Vukajlović, Filip

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  • Vukajlović, Filip (10)

Author's Bibliography

Differences in the relationship of the most important traits of bread wheat depending on the different agro-ecological conditions

Perišić, Vesna; Rajičić, Vera; Luković, Kristina; Vukajlović, Filip; Perišić, Vladimir

(Niš : Univerzitet u NIšu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Departman za biologiju, 2023)

AU  - Perišić, Vesna
AU  - Rajičić, Vera
AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Vukajlović, Filip
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - ferent  agro-ecological  conditions  have  a  great  influence  on  the phenotypical expression of yield components and grain yield. Besides this, their relationships are changed, too. In extreme wet conditions of the year, with large amounts of precipitations during the most important development stages,  phenotypic  differences  and  the  relationship  between  the  most important yield components and grain yield are less pronounced. Coefficients of variation, correlation analysis, and cluster analysis were used to determine the performances of advanced wheat genotypes under different agro-climatic conditions  of  research  locations.  In  this  research,  the  highest  degree  of variation, i.e. coefficients of variation for spikes mass and grain mass per plant from localities Kragujevac, Kruševac, and Sombor were expressed. Compared with the other two localities, the locality Sombor is distinguished by a strong and positive degree of correlations between yield components and grain yield.
AB  - Različiti agroekološki uslovi, u velikoj meri, utiču na fenotipsku ekspresiju komponenti  rodnosti  i  prinosa  zrna.  Pored  toga,  odnosi  između  njih  se menjaju,  takođe.  U  godini  sa  velikim  količinama  padavina  i  ekstremno vlažnim uslovima tokom najvažnijih faza razvoja, fenotipske razlike i odnosi između najznačajnijih komponenti rodnosti i prinosa zrna su manje izraženi. Koeficijent varijacije, korelaciona analiza i klaster analiza su korišćene u cilju određivanja ponašanja perspektivnih genotipova pšenice u različitim agroklimatskim uslovima ispitivanih lokaliteta. U ovom istraživanju, najviši stepen varijacije, tj. koeficijent varijacije, utvrđen je za masu klasa i masu zrna po biljci na lokalitetima Kragujevac, Kruševac i Sombor. U poređenju sa  ostala  dva  lokaliteta,  lokalitet  Sombor  se  odlikovao  najvećim  brojem pozitivnih i negativnih korelacija između komponenti rodnosti i prinosa zrna
PB  - Niš : Univerzitet u NIšu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Departman za biologiju
T2  - Biologica Nyssana
T1  - Differences in the relationship of the most important traits of bread wheat depending on the different agro-ecological conditions
T1  - uzavisnost  najvažnijih  osobina  hlebne  pšenice  u  različitim agroekološkim uslovima
EP  - 124
IS  - 2
SP  - 117
VL  - 14
DO  - 10.5281/zenodo.10203102
ER  - 
author = "Perišić, Vesna and Rajičić, Vera and Luković, Kristina and Vukajlović, Filip and Perišić, Vladimir",
year = "2023",
abstract = "ferent  agro-ecological  conditions  have  a  great  influence  on  the phenotypical expression of yield components and grain yield. Besides this, their relationships are changed, too. In extreme wet conditions of the year, with large amounts of precipitations during the most important development stages,  phenotypic  differences  and  the  relationship  between  the  most important yield components and grain yield are less pronounced. Coefficients of variation, correlation analysis, and cluster analysis were used to determine the performances of advanced wheat genotypes under different agro-climatic conditions  of  research  locations.  In  this  research,  the  highest  degree  of variation, i.e. coefficients of variation for spikes mass and grain mass per plant from localities Kragujevac, Kruševac, and Sombor were expressed. Compared with the other two localities, the locality Sombor is distinguished by a strong and positive degree of correlations between yield components and grain yield., Različiti agroekološki uslovi, u velikoj meri, utiču na fenotipsku ekspresiju komponenti  rodnosti  i  prinosa  zrna.  Pored  toga,  odnosi  između  njih  se menjaju,  takođe.  U  godini  sa  velikim  količinama  padavina  i  ekstremno vlažnim uslovima tokom najvažnijih faza razvoja, fenotipske razlike i odnosi između najznačajnijih komponenti rodnosti i prinosa zrna su manje izraženi. Koeficijent varijacije, korelaciona analiza i klaster analiza su korišćene u cilju određivanja ponašanja perspektivnih genotipova pšenice u različitim agroklimatskim uslovima ispitivanih lokaliteta. U ovom istraživanju, najviši stepen varijacije, tj. koeficijent varijacije, utvrđen je za masu klasa i masu zrna po biljci na lokalitetima Kragujevac, Kruševac i Sombor. U poređenju sa  ostala  dva  lokaliteta,  lokalitet  Sombor  se  odlikovao  najvećim  brojem pozitivnih i negativnih korelacija između komponenti rodnosti i prinosa zrna",
publisher = "Niš : Univerzitet u NIšu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Departman za biologiju",
journal = "Biologica Nyssana",
title = "Differences in the relationship of the most important traits of bread wheat depending on the different agro-ecological conditions, uzavisnost  najvažnijih  osobina  hlebne  pšenice  u  različitim agroekološkim uslovima",
pages = "124-117",
number = "2",
volume = "14",
doi = "10.5281/zenodo.10203102"
Perišić, V., Rajičić, V., Luković, K., Vukajlović, F.,& Perišić, V.. (2023). Differences in the relationship of the most important traits of bread wheat depending on the different agro-ecological conditions. in Biologica Nyssana
Niš : Univerzitet u NIšu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Departman za biologiju., 14(2), 117-124.
Perišić V, Rajičić V, Luković K, Vukajlović F, Perišić V. Differences in the relationship of the most important traits of bread wheat depending on the different agro-ecological conditions. in Biologica Nyssana. 2023;14(2):117-124.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10203102 .
Perišić, Vesna, Rajičić, Vera, Luković, Kristina, Vukajlović, Filip, Perišić, Vladimir, "Differences in the relationship of the most important traits of bread wheat depending on the different agro-ecological conditions" in Biologica Nyssana, 14, no. 2 (2023):117-124, . .

Spinosad application in process of integrated pest management against Rhyzopertha dominica F. in stored small grains

Perišić, Vesna; Perišić, Vladimir; Rajičić, Vera; Luković, Kristina; Vukajlović, Filip

(Novi Sad Ekološki pokret, 2022)

