Babić, Snežana

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Babić, Snežana (5)

Author's Bibliography

Uticaj Azotobacter spp. na početni rast i razvoj višegodišnjih trava

Anđelković, Snežana; Sokolović, Dejan; Jevtić, Goran; Prijović, Mladen; Bekčić, Filip; Milenković, Jasmina; Babić, Snežana

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2023)

AU  - Anđelković, Snežana
AU  - Sokolović, Dejan
AU  - Jevtić, Goran
AU  - Prijović, Mladen
AU  - Bekčić, Filip
AU  - Milenković, Jasmina
AU  - Babić, Snežana
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Primena korisnih mikroorganizama, kao što su bakterije iz roda Azotobacter, predstavlja ekološki prihvatljiv metod za unapređenje
proizvodnje krmnih trava i biogenosti zemljišta. U radu su prikazani rezultati primene predsetvene mikrobijalne inokulacije. Ispitivan je uticaj
četiri izolata Azotobacter spp. (ZA1, SA74, SB94, MA7) i njihove kombinacije na početni rast višegodišnjih trava: engleskog ljulja (Lolium
perenne L.), francuskog ljulja (Arrhenatherum elatius L.), italijanskog ljulja (Lolium multiflorum L.) i ježevice (Dactylis glomerata L.).
Eksperiment je izveden u polukontrolisanim uslovima. Visina, zelena masa po biljci, dužina i masa korena po biljci određene su četiri nedelje nakon
setve. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je primena mikrobne
inokulacije imala pozitivan efekat na početni rast i razvoj ispitivanih vrsta
AB  - Application of beneficial microorganisms such as bacteria from the
genus Azotobacter is an environmentally acceptable method for improving
the production of forage grasses and soil biogenicity. The paper presents the results of pre-sowing microbial inoculation. The influence of four
isolates of Azotobacter spp. (ZA1, SA74, SB94, MA7) and their
combinations on the initial growth of perennial grasses: perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), tall oatgrass (Arrhenatherum elatius L.), italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) and cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.).
The experiment was carried out in semi-controlled conditions. The height,
green mass per plant, root length and root weight per plant were determined
four weeks after sowing. The results of research showed that applied
microbial inoculation had a positive effect on the initial growth of the investigated grass species.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
T1  - Uticaj Azotobacter spp. na početni rast i razvoj višegodišnjih trava
T1  - Effect of Azotobacter spp. on initial growth of perennial grasses
EP  - 234
SP  - 226
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Anđelković, Snežana and Sokolović, Dejan and Jevtić, Goran and Prijović, Mladen and Bekčić, Filip and Milenković, Jasmina and Babić, Snežana",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Primena korisnih mikroorganizama, kao što su bakterije iz roda Azotobacter, predstavlja ekološki prihvatljiv metod za unapređenje
proizvodnje krmnih trava i biogenosti zemljišta. U radu su prikazani rezultati primene predsetvene mikrobijalne inokulacije. Ispitivan je uticaj
četiri izolata Azotobacter spp. (ZA1, SA74, SB94, MA7) i njihove kombinacije na početni rast višegodišnjih trava: engleskog ljulja (Lolium
perenne L.), francuskog ljulja (Arrhenatherum elatius L.), italijanskog ljulja (Lolium multiflorum L.) i ježevice (Dactylis glomerata L.).
Eksperiment je izveden u polukontrolisanim uslovima. Visina, zelena masa po biljci, dužina i masa korena po biljci određene su četiri nedelje nakon
setve. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je primena mikrobne
inokulacije imala pozitivan efekat na početni rast i razvoj ispitivanih vrsta
trava., Application of beneficial microorganisms such as bacteria from the
genus Azotobacter is an environmentally acceptable method for improving
the production of forage grasses and soil biogenicity. The paper presents the results of pre-sowing microbial inoculation. The influence of four
isolates of Azotobacter spp. (ZA1, SA74, SB94, MA7) and their
combinations on the initial growth of perennial grasses: perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), tall oatgrass (Arrhenatherum elatius L.), italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) and cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.).
The experiment was carried out in semi-controlled conditions. The height,
green mass per plant, root length and root weight per plant were determined
four weeks after sowing. The results of research showed that applied
microbial inoculation had a positive effect on the initial growth of the investigated grass species.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar",
title = "Uticaj Azotobacter spp. na početni rast i razvoj višegodišnjih trava, Effect of Azotobacter spp. on initial growth of perennial grasses",
pages = "234-226",
url = ""
Anđelković, S., Sokolović, D., Jevtić, G., Prijović, M., Bekčić, F., Milenković, J.,& Babić, S.. (2023). Uticaj Azotobacter spp. na početni rast i razvoj višegodišnjih trava. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 226-234.
Anđelković S, Sokolović D, Jevtić G, Prijović M, Bekčić F, Milenković J, Babić S. Uticaj Azotobacter spp. na početni rast i razvoj višegodišnjih trava. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar. 2023;:226-234. .
Anđelković, Snežana, Sokolović, Dejan, Jevtić, Goran, Prijović, Mladen, Bekčić, Filip, Milenković, Jasmina, Babić, Snežana, "Uticaj Azotobacter spp. na početni rast i razvoj višegodišnjih trava" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar (2023):226-234, .

