Bošković, Jelena

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Bošković, Jelena (26)
  • Boskovic, Jelena (3)
  • Bosković, Jelena (2)
Study of the genetic basis of improving yield and quality of small grains in different environmental conditions Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200216 (Institute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka)
Promotion of sustainability and competitiveness in organic plant and livestock production by means of novel technologies and inputs Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200032 (Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad)
Evaluation of quality and optimisation of processing of wheat affected by climatic changes Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development through the project "Technological
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200003 (Institute for Medicinal Plant Research 'Dr. Josif Pančić ', Belgrade) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200045 (Institute of Science Application in Agriculture, Belgrade)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 200054 (Research and Development Institute TAMIS) Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200222 (Institute for Food Technology, Novi Sad)
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200358 (BioSense Institute) info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31031/RS
Prizma Project 6770 PALraFES (2023-2027) ″Small grains-breeding and progressive growing technologies for improving yield and food quality″ TR 6893.B. Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Serbia
TR 6893.B ″Small grains-breeding and progressive growing technologies for improving yield and food quality″

Author's Bibliography

Kvalitet genotipova krupnika (Triticum spelta L.) gajenih po principima organske proizvodnje

Zečević, Veselinka; Milenković, Slobodan; Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Đurić, Nenad; Luković, Kristina; Bošković, Jelena; Mićanović, Danica; Knežević, Desimir

(Kragujevac : Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela, 2023)

AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Milenković, Slobodan
AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - U ovom radu su ispitivane osobine kvaliteta zrna pet genotipova
ozimog krupnika (Nirvana, KG-37-8/3, KG-54-7/3, KG-54-8/1 i KG-54-
2/3). Ogledi su izvedeni po principima organske proizvodnje tokom dve
vegetacione sezone. Urađene su analize sadržaja proteina u zrnu i
hektolitarska masa zrna. Sadržaj proteina, u proseku, se kretao u rasponu
od 12,03% (KG-54-8/1) do 13,06% i 13,02% (KG-54-2/3 i KG-54-8/1).
Vrednosti su bile statistički značajno veće (13,59%**) u prvoj nego u
drugoj godini istraživanja (11,90%**). U ovim istraživanjima, u proseku
za obe godine, najveću hektolitarsku masu imala je linija KG-37-8/3
(82,46 kg hl-1), koja je imala i najveću vrednost u celom ogledu (88,30 kg
hl-1), a zatim linije KG-54-7/3 (79,16 kg hl-1) i KG-54-2/3 (78,80 kg hl-1).
Analizom varijanse su ustanovljene statistički visoko značajne razlike između genotipova, godina i njihovih interakcija za obe ispitivane
osobine kvaliteta zrna krupnika.
AB  - In this work, the grain quality characteristics of five genotypes of
winter wheat (Nirvana, KG37-8/3, KG-54-7/3, KG-54-8/1 and KG-54-
2/3) were examined. The experiments were carried out according to the
principles of organic production during two growing seasons. Analyzes of
grain protein content and hectoliter grain weight were performed. The
protein content, on average, ranged from 12,03% (KG-54-8/1) to 13.06%
and 13.02% (KG-54-2/3 and KG-54-8/1, respectively). The values were
statistically significant higher (13.59%**) in the first than in the second
year of the research (11.90%**). In these studies, on average for both
years, line KG-37-8/3 (82.46 kg hl-1) had the highest hectoliter weight,
which also had the highest value in the entire trial (88.30 kg hl-1 ), and
then lines KG-54-7/3 (79.16 kg hl-1) and KG-54-2/3 (78.80 kg hl-1).
Analysis of variance revealed statistically highly significant differences
between genotypes, years and their interactions for both tested grain
quality traits.
PB  - Kragujevac : Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela
C3  - Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. Jun
T1  - Kvalitet genotipova krupnika (Triticum spelta L.) gajenih po principima organske proizvodnje
T1  - Quality of spelt genotypes (Triticum spelta L.) grown according to organic production principles
EP  - 152
SP  - 143
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zečević, Veselinka and Milenković, Slobodan and Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Đurić, Nenad and Luković, Kristina and Bošković, Jelena and Mićanović, Danica and Knežević, Desimir",
year = "2023",
abstract = "U ovom radu su ispitivane osobine kvaliteta zrna pet genotipova
ozimog krupnika (Nirvana, KG-37-8/3, KG-54-7/3, KG-54-8/1 i KG-54-
2/3). Ogledi su izvedeni po principima organske proizvodnje tokom dve
vegetacione sezone. Urađene su analize sadržaja proteina u zrnu i
hektolitarska masa zrna. Sadržaj proteina, u proseku, se kretao u rasponu
od 12,03% (KG-54-8/1) do 13,06% i 13,02% (KG-54-2/3 i KG-54-8/1).
Vrednosti su bile statistički značajno veće (13,59%**) u prvoj nego u
drugoj godini istraživanja (11,90%**). U ovim istraživanjima, u proseku
za obe godine, najveću hektolitarsku masu imala je linija KG-37-8/3
(82,46 kg hl-1), koja je imala i najveću vrednost u celom ogledu (88,30 kg
hl-1), a zatim linije KG-54-7/3 (79,16 kg hl-1) i KG-54-2/3 (78,80 kg hl-1).
Analizom varijanse su ustanovljene statistički visoko značajne razlike između genotipova, godina i njihovih interakcija za obe ispitivane
osobine kvaliteta zrna krupnika., In this work, the grain quality characteristics of five genotypes of
winter wheat (Nirvana, KG37-8/3, KG-54-7/3, KG-54-8/1 and KG-54-
2/3) were examined. The experiments were carried out according to the
principles of organic production during two growing seasons. Analyzes of
grain protein content and hectoliter grain weight were performed. The
protein content, on average, ranged from 12,03% (KG-54-8/1) to 13.06%
and 13.02% (KG-54-2/3 and KG-54-8/1, respectively). The values were
statistically significant higher (13.59%**) in the first than in the second
year of the research (11.90%**). In these studies, on average for both
years, line KG-37-8/3 (82.46 kg hl-1) had the highest hectoliter weight,
which also had the highest value in the entire trial (88.30 kg hl-1 ), and
then lines KG-54-7/3 (79.16 kg hl-1) and KG-54-2/3 (78.80 kg hl-1).
Analysis of variance revealed statistically highly significant differences
between genotypes, years and their interactions for both tested grain
quality traits.",
publisher = "Kragujevac : Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. Jun",
title = "Kvalitet genotipova krupnika (Triticum spelta L.) gajenih po principima organske proizvodnje, Quality of spelt genotypes (Triticum spelta L.) grown according to organic production principles",
pages = "152-143",
url = ""
Zečević, V., Milenković, S., Matković Stojšin, M., Đurić, N., Luković, K., Bošković, J., Mićanović, D.,& Knežević, D.. (2023). Kvalitet genotipova krupnika (Triticum spelta L.) gajenih po principima organske proizvodnje. in Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. Jun
Kragujevac : Centar za strna žita i razvoj sela., 143-152.
Zečević V, Milenković S, Matković Stojšin M, Đurić N, Luković K, Bošković J, Mićanović D, Knežević D. Kvalitet genotipova krupnika (Triticum spelta L.) gajenih po principima organske proizvodnje. in Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. Jun. 2023;:143-152. .
Zečević, Veselinka, Milenković, Slobodan, Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Đurić, Nenad, Luković, Kristina, Bošković, Jelena, Mićanović, Danica, Knežević, Desimir, "Kvalitet genotipova krupnika (Triticum spelta L.) gajenih po principima organske proizvodnje" in Zbornik radova : Naučni skup nacionalnog karaktera 125 godina primenjene nauke u poljoprivredi Srbije, Kragujevac 22. Jun (2023):143-152, .

Uticaj faktora spoljašnje sredine na komponente prinosa ozime i jare tvrde pšenice

Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Zečević, Veselinka; Bošković, Jelena; Perišić, Vladimir; Urošević, Dušan; Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana; Knežević, Desimir

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2023)

AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Urošević, Dušan
AU  - Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Sprovedeno je dvogodišnje istraživanje sa pet genotipova tvrde pšenice
sa ciljem da se sagleda njihov potencijal za prinos u različitim uslovima sredine. Ustanovljeno je da su jari genotipovi imali niže vrednosti komponenti prinosa zrna u odnosu na ozime. Suša prisutna u periodu
cvetanja i nalivanja zrna je doprinela smanjenju vrednosti svih osobina,
gde je najveće smanjenje zabeleženo kod mase zrna po klasu (31,8%).
Takođe, faktor spoljašnje sredine je uticao i na korelacijske odnose, gde je
utvrđeno da masa zrna po biljci ima pozitivne korelacije sa visinom biljke (0,74), brojem zrna po klasu (0,80) i masom zrna po klasu (0,88), dok je u
neznačajnoj korelaciji sa dužinom klasa (0,35). Izdvojene su dve značajne PCA komponente koje objašnjavaju zajedno 88,5% varijacije. Jare sorte su izdvojene u posebne kvadrante biplota, dok su ozimi genotipovi
pozicionirani u okviru vektora mase zrna po biljci, broja zrna po klasu i
visine biljke, postigavši najveće vrednosti navedenih osobina.
AB  - A two-year study was conducted with five durum wheat genotypes with
the aim of assessing their yield potential in different environental
conditions. It was found that the spring genotypes had lower values of grain yield components compared to the winter ones. The drought present during
the flowering and grain filling contributed to a decrease in the value of all traits, where the largest decrease was recorded in the grain weight per spike
(31.8%). Also, the factor of year influenced the pattern of correlation, where it was determined that the grain weight per plant had positive correlations with the plant height (0.74), the number of grains per spike (0.80) and the grains weight per spike (0.88), while it was insignificantly
correlated with the spike lenght (0.35). Two significant PCA components
were extracted, explaining together 88.5% of the variation. Spring varieties
were stood out into separate quadrants of the biplot, while winter genotypes were positioned within the vector of grain weight per plant, number of
grains per spike and plant height, achieving the highest values of the mentioned traits.
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
T1  - Uticaj faktora spoljašnje sredine na komponente prinosa ozime i jare tvrde pšenice
T1  - The impact of environmental factors on yield components of winter and spring durum wheat
EP  - 115
SP  - 106
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Zečević, Veselinka and Bošković, Jelena and Perišić, Vladimir and Urošević, Dušan and Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana and Knežević, Desimir",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Sprovedeno je dvogodišnje istraživanje sa pet genotipova tvrde pšenice
sa ciljem da se sagleda njihov potencijal za prinos u različitim uslovima sredine. Ustanovljeno je da su jari genotipovi imali niže vrednosti komponenti prinosa zrna u odnosu na ozime. Suša prisutna u periodu
cvetanja i nalivanja zrna je doprinela smanjenju vrednosti svih osobina,
gde je najveće smanjenje zabeleženo kod mase zrna po klasu (31,8%).
Takođe, faktor spoljašnje sredine je uticao i na korelacijske odnose, gde je
utvrđeno da masa zrna po biljci ima pozitivne korelacije sa visinom biljke (0,74), brojem zrna po klasu (0,80) i masom zrna po klasu (0,88), dok je u
neznačajnoj korelaciji sa dužinom klasa (0,35). Izdvojene su dve značajne PCA komponente koje objašnjavaju zajedno 88,5% varijacije. Jare sorte su izdvojene u posebne kvadrante biplota, dok su ozimi genotipovi
pozicionirani u okviru vektora mase zrna po biljci, broja zrna po klasu i
visine biljke, postigavši najveće vrednosti navedenih osobina., A two-year study was conducted with five durum wheat genotypes with
the aim of assessing their yield potential in different environental
conditions. It was found that the spring genotypes had lower values of grain yield components compared to the winter ones. The drought present during
the flowering and grain filling contributed to a decrease in the value of all traits, where the largest decrease was recorded in the grain weight per spike
(31.8%). Also, the factor of year influenced the pattern of correlation, where it was determined that the grain weight per plant had positive correlations with the plant height (0.74), the number of grains per spike (0.80) and the grains weight per spike (0.88), while it was insignificantly
correlated with the spike lenght (0.35). Two significant PCA components
were extracted, explaining together 88.5% of the variation. Spring varieties
were stood out into separate quadrants of the biplot, while winter genotypes were positioned within the vector of grain weight per plant, number of
grains per spike and plant height, achieving the highest values of the mentioned traits.",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar",
title = "Uticaj faktora spoljašnje sredine na komponente prinosa ozime i jare tvrde pšenice, The impact of environmental factors on yield components of winter and spring durum wheat",
pages = "115-106",
url = ""
Matković Stojšin, M., Zečević, V., Bošković, J., Perišić, V., Urošević, D., Roljević Nikolić, S.,& Knežević, D.. (2023). Uticaj faktora spoljašnje sredine na komponente prinosa ozime i jare tvrde pšenice. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 106-115.
Matković Stojšin M, Zečević V, Bošković J, Perišić V, Urošević D, Roljević Nikolić S, Knežević D. Uticaj faktora spoljašnje sredine na komponente prinosa ozime i jare tvrde pšenice. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar. 2023;:106-115. .
Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Zečević, Veselinka, Bošković, Jelena, Perišić, Vladimir, Urošević, Dušan, Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana, Knežević, Desimir, "Uticaj faktora spoljašnje sredine na komponente prinosa ozime i jare tvrde pšenice" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar (2023):106-115, .

