Oljača, Snežana

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  • Oljača, Snežana (6)

Author's Bibliography

Effects of organic and microbiological fertilizers on morphological and productive characteristics of triticale in the organic farming system

Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana; Dolijanović, Željko; Zecevic, Veselinka; Puvača, Nikola; Oljača, Snežana; Šeremešić, Srđan

(Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2022)

AU  - Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana
AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
AU  - Zecevic, Veselinka
AU  - Puvača, Nikola
AU  - Oljača, Snežana
AU  - Šeremešić, Srđan
PY  - 2022
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/481
AB  - The aim of the study was to examine the impact of microbiological and organic fertilizers on morphological and productive characteristics of triticale during a three-year period (2009/10–2011/12). A two-factorial field experiment was arranged using a randomized block design with four replications. The object of the study was the triticale winter cultivar Odisej, and the following treatments were applied: a control variant without fertilization, microbiological fertilizer “Slavol” (Agrounik Serbia) 5.0 l ha-1, organic fertilizer “Biohumus Royal offert” (Altamed RS) 3.0 t ha-1 + microbiological fertilizer “Slavol” (Agrounik Serbia) 5.0 l ha-1. The results showed that the expression of the characteristics was significantly affected by the environment. The lowest values were obtained in the first year when the most unfavourable meteorological conditions were observed. The application of microbiological fertilizer had no impact on the stem length and grain weight per spike, but it significantly increased the number of fertile spikelets (3.7%), spike length (7.7%) and grain yield (18.6%). The combined application of fertilizers provided better results for all the examined characteristics, while in comparison with the control, the differences ranged from 4.3% for the number of fertile spikelets to 46.5% for grain yield. The strongest correlation was determined between the spike length and the number of fertile spikelets (r = 0.939**). The obtained results lead to the conclusion that under variable environmental conditions, the application of fertilizers has a significant impact on morphological and productive characteristics of triticale, and consequently on the stability of this crop production in the organic farming system.
AB  - Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitivanje uticaja biohumusa i biofertilizatora na morfološke i produktivne osobine tritikalea u trogodišnjem periodu (2009/102011/12). Poljski ogled je postavljen kao dvofaktorijalni, po metodi blok sistema sa slučajnim rasporedom tretmana u četiri ponavljanja. Predmet ispitivanja bila je ozima sorta tritikalea, Odisej, a ispitivan je uticaj sledećih tretmana: kontrola bez đubrenja, biofertilizator (5,0 l ha-1), biohumus (3,0 t ha-1) + biofertilizator  (5,0 l ha-1). Rezultati su pokazali da spoljašnja sredina ima značajan uticaj na ekspresiju ispitivanih osobina. Najmanje vrednosti dobijene su u prvoj godini, koja je imala i najnepovoljnije meteorološke uslove. Đubrenje je imalo statistički značajan uticaj na većinu ispitivanih osobina. Primena biofertilizatora nije uticala na dužinu stabla i masu zrna u klasu, ali je značajno povećala broj plodnih klasića (3,7%), dužinu klasa (7,7%) i prinos zrna (18,6%). Kombinovanom primenom đubriva postignuti su bolji rezultati za sve ispitivane osobine, a razlike u odnosu na kontrolu bez đubrenja kretale su se u nivou od 4,3% za broj plodnih klasića do 46,5% kod prinosa zrna. Najjača korelaciona povezanost ustanovljena je između dužine klasa i broja plodnih klasića (r = 0,939**). Dobijeni rezultati upućuju na zaključak da, u promenljivim uslovima spoljašnje sredine, primena dobro izbalansiranih formula organskih i mikrobioloških đubriva ima značajan uticaj na morfološke i produktivne osobine tritikalea, a samim tim na stabilnost proizvodnje ovog useva u sistemu organskog gajenja.
PB  - Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet
T2  - Journal of Agricultural Sciences
T1  - Effects of organic and microbiological fertilizers on morphological and productive characteristics of triticale in the organic farming system
T1  - Uticaj organskog i mikrobiološkog đubriva na morfološke i produktivne osobine tritikalea u sistemu organske proizvodnje
EP  - 28
IS  - 1
SP  - 13
VL  - 67
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_481
ER  - 
