Czekus, Borisz G.

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Authority KeyName Variants
  • Czekus, Borisz G. (3)
  • Cekuš, Boris (1)
  • Czekus, Boris (1)
  • Цекуш, Борис (1)

Author's Bibliography

Production of Puno and Titicaca quinoa cultivars - cost benefit analysis

Savić, Slađana; Czekus, Boris; Gregorić, Eniko; Đuričin, Sonja; Matović, Bojana

(Bucharest : The Bucharest University, 2021)

AU  - Savić, Slađana
AU  - Czekus, Boris
AU  - Gregorić, Eniko
AU  - Đuričin, Sonja
AU  - Matović, Bojana
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - The aim of the paper is to test the effect of climatic conditions and management practices on the yield of two quinoa cultivars (Puno and Titicaca) and to analyze the economic benefits of quinoa productivity. The experiments were carried out during the 2017 and 2019 growing seasons in rain-fed conditions on a Serbian farm. The results of the two-year long experiments proved that the growing of the quinoa cultivar Puno and particularly the cultivar Titicaca in the agro-ecological conditions of Serbia would be remarkably successful from the aspect of agronomy (with the obtained average yield of 2.5 t ha-1) as well as from the aspect of economy (with the achieved average profit of 9,411 € ha-1). The obtained profit values indicate that the quinoa production in the Republic of Serbia would be more cost-effective than the production of the field crops which are already produced, particularly in the increasingly present arid conditions.
PB  - Bucharest : The Bucharest University
T2  - Romanian Biotechnological Letters
T1  - Production of Puno and Titicaca quinoa cultivars - cost benefit analysis
EP  - 2963
IS  - 5
SP  - 2953
VL  - 26
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Savić, Slađana and Czekus, Boris and Gregorić, Eniko and Đuričin, Sonja and Matović, Bojana",
year = "2021",
abstract = "The aim of the paper is to test the effect of climatic conditions and management practices on the yield of two quinoa cultivars (Puno and Titicaca) and to analyze the economic benefits of quinoa productivity. The experiments were carried out during the 2017 and 2019 growing seasons in rain-fed conditions on a Serbian farm. The results of the two-year long experiments proved that the growing of the quinoa cultivar Puno and particularly the cultivar Titicaca in the agro-ecological conditions of Serbia would be remarkably successful from the aspect of agronomy (with the obtained average yield of 2.5 t ha-1) as well as from the aspect of economy (with the achieved average profit of 9,411 € ha-1). The obtained profit values indicate that the quinoa production in the Republic of Serbia would be more cost-effective than the production of the field crops which are already produced, particularly in the increasingly present arid conditions.",
publisher = "Bucharest : The Bucharest University",
journal = "Romanian Biotechnological Letters",
title = "Production of Puno and Titicaca quinoa cultivars - cost benefit analysis",
pages = "2963-2953",
number = "5",
volume = "26",
url = ""
Savić, S., Czekus, B., Gregorić, E., Đuričin, S.,& Matović, B.. (2021). Production of Puno and Titicaca quinoa cultivars - cost benefit analysis. in Romanian Biotechnological Letters
Bucharest : The Bucharest University., 26(5), 2953-2963.
Savić S, Czekus B, Gregorić E, Đuričin S, Matović B. Production of Puno and Titicaca quinoa cultivars - cost benefit analysis. in Romanian Biotechnological Letters. 2021;26(5):2953-2963. .
Savić, Slađana, Czekus, Boris, Gregorić, Eniko, Đuričin, Sonja, Matović, Bojana, "Production of Puno and Titicaca quinoa cultivars - cost benefit analysis" in Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 26, no. 5 (2021):2953-2963, .

Морфолошке карактеристике биљака квиноје гајене у агроеколошким условима Србије

Савић, Слађана; Цекуш, Борис; Петровић, Ивана; Јовановић, Зорица; Марјановић, Милена; Гавриловић, Марија; Ђорђевић, Радиша

(Смедеревска Паланка : Институт за повртарство, 2021)

