Đukić, Nevena

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  • Đukić, Nevena (10)

Author's Bibliography

Approaches in cereal breeding

Knežević, Desimir; Artiona, Laze; Paunović, Aleksandar; Đurović, Vesna; Đukić, Nevena; Valjarević, Danijela; Kondić, Danijela; Mićanović, Danica; Živić, Jelica; Zečević, Veselinka

(Čačak : Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, 2020)

AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Artiona, Laze
AU  - Paunović, Aleksandar
AU  - Đurović, Vesna
AU  - Đukić, Nevena
AU  - Valjarević, Danijela
AU  - Kondić, Danijela
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
AU  - Živić, Jelica
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
PY  - 2020
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/667
AB  - The main goal of plant breeding is to improve quality traits, yield and resistance to abiotic and biotic stress factors. A thousand years ago, people selected the best plants, seeds or fruits to produce seed for new crops and food for human and animal nutrition. Modern plant breeding is based on genetic principles and contributes to  increases in yield  and quality components (contents of protein, amino acids, fat, sucrose, mineral elements etc.). Breeders in conventional breeding programs in the last six decades have made changes to plant phenotypes, significantly improved resistance to diseases, earliness, and frost and drought resistance, and improved scientific farming practices, baking and milling  technologies, and beverage production technology. Through bioinformatics and improved technology, breeders have developed ways to improve and accelerate the breeding process to combine desired traits in new genotypes as well to operate at the level of individual cells and their chromosomes. Nowadays, modern biotechnology is used to improve human nutrition, and develop genotypes with significantly higher yields and quality compared with genotypes created by conventional breeding. By genetic modification it is possible to add, modify or delete a trait without interfering between two complete genomes. However, genetically modified crops can be used after their assessment in terms of human health, food safety and the environment.
AB  - Основни циљ оплемењивања биљака је побољшање особина квалитета, приноса и отпорности на стресне абиотичке и биотичке факторе. Пре хиљаде година људи су бирали најбоље биљке, семе или плод за производњу семена за нове усеве и храну за исхрану људи и животиња. Савремено оплемењивање биљака засновано на генетичким принципима је допринело међусобном повећању приноса и побољшању компонентни квалитета (садржај протеина, аминокиселина, масти, сахарозе, минералних елемената итд.). Оплемењивачи у програмима конвенционалног оплемењивања у последњих шест деценија су остварили промене фенотипова биљака, значајно побољшање отпорности на болести, раностасност, отпорност на мраз и сушу. Такође је остварено побољшање технологије гајења и унапређење примене мера неге и заштите и жетве биљака, побољшање технологије млевења и печења, као и технологије производње пића. Коришћењем биоинформатике и побољшане технологије, оплемењивачи су развили начине за побољшање и убрзавање процеса хибридизације, комбинујући особине које су пожељне да имају новостворени генотипови, као и спровођење инжењеринга на нивоу појединачних ћелија и њихових хромозома. Данас се модерна биотехнологија користи за побољшање исхране људи и за развој генотипова са знатно већим приносом и квалитетом у поређењу са генотиповима створеним у конвенционалном оплемењивању. Генетичком модификацијом могуће је додати, изменити или избрисати (елиминисати) особину без нарушавања два комплетна генома. Међутим, генетички модификовани усеви могу се користити након процене њихове безбедности за здравље људи, оцене безбедности хране и животне средине.
PB  - Čačak : Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu
T2  - Acta Agriculturae Serbica
T1  - Approaches in cereal breeding
EP  - 186
IS  - 50
SP  - 179
VL  - 25
DO  - 10.5937/AASer2050179K
ER  - 
author = "Knežević, Desimir and Artiona, Laze and Paunović, Aleksandar and Đurović, Vesna and Đukić, Nevena and Valjarević, Danijela and Kondić, Danijela and Mićanović, Danica and Živić, Jelica and Zečević, Veselinka",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The main goal of plant breeding is to improve quality traits, yield and resistance to abiotic and biotic stress factors. A thousand years ago, people selected the best plants, seeds or fruits to produce seed for new crops and food for human and animal nutrition. Modern plant breeding is based on genetic principles and contributes to  increases in yield  and quality components (contents of protein, amino acids, fat, sucrose, mineral elements etc.). Breeders in conventional breeding programs in the last six decades have made changes to plant phenotypes, significantly improved resistance to diseases, earliness, and frost and drought resistance, and improved scientific farming practices, baking and milling  technologies, and beverage production technology. Through bioinformatics and improved technology, breeders have developed ways to improve and accelerate the breeding process to combine desired traits in new genotypes as well to operate at the level of individual cells and their chromosomes. Nowadays, modern biotechnology is used to improve human nutrition, and develop genotypes with significantly higher yields and quality compared with genotypes created by conventional breeding. By genetic modification it is possible to add, modify or delete a trait without interfering between two complete genomes. However, genetically modified crops can be used after their assessment in terms of human health, food safety and the environment., Основни циљ оплемењивања биљака је побољшање особина квалитета, приноса и отпорности на стресне абиотичке и биотичке факторе. Пре хиљаде година људи су бирали најбоље биљке, семе или плод за производњу семена за нове усеве и храну за исхрану људи и животиња. Савремено оплемењивање биљака засновано на генетичким принципима је допринело међусобном повећању приноса и побољшању компонентни квалитета (садржај протеина, аминокиселина, масти, сахарозе, минералних елемената итд.). Оплемењивачи у програмима конвенционалног оплемењивања у последњих шест деценија су остварили промене фенотипова биљака, значајно побољшање отпорности на болести, раностасност, отпорност на мраз и сушу. Такође је остварено побољшање технологије гајења и унапређење примене мера неге и заштите и жетве биљака, побољшање технологије млевења и печења, као и технологије производње пића. Коришћењем биоинформатике и побољшане технологије, оплемењивачи су развили начине за побољшање и убрзавање процеса хибридизације, комбинујући особине које су пожељне да имају новостворени генотипови, као и спровођење инжењеринга на нивоу појединачних ћелија и њихових хромозома. Данас се модерна биотехнологија користи за побољшање исхране људи и за развој генотипова са знатно већим приносом и квалитетом у поређењу са генотиповима створеним у конвенционалном оплемењивању. Генетичком модификацијом могуће је додати, изменити или избрисати (елиминисати) особину без нарушавања два комплетна генома. Међутим, генетички модификовани усеви могу се користити након процене њихове безбедности за здравље људи, оцене безбедности хране и животне средине.",
publisher = "Čačak : Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu",
journal = "Acta Agriculturae Serbica",
title = "Approaches in cereal breeding",
pages = "186-179",
number = "50",
volume = "25",
doi = "10.5937/AASer2050179K"
Knežević, D., Artiona, L., Paunović, A., Đurović, V., Đukić, N., Valjarević, D., Kondić, D., Mićanović, D., Živić, J.,& Zečević, V.. (2020). Approaches in cereal breeding. in Acta Agriculturae Serbica
Čačak : Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu., 25(50), 179-186.
Knežević D, Artiona L, Paunović A, Đurović V, Đukić N, Valjarević D, Kondić D, Mićanović D, Živić J, Zečević V. Approaches in cereal breeding. in Acta Agriculturae Serbica. 2020;25(50):179-186.
doi:10.5937/AASer2050179K .
Knežević, Desimir, Artiona, Laze, Paunović, Aleksandar, Đurović, Vesna, Đukić, Nevena, Valjarević, Danijela, Kondić, Danijela, Mićanović, Danica, Živić, Jelica, Zečević, Veselinka, "Approaches in cereal breeding" in Acta Agriculturae Serbica, 25, no. 50 (2020):179-186,
https://doi.org/10.5937/AASer2050179K . .