Stability of grain yield performance of winter wheat genotypes

Perišić, Vladimir; Perišić, Vesna; Luković, Kristina; Bratković, Kamenko; Zečević, Veselinka; Babić, Snežana; Matković Stojšin, Mirela

(Beograd : Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije, 2022)

AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Perišić, Vesna
AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Bratković, Kamenko
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Babić, Snežana
AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Bread wheat is one of the most represented field crops whose level and stability of yield is very
important for the food security in Republic Serbia. In the paper was investigated stability of yield
expression of 15 winter bread wheat genotypes in different agroecological conditions of Serbia,
using the Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model and GGE-biplot
method of analysis. Aim of investigation was to determine which of applied analysis is superior
in identification of the most desirable genotypes for cultivation in given environments. Analysis
of variance showed that genotype and genotype-environment (G×E) interaction represent highly
significant sources of variability in expression of grain yield. AMMI and GGE analyses were point
out similar results and an indisputable conclusion is that multienvironment trials, besides routine
usage of analysis of variance, must be analized with one of this two models, which combine
analysis of variance and PCA analysis. AMMI analysis is simpler for interpretation and closer to
the concept of view of the agronomical trial, while GGE analysis is more complex and gives more
precise interpretation of “which-won-where“, i.e. for defining of narrowly adapted genotypes in
given environments. Thus, G11 as the genotype with highest average yield is narrow adapted to
the environment Sombor and can be recommended, as well as in the environment 2 (Kruševac),
while genotypes with modest requests (G2) rather can be recommended for cultivation in the
environment 1 (Kragujevac), which is characterized by less fertile soil and a smaller amount and
uneven distribution of precipitation.
AB  - Hlebna pšenica je jedna od najzastupljenijih ratarskih vrsta, čiji je nivo i stabilnost prinosa
veoma važan za prehrambenu sigurnost Republike Srbije. U radu je ispitivana stabilnost ekspresije
prinosa zrna 15 genotipova ozime hlebne pšenice u različitim agroekološkim uslovima Srbije,
korišćenjem AMMI modela i GGE-biplot analize. Cilj je bio da se utvrdi koja od primenjenih
analiza je superiornija u identifikaciji najpoželjnijih genotipova za gajenje u datim sredinama.
Analiza varijanse je pokazala da genotip i interakcija genotip-sredina (G×E) predstavljaju veoma
značajan izvor varijabilnosti pri ekspresiji prinosa zrna. AMMI i GGE analize su dale slične rezultate,
pa je nesporan zaključak da je neophodno višelokacijske oglede, pored analizom varijanse
koja se najćešće rutinski koristi, analizirati i jednim od ova dva modela, koji kombinuju analizu
varijanse i PCA analizu. AMMI analiza je jednostavnija za interpretaciju i bliža je agronomskom
konceptu poimanja ogleda, dok je GGE analiza kompleksnija i jasnija za interpretaciju gde ko
pobeđuje, odnosno za definisanje usko prilagođenih genotipova datim sredinama. Tako G11, kao
genotip sa najvećim prosečnim prinosom je usko prilagođen lokaciji Sombor, pa se prevashodno
može preporučiti toj lokaciji ali i lokaciji 2 (Kruševac), dok se genotipovi skromnijih zahteva
(G2) pre mogu preporučiti za gajenje u lokaciji 1 (Kragujevac), koja se odlikuje lošijim zemljištem
i manjom količinom i lošijim rasporedom padavina.
PB  - Beograd : Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije
T2  - Selekcija i semenarstvo
T1  - Stability of grain yield performance of winter wheat genotypes
T1  - Stabilnost prinosa zrna genotipa ozime pšenice
IS  - 2
DO  - 10.5937/SelSem2201052P
ER  - 
author = "Perišić, Vladimir and Perišić, Vesna and Luković, Kristina and Bratković, Kamenko and Zečević, Veselinka and Babić, Snežana and Matković Stojšin, Mirela",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Bread wheat is one of the most represented field crops whose level and stability of yield is very