AU  - Савић, Слађана
AU  - Цекуш, Борис
AU  - Петровић, Ивана
AU  - Јовановић, Зорица
AU  - Марјановић, Милена
AU  - Гавриловић, Марија
AU  - Ђорђевић, Радиша
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Циљ овог рада је био да се испитају морфолошке карактеристике
и принос биљака две сорте квиноје (Puno и Titicaca) у
агроеколошким условима Србије при различитим густинама сетве.
Експеримент je изведен током вегетационе сезоне 2019. године на
огледном пољу у близини Суботице на подручју између севернe
географскe ширинe од 46° 7' и источне географске дужине од 19° 4'.
Величина главне парцеле била је 12 m2, а експеримент је постављен
у систему сплит-сплит плот-а, са четири понављања. Растојање
између редова је било 50 cm, а између биљака у реду 2 cm, 5 cm и 10
cm. Mерени су следећи параметри: висина биљака, број бочних
грана, биомаса и принос. Наши резултати су показали да су густина
сетве и генотип имали утицаја на испитиване параметре. Постигнут
принос у поређењу са резултатима других европских земаља је био
задовољавајући тако да би производња квиноје могла бити
исплатива у постојећим агроеколошким условима.
AB  - The aim of this study was to investigate the morphological
characteristics and yield of plants of two varieties of quinoa (Puno and
Titicaca) in agroecological conditions of Serbia at different sowing
densities. The experiment was performed during the vegetation season in
2019 on an experimental field near Subotica in the area between the
northern latitude of 46° 7' and the eastern longitude of 19° 4'. The size of
the main plot was 12 m2, and the experiment was set up in a split-split
plot system, with four replications. The distance between the rows was 50
cm, and between the plants in a row 2 cm, 5 cm and 10 cm. The
following parameters were measured: plant height, number of side
branches, biomass and yield. Our results showed that sowing density and
genotype had an influence on the investigation parameters. The achieved
yield compared to the results of other European countries was satisfactory
so that quinoa production could be profitable in the existing
agroecological conditions.
PB  - Смедеревска Паланка : Институт за повртарство
C3  - Биотехнологија и савремени приступ у гајењу и оплемењивању биља, научно-стручни скуп са међународним учешћем, Зборник радова, Смедеревска Паланка, 15. децембар
T1  - Морфолошке карактеристике биљака квиноје гајене у агроеколошким условима Србије
T1  - Morphological characteristics of quinoa cultivated plants in agroecological conditions of Serbia
EP  - 276
SP  - 269
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Савић, Слађана and Цекуш, Борис and Петровић, Ивана and Јовановић, Зорица and Марјановић, Милена and Гавриловић, Марија and Ђорђевић, Радиша",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Циљ овог рада је био да се испитају морфолошке карактеристике
и принос биљака две сорте квиноје (Puno и Titicaca) у
агроеколошким условима Србије при различитим густинама сетве.
Експеримент je изведен током вегетационе сезоне 2019. године на
огледном пољу у близини Суботице на подручју између севернe
географскe ширинe од 46° 7' и источне географске дужине од 19° 4'.
