Milovanović, Milivoje

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Milovanović, Milivoje (13)

Author's Bibliography

Međuzavisnost produktivnih osobina pšenice i njihov uticaj na kvalitet

Luković, Kristina; Perišić, Vladimir; Jestrović, Zorica; Bratković, Kamenko; Milovanović, Milivoje; Zečević, Veselinka; Mlađenović, Sofija

(Kragujevac : Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela, 2023)

AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Jestrović, Zorica
AU  - Bratković, Kamenko
AU  - Milovanović, Milivoje
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Mlađenović, Sofija
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - U radu su prikazani rezultati perspektivnih genotipova pšenice, gajenih
u različitim agroekološkim uslovima, tokom 2013/2014. godine.
Analizirane su produktivne osobine i kvalitet zrna, i utvrđene su
korelacione veze između njih. Zapaža se da su genotipovi sa nižim
prinosom imali bolјi kvalitet zrna i obrnuto. Kao najprinosniji genotip,
istakao se KG-60-3/3 (5,6 t ha-1), dok su genotipovi KG-52/3 i KG-47/21
imali najveće proseče vrednosti sedimentacije proteina (43,6 ml i 40,7
ml) i sadržaja vlažnog glutena (36,2% i 35,1%).
Uočena je jaka zavisnost između mase zrna po klasu, mase zrna po
bilјci i mase 1000 zrna. Ove komponenete prinosa su pozitivno korelisane
sa prinosom zrna. Sa druge strane, između prinosa i kvaliteta zrna
utvrđena je negativna korelacija, što otežava proces oplemenjivanja u
cilјu stvaranja genotipova sa pozitivnom ekspresijom obe osobine.
AB  - The paper presents the results of perspective wheat genotypes, grown
in different agroecological conditions, during 2013/2014. Productive
traits and grain quality were analyzed, and correlations between them
were established. It is observed that genotypes with lower yield had better
grain quality and vice versa. As the most productive genotype, it stood
out KG-60-3/3 (5.6 t ha-1), while genotypes KG-52/3 and KG-47/21 had
the highest average protein sedimentation values (43.6 ml & 40 .7 ml)
and wet gluten content (36.2% & 35.1%).
A strong dependence was observed between the mass of grains per ear,
the mass of grains per plant and the mass of 1000 grains. These yield
components are positively correlated with grain yield. On the other hand,
a negative correlation was established between yield and grain quality,
which makes the breeding process difficult in order to create genotypes
with positive expression of both traits.
PB  - Kragujevac : Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela
C3  - Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. Jun
T1  - Međuzavisnost produktivnih osobina pšenice i njihov uticaj na kvalitet
T1  - Interdependence of productive characteristics of wheat and their influence
EP  - 162
SP  - 153
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Luković, Kristina and Perišić, Vladimir and Jestrović, Zorica and Bratković, Kamenko and Milovanović, Milivoje and Zečević, Veselinka and Mlađenović, Sofija",
year = "2023",
abstract = "U radu su prikazani rezultati perspektivnih genotipova pšenice, gajenih
u različitim agroekološkim uslovima, tokom 2013/2014. godine.
Analizirane su produktivne osobine i kvalitet zrna, i utvrđene su
korelacione veze između njih. Zapaža se da su genotipovi sa nižim
prinosom imali bolјi kvalitet zrna i obrnuto. Kao najprinosniji genotip,
istakao se KG-60-3/3 (5,6 t ha-1), dok su genotipovi KG-52/3 i KG-47/21
imali najveće proseče vrednosti sedimentacije proteina (43,6 ml i 40,7
ml) i sadržaja vlažnog glutena (36,2% i 35,1%).
Uočena je jaka zavisnost između mase zrna po klasu, mase zrna po
bilјci i mase 1000 zrna. Ove komponenete prinosa su pozitivno korelisane
sa prinosom zrna. Sa druge strane, između prinosa i kvaliteta zrna
utvrđena je negativna korelacija, što otežava proces oplemenjivanja u
cilјu stvaranja genotipova sa pozitivnom ekspresijom obe osobine., The paper presents the results of perspective wheat genotypes, grown
in different agroecological conditions, during 2013/2014. Productive
traits and grain quality were analyzed, and correlations between them
were established. It is observed that genotypes with lower yield had better
grain quality and vice versa. As the most productive genotype, it stood
out KG-60-3/3 (5.6 t ha-1), while genotypes KG-52/3 and KG-47/21 had
the highest average protein sedimentation values (43.6 ml & 40 .7 ml)
and wet gluten content (36.2% & 35.1%).
A strong dependence was observed between the mass of grains per ear,
the mass of grains per plant and the mass of 1000 grains. These yield
components are positively correlated with grain yield. On the other hand,
a negative correlation was established between yield and grain quality,
which makes the breeding process difficult in order to create genotypes
with positive expression of both traits.",
publisher = "Kragujevac : Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. Jun",
title = "Međuzavisnost produktivnih osobina pšenice i njihov uticaj na kvalitet, Interdependence of productive characteristics of wheat and their influence",
pages = "162-153",
url = ""
Luković, K., Perišić, V., Jestrović, Z., Bratković, K., Milovanović, M., Zečević, V.,& Mlađenović, S.. (2023). Međuzavisnost produktivnih osobina pšenice i njihov uticaj na kvalitet. in Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. Jun
Kragujevac : Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela., 153-162.
Luković K, Perišić V, Jestrović Z, Bratković K, Milovanović M, Zečević V, Mlađenović S. Međuzavisnost produktivnih osobina pšenice i njihov uticaj na kvalitet. in Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. Jun. 2023;:153-162. .
Luković, Kristina, Perišić, Vladimir, Jestrović, Zorica, Bratković, Kamenko, Milovanović, Milivoje, Zečević, Veselinka, Mlađenović, Sofija, "Međuzavisnost produktivnih osobina pšenice i njihov uticaj na kvalitet" in Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. Jun (2023):153-162, .

KG BINGO : sorta tritikalea

Milovanović, Milivoje; Perišić, Vladimir; Đekić, Vera; Perišić, Vesna; Bratković, Kamenko; Luković, Kristina