important for the food security in Republic Serbia. In the paper was investigated stability of yield
expression of 15 winter bread wheat genotypes in different agroecological conditions of Serbia,
using the Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model and GGE-biplot
method of analysis. Aim of investigation was to determine which of applied analysis is superior
in identification of the most desirable genotypes for cultivation in given environments. Analysis
of variance showed that genotype and genotype-environment (G×E) interaction represent highly
significant sources of variability in expression of grain yield. AMMI and GGE analyses were point
out similar results and an indisputable conclusion is that multienvironment trials, besides routine
usage of analysis of variance, must be analized with one of this two models, which combine
analysis of variance and PCA analysis. AMMI analysis is simpler for interpretation and closer to
the concept of view of the agronomical trial, while GGE analysis is more complex and gives more
precise interpretation of “which-won-where“, i.e. for defining of narrowly adapted genotypes in
given environments. Thus, G11 as the genotype with highest average yield is narrow adapted to
the environment Sombor and can be recommended, as well as in the environment 2 (Kruševac),
while genotypes with modest requests (G2) rather can be recommended for cultivation in the
environment 1 (Kragujevac), which is characterized by less fertile soil and a smaller amount and
uneven distribution of precipitation., Hlebna pšenica je jedna od najzastupljenijih ratarskih vrsta, čiji je nivo i stabilnost prinosa
veoma važan za prehrambenu sigurnost Republike Srbije. U radu je ispitivana stabilnost ekspresije
prinosa zrna 15 genotipova ozime hlebne pšenice u različitim agroekološkim uslovima Srbije,
korišćenjem AMMI modela i GGE-biplot analize. Cilj je bio da se utvrdi koja od primenjenih
analiza je superiornija u identifikaciji najpoželjnijih genotipova za gajenje u datim sredinama.
Analiza varijanse je pokazala da genotip i interakcija genotip-sredina (G×E) predstavljaju veoma
značajan izvor varijabilnosti pri ekspresiji prinosa zrna. AMMI i GGE analize su dale slične rezultate,
pa je nesporan zaključak da je neophodno višelokacijske oglede, pored analizom varijanse
koja se najćešće rutinski koristi, analizirati i jednim od ova dva modela, koji kombinuju analizu
varijanse i PCA analizu. AMMI analiza je jednostavnija za interpretaciju i bliža je agronomskom
konceptu poimanja ogleda, dok je GGE analiza kompleksnija i jasnija za interpretaciju gde ko
pobeđuje, odnosno za definisanje usko prilagođenih genotipova datim sredinama. Tako G11, kao
genotip sa najvećim prosečnim prinosom je usko prilagođen lokaciji Sombor, pa se prevashodno
može preporučiti toj lokaciji ali i lokaciji 2 (Kruševac), dok se genotipovi skromnijih zahteva
(G2) pre mogu preporučiti za gajenje u lokaciji 1 (Kragujevac), koja se odlikuje lošijim zemljištem
i manjom količinom i lošijim rasporedom padavina.",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije",
journal = "Selekcija i semenarstvo",
title = "Stability of grain yield performance of winter wheat genotypes, Stabilnost prinosa zrna genotipa ozime pšenice",
number = "2",
volume = "XXVIII",
doi = "10.5937/SelSem2201052P"
Perišić, V., Perišić, V., Luković, K., Bratković, K., Zečević, V., Babić, S.,& Matković Stojšin, M.. (2022). Stability of grain yield performance of winter wheat genotypes. in Selekcija i semenarstvo
Beograd : Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbije., XXVIII(2).
Perišić V, Perišić V, Luković K, Bratković K, Zečević V, Babić S, Matković Stojšin M. Stability of grain yield performance of winter wheat genotypes. in Selekcija i semenarstvo. 2022;XXVIII(2).
doi:10.5937/SelSem2201052P .
Perišić, Vladimir, Perišić, Vesna, Luković, Kristina, Bratković, Kamenko, Zečević, Veselinka, Babić, Snežana, Matković Stojšin, Mirela, "Stability of grain yield performance of winter wheat genotypes" in Selekcija i semenarstvo, XXVIII, no. 2 (2022), . .