AU  - Perišić, Vesna
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Rajičić, Vera
AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Vukajlović, Filip
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - This study aimed to evaluate insecticidal activity of Spinosad applied at doses of 0.25, 0.5,
and 1.0 mg kg-1 (ppm) on Rhyzopertha dominica in wheat, barley, rye, oats and triticale grains.
Mortality was assessed after 7 and 14 days, while impact on progeny production was assessed
after 8 weeks. In the lowest dosage after 7 days of exposure, Spinosad application affected
mortality ranged from 94.5% (wheat) to 100% (barley). After 14 days, all doses of Spinosad
achieved mortality of 100%. All three applied dosages of Spinosad prevented progeny emergence.
Damaged grain and dust in Spinosad treated samples were not recorded which represent
the most ideal small grain protection. Spinosad has been identified as a natural and promising
alternative to stored-grain protectants.
AB  - Истраживање је спроведено у циљу оцене инсектицидне активности Спиносада, при-
мењеног у дозама од 0,25, 0,5, и 1,0 мг кг-1 (ппм) на Рхyзопертха доминица у зрну
пшенице, јечма, ражи, овса и тритикалеа. Смртност је процењена након 7 и 14 дана, док
је утицај на стварање потомства оцењен након 8 недеља. При најнижој дози након 7 дана
излагања, примена Спиносада је изазвала смртност од 94.5% (пшеница) до 100% (јечам).
Након 14 дана, све дозе Спиносада оствариле су смртност од 100%. Све три примењене
дозе Спиносада спречиле су појаву потомства. У узорцима третираним Спиносадом није
забележена појава оштећених зрна и прашине што представља савршену заштиту зрна
стрних жита. За Спиносад је утврђено да представља природну и одговарајућу алтерна-
тиву синтетичким инсектицидима стрних жита.
PB  - Novi Sad  Ekološki pokret
C3  - Book of proceedings : 26. International Eco-Conference, 21-23. septembar 2022,Novi Sad
T1  - Spinosad application in process of integrated pest management against Rhyzopertha dominica F. in stored small grains
T1  - Примена Spinosad-а у интегралној заштити стрних жита од Rhyzopertha dominica F.
EP  - 132
SP  - 125
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Perišić, Vesna and Perišić, Vladimir and Rajičić, Vera and Luković, Kristina and Vukajlović, Filip",
year = "2022",
abstract = "This study aimed to evaluate insecticidal activity of Spinosad applied at doses of 0.25, 0.5,
and 1.0 mg kg-1 (ppm) on Rhyzopertha dominica in wheat, barley, rye, oats and triticale grains.
Mortality was assessed after 7 and 14 days, while impact on progeny production was assessed
after 8 weeks. In the lowest dosage after 7 days of exposure, Spinosad application affected
mortality ranged from 94.5% (wheat) to 100% (barley). After 14 days, all doses of Spinosad
achieved mortality of 100%. All three applied dosages of Spinosad prevented progeny emergence.
Damaged grain and dust in Spinosad treated samples were not recorded which represent
the most ideal small grain protection. Spinosad has been identified as a natural and promising
alternative to stored-grain protectants., Истраживање је спроведено у циљу оцене инсектицидне активности Спиносада, при-
мењеног у дозама од 0,25, 0,5, и 1,0 мг кг-1 (ппм) на Рхyзопертха доминица у зрну
пшенице, јечма, ражи, овса и тритикалеа. Смртност је процењена након 7 и 14 дана, док
је утицај на стварање потомства оцењен након 8 недеља. При најнижој дози након 7 дана
излагања, примена Спиносада је изазвала смртност од 94.5% (пшеница) до 100% (јечам).
Након 14 дана, све дозе Спиносада оствариле су смртност од 100%. Све три примењене
дозе Спиносада спречиле су појаву потомства. У узорцима третираним Спиносадом није
забележена појава оштећених зрна и прашине што представља савршену заштиту зрна
стрних жита. За Спиносад је утврђено да представља природну и одговарајућу алтерна-
тиву синтетичким инсектицидима стрних жита.",
publisher = "Novi Sad  Ekološki pokret",
journal = "Book of proceedings : 26. International Eco-Conference, 21-23. septembar 2022,Novi Sad",
title = "Spinosad application in process of integrated pest management against Rhyzopertha dominica F. in stored small grains, Примена Spinosad-а у интегралној заштити стрних жита од Rhyzopertha dominica F.",
pages = "132-125",
url = ""
Perišić, V., Perišić, V., Rajičić, V., Luković, K.,& Vukajlović, F.. (2022). Spinosad application in process of integrated pest management against Rhyzopertha dominica F. in stored small grains. in Book of proceedings : 26. International Eco-Conference, 21-23. septembar 2022,Novi Sad
Novi Sad  Ekološki pokret., 125-132.
Perišić V, Perišić V, Rajičić V, Luković K, Vukajlović F. Spinosad application in process of integrated pest management against Rhyzopertha dominica F. in stored small grains. in Book of proceedings : 26. International Eco-Conference, 21-23. septembar 2022,Novi Sad. 2022;:125-132. .
Perišić, Vesna, Perišić, Vladimir, Rajičić, Vera, Luković, Kristina, Vukajlović, Filip, "Spinosad application in process of integrated pest management against Rhyzopertha dominica F. in stored small grains" in Book of proceedings : 26. International Eco-Conference, 21-23. septembar 2022,Novi Sad (2022):125-132, .

The influence of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) on the technological quality of cereal grains treated with diatomaceous earth

Perišić, Vesna; Vuković, Slavica; Perišić, Vladimir; Luković, Kristina; Vukajlović, Filip; Hadnađev, Miroslav; Dapčević-Hadnađev, Tamara

(Elsevier, 2021)

AU  - Perišić, Vesna
AU  - Vuković, Slavica
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Vukajlović, Filip
AU  - Hadnađev, Miroslav
AU  - Dapčević-Hadnađev, Tamara
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Laboratory bioassays (temperature 26 ± 1 °C and 60 ± 5% r. h.) were performed to evaluate the insecticidal effect of three different diatomaceous earths (DE) against Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) in wheat, triticale and rye. In order to achieve this, the amount of damaged kernels, amount of debris, wet gluten content, gluten index and rheological properties were assessed in infested samples, infested samples treated with DE Protect-It and two DEs originating from Serbia (S-1 and S-2) and were compared to control (uninfested) samples using Chopin Mixolab. The most susceptible to beetle infestation were rye sample and wheat variety Planeta. The lowest weight of damaged grain was found after applying DE Protect-It to all grain types. The amount of damaged kernels, the amount of debris and loss of mass were the highestin sample treated with DE S-2. While infestation resulted in increase in the amount of damaged kernels and debris and decrease in wet gluten content, and provoked weakening of gluten network structure as well as starch damage, an addition of DE, especially Protect-It, resulted in grain samples of similar technological quality to control (uninfested) sample. The susceptibility of different cereals used in breadmaking to infestation by R. dominica, as well as their response to the insecticidal effect of diatomaceous earth largely varied. Both cereal type and quality, as measured by wet gluten content and gluten index, influenced grain response to infestation. Insecticidal effect of diatomaceous earth, especially DE S-1and DE S-2, was the least effective in terms of triticale. These findings suggest that the application of DE in cereals storage management might largely be affected with grain type as well as grain composition and technological quality.
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - Journal of Stored Products Research
T1  - The influence of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) on the technological quality of cereal grains treated with diatomaceous earth
SP  - 101750
VL  - 90
DO  - 10.1016/j.jspr.2020.101750
ER  - 
author = "Perišić, Vesna and Vuković, Slavica and Perišić, Vladimir and Luković, Kristina and Vukajlović, Filip and Hadnađev, Miroslav and Dapčević-Hadnađev, Tamara",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Laboratory bioassays (temperature 26 ± 1 °C and 60 ± 5% r. h.) were performed to evaluate the insecticidal effect of three different diatomaceous earths (DE) against Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) in wheat, triticale and rye. In order to achieve this, the amount of damaged kernels, amount of debris, wet gluten content, gluten index and rheological properties were assessed in infested samples, infested samples treated with DE Protect-It and two DEs originating from Serbia (S-1 and S-2) and were compared to control (uninfested) samples using Chopin Mixolab. The most susceptible to beetle infestation were rye sample and wheat variety Planeta. The lowest weight of damaged grain was found after applying DE Protect-It to all grain types. The amount of damaged kernels, the amount of debris and loss of mass were the highestin sample treated with DE S-2. While infestation resulted in increase in the amount of damaged kernels and debris and decrease in wet gluten content, and provoked weakening of gluten network structure as well as starch damage, an addition of DE, especially Protect-It, resulted in grain samples of similar technological quality to control (uninfested) sample. The susceptibility of different cereals used in breadmaking to infestation by R. dominica, as well as their response to the insecticidal effect of diatomaceous earth largely varied. Both cereal type and quality, as measured by wet gluten content and gluten index, influenced grain response to infestation. Insecticidal effect of diatomaceous earth, especially DE S-1and DE S-2, was the least effective in terms of triticale. These findings suggest that the application of DE in cereals storage management might largely be affected with grain type as well as grain composition and technological quality.",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "Journal of Stored Products Research",
title = "The influence of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) on the technological quality of cereal grains treated with diatomaceous earth",
pages = "101750",
volume = "90",
doi = "10.1016/j.jspr.2020.101750"
Perišić, V., Vuković, S., Perišić, V., Luković, K., Vukajlović, F., Hadnađev, M.,& Dapčević-Hadnađev, T.. (2021). The influence of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) on the technological quality of cereal grains treated with diatomaceous earth. in Journal of Stored Products Research
Elsevier., 90, 101750.
Perišić V, Vuković S, Perišić V, Luković K, Vukajlović F, Hadnađev M, Dapčević-Hadnađev T. The influence of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) on the technological quality of cereal grains treated with diatomaceous earth. in Journal of Stored Products Research. 2021;90:101750.
doi:10.1016/j.jspr.2020.101750 .
Perišić, Vesna, Vuković, Slavica, Perišić, Vladimir, Luković, Kristina, Vukajlović, Filip, Hadnađev, Miroslav, Dapčević-Hadnađev, Tamara, "The influence of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) on the technological quality of cereal grains treated with diatomaceous earth" in Journal of Stored Products Research, 90 (2021):101750, . .