AU  - Milovanović, Milivoje
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Đekić, Vera
AU  - Perišić, Vesna
AU  - Bratković, Kamenko
AU  - Luković, Kristina
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Srednje rana sorta ozimog heksaploidnog tritikalea, odličnog produktivnog bokorenja,
prosečne visine oko 110 cm i vrlo dobre otpornosti prema poleganju. Ima veoma visoku
otpornost prema niskim temperaturama i suši, odličnu otpornost prema pepelnici i lisnoj rđi i
vrlo dobru otpornost prema stabljičnoj rđi. Tolerantna je prema napadu leme i drugih štetnih
insekata. Ima srednje krupno i dobro naliveno zrno čija masa varira od 35-40 g/1000 zrna. Zrno
ove sorte je srednje bogato proteinima koji variraju u granicama od 13,5 do 15%. Veoma je
rodna sorta stabilnih prinosa, dok njeni maksimalni prinosi dostižu i do 11 t/ha. Ima dobru
tolerantnost prema kiselim, peskovitim i zemljištima slabije plodnosti a može se uspešno gajiti i
na većim nadmorskim visinama. Veoma je pogodna za ishranu stoke (za zrno ili zelenu masu) ali
se njeno brašno može koristiti i za proizvodnju specijalnih vrsta hleba raženog tipa. Optimalne
rezultate kod nas postiže u setvi do polovine oktobra, setvenom normom 550-600 klijavih
zrna/m 2 , tj. od 220 do 250 kg/ha semena, na plodnim i srednje plodnim zemljištima uz ishranu
koja je uobičajena za intenzivne sorte ozimog tritikalea (100-140 kg/ha azota predsetveno i u
prihrani, uz adekvatne količine fosfora i kalijuma). Veoma je konkurentna u odnosu na korove i
pogodna za organsku proizvodnju.
T1  - KG BINGO : sorta tritikalea
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milovanović, Milivoje and Perišić, Vladimir and Đekić, Vera and Perišić, Vesna and Bratković, Kamenko and Luković, Kristina",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Srednje rana sorta ozimog heksaploidnog tritikalea, odličnog produktivnog bokorenja,
prosečne visine oko 110 cm i vrlo dobre otpornosti prema poleganju. Ima veoma visoku
otpornost prema niskim temperaturama i suši, odličnu otpornost prema pepelnici i lisnoj rđi i
vrlo dobru otpornost prema stabljičnoj rđi. Tolerantna je prema napadu leme i drugih štetnih
insekata. Ima srednje krupno i dobro naliveno zrno čija masa varira od 35-40 g/1000 zrna. Zrno
ove sorte je srednje bogato proteinima koji variraju u granicama od 13,5 do 15%. Veoma je
rodna sorta stabilnih prinosa, dok njeni maksimalni prinosi dostižu i do 11 t/ha. Ima dobru
tolerantnost prema kiselim, peskovitim i zemljištima slabije plodnosti a može se uspešno gajiti i
na većim nadmorskim visinama. Veoma je pogodna za ishranu stoke (za zrno ili zelenu masu) ali
se njeno brašno može koristiti i za proizvodnju specijalnih vrsta hleba raženog tipa. Optimalne
rezultate kod nas postiže u setvi do polovine oktobra, setvenom normom 550-600 klijavih
zrna/m 2 , tj. od 220 do 250 kg/ha semena, na plodnim i srednje plodnim zemljištima uz ishranu
koja je uobičajena za intenzivne sorte ozimog tritikalea (100-140 kg/ha azota predsetveno i u
prihrani, uz adekvatne količine fosfora i kalijuma). Veoma je konkurentna u odnosu na korove i
pogodna za organsku proizvodnju.",
title = "KG BINGO : sorta tritikalea",
url = ""
Milovanović, M., Perišić, V., Đekić, V., Perišić, V., Bratković, K.,& Luković, K.. (2022). KG BINGO : sorta tritikalea. .
Milovanović M, Perišić V, Đekić V, Perišić V, Bratković K, Luković K. KG BINGO : sorta tritikalea. 2022;. .
Milovanović, Milivoje, Perišić, Vladimir, Đekić, Vera, Perišić, Vesna, Bratković, Kamenko, Luković, Kristina, "KG BINGO : sorta tritikalea" (2022), .

Stability of wheat cultivars for yield and quality components in different agroecological conditions

Luković, Kristina; Perišić, Vladimir; Zečević, Veselinka; Bratković, Kamenko; Milovanović, Milivoje; Babić, Snežana; Anđelković, Snežana

(East Sarajevo : Faculty of Agriculture, 2021)

AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Bratković, Kamenko
AU  - Milovanović, Milivoje
AU  - Babić, Snežana
AU  - Anđelković, Snežana
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Stability of grain yield, 1000 kernel weight and sedimentation value were analyzed in 10 winter
wheat cultivars (Perfekta, Toplica, KG-52/3, Merkur, Vizeljka, Talas, NS 40S, Zvezdana,
Javorka and Pobeda), created in different breeding institutions in Serbia. The experiment was
carried out during 2019/2020 in two localities: Centre for Small Grains in Kragujevac and
Institute for Forage Crops in Kruševac, Serbia. The analyses of variance showed highly
significant differences in grain yield, between genotypes, investigated localities, as well as their
interaction. The influence of the locality did not show statistical significance on the expression of
1000 kernel weight and sedimentation value. The highest average values were recorded by
Perfekta for grain yield, Zvezdana for 1000 kernel weight and KG-52/3 for sedimentation value
at both localities. The AMMI model was used for analysis of genotype × environment
interaction. The most stabile cultivars were Vizeljka, NS 40S and Perfekta with values above the
average for grain yield. Cultivars Talas, KG-52/3 and Javorka showed the highest stability for
the 1000 kernel weight. Cultivar Javorka had the highest, while Talas and KG-52/3 had the
lowest average values for this trait. Vizeljka and KG-52/3 were the most stable genotypes for
sedimentation value, with KG-52/3 achieving the highest values of the observed trait at the level
of the entire experiment. Both analyzed locations had high interaction value for all three
analyzed traits.
PB  - East Sarajevo : Faculty of Agriculture
C3  - Book of Proceedings XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021", Jahorina, October 07 - 10
T1  - Stability of wheat cultivars for yield and quality components in different agroecological conditions
EP  - 205
SP  - 200
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Luković, Kristina and Perišić, Vladimir and Zečević, Veselinka and Bratković, Kamenko and Milovanović, Milivoje and Babić, Snežana and Anđelković, Snežana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Stability of grain yield, 1000 kernel weight and sedimentation value were analyzed in 10 winter
wheat cultivars (Perfekta, Toplica, KG-52/3, Merkur, Vizeljka, Talas, NS 40S, Zvezdana,
Javorka and Pobeda), created in different breeding institutions in Serbia. The experiment was
carried out during 2019/2020 in two localities: Centre for Small Grains in Kragujevac and
Institute for Forage Crops in Kruševac, Serbia. The analyses of variance showed highly
significant differences in grain yield, between genotypes, investigated localities, as well as their
interaction. The influence of the locality did not show statistical significance on the expression of
1000 kernel weight and sedimentation value. The highest average values were recorded by
Perfekta for grain yield, Zvezdana for 1000 kernel weight and KG-52/3 for sedimentation value
at both localities. The AMMI model was used for analysis of genotype × environment
interaction. The most stabile cultivars were Vizeljka, NS 40S and Perfekta with values above the
average for grain yield. Cultivars Talas, KG-52/3 and Javorka showed the highest stability for
the 1000 kernel weight. Cultivar Javorka had the highest, while Talas and KG-52/3 had the
lowest average values for this trait. Vizeljka and KG-52/3 were the most stable genotypes for
sedimentation value, with KG-52/3 achieving the highest values of the observed trait at the level
of the entire experiment. Both analyzed locations had high interaction value for all three
analyzed traits.",
publisher = "East Sarajevo : Faculty of Agriculture",
journal = "Book of Proceedings XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021", Jahorina, October 07 - 10",
title = "Stability of wheat cultivars for yield and quality components in different agroecological conditions",
pages = "205-200",
url = ""
Luković, K., Perišić, V., Zečević, V., Bratković, K., Milovanović, M., Babić, S.,& Anđelković, S.. (2021). Stability of wheat cultivars for yield and quality components in different agroecological conditions. in Book of Proceedings XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021", Jahorina, October 07 - 10
East Sarajevo : Faculty of Agriculture., 200-205.
Luković K, Perišić V, Zečević V, Bratković K, Milovanović M, Babić S, Anđelković S. Stability of wheat cultivars for yield and quality components in different agroecological conditions. in Book of Proceedings XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021", Jahorina, October 07 - 10. 2021;:200-205. .
Luković, Kristina, Perišić, Vladimir, Zečević, Veselinka, Bratković, Kamenko, Milovanović, Milivoje, Babić, Snežana, Anđelković, Snežana, "Stability of wheat cultivars for yield and quality components in different agroecological conditions" in Book of Proceedings XII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2021", Jahorina, October 07 - 10 (2021):200-205, .