Phenotypic variability of yield components of Triticum spelta in organic production

Zečević, Veselinka; Bošković, Jelena; Milenković, Slobodan; Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Balijagić, Jasmina; Đukić, Nevena; Knežević, Desimir

(Podgorica : Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Montenegro, 2018)

AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Bošković, Jelena
AU  - Milenković, Slobodan
AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Balijagić, Jasmina
AU  - Đukić, Nevena
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/548
AB  - The aim of this study was to investigate phenotypic variability of yield
components for different spelt wheat genotypes (Triticum spelta L.). Six
genotypes of winter spelt wheat (Nirvana, KG-37-8/3, KG -54-7/3, KG -54-8/1,
KG -54-4/2, and KG-54-2/3) were grown during two growing seasons
(2011/2012 and 2012/2013) at certified organic trial parcel in the Municipality of
Čačak, Serbia. Through variance analysis, highly significant differences in mean
values for both investigated yield components (number of grains per spike and
grain weight per spike) were established. Higher values of coefficient of
variability for grain weight per spike (CV = 12.8%) than grain number per spike
(CV = 10.2%) were determined. The highest average value for number of grains
per spike had genotype KG-54-7/3 (46.22). Genotype KG-54-2/3 (1.94 g) had
significantly higher mass of hulled grains per spike compared to other
investigated genotypes. Phenotypic analysis of variance indicated that ecological
factors had higher impact on the expression of grain weight per spike, but genetic
factors had higher impact on the expression of number of grains per spike
PB  - Podgorica : Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Montenegro
T2  - Agriculture & Forestry
T1  - Phenotypic variability of yield components of Triticum spelta in organic production
EP  - 78
IS  - 3
SP  - 71
VL  - 64
DO  - 10.17707/AgricultForest.64.3.06
ER  - 
author = "Zečević, Veselinka and Bošković, Jelena and Milenković, Slobodan and Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Balijagić, Jasmina and Đukić, Nevena and Knežević, Desimir",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to investigate phenotypic variability of yield
components for different spelt wheat genotypes (Triticum spelta L.). Six
genotypes of winter spelt wheat (Nirvana, KG-37-8/3, KG -54-7/3, KG -54-8/1,
KG -54-4/2, and KG-54-2/3) were grown during two growing seasons
(2011/2012 and 2012/2013) at certified organic trial parcel in the Municipality of
Čačak, Serbia. Through variance analysis, highly significant differences in mean
values for both investigated yield components (number of grains per spike and
grain weight per spike) were established. Higher values of coefficient of
variability for grain weight per spike (CV = 12.8%) than grain number per spike
(CV = 10.2%) were determined. The highest average value for number of grains
per spike had genotype KG-54-7/3 (46.22). Genotype KG-54-2/3 (1.94 g) had
significantly higher mass of hulled grains per spike compared to other
investigated genotypes. Phenotypic analysis of variance indicated that ecological
factors had higher impact on the expression of grain weight per spike, but genetic
factors had higher impact on the expression of number of grains per spike",
publisher = "Podgorica : Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Montenegro",
journal = "Agriculture & Forestry",
title = "Phenotypic variability of yield components of Triticum spelta in organic production",
pages = "78-71",
number = "3",
volume = "64",
doi = "10.17707/AgricultForest.64.3.06"
Zečević, V., Bošković, J., Milenković, S., Matković Stojšin, M., Balijagić, J., Đukić, N.,& Knežević, D.. (2018). Phenotypic variability of yield components of Triticum spelta in organic production. in Agriculture & Forestry
Podgorica : Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Montenegro., 64(3), 71-78.
Zečević V, Bošković J, Milenković S, Matković Stojšin M, Balijagić J, Đukić N, Knežević D. Phenotypic variability of yield components of Triticum spelta in organic production. in Agriculture & Forestry. 2018;64(3):71-78.
doi:10.17707/AgricultForest.64.3.06 .
Zečević, Veselinka, Bošković, Jelena, Milenković, Slobodan, Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Balijagić, Jasmina, Đukić, Nevena, Knežević, Desimir, "Phenotypic variability of yield components of Triticum spelta in organic production" in Agriculture & Forestry, 64, no. 3 (2018):71-78,
https://doi.org/10.17707/AgricultForest.64.3.06 . .