Persistence and efficacy of diatomaceous earth from Serbia against Rhyzopertha dominica F. on wheat

Perišić, Vesna; Perišić, Vladimir; Luković, Kristina; Rajičić, Vera; Predojević, Dragana; Pešić, Snežana; Vukajlović, Filip

(Novi Sad Ekološki pokret, 2020)

AU  - Perišić, Vesna
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Rajičić, Vera
AU  - Predojević, Dragana
AU  - Pešić, Snežana
AU  - Vukajlović, Filip
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The persistence and efficacy of diatomaceous earth from Serbia (DE S-1 and DE S-2) on
Rhyzopertha dominica F. in stored wheat was examined. Commercial DE formulation, Protect-
It, was used as a standard. Three months after treatment with DEs at rates of 1 mg kg-1, grains
were infested with adults of R. dominica F. Insect mortality was determined after 7, 14 and 21
days. The results show that the efficacy of DEs increased with the duration of exposure. After
the 21st day the higher mortality was detected in grains treated with Protect-It (99.5%), while
there were no differences between DE S-1 and DE S-2 (96.5% and 95.5%, respectively). The
progeny/progeny reduction then weak after exposure were 6/99.2% Protect-It, 54.8/93.1% DE
S-1 and 193/75.84% DE S-2.
AB  - Ispitivana je perzistentnost i efikasnost diatomejske zemlje poreklom iz Srbije (DZ S-1 i
DZ S-2) u suzbijanju Rhyzopertha dominica F. Kao standard korišćen je preparat na bazi DZ
Protect-It. Uskladištena pšenica tretirana je DZ u količini od 1000 ppm (1 g DZ kg-1 žita). Tri
meseca nakon tretiranja pšenica je infestirana adultima R. dominica. Smrtnost izlaganih jedinki
utvrđivana je posle 7, 14 i 21. dana izlaganja. Na procenat smrtnosti značajno je uticao period
izlaganja. Najveću smrtnost posle 21.dana izlaganja prouzrokovao je Protect-It (99,5%). Nije
ustanovljena razlika u efikasnosti DZ S-1(96,5%) i DZ S-2 (95,5%). Prosečan broj potomaka
(±SG) / redukcija potomstva (%) deset nedelja posle izlaganja bio je 6/99.2% Protect-It,
54.8/93.1% DZ S-1 i 193/75.84% DZ S-2.
PB  - Novi Sad  Ekološki pokret
C3  - Proceedings : XXIV international eco-conference XI Safe food Novi Sad, 23–25th September
T1  - Persistence and efficacy of diatomaceous earth from Serbia against Rhyzopertha dominica F. on wheat
T1  - Perzistentnost i efikasnost diatomejske zemlje poreklom iz srbije u suzbijanju rhyzopertha dominica F. u pšenici
EP  - 227
SP  - 221
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Perišić, Vesna and Perišić, Vladimir and Luković, Kristina and Rajičić, Vera and Predojević, Dragana and Pešić, Snežana and Vukajlović, Filip",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The persistence and efficacy of diatomaceous earth from Serbia (DE S-1 and DE S-2) on
Rhyzopertha dominica F. in stored wheat was examined. Commercial DE formulation, Protect-
It, was used as a standard. Three months after treatment with DEs at rates of 1 mg kg-1, grains
were infested with adults of R. dominica F. Insect mortality was determined after 7, 14 and 21
days. The results show that the efficacy of DEs increased with the duration of exposure. After
the 21st day the higher mortality was detected in grains treated with Protect-It (99.5%), while
there were no differences between DE S-1 and DE S-2 (96.5% and 95.5%, respectively). The
progeny/progeny reduction then weak after exposure were 6/99.2% Protect-It, 54.8/93.1% DE
S-1 and 193/75.84% DE S-2., Ispitivana je perzistentnost i efikasnost diatomejske zemlje poreklom iz Srbije (DZ S-1 i
DZ S-2) u suzbijanju Rhyzopertha dominica F. Kao standard korišćen je preparat na bazi DZ
Protect-It. Uskladištena pšenica tretirana je DZ u količini od 1000 ppm (1 g DZ kg-1 žita). Tri
meseca nakon tretiranja pšenica je infestirana adultima R. dominica. Smrtnost izlaganih jedinki
utvrđivana je posle 7, 14 i 21. dana izlaganja. Na procenat smrtnosti značajno je uticao period
izlaganja. Najveću smrtnost posle 21.dana izlaganja prouzrokovao je Protect-It (99,5%). Nije
ustanovljena razlika u efikasnosti DZ S-1(96,5%) i DZ S-2 (95,5%). Prosečan broj potomaka
(±SG) / redukcija potomstva (%) deset nedelja posle izlaganja bio je 6/99.2% Protect-It,
54.8/93.1% DZ S-1 i 193/75.84% DZ S-2.",
publisher = "Novi Sad  Ekološki pokret",
journal = "Proceedings : XXIV international eco-conference XI Safe food Novi Sad, 23–25th September",
title = "Persistence and efficacy of diatomaceous earth from Serbia against Rhyzopertha dominica F. on wheat, Perzistentnost i efikasnost diatomejske zemlje poreklom iz srbije u suzbijanju rhyzopertha dominica F. u pšenici",
pages = "227-221",
url = ""
Perišić, V., Perišić, V., Luković, K., Rajičić, V., Predojević, D., Pešić, S.,& Vukajlović, F.. (2020). Persistence and efficacy of diatomaceous earth from Serbia against Rhyzopertha dominica F. on wheat. in Proceedings : XXIV international eco-conference XI Safe food Novi Sad, 23–25th September
Novi Sad  Ekološki pokret., 221-227.
Perišić V, Perišić V, Luković K, Rajičić V, Predojević D, Pešić S, Vukajlović F. Persistence and efficacy of diatomaceous earth from Serbia against Rhyzopertha dominica F. on wheat. in Proceedings : XXIV international eco-conference XI Safe food Novi Sad, 23–25th September. 2020;:221-227. .
Perišić, Vesna, Perišić, Vladimir, Luković, Kristina, Rajičić, Vera, Predojević, Dragana, Pešić, Snežana, Vukajlović, Filip, "Persistence and efficacy of diatomaceous earth from Serbia against Rhyzopertha dominica F. on wheat" in Proceedings : XXIV international eco-conference XI Safe food Novi Sad, 23–25th September (2020):221-227, .