Stabilnost prinosa zrna linija pšenice Centra za strna žita Kragujevac

Luković, Kristina; Zečević, Veselinka; Perišić, Vladimir; Milovanović, Milivoje; Bratković, Kamenko; Rajičić, Vera

(Univerzitet u Kragujevcu Agronomski fakultet u Čačku, 2021)

AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Milovanović, Milivoje
AU  - Bratković, Kamenko
AU  - Rajičić, Vera
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - U radu je analizirana stabilnost prinosa 14 genotipova ozime hlebne
pšenice. Eksperimentalni deo ogleda izveden je tokom 2013/2014. godine na tri
lokaliteta (Kragujevac, Kruševac i Sombor). Analiza varijanse AMMI modelom za
prinos zrna pokazala je da su svi izvori varijacije (genotip, spoljna sredina, njihova
interakcija) značajno uticali na ekspresiju ove kompleksne osobine. U ukupnoj
varijaciji ogleda, najveće učešće imala je interakcija genotip/sredina, a najmanje
genotip. Izdvojeni su stabilni genotipovi pšenice, adaptirani na nepovoljne uslove
spoljašnje sredine, koji mogu poslužiti kao roditelji za ukrštanja u budućim
oplemenjivačkim programima.
AB  - In these investigations, the yield stability of 14 winter bread wheat genotypes
were analyzed. The experimental part of the trial was performed at three locations
(Kragujevac, Kruševac and Sombor) during 2013/2014. AMMI analysis of variance
for grain yield showed that all sources of variation (genotype, environment, their
interaction) had a significant effect on the expression of this complex trait. In the
total variation of the experiment, the largest contribution had
genotype/enviroment interaction, and genotype had the least. The most stable
genotypes have been identified, which can be considered as a desirable genotypes,
widely adapted to different agroecological conditions.
PB  - Univerzitet u Kragujevcu Agronomski fakultet u Čačku
C3  - Zbornik radova  XXVI savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 12-13. mart
T1  - Stabilnost prinosa zrna linija pšenice Centra za strna žita Kragujevac
T1  - Grain yield stability of wheat lines of the Center for small grains Kragujevac
EP  - 72
SP  - 67
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Luković, Kristina and Zečević, Veselinka and Perišić, Vladimir and Milovanović, Milivoje and Bratković, Kamenko and Rajičić, Vera",
year = "2021",
abstract = "U radu je analizirana stabilnost prinosa 14 genotipova ozime hlebne
pšenice. Eksperimentalni deo ogleda izveden je tokom 2013/2014. godine na tri
lokaliteta (Kragujevac, Kruševac i Sombor). Analiza varijanse AMMI modelom za
prinos zrna pokazala je da su svi izvori varijacije (genotip, spoljna sredina, njihova
interakcija) značajno uticali na ekspresiju ove kompleksne osobine. U ukupnoj
varijaciji ogleda, najveće učešće imala je interakcija genotip/sredina, a najmanje
genotip. Izdvojeni su stabilni genotipovi pšenice, adaptirani na nepovoljne uslove
spoljašnje sredine, koji mogu poslužiti kao roditelji za ukrštanja u budućim
oplemenjivačkim programima., In these investigations, the yield stability of 14 winter bread wheat genotypes
were analyzed. The experimental part of the trial was performed at three locations
(Kragujevac, Kruševac and Sombor) during 2013/2014. AMMI analysis of variance
for grain yield showed that all sources of variation (genotype, environment, their
interaction) had a significant effect on the expression of this complex trait. In the
total variation of the experiment, the largest contribution had
genotype/enviroment interaction, and genotype had the least. The most stable
genotypes have been identified, which can be considered as a desirable genotypes,
widely adapted to different agroecological conditions.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Kragujevcu Agronomski fakultet u Čačku",
journal = "Zbornik radova  XXVI savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 12-13. mart",
title = "Stabilnost prinosa zrna linija pšenice Centra za strna žita Kragujevac, Grain yield stability of wheat lines of the Center for small grains Kragujevac",
pages = "72-67",
url = ""
Luković, K., Zečević, V., Perišić, V., Milovanović, M., Bratković, K.,& Rajičić, V.. (2021). Stabilnost prinosa zrna linija pšenice Centra za strna žita Kragujevac. in Zbornik radova  XXVI savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 12-13. mart
Univerzitet u Kragujevcu Agronomski fakultet u Čačku., 67-72.
Luković K, Zečević V, Perišić V, Milovanović M, Bratković K, Rajičić V. Stabilnost prinosa zrna linija pšenice Centra za strna žita Kragujevac. in Zbornik radova  XXVI savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 12-13. mart. 2021;:67-72. .
Luković, Kristina, Zečević, Veselinka, Perišić, Vladimir, Milovanović, Milivoje, Bratković, Kamenko, Rajičić, Vera, "Stabilnost prinosa zrna linija pšenice Centra za strna žita Kragujevac" in Zbornik radova  XXVI savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 12-13. mart (2021):67-72, .

Stability of wheat genotypes and quality traits in different agroecological conditions

Luković, Kristina; Zečević, Veselinka; Perišić, Vladimir; Milovanović, Milivoje; Rajičić, Vera; Čolić, Vladislava

(Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2020)

AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Milovanović, Milivoje
AU  - Rajičić, Vera
AU  - Čolić, Vladislava
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - In the breeding program of bread wheat, in the last years, a substantial focus has been directed towards the creation of genotypes that, in addition to high yields, have a high grain quality. Also, an increased stability of quality in different environmental conditions is one of the main tasks of selection at the global level. The goal of this research is the investigation of stability expression regarding sedimentation volume and wet gluten content for 14 genotypes of winter bread wheat using AMMI model. Field experiment was conducted at three localities: Centre for Small Grains in Kragujevac, Institute for Forage Crops in Krusevac and Agroinstitute in Sombor, Serbia. Analysis of the variance showed that all sources of variation (G, E, G × E) showed statistical significance, where the environmental effect represents statistically the most significant source of variability in expression on sedimentation volume (40.64%) and genotype in expression of wet gluten content (50.42%). It has been established that the most stable genotypes for sedimentation volume were KG-244/4 and KG-199/4, and for wet gluten content genotypes KG-307/4 and KG-52/3.
PB  - Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet
C3  - Book of Abstracts : XI International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2020", Jahorina, October 8-9,
T1  - Stability of wheat genotypes and quality traits in different agroecological conditions
SP  - 143
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Luković, Kristina and Zečević, Veselinka and Perišić, Vladimir and Milovanović, Milivoje and Rajičić, Vera and Čolić, Vladislava",
year = "2020",
abstract = "In the breeding program of bread wheat, in the last years, a substantial focus has been directed towards the creation of genotypes that, in addition to high yields, have a high grain quality. Also, an increased stability of quality in different environmental conditions is one of the main tasks of selection at the global level. The goal of this research is the investigation of stability expression regarding sedimentation volume and wet gluten content for 14 genotypes of winter bread wheat using AMMI model. Field experiment was conducted at three localities: Centre for Small Grains in Kragujevac, Institute for Forage Crops in Krusevac and Agroinstitute in Sombor, Serbia. Analysis of the variance showed that all sources of variation (G, E, G × E) showed statistical significance, where the environmental effect represents statistically the most significant source of variability in expression on sedimentation volume (40.64%) and genotype in expression of wet gluten content (50.42%). It has been established that the most stable genotypes for sedimentation volume were KG-244/4 and KG-199/4, and for wet gluten content genotypes KG-307/4 and KG-52/3.",
publisher = "Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet",
journal = "Book of Abstracts : XI International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2020", Jahorina, October 8-9,",
title = "Stability of wheat genotypes and quality traits in different agroecological conditions",
pages = "143",
url = ""
Luković, K., Zečević, V., Perišić, V., Milovanović, M., Rajičić, V.,& Čolić, V.. (2020). Stability of wheat genotypes and quality traits in different agroecological conditions. in Book of Abstracts : XI International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2020", Jahorina, October 8-9,
Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet., 143.
Luković K, Zečević V, Perišić V, Milovanović M, Rajičić V, Čolić V. Stability of wheat genotypes and quality traits in different agroecological conditions. in Book of Abstracts : XI International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2020", Jahorina, October 8-9,. 2020;:143. .
Luković, Kristina, Zečević, Veselinka, Perišić, Vladimir, Milovanović, Milivoje, Rajičić, Vera, Čolić, Vladislava, "Stability of wheat genotypes and quality traits in different agroecological conditions" in Book of Abstracts : XI International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2020", Jahorina, October 8-9, (2020):143, .

