulja. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar. 2022;:118-128. .
Cvijanović, Gorica, Dozet, Gordana, Đukić, Vojin, Zlatica, Mamlić, Bajagić, Marija, Đurić, Nenad, Stepić, Vesna, "Uticaj primene različitih mikrobioloških preparata na masu 1000 zrna i prinos pasulja" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar (2022):118-128, .

Influence of aqueous extracts from banana peel and soybean plants on soybean grain yield

Dozet, Gordana; Đukić, Vojin; Mamlić, Zlatica; Bajagić, Marija; Cvijanović, Gorica; Đurić, Nenad; Jovanović Todorović, Marijana

(Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2022)

AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Bajagić, Marija
AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Jovanović Todorović, Marijana
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Foliar aqueous extract application has a positive effect on soybean yield and quality. The aim of
this research wos to examine the influence of foliar application of aqueous banana peel and
apical soybean plant part extracts on the yield of five soybean varieties that are of different
maturity groups. This way, plant material would be used for soybean grain yield increase, and
synthetic artificial fertilizer use would be avoided along with environmental polution. The results
were processed via tri-factorial experiment variance analysis, and significancy of differences was
tested via LSD test. Foliar application of aqueous banana peel extract increased soybean yield in
a three-year experiment by 4.07% (annually from 1.33% to 6.62%), and the application of
aqueous apical soybean plant part extract by 4.21% (annually from 1.21% to 6.90%). Greater
yield increase was recorded during years that were unfavorable for soybean production, with the
varieties Rubin (5.69% and 5.90%) and Merkur (4.34% and 4.40%) having a greater yield
increase compared to other soybean varieties included in the experiment (NS Kaća 3.73% and
3.30%, NS Maximus 3.37% and 3.76%, NS Apolo 3.04% and 3.38%). The year immensely
influences soybean yield, primarily depending on precipitaton distribution and quantity and
temperature conditions during the vegetation period. Aqueous banana peel and apical soybean
plant part extracts significantly increase soybean yield.
PB  - Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet
C3  - Book of proceedings : XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2022”
T1  - Influence of aqueous extracts from banana peel and soybean plants on soybean grain yield
EP  - 459
SP  - 453
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Dozet, Gordana and Đukić, Vojin and Mamlić, Zlatica and Bajagić, Marija and Cvijanović, Gorica and Đurić, Nenad and Jovanović Todorović, Marijana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Foliar aqueous extract application has a positive effect on soybean yield and quality. The aim of
this research wos to examine the influence of foliar application of aqueous banana peel and
apical soybean plant part extracts on the yield of five soybean varieties that are of different
maturity groups. This way, plant material would be used for soybean grain yield increase, and
synthetic artificial fertilizer use would be avoided along with environmental polution. The results
were processed via tri-factorial experiment variance analysis, and significancy of differences was
tested via LSD test. Foliar application of aqueous banana peel extract increased soybean yield in
a three-year experiment by 4.07% (annually from 1.33% to 6.62%), and the application of
aqueous apical soybean plant part extract by 4.21% (annually from 1.21% to 6.90%). Greater
yield increase was recorded during years that were unfavorable for soybean production, with the
varieties Rubin (5.69% and 5.90%) and Merkur (4.34% and 4.40%) having a greater yield
increase compared to other soybean varieties included in the experiment (NS Kaća 3.73% and
3.30%, NS Maximus 3.37% and 3.76%, NS Apolo 3.04% and 3.38%). The year immensely
influences soybean yield, primarily depending on precipitaton distribution and quantity and
temperature conditions during the vegetation period. Aqueous banana peel and apical soybean
plant part extracts significantly increase soybean yield.",
publisher = "Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet",
journal = "Book of proceedings : XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2022”",
title = "Influence of aqueous extracts from banana peel and soybean plants on soybean grain yield",
pages = "459-453",
url = ""
Dozet, G., Đukić, V., Mamlić, Z., Bajagić, M., Cvijanović, G., Đurić, N.,& Jovanović Todorović, M.. (2022). Influence of aqueous extracts from banana peel and soybean plants on soybean grain yield. in Book of proceedings : XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2022”
Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet., 453-459.
Dozet G, Đukić V, Mamlić Z, Bajagić M, Cvijanović G, Đurić N, Jovanović Todorović M. Influence of aqueous extracts from banana peel and soybean plants on soybean grain yield. in Book of proceedings : XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2022”. 2022;:453-459. .
Dozet, Gordana, Đukić, Vojin, Mamlić, Zlatica, Bajagić, Marija, Cvijanović, Gorica, Đurić, Nenad, Jovanović Todorović, Marijana, "Influence of aqueous extracts from banana peel and soybean plants on soybean grain yield" in Book of proceedings : XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2022” (2022):453-459, .