Величина главне парцеле била је 12 m2, а експеримент је постављен
у систему сплит-сплит плот-а, са четири понављања. Растојање
између редова је било 50 cm, а између биљака у реду 2 cm, 5 cm и 10
cm. Mерени су следећи параметри: висина биљака, број бочних
грана, биомаса и принос. Наши резултати су показали да су густина
сетве и генотип имали утицаја на испитиване параметре. Постигнут
принос у поређењу са резултатима других европских земаља је био
задовољавајући тако да би производња квиноје могла бити
исплатива у постојећим агроеколошким условима., The aim of this study was to investigate the morphological
characteristics and yield of plants of two varieties of quinoa (Puno and
Titicaca) in agroecological conditions of Serbia at different sowing
densities. The experiment was performed during the vegetation season in
2019 on an experimental field near Subotica in the area between the
northern latitude of 46° 7' and the eastern longitude of 19° 4'. The size of
the main plot was 12 m2, and the experiment was set up in a split-split
plot system, with four replications. The distance between the rows was 50
cm, and between the plants in a row 2 cm, 5 cm and 10 cm. The
following parameters were measured: plant height, number of side
branches, biomass and yield. Our results showed that sowing density and
genotype had an influence on the investigation parameters. The achieved
yield compared to the results of other European countries was satisfactory
so that quinoa production could be profitable in the existing
agroecological conditions.",
publisher = "Смедеревска Паланка : Институт за повртарство",
journal = "Биотехнологија и савремени приступ у гајењу и оплемењивању биља, научно-стручни скуп са међународним учешћем, Зборник радова, Смедеревска Паланка, 15. децембар",
title = "Морфолошке карактеристике биљака квиноје гајене у агроеколошким условима Србије, Morphological characteristics of quinoa cultivated plants in agroecological conditions of Serbia",
pages = "276-269",
url = ""
Савић, С., Цекуш, Б., Петровић, И., Јовановић, З., Марјановић, М., Гавриловић, М.,& Ђорђевић, Р.. (2021). Морфолошке карактеристике биљака квиноје гајене у агроеколошким условима Србије. in Биотехнологија и савремени приступ у гајењу и оплемењивању биља, научно-стручни скуп са међународним учешћем, Зборник радова, Смедеревска Паланка, 15. децембар
Смедеревска Паланка : Институт за повртарство., 269-276.
Савић С, Цекуш Б, Петровић И, Јовановић З, Марјановић М, Гавриловић М, Ђорђевић Р. Морфолошке карактеристике биљака квиноје гајене у агроеколошким условима Србије. in Биотехнологија и савремени приступ у гајењу и оплемењивању биља, научно-стручни скуп са међународним учешћем, Зборник радова, Смедеревска Паланка, 15. децембар. 2021;:269-276. .
Савић, Слађана, Цекуш, Борис, Петровић, Ивана, Јовановић, Зорица, Марјановић, Милена, Гавриловић, Марија, Ђорђевић, Радиша, "Морфолошке карактеристике биљака квиноје гајене у агроеколошким условима Србије" in Биотехнологија и савремени приступ у гајењу и оплемењивању биља, научно-стручни скуп са међународним учешћем, Зборник радова, Смедеревска Паланка, 15. децембар (2021):269-276, .