Uticaj količine i rasporeda padavina na osobine tehnološkog kvaliteta različitih genotipova pšenice

Luković, Kristina; Zečević, Veselinka; Milovanović, Milivoje; Rajičić, Vera; Perišić, Vladimir; Jauković, Marko

(Čačak : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet, 2020)

AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Milovanović, Milivoje
AU  - Rajičić, Vera
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Jauković, Marko
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - U radu je analizirano 10 genotipova ozime pšenice tokom dve
vegetacione sezne (2012/2013, 2013/2014). Eksperimentalni deo ogleda izveden je
na oglednom polju Centra za strna žita u Kragujevcu. Ispitivane su osobine
tehnološkog kvaliteta pšenice: sedimentacija proteina i sadržaj vlažnog glutena.
Rezultati dobijeni u ovim istraživanjima ukazuju da se period oplodnje i nalivanja
zrna, u drugoj proučavanoj godini, odvijao pri nižoj temperaturi vazduha i
ekstremno visokoj količina padavina, što je negativno uticalo na kvalite pšenice. U
proseku, svi genotipovi pšenice su ostvarili niže vrednosti sedimentacije proteina i
sadržaja vlažnog glutena u 2013/2014. u poređenju sa 2012/2013. godinom.
AB  - In these studies, 10 winter wheat genotypes were analyzed during two
growing seasons (2012/2013, 2013/2014). The experimental part of the trial was
conducted on Centre for Small Grains in Kragujevac. There were analyzed some of
the most important technological qualities traits: sedimentation value and wet
gluten content. According to our results, the period of heading and grain filling
characterized by lower air temperatures and extremely high rainfall, which
negatively affected the grain quality of wheat. On average, all genotypes achieved a
lower protein sedimentation value and wet gluten content in 2013/2014.
compared to 2012/2013 year.
PB  - Čačak : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet
C3  - Zbornik radova 2 : XXV savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 13-14 mart 2020. godine
T1  - Uticaj količine i rasporeda padavina na osobine tehnološkog kvaliteta različitih genotipova pšenice
T1  - Influence of amount and distribution of rainfall on technological quality traits of wheat genotypes
EP  - 361
SP  - 355
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Luković, Kristina and Zečević, Veselinka and Milovanović, Milivoje and Rajičić, Vera and Perišić, Vladimir and Jauković, Marko",
year = "2020",
abstract = "U radu je analizirano 10 genotipova ozime pšenice tokom dve
vegetacione sezne (2012/2013, 2013/2014). Eksperimentalni deo ogleda izveden je
na oglednom polju Centra za strna žita u Kragujevcu. Ispitivane su osobine
tehnološkog kvaliteta pšenice: sedimentacija proteina i sadržaj vlažnog glutena.
Rezultati dobijeni u ovim istraživanjima ukazuju da se period oplodnje i nalivanja
zrna, u drugoj proučavanoj godini, odvijao pri nižoj temperaturi vazduha i
ekstremno visokoj količina padavina, što je negativno uticalo na kvalite pšenice. U
proseku, svi genotipovi pšenice su ostvarili niže vrednosti sedimentacije proteina i
sadržaja vlažnog glutena u 2013/2014. u poređenju sa 2012/2013. godinom., In these studies, 10 winter wheat genotypes were analyzed during two
growing seasons (2012/2013, 2013/2014). The experimental part of the trial was
conducted on Centre for Small Grains in Kragujevac. There were analyzed some of
the most important technological qualities traits: sedimentation value and wet
gluten content. According to our results, the period of heading and grain filling
characterized by lower air temperatures and extremely high rainfall, which
negatively affected the grain quality of wheat. On average, all genotypes achieved a
lower protein sedimentation value and wet gluten content in 2013/2014.
compared to 2012/2013 year.",
publisher = "Čačak : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet",
journal = "Zbornik radova 2 : XXV savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 13-14 mart 2020. godine",
title = "Uticaj količine i rasporeda padavina na osobine tehnološkog kvaliteta različitih genotipova pšenice, Influence of amount and distribution of rainfall on technological quality traits of wheat genotypes",
pages = "361-355",
url = ""
Luković, K., Zečević, V., Milovanović, M., Rajičić, V., Perišić, V.,& Jauković, M.. (2020). Uticaj količine i rasporeda padavina na osobine tehnološkog kvaliteta različitih genotipova pšenice. in Zbornik radova 2 : XXV savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 13-14 mart 2020. godine
Čačak : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet., 355-361.
Luković K, Zečević V, Milovanović M, Rajičić V, Perišić V, Jauković M. Uticaj količine i rasporeda padavina na osobine tehnološkog kvaliteta različitih genotipova pšenice. in Zbornik radova 2 : XXV savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 13-14 mart 2020. godine. 2020;:355-361. .
Luković, Kristina, Zečević, Veselinka, Milovanović, Milivoje, Rajičić, Vera, Perišić, Vladimir, Jauković, Marko, "Uticaj količine i rasporeda padavina na osobine tehnološkog kvaliteta različitih genotipova pšenice" in Zbornik radova 2 : XXV savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, 13-14 mart 2020. godine (2020):355-361, .