Variability and heritability of technological characteristics of Amaranthus leaves and seeds

Stevanovic, Aleksandar; Bošković, Jelena; Zečević, Veselinka; Pešić, Vladan; Ćosić, Milivoje; Šarčević-Todosijević, Ljubica; Burić, Marko; Popović, Vera

(University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, 2023)

AU  - Stevanovic, Aleksandar
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Pešić, Vladan
AU  - Ćosić, Milivoje
AU  - Šarčević-Todosijević, Ljubica
AU  - Burić, Marko
AU  - Popović, Vera
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - This study aimed to determine the variability properties of four major types of Amaranthus species in protein and amino acids content in leaves and flowers. Obtained results by ion exchange chromatography in our study have shown high values for the content of essential amino acids lysine and methionine. In the leaf, the lysine content ranged from 3.9 (A. caudatus) to 7.0 (A. cruentus; A. moleros), and in the flowers from 4.2 (A.  caudatus)  to  6.7  (A.  molleros).  The  methionine  content  ranged  from  3.1  (A.  caudatus)  to  7.4  (A. mantegazzianus) in the leaf and in the flower from 2.9 (A. caudatus) to 6.7 (A. mantegazzianus). Besides lysine and  methionine,  significant  values  of  other  essential  amino  acids  were  recorded,  respectively.  Significant concentrations of total proteins were recorded in all examined genotypes. The heritability of the studied characters as protein and mineral content of seeds and leaves, and oil contents of seed were significantly high. The maximum values of the protein content of seeds were 16.55% (A. cruentus), in leaves 20.10% (A. caudatus), and the minerals in seeds 2.73% (A. moleros), and leaves 18.76% (A. mantegazzianus). The oil content of seeds was 6.16% (A. moleros). The oil content of the seed’s proportion of genetic variance to total phenotypic variance was 72%, and it has a significant impact on ecological factors. Tested divergent Amaranthus genotypes may serve as parents for further crossing. Amaranth seeds is gluten-free and is important in the diet of celiac patients and contains amino acids, especially lysine, which acts against the herpes virus. Amaranth from amaranth leaves biologically active substance that prevents heart muscle damage during ischemic processes. Amaranth seed oil has hypolipemic, anti-atherosclerotic, hypotensive and antioxidant activity.
PB  - University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca
PB  - Romanian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
PB  - Horticulture and Forestry Society from Transylvania
T2  - Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
T1  - Variability and heritability of technological characteristics of Amaranthus leaves and seeds
IS  - 2
SP  - 13128
VL  - 51
DO  - 10.15835/nbha51213128
ER  - 
author = "Stevanovic, Aleksandar and Bošković, Jelena and Zečević, Veselinka and Pešić, Vladan and Ćosić, Milivoje and Šarčević-Todosijević, Ljubica and Burić, Marko and Popović, Vera",
year = "2023",
abstract = "This study aimed to determine the variability properties of four major types of Amaranthus species in protein and amino acids content in leaves and flowers. Obtained results by ion exchange chromatography in our study have shown high values for the content of essential amino acids lysine and methionine. In the leaf, the lysine content ranged from 3.9 (A. caudatus) to 7.0 (A. cruentus; A. moleros), and in the flowers from 4.2 (A.  caudatus)  to  6.7  (A.  molleros).  The  methionine  content  ranged  from  3.1  (A.  caudatus)  to  7.4  (A. mantegazzianus) in the leaf and in the flower from 2.9 (A. caudatus) to 6.7 (A. mantegazzianus). Besides lysine and  methionine,  significant  values  of  other  essential  amino  acids  were  recorded,  respectively.  Significant concentrations of total proteins were recorded in all examined genotypes. The heritability of the studied characters as protein and mineral content of seeds and leaves, and oil contents of seed were significantly high. The maximum values of the protein content of seeds were 16.55% (A. cruentus), in leaves 20.10% (A. caudatus), and the minerals in seeds 2.73% (A. moleros), and leaves 18.76% (A. mantegazzianus). The oil content of seeds was 6.16% (A. moleros). The oil content of the seed’s proportion of genetic variance to total phenotypic variance was 72%, and it has a significant impact on ecological factors. Tested divergent Amaranthus genotypes may serve as parents for further crossing. Amaranth seeds is gluten-free and is important in the diet of celiac patients and contains amino acids, especially lysine, which acts against the herpes virus. Amaranth from amaranth leaves biologically active substance that prevents heart muscle damage during ischemic processes. Amaranth seed oil has hypolipemic, anti-atherosclerotic, hypotensive and antioxidant activity.",
publisher = "University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca, Romanian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Horticulture and Forestry Society from Transylvania",
journal = "Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca",
title = "Variability and heritability of technological characteristics of Amaranthus leaves and seeds",
number = "2",
pages = "13128",
volume = "51",
doi = "10.15835/nbha51213128"
Stevanovic, A., Bošković, J., Zečević, V., Pešić, V., Ćosić, M., Šarčević-Todosijević, L., Burić, M.,& Popović, V.. (2023). Variability and heritability of technological characteristics of Amaranthus leaves and seeds. in Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca., 51(2), 13128.
Stevanovic A, Bošković J, Zečević V, Pešić V, Ćosić M, Šarčević-Todosijević L, Burić M, Popović V. Variability and heritability of technological characteristics of Amaranthus leaves and seeds. in Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 2023;51(2):13128.
doi:10.15835/nbha51213128 .
Stevanovic, Aleksandar, Bošković, Jelena, Zečević, Veselinka, Pešić, Vladan, Ćosić, Milivoje, Šarčević-Todosijević, Ljubica, Burić, Marko, Popović, Vera, "Variability and heritability of technological characteristics of Amaranthus leaves and seeds" in Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 51, no. 2 (2023):13128, . .

The significance of amaranthus in organic agriculture i its phytopharmacological benefits

Stevanović, Aleksandar; Bošković, Jelena; Popović, Vera; Jauković, Marko; Zečević, Veselinka; Perić, Marija; Stojičević, Aleksandra

(Belgrade : IRASA - International Research Academy of Science and Art, 2023)

AU  - Stevanović, Aleksandar
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Jauković, Marko
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Perić, Marija
AU  - Stojičević, Aleksandra
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Extracts derived from these plants' medicinal and bioactive constituents are utilized in the
production of dietary supplements, health-safe food, medicinal products, and cosmetics.
Among the pseudocereals widely cultivated in organic agriculture, amaranth, buckwheat,
and quinoa play pivotal roles. These pseudocereals are characterized by their substantial
content of starch, protein, β-carotene, dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, and other bioactive
constituents. Of particular interest is Amaranthus caudatus L. (Amaranthaceae), which has
garnered increasing scientific and industrial attention owing to its remarkable bioactive
properties, diverse phytochemical composition, and extensive range of pharmacological
actions. In contrast to wheat, rice, and oats, amaranth seeds are gluten-free and contain
30% more proteins with a well-balanced amino acid profile. Beyond its nutritional value,
numerous studies have highlighted the significance of A. caudatus as a potential source of
biologically active compounds, exhibiting anti-diabetic, anti-hyperlipidemic, antiinflammatory,
and anti-hypercholesterolemic effects, as well as antioxidant and
antimicrobial activities. By incorporating amaranth into our diets, we can harness the
manifold benefits of this remarkable pseudocereal, ultimately fostering health promotion
and disease prevention. This work serves as a catalyst for further scientific investigations
in this field, paving the way for innovative technological advancements within the realms
of food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics that harness the potential of this extraordinary
PB  - Belgrade : IRASA - International Research Academy of Science and Art
C3  - Book of abstracts / IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V, Belgrade, October 13-14
T1  - The significance of amaranthus in organic agriculture i its phytopharmacological benefits
SP  - 39
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Stevanović, Aleksandar and Bošković, Jelena and Popović, Vera and Jauković, Marko and Zečević, Veselinka and Perić, Marija and Stojičević, Aleksandra",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Extracts derived from these plants' medicinal and bioactive constituents are utilized in the
production of dietary supplements, health-safe food, medicinal products, and cosmetics.
Among the pseudocereals widely cultivated in organic agriculture, amaranth, buckwheat,
and quinoa play pivotal roles. These pseudocereals are characterized by their substantial
content of starch, protein, β-carotene, dietary fiber, minerals, vitamins, and other bioactive
constituents. Of particular interest is Amaranthus caudatus L. (Amaranthaceae), which has
garnered increasing scientific and industrial attention owing to its remarkable bioactive
properties, diverse phytochemical composition, and extensive range of pharmacological
actions. In contrast to wheat, rice, and oats, amaranth seeds are gluten-free and contain
30% more proteins with a well-balanced amino acid profile. Beyond its nutritional value,
numerous studies have highlighted the significance of A. caudatus as a potential source of
biologically active compounds, exhibiting anti-diabetic, anti-hyperlipidemic, antiinflammatory,
and anti-hypercholesterolemic effects, as well as antioxidant and
antimicrobial activities. By incorporating amaranth into our diets, we can harness the
manifold benefits of this remarkable pseudocereal, ultimately fostering health promotion
and disease prevention. This work serves as a catalyst for further scientific investigations
in this field, paving the way for innovative technological advancements within the realms
of food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics that harness the potential of this extraordinary
publisher = "Belgrade : IRASA - International Research Academy of Science and Art",
journal = "Book of abstracts / IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V, Belgrade, October 13-14",
title = "The significance of amaranthus in organic agriculture i its phytopharmacological benefits",
pages = "39",
url = ""
Stevanović, A., Bošković, J., Popović, V., Jauković, M., Zečević, V., Perić, M.,& Stojičević, A.. (2023). The significance of amaranthus in organic agriculture i its phytopharmacological benefits. in Book of abstracts / IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V, Belgrade, October 13-14
Belgrade : IRASA - International Research Academy of Science and Art., 39.
Stevanović A, Bošković J, Popović V, Jauković M, Zečević V, Perić M, Stojičević A. The significance of amaranthus in organic agriculture i its phytopharmacological benefits. in Book of abstracts / IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V, Belgrade, October 13-14. 2023;:39. .
Stevanović, Aleksandar, Bošković, Jelena, Popović, Vera, Jauković, Marko, Zečević, Veselinka, Perić, Marija, Stojičević, Aleksandra, "The significance of amaranthus in organic agriculture i its phytopharmacological benefits" in Book of abstracts / IRASA International Scientific Conference Science, Education, Technology and Innovation SETI V, Belgrade, October 13-14 (2023):39, .

Medonosne biljke i uticaj pesticida na pčele i proizvodnju meda

Popović, Vera; Bošković, Jelena; Đurić, Nenad; Ikanović, Jela; Filipović, Vladimir; Ljubičić, Nataša; Šarčević Todosijević, Ljubica

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2023)

AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Ikanović, Jela
AU  - Filipović, Vladimir
AU  - Ljubičić, Nataša
AU  - Šarčević Todosijević, Ljubica
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Biljke svojim cvetovima, sokovima i smolama daju pčelama hranu,
stvaraju uslove za pravilan život pčelinjeg društva i predstavljaju osnovu
za dobijanje pčelinjih proizvoda - meda, cvetnog praha, mleča, voska,
propolisa i pčelinjeg otrova. Najzastupljenije medonosne biljke kod nas su:
divlji kesten, bagrem, lipa, jorgovan, kupina, facelija, heljda, suncokret,
zvezdan, lavanda, neven, žalfija, morač, šafran, itd. Pčele imaju veliki
značaj za živi svet na našoj planeti. U poslednje vreme sve je više evidentna
ugroženost pčela. Ova studija prikazuje medonosne biljke i efekte koje pesticidi imaju na pčele i njihovu produktivnost. Najčešći put kontaminacije je izloženost pčela agro-hemikalijama koje se koriste za zaštitu useva i njihova primena na useve. Izloženost pčela pesticidima je kroz gutanje ostataka koji se nalaze u polenu i nektaru biljaka. Zbog svega navedenog dati su praktični saveti za izbegavanje štetnih uticaja pesticida u pčelarstvu kako bi se izbegle štetne posledice.
AB  - Plants, with their flowers, juices and resins, give bees food, create
conditions for the proper life of the bee colony and represent the basis for
obtaining bee products - honey, pollen, nectar, wax, propolis and bee
venom. The most common honey plants in our country are: wild chestnut,
acacia, lime tree, lilac, blackberry, phacelia, buckwheat, sunflower, common bird's foot trefoil, lavender, calendula, sage, fennel, saffron, etc.
Bees have a great importance for the living world on our planet, lately it is more and more evident bees' endangerment. This study shows honey plants
and effects that pesticides have on honey bees and their productivity. The
most common way of contamination is exposure of bees to agrochemicals used for crop protection and their application to crops. The exposure of
bees to pesticides is through ingestion of residues found in the pollen and
nectar of plants. Due to all of the above, practical advice was given to avoid
the harmful effects of pesticides in beekeeping in order to avoid harmful
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
T1  - Medonosne biljke i uticaj pesticida na pčele i proizvodnju meda
T1  - Honey-bearing plants and the influence of pesticides on bees and honey production
EP  - 268
SP  - 259
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Popović, Vera and Bošković, Jelena and Đurić, Nenad and Ikanović, Jela and Filipović, Vladimir and Ljubičić, Nataša and Šarčević Todosijević, Ljubica",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Biljke svojim cvetovima, sokovima i smolama daju pčelama hranu,
stvaraju uslove za pravilan život pčelinjeg društva i predstavljaju osnovu
za dobijanje pčelinjih proizvoda - meda, cvetnog praha, mleča, voska,
propolisa i pčelinjeg otrova. Najzastupljenije medonosne biljke kod nas su:
divlji kesten, bagrem, lipa, jorgovan, kupina, facelija, heljda, suncokret,
zvezdan, lavanda, neven, žalfija, morač, šafran, itd. Pčele imaju veliki
značaj za živi svet na našoj planeti. U poslednje vreme sve je više evidentna
ugroženost pčela. Ova studija prikazuje medonosne biljke i efekte koje pesticidi imaju na pčele i njihovu produktivnost. Najčešći put kontaminacije je izloženost pčela agro-hemikalijama koje se koriste za zaštitu useva i njihova primena na useve. Izloženost pčela pesticidima je kroz gutanje ostataka koji se nalaze u polenu i nektaru biljaka. Zbog svega navedenog dati su praktični saveti za izbegavanje štetnih uticaja pesticida u pčelarstvu kako bi se izbegle štetne posledice., Plants, with their flowers, juices and resins, give bees food, create
conditions for the proper life of the bee colony and represent the basis for
obtaining bee products - honey, pollen, nectar, wax, propolis and bee
venom. The most common honey plants in our country are: wild chestnut,
acacia, lime tree, lilac, blackberry, phacelia, buckwheat, sunflower, common bird's foot trefoil, lavender, calendula, sage, fennel, saffron, etc.
Bees have a great importance for the living world on our planet, lately it is more and more evident bees' endangerment. This study shows honey plants
and effects that pesticides have on honey bees and their productivity. The
most common way of contamination is exposure of bees to agrochemicals used for crop protection and their application to crops. The exposure of
bees to pesticides is through ingestion of residues found in the pollen and
nectar of plants. Due to all of the above, practical advice was given to avoid
the harmful effects of pesticides in beekeeping in order to avoid harmful
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar",
title = "Medonosne biljke i uticaj pesticida na pčele i proizvodnju meda, Honey-bearing plants and the influence of pesticides on bees and honey production",
pages = "268-259",
url = ""
Popović, V., Bošković, J., Đurić, N., Ikanović, J., Filipović, V., Ljubičić, N.,& Šarčević Todosijević, L.. (2023). Medonosne biljke i uticaj pesticida na pčele i proizvodnju meda. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 259-268.
Popović V, Bošković J, Đurić N, Ikanović J, Filipović V, Ljubičić N, Šarčević Todosijević L. Medonosne biljke i uticaj pesticida na pčele i proizvodnju meda. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar. 2023;:259-268. .
Popović, Vera, Bošković, Jelena, Đurić, Nenad, Ikanović, Jela, Filipović, Vladimir, Ljubičić, Nataša, Šarčević Todosijević, Ljubica, "Medonosne biljke i uticaj pesticida na pčele i proizvodnju meda" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 2. novembar (2023):259-268, .