Polyphenolic profiles, antioxidant, and in vitro anticancer activities of the seeds of Puno and Titicaca quinoa cultivars

Stikić, Radmila; Milincić, Danijel D.; Kostić, Aleksandar; Jovanović, Zorica; Gašić, Uroš M.; Tešić, Živoslav; Đorđević, Nataša Z.; Savić, Slađana; Czekus, Borisz G.; Pešić, Mirjana

(Wiley, Hoboken, 2020)

AU  - Stikić, Radmila
AU  - Milincić, Danijel D.
AU  - Kostić, Aleksandar
AU  - Jovanović, Zorica
AU  - Gašić, Uroš M.
AU  - Tešić, Živoslav
AU  - Đorđević, Nataša Z.
AU  - Savić, Slađana
AU  - Czekus, Borisz G.
AU  - Pešić, Mirjana
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - BACKGROUND:  and objectives Quinoa is considered to be a "natural functional food" due to a lot of bioactive compounds that are beneficial for human health by helping prevent the risks of different diseases. The aim of this study was to test the health-promoting characteristics of Puno and Titicaca quinoa seeds grown in Serbia by assessing their phenolic and flavonoid content, antioxidant activities, and potential anticancer effect on human colorectal cancer cells. Findings Thirteen phenolic compounds were identified and quantified in the seeds of both cultivars, but their profile and concentration of individual phenolic compounds differed. Cytotoxic activities were present in both cultivars, whereas the pronounced concentration and time-dependent effects were more expressed in Puno extracts. Conclusions The extracts of the seeds of both cultivars are a rich source of phenolic and flavonoid compounds and with high antioxidant activities. Potent anticancer activity against the human colorectal cancer was expressed in both investigated cultivars. Significance and novelty The study confirmed the health benefit potential of Puno and Titicaca quinoa cultivars, grown in Serbia. These results are the first to demonstrate a potent anticancer activity of quinoa seed extract against the human colorectal cancer cell line HCT-116, as well as the presence of 7 new phenolic and flavonoid compounds.
PB  - Wiley, Hoboken
T2  - Cereal Chemistry
T1  - Polyphenolic profiles, antioxidant, and in vitro anticancer activities of the seeds of Puno and Titicaca quinoa cultivars
EP  - 633
IS  - 3
SP  - 626
VL  - 97
DO  - 10.1002/cche.10278
ER  - 
author = "Stikić, Radmila and Milincić, Danijel D. and Kostić, Aleksandar and Jovanović, Zorica and Gašić, Uroš M. and Tešić, Živoslav and Đorđević, Nataša Z. and Savić, Slađana and Czekus, Borisz G. and Pešić, Mirjana",
year = "2020",
abstract = "BACKGROUND:  and objectives Quinoa is considered to be a "natural functional food" due to a lot of bioactive compounds that are beneficial for human health by helping prevent the risks of different diseases. The aim of this study was to test the health-promoting characteristics of Puno and Titicaca quinoa seeds grown in Serbia by assessing their phenolic and flavonoid content, antioxidant activities, and potential anticancer effect on human colorectal cancer cells. Findings Thirteen phenolic compounds were identified and quantified in the seeds of both cultivars, but their profile and concentration of individual phenolic compounds differed. Cytotoxic activities were present in both cultivars, whereas the pronounced concentration and time-dependent effects were more expressed in Puno extracts. Conclusions The extracts of the seeds of both cultivars are a rich source of phenolic and flavonoid compounds and with high antioxidant activities. Potent anticancer activity against the human colorectal cancer was expressed in both investigated cultivars. Significance and novelty The study confirmed the health benefit potential of Puno and Titicaca quinoa cultivars, grown in Serbia. These results are the first to demonstrate a potent anticancer activity of quinoa seed extract against the human colorectal cancer cell line HCT-116, as well as the presence of 7 new phenolic and flavonoid compounds.",
publisher = "Wiley, Hoboken",
journal = "Cereal Chemistry",
title = "Polyphenolic profiles, antioxidant, and in vitro anticancer activities of the seeds of Puno and Titicaca quinoa cultivars",
pages = "633-626",
number = "3",
volume = "97",
doi = "10.1002/cche.10278"
Stikić, R., Milincić, D. D., Kostić, A., Jovanović, Z., Gašić, U. M., Tešić, Ž., Đorđević, N. Z., Savić, S., Czekus, B. G.,& Pešić, M.. (2020). Polyphenolic profiles, antioxidant, and in vitro anticancer activities of the seeds of Puno and Titicaca quinoa cultivars. in Cereal Chemistry
Wiley, Hoboken., 97(3), 626-633.
Stikić R, Milincić DD, Kostić A, Jovanović Z, Gašić UM, Tešić Ž, Đorđević NZ, Savić S, Czekus BG, Pešić M. Polyphenolic profiles, antioxidant, and in vitro anticancer activities of the seeds of Puno and Titicaca quinoa cultivars. in Cereal Chemistry. 2020;97(3):626-633.
doi:10.1002/cche.10278 .
Stikić, Radmila, Milincić, Danijel D., Kostić, Aleksandar, Jovanović, Zorica, Gašić, Uroš M., Tešić, Živoslav, Đorđević, Nataša Z., Savić, Slađana, Czekus, Borisz G., Pešić, Mirjana, "Polyphenolic profiles, antioxidant, and in vitro anticancer activities of the seeds of Puno and Titicaca quinoa cultivars" in Cereal Chemistry, 97, no. 3 (2020):626-633, . .

Yield and content of starch and protein in the seed of the quinoa genotypes puno and titicaca

Savić, Slađana; Czekus, Borisz G.; Petrović, Ivana; Marjanović, Milena; Jovanović, Zorica; Stikić, Radmila

(East Sarajevo : Faculty of Agriculture, 2019)