Specifičnosti proizvodnje različitih kategorija sertifikovanog semena strnih žita u republici Srbiji

Perišić, Vladimir; Perišić, Vesna; Luković, Kristina; Bratković, Kamenko; Babić, Snežana

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2022)

AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Perišić, Vesna
AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Bratković, Kamenko
AU  - Babić, Snežana
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - U proizvodnji atestiranih količina semena strnih žita u Republici Srbiji
primetno je da se koriste veće proizvodne površine u Vojvodini u tu
svrhu, kao i dominantan položaj stranih sorti kod pšenice i ječma, dok je
kod tritikalea i ovsa obrnut slučaj.
AB  - Within production of certified seed of small grains in Republic of
Serbia it is obvious usage of larger production areas in Vojvodina for this
purpose, as well as dominant position of foreign cultivars of wheat and
barley while in triticale and oats is vice-versa.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. Novembar
T1  - Specifičnosti proizvodnje različitih kategorija sertifikovanog semena strnih žita u republici Srbiji
T1  - Production specificities of different categories of certified seed of small grains in rebublic of Serbia
EP  - 273
SP  - 264
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Perišić, Vladimir and Perišić, Vesna and Luković, Kristina and Bratković, Kamenko and Babić, Snežana",
year = "2022",
abstract = "U proizvodnji atestiranih količina semena strnih žita u Republici Srbiji
primetno je da se koriste veće proizvodne površine u Vojvodini u tu
svrhu, kao i dominantan položaj stranih sorti kod pšenice i ječma, dok je
kod tritikalea i ovsa obrnut slučaj., Within production of certified seed of small grains in Republic of
Serbia it is obvious usage of larger production areas in Vojvodina for this
purpose, as well as dominant position of foreign cultivars of wheat and
barley while in triticale and oats is vice-versa.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. Novembar",
title = "Specifičnosti proizvodnje različitih kategorija sertifikovanog semena strnih žita u republici Srbiji, Production specificities of different categories of certified seed of small grains in rebublic of Serbia",
pages = "273-264",
url = ""
Perišić, V., Perišić, V., Luković, K., Bratković, K.,& Babić, S.. (2022). Specifičnosti proizvodnje različitih kategorija sertifikovanog semena strnih žita u republici Srbiji. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. Novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 264-273.
Perišić V, Perišić V, Luković K, Bratković K, Babić S. Specifičnosti proizvodnje različitih kategorija sertifikovanog semena strnih žita u republici Srbiji. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. Novembar. 2022;:264-273. .
Perišić, Vladimir, Perišić, Vesna, Luković, Kristina, Bratković, Kamenko, Babić, Snežana, "Specifičnosti proizvodnje različitih kategorija sertifikovanog semena strnih žita u republici Srbiji" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. Novembar (2022):264-273, .