Contents of amino acids in various cultivars of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

Đukić, Nevena; Zorić, Dragica; Zecevic, Veselinka; Knežević, Jasmina; Sekularac, Andrej

(Budapest : Ministry of Rural Development, 2013)

AU  - Đukić, Nevena
AU  - Zorić, Dragica
AU  - Zecevic, Veselinka
AU  - Knežević, Jasmina
AU  - Sekularac, Andrej
PY  - 2013
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/389
AB  - The twenty barley cultivars were grown under nutrition by Nitrogen dose 60 kg ha-1 on field soil (type pseudogley). The grains of barley cultivars were used for study of variability of amino-acid. By qualitative analysis are identified 11 different amino acids. For each of indentified amino acid was used quantitative method to determine their concentration. The total concentration of free amino acids was analyzed for all varieties of barley. The highest total concentration of free amino acids in the analyzed varieties of barley cultivars with Ac Oxbow (11.5%), Sissy (11.3%), Steffi (11.2%), Severa (11.1%), Scarlett (11.0%) and the smallest variety Zaida, Ursa, Seebe, Aren (8.8%) and cultivar Tempera (8.0%). Soil fertility implies the existence of easily accessible nutrients for plants. Out of all the elements absorbed from the soil, the plants need nitrogen in the largest quantities.
PB  - Budapest : Ministry of Rural Development
T2  - Proceedings of the 12th Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop : Opatija, Doberdò, Venezia, Croatia and Italy, 18th-23rd March, 2013
T1  - Contents of amino acids in various cultivars of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
EP  - 46
SP  - 43
VL  - 62
DO  - 10.12666/Novenyterm.62.2013.suppl
ER  - 
author = "Đukić, Nevena and Zorić, Dragica and Zecevic, Veselinka and Knežević, Jasmina and Sekularac, Andrej",
year = "2013",
abstract = "The twenty barley cultivars were grown under nutrition by Nitrogen dose 60 kg ha-1 on field soil (type pseudogley). The grains of barley cultivars were used for study of variability of amino-acid. By qualitative analysis are identified 11 different amino acids. For each of indentified amino acid was used quantitative method to determine their concentration. The total concentration of free amino acids was analyzed for all varieties of barley. The highest total concentration of free amino acids in the analyzed varieties of barley cultivars with Ac Oxbow (11.5%), Sissy (11.3%), Steffi (11.2%), Severa (11.1%), Scarlett (11.0%) and the smallest variety Zaida, Ursa, Seebe, Aren (8.8%) and cultivar Tempera (8.0%). Soil fertility implies the existence of easily accessible nutrients for plants. Out of all the elements absorbed from the soil, the plants need nitrogen in the largest quantities.",
publisher = "Budapest : Ministry of Rural Development",
journal = "Proceedings of the 12th Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop : Opatija, Doberdò, Venezia, Croatia and Italy, 18th-23rd March, 2013",
title = "Contents of amino acids in various cultivars of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)",
pages = "46-43",
volume = "62",
doi = "10.12666/Novenyterm.62.2013.suppl"
Đukić, N., Zorić, D., Zecevic, V., Knežević, J.,& Sekularac, A.. (2013). Contents of amino acids in various cultivars of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). in Proceedings of the 12th Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop : Opatija, Doberdò, Venezia, Croatia and Italy, 18th-23rd March, 2013
Budapest : Ministry of Rural Development., 62, 43-46.
Đukić N, Zorić D, Zecevic V, Knežević J, Sekularac A. Contents of amino acids in various cultivars of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). in Proceedings of the 12th Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop : Opatija, Doberdò, Venezia, Croatia and Italy, 18th-23rd March, 2013. 2013;62:43-46.
doi:10.12666/Novenyterm.62.2013.suppl .
Đukić, Nevena, Zorić, Dragica, Zecevic, Veselinka, Knežević, Jasmina, Sekularac, Andrej, "Contents of amino acids in various cultivars of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)" in Proceedings of the 12th Alps-Adria Scientific Workshop : Opatija, Doberdò, Venezia, Croatia and Italy, 18th-23rd March, 2013, 62 (2013):43-46,
https://doi.org/10.12666/Novenyterm.62.2013.suppl . .