Effects of abamectin on lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), infestation on some stored grains

Perišić, Vesna; Perišić, Vladimir; Vukajlović, Filip; Predojević, Dragana; Rajičić, Vera; Andrić, Goran; Kljajić, Petar

(Springer Open, 2020)

AU  - Perišić, Vesna
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Vukajlović, Filip
AU  - Predojević, Dragana
AU  - Rajičić, Vera
AU  - Andrić, Goran
AU  - Kljajić, Petar
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - Background: Modern methods of stored wheat grain protection from insect pests strive towards optimizing the
use of different techniques and methods within integrated pest management (IPM) programs. One of the methods
of integral grain protection is the application of natural originating insecticides.
Main body: The potential of the natural origin synthetic insecticide abamectin (a product of soil bacteria,
Streptomyces avermitilis fermentation) on the grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), in
stored wheat, barley, ray, oats, and triticale was evaluated. The evaluation was conducted in 3 rates. The effects of
its application on the infestation of R. dominica on certain physical and chemical traits of cereal grains were
examined. The efficacy of abamectin after 7 days of exposure, in all applied dosages, was low (< 56.5% in wheat
and < 30.5% in other grains). Abamectin efficacy was significantly increased after 14 days of exposure. R. dominica
mortality was 99.0 and 100% after 21-day exposure at the abamectin rates of 0.5 and 1.0 mg kg−1, respectively. Ten
weeks after grain treatment, the 3 examined rates prevented the emergence of progeny. The amount of the
damaged grains and dockage, as a nus-product of feeding of R. dominica larvae and imago, compared to the
untreated, infested sample was significantly smaller, which represents a positive aspect of abamectin application.
The application did not change significantly the moisture, protein, and ash contents, in comparison to the control.
Conclusion: Positive aspects of the abamectin application on different grain species (wheat, barley, rye, oats, and
triticale) caused the highest rates of R. dominica mortality after 21 days of exposure where a total prevention of
progeny emergence and absence of changes on technological grain properties occurred.
PB  - Springer Open
T2  - Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control
T1  - Effects of abamectin on lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), infestation on some stored grains
IS  - 116
VL  - 30
DO  - 10.1186/s41938-020-00307-z
ER  - 
author = "Perišić, Vesna and Perišić, Vladimir and Vukajlović, Filip and Predojević, Dragana and Rajičić, Vera and Andrić, Goran and Kljajić, Petar",
year = "2020",
abstract = "Background: Modern methods of stored wheat grain protection from insect pests strive towards optimizing the
use of different techniques and methods within integrated pest management (IPM) programs. One of the methods
of integral grain protection is the application of natural originating insecticides.
Main body: The potential of the natural origin synthetic insecticide abamectin (a product of soil bacteria,
Streptomyces avermitilis fermentation) on the grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), in
stored wheat, barley, ray, oats, and triticale was evaluated. The evaluation was conducted in 3 rates. The effects of
its application on the infestation of R. dominica on certain physical and chemical traits of cereal grains were
examined. The efficacy of abamectin after 7 days of exposure, in all applied dosages, was low (< 56.5% in wheat
and < 30.5% in other grains). Abamectin efficacy was significantly increased after 14 days of exposure. R. dominica
mortality was 99.0 and 100% after 21-day exposure at the abamectin rates of 0.5 and 1.0 mg kg−1, respectively. Ten
weeks after grain treatment, the 3 examined rates prevented the emergence of progeny. The amount of the
damaged grains and dockage, as a nus-product of feeding of R. dominica larvae and imago, compared to the
untreated, infested sample was significantly smaller, which represents a positive aspect of abamectin application.
The application did not change significantly the moisture, protein, and ash contents, in comparison to the control.
Conclusion: Positive aspects of the abamectin application on different grain species (wheat, barley, rye, oats, and
triticale) caused the highest rates of R. dominica mortality after 21 days of exposure where a total prevention of
progeny emergence and absence of changes on technological grain properties occurred.",
publisher = "Springer Open",
journal = "Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control",
title = "Effects of abamectin on lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), infestation on some stored grains",
number = "116",
volume = "30",
doi = "10.1186/s41938-020-00307-z"
Perišić, V., Perišić, V., Vukajlović, F., Predojević, D., Rajičić, V., Andrić, G.,& Kljajić, P.. (2020). Effects of abamectin on lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), infestation on some stored grains. in Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control
Springer Open., 30(116).
Perišić V, Perišić V, Vukajlović F, Predojević D, Rajičić V, Andrić G, Kljajić P. Effects of abamectin on lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), infestation on some stored grains. in Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control. 2020;30(116).
doi:10.1186/s41938-020-00307-z .
Perišić, Vesna, Perišić, Vladimir, Vukajlović, Filip, Predojević, Dragana, Rajičić, Vera, Andrić, Goran, Kljajić, Petar, "Effects of abamectin on lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), infestation on some stored grains" in Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control, 30, no. 116 (2020), . .

Spinosad application for pest management of stored wheat

Perišić, Vesna; Perišić, Vladimir; Rajičić, Vera; Luković, Kristina; Vukajlović, Filip; Predojević, Dragana; Pešić, Snežana

(Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2019)