Varijabilnost broja i mase zrna po klasu durum pšenice u organskoj proizvodnji

Zečević, Veselinka; Milenković, Slobodan; Bošković, Jelena; Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Đurić, Nenad; Luković, Kristina; Mićanović, Danica; Knežević, Desimir

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2022)

AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Milenković, Slobodan
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - U radu je obavljeno istraživanje varijabilnosti komponenti prinosa
(broj zrna po klasu i masa zrna po klasu) kod sedam genotipova ozime
durum pšenice. Analizirane su tri sorte durum pšenice (Windur, Žitka i
KG Olimpik) i četiri perspektivne linije Centra za strna žita i razvoj sela
Kragujevac (KG-28-6, KG-3405-03, KG-43-33-1 i KG-44-3-1). Ogled je
izveden na sertifikovanom organskom gazdinstvu u Čačku, po principima
organske proizvodnje tokom dve vegetacione sezone (2012/2013. i
2013/2014.). Ustanovljene su statistički visoko značajne razlike za
genotip i interakciju genotip×godina kod obe ispitivane komponente
prinosa. U ukupnoj varijansi za oba svojstva, najveći udeo pripadao je
interakciji, a značajno manji ostalim komponentama varijanse. Ispitivane
komponente prinosa su pokazale izraženu varijabilnost, što je potvrđeno i
koeficijentom varijacije. Najveći broj zrna po klasu, u proseku, imala je
linija KG-3405-03 (46,0), koja je ostvarila i najveću masu zrna po klasu
(1,5 g).
AB  - In this paper, the variability of yield components (number of grains per
spike and weight of grains per spike) was investigated in seven genotypes
of winter durum wheat. Three varieties of durum wheat (Windur, Žitka
and KG Olimpik) and four perspective lines of the Center for Small
Grains and Rural Development Kragujevac (KG-28-6, KG-3405-03, KG-
43-33-1 and KG-44-3-1) were analyzed. The experiment was carried out
on a certified organic farm in Čačak, according to the principles of
organic production during two growing seasons (2012/2013 and
2013/2014). A highly significant statistical differences were found for the
genotype and the genotype×year interaction in both examined yield
components. In the total variance for both properties, the largest share
belonged to the interaction, and a significantly smaller part belonged to
the other variance components. The studied yield components showed
remarkable variability, which was also confirmed by the coefficient of
variation. On average, KG-3405-03 had the highest number of grains per
spike (46.0), which also achieved the highest grain weight per spike (1.5
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar
T1  - Varijabilnost broja i mase zrna po klasu durum pšenice u organskoj proizvodnji
T1  - Variability of number of grains and grain mass per spike of durum wheat in organic production
EP  - 211
SP  - 202
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zečević, Veselinka and Milenković, Slobodan and Bošković, Jelena and Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Đurić, Nenad and Luković, Kristina and Mićanović, Danica and Knežević, Desimir",
year = "2022",
abstract = "U radu je obavljeno istraživanje varijabilnosti komponenti prinosa
(broj zrna po klasu i masa zrna po klasu) kod sedam genotipova ozime
durum pšenice. Analizirane su tri sorte durum pšenice (Windur, Žitka i
KG Olimpik) i četiri perspektivne linije Centra za strna žita i razvoj sela
Kragujevac (KG-28-6, KG-3405-03, KG-43-33-1 i KG-44-3-1). Ogled je
izveden na sertifikovanom organskom gazdinstvu u Čačku, po principima
organske proizvodnje tokom dve vegetacione sezone (2012/2013. i
2013/2014.). Ustanovljene su statistički visoko značajne razlike za
genotip i interakciju genotip×godina kod obe ispitivane komponente
prinosa. U ukupnoj varijansi za oba svojstva, najveći udeo pripadao je
interakciji, a značajno manji ostalim komponentama varijanse. Ispitivane
komponente prinosa su pokazale izraženu varijabilnost, što je potvrđeno i
koeficijentom varijacije. Najveći broj zrna po klasu, u proseku, imala je
linija KG-3405-03 (46,0), koja je ostvarila i najveću masu zrna po klasu
(1,5 g)., In this paper, the variability of yield components (number of grains per
spike and weight of grains per spike) was investigated in seven genotypes
of winter durum wheat. Three varieties of durum wheat (Windur, Žitka
and KG Olimpik) and four perspective lines of the Center for Small
Grains and Rural Development Kragujevac (KG-28-6, KG-3405-03, KG-
43-33-1 and KG-44-3-1) were analyzed. The experiment was carried out
on a certified organic farm in Čačak, according to the principles of
organic production during two growing seasons (2012/2013 and
2013/2014). A highly significant statistical differences were found for the
genotype and the genotype×year interaction in both examined yield
components. In the total variance for both properties, the largest share
belonged to the interaction, and a significantly smaller part belonged to
the other variance components. The studied yield components showed
remarkable variability, which was also confirmed by the coefficient of
variation. On average, KG-3405-03 had the highest number of grains per
spike (46.0), which also achieved the highest grain weight per spike (1.5
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar",
title = "Varijabilnost broja i mase zrna po klasu durum pšenice u organskoj proizvodnji, Variability of number of grains and grain mass per spike of durum wheat in organic production",
pages = "211-202",
url = ""
Zečević, V., Milenković, S., Bošković, J., Matković Stojšin, M., Đurić, N., Luković, K., Mićanović, D.,& Knežević, D.. (2022). Varijabilnost broja i mase zrna po klasu durum pšenice u organskoj proizvodnji. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 202-211.
Zečević V, Milenković S, Bošković J, Matković Stojšin M, Đurić N, Luković K, Mićanović D, Knežević D. Varijabilnost broja i mase zrna po klasu durum pšenice u organskoj proizvodnji. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar. 2022;:202-211. .
Zečević, Veselinka, Milenković, Slobodan, Bošković, Jelena, Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Đurić, Nenad, Luković, Kristina, Mićanović, Danica, Knežević, Desimir, "Varijabilnost broja i mase zrna po klasu durum pšenice u organskoj proizvodnji" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar (2022):202-211, .

Influence of foliar nutrition on yield and yield components of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) grown in system of organic production

Zečević, Veselinka; Milenković, Slobodan; Bošković, Jelena; Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana; Luković, Kristina; Đorđević, Radiša; Knežević, Desimir

(Budapest : ALÖKI Applied Ecological Research and Forensic Institute Ltd.,, 2022)

AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Milenković, Slobodan
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana
AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Đorđević, Radiša
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - This paper examines the effect of foliar nitrogen nutrition on seven durum wheat genotypes produced according to the principles of organic production. The experiments were performed during two growing seasons on organic farm in Čačak, Serbia. Three different N fertilization strategies have been compared: T1- control without N application after the stem elongation stage; T2- foliar N fertilization at the beginning of heading, one spray with 0.3% organic fertilizer Trainer (5% N and 31% amino acids); T3- foliar N fertilization in both stages, heading and anthesis with 0.3% organic fertilizer Trainer (5% N) each. Analysis of grain yield and yield components (number of spikes m-2, number of grains per spike and thousand grain weight (TGW) was performed. The number of spikes per square meter, number of grains spike-1, TGW, and grain yield significantly increased (P ≤ 0.01) with different levels of fertilizers. Foliar fertilization had a significant effect on yield in both growing seasons. Grain yield, on average for all genotypes and years after spraying were 22% (one N treatment), and 54% (two N treatments) higher than in the control. Grain yield was about 26% higher in two N treatments than in one N treatment. Grain yield was positively correlated with other traits (TGW, number of spikes m-2 and number of grains/spike).
PB  - Budapest : ALÖKI Applied Ecological Research and Forensic Institute Ltd.,
T2  - Applied ecology and environmental research
T1  - Influence of foliar nutrition on yield and yield components of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) grown in system of organic production
EP  - 187
IS  - 1
SP  - 171
VL  - 20
DO  - 10.15666/aeer/2001_171187
ER  - 
author = "Zečević, Veselinka and Milenković, Slobodan and Bošković, Jelena and Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana and Luković, Kristina and Đorđević, Radiša and Knežević, Desimir",
year = "2022",
abstract = "This paper examines the effect of foliar nitrogen nutrition on seven durum wheat genotypes produced according to the principles of organic production. The experiments were performed during two growing seasons on organic farm in Čačak, Serbia. Three different N fertilization strategies have been compared: T1- control without N application after the stem elongation stage; T2- foliar N fertilization at the beginning of heading, one spray with 0.3% organic fertilizer Trainer (5% N and 31% amino acids); T3- foliar N fertilization in both stages, heading and anthesis with 0.3% organic fertilizer Trainer (5% N) each. Analysis of grain yield and yield components (number of spikes m-2, number of grains per spike and thousand grain weight (TGW) was performed. The number of spikes per square meter, number of grains spike-1, TGW, and grain yield significantly increased (P ≤ 0.01) with different levels of fertilizers. Foliar fertilization had a significant effect on yield in both growing seasons. Grain yield, on average for all genotypes and years after spraying were 22% (one N treatment), and 54% (two N treatments) higher than in the control. Grain yield was about 26% higher in two N treatments than in one N treatment. Grain yield was positively correlated with other traits (TGW, number of spikes m-2 and number of grains/spike).",
publisher = "Budapest : ALÖKI Applied Ecological Research and Forensic Institute Ltd.,",
journal = "Applied ecology and environmental research",
title = "Influence of foliar nutrition on yield and yield components of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) grown in system of organic production",
pages = "187-171",
number = "1",
volume = "20",
doi = "10.15666/aeer/2001_171187"
Zečević, V., Milenković, S., Bošković, J., Roljević Nikolić, S., Luković, K., Đorđević, R.,& Knežević, D.. (2022). Influence of foliar nutrition on yield and yield components of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) grown in system of organic production. in Applied ecology and environmental research
Budapest : ALÖKI Applied Ecological Research and Forensic Institute Ltd.,., 20(1), 171-187.
Zečević V, Milenković S, Bošković J, Roljević Nikolić S, Luković K, Đorđević R, Knežević D. Influence of foliar nutrition on yield and yield components of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) grown in system of organic production. in Applied ecology and environmental research. 2022;20(1):171-187.
doi:10.15666/aeer/2001_171187 .
Zečević, Veselinka, Milenković, Slobodan, Bošković, Jelena, Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana, Luković, Kristina, Đorđević, Radiša, Knežević, Desimir, "Influence of foliar nutrition on yield and yield components of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) grown in system of organic production" in Applied ecology and environmental research, 20, no. 1 (2022):171-187, . .

Испитивање приноса и компоненти приноса генотипова дурум пшенице у органској производњи

Zečević, Veselinka; Milenković, Slobodan; Bošković, Jelena; Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Luković, Kristina; Mićanović, Danica; Knežević, Desimir

(Бачка Топола : Мегатренд универзитет Београд, Факултет за биофарминг, 2019)

AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Milenković, Slobodan
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - У раду је испитиван принос, број класова по метру квадратном и маса 1000 зрна код седам генотипова дурум пшенице (Олимпик, Windur, Житка, КГ-28-6, КГ-44-3/1, КГ-43-33/1, КГ-3405-03). Истраживања су урађена по принципима органске производње, на сертификованом газдинству у Чачку (Србија), током две вегетационе сезоне (2012/2013. и 2013/2014.). У првој години истраживања, предусев пшеници био је кромпир, а у другој пасуљ. Резултати су обрађени анализом варијансе по случајном блок систему у три понављања. Установљене су значајне разлике између испитиваних генотипова за анализиране особине. Разлике по годинама и интеракција генотип × година су, такође, биле статистички значајне.
AB  - The paper examined the yield, number of spikes per square meter and the weight of 1000 grains in seven genotypes of durum wheat (Olimpik, Windur, Ţitka, KG-28-6, KG -44-3/1, KG -43-33/1 and KG -3405-03). The research was carried out according to the principles of organic production at the certified farm in Ĉaĉak (Serbia) during two vegetation seasons (2012/2013 and 2013/2014). Potato was preceding crop in the first year and beans in the second year of the research. The results were analysed by analysis of variance according to a random block system with two factors in three repetitions. Significant differences were found between the tested genotypes for the analysed properties. The differences between years and interaction genotype × year were also statistically significant.
PB  - Бачка Топола : Мегатренд универзитет Београд, Факултет за биофарминг
C3  - Зборник радова : Национални научни скуп са међународним учешћем Одржива пољопривредна производња - Улога пољопривреде у заштити животне средине, Бачка Топола, 18. oктобар
T1  - Испитивање приноса и компоненти приноса генотипова дурум пшенице у органској производњи
T1  - Investigation of yield and yield components of durum wheat genotypes in organic production
EP  - 120
SP  - 113
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zečević, Veselinka and Milenković, Slobodan and Bošković, Jelena and Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Luković, Kristina and Mićanović, Danica and Knežević, Desimir",
year = "2019",
abstract = "У раду је испитиван принос, број класова по метру квадратном и маса 1000 зрна код седам генотипова дурум пшенице (Олимпик, Windur, Житка, КГ-28-6, КГ-44-3/1, КГ-43-33/1, КГ-3405-03). Истраживања су урађена по принципима органске производње, на сертификованом газдинству у Чачку (Србија), током две вегетационе сезоне (2012/2013. и 2013/2014.). У првој години истраживања, предусев пшеници био је кромпир, а у другој пасуљ. Резултати су обрађени анализом варијансе по случајном блок систему у три понављања. Установљене су значајне разлике између испитиваних генотипова за анализиране особине. Разлике по годинама и интеракција генотип × година су, такође, биле статистички значајне., The paper examined the yield, number of spikes per square meter and the weight of 1000 grains in seven genotypes of durum wheat (Olimpik, Windur, Ţitka, KG-28-6, KG -44-3/1, KG -43-33/1 and KG -3405-03). The research was carried out according to the principles of organic production at the certified farm in Ĉaĉak (Serbia) during two vegetation seasons (2012/2013 and 2013/2014). Potato was preceding crop in the first year and beans in the second year of the research. The results were analysed by analysis of variance according to a random block system with two factors in three repetitions. Significant differences were found between the tested genotypes for the analysed properties. The differences between years and interaction genotype × year were also statistically significant.",
publisher = "Бачка Топола : Мегатренд универзитет Београд, Факултет за биофарминг",
journal = "Зборник радова : Национални научни скуп са међународним учешћем Одржива пољопривредна производња - Улога пољопривреде у заштити животне средине, Бачка Топола, 18. oктобар",
title = "Испитивање приноса и компоненти приноса генотипова дурум пшенице у органској производњи, Investigation of yield and yield components of durum wheat genotypes in organic production",
pages = "120-113",
url = ""
Zečević, V., Milenković, S., Bošković, J., Matković Stojšin, M., Luković, K., Mićanović, D.,& Knežević, D.. (2019). Испитивање приноса и компоненти приноса генотипова дурум пшенице у органској производњи. in Зборник радова : Национални научни скуп са међународним учешћем Одржива пољопривредна производња - Улога пољопривреде у заштити животне средине, Бачка Топола, 18. oктобар
Бачка Топола : Мегатренд универзитет Београд, Факултет за биофарминг., 113-120.
Zečević V, Milenković S, Bošković J, Matković Stojšin M, Luković K, Mićanović D, Knežević D. Испитивање приноса и компоненти приноса генотипова дурум пшенице у органској производњи. in Зборник радова : Национални научни скуп са међународним учешћем Одржива пољопривредна производња - Улога пољопривреде у заштити животне средине, Бачка Топола, 18. oктобар. 2019;:113-120. .
Zečević, Veselinka, Milenković, Slobodan, Bošković, Jelena, Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Luković, Kristina, Mićanović, Danica, Knežević, Desimir, "Испитивање приноса и компоненти приноса генотипова дурум пшенице у органској производњи" in Зборник радова : Национални научни скуп са међународним учешћем Одржива пољопривредна производња - Улога пољопривреде у заштити животне средине, Бачка Топола, 18. oктобар (2019):113-120, .