Genetic determination of technological quality in Triticum durum

Đukić, Nevena; Knežević, Desimir; Zečević, Veselinka


AU  - Đukić, Nevena
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
PY  - 2008
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/476
AB  - Background and Purpose: This paper presents the results of an investigation of gliadin alleles variability and their relationship to technological quality components in 21 durum wheat cultivars. Material and Methods: Seeds of 21 durum cultivars were crashed and used for extraction of gliadins by 70% ethanols. At least 30 seeds wereusedforgliadinextraction. Thecompositionofgliadincomponents was analyzed by acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (pH=3.1). Electrophoregrams wereusedforidentification of gliadin alleles. Technological quality of geneticaly divergent durum cultivars were evaluated by determination of wet gluten content and rheological (farinographic) dough properties. Results and Conclusion: Polymorphysms of alleles at each locus was registered. At four gliadin loci 27 different alleles were determined by analysis of 21durumcultivars.Eachcultivarhaddifferentgliadinallele composition. Frequency of each allele was computed and varied in the ratio from 4.8% to 42.9%. Values of flour water absorption and gluten contents had on the level of B1 and B2 quality classes. Gliadin alleles at the Gli-B1 locus showed the highest positive connection with gluten contents. High frequency of alleles was related with good gluten quality and water absorption of flour. Gliadins can be used as a marker for biological traits of wheat.
T2  - Periodicum Biologorum
T1  - Genetic determination of technological quality in Triticum durum
EP  - 289
IS  - 3
SP  - 285
VL  - 110
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_476
ER  - 
author = "Đukić, Nevena and Knežević, Desimir and Zečević, Veselinka",
year = "2008",
abstract = "Background and Purpose: This paper presents the results of an investigation of gliadin alleles variability and their relationship to technological quality components in 21 durum wheat cultivars. Material and Methods: Seeds of 21 durum cultivars were crashed and used for extraction of gliadins by 70% ethanols. At least 30 seeds wereusedforgliadinextraction. Thecompositionofgliadincomponents was analyzed by acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (pH=3.1). Electrophoregrams wereusedforidentification of gliadin alleles. Technological quality of geneticaly divergent durum cultivars were evaluated by determination of wet gluten content and rheological (farinographic) dough properties. Results and Conclusion: Polymorphysms of alleles at each locus was registered. At four gliadin loci 27 different alleles were determined by analysis of 21durumcultivars.Eachcultivarhaddifferentgliadinallele composition. Frequency of each allele was computed and varied in the ratio from 4.8% to 42.9%. Values of flour water absorption and gluten contents had on the level of B1 and B2 quality classes. Gliadin alleles at the Gli-B1 locus showed the highest positive connection with gluten contents. High frequency of alleles was related with good gluten quality and water absorption of flour. Gliadins can be used as a marker for biological traits of wheat.",
journal = "Periodicum Biologorum",
title = "Genetic determination of technological quality in Triticum durum",
pages = "289-285",
number = "3",
volume = "110",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_476"
Đukić, N., Knežević, D.,& Zečević, V.. (2008). Genetic determination of technological quality in Triticum durum. in Periodicum Biologorum, 110(3), 285-289.
Đukić N, Knežević D, Zečević V. Genetic determination of technological quality in Triticum durum. in Periodicum Biologorum. 2008;110(3):285-289.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_476 .
Đukić, Nevena, Knežević, Desimir, Zečević, Veselinka, "Genetic determination of technological quality in Triticum durum" in Periodicum Biologorum, 110, no. 3 (2008):285-289,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_476 .

Genetic and phenotypic variability of grain mass per spike of winter wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.)

Knežević, Desimir; Zečević, Veselinka; Đukić, Nevena; Dodig, Dejan

(Univerzitet u Kragujevcu - Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Kragujevac, 2008)

AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Đukić, Nevena
AU  - Dodig, Dejan
PY  - 2008
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/262
AB  - Variability of grain mass per spike were studied in 10 wheat genotypes. Wheat genotypes were grown during three years on the experimental field in three replications. Samples of 60 wheat plants (20 plants/replication at each year) were analyzed in full maturity stage. The differences in average values for all the studied traits among investigated cultivars were determined. The expressed variability of grain mass per spike estimated by coefficient of variation (CV) which value was CV=5.60%.
PB  - Univerzitet u Kragujevcu - Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Kragujevac
T2  - Kragujevac Journal of Science
T1  - Genetic and phenotypic variability of grain mass per spike of winter wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.)
EP  - 136
IS  - 30
SP  - 131
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_262
ER  - 
author = "Knežević, Desimir and Zečević, Veselinka and Đukić, Nevena and Dodig, Dejan",
year = "2008",
abstract = "Variability of grain mass per spike were studied in 10 wheat genotypes. Wheat genotypes were grown during three years on the experimental field in three replications. Samples of 60 wheat plants (20 plants/replication at each year) were analyzed in full maturity stage. The differences in average values for all the studied traits among investigated cultivars were determined. The expressed variability of grain mass per spike estimated by coefficient of variation (CV) which value was CV=5.60%.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Kragujevcu - Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Kragujevac",
journal = "Kragujevac Journal of Science",
title = "Genetic and phenotypic variability of grain mass per spike of winter wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.)",
pages = "136-131",
number = "30",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_262"
Knežević, D., Zečević, V., Đukić, N.,& Dodig, D.. (2008). Genetic and phenotypic variability of grain mass per spike of winter wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.). in Kragujevac Journal of Science
Univerzitet u Kragujevcu - Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Kragujevac.(30), 131-136.
Knežević D, Zečević V, Đukić N, Dodig D. Genetic and phenotypic variability of grain mass per spike of winter wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.). in Kragujevac Journal of Science. 2008;(30):131-136.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_262 .
Knežević, Desimir, Zečević, Veselinka, Đukić, Nevena, Dodig, Dejan, "Genetic and phenotypic variability of grain mass per spike of winter wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.)" in Kragujevac Journal of Science, no. 30 (2008):131-136,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_262 .