AU  - Perišić, Vesna
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Rajičić, Vera
AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Vukajlović, Filip
AU  - Predojević, Dragana
AU  - Pešić, Snežana
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - In the condition of low insecticide efficacy, Rhyzopertha dominica F. can affect particular changes in physical and chemical grain composition, since the whole pest life-cycle is spent feeding on kernel endosperm. Therefore, this research aimed to determine the insecticidal activity of Spinosad, an insecticide a.s. of natural origin, on R. dominica mortality, progeny emergence and some wheat chemical traits (moisture, protein and ash content). Wheat samples were treated with Spinosad in amounts of 0.25; 0.5 and 1.0 mg a.s. kg-1 of wheat grain. After 24 h, 25 adults of R. dominica of both sexes were released into each vessel. Insect mortality was determined by manually removing from the infested wheat after 7 and 14 days of exposure. Ten weeks after treatments, progeny emergence and progeny reduction were designated. Spinosad application in the lowest dosage, after seven days of exposure, affected mortality from 94.5% to 100%. Spinosad applied at 1 mg kg-1 caused a 100% mortality. The mortality of R. dominica adults after 14 days exposure period was 100% after the application of the three doses. Ten weeks after grains treatment, all the Spinosad dosages prevented infestation. Spinosad application in all examined dosages did not lead to grain damage. Damaged grain and dust in Spinosad treated samples were not recorded, which represent the ideal small grain protection. There was no determined impact of examined insecticide on particular chemical traits. All established changes were due to the activity of R. dominica. Spinosad has been identified as a promising alternative to stored-grain protectants.
PB  - Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet
C3  - Book of Abstracts : X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2019", Jahorina, October 03 - 06
T1  - Spinosad application for pest management of stored wheat
SP  - 446
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Perišić, Vesna and Perišić, Vladimir and Rajičić, Vera and Luković, Kristina and Vukajlović, Filip and Predojević, Dragana and Pešić, Snežana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "In the condition of low insecticide efficacy, Rhyzopertha dominica F. can affect particular changes in physical and chemical grain composition, since the whole pest life-cycle is spent feeding on kernel endosperm. Therefore, this research aimed to determine the insecticidal activity of Spinosad, an insecticide a.s. of natural origin, on R. dominica mortality, progeny emergence and some wheat chemical traits (moisture, protein and ash content). Wheat samples were treated with Spinosad in amounts of 0.25; 0.5 and 1.0 mg a.s. kg-1 of wheat grain. After 24 h, 25 adults of R. dominica of both sexes were released into each vessel. Insect mortality was determined by manually removing from the infested wheat after 7 and 14 days of exposure. Ten weeks after treatments, progeny emergence and progeny reduction were designated. Spinosad application in the lowest dosage, after seven days of exposure, affected mortality from 94.5% to 100%. Spinosad applied at 1 mg kg-1 caused a 100% mortality. The mortality of R. dominica adults after 14 days exposure period was 100% after the application of the three doses. Ten weeks after grains treatment, all the Spinosad dosages prevented infestation. Spinosad application in all examined dosages did not lead to grain damage. Damaged grain and dust in Spinosad treated samples were not recorded, which represent the ideal small grain protection. There was no determined impact of examined insecticide on particular chemical traits. All established changes were due to the activity of R. dominica. Spinosad has been identified as a promising alternative to stored-grain protectants.",
publisher = "Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet",
journal = "Book of Abstracts : X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2019", Jahorina, October 03 - 06",
title = "Spinosad application for pest management of stored wheat",
pages = "446",
url = ""
Perišić, V., Perišić, V., Rajičić, V., Luković, K., Vukajlović, F., Predojević, D.,& Pešić, S.. (2019). Spinosad application for pest management of stored wheat. in Book of Abstracts : X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2019", Jahorina, October 03 - 06
Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet., 446.
Perišić V, Perišić V, Rajičić V, Luković K, Vukajlović F, Predojević D, Pešić S. Spinosad application for pest management of stored wheat. in Book of Abstracts : X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2019", Jahorina, October 03 - 06. 2019;:446. .
Perišić, Vesna, Perišić, Vladimir, Rajičić, Vera, Luković, Kristina, Vukajlović, Filip, Predojević, Dragana, Pešić, Snežana, "Spinosad application for pest management of stored wheat" in Book of Abstracts : X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2019", Jahorina, October 03 - 06 (2019):446, .

Impact of diatomaceous earth application on the rheological properties of wheat, triticale and rye flour dough

Perišić, Vladimir; Perišić, Vesna; Hadnađev, Miroslav; Đekić, Vera; Dapčević-Hadnađev, Tamara; Vuković, Slavica; Vukajlović, Filip

(Elsevier, 2019)

AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Perišić, Vesna
AU  - Hadnađev, Miroslav
AU  - Đekić, Vera
AU  - Dapčević-Hadnađev, Tamara
AU  - Vuković, Slavica
AU  - Vukajlović, Filip
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Although utilization of commercial products based on diatomaceous earth, an insecticide of the natural
origin, plays a very important role in the integral protection of stored grains, the effect of their application
on the rheological quality of small grains is poorly exploited. Therefore, the aim of this research
was to employ GlutoPeak and Mixolab rheological devices in order to compare the impact of three
diatomaceous earths (DEs) (Protect-It and two inert dusts originated from Serbia) application on the
rheological properties of wheat, triticale and rye flour dough. While moisture and protein content did not
differ in treated and untreated grain samples, application of all three DEs in two triticale varieties led to
an increase in the wet gluten content and Mixolab water absorption, as well as a decrease in the gluten
strength, as indicated by gluten index and GlutoPeak maximum torque values. Treated rye samples have
also exhibited a decrease in dough maximum consistency and stability and greater protein structure
weakening in comparison to untreated sample. The mentioned changes in rheological behaviour were
not noticed in wheat varieties treated with DEs. The major changes were recorded in rheological
behaviour of triticale and rye starch component which showed a decrease in maximum peak torque and
hot paste stability after grain treatment with DEs. In general, the influence of DEs on rheological
properties of small grains was highly species and varietal dependent, where more pronounced differences
between treated and untreated grains were noticed in stronger varieties.
PB  - Elsevier
T2  - Journal of Stored Products Research
T1  - Impact of diatomaceous earth application on the rheological properties of wheat, triticale and rye flour dough
EP  - 97
IS  - 82
SP  - 91
DO  - 10.1016/j.jspr.2019.05.003
ER  - 
author = "Perišić, Vladimir and Perišić, Vesna and Hadnađev, Miroslav and Đekić, Vera and Dapčević-Hadnađev, Tamara and Vuković, Slavica and Vukajlović, Filip",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Although utilization of commercial products based on diatomaceous earth, an insecticide of the natural
origin, plays a very important role in the integral protection of stored grains, the effect of their application
on the rheological quality of small grains is poorly exploited. Therefore, the aim of this research
was to employ GlutoPeak and Mixolab rheological devices in order to compare the impact of three
diatomaceous earths (DEs) (Protect-It and two inert dusts originated from Serbia) application on the
rheological properties of wheat, triticale and rye flour dough. While moisture and protein content did not
differ in treated and untreated grain samples, application of all three DEs in two triticale varieties led to
an increase in the wet gluten content and Mixolab water absorption, as well as a decrease in the gluten
strength, as indicated by gluten index and GlutoPeak maximum torque values. Treated rye samples have
also exhibited a decrease in dough maximum consistency and stability and greater protein structure
weakening in comparison to untreated sample. The mentioned changes in rheological behaviour were
not noticed in wheat varieties treated with DEs. The major changes were recorded in rheological
behaviour of triticale and rye starch component which showed a decrease in maximum peak torque and
hot paste stability after grain treatment with DEs. In general, the influence of DEs on rheological
properties of small grains was highly species and varietal dependent, where more pronounced differences
between treated and untreated grains were noticed in stronger varieties.",
publisher = "Elsevier",
journal = "Journal of Stored Products Research",
title = "Impact of diatomaceous earth application on the rheological properties of wheat, triticale and rye flour dough",
pages = "97-91",
number = "82",
doi = "10.1016/j.jspr.2019.05.003"
Perišić, V., Perišić, V., Hadnađev, M., Đekić, V., Dapčević-Hadnađev, T., Vuković, S.,& Vukajlović, F.. (2019). Impact of diatomaceous earth application on the rheological properties of wheat, triticale and rye flour dough. in Journal of Stored Products Research
Elsevier.(82), 91-97.
Perišić V, Perišić V, Hadnađev M, Đekić V, Dapčević-Hadnađev T, Vuković S, Vukajlović F. Impact of diatomaceous earth application on the rheological properties of wheat, triticale and rye flour dough. in Journal of Stored Products Research. 2019;(82):91-97.
doi:10.1016/j.jspr.2019.05.003 .
Perišić, Vladimir, Perišić, Vesna, Hadnađev, Miroslav, Đekić, Vera, Dapčević-Hadnađev, Tamara, Vuković, Slavica, Vukajlović, Filip, "Impact of diatomaceous earth application on the rheological properties of wheat, triticale and rye flour dough" in Journal of Stored Products Research, no. 82 (2019):91-97, . .