AU  - Savić, Slađana
AU  - Czekus, Borisz G.
AU  - Petrović, Ivana
AU  - Marjanović, Milena
AU  - Jovanović, Zorica
AU  - Stikić, Radmila
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is considered as a very important agricultural crop due
to its nutritional value and tolerance to different stress factors. The aim of this study was to
investigate the differences in yield, the content of starch and protein in the seed of two
introduced genotypes of quinoa (Puno and Titicaca) and the possibility of their cultivation in
Serbian agroecological conditions. The experiment was carried out during the 2017 growing
season in the rain-fed condition in Subotica, Republic of Serbia. The seeds were sowed in the
first part of April. Sowing was done at a depth of 2 centimeters, the distance between the rows
was 50 cm and between the plants in the row 5 cm. The crops were harvested in the first half
of August when quinoa seeds were mature and the amount of moisture in seed was 12%. The
harvest of Puno and Titicaca seeds was made by hand. The content of crude proteins was
determined according to the Kjeldahl method, while for starch measurement the Ewers
polarimetric method was used. Obtained results showed that the yield of plants Titicaca
genotype (24.4 g/plant) was higher compared to the yield of plants Puno genotype (21.3
g/plant). Our results did not show significantly different values in protein content between the
seeds of Puno (14.1%) and Titicaca (14.0%). Also, the seeds of Titicaca and Puno contained
similar starch content (54.1 and 55.6%, respectively). These results indicate that both
investigation genotypes can be grown in Serbian agroecological conditions.
PB  - East Sarajevo : Faculty of Agriculture
C3  - Book of Proceedings X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium Agrosym 2019, Jahorina, October 03 - 06, 2019
T1  - Yield and content of starch and protein in the seed of the quinoa genotypes puno and titicaca
EP  - 541
SP  - 537
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Savić, Slađana and Czekus, Borisz G. and Petrović, Ivana and Marjanović, Milena and Jovanović, Zorica and Stikić, Radmila",
year = "2019",
abstract = "Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is considered as a very important agricultural crop due
to its nutritional value and tolerance to different stress factors. The aim of this study was to
investigate the differences in yield, the content of starch and protein in the seed of two
introduced genotypes of quinoa (Puno and Titicaca) and the possibility of their cultivation in
Serbian agroecological conditions. The experiment was carried out during the 2017 growing
season in the rain-fed condition in Subotica, Republic of Serbia. The seeds were sowed in the
first part of April. Sowing was done at a depth of 2 centimeters, the distance between the rows
was 50 cm and between the plants in the row 5 cm. The crops were harvested in the first half
of August when quinoa seeds were mature and the amount of moisture in seed was 12%. The
harvest of Puno and Titicaca seeds was made by hand. The content of crude proteins was
determined according to the Kjeldahl method, while for starch measurement the Ewers
polarimetric method was used. Obtained results showed that the yield of plants Titicaca
genotype (24.4 g/plant) was higher compared to the yield of plants Puno genotype (21.3
g/plant). Our results did not show significantly different values in protein content between the
seeds of Puno (14.1%) and Titicaca (14.0%). Also, the seeds of Titicaca and Puno contained
similar starch content (54.1 and 55.6%, respectively). These results indicate that both
investigation genotypes can be grown in Serbian agroecological conditions.",
publisher = "East Sarajevo : Faculty of Agriculture",
journal = "Book of Proceedings X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium Agrosym 2019, Jahorina, October 03 - 06, 2019",
title = "Yield and content of starch and protein in the seed of the quinoa genotypes puno and titicaca",
pages = "541-537",
url = ""
Savić, S., Czekus, B. G., Petrović, I., Marjanović, M., Jovanović, Z.,& Stikić, R.. (2019). Yield and content of starch and protein in the seed of the quinoa genotypes puno and titicaca. in Book of Proceedings X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium Agrosym 2019, Jahorina, October 03 - 06, 2019
East Sarajevo : Faculty of Agriculture., 537-541.
Savić S, Czekus BG, Petrović I, Marjanović M, Jovanović Z, Stikić R. Yield and content of starch and protein in the seed of the quinoa genotypes puno and titicaca. in Book of Proceedings X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium Agrosym 2019, Jahorina, October 03 - 06, 2019. 2019;:537-541. .
Savić, Slađana, Czekus, Borisz G., Petrović, Ivana, Marjanović, Milena, Jovanović, Zorica, Stikić, Radmila, "Yield and content of starch and protein in the seed of the quinoa genotypes puno and titicaca" in Book of Proceedings X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium Agrosym 2019, Jahorina, October 03 - 06, 2019 (2019):537-541, .

Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy application to the Puno and Titicaca cvs. of quinoa seed microstructure and perisperm characterization

Czekus, Borisz G.; Pećinar, Ilinka; Petrović, Ivana; Paunović, Novica; Savić, Slađana; Jovanović, Zorica; Stikić, Radmila

(Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London, 2019)