author = "Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana and Dolijanović, Željko and Zecevic, Veselinka and Puvača, Nikola and Oljača, Snežana and Šeremešić, Srđan",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The aim of the study was to examine the impact of microbiological and organic fertilizers on morphological and productive characteristics of triticale during a three-year period (2009/10–2011/12). A two-factorial field experiment was arranged using a randomized block design with four replications. The object of the study was the triticale winter cultivar Odisej, and the following treatments were applied: a control variant without fertilization, microbiological fertilizer “Slavol” (Agrounik Serbia) 5.0 l ha-1, organic fertilizer “Biohumus Royal offert” (Altamed RS) 3.0 t ha-1 + microbiological fertilizer “Slavol” (Agrounik Serbia) 5.0 l ha-1. The results showed that the expression of the characteristics was significantly affected by the environment. The lowest values were obtained in the first year when the most unfavourable meteorological conditions were observed. The application of microbiological fertilizer had no impact on the stem length and grain weight per spike, but it significantly increased the number of fertile spikelets (3.7%), spike length (7.7%) and grain yield (18.6%). The combined application of fertilizers provided better results for all the examined characteristics, while in comparison with the control, the differences ranged from 4.3% for the number of fertile spikelets to 46.5% for grain yield. The strongest correlation was determined between the spike length and the number of fertile spikelets (r = 0.939**). The obtained results lead to the conclusion that under variable environmental conditions, the application of fertilizers has a significant impact on morphological and productive characteristics of triticale, and consequently on the stability of this crop production in the organic farming system., Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitivanje uticaja biohumusa i biofertilizatora na morfološke i produktivne osobine tritikalea u trogodišnjem periodu (2009/102011/12). Poljski ogled je postavljen kao dvofaktorijalni, po metodi blok sistema sa slučajnim rasporedom tretmana u četiri ponavljanja. Predmet ispitivanja bila je ozima sorta tritikalea, Odisej, a ispitivan je uticaj sledećih tretmana: kontrola bez đubrenja, biofertilizator (5,0 l ha-1), biohumus (3,0 t ha-1) + biofertilizator  (5,0 l ha-1). Rezultati su pokazali da spoljašnja sredina ima značajan uticaj na ekspresiju ispitivanih osobina. Najmanje vrednosti dobijene su u prvoj godini, koja je imala i najnepovoljnije meteorološke uslove. Đubrenje je imalo statistički značajan uticaj na većinu ispitivanih osobina. Primena biofertilizatora nije uticala na dužinu stabla i masu zrna u klasu, ali je značajno povećala broj plodnih klasića (3,7%), dužinu klasa (7,7%) i prinos zrna (18,6%). Kombinovanom primenom đubriva postignuti su bolji rezultati za sve ispitivane osobine, a razlike u odnosu na kontrolu bez đubrenja kretale su se u nivou od 4,3% za broj plodnih klasića do 46,5% kod prinosa zrna. Najjača korelaciona povezanost ustanovljena je između dužine klasa i broja plodnih klasića (r = 0,939**). Dobijeni rezultati upućuju na zaključak da, u promenljivim uslovima spoljašnje sredine, primena dobro izbalansiranih formula organskih i mikrobioloških đubriva ima značajan uticaj na morfološke i produktivne osobine tritikalea, a samim tim na stabilnost proizvodnje ovog useva u sistemu organskog gajenja.",
publisher = "Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet",
journal = "Journal of Agricultural Sciences",
title = "Effects of organic and microbiological fertilizers on morphological and productive characteristics of triticale in the organic farming system, Uticaj organskog i mikrobiološkog đubriva na morfološke i produktivne osobine tritikalea u sistemu organske proizvodnje",
pages = "28-13",
number = "1",
volume = "67",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_481"
Roljević Nikolić, S., Dolijanović, Ž., Zecevic, V., Puvača, N., Oljača, S.,& Šeremešić, S.. (2022). Effects of organic and microbiological fertilizers on morphological and productive characteristics of triticale in the organic farming system. in Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet., 67(1), 13-28.
Roljević Nikolić S, Dolijanović Ž, Zecevic V, Puvača N, Oljača S, Šeremešić S. Effects of organic and microbiological fertilizers on morphological and productive characteristics of triticale in the organic farming system. in Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 2022;67(1):13-28.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_481 .
Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana, Dolijanović, Željko, Zecevic, Veselinka, Puvača, Nikola, Oljača, Snežana, Šeremešić, Srđan, "Effects of organic and microbiological fertilizers on morphological and productive characteristics of triticale in the organic farming system" in Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 67, no. 1 (2022):13-28,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_481 .