Efikasnost diatomejske zemlje poreklom iz Srbije u suzbijanju Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabrius 1792) (Coleoptera : Bostrichidase) u pšenici

Perišić, Vesna; Perišić, Vladimir; Vukajlović, Filip; Predojević, Dragana; Pešić, Snežana


AU  - Perišić, Vesna
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Vukajlović, Filip
AU  - Predojević, Dragana
AU  - Pešić, Snežana
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Diatomejska zemlja je supstanca prisutna u prirodi koja je sertifikovana kao organski
insekticid, ekološki prihvatljiv i predstavlja dobru alternativu sintetisanim insekticidima.
Efikasnost DZ zavisi od mnogobrojnih činilaca (vrste žita, osobine zrna, vrste insekata i
stadijuma razvića insekata,od geografskog porekla same DZ, ali i od karakteristika DZ).
Značajno je što DZ ispoljava dugu perzistentnost. Za ispitivanje efekata diatomejske
zemlje korišćena su dva prašiva diatomejske zemlje obeležene kao S-1 i S-2, koje su
poreklom iz Srbije. Dobijene su u postupku prerade rude diatomita (sa lokaliteta
Kolubara) u Institutu za tehnologiju nuklearnih i drugih mineralnih sirovina iz Beograda
gde je utvrđen i hemijski sastav i zastupljenost čestica prašiva. Kao standard za ova
ispitivanja korišćen je preparat na bazi DZ Protect-It (Hedley Technologies Inc.,
Kanada). U cilju potvrđivanja perzistentnosti DZ korišćena je pšenica tretirana DZ tri
meseca pre infestacije u količini od 1000 ppm (1 g DZ kg -1 žita). Smrtnost izlaganih
jedinki utvrđivana je isejavanjem posle 7, 14 i 21. dana ekspozicije. Nakon utvrđivanja
efikasnosti, svi insekti su isejavani i uzorci su vraćani u termostat u kome su kontrolisani
uslovi, T 26±1 °C i RH 60±5%. Posle sedam nedelja, posude sa žitima su prosejavane
kako bi se utvrdila pojava potomstva i procenat redukcije potomstva. Na procenat
smrtnosti R. dominica primenom tri diatomejske zemlje (DZ) značajno je uticao period
ekspozicije. Posle 7 dana ekspozicije ostvarena je smrtnost od 87.25% Protect-It, 62.0%
DZ S-1i 53.25% DZ S-2. Efikasnost primenjenih DZ posle 14 dana bila je 98.5%, 92.0%
i 89.0%, respektivno. Posle treće nedelje izlaganja smrtnost R. dominica je značajno veća
(99.5%, 96.5% i 95.5%, respektivno). Prosečan broj potomaka ( x ±SG) / redukcija
potomstva (%) kod R. dominica u pšenici deset nedelja posle tretiranja je 6/99.2%
Protect-It, 54.8/93.1% DZ S-1 i 193/75.84% DZ S-2. Ostvarena smrtnost primenom
diatomejske zemlje iz Srbije (naročito DZ S-1) ukazuje na mogućnost njene primene u
integralnoj zaštiti uskladištene pšenice. Primenom Protect-It i DZ S-1 u
zadovoljavajućem obimu onemogućena je pojava potomstva. Rezultati potvrđuju i
perzistentnost DZ što povećava značajnost primene ovog prirodnog insekticida.
C3  - Zbornik rezimea : XII simpozijum entomologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Niš, Univerzitet u NIšu 25-29 IX 2019
T1  - Efikasnost diatomejske zemlje poreklom iz Srbije u suzbijanju Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabrius 1792) (Coleoptera : Bostrichidase) u pšenici
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Perišić, Vesna and Perišić, Vladimir and Vukajlović, Filip and Predojević, Dragana and Pešić, Snežana",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Diatomejska zemlja je supstanca prisutna u prirodi koja je sertifikovana kao organski
insekticid, ekološki prihvatljiv i predstavlja dobru alternativu sintetisanim insekticidima.
Efikasnost DZ zavisi od mnogobrojnih činilaca (vrste žita, osobine zrna, vrste insekata i
stadijuma razvića insekata,od geografskog porekla same DZ, ali i od karakteristika DZ).
Značajno je što DZ ispoljava dugu perzistentnost. Za ispitivanje efekata diatomejske
zemlje korišćena su dva prašiva diatomejske zemlje obeležene kao S-1 i S-2, koje su
poreklom iz Srbije. Dobijene su u postupku prerade rude diatomita (sa lokaliteta
Kolubara) u Institutu za tehnologiju nuklearnih i drugih mineralnih sirovina iz Beograda
gde je utvrđen i hemijski sastav i zastupljenost čestica prašiva. Kao standard za ova
ispitivanja korišćen je preparat na bazi DZ Protect-It (Hedley Technologies Inc.,
Kanada). U cilju potvrđivanja perzistentnosti DZ korišćena je pšenica tretirana DZ tri
meseca pre infestacije u količini od 1000 ppm (1 g DZ kg -1 žita). Smrtnost izlaganih
jedinki utvrđivana je isejavanjem posle 7, 14 i 21. dana ekspozicije. Nakon utvrđivanja
efikasnosti, svi insekti su isejavani i uzorci su vraćani u termostat u kome su kontrolisani
uslovi, T 26±1 °C i RH 60±5%. Posle sedam nedelja, posude sa žitima su prosejavane
kako bi se utvrdila pojava potomstva i procenat redukcije potomstva. Na procenat
smrtnosti R. dominica primenom tri diatomejske zemlje (DZ) značajno je uticao period
ekspozicije. Posle 7 dana ekspozicije ostvarena je smrtnost od 87.25% Protect-It, 62.0%
DZ S-1i 53.25% DZ S-2. Efikasnost primenjenih DZ posle 14 dana bila je 98.5%, 92.0%
i 89.0%, respektivno. Posle treće nedelje izlaganja smrtnost R. dominica je značajno veća
(99.5%, 96.5% i 95.5%, respektivno). Prosečan broj potomaka ( x ±SG) / redukcija
potomstva (%) kod R. dominica u pšenici deset nedelja posle tretiranja je 6/99.2%
Protect-It, 54.8/93.1% DZ S-1 i 193/75.84% DZ S-2. Ostvarena smrtnost primenom
diatomejske zemlje iz Srbije (naročito DZ S-1) ukazuje na mogućnost njene primene u
integralnoj zaštiti uskladištene pšenice. Primenom Protect-It i DZ S-1 u
zadovoljavajućem obimu onemogućena je pojava potomstva. Rezultati potvrđuju i
perzistentnost DZ što povećava značajnost primene ovog prirodnog insekticida.",
journal = "Zbornik rezimea : XII simpozijum entomologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Niš, Univerzitet u NIšu 25-29 IX 2019",
title = "Efikasnost diatomejske zemlje poreklom iz Srbije u suzbijanju Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabrius 1792) (Coleoptera : Bostrichidase) u pšenici",
url = ""
Perišić, V., Perišić, V., Vukajlović, F., Predojević, D.,& Pešić, S.. (2019). Efikasnost diatomejske zemlje poreklom iz Srbije u suzbijanju Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabrius 1792) (Coleoptera : Bostrichidase) u pšenici. in Zbornik rezimea : XII simpozijum entomologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Niš, Univerzitet u NIšu 25-29 IX 2019.
Perišić V, Perišić V, Vukajlović F, Predojević D, Pešić S. Efikasnost diatomejske zemlje poreklom iz Srbije u suzbijanju Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabrius 1792) (Coleoptera : Bostrichidase) u pšenici. in Zbornik rezimea : XII simpozijum entomologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Niš, Univerzitet u NIšu 25-29 IX 2019. 2019;. .
Perišić, Vesna, Perišić, Vladimir, Vukajlović, Filip, Predojević, Dragana, Pešić, Snežana, "Efikasnost diatomejske zemlje poreklom iz Srbije u suzbijanju Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabrius 1792) (Coleoptera : Bostrichidase) u pšenici" in Zbornik rezimea : XII simpozijum entomologa Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, Niš, Univerzitet u NIšu 25-29 IX 2019 (2019), .