Content of crude protein in bread winter wheat grain depending on nitrogen fertilization and foliar application of effective microorganisms

Cvijanović, Vojin; Cvijanović, Gorica; Đurić, Nenad; Đukić, Vojin; Petrović, Mladen; Stepić, Vesna; Miladinov, Zlatica

(University of Banja Luka : Faculty of Agriculture, 2022)

AU  - Cvijanović, Vojin
AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Petrović, Mladen
AU  - Stepić, Vesna
AU  - Miladinov, Zlatica
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this study was to determine the grain protein content of wheat varieties grown under different application rates of effective microorganisms (EM) and nitrogen, and two sowing rates. Three-year research was conducted at the experimental filed of the Scientific Institute PKB Agroekonomik Padinska Skela, using four varieties of wheat (Ratarica, Pobeda, Nogal and Apache), two sowing densities of 400 and 500 seeds/m2 and T1 fertilization (150 kg/ha N); T2 (150 kg/ha N + one foliar treatment, T3 (100 kg/ha N + two foliar treatments), and T4 (50 kg/ha N + three foliar treatments). The preparation EM Aktiv 7 l/ha, a mixture of multiple selected microorganisms, was used for foliar treatment with EM. The average protein content was 13.95% and was statistically significantly dependent on the variety, fertilization, and their interaction p<0.01. The Ratarica and Pobeda varieties had the highest grain protein content. T3 treatment had the greatest impact on grain protein content in all three years of research, by using effective microorganisms, the level of protein in the grain can be maintained when the amount of nitrogen is reduced.
PB  - University of Banja Luka : Faculty of Agriculture
T2  - Agro-knowledge Journal
T1  - Content of crude protein in bread winter wheat grain depending on nitrogen fertilization and foliar application of effective microorganisms
EP  - 22
IS  - 1
SP  - 13
VL  - 23
DO  - 10.7251/AGREN2201013C
ER  - 
author = "Cvijanović, Vojin and Cvijanović, Gorica and Đurić, Nenad and Đukić, Vojin and Petrović, Mladen and Stepić, Vesna and Miladinov, Zlatica",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to determine the grain protein content of wheat varieties grown under different application rates of effective microorganisms (EM) and nitrogen, and two sowing rates. Three-year research was conducted at the experimental filed of the Scientific Institute PKB Agroekonomik Padinska Skela, using four varieties of wheat (Ratarica, Pobeda, Nogal and Apache), two sowing densities of 400 and 500 seeds/m2 and T1 fertilization (150 kg/ha N); T2 (150 kg/ha N + one foliar treatment, T3 (100 kg/ha N + two foliar treatments), and T4 (50 kg/ha N + three foliar treatments). The preparation EM Aktiv 7 l/ha, a mixture of multiple selected microorganisms, was used for foliar treatment with EM. The average protein content was 13.95% and was statistically significantly dependent on the variety, fertilization, and their interaction p<0.01. The Ratarica and Pobeda varieties had the highest grain protein content. T3 treatment had the greatest impact on grain protein content in all three years of research, by using effective microorganisms, the level of protein in the grain can be maintained when the amount of nitrogen is reduced.",
publisher = "University of Banja Luka : Faculty of Agriculture",
journal = "Agro-knowledge Journal",
title = "Content of crude protein in bread winter wheat grain depending on nitrogen fertilization and foliar application of effective microorganisms",
pages = "22-13",
number = "1",
volume = "23",
doi = "10.7251/AGREN2201013C"
Cvijanović, V., Cvijanović, G., Đurić, N., Đukić, V., Petrović, M., Stepić, V.,& Miladinov, Z.. (2022). Content of crude protein in bread winter wheat grain depending on nitrogen fertilization and foliar application of effective microorganisms. in Agro-knowledge Journal
University of Banja Luka : Faculty of Agriculture., 23(1), 13-22.
Cvijanović V, Cvijanović G, Đurić N, Đukić V, Petrović M, Stepić V, Miladinov Z. Content of crude protein in bread winter wheat grain depending on nitrogen fertilization and foliar application of effective microorganisms. in Agro-knowledge Journal. 2022;23(1):13-22.
doi:10.7251/AGREN2201013C .
Cvijanović, Vojin, Cvijanović, Gorica, Đurić, Nenad, Đukić, Vojin, Petrović, Mladen, Stepić, Vesna, Miladinov, Zlatica, "Content of crude protein in bread winter wheat grain depending on nitrogen fertilization and foliar application of effective microorganisms" in Agro-knowledge Journal, 23, no. 1 (2022):13-22, . .