Quality and Possibilities of Use of Stabilized Sludge Compost Obtained by Inoculation with Geocell-Consortium

Gligor, Gellért; Szolnoky, Tamás; Drašković, Milana; Đurić, Nenad; Hojka, Zdravko; Bošković, Jelena; Žuža, Milena

(Wiley-VCH Verlag, 2019)

AU  - Gligor, Gellért
AU  - Szolnoky, Tamás
AU  - Drašković, Milana
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Hojka, Zdravko
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Žuža, Milena
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Anaerobically stabilized sludge from wastewater treatment is always a challenge from the environmental aspect of management. The agrarian environmental surroundings present a possibility for swift and efficient utilization of compost from anaerobically stabilized sludge in order to increase the quality of the biological product. With intensification of the composting procedure by means of the microbiological consortium Geocell-1 (Cellvibrio sp., Pseudomonas fluorescens with the addition of micro- and macro-elements), the results show that the compost obtained from stabilized sludge after inoculation is significantly improved in terms of moisture reduction (39–43%), while in the control compost, this value is significantly higher with 61%. The results of the pathogenic effect show a significant reduction in the number of fecal coliform (<1 × 103) and Enterococcus bacteria (<1 × 104) in the inoculated (treated) compost. With a slight decrease in the concentration of limiting factors such as As, Cd, Cu, a quality biological product can be achieved, which can be safely deposited on soil. The phytotoxicological germination test with white mustard (Sinapis alba) shows a higher number of sprouting plants with a mixture of treated compost and standard soil for flowers 1:1 and 1:4 compared to the control group.
PB  - Wiley-VCH Verlag
PB  - Wiley
T2  - CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water
T1  - Quality and Possibilities of Use of Stabilized Sludge Compost Obtained by Inoculation with Geocell-Consortium
IS  - 10
SP  - 1900023
VL  - 47
DO  - 10.1002/clen.201900023
ER  - 
author = "Gligor, Gellért and Szolnoky, Tamás and Drašković, Milana and Đurić, Nenad and Hojka, Zdravko and Bošković, Jelena and Žuža, Milena",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Anaerobically stabilized sludge from wastewater treatment is always a challenge from the environmental aspect of management. The agrarian environmental surroundings present a possibility for swift and efficient utilization of compost from anaerobically stabilized sludge in order to increase the quality of the biological product. With intensification of the composting procedure by means of the microbiological consortium Geocell-1 (Cellvibrio sp., Pseudomonas fluorescens with the addition of micro- and macro-elements), the results show that the compost obtained from stabilized sludge after inoculation is significantly improved in terms of moisture reduction (39–43%), while in the control compost, this value is significantly higher with 61%. The results of the pathogenic effect show a significant reduction in the number of fecal coliform (<1 × 103) and Enterococcus bacteria (<1 × 104) in the inoculated (treated) compost. With a slight decrease in the concentration of limiting factors such as As, Cd, Cu, a quality biological product can be achieved, which can be safely deposited on soil. The phytotoxicological germination test with white mustard (Sinapis alba) shows a higher number of sprouting plants with a mixture of treated compost and standard soil for flowers 1:1 and 1:4 compared to the control group.",
publisher = "Wiley-VCH Verlag, Wiley",
journal = "CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water",
title = "Quality and Possibilities of Use of Stabilized Sludge Compost Obtained by Inoculation with Geocell-Consortium",
number = "10",
pages = "1900023",
volume = "47",
doi = "10.1002/clen.201900023"
Gligor, G., Szolnoky, T., Drašković, M., Đurić, N., Hojka, Z., Bošković, J.,& Žuža, M.. (2019). Quality and Possibilities of Use of Stabilized Sludge Compost Obtained by Inoculation with Geocell-Consortium. in CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water
Wiley-VCH Verlag., 47(10), 1900023.
Gligor G, Szolnoky T, Drašković M, Đurić N, Hojka Z, Bošković J, Žuža M. Quality and Possibilities of Use of Stabilized Sludge Compost Obtained by Inoculation with Geocell-Consortium. in CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water. 2019;47(10):1900023.
doi:10.1002/clen.201900023 .
Gligor, Gellért, Szolnoky, Tamás, Drašković, Milana, Đurić, Nenad, Hojka, Zdravko, Bošković, Jelena, Žuža, Milena, "Quality and Possibilities of Use of Stabilized Sludge Compost Obtained by Inoculation with Geocell-Consortium" in CLEAN - Soil, Air, Water, 47, no. 10 (2019):1900023, . .

Phenotypic variability of yield components of Triticum spelta in organic production

Zečević, Veselinka; Bošković, Jelena; Milenković, Slobodan; Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Balijagić, Jasmina; Đukić, Nevena; Knežević, Desimir

(Podgorica : Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Montenegro, 2018)

AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Milenković, Slobodan
AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Balijagić, Jasmina
AU  - Đukić, Nevena
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this study was to investigate phenotypic variability of yield
components for different spelt wheat genotypes (Triticum spelta L.). Six
genotypes of winter spelt wheat (Nirvana, KG-37-8/3, KG -54-7/3, KG -54-8/1,
KG -54-4/2, and KG-54-2/3) were grown during two growing seasons
(2011/2012 and 2012/2013) at certified organic trial parcel in the Municipality of
Čačak, Serbia. Through variance analysis, highly significant differences in mean
values for both investigated yield components (number of grains per spike and
grain weight per spike) were established. Higher values of coefficient of
variability for grain weight per spike (CV = 12.8%) than grain number per spike
(CV = 10.2%) were determined. The highest average value for number of grains
per spike had genotype KG-54-7/3 (46.22). Genotype KG-54-2/3 (1.94 g) had
significantly higher mass of hulled grains per spike compared to other
investigated genotypes. Phenotypic analysis of variance indicated that ecological
factors had higher impact on the expression of grain weight per spike, but genetic
factors had higher impact on the expression of number of grains per spike
PB  - Podgorica : Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Montenegro
T2  - Agriculture & Forestry
T1  - Phenotypic variability of yield components of Triticum spelta in organic production
EP  - 78
IS  - 3
SP  - 71
VL  - 64
DO  - 10.17707/AgricultForest.64.3.06
ER  - 
author = "Zečević, Veselinka and Bošković, Jelena and Milenković, Slobodan and Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Balijagić, Jasmina and Đukić, Nevena and Knežević, Desimir",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to investigate phenotypic variability of yield
components for different spelt wheat genotypes (Triticum spelta L.). Six
genotypes of winter spelt wheat (Nirvana, KG-37-8/3, KG -54-7/3, KG -54-8/1,
KG -54-4/2, and KG-54-2/3) were grown during two growing seasons
(2011/2012 and 2012/2013) at certified organic trial parcel in the Municipality of
Čačak, Serbia. Through variance analysis, highly significant differences in mean
values for both investigated yield components (number of grains per spike and
grain weight per spike) were established. Higher values of coefficient of
variability for grain weight per spike (CV = 12.8%) than grain number per spike
(CV = 10.2%) were determined. The highest average value for number of grains
per spike had genotype KG-54-7/3 (46.22). Genotype KG-54-2/3 (1.94 g) had
significantly higher mass of hulled grains per spike compared to other
investigated genotypes. Phenotypic analysis of variance indicated that ecological
factors had higher impact on the expression of grain weight per spike, but genetic
factors had higher impact on the expression of number of grains per spike",
publisher = "Podgorica : Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Montenegro",
journal = "Agriculture & Forestry",
title = "Phenotypic variability of yield components of Triticum spelta in organic production",
pages = "78-71",
number = "3",
volume = "64",
doi = "10.17707/AgricultForest.64.3.06"
Zečević, V., Bošković, J., Milenković, S., Matković Stojšin, M., Balijagić, J., Đukić, N.,& Knežević, D.. (2018). Phenotypic variability of yield components of Triticum spelta in organic production. in Agriculture & Forestry
Podgorica : Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Montenegro., 64(3), 71-78.
Zečević V, Bošković J, Milenković S, Matković Stojšin M, Balijagić J, Đukić N, Knežević D. Phenotypic variability of yield components of Triticum spelta in organic production. in Agriculture & Forestry. 2018;64(3):71-78.
doi:10.17707/AgricultForest.64.3.06 .
Zečević, Veselinka, Bošković, Jelena, Milenković, Slobodan, Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Balijagić, Jasmina, Đukić, Nevena, Knežević, Desimir, "Phenotypic variability of yield components of Triticum spelta in organic production" in Agriculture & Forestry, 64, no. 3 (2018):71-78, . .

Variability, AMMI and cluster analysis for quality components of different wheat genotypes

Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Zečević, Veselinka; Knežević, Desimir; Bošković, Jelena; Mićanović, Danica

(University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture, 2018)

AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - The present study was carried out to investigate the variability and heritability of
wheat quality components and to evaluate the stability of ten wheat genotypes in
different environmental conditions. The experiment was conducted in the Center
for Small Grains in Kragujevac, Serbia during two growing seasons (2010 and
2011). Thousand grain weight had the highest value of GCV and PCV (7.13 and
7.7%), while test weight had the lowest PCV (3.24%) and protein content had the
lowest GCV (1.82%). The highest heritability was observed for thousand grain
weight (H2
=85.37%), while the lowest one was found for protein content
=19.56%). The AMMI analysis showed significant effect of the G×E
interaction, where first main component was significant for all components.
Genotypes KG-56, Arsenal and Osječanka are close to the average values for all
components and expressed the highest stability. Genotypes with the highest or
lowest average values for analyzed traits, such as Norin 10, Mironovskaya 808,
Gruža and Spartanka, showed moderate to high instability. Cluster analysis
categorized the genotypes into four groups. The genotype Norin 10 showed the
highest distance from other genotypes, whereas the stable genotypes grouped together.
PB  - University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture
T2  - Agrofor International Journal
T1  - Variability, AMMI and cluster analysis for quality components of different wheat genotypes
EP  - 21
IS  - 2
SP  - 14
VL  - 3
DO  - 10.7251/AGRENG1802065M
ER  - 
author = "Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Zečević, Veselinka and Knežević, Desimir and Bošković, Jelena and Mićanović, Danica",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The present study was carried out to investigate the variability and heritability of
wheat quality components and to evaluate the stability of ten wheat genotypes in
different environmental conditions. The experiment was conducted in the Center
for Small Grains in Kragujevac, Serbia during two growing seasons (2010 and
2011). Thousand grain weight had the highest value of GCV and PCV (7.13 and
7.7%), while test weight had the lowest PCV (3.24%) and protein content had the
lowest GCV (1.82%). The highest heritability was observed for thousand grain
weight (H2
=85.37%), while the lowest one was found for protein content
=19.56%). The AMMI analysis showed significant effect of the G×E
interaction, where first main component was significant for all components.
Genotypes KG-56, Arsenal and Osječanka are close to the average values for all
components and expressed the highest stability. Genotypes with the highest or
lowest average values for analyzed traits, such as Norin 10, Mironovskaya 808,
Gruža and Spartanka, showed moderate to high instability. Cluster analysis
categorized the genotypes into four groups. The genotype Norin 10 showed the
highest distance from other genotypes, whereas the stable genotypes grouped together.",
publisher = "University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture",
journal = "Agrofor International Journal",
title = "Variability, AMMI and cluster analysis for quality components of different wheat genotypes",
pages = "21-14",
number = "2",
volume = "3",
doi = "10.7251/AGRENG1802065M"
Matković Stojšin, M., Zečević, V., Knežević, D., Bošković, J.,& Mićanović, D.. (2018). Variability, AMMI and cluster analysis for quality components of different wheat genotypes. in Agrofor International Journal
University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture., 3(2), 14-21.
Matković Stojšin M, Zečević V, Knežević D, Bošković J, Mićanović D. Variability, AMMI and cluster analysis for quality components of different wheat genotypes. in Agrofor International Journal. 2018;3(2):14-21.
doi:10.7251/AGRENG1802065M .
Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Zečević, Veselinka, Knežević, Desimir, Bošković, Jelena, Mićanović, Danica, "Variability, AMMI and cluster analysis for quality components of different wheat genotypes" in Agrofor International Journal, 3, no. 2 (2018):14-21, . .

Morpho - Physiological characteristics of gentian (Gentiana lutea L.) genotype seedlings from natural populations in Montenegro

Balijagic, Jasmina; Boskovic, Jelena; Crnobarac, Jovan; Zecevic, Veselinka; Radanovic, Dragoja; Dozet, Gordana; Jovancevic, Miodrag

(Podgorica : Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Montenegro, 2017)

AU  - Balijagic, Jasmina
AU  - Boskovic, Jelena
AU  - Crnobarac, Jovan
AU  - Zecevic, Veselinka
AU  - Radanovic, Dragoja
AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Jovancevic, Miodrag
PY  - 2017
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this paper was to examine the possibility of gentian generative propagation, because the production of high-quality planting material is very important not only for the beginning of revitalization of this plant species in their natural habitat but also for its large-scale production in Montenegro. Cultivation of gentian, as well as other medicinal plants, represents a safe way for their protection and conservation in the wild. For the purpose of choosing the best population, seed samples from 9 natural habitats were collected in the mountains of the northern part of Montenegro. The field trial in which dynamics of gentian seedlings growth was monitored in the first and the second year of vegetation was set up by sowing of seeds collected in natural conditions at the locality Korita.
PB  - Podgorica : Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Montenegro
T2  - Agriculture and Forestry
T1  - Morpho - Physiological characteristics of gentian (Gentiana lutea L.) genotype seedlings from natural populations in Montenegro
EP  - 169
IS  - 1
SP  - 159
VL  - 63
DO  - 10.17707/AgricultForest.63.1.19
ER  - 
author = "Balijagic, Jasmina and Boskovic, Jelena and Crnobarac, Jovan and Zecevic, Veselinka and Radanovic, Dragoja and Dozet, Gordana and Jovancevic, Miodrag",
year = "2017",
abstract = "The aim of this paper was to examine the possibility of gentian generative propagation, because the production of high-quality planting material is very important not only for the beginning of revitalization of this plant species in their natural habitat but also for its large-scale production in Montenegro. Cultivation of gentian, as well as other medicinal plants, represents a safe way for their protection and conservation in the wild. For the purpose of choosing the best population, seed samples from 9 natural habitats were collected in the mountains of the northern part of Montenegro. The field trial in which dynamics of gentian seedlings growth was monitored in the first and the second year of vegetation was set up by sowing of seeds collected in natural conditions at the locality Korita.",
publisher = "Podgorica : Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Montenegro",
journal = "Agriculture and Forestry",
title = "Morpho - Physiological characteristics of gentian (Gentiana lutea L.) genotype seedlings from natural populations in Montenegro",
pages = "169-159",
number = "1",
volume = "63",
doi = "10.17707/AgricultForest.63.1.19"
Balijagic, J., Boskovic, J., Crnobarac, J., Zecevic, V., Radanovic, D., Dozet, G.,& Jovancevic, M.. (2017). Morpho - Physiological characteristics of gentian (Gentiana lutea L.) genotype seedlings from natural populations in Montenegro. in Agriculture and Forestry
Podgorica : Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Montenegro., 63(1), 159-169.
Balijagic J, Boskovic J, Crnobarac J, Zecevic V, Radanovic D, Dozet G, Jovancevic M. Morpho - Physiological characteristics of gentian (Gentiana lutea L.) genotype seedlings from natural populations in Montenegro. in Agriculture and Forestry. 2017;63(1):159-169.
doi:10.17707/AgricultForest.63.1.19 .
Balijagic, Jasmina, Boskovic, Jelena, Crnobarac, Jovan, Zecevic, Veselinka, Radanovic, Dragoja, Dozet, Gordana, Jovancevic, Miodrag, "Morpho - Physiological characteristics of gentian (Gentiana lutea L.) genotype seedlings from natural populations in Montenegro" in Agriculture and Forestry, 63, no. 1 (2017):159-169, . .