Feeding preferences and progeny production of Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius 1792) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in small grains

Perišić, Vladimir; Perišić, Vesna; Vukajlović, Filip; Pešić, Snežana; Predojević, Dragana; Đekić, Vera; Luković, Kristina

(Niš : Univerzitet u NIšu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Departman za biologiju, 2018)

AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Perišić, Vesna
AU  - Vukajlović, Filip
AU  - Pešić, Snežana
AU  - Predojević, Dragana
AU  - Đekić, Vera
AU  - Luković, Kristina
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius, 1792) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) is a primary pest of stored wheat. Many authors studied its development on this cereal. The wheat is commonly stored together with other grain, especially barley, rye, oats and triticale. The objectives of this study are to assess the feeding preferences for the small grains (wheat, barley, rye, oat and triticale) and to evaluate their susceptibility/resistance to progeny production of R. dominica. The mean survival rate of R. dominica adults, progeny emergence and amounts of insect-damaged grains and dockage in various small grain species were determined. Also, influence of R. dominica feeding on chemical properties (moisture protein and ash contents in grains) was found out. The influence of the grain species on the development of R. dominica was significant. The highest mortality of parents and the lowest progeny counts in oats, while triticale is very suitable for development of R. dominica, much more then wheat, as a primary host. The biggest amount of damage kernals and dust were found in triticale. The contents of moisture, protein and ash in the grain has been changed due to feeding of R. dominica.
AB  - Žitni kukuljičar (rizoperta) - Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius, 1792) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) je primarna štetočina uskladištene pšenice. Njen razvoj na ovoj vrsti strnih žita proučavali su brojni autori. Pšenica se obično skladišti sa drugim strnim žitima, posebno ječmom, raži, ovsom i tritikaleom. Ovo istraživanje je sprovedeno u cilju ispitivanja preferencija u ishrani R. dominica u strnim žitima (pšenica, ječam, raž, ovas i tritikale) i ocene osetljvosti/otpornosti ovih žita na pojavu potomstva R. dominica. Utvrđen je prosečan broj preživelih jedinki R. dominica, pojava potomstva i broj zrna oštećenih insektima, kao i količina prašine u različitim vrstama strnih žita. Takođe, utvrđen je uticaj R. dominica na hemijske osobine strnih žita (sadržaj vlage, proteina i pepela u zrnu). Uticaj vrste žitarica na razvoj R. dominica bio je značajan. Najveća smrtnost roditelja i najmanja pojava potomstva utvrđena je kod ovsa, dok je tritikale veoma povoljan za razvoj R. dominica, mnogo više nego pšenica, kao primarni domaćin. Najveća količina oštećenih zrna i prašine nađeni su u tritikaleu. Ishrana R. dominica je dovela do promene sadržaja vlage, proteina i pepela u zrnu.
PB  - Niš : Univerzitet u NIšu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Departman za biologiju
T2  - Biologica Nyssana
T1  - Feeding preferences and progeny production of Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius 1792) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in small grains
EP  - 61
IS  - 1
SP  - 55
VL  - 9
DO  - 10.5281/zenodo.1470852
ER  - 
author = "Perišić, Vladimir and Perišić, Vesna and Vukajlović, Filip and Pešić, Snežana and Predojević, Dragana and Đekić, Vera and Luković, Kristina",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius, 1792) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) is a primary pest of stored wheat. Many authors studied its development on this cereal. The wheat is commonly stored together with other grain, especially barley, rye, oats and triticale. The objectives of this study are to assess the feeding preferences for the small grains (wheat, barley, rye, oat and triticale) and to evaluate their susceptibility/resistance to progeny production of R. dominica. The mean survival rate of R. dominica adults, progeny emergence and amounts of insect-damaged grains and dockage in various small grain species were determined. Also, influence of R. dominica feeding on chemical properties (moisture protein and ash contents in grains) was found out. The influence of the grain species on the development of R. dominica was significant. The highest mortality of parents and the lowest progeny counts in oats, while triticale is very suitable for development of R. dominica, much more then wheat, as a primary host. The biggest amount of damage kernals and dust were found in triticale. The contents of moisture, protein and ash in the grain has been changed due to feeding of R. dominica., Žitni kukuljičar (rizoperta) - Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius, 1792) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) je primarna štetočina uskladištene pšenice. Njen razvoj na ovoj vrsti strnih žita proučavali su brojni autori. Pšenica se obično skladišti sa drugim strnim žitima, posebno ječmom, raži, ovsom i tritikaleom. Ovo istraživanje je sprovedeno u cilju ispitivanja preferencija u ishrani R. dominica u strnim žitima (pšenica, ječam, raž, ovas i tritikale) i ocene osetljvosti/otpornosti ovih žita na pojavu potomstva R. dominica. Utvrđen je prosečan broj preživelih jedinki R. dominica, pojava potomstva i broj zrna oštećenih insektima, kao i količina prašine u različitim vrstama strnih žita. Takođe, utvrđen je uticaj R. dominica na hemijske osobine strnih žita (sadržaj vlage, proteina i pepela u zrnu). Uticaj vrste žitarica na razvoj R. dominica bio je značajan. Najveća smrtnost roditelja i najmanja pojava potomstva utvrđena je kod ovsa, dok je tritikale veoma povoljan za razvoj R. dominica, mnogo više nego pšenica, kao primarni domaćin. Najveća količina oštećenih zrna i prašine nađeni su u tritikaleu. Ishrana R. dominica je dovela do promene sadržaja vlage, proteina i pepela u zrnu.",
publisher = "Niš : Univerzitet u NIšu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Departman za biologiju",
journal = "Biologica Nyssana",
title = "Feeding preferences and progeny production of Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius 1792) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in small grains",
pages = "61-55",
number = "1",
volume = "9",
doi = "10.5281/zenodo.1470852"
Perišić, V., Perišić, V., Vukajlović, F., Pešić, S., Predojević, D., Đekić, V.,& Luković, K.. (2018). Feeding preferences and progeny production of Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius 1792) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in small grains. in Biologica Nyssana
Niš : Univerzitet u NIšu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Departman za biologiju., 9(1), 55-61.
Perišić V, Perišić V, Vukajlović F, Pešić S, Predojević D, Đekić V, Luković K. Feeding preferences and progeny production of Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius 1792) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in small grains. in Biologica Nyssana. 2018;9(1):55-61.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1470852 .
Perišić, Vladimir, Perišić, Vesna, Vukajlović, Filip, Pešić, Snežana, Predojević, Dragana, Đekić, Vera, Luković, Kristina, "Feeding preferences and progeny production of Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius 1792) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae) in small grains" in Biologica Nyssana, 9, no. 1 (2018):55-61, . .