Polymorphism of gli-a1 alleles in winter wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L)

Knežević, Desimir; Yurievna-Dragovich, Aleksandra; Zečević, Veselinka; Đukić, Nevena

(Univerzitet u Kragujevcu : Prirodno-matematički fakultet Kragujevac, 2007)

AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Yurievna-Dragovich, Aleksandra
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Đukić, Nevena
PY  - 2007
UR  - https://www.pmf.kg.ac.rs/KJS/en/volumes/kjs28/kjs28knezevicdragovich147.pdf
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/846
AB  - The gliadins composition as well Gli-A1 allele variation of 25 wheat cultivars was analysed by acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Electrophoregrams obtained by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were used for estimation variability of gliadin components and identification of gliadin blocks. Four gliadin blocks encoded by different alleles at Gli-A1 locus were apparently expressed and identified. Variability of determined block components indicates that existing polymorphysms of gliadins alleles. Frequency of identified four alleles at Gli-A1 locus was different and varied from 4% to 44%.
PB  - Univerzitet u Kragujevcu : Prirodno-matematički fakultet Kragujevac
T2  - Kragujevac Journal of Science
T1  - Polymorphism of gli-a1 alleles in winter wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L)
EP  - 147
SP  - 139
VL  - 29
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_846
ER  - 
author = "Knežević, Desimir and Yurievna-Dragovich, Aleksandra and Zečević, Veselinka and Đukić, Nevena",
year = "2007",
abstract = "The gliadins composition as well Gli-A1 allele variation of 25 wheat cultivars was analysed by acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Electrophoregrams obtained by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were used for estimation variability of gliadin components and identification of gliadin blocks. Four gliadin blocks encoded by different alleles at Gli-A1 locus were apparently expressed and identified. Variability of determined block components indicates that existing polymorphysms of gliadins alleles. Frequency of identified four alleles at Gli-A1 locus was different and varied from 4% to 44%.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Kragujevcu : Prirodno-matematički fakultet Kragujevac",
journal = "Kragujevac Journal of Science",
title = "Polymorphism of gli-a1 alleles in winter wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L)",
pages = "147-139",
volume = "29",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_846"
Knežević, D., Yurievna-Dragovich, A., Zečević, V.,& Đukić, N.. (2007). Polymorphism of gli-a1 alleles in winter wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L). in Kragujevac Journal of Science
Univerzitet u Kragujevcu : Prirodno-matematički fakultet Kragujevac., 29, 139-147.
Knežević D, Yurievna-Dragovich A, Zečević V, Đukić N. Polymorphism of gli-a1 alleles in winter wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L). in Kragujevac Journal of Science. 2007;29:139-147.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_846 .
Knežević, Desimir, Yurievna-Dragovich, Aleksandra, Zečević, Veselinka, Đukić, Nevena, "Polymorphism of gli-a1 alleles in winter wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L)" in Kragujevac Journal of Science, 29 (2007):139-147,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_846 .

Comparison of amino acids contents in barley and wheat

Knežević, Desimir; Đukić, Nevena; Madic, Milomirka; Paunović, Aleksandar; Zecevic, Veselinka

(Timisoara : Faculty of Agriculture Banat´s University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine King Michael I of Romania, 2007)

AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Đukić, Nevena
AU  - Madic, Milomirka
AU  - Paunović, Aleksandar
AU  - Zecevic, Veselinka
PY  - 2007
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/379
AB  - Variability of amino acids composition
of 6 barley and 6 wheat divergent genotypes were
identified by using method of chromatography.
Concentration of identified amino acids was
established by method of spectrophotometry. Total
concentration of free amino acids was determined
by standard curved line for tyrosine while
concentration for each amino acid was determined
by using of standard curved line for glycine.
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of amino
acids showed that glutamic acid, proline,
threonine, norvaline, tryptophan, were the most
present in seeds of analyzed cereal species
cultivars. Quantity of free amino acid in wheat
varies in the ratio from 35 to 92 mg/ml and in
barley from 41 to 81 mg/ml. Concentration of
glutamic acid in wheat was 6.5 mg/ml and was
higher than contents of other amino acids. In
barley cultivars the highest concentration was
established for amino acids proline (12.5 mg/ml)
AB  - Varijabilnost sadržaja aminokiselina kod
6 sorti ječma i 6 divergentnih genotipova pšenice je
identifikovana korišćenjem metode hromatogragije.
Koncentracija amino kiselina je ustanovljena
metodom spektrofotometrije. Ukupna koncentracija
slobodnih aminokiselina je odredjivana pomoću
standardne krive linije za tirozin, dok je
koncentracija pojedinih aminokiselina odredjivana
korišćenjemstandardne krive linije za glicin.
Kvalitativna i kvantitativna anliza aminokiselina je
pokazala da su u semenu ječma i pšenice od
slobodnih aminokiselina najzastupljenije:
glutaminska kiselina, prolin, treonin, norvalin,
triptofan. Kvantitet aminokiselina kod pšenice
varira u rasponu od 35-92 mg/ml a kod ispitivanih
sorti ječma od 41 do 81 mg/ml. Koncentracija
glutaminske kiseline kod pšenice bila je najveća 6.5
mg/ml u poredjenju sa drugim aminokiselinama.
Kod sorti ječma najveća koncetracija je
ustanovljena za aminokiselinu prolin (12.5 mg/ml).
PB  - Timisoara : Faculty of Agriculture Banat´s University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine King Michael I of Romania
T2  - Research Journal of Agricultural Science
T1  - Comparison of amino acids contents in barley and wheat
T1  - Komparacija sadržaja aminokiselina kod ječma i pšenice
EP  - 76
IS  - 1
SP  - 71
VL  - 39
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_379
ER  - 
author = "Knežević, Desimir and Đukić, Nevena and Madic, Milomirka and Paunović, Aleksandar and Zecevic, Veselinka",
year = "2007",
abstract = "Variability of amino acids composition
of 6 barley and 6 wheat divergent genotypes were
identified by using method of chromatography.
Concentration of identified amino acids was
established by method of spectrophotometry. Total
concentration of free amino acids was determined
by standard curved line for tyrosine while
concentration for each amino acid was determined
by using of standard curved line for glycine.
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of amino
acids showed that glutamic acid, proline,
threonine, norvaline, tryptophan, were the most
present in seeds of analyzed cereal species
cultivars. Quantity of free amino acid in wheat
varies in the ratio from 35 to 92 mg/ml and in
barley from 41 to 81 mg/ml. Concentration of
glutamic acid in wheat was 6.5 mg/ml and was
higher than contents of other amino acids. In
barley cultivars the highest concentration was
established for amino acids proline (12.5 mg/ml), Varijabilnost sadržaja aminokiselina kod
6 sorti ječma i 6 divergentnih genotipova pšenice je
identifikovana korišćenjem metode hromatogragije.
Koncentracija amino kiselina je ustanovljena
metodom spektrofotometrije. Ukupna koncentracija
slobodnih aminokiselina je odredjivana pomoću
standardne krive linije za tirozin, dok je
koncentracija pojedinih aminokiselina odredjivana
korišćenjemstandardne krive linije za glicin.
Kvalitativna i kvantitativna anliza aminokiselina je
pokazala da su u semenu ječma i pšenice od
slobodnih aminokiselina najzastupljenije:
glutaminska kiselina, prolin, treonin, norvalin,
triptofan. Kvantitet aminokiselina kod pšenice
varira u rasponu od 35-92 mg/ml a kod ispitivanih
sorti ječma od 41 do 81 mg/ml. Koncentracija
glutaminske kiseline kod pšenice bila je najveća 6.5
mg/ml u poredjenju sa drugim aminokiselinama.
Kod sorti ječma najveća koncetracija je
ustanovljena za aminokiselinu prolin (12.5 mg/ml).",
publisher = "Timisoara : Faculty of Agriculture Banat´s University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine King Michael I of Romania",
journal = "Research Journal of Agricultural Science",
title = "Comparison of amino acids contents in barley and wheat, Komparacija sadržaja aminokiselina kod ječma i pšenice",
pages = "76-71",
number = "1",
volume = "39",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_379"
Knežević, D., Đukić, N., Madic, M., Paunović, A.,& Zecevic, V.. (2007). Comparison of amino acids contents in barley and wheat. in Research Journal of Agricultural Science
Timisoara : Faculty of Agriculture Banat´s University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine King Michael I of Romania., 39(1), 71-76.
Knežević D, Đukić N, Madic M, Paunović A, Zecevic V. Comparison of amino acids contents in barley and wheat. in Research Journal of Agricultural Science. 2007;39(1):71-76.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_379 .
Knežević, Desimir, Đukić, Nevena, Madic, Milomirka, Paunović, Aleksandar, Zecevic, Veselinka, "Comparison of amino acids contents in barley and wheat" in Research Journal of Agricultural Science, 39, no. 1 (2007):71-76,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_379 .

Genetička analiza visine stabla i mase zrna po klasu kod pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.)

Knežević, Desimir; Đukić, Nevena; Zečević, Veselinka; Mićanović, Danica; Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana; Urošević, Dušan; Branković, Gordana; Jordačijević, Srđan

(Društvo genetičara Srbije, 2006)

AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Đukić, Nevena
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
AU  - Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana
AU  - Urošević, Dušan
AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Jordačijević, Srđan
PY  - 2006
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/924
AB  - U radu je izučavano nasledjivanje visine stable i mase zrna po primarnom klasu kod  F2 hibrida pšenice dobijenih u dialelnom ukrštanju 4 sorte pšenice (Ana Morava, Gruža, Beogradjanka i Pobeda). Izučavan je efekat gena i kombinacione sposobnosti za visinu stabla i masu zrna po klasu. Ustanovljene su značajne razlike izmedju srednjih vrednosti mase zrna po klasu kod ispitivanih hibrida. Varijansa opštih i posebnih kombinacionih sposobnosti (OPKS) su visoko značajne sa preovladjujućim efektom opštih kombinacionih sposobnosti što ukazuje da preovladava aditivni efekat gena na ispoljavanje genetičke varijabilnosti za oba ispitivana svojstva. Najbolji opšti kombinator  za visinu stable i masu zrna po klasu bila je sorta Ana Morava, a najbolja kombinacija za visinu stable je Gruža x Pobeda a za masu zrna po klasu je potomstvo iz ukršatanja Ana Morava x Beogradjanka.
PB  - Društvo genetičara Srbije
PB  - Društvo selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije
T2  - Treći simpozijum sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije i četvrti naučno-stručni simpozijum iz selekcije i semenarstva Društva selekcionera i semenara Srbije - Zbornik apstrakata
T1  - Genetička analiza visine stabla i mase zrna po klasu kod pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.)
EP  - 49
SP  - 49
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7002
ER  - 
author = "Knežević, Desimir and Đukić, Nevena and Zečević, Veselinka and Mićanović, Danica and Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana and Urošević, Dušan and Branković, Gordana and Jordačijević, Srđan",
year = "2006",
abstract = "U radu je izučavano nasledjivanje visine stable i mase zrna po primarnom klasu kod  F2 hibrida pšenice dobijenih u dialelnom ukrštanju 4 sorte pšenice (Ana Morava, Gruža, Beogradjanka i Pobeda). Izučavan je efekat gena i kombinacione sposobnosti za visinu stabla i masu zrna po klasu. Ustanovljene su značajne razlike izmedju srednjih vrednosti mase zrna po klasu kod ispitivanih hibrida. Varijansa opštih i posebnih kombinacionih sposobnosti (OPKS) su visoko značajne sa preovladjujućim efektom opštih kombinacionih sposobnosti što ukazuje da preovladava aditivni efekat gena na ispoljavanje genetičke varijabilnosti za oba ispitivana svojstva. Najbolji opšti kombinator  za visinu stable i masu zrna po klasu bila je sorta Ana Morava, a najbolja kombinacija za visinu stable je Gruža x Pobeda a za masu zrna po klasu je potomstvo iz ukršatanja Ana Morava x Beogradjanka.",
publisher = "Društvo genetičara Srbije, Društvo selekcionera i semenara Republike Srbije",
journal = "Treći simpozijum sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije i četvrti naučno-stručni simpozijum iz selekcije i semenarstva Društva selekcionera i semenara Srbije - Zbornik apstrakata",
title = "Genetička analiza visine stabla i mase zrna po klasu kod pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.)",
pages = "49-49",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7002"
Knežević, D., Đukić, N., Zečević, V., Mićanović, D., Šurlan-Momirović, G., Urošević, D., Branković, G.,& Jordačijević, S.. (2006). Genetička analiza visine stabla i mase zrna po klasu kod pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.). in Treći simpozijum sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije i četvrti naučno-stručni simpozijum iz selekcije i semenarstva Društva selekcionera i semenara Srbije - Zbornik apstrakata
Društvo genetičara Srbije., 49-49.
Knežević D, Đukić N, Zečević V, Mićanović D, Šurlan-Momirović G, Urošević D, Branković G, Jordačijević S. Genetička analiza visine stabla i mase zrna po klasu kod pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.). in Treći simpozijum sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije i četvrti naučno-stručni simpozijum iz selekcije i semenarstva Društva selekcionera i semenara Srbije - Zbornik apstrakata. 2006;:49-49.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7002 .
Knežević, Desimir, Đukić, Nevena, Zečević, Veselinka, Mićanović, Danica, Šurlan-Momirović, Gordana, Urošević, Dušan, Branković, Gordana, Jordačijević, Srđan, "Genetička analiza visine stabla i mase zrna po klasu kod pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.)" in Treći simpozijum sekcije za oplemenjivanje organizama Društva genetičara Srbije i četvrti naučno-stručni simpozijum iz selekcije i semenarstva Društva selekcionera i semenara Srbije - Zbornik apstrakata (2006):49-49,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_7002 .

Genetic analysis of number of kernels per spike in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Knežević, Desimir; Zečević, Veselinka; Mićanović, Danica; Madić, Milomirka; Paunović, Aleksandar; Đukić, Nevena; Urošević, Dušan; Dimitrijević, Biljana; Jordačijević, Srđan

(Univerzitet u Kragujevcu : Prirodno-matematički fakultet Kragujevac, 2006)

AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
AU  - Madić, Milomirka
AU  - Paunović, Aleksandar
AU  - Đukić, Nevena
AU  - Urošević, Dušan
AU  - Dimitrijević, Biljana
AU  - Jordačijević, Srđan
PY  - 2006
UR  - https://www.pmf.kg.ac.rs/KJS/en/volumes/kjs28/kjs28knezeviczecevic153.pdf
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/845
AB  - In diallel cross excluding reciprocals of four divergent wheat cultivars (Ana Morava, Gruža, Beograđanka and Pobeda) was derived F2 hybrids. Those four cultivars and F2 hybrids were investigated to estimate the mode of inheritance, gene effects and combining abilities for number of kernels per spike in wheat plants. By analysis was established different mode of inheritance for number of kernels per spike (intermediate, partial dominance, dominance and overdominance). Analysis of variance of combining abilities indicated significant differences for this trait. Obtained results showed that this trait determined by additive and non-additive gene effects. Significant high value of specific combining ability (SCG) in F2 hybrids indicated preponderance of non-additive gene effect. The highest value of general combining ability (GCA) expressed cultivar Ana Morava while the best specific combination was cross of Ana Morava x Beograđanka for number of kernels per spike.
PB  - Univerzitet u Kragujevcu : Prirodno-matematički fakultet Kragujevac
T2  - Kragujevac Journal of Science
T1  - Genetic analysis of number of kernels per spike in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
EP  - 157
SP  - 153
VL  - 28
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_845
ER  - 
author = "Knežević, Desimir and Zečević, Veselinka and Mićanović, Danica and Madić, Milomirka and Paunović, Aleksandar and Đukić, Nevena and Urošević, Dušan and Dimitrijević, Biljana and Jordačijević, Srđan",
year = "2006",
abstract = "In diallel cross excluding reciprocals of four divergent wheat cultivars (Ana Morava, Gruža, Beograđanka and Pobeda) was derived F2 hybrids. Those four cultivars and F2 hybrids were investigated to estimate the mode of inheritance, gene effects and combining abilities for number of kernels per spike in wheat plants. By analysis was established different mode of inheritance for number of kernels per spike (intermediate, partial dominance, dominance and overdominance). Analysis of variance of combining abilities indicated significant differences for this trait. Obtained results showed that this trait determined by additive and non-additive gene effects. Significant high value of specific combining ability (SCG) in F2 hybrids indicated preponderance of non-additive gene effect. The highest value of general combining ability (GCA) expressed cultivar Ana Morava while the best specific combination was cross of Ana Morava x Beograđanka for number of kernels per spike.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Kragujevcu : Prirodno-matematički fakultet Kragujevac",
journal = "Kragujevac Journal of Science",
title = "Genetic analysis of number of kernels per spike in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)",
pages = "157-153",
volume = "28",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_845"
Knežević, D., Zečević, V., Mićanović, D., Madić, M., Paunović, A., Đukić, N., Urošević, D., Dimitrijević, B.,& Jordačijević, S.. (2006). Genetic analysis of number of kernels per spike in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). in Kragujevac Journal of Science
Univerzitet u Kragujevcu : Prirodno-matematički fakultet Kragujevac., 28, 153-157.
Knežević D, Zečević V, Mićanović D, Madić M, Paunović A, Đukić N, Urošević D, Dimitrijević B, Jordačijević S. Genetic analysis of number of kernels per spike in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). in Kragujevac Journal of Science. 2006;28:153-157.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_845 .
Knežević, Desimir, Zečević, Veselinka, Mićanović, Danica, Madić, Milomirka, Paunović, Aleksandar, Đukić, Nevena, Urošević, Dušan, Dimitrijević, Biljana, Jordačijević, Srđan, "Genetic analysis of number of kernels per spike in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)" in Kragujevac Journal of Science, 28 (2006):153-157,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_845 .