Effect of growing seasons on some quality properties of winter wheat genotypes

Luković, Kristina; Milovanović, Milivoje; Zečević, Veselinka; Prodanović, Slaven; Bratković, Kamenko

(Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2016)

AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Milovanović, Milivoje
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Bratković, Kamenko
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - In this research, 16 genotypes of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were analyzed where 15
genotypes represent perspective lines created in Center for Small Grains in Kragujevac and one
standard cultivar. Field experiment was conducted in three growing seasons (2012/13, 2013/14
and 2014/15) on the experimental field of Center for Small Grains in Kragujevac (Serbia). Some
grain quality parameters (hectoliter weight and 1000 grain weight) were analyzed in this paper. In
average for three years, values of hectoliter weight varied from 76.65 kg hl-1 (KG-60-3/3) to
80.05 kg hl-1 (KG-1/6). The analyses of variance showed highly significant differences in
hectoliter weight between genotypes (F=4.554**) and investigated years (F=150.082 **), but
interaction genotype x year was significant (F=1.629*). The highest values of 1000 grains
weight expressed line KG- 52/23 (46.75 g) and the lowest line KG-28/6 (39.90 g). Compared to
the standard cultivar Pobeda, 10 genotypes had higher values of 1000 grains weight. There were
highly significant differences in the weight of 1000 grains among genotypes (F=25.011**),
investigated years (F=117.267**), as well as their interaction (F=8.684**).
PB  - Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet
C3  - Book of Proceedings : VII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2016", Jahorina, October 06 - 09
T1  - Effect of growing seasons on some quality properties of winter wheat genotypes
EP  - 826
SP  - 821
DO  - 10.7251/AGRENG1607119
ER  - 
author = "Luković, Kristina and Milovanović, Milivoje and Zečević, Veselinka and Prodanović, Slaven and Bratković, Kamenko",
year = "2016",
abstract = "In this research, 16 genotypes of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were analyzed where 15
genotypes represent perspective lines created in Center for Small Grains in Kragujevac and one
standard cultivar. Field experiment was conducted in three growing seasons (2012/13, 2013/14
and 2014/15) on the experimental field of Center for Small Grains in Kragujevac (Serbia). Some
grain quality parameters (hectoliter weight and 1000 grain weight) were analyzed in this paper. In
average for three years, values of hectoliter weight varied from 76.65 kg hl-1 (KG-60-3/3) to
80.05 kg hl-1 (KG-1/6). The analyses of variance showed highly significant differences in
hectoliter weight between genotypes (F=4.554**) and investigated years (F=150.082 **), but
interaction genotype x year was significant (F=1.629*). The highest values of 1000 grains
weight expressed line KG- 52/23 (46.75 g) and the lowest line KG-28/6 (39.90 g). Compared to
the standard cultivar Pobeda, 10 genotypes had higher values of 1000 grains weight. There were
highly significant differences in the weight of 1000 grains among genotypes (F=25.011**),
investigated years (F=117.267**), as well as their interaction (F=8.684**).",
publisher = "Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet",
journal = "Book of Proceedings : VII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2016", Jahorina, October 06 - 09",
title = "Effect of growing seasons on some quality properties of winter wheat genotypes",
pages = "826-821",
doi = "10.7251/AGRENG1607119"
Luković, K., Milovanović, M., Zečević, V., Prodanović, S.,& Bratković, K.. (2016). Effect of growing seasons on some quality properties of winter wheat genotypes. in Book of Proceedings : VII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2016", Jahorina, October 06 - 09
Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet., 821-826.
Luković K, Milovanović M, Zečević V, Prodanović S, Bratković K. Effect of growing seasons on some quality properties of winter wheat genotypes. in Book of Proceedings : VII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2016", Jahorina, October 06 - 09. 2016;:821-826.
doi:10.7251/AGRENG1607119 .
Luković, Kristina, Milovanović, Milivoje, Zečević, Veselinka, Prodanović, Slaven, Bratković, Kamenko, "Effect of growing seasons on some quality properties of winter wheat genotypes" in Book of Proceedings : VII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2016", Jahorina, October 06 - 09 (2016):821-826, . .

Variety Perfekta-another contribution to biodiversity of winter wheat in Serbia

Luković, Kristina; Milovanović, Milivoje; Perišić, Vladimir; Bratković, Kamenko; Staletić, Mirjana

(Novi Sad : Ekološki pokret, 2014)

AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Milovanović, Milivoje
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Bratković, Kamenko
AU  - Staletić, Mirjana
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - The winter wheat variety Perfekta (Kg 29/3) is variety enhancer obtained by crossing of Pobeda and Studenica. It was recognized by the Commission for the approval of varieties in 2009th, after two years of investigation in the network of micro-trials in Serbia. Its features are very good resistance to lodging, low temperatures, most of important diseases and pests. It has excellent technological quality (enhancer) and belongs to A2 quality group and I quality class. It is high yielding variety with genetic potential for grain yield about 12 t/ha. It can be grown in different agro-ecological conditions and the best results achieved on fertile and middle fertile soils, with application of intensive crop management. It is suitable for organic production.
AB  - Ozima pšenica Perfekta (Kg 29/3) je sorta poboljšivač dobijena ukrštanjem sorti Pobeda i Studenica. Priznata je od strane Komisije za priznavanje sorti 2009 godine, posle dvogodišnjeg ispitivanja u mreži mikroogleda. Vrlo dobre je otpornosti prema poleganju, niskim temperaturama, važnijim bolestima i štetočinama. Odličnog je tehnološkog kvaliteta (poboljšivač) i pripada kvalitetnoj grupi A2 i 1 kvalitetnog klasi. Veoma je rodna sorta, genetičkog potencijala za prinos zrna oko 12t/ha. Može se gajiti u različitim agroekološkim uslovima, a najbolje rezultate postiže na srednje plodnim zemljama i u uslovima intenzivne agrotehnike. Prirodna za uslove organske proizvodnje.
PB  - Novi Sad : Ekološki pokret
C3  - XVIII International Eco-Conference 2014, 8th Eco-Conference® on Safe Food, 2014, 24-27. September
T1  - Variety Perfekta-another contribution to biodiversity of winter wheat in Serbia
T1  - Sorta Perfekta - još jedan dopinos biodiverzitetu ozime pšenice u Srbiji
EP  - 180
SP  - 173
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Luković, Kristina and Milovanović, Milivoje and Perišić, Vladimir and Bratković, Kamenko and Staletić, Mirjana",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The winter wheat variety Perfekta (Kg 29/3) is variety enhancer obtained by crossing of Pobeda and Studenica. It was recognized by the Commission for the approval of varieties in 2009th, after two years of investigation in the network of micro-trials in Serbia. Its features are very good resistance to lodging, low temperatures, most of important diseases and pests. It has excellent technological quality (enhancer) and belongs to A2 quality group and I quality class. It is high yielding variety with genetic potential for grain yield about 12 t/ha. It can be grown in different agro-ecological conditions and the best results achieved on fertile and middle fertile soils, with application of intensive crop management. It is suitable for organic production., Ozima pšenica Perfekta (Kg 29/3) je sorta poboljšivač dobijena ukrštanjem sorti Pobeda i Studenica. Priznata je od strane Komisije za priznavanje sorti 2009 godine, posle dvogodišnjeg ispitivanja u mreži mikroogleda. Vrlo dobre je otpornosti prema poleganju, niskim temperaturama, važnijim bolestima i štetočinama. Odličnog je tehnološkog kvaliteta (poboljšivač) i pripada kvalitetnoj grupi A2 i 1 kvalitetnog klasi. Veoma je rodna sorta, genetičkog potencijala za prinos zrna oko 12t/ha. Može se gajiti u različitim agroekološkim uslovima, a najbolje rezultate postiže na srednje plodnim zemljama i u uslovima intenzivne agrotehnike. Prirodna za uslove organske proizvodnje.",
publisher = "Novi Sad : Ekološki pokret",
journal = "XVIII International Eco-Conference 2014, 8th Eco-Conference® on Safe Food, 2014, 24-27. September",
title = "Variety Perfekta-another contribution to biodiversity of winter wheat in Serbia, Sorta Perfekta - još jedan dopinos biodiverzitetu ozime pšenice u Srbiji",
pages = "180-173",
url = ""
Luković, K., Milovanović, M., Perišić, V., Bratković, K.,& Staletić, M.. (2014). Variety Perfekta-another contribution to biodiversity of winter wheat in Serbia. in XVIII International Eco-Conference 2014, 8th Eco-Conference® on Safe Food, 2014, 24-27. September
Novi Sad : Ekološki pokret., 173-180.
Luković K, Milovanović M, Perišić V, Bratković K, Staletić M. Variety Perfekta-another contribution to biodiversity of winter wheat in Serbia. in XVIII International Eco-Conference 2014, 8th Eco-Conference® on Safe Food, 2014, 24-27. September. 2014;:173-180. .
Luković, Kristina, Milovanović, Milivoje, Perišić, Vladimir, Bratković, Kamenko, Staletić, Mirjana, "Variety Perfekta-another contribution to biodiversity of winter wheat in Serbia" in XVIII International Eco-Conference 2014, 8th Eco-Conference® on Safe Food, 2014, 24-27. September (2014):173-180, .