The effect of cover crops on the content of protein in grain of sweet maize

Dolijanović, Željko; Dragičević, Vesna; Simić, Milena; Oljača, Snežana; Kovačević, Dušan; Janošević, Biljana

(Skoplje : “Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University in Skopje, Faculty of agricultural sciences and food, 2018)

AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
AU  - Dragičević, Vesna
AU  - Simić, Milena
AU  - Oljača, Snežana
AU  - Kovačević, Dušan
AU  - Janošević, Biljana
PY  - 2018
UR  - http://rik.mrizp.rs/handle/123456789/1019
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/649
AB  - The study was conducted in the experimental field of the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje,Serbia, during 2013/14-2014/15. The experiment was established as a block design with fourreplications. As winter cover crops-CC (factor A) the following plants were grown: CV–common vetch(Vicia sativa L.), FP-field pea (Pisum sativum L.), WO-winter oats, (Avena sativa L.), FK-fodder kale(Brassica oleracea (L.) convar. acephala), two mixture variants of legume crops with oats (CV+WOand FP+WO) and two control treatments: a variant in which the surface was covered with deadorganic mulch (DOM) and traditional variant: after ploughing in the fall plot stayed uncovered duringthe winter (TV). Green biomass of the cover crops was incorporated in the soil, immediately after,half of the elementary plot was infested with bio-fertilizer (BF) - Uniker (mobilizer of nutrients) in anamount of 10 l ha-1(factor B), which contains the strains of cellulolytic and proteolytic bacteria tosupport the mineralization of entered crop residues. The seeds of sweet maize ‘ZPSC 421su (FAO400) were sown at the arrangement of 70 cm between rows and 22 cm between plants in the row(65,000 plants per ha). Preceding crop in both years was winter wheat. The kernel protein contentwas measured on infrared analyser. The data were processed by ANOVA. The investigated factors(CC and BF) showed significant effect on protein content in sweet maize kernel in both years. As itwas expected, the greatest impact on protein content was exhibited in leguminous species grownalone, or in mixtures with oats, particularly in the dry, 2015. Small grains intercropped with legumesobtained higher values of protein content than small grain grown as monocrops.
PB  - Skoplje : “Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University in Skopje, Faculty of agricultural sciences and food
C3  - 3. International symposium for agriculture and food "ISAF 2017", Ohrid, 18-20.10.2017. - Proceedings
T1  - The effect of cover crops on the content of protein in grain of sweet maize
EP  - 37
IS  - 2
SP  - 31
VL  - 72
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_649
ER  - 
author = "Dolijanović, Željko and Dragičević, Vesna and Simić, Milena and Oljača, Snežana and Kovačević, Dušan and Janošević, Biljana",
year = "2018",
abstract = "The study was conducted in the experimental field of the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje,Serbia, during 2013/14-2014/15. The experiment was established as a block design with fourreplications. As winter cover crops-CC (factor A) the following plants were grown: CV–common vetch(Vicia sativa L.), FP-field pea (Pisum sativum L.), WO-winter oats, (Avena sativa L.), FK-fodder kale(Brassica oleracea (L.) convar. acephala), two mixture variants of legume crops with oats (CV+WOand FP+WO) and two control treatments: a variant in which the surface was covered with deadorganic mulch (DOM) and traditional variant: after ploughing in the fall plot stayed uncovered duringthe winter (TV). Green biomass of the cover crops was incorporated in the soil, immediately after,half of the elementary plot was infested with bio-fertilizer (BF) - Uniker (mobilizer of nutrients) in anamount of 10 l ha-1(factor B), which contains the strains of cellulolytic and proteolytic bacteria tosupport the mineralization of entered crop residues. The seeds of sweet maize ‘ZPSC 421su (FAO400) were sown at the arrangement of 70 cm between rows and 22 cm between plants in the row(65,000 plants per ha). Preceding crop in both years was winter wheat. The kernel protein contentwas measured on infrared analyser. The data were processed by ANOVA. The investigated factors(CC and BF) showed significant effect on protein content in sweet maize kernel in both years. As itwas expected, the greatest impact on protein content was exhibited in leguminous species grownalone, or in mixtures with oats, particularly in the dry, 2015. Small grains intercropped with legumesobtained higher values of protein content than small grain grown as monocrops.",
publisher = "Skoplje : “Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University in Skopje, Faculty of agricultural sciences and food",
journal = "3. International symposium for agriculture and food "ISAF 2017", Ohrid, 18-20.10.2017. - Proceedings",
title = "The effect of cover crops on the content of protein in grain of sweet maize",
pages = "37-31",
number = "2",
volume = "72",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_649"
Dolijanović, Ž., Dragičević, V., Simić, M., Oljača, S., Kovačević, D.,& Janošević, B.. (2018). The effect of cover crops on the content of protein in grain of sweet maize. in 3. International symposium for agriculture and food "ISAF 2017", Ohrid, 18-20.10.2017. - Proceedings
Skoplje : “Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University in Skopje, Faculty of agricultural sciences and food., 72(2), 31-37.
Dolijanović Ž, Dragičević V, Simić M, Oljača S, Kovačević D, Janošević B. The effect of cover crops on the content of protein in grain of sweet maize. in 3. International symposium for agriculture and food "ISAF 2017", Ohrid, 18-20.10.2017. - Proceedings. 2018;72(2):31-37.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_649 .
Dolijanović, Željko, Dragičević, Vesna, Simić, Milena, Oljača, Snežana, Kovačević, Dušan, Janošević, Biljana, "The effect of cover crops on the content of protein in grain of sweet maize" in 3. International symposium for agriculture and food "ISAF 2017", Ohrid, 18-20.10.2017. - Proceedings, 72, no. 2 (2018):31-37,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_649 .