Stability of wheat cultivars for yield and quality components in different agroecological conditions

Luković, Kristina; Perišić, Vladimir; Zečević, Veselinka; Bratković, Kamenko; Milovanović, Milivoje; Babić, Snežana; Anđelković, Snežana

(East Sarajevo : Faculty of Agriculture, 2021)

AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Bratković, Kamenko
AU  - Milovanović, Milivoje
AU  - Babić, Snežana
AU  - Anđelković, Snežana
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Stability of grain yield, 1000 kernel weight and sedimentation value were analyzed in 10 winter
wheat cultivars (Perfekta, Toplica, KG-52/3, Merkur, Vizeljka, Talas, NS 40S, Zvezdana,
Javorka and Pobeda), created in different breeding institutions in Serbia. The experiment was
carried out during 2019/2020 in two localities: Centre for Small Grains in Kragujevac and
Institute for Forage Crops in Kruševac, Serbia. The analyses of variance showed highly
significant differences in grain yield, between genotypes, investigated localities, as well as their
interaction. The influence of the locality did not show statistical significance on the expression of
1000 kernel weight and sedimentation value. The highest average values were recorded by
Perfekta for grain yield, Zvezdana for 1000 kernel weight and KG-52/3 for sedimentation value
at both localities. The AMMI model was used for analysis of genotype × environment
interaction. The most stabile cultivars were Vizeljka, NS 40S and Perfekta with values above the
average for grain yield. Cultivars Talas, KG-52/3 and Javorka showed the highest stability for
the 1000 kernel weight. Cultivar Javorka had the highest, while Talas and KG-52/3 had the
lowest average values for this trait. Vizeljka and KG-52/3 were the most stable genotypes for
sedimentation value, with KG-52/3 achieving the highest values of the observed trait at the level
of the entire experiment. Both analyzed locations had high interaction value for all three
analyzed traits.
PB  - East Sarajevo : Faculty of Agriculture
C3  - Book of Proceedings XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021", Jahorina, October 07 - 10
T1  - Stability of wheat cultivars for yield and quality components in different agroecological conditions
EP  - 205
SP  - 200
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Luković, Kristina and Perišić, Vladimir and Zečević, Veselinka and Bratković, Kamenko and Milovanović, Milivoje and Babić, Snežana and Anđelković, Snežana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Stability of grain yield, 1000 kernel weight and sedimentation value were analyzed in 10 winter
wheat cultivars (Perfekta, Toplica, KG-52/3, Merkur, Vizeljka, Talas, NS 40S, Zvezdana,
Javorka and Pobeda), created in different breeding institutions in Serbia. The experiment was
carried out during 2019/2020 in two localities: Centre for Small Grains in Kragujevac and
Institute for Forage Crops in Kruševac, Serbia. The analyses of variance showed highly
significant differences in grain yield, between genotypes, investigated localities, as well as their
interaction. The influence of the locality did not show statistical significance on the expression of
1000 kernel weight and sedimentation value. The highest average values were recorded by
Perfekta for grain yield, Zvezdana for 1000 kernel weight and KG-52/3 for sedimentation value
at both localities. The AMMI model was used for analysis of genotype × environment
interaction. The most stabile cultivars were Vizeljka, NS 40S and Perfekta with values above the
average for grain yield. Cultivars Talas, KG-52/3 and Javorka showed the highest stability for
the 1000 kernel weight. Cultivar Javorka had the highest, while Talas and KG-52/3 had the
lowest average values for this trait. Vizeljka and KG-52/3 were the most stable genotypes for
sedimentation value, with KG-52/3 achieving the highest values of the observed trait at the level
of the entire experiment. Both analyzed locations had high interaction value for all three
analyzed traits.",
publisher = "East Sarajevo : Faculty of Agriculture",
journal = "Book of Proceedings XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021", Jahorina, October 07 - 10",
title = "Stability of wheat cultivars for yield and quality components in different agroecological conditions",
pages = "205-200",
url = ""
Luković, K., Perišić, V., Zečević, V., Bratković, K., Milovanović, M., Babić, S.,& Anđelković, S.. (2021). Stability of wheat cultivars for yield and quality components in different agroecological conditions. in Book of Proceedings XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021", Jahorina, October 07 - 10
East Sarajevo : Faculty of Agriculture., 200-205.
Luković K, Perišić V, Zečević V, Bratković K, Milovanović M, Babić S, Anđelković S. Stability of wheat cultivars for yield and quality components in different agroecological conditions. in Book of Proceedings XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021", Jahorina, October 07 - 10. 2021;:200-205. .
Luković, Kristina, Perišić, Vladimir, Zečević, Veselinka, Bratković, Kamenko, Milovanović, Milivoje, Babić, Snežana, Anđelković, Snežana, "Stability of wheat cultivars for yield and quality components in different agroecological conditions" in Book of Proceedings XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021", Jahorina, October 07 - 10 (2021):200-205, .