New cultivar winter two-row barley KG Zlatnik

Bratković, Kamenko; Milovanović, Milivoje; Perišić, Vladimir; Đekić, Vera; Luković, Kristina

(Novi Sad Ekološki pokret, 2014)

AU  - Bratković, Kamenko
AU  - Milovanović, Milivoje
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Đekić, Vera
AU  - Luković, Kristina
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - The new cultivar Kg Zlatnik breedings at the Center for Small Grains in Kragujcvac and was approved by the Varietal Commission in 2012. In two-year studies had an average yield of 8,183 kg-1 ha which is significantly more than the standard cultivar Novosadski 525. It is characterized by strong, elastic stem. On average was stem shorter by 2.9 cm and more resistant to lodging than the standard cultivar. Has significant resistance to diseases and pests and its recommended for use in organic production. The middle early cultivar and benefiting from the intensive production conditions. Kg Zlatnik has a large and uniform grain. High hectoliter mass and low protein content as to the characteristics of malt can be considered beer cultivar and quality or raw materials for malt.
AB  - Nova sorta ozimog dvoredog јečma KG Zlatnik selekcionisana je u Centru za strna žita u Kragujevcu i priznata od strane Sortne komisije 2012. godine. U dvogodišnjim ispitivanjima imala јe prosečan prinos od 8.183 kg/ha što je značajno više od standard Novosadskog 525. Odlikuje se čvrstom, elastičnom stabljikom. U proseku je bila niža za 2,9 cm i otpornija na poleganje u odnosu na standard. Poseduje značajnu otpornosti na bolesti i štetočine i preporučuje se za korišćenje u organskoj proizvodnji. Srednje je rana sorta i pogoduju joj intenzivni uslovi proizvodnje. KG Zlatnik ima krupno i ujednačeno zrno visoke hektolitarske mase i niskog sadržaja proteina što je uz karakteristike slada možemo smatrati pivskom sortom i kvalitetnom sirovinom za dobijanje slada.
PB  - Novi Sad  Ekološki pokret
C3  - XVIII International Eco-Conference 2014, 8th Eco-Conference® on Safe Food, 2014, 24-27. September
T1  - New cultivar winter two-row barley KG Zlatnik
T1  - Nova sorta ozimog dvoredog ječma KG Zlatnik
EP  - 197
SP  - 189
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bratković, Kamenko and Milovanović, Milivoje and Perišić, Vladimir and Đekić, Vera and Luković, Kristina",
year = "2014",
abstract = "The new cultivar Kg Zlatnik breedings at the Center for Small Grains in Kragujcvac and was approved by the Varietal Commission in 2012. In two-year studies had an average yield of 8,183 kg-1 ha which is significantly more than the standard cultivar Novosadski 525. It is characterized by strong, elastic stem. On average was stem shorter by 2.9 cm and more resistant to lodging than the standard cultivar. Has significant resistance to diseases and pests and its recommended for use in organic production. The middle early cultivar and benefiting from the intensive production conditions. Kg Zlatnik has a large and uniform grain. High hectoliter mass and low protein content as to the characteristics of malt can be considered beer cultivar and quality or raw materials for malt., Nova sorta ozimog dvoredog јečma KG Zlatnik selekcionisana je u Centru za strna žita u Kragujevcu i priznata od strane Sortne komisije 2012. godine. U dvogodišnjim ispitivanjima imala јe prosečan prinos od 8.183 kg/ha što je značajno više od standard Novosadskog 525. Odlikuje se čvrstom, elastičnom stabljikom. U proseku je bila niža za 2,9 cm i otpornija na poleganje u odnosu na standard. Poseduje značajnu otpornosti na bolesti i štetočine i preporučuje se za korišćenje u organskoj proizvodnji. Srednje je rana sorta i pogoduju joj intenzivni uslovi proizvodnje. KG Zlatnik ima krupno i ujednačeno zrno visoke hektolitarske mase i niskog sadržaja proteina što je uz karakteristike slada možemo smatrati pivskom sortom i kvalitetnom sirovinom za dobijanje slada.",
publisher = "Novi Sad  Ekološki pokret",
journal = "XVIII International Eco-Conference 2014, 8th Eco-Conference® on Safe Food, 2014, 24-27. September",
title = "New cultivar winter two-row barley KG Zlatnik, Nova sorta ozimog dvoredog ječma KG Zlatnik",
pages = "197-189",
url = ""
Bratković, K., Milovanović, M., Perišić, V., Đekić, V.,& Luković, K.. (2014). New cultivar winter two-row barley KG Zlatnik. in XVIII International Eco-Conference 2014, 8th Eco-Conference® on Safe Food, 2014, 24-27. September
Novi Sad  Ekološki pokret., 189-197.
Bratković K, Milovanović M, Perišić V, Đekić V, Luković K. New cultivar winter two-row barley KG Zlatnik. in XVIII International Eco-Conference 2014, 8th Eco-Conference® on Safe Food, 2014, 24-27. September. 2014;:189-197. .
Bratković, Kamenko, Milovanović, Milivoje, Perišić, Vladimir, Đekić, Vera, Luković, Kristina, "New cultivar winter two-row barley KG Zlatnik" in XVIII International Eco-Conference 2014, 8th Eco-Conference® on Safe Food, 2014, 24-27. September (2014):189-197, .

Diallel analysis of grain number per spike in triticale

Milovanović, Milivoje; Perišić, Vladimir; Staletić, M; Đekić, Vera; Nikolić, O.; Prodanović, Slaven; Luković, Kristina

(Agricultural Academy, 2014)