Priming seeds of sorghum and sudangrass using water and aquatic extracts of willow and banana

Mamlić, Zlatica; Đukić, Vojin; Dozet, Gordana; Vasiljević, Sanja; Đurić, Nenad; Balac, Miloš; Bajagić, Marija

(Univerzitet u Kragujevcu - Agronomski fakultet, Čačak, 2022)

AU  - Mamlić, Zlatica
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Vasiljević, Sanja
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Balac, Miloš
AU  - Bajagić, Marija
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this study was to examine the impact of seed priming on seed quality parameters (germination energy, germination, seedling length and vigor index) of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) and sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense Pers.). The experiment was performed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia. The research was conducted on the seeds of the sorghum variety NS Džin and sudangrass variety Srem. Distilled water and aqueous extracts of young willow branches (Salix matsudana) and mature banana fruits (Musa x paradisiaca) were used to prime the seeds. The seeds were primed for: 1 h, 3 h, 6 h, 12 h and 24 h. The results showed that priming sorghum and sudangrass seeds in aqueous extracts of young willow branches and mature banana fruits can have a positive effect on seed quality parameters: germination energy, germination, seedling length and vigor index. The greatest effect on germination energy and seed germination was achieved in sudangrass by using an aqueous extract of young willow branches. The increase was 9.30% and 9.20%, respectively. Priming sorghum seeds in aquatic extracts of mature banana fruits had the greatest effect on seedling length and vigor index. The increase was 36.86% and 40.33%, respectively. For all research parameters, priming for 3 h was the most effective. However, in addition to the positive effect, priming can also have a negative effect. The most significant reduction was found on sorghum seeds, when primed in an aqueous extract of mature banana fruit for 24 hours. Germination energy and germination were reduced by 7.14% and 9.30%, respectively.
AB  - Циљ овог рада је био да се испита утицај потапања семена крмног сирка (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) и суданске траве (Sorghum sudanense Pers.) на параметре квалитета семена (енергија клијања, клијавост, дужина клијанца и вигор индекс). Оглед је изведен на Институту за ратарство и повртарство у Новом Саду. Истраживања су спроведена на семену крмног сирка сорте НС Џин и суданске траве сорте Срем. За потапање семена коришћена је дестилована вода, и водени екстракт младих грана врбе (Salix matsudana) и зрелих плодова банане (Musa x paradisiaca). Семе је потапано у трајању од: 1 h, 3 h, 6 h, 12 h и 24 h. Резултати су показали да потапање семена крмног сирка и суданске траве у водене екстракте младих грана врбе и зрелих плодова банане може имати позитиван ефекат на параметре квалитета семена: енергију клијања, клијавост, дужину клијанца и вигор индекс. Најбољи ефекат на енергију клијања и клијавост семена остварен је употребом воденог екстракта младих грана врбе на семену суданске траве. Повећање је износило 9,30% и 9,20%. Потапањем семена крмног сирка у водени екстракт зрелих плодова банане остварен је бољи ефекат на дужину клијанца и вигор семена. Повећање је износило 36,86% и 40,33%. Код свих параметара истраживања најбољи ефекат је остварен при потапању од 3 h. Међутим, поред позитивног, потапање може имати и негативан ефекат. Најзначајније смањење утврђено је на семену крмног сирка, приликом потапања у водени екстракт зрелих плодова банане у трајању од 24 h. Клијавост је смањена за 9,30%.
PB  - Univerzitet u Kragujevcu - Agronomski fakultet, Čačak
T2  - Acta Agriculturae Serbica
T1  - Priming seeds of sorghum and sudangrass using water and aquatic extracts of willow and banana
EP  - 135
IS  - 54
SP  - 129
VL  - 57
DO  - 10.5937/AASer2254129M
ER  - 