Biomass and Protein Yields of Field Peas and Oats Intercrop Affected by Sowing Norms and Nitrogen Fertilizer at Two Different Stages of Growth

Krga, Ivan; Simić, Aleksandar; Dželetović, Željko; Babić, Snežana; Katanski, Snežana; Nikolić, Svetlana Roljević; Damnjanović, Jelena

(MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute), 2021)

AU  - Krga, Ivan
AU  - Simić, Aleksandar
AU  - Dželetović, Željko
AU  - Babić, Snežana
AU  - Katanski, Snežana
AU  - Nikolić, Svetlana Roljević
AU  - Damnjanović, Jelena
PY  - 2021
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - In limited growing conditions, intercropped field peas and oats can represent a significant source of forage rich in protein. If applied correctly, factors such as nitrogen fertilizer, the mowing phase, and sowing norms can significantly increase the productivity of these mixtures. Field trials were conducted to examine their productivity under different nitrogen levels (0, 40, 80 kg ha−1), different sowing norms/mixtures (field peas: oats—100:15%; 100:30%), and two stages of growth (full flowering, full pod formation). Nitrogen fertilizer and different sowing norms had a significant effect on the biomass, hay, and crude protein yields. On average, the highest hay yields were achieved with 80 kg ha−1 N (4.96 t ha−1), followed by 40 kg ha−1 N (4.27 t ha−1). The highest protein yields were achieved with 40 kg ha−1 N (CP—704.1 kg ha−1), followed by 80 kg ha−1 N (CP—637.6 kg ha−1). Sowing norm 100:30% achieved higher hay yields: 100:30%—4.82 t ha−1; 100:15%—4.44 t ha−1, while 100:15% achieved higher crude protein yields: 100:15%—730.4 kg ha−1; 100:30%—692.7 kg ha−1 on average. The costs were not significantly increased with the nitrogen fertilizer, but the net profits were increased by as much as 163%, depending on the nitrogen level and the mixture. Nitrogen fertilizer also achieves higher economic efficiency for the mixture 100:15% compared to the 100:30% mixture. Mixtures of field peas and oats outperform single-grown crops and provide cost-effective feed for a short time. Using optimal seed ratios and nitrogen fertilizer can significantly increase the productivity and profitability of the feed with minimal impact on the overall production costs.
PB  - MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute)
T2  - Agriculture
T2  - Agriculture
T1  - Biomass and Protein Yields of Field Peas and Oats Intercrop Affected by Sowing Norms and Nitrogen Fertilizer at Two Different Stages of Growth
IS  - 9
SP  - 871
VL  - 11
DO  - 10.3390/agriculture11090871
ER  - 
author = "Krga, Ivan and Simić, Aleksandar and Dželetović, Željko and Babić, Snežana and Katanski, Snežana and Nikolić, Svetlana Roljević and Damnjanović, Jelena",
year = "2021",