AU  - Milovanović, Milivoje
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Staletić, M
AU  - Đekić, Vera
AU  - Nikolić, O.
AU  - Prodanović, Slaven
AU  - Luković, Kristina
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - In this paper the inheritance of grain number per spike in hexaploid (6x) winter triticale was investigated. Studies were
performed on primary spikes of parents, F1 and F2 progenies of a 5 x 5 complete diallel crossing with reciprocals. The results
highlighted the prevalence of dominance and over-dominance in the expression of this trait at majority of combinations of F1
generation. Significant difference between direct and reciprocal crosses appeared in both generations and in generally with
combinations of the most divergent parents. Analysis of variance for combining abilities demonstrated the existence of highly
significant values for general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA) and effects of reciprocal crosses
(REC). GCA and SCA variations demonstrated similar values, which were for about three times higher than variation caused
by reciprocal effects. The best SCA were expressed in generally in combinations of good x average or good x poor GCA of
PB  - Agricultural Academy
T2  - Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
T1  - Diallel analysis of grain number per spike in triticale
EP  - 1115
IS  - 5
SP  - 1109
VL  - 20
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milovanović, Milivoje and Perišić, Vladimir and Staletić, M and Đekić, Vera and Nikolić, O. and Prodanović, Slaven and Luković, Kristina",
year = "2014",
abstract = "In this paper the inheritance of grain number per spike in hexaploid (6x) winter triticale was investigated. Studies were
performed on primary spikes of parents, F1 and F2 progenies of a 5 x 5 complete diallel crossing with reciprocals. The results
highlighted the prevalence of dominance and over-dominance in the expression of this trait at majority of combinations of F1
generation. Significant difference between direct and reciprocal crosses appeared in both generations and in generally with
combinations of the most divergent parents. Analysis of variance for combining abilities demonstrated the existence of highly
significant values for general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA) and effects of reciprocal crosses
(REC). GCA and SCA variations demonstrated similar values, which were for about three times higher than variation caused
by reciprocal effects. The best SCA were expressed in generally in combinations of good x average or good x poor GCA of
publisher = "Agricultural Academy",
journal = "Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science",
title = "Diallel analysis of grain number per spike in triticale",
pages = "1115-1109",
number = "5",
volume = "20",
url = ""
Milovanović, M., Perišić, V., Staletić, M., Đekić, V., Nikolić, O., Prodanović, S.,& Luković, K.. (2014). Diallel analysis of grain number per spike in triticale. in Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
Agricultural Academy., 20(5), 1109-1115.
Milovanović M, Perišić V, Staletić M, Đekić V, Nikolić O, Prodanović S, Luković K. Diallel analysis of grain number per spike in triticale. in Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science. 2014;20(5):1109-1115. .
Milovanović, Milivoje, Perišić, Vladimir, Staletić, M, Đekić, Vera, Nikolić, O., Prodanović, Slaven, Luković, Kristina, "Diallel analysis of grain number per spike in triticale" in Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 20, no. 5 (2014):1109-1115, .

Study on productivity and quality of the KG winter triticale varieties

Đekić, Vera; Staletić, Mirjana; Milovanović, Milivoje; Đurić, Nenad; Popović, Vera

(Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela, 2013)

AU  - Đekić, Vera
AU  - Staletić, Mirjana
AU  - Milovanović, Milivoje
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Popović, Vera
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - In this paper are presented results of winter hexaploid varieties of triticale (KG 20, Favorit and Trijumf) from Kragujevac. Varieties are grown in the trial field of Small Grains Research Centre, Kragujevac during the season 2007-2008. The best parametar of productivity and grain quality for yield, grain weight and grain yield per plant is achieved by examined variety Favorit, while variety Trijumf had the best parametar for plant height. There is found a significant dependence of the examined components of productivity of genotype from the data analysis. It was found that genotype very significantly influence in grain yield and plant height between the varieties of triticale (P lt 0.01). Among the varieties of triticale showed no significant differences in grain weight and grain yield per plant.
AB  - U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja kragujevačkih ozimih heksaploidnih sorti tritikalea (Kg 20, Favorit i Trijumf). Sorte su gajene na oglednom polju Centra za strna žita, Kragujevac tokom 2007-2008 godine. Najbolji pokazatelj rodnosti i kvalitet zrna kod prinosa, mase zrna i prinosa zrna po biljci postigla je ispitivana sorta Favorit, a kod visine biljaka sorta Trijumf. Analizom dobijenih podataka utvrđena je značajna zavisnost ispitivanih komponenti kvaliteta zrna od genotipa. Ustanovljeno je da postoje vrlo značajne razlike u prinosu zrna i visini biljaka između ispitivanih sorti tritikalea (P lt 0,01). Između ispitivanih sorti tritikalea nisu ustanovljene signifikantne razlike za masu zrna i prinos zrna po biljci.
PB  - Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
T2  - Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
T1  - Study on productivity and quality of the KG winter triticale varieties
T1  - Istraživanje produktivnosti i kvaliteta KG sorti ozimog tritikalea
EP  - 60
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 53
VL  - 19
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Đekić, Vera and Staletić, Mirjana and Milovanović, Milivoje and Đurić, Nenad and Popović, Vera",
year = "2013",
abstract = "In this paper are presented results of winter hexaploid varieties of triticale (KG 20, Favorit and Trijumf) from Kragujevac. Varieties are grown in the trial field of Small Grains Research Centre, Kragujevac during the season 2007-2008. The best parametar of productivity and grain quality for yield, grain weight and grain yield per plant is achieved by examined variety Favorit, while variety Trijumf had the best parametar for plant height. There is found a significant dependence of the examined components of productivity of genotype from the data analysis. It was found that genotype very significantly influence in grain yield and plant height between the varieties of triticale (P lt 0.01). Among the varieties of triticale showed no significant differences in grain weight and grain yield per plant., U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja kragujevačkih ozimih heksaploidnih sorti tritikalea (Kg 20, Favorit i Trijumf). Sorte su gajene na oglednom polju Centra za strna žita, Kragujevac tokom 2007-2008 godine. Najbolji pokazatelj rodnosti i kvalitet zrna kod prinosa, mase zrna i prinosa zrna po biljci postigla je ispitivana sorta Favorit, a kod visine biljaka sorta Trijumf. Analizom dobijenih podataka utvrđena je značajna zavisnost ispitivanih komponenti kvaliteta zrna od genotipa. Ustanovljeno je da postoje vrlo značajne razlike u prinosu zrna i visini biljaka između ispitivanih sorti tritikalea (P lt 0,01). Između ispitivanih sorti tritikalea nisu ustanovljene signifikantne razlike za masu zrna i prinos zrna po biljci.",
publisher = "Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela",
journal = "Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik",
title = "Study on productivity and quality of the KG winter triticale varieties, Istraživanje produktivnosti i kvaliteta KG sorti ozimog tritikalea",
pages = "60-53",
number = "1-2",
volume = "19",
url = ""
Đekić, V., Staletić, M., Milovanović, M., Đurić, N.,& Popović, V.. (2013). Study on productivity and quality of the KG winter triticale varieties. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela., 19(1-2), 53-60.
Đekić V, Staletić M, Milovanović M, Đurić N, Popović V. Study on productivity and quality of the KG winter triticale varieties. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik. 2013;19(1-2):53-60. .
Đekić, Vera, Staletić, Mirjana, Milovanović, Milivoje, Đurić, Nenad, Popović, Vera, "Study on productivity and quality of the KG winter triticale varieties" in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik, 19, no. 1-2 (2013):53-60, .

Implementation of triticale in nutrition of non-ruminant animals

Đekić, Vera; Mitrović, Sreten; Milovanović, Milivoje; Đurić, Nenad; Kresović, Branka; Tapanarova, Angelina; Đermanović, Vladan; Mitrović, Marko

(Academic Journals, Victoria Island, 2011)