Breeding strategies for barley quality improvement and wide adaptation

Knežević, Desimir; Pržulj, Novo; Zečević, Veselinka; Đukić, Nevena; Momčilović, Vojislava; Maksimović, Dragoljub; Mićanović, Danica; Dimitrijević, Biljana

(Kragujevac : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet, 2004)

AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Pržulj, Novo
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Đukić, Nevena
AU  - Momčilović, Vojislava
AU  - Maksimović, Dragoljub
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
AU  - Dimitrijević, Biljana
PY  - 2004
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/255
AB  - Barley is one of the five major crop species of the world which widely use for stock feed, human food, malting, brewing and distilling. Barley provided familiar source of animal feed and food as well bear which is popular and traditional drink. This plant species represents low protein crop and it is very important for malt quality and brewing development. The region with low rainfall and low soil fertility combined with local crop rotational requirements provides conditions to produce optimum malting quality in different barley cultivars. A wide range of variables, including abiotic and biotic stresses can affect quality components. While each users of barley require consistent raw material, economic price and specific quality, the barley breeders need to create new barley cultivars. Initial breeding and selection objectives were focused on agronomic trait as grain morphology yield and disease resistance. Crop management play important role in barley spreading and yield improvement. Breeders need to develop cultivars for markets which demand clean bright grain with low moisture, better disease resistance, and high quality parameters. Significant consideration when breeding must be given barley cultivar ability to achieve quality in different environmental conditions.
PB  - Kragujevac : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet
T2  - Kragujevac Journal of Science
T1  - Breeding strategies for barley quality improvement and wide adaptation
EP  - 84
IS  - 26
SP  - 75
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_255
ER  - 
author = "Knežević, Desimir and Pržulj, Novo and Zečević, Veselinka and Đukić, Nevena and Momčilović, Vojislava and Maksimović, Dragoljub and Mićanović, Danica and Dimitrijević, Biljana",
year = "2004",
abstract = "Barley is one of the five major crop species of the world which widely use for stock feed, human food, malting, brewing and distilling. Barley provided familiar source of animal feed and food as well bear which is popular and traditional drink. This plant species represents low protein crop and it is very important for malt quality and brewing development. The region with low rainfall and low soil fertility combined with local crop rotational requirements provides conditions to produce optimum malting quality in different barley cultivars. A wide range of variables, including abiotic and biotic stresses can affect quality components. While each users of barley require consistent raw material, economic price and specific quality, the barley breeders need to create new barley cultivars. Initial breeding and selection objectives were focused on agronomic trait as grain morphology yield and disease resistance. Crop management play important role in barley spreading and yield improvement. Breeders need to develop cultivars for markets which demand clean bright grain with low moisture, better disease resistance, and high quality parameters. Significant consideration when breeding must be given barley cultivar ability to achieve quality in different environmental conditions.",
publisher = "Kragujevac : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet",
journal = "Kragujevac Journal of Science",
title = "Breeding strategies for barley quality improvement and wide adaptation",
pages = "84-75",
number = "26",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_255"
Knežević, D., Pržulj, N., Zečević, V., Đukić, N., Momčilović, V., Maksimović, D., Mićanović, D.,& Dimitrijević, B.. (2004). Breeding strategies for barley quality improvement and wide adaptation. in Kragujevac Journal of Science
Kragujevac : Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Prirodno-matematički fakultet.(26), 75-84.
Knežević D, Pržulj N, Zečević V, Đukić N, Momčilović V, Maksimović D, Mićanović D, Dimitrijević B. Breeding strategies for barley quality improvement and wide adaptation. in Kragujevac Journal of Science. 2004;(26):75-84.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_255 .
Knežević, Desimir, Pržulj, Novo, Zečević, Veselinka, Đukić, Nevena, Momčilović, Vojislava, Maksimović, Dragoljub, Mićanović, Danica, Dimitrijević, Biljana, "Breeding strategies for barley quality improvement and wide adaptation" in Kragujevac Journal of Science, no. 26 (2004):75-84,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_255 .