AU  - Czekus, Borisz G.
AU  - Pećinar, Ilinka
AU  - Petrović, Ivana
AU  - Paunović, Novica
AU  - Savić, Slađana
AU  - Jovanović, Zorica
AU  - Stikić, Radmila
PY  - 2019
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this study was to investigate the quinoa fruit and seed microstructure, as well as to determine the qualitative composition of quinoa whole seed spatial localisation of food reserves in cultivars Puno and Titicaca using two complementary spectroscopic techniques (Fourier Transform infrared and Raman). The analyses of the seeds also included measurements of the crude proteins and starch contents. The experiment was carried out during the 2016 growing season in rain-fed conditions in the north of Serbia. The analysis of the scores of the principal components based on the Raman spectra revealed two groups in both seed parts (cotyledons and perisperm). The analysis of the loadings highlighted the spectrum region that contributed to the differentiation, e.g. the band at 472 cm(-1) was related to the amylopectin content in the perisperm region. As for the cotyledons, the spectral range from 1100 to 1650 cm(-1) was responsible for genotype differences and it included both the most important bands derived from Amide I, II and quinoa protein with globoid crystals composed of phytin. IR analysis, similar to the analyses of the crude proteins and starch contents in the seeds, failed to reveal any differences in biochemical composition between two analyzed genotypes.
PB  - Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London
T2  - Journal of Cereal Science
T1  - Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy application to the Puno and Titicaca cvs. of quinoa seed microstructure and perisperm characterization
EP  - 30
SP  - 25
VL  - 87
DO  - 10.1016/j.jcs.2019.02.011
ER  - 
author = "Czekus, Borisz G. and Pećinar, Ilinka and Petrović, Ivana and Paunović, Novica and Savić, Slađana and Jovanović, Zorica and Stikić, Radmila",
year = "2019",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to investigate the quinoa fruit and seed microstructure, as well as to determine the qualitative composition of quinoa whole seed spatial localisation of food reserves in cultivars Puno and Titicaca using two complementary spectroscopic techniques (Fourier Transform infrared and Raman). The analyses of the seeds also included measurements of the crude proteins and starch contents. The experiment was carried out during the 2016 growing season in rain-fed conditions in the north of Serbia. The analysis of the scores of the principal components based on the Raman spectra revealed two groups in both seed parts (cotyledons and perisperm). The analysis of the loadings highlighted the spectrum region that contributed to the differentiation, e.g. the band at 472 cm(-1) was related to the amylopectin content in the perisperm region. As for the cotyledons, the spectral range from 1100 to 1650 cm(-1) was responsible for genotype differences and it included both the most important bands derived from Amide I, II and quinoa protein with globoid crystals composed of phytin. IR analysis, similar to the analyses of the crude proteins and starch contents in the seeds, failed to reveal any differences in biochemical composition between two analyzed genotypes.",
publisher = "Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London",
journal = "Journal of Cereal Science",
title = "Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy application to the Puno and Titicaca cvs. of quinoa seed microstructure and perisperm characterization",
pages = "30-25",
volume = "87",
doi = "10.1016/j.jcs.2019.02.011"
Czekus, B. G., Pećinar, I., Petrović, I., Paunović, N., Savić, S., Jovanović, Z.,& Stikić, R.. (2019). Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy application to the Puno and Titicaca cvs. of quinoa seed microstructure and perisperm characterization. in Journal of Cereal Science
Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London., 87, 25-30.
Czekus BG, Pećinar I, Petrović I, Paunović N, Savić S, Jovanović Z, Stikić R. Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy application to the Puno and Titicaca cvs. of quinoa seed microstructure and perisperm characterization. in Journal of Cereal Science. 2019;87:25-30.
doi:10.1016/j.jcs.2019.02.011 .
Czekus, Borisz G., Pećinar, Ilinka, Petrović, Ivana, Paunović, Novica, Savić, Slađana, Jovanović, Zorica, Stikić, Radmila, "Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy application to the Puno and Titicaca cvs. of quinoa seed microstructure and perisperm characterization" in Journal of Cereal Science, 87 (2019):25-30, . .

Гајење квиноје (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) у агроеколошким условима Србије

Cekuš, Boris; Savić, Slađana; Cekuš, Geza; Petrović, Ivana; Jovanović, Zorica; Stikić, Radmila; Marjanović, Milena; Đorđević, Slaviša

(Београд : Мегатренд универзитет Београд, Факултет за биофарминг Бачка Топола, 2018)