AU  - Đekić, Vera
AU  - Mitrović, Sreten
AU  - Milovanović, Milivoje
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Kresović, Branka
AU  - Tapanarova, Angelina
AU  - Đermanović, Vladan
AU  - Mitrović, Marko
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Cognition of chemical composition and nutritive values of triticale grain as well as the effect of its application in non-ruminant animal nutrition were pointed out in this paper. There is a high level of proteins in the grain of triticale (2 to 3% more than wheat and 4% more than rye), with very beneficial amino acid composition, and is the reason for its usage in domestic animals nutrition. Nowadays, people are of the opinion that triticale is one of potential plant species with the brightest perspective in the production of food for domestic animals. Considering the increased production of triticale, some detail researching of its nutritional value is necessary due to the required evaluation of the role and significance in domestic animal nutrition based on triticale. Due to intensive plant breeding programs, there are new varieties of triticale in the market, distinctive by the higher yield and wide range of desired traits. As a result of this, triticale is becoming very attractive and is occupying larger portions of arable land. These review will show if there are some advantages of triticale compared to other cereals and how large the frame of these advantages is, as well as how it will affect the further spreading of triticale on arable land.
PB  - Academic Journals, Victoria Island
T2  - African Journal of Biotechnology
T1  - Implementation of triticale in nutrition of non-ruminant animals
EP  - 5704
IS  - 30
SP  - 5697
VL  - 10
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Đekić, Vera and Mitrović, Sreten and Milovanović, Milivoje and Đurić, Nenad and Kresović, Branka and Tapanarova, Angelina and Đermanović, Vladan and Mitrović, Marko",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Cognition of chemical composition and nutritive values of triticale grain as well as the effect of its application in non-ruminant animal nutrition were pointed out in this paper. There is a high level of proteins in the grain of triticale (2 to 3% more than wheat and 4% more than rye), with very beneficial amino acid composition, and is the reason for its usage in domestic animals nutrition. Nowadays, people are of the opinion that triticale is one of potential plant species with the brightest perspective in the production of food for domestic animals. Considering the increased production of triticale, some detail researching of its nutritional value is necessary due to the required evaluation of the role and significance in domestic animal nutrition based on triticale. Due to intensive plant breeding programs, there are new varieties of triticale in the market, distinctive by the higher yield and wide range of desired traits. As a result of this, triticale is becoming very attractive and is occupying larger portions of arable land. These review will show if there are some advantages of triticale compared to other cereals and how large the frame of these advantages is, as well as how it will affect the further spreading of triticale on arable land.",
publisher = "Academic Journals, Victoria Island",
journal = "African Journal of Biotechnology",
title = "Implementation of triticale in nutrition of non-ruminant animals",
pages = "5704-5697",
number = "30",
volume = "10",
url = ""
Đekić, V., Mitrović, S., Milovanović, M., Đurić, N., Kresović, B., Tapanarova, A., Đermanović, V.,& Mitrović, M.. (2011). Implementation of triticale in nutrition of non-ruminant animals. in African Journal of Biotechnology
Academic Journals, Victoria Island., 10(30), 5697-5704.
Đekić V, Mitrović S, Milovanović M, Đurić N, Kresović B, Tapanarova A, Đermanović V, Mitrović M. Implementation of triticale in nutrition of non-ruminant animals. in African Journal of Biotechnology. 2011;10(30):5697-5704. .
Đekić, Vera, Mitrović, Sreten, Milovanović, Milivoje, Đurić, Nenad, Kresović, Branka, Tapanarova, Angelina, Đermanović, Vladan, Mitrović, Marko, "Implementation of triticale in nutrition of non-ruminant animals" in African Journal of Biotechnology, 10, no. 30 (2011):5697-5704, .

Investigation of sublines of Kragujevačka 56 variety of wheat (Tr. aestivum ssp. vulgare)

Milovanović, Milivoje; Lookhart, George; Knežević, Desimir; Femić, Veselinka

(Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije, 1990)

AU  - Milovanović, Milivoje
AU  - Lookhart, George
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Femić, Veselinka
PY  - 1990
UR  -
AB  - Chosen sublines of the Kg 56 cultivar were examined with main goals of detecting polymorphism within it and of identifying superior genotypes for some traits. Some morphological, physiological and technological traits were investigated, as well as resistance to disease (in general, traits with high heritability) using standard methods. Polymorphism of sublines was detected within the Kg. 56 cultivar and confirmed on a biochemical basis, by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of grain endosperm gliadins. Using the acid PAGE—method 4 different genotypes were identified in relation to gliadin composition, and on the basis of the remaining analyses 11 sublines were identified.
AB  - U cilju da se ispita polimorfizam unutar sorte Kg 56 i da se identifikuju superiorni genotipovi za pojedina svojstva proučavana su odabrane sublinije ove sorte. Ispitivanjima su obuhvaćene neke morfološke, fiziološke i tehnološke osobine, kao i otpornost na bolesti (uglavnom osobine visokih heritabilnosti) korišćenjem standardnih metoda. Na osnovu ovih istraživanja ustanovljen je polimorfizam sublinija unutar sorte Kg56, a što je potvrđeno i na biohemijskom nivou, analizom glijadina pomoću poliakrilamidne gel elektroforeze. Metodom 'acid PAGE' Lookhart (1982) identifikovana su 4 različita genotipa u odnosu na sastav glijadina, a na osnovu ostalih analiza identifikovano je 11 sublinija.
PB  - Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije
T2  - Genetika
T1  - Investigation of sublines of Kragujevačka 56 variety of wheat (Tr. aestivum ssp. vulgare)
T1  - Ispitivanje sublinija sorte pšenice kragujevačka 56 (Tr. aestivum ssp. vulgare)
EP  - 116
IS  - 2
SP  - 105
VL  - 22
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Milovanović, Milivoje and Lookhart, George and Knežević, Desimir and Femić, Veselinka",
year = "1990",
abstract = "Chosen sublines of the Kg 56 cultivar were examined with main goals of detecting polymorphism within it and of identifying superior genotypes for some traits. Some morphological, physiological and technological traits were investigated, as well as resistance to disease (in general, traits with high heritability) using standard methods. Polymorphism of sublines was detected within the Kg. 56 cultivar and confirmed on a biochemical basis, by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of grain endosperm gliadins. Using the acid PAGE—method 4 different genotypes were identified in relation to gliadin composition, and on the basis of the remaining analyses 11 sublines were identified., U cilju da se ispita polimorfizam unutar sorte Kg 56 i da se identifikuju superiorni genotipovi za pojedina svojstva proučavana su odabrane sublinije ove sorte. Ispitivanjima su obuhvaćene neke morfološke, fiziološke i tehnološke osobine, kao i otpornost na bolesti (uglavnom osobine visokih heritabilnosti) korišćenjem standardnih metoda. Na osnovu ovih istraživanja ustanovljen je polimorfizam sublinija unutar sorte Kg56, a što je potvrđeno i na biohemijskom nivou, analizom glijadina pomoću poliakrilamidne gel elektroforeze. Metodom 'acid PAGE' Lookhart (1982) identifikovana su 4 različita genotipa u odnosu na sastav glijadina, a na osnovu ostalih analiza identifikovano je 11 sublinija.",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije",
journal = "Genetika",
title = "Investigation of sublines of Kragujevačka 56 variety of wheat (Tr. aestivum ssp. vulgare), Ispitivanje sublinija sorte pšenice kragujevačka 56 (Tr. aestivum ssp. vulgare)",
pages = "116-105",
number = "2",
volume = "22",
url = ""
Milovanović, M., Lookhart, G., Knežević, D.,& Femić, V.. (1990). Investigation of sublines of Kragujevačka 56 variety of wheat (Tr. aestivum ssp. vulgare). in Genetika
Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije., 22(2), 105-116.
Milovanović M, Lookhart G, Knežević D, Femić V. Investigation of sublines of Kragujevačka 56 variety of wheat (Tr. aestivum ssp. vulgare). in Genetika. 1990;22(2):105-116. .
Milovanović, Milivoje, Lookhart, George, Knežević, Desimir, Femić, Veselinka, "Investigation of sublines of Kragujevačka 56 variety of wheat (Tr. aestivum ssp. vulgare)" in Genetika, 22, no. 2 (1990):105-116, .