author = "Mamlić, Zlatica and Đukić, Vojin and Dozet, Gordana and Vasiljević, Sanja and Đurić, Nenad and Balac, Miloš and Bajagić, Marija",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to examine the impact of seed priming on seed quality parameters (germination energy, germination, seedling length and vigor index) of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) and sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense Pers.). The experiment was performed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia. The research was conducted on the seeds of the sorghum variety NS Džin and sudangrass variety Srem. Distilled water and aqueous extracts of young willow branches (Salix matsudana) and mature banana fruits (Musa x paradisiaca) were used to prime the seeds. The seeds were primed for: 1 h, 3 h, 6 h, 12 h and 24 h. The results showed that priming sorghum and sudangrass seeds in aqueous extracts of young willow branches and mature banana fruits can have a positive effect on seed quality parameters: germination energy, germination, seedling length and vigor index. The greatest effect on germination energy and seed germination was achieved in sudangrass by using an aqueous extract of young willow branches. The increase was 9.30% and 9.20%, respectively. Priming sorghum seeds in aquatic extracts of mature banana fruits had the greatest effect on seedling length and vigor index. The increase was 36.86% and 40.33%, respectively. For all research parameters, priming for 3 h was the most effective. However, in addition to the positive effect, priming can also have a negative effect. The most significant reduction was found on sorghum seeds, when primed in an aqueous extract of mature banana fruit for 24 hours. Germination energy and germination were reduced by 7.14% and 9.30%, respectively., Циљ овог рада је био да се испита утицај потапања семена крмног сирка (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) и суданске траве (Sorghum sudanense Pers.) на параметре квалитета семена (енергија клијања, клијавост, дужина клијанца и вигор индекс). Оглед је изведен на Институту за ратарство и повртарство у Новом Саду. Истраживања су спроведена на семену крмног сирка сорте НС Џин и суданске траве сорте Срем. За потапање семена коришћена је дестилована вода, и водени екстракт младих грана врбе (Salix matsudana) и зрелих плодова банане (Musa x paradisiaca). Семе је потапано у трајању од: 1 h, 3 h, 6 h, 12 h и 24 h. Резултати су показали да потапање семена крмног сирка и суданске траве у водене екстракте младих грана врбе и зрелих плодова банане може имати позитиван ефекат на параметре квалитета семена: енергију клијања, клијавост, дужину клијанца и вигор индекс. Најбољи ефекат на енергију клијања и клијавост семена остварен је употребом воденог екстракта младих грана врбе на семену суданске траве. Повећање је износило 9,30% и 9,20%. Потапањем семена крмног сирка у водени екстракт зрелих плодова банане остварен је бољи ефекат на дужину клијанца и вигор семена. Повећање је износило 36,86% и 40,33%. Код свих параметара истраживања најбољи ефекат је остварен при потапању од 3 h. Међутим, поред позитивног, потапање може имати и негативан ефекат. Најзначајније смањење утврђено је на семену крмног сирка, приликом потапања у водени екстракт зрелих плодова банане у трајању од 24 h. Клијавост је смањена за 9,30%.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Kragujevcu - Agronomski fakultet, Čačak",
journal = "Acta Agriculturae Serbica",
title = "Priming seeds of sorghum and sudangrass using water and aquatic extracts of willow and banana",
pages = "135-129",
number = "54",
volume = "57",
doi = "10.5937/AASer2254129M"
Mamlić, Z., Đukić, V., Dozet, G., Vasiljević, S., Đurić, N., Balac, M.,& Bajagić, M.. (2022). Priming seeds of sorghum and sudangrass using water and aquatic extracts of willow and banana. in Acta Agriculturae Serbica
Univerzitet u Kragujevcu - Agronomski fakultet, Čačak., 57(54), 129-135.
Mamlić Z, Đukić V, Dozet G, Vasiljević S, Đurić N, Balac M, Bajagić M. Priming seeds of sorghum and sudangrass using water and aquatic extracts of willow and banana. in Acta Agriculturae Serbica. 2022;57(54):129-135.
doi:10.5937/AASer2254129M .
Mamlić, Zlatica, Đukić, Vojin, Dozet, Gordana, Vasiljević, Sanja, Đurić, Nenad, Balac, Miloš, Bajagić, Marija, "Priming seeds of sorghum and sudangrass using water and aquatic extracts of willow and banana" in Acta Agriculturae Serbica, 57, no. 54 (2022):129-135, . .