Technological quality of wheat infested with Rhyzopertha Dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae)

Perišić, Vesna; Hadnađev, Miroslav; Perišić, Vladimir; Vukajlović, Filip; Dapčević-Hadnađev, Tamara; Luković, Kristina

(Leskovac : Tehnološki fakultet, 2018)

AU  - Perišić, Vesna
AU  - Hadnađev, Miroslav
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Vukajlović, Filip
AU  - Dapčević-Hadnađev, Tamara
AU  - Luković, Kristina
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Due to its negative impact on the yield and quality of stored grains, the aim of this
research was to study the influence of Rhyzopertha dominica F. on rheological properties
of wheat flour obtained from grains infested by examined pest. A rheological
laboratory device - Mixolab was employed in order to simulate the production process
of bread (from the beginning of dough mixing until the end of bread baking).
Wet gluten and gluten index, as significant flour quality parameters, were also determined.
The flour of wheat varieties Planeta and Kruna was used in these experiments.
The samples of both varieties infested with R. dominica (infested samples)
were characterized and compared to their uninfested counterparts (control samples).
Infested samples expressed a lower gluten index content, greater weakening of the
gluten network upon mixing and heating, as well as lower starch gelatinization viscosity
in comparison to control samples. Changes in the gluten index value were
more pronounced in Planeta variety which was characterized with a higher degree
of infestation. Determined changes in rheological properties of infested wheat were
mainly dependent on a degree of infestation. However, a varietal dependency on
the intensity of changes in technological quality cannot be neglected.
AB  - Zbog negativnog uticaja na prinos i kvalitet uskladištenog žita, cilj istraživanja je
proučavanje uticaja Rhyzoperta dominica F. na reološke osobine pšeničnog brašna
dobijenog od zrna infestiranog ispitivanom štetočinom. Za simulaciju proizvodnje
hleba (od zamesa do krajnjeg proizvoda – hleba) korišćen je reološki laboratorijski
uređaj – Mixolab. Takođe, određen je i sadržaj vlažnog glutena i gluten indeks koji
su značajni parametri kvaliteta brašna. U eksperimentu je korišćeno brašno sorti
pšenice Planeta i Kruna. Ispitani su uzorci obe sorte infestiranih sa R. dominica (infestirani
uzorci) i upoređeni sa odgovarajućim neinfestiranim uzorcima (kontrola).
U poređenju sa kontrolnim uzorcima, infestirani uzorci pokazali su manji sadržaj
glutena, veće slabljenje glutenske mreže prilikom mešenja i zagrevanja, kao i
manji viskozitet i želatinizaciju skroba. Promene u vrednosti gluten indeksa bile su
izraženije kod sorte Planeta kod koje je utvrđen veći procenat infestacije.Utvrđene
promene u reološkim osobinama infestirane pšenice zavisile su, prvenstveno, od
stepena infestacije pšenice. Međutim, intenzitet promena tehnološkog kvaliteta
uslovljen je i uticajem sorte, koji ne može biti zanemaren.
PB  - Leskovac : Tehnološki fakultet
T2  - Advanced technologies
T1  - Technological quality of wheat infested with Rhyzopertha Dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae)
EP  - 40
IS  - 1
SP  - 35
VL  - 7
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Perišić, Vesna and Hadnađev, Miroslav and Perišić, Vladimir and Vukajlović, Filip and Dapčević-Hadnađev, Tamara and Luković, Kristina",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Due to its negative impact on the yield and quality of stored grains, the aim of this
research was to study the influence of Rhyzopertha dominica F. on rheological properties
of wheat flour obtained from grains infested by examined pest. A rheological
laboratory device - Mixolab was employed in order to simulate the production process
of bread (from the beginning of dough mixing until the end of bread baking).
Wet gluten and gluten index, as significant flour quality parameters, were also determined.
The flour of wheat varieties Planeta and Kruna was used in these experiments.
The samples of both varieties infested with R. dominica (infested samples)
were characterized and compared to their uninfested counterparts (control samples).
Infested samples expressed a lower gluten index content, greater weakening of the
gluten network upon mixing and heating, as well as lower starch gelatinization viscosity
in comparison to control samples. Changes in the gluten index value were
more pronounced in Planeta variety which was characterized with a higher degree
of infestation. Determined changes in rheological properties of infested wheat were
mainly dependent on a degree of infestation. However, a varietal dependency on
the intensity of changes in technological quality cannot be neglected., Zbog negativnog uticaja na prinos i kvalitet uskladištenog žita, cilj istraživanja je
proučavanje uticaja Rhyzoperta dominica F. na reološke osobine pšeničnog brašna
dobijenog od zrna infestiranog ispitivanom štetočinom. Za simulaciju proizvodnje
hleba (od zamesa do krajnjeg proizvoda – hleba) korišćen je reološki laboratorijski
uređaj – Mixolab. Takođe, određen je i sadržaj vlažnog glutena i gluten indeks koji
su značajni parametri kvaliteta brašna. U eksperimentu je korišćeno brašno sorti
pšenice Planeta i Kruna. Ispitani su uzorci obe sorte infestiranih sa R. dominica (infestirani
uzorci) i upoređeni sa odgovarajućim neinfestiranim uzorcima (kontrola).
U poređenju sa kontrolnim uzorcima, infestirani uzorci pokazali su manji sadržaj
glutena, veće slabljenje glutenske mreže prilikom mešenja i zagrevanja, kao i
manji viskozitet i želatinizaciju skroba. Promene u vrednosti gluten indeksa bile su
izraženije kod sorte Planeta kod koje je utvrđen veći procenat infestacije.Utvrđene
promene u reološkim osobinama infestirane pšenice zavisile su, prvenstveno, od
stepena infestacije pšenice. Međutim, intenzitet promena tehnološkog kvaliteta
uslovljen je i uticajem sorte, koji ne može biti zanemaren.",
publisher = "Leskovac : Tehnološki fakultet",
journal = "Advanced technologies",
title = "Technological quality of wheat infested with Rhyzopertha Dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae)",
pages = "40-35",
number = "1",
volume = "7",
url = ""
Perišić, V., Hadnađev, M., Perišić, V., Vukajlović, F., Dapčević-Hadnađev, T.,& Luković, K.. (2018). Technological quality of wheat infested with Rhyzopertha Dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). in Advanced technologies
Leskovac : Tehnološki fakultet., 7(1), 35-40.
Perišić V, Hadnađev M, Perišić V, Vukajlović F, Dapčević-Hadnađev T, Luković K. Technological quality of wheat infested with Rhyzopertha Dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). in Advanced technologies. 2018;7(1):35-40. .
Perišić, Vesna, Hadnađev, Miroslav, Perišić, Vladimir, Vukajlović, Filip, Dapčević-Hadnađev, Tamara, Luković, Kristina, "Technological quality of wheat infested with Rhyzopertha Dominica F. (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae)" in Advanced technologies, 7, no. 1 (2018):35-40, .