Significant resources of sustainable agriculture and organic food production system in Serbia

Bošković, Jelena; Hojka, Zdravko; Zečević, Veselinka; Prodanović, Radivoj; Vukić, Milica

(Ćaćak : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačku, 2016)

AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Hojka, Zdravko
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Prodanović, Radivoj
AU  - Vukić, Milica
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - This paper presents the conditions and possibilities significant resources of  sustainable agriculture and the organic food production system in Serbia. The concept of organic agriculture was considered in the function of the organic food production. The principal characteristics of adjustment of cropping practices and procedures of establishing and realisation of the organic food production are pointed out. Furthermore, biological control in the realisation of the organic agricultural production is indicated. Fundamental procedures of biological control in organic agriculture are related to providing quality of soil, water resources and feed. Moreover, the alternative forms of crop protection products are indicated. Specificities of alternative programmes are studied with the aim to produce organic food. The necessity to adjust the education of producers and experts to perform the organic food production is also indicated.
AB  - U radu se sagledavaju uslovi i mogućnosti značjani resursa održivog razvoja poljoprivrede i sistema organske proizvodnje hrane  u Srbiji. Koncept organske poljoprivrede se izučava u funkciji proizvodnje zdravstveno bezbedne hrane. Ukazuje se na bitne karakteristike prilagođavanja agrotehnoloških postupaka i mera zasnivanja i ostvarivanja organske poljoprivrede i proizvodnje zdravstveno bezbedne hrane. Ističe se značaj biološke kontrole u ostvarivanju organske poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Osnovne mere biološke kontrole u organskoj poljoprivredi povezuju se obezbeđivanjem kvaliteta zemljišta, vodnih resursa i stočne hrane. Ukazuje se i na alternativne vidove primene sredstava za zaštitu bilja.
PB  - Ćaćak : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačku
T2  - Acta Agriculturae Serbica
T1  - Significant resources of sustainable agriculture and organic food production system in Serbia
T1  - Značajni resursi  održive poljoprivrede  i  sistema organske proizvodnje hrane u Srbiji
EP  - 85
IS  - 41
SP  - 65
VL  - 21
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bošković, Jelena and Hojka, Zdravko and Zečević, Veselinka and Prodanović, Radivoj and Vukić, Milica",
year = "2016",
abstract = "This paper presents the conditions and possibilities significant resources of  sustainable agriculture and the organic food production system in Serbia. The concept of organic agriculture was considered in the function of the organic food production. The principal characteristics of adjustment of cropping practices and procedures of establishing and realisation of the organic food production are pointed out. Furthermore, biological control in the realisation of the organic agricultural production is indicated. Fundamental procedures of biological control in organic agriculture are related to providing quality of soil, water resources and feed. Moreover, the alternative forms of crop protection products are indicated. Specificities of alternative programmes are studied with the aim to produce organic food. The necessity to adjust the education of producers and experts to perform the organic food production is also indicated., U radu se sagledavaju uslovi i mogućnosti značjani resursa održivog razvoja poljoprivrede i sistema organske proizvodnje hrane  u Srbiji. Koncept organske poljoprivrede se izučava u funkciji proizvodnje zdravstveno bezbedne hrane. Ukazuje se na bitne karakteristike prilagođavanja agrotehnoloških postupaka i mera zasnivanja i ostvarivanja organske poljoprivrede i proizvodnje zdravstveno bezbedne hrane. Ističe se značaj biološke kontrole u ostvarivanju organske poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Osnovne mere biološke kontrole u organskoj poljoprivredi povezuju se obezbeđivanjem kvaliteta zemljišta, vodnih resursa i stočne hrane. Ukazuje se i na alternativne vidove primene sredstava za zaštitu bilja.",
publisher = "Ćaćak : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačku",
journal = "Acta Agriculturae Serbica",
title = "Significant resources of sustainable agriculture and organic food production system in Serbia, Značajni resursi  održive poljoprivrede  i  sistema organske proizvodnje hrane u Srbiji",
pages = "85-65",
number = "41",
volume = "21",
url = ""
Bošković, J., Hojka, Z., Zečević, V., Prodanović, R.,& Vukić, M.. (2016). Significant resources of sustainable agriculture and organic food production system in Serbia. in Acta Agriculturae Serbica
Ćaćak : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Agronomski fakultet u Čačku., 21(41), 65-85.
Bošković J, Hojka Z, Zečević V, Prodanović R, Vukić M. Significant resources of sustainable agriculture and organic food production system in Serbia. in Acta Agriculturae Serbica. 2016;21(41):65-85. .
Bošković, Jelena, Hojka, Zdravko, Zečević, Veselinka, Prodanović, Radivoj, Vukić, Milica, "Significant resources of sustainable agriculture and organic food production system in Serbia" in Acta Agriculturae Serbica, 21, no. 41 (2016):65-85, .

Supplementary data for article: Torbica A, Tomić J, Drasković M, Dodig D, Bosković J, Zečević V. Utilization of Mixolab for assessment of durum wheat quality dependent on climatic factors. in Journal of Cereal Science

Torbica, Aleksandra; Tomić, Jelena; Drasković, Milana; Dodig, Dejan; Bosković, Jelena; Zečević, Veselinka

(Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London, 2016)

AU  - Torbica, Aleksandra
AU  - Tomić, Jelena
AU  - Drasković, Milana
AU  - Dodig, Dejan
AU  - Bosković, Jelena
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
PY  - 2016
UR  -
PB  - Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London
T2  - Journal of Cereal Science
T1  - Supplementary data for article: Torbica A, Tomić J, Drasković M, Dodig D, Bosković J, Zečević V. Utilization of Mixolab for assessment of durum wheat quality dependent on climatic factors. in Journal of Cereal Science
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Torbica, Aleksandra and Tomić, Jelena and Drasković, Milana and Dodig, Dejan and Bosković, Jelena and Zečević, Veselinka",
year = "2016",
publisher = "Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London",
journal = "Journal of Cereal Science",
title = "Supplementary data for article: Torbica A, Tomić J, Drasković M, Dodig D, Bosković J, Zečević V. Utilization of Mixolab for assessment of durum wheat quality dependent on climatic factors. in Journal of Cereal Science",
url = ""
Torbica, A., Tomić, J., Drasković, M., Dodig, D., Bosković, J.,& Zečević, V.. (2016). Supplementary data for article: Torbica A, Tomić J, Drasković M, Dodig D, Bosković J, Zečević V. Utilization of Mixolab for assessment of durum wheat quality dependent on climatic factors. in Journal of Cereal Science. in Journal of Cereal Science
Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London..
Torbica A, Tomić J, Drasković M, Dodig D, Bosković J, Zečević V. Supplementary data for article: Torbica A, Tomić J, Drasković M, Dodig D, Bosković J, Zečević V. Utilization of Mixolab for assessment of durum wheat quality dependent on climatic factors. in Journal of Cereal Science. in Journal of Cereal Science. 2016;. .
Torbica, Aleksandra, Tomić, Jelena, Drasković, Milana, Dodig, Dejan, Bosković, Jelena, Zečević, Veselinka, "Supplementary data for article: Torbica A, Tomić J, Drasković M, Dodig D, Bosković J, Zečević V. Utilization of Mixolab for assessment of durum wheat quality dependent on climatic factors. in Journal of Cereal Science" in Journal of Cereal Science (2016), .

Utilization of Mixolab for assessment of durum wheat quality dependent on climatic factors

Torbica, Aleksandra; Tomić, Jelena; Drasković, Milana; Dodig, Dejan; Bosković, Jelena; Zečević, Veselinka

(Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London, 2016)

AU  - Torbica, Aleksandra
AU  - Tomić, Jelena
AU  - Drasković, Milana
AU  - Dodig, Dejan
AU  - Bosković, Jelena
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
PY  - 2016
UR  -
AB  - For durum wheat quality assessment the commonly used parameters are protein content, yellow pigment content, hectoliter mass, grain vitreousness, 1000-grain weight and sodium dodecyl sulphate sedimentation. For wheat processing quality, in this study the Mixolab, instrument of a newer generation was used. Mixolab has been largely used for a rapid assessment of the Triticum aestivum quality but there is no a lot of data about durum wheat quality assesment. Therefore, the aim of this work was to test its potential in the quality characterization of fourteen durum wheat breeding lines grown during two production years with different climate conditions. The obtained results showed significant differences in starch-amylase complex part of Mixolab curve between two studied years. Mixolab parameters C3, C4 and C5 were in line with Falling Number values and amylolytic activity of samples. Samples from 2013 production year with higher precipitation sum had lower values of C3, C4 and C5 parameters as well as Falling Number values and higher amylolytic activity. On contrary, protein part of Mixolab curves expressed differences in dependence of genotype. In comparison to the standard parameters of protein and starch quality of durum wheat, Mixolab provides more complete information in a shorter time frame.
PB  - Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London
T2  - Journal of Cereal Science
T1  - Utilization of Mixolab for assessment of durum wheat quality dependent on climatic factors
EP  - 350
SP  - 344
VL  - 69
DO  - 10.1016/j.jcs.2016.04.012
ER  - 
author = "Torbica, Aleksandra and Tomić, Jelena and Drasković, Milana and Dodig, Dejan and Bosković, Jelena and Zečević, Veselinka",
year = "2016",
abstract = "For durum wheat quality assessment the commonly used parameters are protein content, yellow pigment content, hectoliter mass, grain vitreousness, 1000-grain weight and sodium dodecyl sulphate sedimentation. For wheat processing quality, in this study the Mixolab, instrument of a newer generation was used. Mixolab has been largely used for a rapid assessment of the Triticum aestivum quality but there is no a lot of data about durum wheat quality assesment. Therefore, the aim of this work was to test its potential in the quality characterization of fourteen durum wheat breeding lines grown during two production years with different climate conditions. The obtained results showed significant differences in starch-amylase complex part of Mixolab curve between two studied years. Mixolab parameters C3, C4 and C5 were in line with Falling Number values and amylolytic activity of samples. Samples from 2013 production year with higher precipitation sum had lower values of C3, C4 and C5 parameters as well as Falling Number values and higher amylolytic activity. On contrary, protein part of Mixolab curves expressed differences in dependence of genotype. In comparison to the standard parameters of protein and starch quality of durum wheat, Mixolab provides more complete information in a shorter time frame.",
publisher = "Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London",
journal = "Journal of Cereal Science",
title = "Utilization of Mixolab for assessment of durum wheat quality dependent on climatic factors",
pages = "350-344",
volume = "69",
doi = "10.1016/j.jcs.2016.04.012"
Torbica, A., Tomić, J., Drasković, M., Dodig, D., Bosković, J.,& Zečević, V.. (2016). Utilization of Mixolab for assessment of durum wheat quality dependent on climatic factors. in Journal of Cereal Science
Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London., 69, 344-350.
Torbica A, Tomić J, Drasković M, Dodig D, Bosković J, Zečević V. Utilization of Mixolab for assessment of durum wheat quality dependent on climatic factors. in Journal of Cereal Science. 2016;69:344-350.
doi:10.1016/j.jcs.2016.04.012 .
Torbica, Aleksandra, Tomić, Jelena, Drasković, Milana, Dodig, Dejan, Bosković, Jelena, Zečević, Veselinka, "Utilization of Mixolab for assessment of durum wheat quality dependent on climatic factors" in Journal of Cereal Science, 69 (2016):344-350, . .

Effect of Dilute Alkaline Steeping on Mold Contamination, Toxicity, and Quality Parameters of Buckwheat Malt

Jauković, Marko M.; Zečević, Veselinka; Bošković, Jelena; Nikić, Tanja; Prodanović, Lidija; Samailović, Nela

(American Society of Brewing Chemists, 2015)

AU  - Jauković, Marko M.
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Nikić, Tanja
AU  - Prodanović, Lidija
AU  - Samailović, Nela
PY  - 2015
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Steeping in dilute sodium hydroxide (NaOH) was investigated with the primary aim of reducing molds and preventing toxicity of buckwheat malt. Samples of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) obtained from Montenegrin farmers in the mountain area of northern Montenegro were steeped in 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% NaOH. The effects of these solutions on mold contamination, ochratoxin A (OTA), out-of-steep moisture content (SMC), rootlet length, total nitrogen, total soluble nitrogen (TSN), free amino nitrogen (FAN), diastatic power (DP), and color of buckwheat malt were evaluated. Steeping in 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% NaOH reduced the levels of molds from 105 to 103 CFU/g and steeping in 0.2% NaOH destroyed some of the mold genera. Steeping in 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% NaOH reduced the level of OTA, especially in 0.2% NaOH, where the level of OTA after the malting process was below food safety regulations (5 μg/kg), and in 0.3% NaOH, where the level was below the limit of detection (0.1 μg/kg). Steeping in 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% NaOH significantly (P < 0.05) increased levels of SMC, TSN, FAN, DP, wort color, and pH. However, it significantly reduced (P < 0.05) the level of extract and length of rootlets. The level of OTA contamination in stored buckwheat malt, which contained Penicillium genera, significantly increased (P < 0.05) over a period of 60 and 90 days. Steeping in 0.2% NaOH is proposed as a method for the reduction of mold and OTA contamination during buckwheat malting as well as prevention from further OTA production during storage.
PB  - American Society of Brewing Chemists
T2  - Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists
T1  - Effect of Dilute Alkaline Steeping on Mold Contamination, Toxicity, and Quality Parameters of Buckwheat Malt
EP  - 361
IS  - 4
SP  - 357
VL  - 73
DO  - 10.1094/ASBCJ-2015-0823-01
ER  - 
author = "Jauković, Marko M. and Zečević, Veselinka and Bošković, Jelena and Nikić, Tanja and Prodanović, Lidija and Samailović, Nela",
year = "2015",
abstract = "Steeping in dilute sodium hydroxide (NaOH) was investigated with the primary aim of reducing molds and preventing toxicity of buckwheat malt. Samples of common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) obtained from Montenegrin farmers in the mountain area of northern Montenegro were steeped in 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% NaOH. The effects of these solutions on mold contamination, ochratoxin A (OTA), out-of-steep moisture content (SMC), rootlet length, total nitrogen, total soluble nitrogen (TSN), free amino nitrogen (FAN), diastatic power (DP), and color of buckwheat malt were evaluated. Steeping in 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% NaOH reduced the levels of molds from 105 to 103 CFU/g and steeping in 0.2% NaOH destroyed some of the mold genera. Steeping in 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% NaOH reduced the level of OTA, especially in 0.2% NaOH, where the level of OTA after the malting process was below food safety regulations (5 μg/kg), and in 0.3% NaOH, where the level was below the limit of detection (0.1 μg/kg). Steeping in 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3% NaOH significantly (P < 0.05) increased levels of SMC, TSN, FAN, DP, wort color, and pH. However, it significantly reduced (P < 0.05) the level of extract and length of rootlets. The level of OTA contamination in stored buckwheat malt, which contained Penicillium genera, significantly increased (P < 0.05) over a period of 60 and 90 days. Steeping in 0.2% NaOH is proposed as a method for the reduction of mold and OTA contamination during buckwheat malting as well as prevention from further OTA production during storage.",
publisher = "American Society of Brewing Chemists",
journal = "Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists",
title = "Effect of Dilute Alkaline Steeping on Mold Contamination, Toxicity, and Quality Parameters of Buckwheat Malt",
pages = "361-357",
number = "4",
volume = "73",
doi = "10.1094/ASBCJ-2015-0823-01"
Jauković, M. M., Zečević, V., Bošković, J., Nikić, T., Prodanović, L.,& Samailović, N.. (2015). Effect of Dilute Alkaline Steeping on Mold Contamination, Toxicity, and Quality Parameters of Buckwheat Malt. in Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists
American Society of Brewing Chemists., 73(4), 357-361.
Jauković MM, Zečević V, Bošković J, Nikić T, Prodanović L, Samailović N. Effect of Dilute Alkaline Steeping on Mold Contamination, Toxicity, and Quality Parameters of Buckwheat Malt. in Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists. 2015;73(4):357-361.
doi:10.1094/ASBCJ-2015-0823-01 .
Jauković, Marko M., Zečević, Veselinka, Bošković, Jelena, Nikić, Tanja, Prodanović, Lidija, Samailović, Nela, "Effect of Dilute Alkaline Steeping on Mold Contamination, Toxicity, and Quality Parameters of Buckwheat Malt" in Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, 73, no. 4 (2015):357-361, . .