AU  - Cekuš, Boris
AU  - Savić, Slađana
AU  - Cekuš, Geza
AU  - Petrović, Ivana
AU  - Jovanović, Zorica
AU  - Stikić, Radmila
AU  - Marjanović, Milena
AU  - Đorđević, Slaviša
PY  - 2018
UR  -
AB  - Током 2016. и 2017. године изведени су огледи са интродукованим сортама квиноје Puno и Titicaca у Суботици, Република Србија. У 2016-ој години оглед је постављен у две густине (5 и 10 cm), а у 2017-ој години у три густине (2,5 и 10 cm). Обе сорте су дале стабилан принос. Влажна 2016. година више је одговарала ређем склопу, док сушна 2017. гушћем склопу биљака. При већим количинама падавина сорта Puno је била приноснија и у просеку је продуковала 59 g сувог семена по биљци. У сушнијим условима није било значајне разлике у приносу ове две сорте.
AB  - During 2016 and 2017, we carried out experiments with introduced varieties of quinoa Puno and Titicaca in Subotica, Republic of Serbia. In 2016 the experimental seeds were planted in two densities (5 and 10 cm), and in 2017 in three densities (2,5 and 10 cm). Both varieties yielded a stable yield. The humid 2016 year was more favourable to the low-density plants, while the dry season of 2017 was more favourable to the more densely planted quinoa. With larger quantities of rainfall, the Puno variety is higher yielding, and on average it produced 59 g of dry seed per plant. Under drier conditions there was no significant difference in the yield of these two varieties.
PB  - Београд : Мегатренд универзитет Београд, Факултет за биофарминг Бачка Топола
C3  - Зборник радова Први домаћи научно стручни скуп Одржива примарна пољопривредна производња у Србији - стање, могућности, ограничења и шансе, Бачка Топола, 26. октобар, 2018
T1  - Гајење квиноје (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) у агроеколошким условима Србије
T1  - Growing of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in agroecological conditions of Serbia
EP  - 36
SP  - 29
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Cekuš, Boris and Savić, Slađana and Cekuš, Geza and Petrović, Ivana and Jovanović, Zorica and Stikić, Radmila and Marjanović, Milena and Đorđević, Slaviša",
year = "2018",
abstract = "Током 2016. и 2017. године изведени су огледи са интродукованим сортама квиноје Puno и Titicaca у Суботици, Република Србија. У 2016-ој години оглед је постављен у две густине (5 и 10 cm), а у 2017-ој години у три густине (2,5 и 10 cm). Обе сорте су дале стабилан принос. Влажна 2016. година више је одговарала ређем склопу, док сушна 2017. гушћем склопу биљака. При већим количинама падавина сорта Puno је била приноснија и у просеку је продуковала 59 g сувог семена по биљци. У сушнијим условима није било значајне разлике у приносу ове две сорте., During 2016 and 2017, we carried out experiments with introduced varieties of quinoa Puno and Titicaca in Subotica, Republic of Serbia. In 2016 the experimental seeds were planted in two densities (5 and 10 cm), and in 2017 in three densities (2,5 and 10 cm). Both varieties yielded a stable yield. The humid 2016 year was more favourable to the low-density plants, while the dry season of 2017 was more favourable to the more densely planted quinoa. With larger quantities of rainfall, the Puno variety is higher yielding, and on average it produced 59 g of dry seed per plant. Under drier conditions there was no significant difference in the yield of these two varieties.",
publisher = "Београд : Мегатренд универзитет Београд, Факултет за биофарминг Бачка Топола",
journal = "Зборник радова Први домаћи научно стручни скуп Одржива примарна пољопривредна производња у Србији - стање, могућности, ограничења и шансе, Бачка Топола, 26. октобар, 2018",
title = "Гајење квиноје (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) у агроеколошким условима Србије, Growing of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in agroecological conditions of Serbia",
pages = "36-29",
url = ""
Cekuš, B., Savić, S., Cekuš, G., Petrović, I., Jovanović, Z., Stikić, R., Marjanović, M.,& Đorđević, S.. (2018). Гајење квиноје (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) у агроеколошким условима Србије. in Зборник радова Први домаћи научно стручни скуп Одржива примарна пољопривредна производња у Србији - стање, могућности, ограничења и шансе, Бачка Топола, 26. октобар, 2018
Београд : Мегатренд универзитет Београд, Факултет за биофарминг Бачка Топола., 29-36.
Cekuš B, Savić S, Cekuš G, Petrović I, Jovanović Z, Stikić R, Marjanović M, Đorđević S. Гајење квиноје (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) у агроеколошким условима Србије. in Зборник радова Први домаћи научно стручни скуп Одржива примарна пољопривредна производња у Србији - стање, могућности, ограничења и шансе, Бачка Топола, 26. октобар, 2018. 2018;:29-36. .
Cekuš, Boris, Savić, Slađana, Cekuš, Geza, Petrović, Ivana, Jovanović, Zorica, Stikić, Radmila, Marjanović, Milena, Đorđević, Slaviša, "Гајење квиноје (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) у агроеколошким условима Србије" in Зборник радова Први домаћи научно стручни скуп Одржива примарна пољопривредна производња у Србији - стање, могућности, ограничења и шансе, Бачка Топола, 26. октобар, 2018 (2018):29-36, .