abstract = "In limited growing conditions, intercropped field peas and oats can represent a significant source of forage rich in protein. If applied correctly, factors such as nitrogen fertilizer, the mowing phase, and sowing norms can significantly increase the productivity of these mixtures. Field trials were conducted to examine their productivity under different nitrogen levels (0, 40, 80 kg ha−1), different sowing norms/mixtures (field peas: oats—100:15%; 100:30%), and two stages of growth (full flowering, full pod formation). Nitrogen fertilizer and different sowing norms had a significant effect on the biomass, hay, and crude protein yields. On average, the highest hay yields were achieved with 80 kg ha−1 N (4.96 t ha−1), followed by 40 kg ha−1 N (4.27 t ha−1). The highest protein yields were achieved with 40 kg ha−1 N (CP—704.1 kg ha−1), followed by 80 kg ha−1 N (CP—637.6 kg ha−1). Sowing norm 100:30% achieved higher hay yields: 100:30%—4.82 t ha−1; 100:15%—4.44 t ha−1, while 100:15% achieved higher crude protein yields: 100:15%—730.4 kg ha−1; 100:30%—692.7 kg ha−1 on average. The costs were not significantly increased with the nitrogen fertilizer, but the net profits were increased by as much as 163%, depending on the nitrogen level and the mixture. Nitrogen fertilizer also achieves higher economic efficiency for the mixture 100:15% compared to the 100:30% mixture. Mixtures of field peas and oats outperform single-grown crops and provide cost-effective feed for a short time. Using optimal seed ratios and nitrogen fertilizer can significantly increase the productivity and profitability of the feed with minimal impact on the overall production costs.",
publisher = "MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute)",
journal = "Agriculture, Agriculture",
title = "Biomass and Protein Yields of Field Peas and Oats Intercrop Affected by Sowing Norms and Nitrogen Fertilizer at Two Different Stages of Growth",
number = "9",
pages = "871",
volume = "11",
doi = "10.3390/agriculture11090871"
Krga, I., Simić, A., Dželetović, Ž., Babić, S., Katanski, S., Nikolić, S. R.,& Damnjanović, J.. (2021). Biomass and Protein Yields of Field Peas and Oats Intercrop Affected by Sowing Norms and Nitrogen Fertilizer at Two Different Stages of Growth. in Agriculture
MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute)., 11(9), 871.
Krga I, Simić A, Dželetović Ž, Babić S, Katanski S, Nikolić SR, Damnjanović J. Biomass and Protein Yields of Field Peas and Oats Intercrop Affected by Sowing Norms and Nitrogen Fertilizer at Two Different Stages of Growth. in Agriculture. 2021;11(9):871.
doi:10.3390/agriculture11090871 .
Krga, Ivan, Simić, Aleksandar, Dželetović, Željko, Babić, Snežana, Katanski, Snežana, Nikolić, Svetlana Roljević, Damnjanović, Jelena, "Biomass and Protein Yields of Field Peas and Oats Intercrop Affected by Sowing Norms and Nitrogen Fertilizer at Two Different Stages of Growth" in Agriculture, 11, no. 9 (2021):871, . .