Influence of genotype on yield and quality components of durum wheat in organic production

Matković, Mirela; Bošković, Jelena; Zečević, Veselinka; Knežević, Desimir; Đurić, Nenad

(Zaječar : Faculty of management Zaječar, Republic of Serbia, 2015)

AU  - Matković, Mirela
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
PY  - 2015
UR  -
AB  - This paper presents the results of field experiment conducted in Backa Topola in 2010-2011 year. The aim of research is to review variability of yield and quality components of five durum wheat genotypes in organic production. The lowest variability was presented in test weight (CV=1.12%), while the highest variability was observed in grain weight per spike (CV=25.09%). Significant differences between genotypes have been presented in grain weight per spike, thousand grain weight and test weight. Highly significant and positive correlations were found between all elements of spike. Thousand grain weight was in negative correlation with grain number per spike.
PB  - Zaječar : Faculty of management Zaječar, Republic of Serbia
C3  - Fifth  International Symposium on Natural Resources Management 23rd May, 2015
T1  - Influence of genotype on yield and quality components of durum wheat in organic production
EP  - 22
SP  - 17
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Matković, Mirela and Bošković, Jelena and Zečević, Veselinka and Knežević, Desimir and Đurić, Nenad",
year = "2015",
abstract = "This paper presents the results of field experiment conducted in Backa Topola in 2010-2011 year. The aim of research is to review variability of yield and quality components of five durum wheat genotypes in organic production. The lowest variability was presented in test weight (CV=1.12%), while the highest variability was observed in grain weight per spike (CV=25.09%). Significant differences between genotypes have been presented in grain weight per spike, thousand grain weight and test weight. Highly significant and positive correlations were found between all elements of spike. Thousand grain weight was in negative correlation with grain number per spike.",
publisher = "Zaječar : Faculty of management Zaječar, Republic of Serbia",
journal = "Fifth  International Symposium on Natural Resources Management 23rd May, 2015",
title = "Influence of genotype on yield and quality components of durum wheat in organic production",
pages = "22-17",
url = ""
Matković, M., Bošković, J., Zečević, V., Knežević, D.,& Đurić, N.. (2015). Influence of genotype on yield and quality components of durum wheat in organic production. in Fifth  International Symposium on Natural Resources Management 23rd May, 2015
Zaječar : Faculty of management Zaječar, Republic of Serbia., 17-22.
Matković M, Bošković J, Zečević V, Knežević D, Đurić N. Influence of genotype on yield and quality components of durum wheat in organic production. in Fifth  International Symposium on Natural Resources Management 23rd May, 2015. 2015;:17-22. .
Matković, Mirela, Bošković, Jelena, Zečević, Veselinka, Knežević, Desimir, Đurić, Nenad, "Influence of genotype on yield and quality components of durum wheat in organic production" in Fifth  International Symposium on Natural Resources Management 23rd May, 2015 (2015):17-22, .

Effect of seeding rate on grain quality of winter wheat

Zečević, Veselinka; Bošković, Jelena; Knežević, Desimir; Mićanović, Danica

(Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, 2014)

AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
PY  - 2014
UR  -
AB  - Planting density is important factor which influence yield and quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) For this reason, in scientific investigations is constantly investigated optimization of plant number per unit area. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of seeding rate in grain quality of winter wheat cultivars. The experiment was conducted with four winter wheat genotypes (‘Ana Morava’, ‘Vizija’, ‘L-3027’, and ‘Perla’) at the Small Grains Research Centre of Kragujevac, Serbia, in 3 yr at two seeding rates (SR1 = 500 and SR2 = 650 germinating seeds m-2). The 1000-kernel weight, Zeleny sedimentation, and wet gluten content in divergent wheat genotypes were investigated depending on the seeding rate and ecological factors. Significant differences in quality components were established between investigated seeding rates. The highest values of all investigated quality traits were established in SR2 variant when applied 650 seeds m-2. Genotypes reacted differently to seeding rate. ‘Perla’ in average had the highest mean sedimentation value (42.2 mL) and wet gluten content (33.76%) in SR2 variant and this cultivar responded the best to seeding rate. Significant differences for sedimentation value and wet gluten content were found among cultivars, years, seeding rate, and for all their interactions. Also, ANOVA for 1000-kernel weight showed highly significant differences among investigated varieties, seeding rate and growing seasons, but all their interactions were not significant. In all investigated genotypes, better quality was established in SR2 variant when applied 650 seeds m-2. Key words: Gluten content, 1000-kernel weight, Triticum aestivum, Zeleny sedimentation.
PB  - Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias
T2  - Chilean journal of agricultural research
T1  - Effect of seeding rate on grain quality of winter wheat
EP  - 28
IS  - 1
SP  - 23
VL  - 74
DO  - 10.4067/S0718-58392014000100004
ER  - 
author = "Zečević, Veselinka and Bošković, Jelena and Knežević, Desimir and Mićanović, Danica",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Planting density is important factor which influence yield and quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) For this reason, in scientific investigations is constantly investigated optimization of plant number per unit area. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of seeding rate in grain quality of winter wheat cultivars. The experiment was conducted with four winter wheat genotypes (‘Ana Morava’, ‘Vizija’, ‘L-3027’, and ‘Perla’) at the Small Grains Research Centre of Kragujevac, Serbia, in 3 yr at two seeding rates (SR1 = 500 and SR2 = 650 germinating seeds m-2). The 1000-kernel weight, Zeleny sedimentation, and wet gluten content in divergent wheat genotypes were investigated depending on the seeding rate and ecological factors. Significant differences in quality components were established between investigated seeding rates. The highest values of all investigated quality traits were established in SR2 variant when applied 650 seeds m-2. Genotypes reacted differently to seeding rate. ‘Perla’ in average had the highest mean sedimentation value (42.2 mL) and wet gluten content (33.76%) in SR2 variant and this cultivar responded the best to seeding rate. Significant differences for sedimentation value and wet gluten content were found among cultivars, years, seeding rate, and for all their interactions. Also, ANOVA for 1000-kernel weight showed highly significant differences among investigated varieties, seeding rate and growing seasons, but all their interactions were not significant. In all investigated genotypes, better quality was established in SR2 variant when applied 650 seeds m-2. Key words: Gluten content, 1000-kernel weight, Triticum aestivum, Zeleny sedimentation.",
publisher = "Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias",
journal = "Chilean journal of agricultural research",
title = "Effect of seeding rate on grain quality of winter wheat",
pages = "28-23",
number = "1",
volume = "74",
doi = "10.4067/S0718-58392014000100004"
Zečević, V., Bošković, J., Knežević, D.,& Mićanović, D.. (2014). Effect of seeding rate on grain quality of winter wheat. in Chilean journal of agricultural research
Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias., 74(1), 23-28.
Zečević V, Bošković J, Knežević D, Mićanović D. Effect of seeding rate on grain quality of winter wheat. in Chilean journal of agricultural research. 2014;74(1):23-28.
doi:10.4067/S0718-58392014000100004 .
Zečević, Veselinka, Bošković, Jelena, Knežević, Desimir, Mićanović, Danica, "Effect of seeding rate on grain quality of winter wheat" in Chilean journal of agricultural research, 74, no. 1 (2014):23-28, . .

Influence of cultivar and growing season on quality properties of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Zečević, Veselinka; Bošković, Jelena; Knežević, Desimir; Mićanović, Danica; Milenković, Slobodan

(Academic Journals, 2013)

AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
AU  - Milenković, Slobodan
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Quality of nine winter wheat cultivars (Ana Morava, Aleksandra, Toplica, KG-56S, Kruna, Planeta,
Takovcanka, Vizija and Studenica) was studied in this paper. Field experiment was conducted in three growing seasons (2005/06, 2006/07 and 2007/08) on the experimental field of Small Grains Research Centre of Kragujevac, Serbia. Zeleny sedimentation value, wet gluten content and rheological properties of flour and dough (water absorption, dough development time, dough stability time, and dough softness) were analyzed. There was a significant effect of year on the value of studied quality components of grain and flour. The investigated wheat cultivars had quality at first and second quality class. Farinograph properties have shown that flour of analyzed cultivars belonged to A2 and B1 quality groups. The results showed that the variety Ana Morava, Aleksandra, Toplica and KG-56S hade excellent grain and flour quality. Analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among cultivars, years and its interactions for investigated quality properties.
PB  - Academic Journals
T2  - African Journal of Agricultural Research
T1  - Influence of cultivar and growing season on quality properties of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
EP  - 2550
IS  - 21
SP  - 2545
VL  - 8
DO  - 10.5897/AJAR11.2089
ER  - 
author = "Zečević, Veselinka and Bošković, Jelena and Knežević, Desimir and Mićanović, Danica and Milenković, Slobodan",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Quality of nine winter wheat cultivars (Ana Morava, Aleksandra, Toplica, KG-56S, Kruna, Planeta,
Takovcanka, Vizija and Studenica) was studied in this paper. Field experiment was conducted in three growing seasons (2005/06, 2006/07 and 2007/08) on the experimental field of Small Grains Research Centre of Kragujevac, Serbia. Zeleny sedimentation value, wet gluten content and rheological properties of flour and dough (water absorption, dough development time, dough stability time, and dough softness) were analyzed. There was a significant effect of year on the value of studied quality components of grain and flour. The investigated wheat cultivars had quality at first and second quality class. Farinograph properties have shown that flour of analyzed cultivars belonged to A2 and B1 quality groups. The results showed that the variety Ana Morava, Aleksandra, Toplica and KG-56S hade excellent grain and flour quality. Analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among cultivars, years and its interactions for investigated quality properties.",
publisher = "Academic Journals",
journal = "African Journal of Agricultural Research",
title = "Influence of cultivar and growing season on quality properties of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)",
pages = "2550-2545",
number = "21",
volume = "8",
doi = "10.5897/AJAR11.2089"
Zečević, V., Bošković, J., Knežević, D., Mićanović, D.,& Milenković, S.. (2013). Influence of cultivar and growing season on quality properties of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). in African Journal of Agricultural Research
Academic Journals., 8(21), 2545-2550.
Zečević V, Bošković J, Knežević D, Mićanović D, Milenković S. Influence of cultivar and growing season on quality properties of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). in African Journal of Agricultural Research. 2013;8(21):2545-2550.
doi:10.5897/AJAR11.2089 .
Zečević, Veselinka, Bošković, Jelena, Knežević, Desimir, Mićanović, Danica, Milenković, Slobodan, "Influence of cultivar and growing season on quality properties of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)" in African Journal of Agricultural Research, 8, no. 21 (2013):2545-2550, . .

Assessing ecological aspects of biosafety of genetically modified crops to environment

Bošković, Jelena; Zečević, Veselinka; Galonja-Coghill, Tamara; Matković, Mirela; Trkulja, Nenad; Vukašinović, Dragana

(University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Agronomy, Cacak, 2013)

AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Galonja-Coghill, Tamara
AU  - Matković, Mirela
AU  - Trkulja, Nenad
AU  - Vukašinović, Dragana
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - Biotechnology alongside the introduction of genetically modified (GM) crops is constantly providing new opportunities for increasing crop productivity and tackling problems in agriculture, such as diseases, pests and weeds, abiotic stress and nutritional limitations of stopple food crops. Crops possessing new traits enabling the use in pharmaceutical production are also being generated. As GM crops are being introduced into various locations with different ecosystems, agriculture, biodiversity and agriculture practice, a scientifically based understanding of the environmental effects of GM crops cultivation would assist decision markers worldwide in ensuring environmental safety and sustainability. The main important environmental assessment of GM crops deals with their putative invasiveness, vertical and/or horizontal gene flow, effects on biodiversity and the impact on other products. These investigations are all highly interdisciplinary and complex. This paper deals with some of the most important problems related to entering GM crops into the environment, such as plant protection, ecological effects of HRCs, gene flow, biodiversity, stress, ecological risks of Bt crops, effects on soil ecosystems etc. There is a clear need to further assess the severity, magnitude and scope of risks associated with the massive field deployment of transgenic crops. When assessing GMC inter-relation with the existing cultivars, an increased knowledge base underpinning the development of GMC will provide greater confidence in plant science while assessing the risks and benefits of releasing such crops.
AB  - Biotehnologija uz uvođenje genetski modifikovanih (GM) biljaka konstantno stvara nove mogućnosti povećanja biljne proizvodnje i rešavanja problema u poljoprivredi, kao što su bolesti, štetočine, korovi, abiotički stres i nutritivna ograničenja. Stvaraju se i biljke koje poseduju nove osobine, koje omogućavaju njihovo korištenje u farmaceutskoj proizvodnji. Budući da se GM biljke uvode na različite lokacije okarakterisane raznovrsnim ekosistemima, tipovima poljoprivrede, biodiverzitetom i agrikulturalnom praksom, neophodno je naucno razumevanje efekata uzgoja GM biljaka na životnu sredinu, koje ce obezbediti bezbednost i održivost životne sredine. Najvažnija istraživanja su ona usmerena na invazivnost GM biljaka, vertikalni i horizontalni prenos gena, uticaj na biološku raznovrsnost i na druge proizvode. Ova ispitivanja su veoma složena i multidisciplinarna. Ovaj rad razmatra neke od najvažnijih problema vezanih za uvođenje GM biljaka u životnu sredinu, kao što su zaštita biljaka, ekološki efekti horizontalnog prenosa gena, biodiverzitet, stres, efekti na zemljište itd. Postoji jasna potreba da se dublje istraži veličina i opseg rizika povezanih sa masivnom upotrebom transgenih biljaka. Pri procenjivanju međuodnosa GM biljaka I postojećih sorti, detaljnije poznavanje razvoja GM biljaka će omogućiti jasnije, pouzdanije i preciznije usmerene aktivnosti u biljnim naukama.
PB  - University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Agronomy, Cacak
T2  - Acta agriculturae Serbica
T1  - Assessing ecological aspects of biosafety of genetically modified crops to environment
T1  - Ocenjivanje ekoloških aspekata biološke sigurnosti genetski modifikovanih biljaka po životnu sredinu
EP  - 167
IS  - 36
SP  - 143
VL  - 18
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Bošković, Jelena and Zečević, Veselinka and Galonja-Coghill, Tamara and Matković, Mirela and Trkulja, Nenad and Vukašinović, Dragana",
year = "2013",
abstract = "Biotechnology alongside the introduction of genetically modified (GM) crops is constantly providing new opportunities for increasing crop productivity and tackling problems in agriculture, such as diseases, pests and weeds, abiotic stress and nutritional limitations of stopple food crops. Crops possessing new traits enabling the use in pharmaceutical production are also being generated. As GM crops are being introduced into various locations with different ecosystems, agriculture, biodiversity and agriculture practice, a scientifically based understanding of the environmental effects of GM crops cultivation would assist decision markers worldwide in ensuring environmental safety and sustainability. The main important environmental assessment of GM crops deals with their putative invasiveness, vertical and/or horizontal gene flow, effects on biodiversity and the impact on other products. These investigations are all highly interdisciplinary and complex. This paper deals with some of the most important problems related to entering GM crops into the environment, such as plant protection, ecological effects of HRCs, gene flow, biodiversity, stress, ecological risks of Bt crops, effects on soil ecosystems etc. There is a clear need to further assess the severity, magnitude and scope of risks associated with the massive field deployment of transgenic crops. When assessing GMC inter-relation with the existing cultivars, an increased knowledge base underpinning the development of GMC will provide greater confidence in plant science while assessing the risks and benefits of releasing such crops., Biotehnologija uz uvođenje genetski modifikovanih (GM) biljaka konstantno stvara nove mogućnosti povećanja biljne proizvodnje i rešavanja problema u poljoprivredi, kao što su bolesti, štetočine, korovi, abiotički stres i nutritivna ograničenja. Stvaraju se i biljke koje poseduju nove osobine, koje omogućavaju njihovo korištenje u farmaceutskoj proizvodnji. Budući da se GM biljke uvode na različite lokacije okarakterisane raznovrsnim ekosistemima, tipovima poljoprivrede, biodiverzitetom i agrikulturalnom praksom, neophodno je naucno razumevanje efekata uzgoja GM biljaka na životnu sredinu, koje ce obezbediti bezbednost i održivost životne sredine. Najvažnija istraživanja su ona usmerena na invazivnost GM biljaka, vertikalni i horizontalni prenos gena, uticaj na biološku raznovrsnost i na druge proizvode. Ova ispitivanja su veoma složena i multidisciplinarna. Ovaj rad razmatra neke od najvažnijih problema vezanih za uvođenje GM biljaka u životnu sredinu, kao što su zaštita biljaka, ekološki efekti horizontalnog prenosa gena, biodiverzitet, stres, efekti na zemljište itd. Postoji jasna potreba da se dublje istraži veličina i opseg rizika povezanih sa masivnom upotrebom transgenih biljaka. Pri procenjivanju međuodnosa GM biljaka I postojećih sorti, detaljnije poznavanje razvoja GM biljaka će omogućiti jasnije, pouzdanije i preciznije usmerene aktivnosti u biljnim naukama.",
publisher = "University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Agronomy, Cacak",
journal = "Acta agriculturae Serbica",
title = "Assessing ecological aspects of biosafety of genetically modified crops to environment, Ocenjivanje ekoloških aspekata biološke sigurnosti genetski modifikovanih biljaka po životnu sredinu",
pages = "167-143",
number = "36",
volume = "18",
url = ""
Bošković, J., Zečević, V., Galonja-Coghill, T., Matković, M., Trkulja, N.,& Vukašinović, D.. (2013). Assessing ecological aspects of biosafety of genetically modified crops to environment. in Acta agriculturae Serbica
University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Agronomy, Cacak., 18(36), 143-167.
Bošković J, Zečević V, Galonja-Coghill T, Matković M, Trkulja N, Vukašinović D. Assessing ecological aspects of biosafety of genetically modified crops to environment. in Acta agriculturae Serbica. 2013;18(36):143-167. .
Bošković, Jelena, Zečević, Veselinka, Galonja-Coghill, Tamara, Matković, Mirela, Trkulja, Nenad, Vukašinović, Dragana, "Assessing ecological aspects of biosafety of genetically modified crops to environment" in Acta agriculturae Serbica, 18, no. 36 (2013):143-167, .

Study of some spike characteristics in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Zečević, Veselinka; Bošković, Jelena; Knežević, Desimir; Milenkovć, Slobodan; Mićanović, Danica

(Szeged : University of Szeged, Faculty of Agriculture, 2013)

AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Milenkovć, Slobodan
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
PY  - 2013
UR  -
AB  - In this paper was analyzed genetic and phenotypic variability of the spike length and number of spikelets per spike. Ten winter wheat cultivars (Arsenal, KG-56, Gruza, Mironovskaya 808, Norin 10, Rana Niska, Spartanka, Sterna, Osjecanka, and Szegedi 765) originated from different selection centers and countries were selected for this study. Investigated spike characteristics depended highly by growing seasons and analyzed varieties. Average values for spike length varied from 8.1 cm to 14.5 cm, and for number of spikelets per spike varied from 20.4 to 25.8. The highest average value for spike length was observed in Mironovskaya 808 variety (14.5cm). This variety showed the lowest variability of this property with a coefficient of variation of V = 7.7%. The lowest value of spike length was found in Rana Niska (8.1cm), with a coefficient of variation of V = 14.2%. Heritability in broad sense for spike length was about 98%, and for number of spikelets per spike about 75%. Statistical analysis of variance established highly significant differences in mean values for spike length and number of spikelets per spike. Phenotypic analysis of variance indicated that ecological factors had higher impact on the expression of number of spikelets per spike, but genetic factors had higher impact on the expression of spike length.
PB  - Szeged : University of Szeged, Faculty of Agriculture
T2  - Review on Agriculture and Rural Development (RARD)
T1  - Study of some spike characteristics in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
EP  - 484
IS  - 1
SP  - 478
VL  - 2
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zečević, Veselinka and Bošković, Jelena and Knežević, Desimir and Milenkovć, Slobodan and Mićanović, Danica",
year = "2013",
abstract = "In this paper was analyzed genetic and phenotypic variability of the spike length and number of spikelets per spike. Ten winter wheat cultivars (Arsenal, KG-56, Gruza, Mironovskaya 808, Norin 10, Rana Niska, Spartanka, Sterna, Osjecanka, and Szegedi 765) originated from different selection centers and countries were selected for this study. Investigated spike characteristics depended highly by growing seasons and analyzed varieties. Average values for spike length varied from 8.1 cm to 14.5 cm, and for number of spikelets per spike varied from 20.4 to 25.8. The highest average value for spike length was observed in Mironovskaya 808 variety (14.5cm). This variety showed the lowest variability of this property with a coefficient of variation of V = 7.7%. The lowest value of spike length was found in Rana Niska (8.1cm), with a coefficient of variation of V = 14.2%. Heritability in broad sense for spike length was about 98%, and for number of spikelets per spike about 75%. Statistical analysis of variance established highly significant differences in mean values for spike length and number of spikelets per spike. Phenotypic analysis of variance indicated that ecological factors had higher impact on the expression of number of spikelets per spike, but genetic factors had higher impact on the expression of spike length.",
publisher = "Szeged : University of Szeged, Faculty of Agriculture",
journal = "Review on Agriculture and Rural Development (RARD)",
title = "Study of some spike characteristics in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)",
pages = "484-478",
number = "1",
volume = "2",
url = ""
Zečević, V., Bošković, J., Knežević, D., Milenkovć, S.,& Mićanović, D.. (2013). Study of some spike characteristics in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). in Review on Agriculture and Rural Development (RARD)
Szeged : University of Szeged, Faculty of Agriculture., 2(1), 478-484.
Zečević V, Bošković J, Knežević D, Milenkovć S, Mićanović D. Study of some spike characteristics in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). in Review on Agriculture and Rural Development (RARD). 2013;2(1):478-484. .
Zečević, Veselinka, Bošković, Jelena, Knežević, Desimir, Milenkovć, Slobodan, Mićanović, Danica, "Study of some spike characteristics in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)" in Review on Agriculture and Rural Development (RARD), 2, no. 1 (2013):478-484, .

Effect of environment and genotype on rheological properties of flour and dough of winter wheat

Zečević, Veselinka; Bošković, Jelena; Knežević, Desimir

(Hódmezővásárhely : Szegedi Tudományegyetem Mezőgazdasági Kar, 2011)

AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - Five winter wheat cultivars created in Small Grains Research Centre of Kragujevac (Ana Morava, Toplica, Vizija, Takovčanka and Lazarica) were grown at the macro field trial in three locations (Kragujevac, Sombor and Bačka Topola) during three years (2004-2006). Influence of environment (location and growing season) and genotype on rheological properties of flour and dough (water absorption, dough development time, dough stability time, dough weakness, and mixing tolerance index) were investigated. Analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among investigated cultivars (G), years (Y) and among their interactions (G x Y, G x L, Y x L, G x Y x L) for water absorption of flour. The strongest individual influence for water absorption had location (F=56.032**) and G x Y x L interaction (F=55.712**), and then year (F=45.069**). Farinograph properties have shown that wheat flour on average belonged to A2 and B1 quality group, what means that investigated cultivars had high technological quality.
PB  - Hódmezővásárhely : Szegedi Tudományegyetem Mezőgazdasági Kar
T2  - Agrár- és Vidékfejlesztési Szemle
T1  - Effect of environment and genotype on rheological properties of flour and dough of winter wheat
EP  - 480
IS  - 1: supplement „Traditions, innovation, sustainability”
SP  - 476
VL  - 6
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zečević, Veselinka and Bošković, Jelena and Knežević, Desimir",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Five winter wheat cultivars created in Small Grains Research Centre of Kragujevac (Ana Morava, Toplica, Vizija, Takovčanka and Lazarica) were grown at the macro field trial in three locations (Kragujevac, Sombor and Bačka Topola) during three years (2004-2006). Influence of environment (location and growing season) and genotype on rheological properties of flour and dough (water absorption, dough development time, dough stability time, dough weakness, and mixing tolerance index) were investigated. Analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among investigated cultivars (G), years (Y) and among their interactions (G x Y, G x L, Y x L, G x Y x L) for water absorption of flour. The strongest individual influence for water absorption had location (F=56.032**) and G x Y x L interaction (F=55.712**), and then year (F=45.069**). Farinograph properties have shown that wheat flour on average belonged to A2 and B1 quality group, what means that investigated cultivars had high technological quality.",
publisher = "Hódmezővásárhely : Szegedi Tudományegyetem Mezőgazdasági Kar",
journal = "Agrár- és Vidékfejlesztési Szemle",
title = "Effect of environment and genotype on rheological properties of flour and dough of winter wheat",
pages = "480-476",
number = "1: supplement „Traditions, innovation, sustainability”",
volume = "6",
url = ""
Zečević, V., Bošković, J.,& Knežević, D.. (2011). Effect of environment and genotype on rheological properties of flour and dough of winter wheat. in Agrár- és Vidékfejlesztési Szemle
Hódmezővásárhely : Szegedi Tudományegyetem Mezőgazdasági Kar., 6(1: supplement „Traditions, innovation, sustainability”), 476-480.
Zečević V, Bošković J, Knežević D. Effect of environment and genotype on rheological properties of flour and dough of winter wheat. in Agrár- és Vidékfejlesztési Szemle. 2011;6(1: supplement „Traditions, innovation, sustainability”):476-480. .
Zečević, Veselinka, Bošković, Jelena, Knežević, Desimir, "Effect of environment and genotype on rheological properties of flour and dough of winter wheat" in Agrár- és Vidékfejlesztési Szemle, 6, no. 1: supplement „Traditions, innovation, sustainability” (2011):476-480, .

Stability of yield components in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Dimitrijevic, Miodrag; Knežević, Desimir; Petrovic, Sofija; Zecevic, Veselinka; Boskovic, Jelena; Belic, Milivoj; Pejic, Borivoj; Banjac, Borislav

(Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije, 2011)

AU  - Dimitrijevic, Miodrag
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Petrovic, Sofija
AU  - Zecevic, Veselinka
AU  - Boskovic, Jelena
AU  - Belic, Milivoj
AU  - Pejic, Borivoj
AU  - Banjac, Borislav
PY  - 2011
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Variability and stability of yield components for the large number of   divergent common wheat genotypes originated in different world breeding   institutions were studied. Interaction genotype x environment has been   evaluated, in different environmental conditions. The experiment was   performed using randomized block design in three replications on the   experimental field in different environmental conditions. A total number of   60 plants have been analyzed in the full maturity stage. The analyzed   cultivars showed very significant differences in the average values of   analyzed traits. The significant influence of cultivars, year and their   interaction on expression of traits was found. The effects of each of   analyzed traits on phenotypic variability were different. The most stable   genotypes have been determined for analyzed yield component. On the base of   stability and phenotypic variability the genotypes can be used as parents in   wheat breeding programs.          ,             U radu je ispitivana varijabilnost i stabilnost veceg broja divergentnih   genotipova hlebne psenice poreklom iz programa oplemenjivanja razlicitih   institucija. Procenjena je varijabilnost interakcije genotipa i spoljne   sredine u razlicitim agroekoloskim uslovima gajenja. Eksperiment je   postavljen po slucajnom blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja u razlicitim uslovima   lokaliteta i godina. Ispitivana kvantitativna svojstva 12 sorti psenice su   znacajno varirala pod uticajem geneticke osnove i uslova sredine i iskazale   razlicitu interakciju genotip x spoljna sredina. Utvrdjeni su genotipovi   stabilne reakcije za ispitivane komponente prinosa. Na bazi iskazane   stabilnosti ove sorte mogu da se uzmu u obzir kao roditelji u programima   ukrstanja psenice.
AB  - U radu je ispitivana varijabilnost i stabilnost veceg broja divergentnih
genotipova hlebne pšenice poreklom iz programa oplemenjivanja razlicitih
institucija. Procenjena je varijabilnost interakcije genotipa i spoljne sredine u
rezlicitim agroekološkim uslovima gajenja. Eksperiment je postavljen po slucajnom
blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja u razlicitim uslovima lokaliteta i godina. Ispitivana
kvantitativna svojstva 12 sorti pšenice su znacajno varirala pod uticajem geneticke
osnove i uslova sredine i iskazale razlicitu interakciju genotip x spoljna sredina.
Utvrdeni su genotipovi stabilne reakcije za ispitivane komponente prinosa. Na bazi
iskazane stabilnosti ove sorte mogu da se uzmu u obzir kao roditelji u programima
ukrštanja pšenice.
PB  - Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije
T2  - Genetika
T1  - Stability of yield components in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
T1  - Stabilnost komponenti prinosa pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.)
EP  - 39
IS  - 1
SP  - 29
VL  - 43
DO  - 10.2298/GENSR1101029D
ER  - 
author = "Dimitrijevic, Miodrag and Knežević, Desimir and Petrovic, Sofija and Zecevic, Veselinka and Boskovic, Jelena and Belic, Milivoj and Pejic, Borivoj and Banjac, Borislav",
year = "2011",
abstract = "Variability and stability of yield components for the large number of   divergent common wheat genotypes originated in different world breeding   institutions were studied. Interaction genotype x environment has been   evaluated, in different environmental conditions. The experiment was   performed using randomized block design in three replications on the   experimental field in different environmental conditions. A total number of   60 plants have been analyzed in the full maturity stage. The analyzed   cultivars showed very significant differences in the average values of   analyzed traits. The significant influence of cultivars, year and their   interaction on expression of traits was found. The effects of each of   analyzed traits on phenotypic variability were different. The most stable   genotypes have been determined for analyzed yield component. On the base of   stability and phenotypic variability the genotypes can be used as parents in   wheat breeding programs.          ,             U radu je ispitivana varijabilnost i stabilnost veceg broja divergentnih   genotipova hlebne psenice poreklom iz programa oplemenjivanja razlicitih   institucija. Procenjena je varijabilnost interakcije genotipa i spoljne   sredine u razlicitim agroekoloskim uslovima gajenja. Eksperiment je   postavljen po slucajnom blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja u razlicitim uslovima   lokaliteta i godina. Ispitivana kvantitativna svojstva 12 sorti psenice su   znacajno varirala pod uticajem geneticke osnove i uslova sredine i iskazale   razlicitu interakciju genotip x spoljna sredina. Utvrdjeni su genotipovi   stabilne reakcije za ispitivane komponente prinosa. Na bazi iskazane   stabilnosti ove sorte mogu da se uzmu u obzir kao roditelji u programima   ukrstanja psenice., U radu je ispitivana varijabilnost i stabilnost veceg broja divergentnih
genotipova hlebne pšenice poreklom iz programa oplemenjivanja razlicitih
institucija. Procenjena je varijabilnost interakcije genotipa i spoljne sredine u
rezlicitim agroekološkim uslovima gajenja. Eksperiment je postavljen po slucajnom
blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja u razlicitim uslovima lokaliteta i godina. Ispitivana
kvantitativna svojstva 12 sorti pšenice su znacajno varirala pod uticajem geneticke
osnove i uslova sredine i iskazale razlicitu interakciju genotip x spoljna sredina.
Utvrdeni su genotipovi stabilne reakcije za ispitivane komponente prinosa. Na bazi
iskazane stabilnosti ove sorte mogu da se uzmu u obzir kao roditelji u programima
ukrštanja pšenice.",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije",
journal = "Genetika",
title = "Stability of yield components in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Stabilnost komponenti prinosa pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.)",
pages = "39-29",
number = "1",
volume = "43",
doi = "10.2298/GENSR1101029D"
Dimitrijevic, M., Knežević, D., Petrovic, S., Zecevic, V., Boskovic, J., Belic, M., Pejic, B.,& Banjac, B.. (2011). Stability of yield components in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). in Genetika
Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbije., 43(1), 29-39.
Dimitrijevic M, Knežević D, Petrovic S, Zecevic V, Boskovic J, Belic M, Pejic B, Banjac B. Stability of yield components in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). in Genetika. 2011;43(1):29-39.
doi:10.2298/GENSR1101029D .
Dimitrijevic, Miodrag, Knežević, Desimir, Petrovic, Sofija, Zecevic, Veselinka, Boskovic, Jelena, Belic, Milivoj, Pejic, Borivoj, Banjac, Borislav, "Stability of yield components in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)" in Genetika, 43, no. 1 (2011):29-39, . .

Effect of genotype and pre-sowing fertilization on yield of garden pea

Dozet, Gordana; Bošković, Jelena; Galonja-Coghill, Tamara; Zečević, Veselinka; Cvijanović, Gorica; Jovićević, Dragan; Đukić, Vojin

(Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd, 2011)

AU  - Dozet, Gordana
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Galonja-Coghill, Tamara
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Cvijanović, Gorica
AU  - Jovićević, Dragan
AU  - Đukić, Vojin
PY  - 2011
UR  -
AB  - During the two-year study on the influence of presowing fertilization on growth and development of garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) in three different experimental setups, five genotypes of peas were used, two of Dutch origin and three that were created at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops. The aim of the study was to determine the extent to which different genotypes and complex NPK fertilizer influence the yield per plant. The average yield per plant for both years was 16.86 g. The influence of genotype on grain yield per plant was statistically significant (p lt 0.01). Tamish cultivar showed significantly lower yields during both study years, in comparison with other genotypes tested, except when compared with the Danube cultivar in year 2007. There was no regularity in the influence of pre-sowing fertilization on grain yield per plant. Regression analysis of the pea genotypes, revealed a slight reduction in yield per plant as a function of increased use of complex fertilizer. Grain yield per plant was in high positive correlation (p lt 0.01) with yield components, and with the length of the stem. The number of pods was in strong correlation with grain numbers and weight of pods. Number of grains and the absolute weight were in highly statistically significant correlation with the mass of pods.
AB  - U dvogodišnjem istraživanju ispitivan je uticaj predsetvenog đubrenja u tri različite varijante na rast i razviće kod baštenskog graška (Pisum sativum L.). U radu je korišćeno 5 genotipova graška, od kojih su 3 stvorena na Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu, a 2 su holandskog porekla. Cilj je bio da se ustanovi u kojoj meri različiti genotipovi i kompleksno đubrivo NPK utiče na prinos po biljci kod konzumnog graška. Prosečan prinos po biljci za obe istraživane godine iznosio je 16.86 g. Uticaj genotipa graška na prinos zrna po biljci bio je na nivou statističke značajnosti (p lt 0.01). Sorta Tamish imala je vrlo značajno manji prinos u obe istraživačke godine u poređenju sa ostalim ispitivanim genotipovima, izuzev u odnosu na sortu Danube u 2007. godini. Nije zabeležena pravilnost kod uticaja predsetvenog đubrenja graška na prinos zrna po biljci. Regresiona analiza kod ispitivanih genotipova graška pokazala je da sa povećanjem primenjenog komplesnog đubriva dolazi do neznatnog smanjenja prinosa po biljci. Prinos zrna po biljci bio je u visoko pozitivnoj korelaciji (p lt 0.01) sa komponentama prinosa, kao i sa dužinom stabljike. Broj mahuna je u jakoj korelaciji sa brojem zrna i masom mahuna. Broj zrna i apsolutna masa su u visoko statistički značajnoj korelaciji sa masom mahuna.
PB  - Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd
T2  - Genetika
T1  - Effect of genotype and pre-sowing fertilization on yield of garden pea
T1  - Uticaj genotipa i predsetvenog đubrenja na prinos baštenskog graška
EP  - 238
IS  - 2
SP  - 229
VL  - 43
DO  - 10.2298/GENSR1102229D
ER  - 
author = "Dozet, Gordana and Bošković, Jelena and Galonja-Coghill, Tamara and Zečević, Veselinka and Cvijanović, Gorica and Jovićević, Dragan and Đukić, Vojin",
year = "2011",
abstract = "During the two-year study on the influence of presowing fertilization on growth and development of garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) in three different experimental setups, five genotypes of peas were used, two of Dutch origin and three that were created at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops. The aim of the study was to determine the extent to which different genotypes and complex NPK fertilizer influence the yield per plant. The average yield per plant for both years was 16.86 g. The influence of genotype on grain yield per plant was statistically significant (p lt 0.01). Tamish cultivar showed significantly lower yields during both study years, in comparison with other genotypes tested, except when compared with the Danube cultivar in year 2007. There was no regularity in the influence of pre-sowing fertilization on grain yield per plant. Regression analysis of the pea genotypes, revealed a slight reduction in yield per plant as a function of increased use of complex fertilizer. Grain yield per plant was in high positive correlation (p lt 0.01) with yield components, and with the length of the stem. The number of pods was in strong correlation with grain numbers and weight of pods. Number of grains and the absolute weight were in highly statistically significant correlation with the mass of pods., U dvogodišnjem istraživanju ispitivan je uticaj predsetvenog đubrenja u tri različite varijante na rast i razviće kod baštenskog graška (Pisum sativum L.). U radu je korišćeno 5 genotipova graška, od kojih su 3 stvorena na Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu, a 2 su holandskog porekla. Cilj je bio da se ustanovi u kojoj meri različiti genotipovi i kompleksno đubrivo NPK utiče na prinos po biljci kod konzumnog graška. Prosečan prinos po biljci za obe istraživane godine iznosio je 16.86 g. Uticaj genotipa graška na prinos zrna po biljci bio je na nivou statističke značajnosti (p lt 0.01). Sorta Tamish imala je vrlo značajno manji prinos u obe istraživačke godine u poređenju sa ostalim ispitivanim genotipovima, izuzev u odnosu na sortu Danube u 2007. godini. Nije zabeležena pravilnost kod uticaja predsetvenog đubrenja graška na prinos zrna po biljci. Regresiona analiza kod ispitivanih genotipova graška pokazala je da sa povećanjem primenjenog komplesnog đubriva dolazi do neznatnog smanjenja prinosa po biljci. Prinos zrna po biljci bio je u visoko pozitivnoj korelaciji (p lt 0.01) sa komponentama prinosa, kao i sa dužinom stabljike. Broj mahuna je u jakoj korelaciji sa brojem zrna i masom mahuna. Broj zrna i apsolutna masa su u visoko statistički značajnoj korelaciji sa masom mahuna.",
publisher = "Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd",
journal = "Genetika",
title = "Effect of genotype and pre-sowing fertilization on yield of garden pea, Uticaj genotipa i predsetvenog đubrenja na prinos baštenskog graška",
pages = "238-229",
number = "2",
volume = "43",
doi = "10.2298/GENSR1102229D"
Dozet, G., Bošković, J., Galonja-Coghill, T., Zečević, V., Cvijanović, G., Jovićević, D.,& Đukić, V.. (2011). Effect of genotype and pre-sowing fertilization on yield of garden pea. in Genetika
Društvo genetičara Srbije, Beograd., 43(2), 229-238.
Dozet G, Bošković J, Galonja-Coghill T, Zečević V, Cvijanović G, Jovićević D, Đukić V. Effect of genotype and pre-sowing fertilization on yield of garden pea. in Genetika. 2011;43(2):229-238.
doi:10.2298/GENSR1102229D .
Dozet, Gordana, Bošković, Jelena, Galonja-Coghill, Tamara, Zečević, Veselinka, Cvijanović, Gorica, Jovićević, Dragan, Đukić, Vojin, "Effect of genotype and pre-sowing fertilization on yield of garden pea" in Genetika, 43, no. 2 (2011):229-238, . .

Ecological and genetic variability of wheat quality components

Zečević, Veselinka; Bošković, Jelena; Knežević, Desimir; Mićanović, Danica; Madić, Milomirka

(Univerzitet u Kragujevcu : Prirodno-matematički fakultet Kragujevac, 2010)

AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
AU  - Madić, Milomirka
PY  - 2010
UR  -
UR  -
AB  - Variability of technological quality components (sedimentation value, wet gluten content and flour water absorption) in six winter wheat cultivars (KG-56S, KG-100, Studenica, Takovčanka, Toplica and Lazarica) created in the Small Grains Research Centre of Kragujevac were investigated. Quality components were analysed during seven years (1998-2004) in the cultivars that were present in the macro-trial of Small Grains Research Centre. Standard deviation and coefficient of variation were calculated as indicators of variability. The results showed that the sedimentation value greater variability expressed by years (Cv=19.4%) than by cultivars. (Cv=15.7%). On average sedimentation value had the largest variability, and the lowest water absorption (Cv=4.2%-years; Cv=5.1%-cultivars) of all investigated traits. Wet gluten content expressed high variability by years (Cv=10.3%) and cultivars (Cv=10.4%). Cultivar Lazarica showed the lowest variability for sedimentation value, Studenica for flour water absorption, and cultivar KG-56S for wet gluten content. In these investigations cultivar KG-56S had the largest values for sedimentation value and wet gluten content (55.8 ml and 33.3%, respectively). This cultivar has genetically excellent technological quality.
PB  - Univerzitet u Kragujevcu : Prirodno-matematički fakultet Kragujevac
T2  - Kragujevac Journal of Science
T1  - Ecological and genetic variability of wheat quality components
EP  - 94
SP  - 89
VL  - 32
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Zečević, Veselinka and Bošković, Jelena and Knežević, Desimir and Mićanović, Danica and Madić, Milomirka",
year = "2010",
abstract = "Variability of technological quality components (sedimentation value, wet gluten content and flour water absorption) in six winter wheat cultivars (KG-56S, KG-100, Studenica, Takovčanka, Toplica and Lazarica) created in the Small Grains Research Centre of Kragujevac were investigated. Quality components were analysed during seven years (1998-2004) in the cultivars that were present in the macro-trial of Small Grains Research Centre. Standard deviation and coefficient of variation were calculated as indicators of variability. The results showed that the sedimentation value greater variability expressed by years (Cv=19.4%) than by cultivars. (Cv=15.7%). On average sedimentation value had the largest variability, and the lowest water absorption (Cv=4.2%-years; Cv=5.1%-cultivars) of all investigated traits. Wet gluten content expressed high variability by years (Cv=10.3%) and cultivars (Cv=10.4%). Cultivar Lazarica showed the lowest variability for sedimentation value, Studenica for flour water absorption, and cultivar KG-56S for wet gluten content. In these investigations cultivar KG-56S had the largest values for sedimentation value and wet gluten content (55.8 ml and 33.3%, respectively). This cultivar has genetically excellent technological quality.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Kragujevcu : Prirodno-matematički fakultet Kragujevac",
journal = "Kragujevac Journal of Science",
title = "Ecological and genetic variability of wheat quality components",
pages = "94-89",
volume = "32",
url = ""
Zečević, V., Bošković, J., Knežević, D., Mićanović, D.,& Madić, M.. (2010). Ecological and genetic variability of wheat quality components. in Kragujevac Journal of Science
Univerzitet u Kragujevcu : Prirodno-matematički fakultet Kragujevac., 32, 89-94.
Zečević V, Bošković J, Knežević D, Mićanović D, Madić M. Ecological and genetic variability of wheat quality components. in Kragujevac Journal of Science. 2010;32:89-94. .
Zečević, Veselinka, Bošković, Jelena, Knežević, Desimir, Mićanović, Danica, Madić, Milomirka, "Ecological and genetic variability of wheat quality components" in Kragujevac Journal of Science, 32 (2010):89-94, .