Productivity of Intercropping Maize (Zea mays l.) and Pumpkins (Cucurbita maxima duch.) under Conventional vs. Conservation Farming System

Momirović, Nebojša; Oljača, Snežana; Dolijanović, Željko; Oljaca, Mićo; Janošević, Biljana; Simić, Milena

(Soc Field Crop Sci, Bornova, 2015)

AU  - Momirović, Nebojša
AU  - Oljača, Snežana
AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
AU  - Oljaca, Mićo
AU  - Janošević, Biljana
AU  - Simić, Milena
PY  - 2015
UR  - http://rik.mrizp.rs/handle/123456789/571
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/650
AB  - The evaluation of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima Duch.) and maize (Zea mays L.) intercropping productivity, under different farming systems: conventional farming vs. conservation farming was carried out on the chernozem type of soil at Zemun Polje, Serbia. Results obtained by the bivariate analysis of variance showed significant differences between different proportions of components in intercropped maize and pumpkins. Regarding the land equivalent ratio (LER), two rows of pumpkins and two rows of maize (proportion 2/3:1/3) were the optimum spatial arrangement in conventional farming system, while proportion 1/3:2/3 was optimal in conservation farming system. The yield of pumpkins proportionally increased with the increase of the plant population, although the intraspecies competition of pumpkins was very pronounced in intercropping with maize. The average fruit yield of pumpkins in the first year was lower in conservation farming practices in comparison with conventional farming practices. On the other hand, situation was complete opposite with pumpkin yield in second year of investigation, while significant decrease in maize yield was observed in the plots where conservation farming practices were applied. Growing pumpkins in mixture with maize probably costs a small farmer very little more effort, than the production of a sole stand of maize. At least where the productivity of mixture is dominated by one species, as with maize in maize-pumpkins intercropping, the competitive effect of the recessive species on the dominant is small.
PB  - Soc Field Crop Sci, Bornova
T2  - Turkish Journal of Field Crops
T1  - Productivity of Intercropping Maize (Zea mays l.) and Pumpkins (Cucurbita maxima duch.) under Conventional vs. Conservation Farming System
EP  - 98
IS  - 1
SP  - 92
VL  - 20
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_650
ER  - 
author = "Momirović, Nebojša and Oljača, Snežana and Dolijanović, Željko and Oljaca, Mićo and Janošević, Biljana and Simić, Milena",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The evaluation of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima Duch.) and maize (Zea mays L.) intercropping productivity, under different farming systems: conventional farming vs. conservation farming was carried out on the chernozem type of soil at Zemun Polje, Serbia. Results obtained by the bivariate analysis of variance showed significant differences between different proportions of components in intercropped maize and pumpkins. Regarding the land equivalent ratio (LER), two rows of pumpkins and two rows of maize (proportion 2/3:1/3) were the optimum spatial arrangement in conventional farming system, while proportion 1/3:2/3 was optimal in conservation farming system. The yield of pumpkins proportionally increased with the increase of the plant population, although the intraspecies competition of pumpkins was very pronounced in intercropping with maize. The average fruit yield of pumpkins in the first year was lower in conservation farming practices in comparison with conventional farming practices. On the other hand, situation was complete opposite with pumpkin yield in second year of investigation, while significant decrease in maize yield was observed in the plots where conservation farming practices were applied. Growing pumpkins in mixture with maize probably costs a small farmer very little more effort, than the production of a sole stand of maize. At least where the productivity of mixture is dominated by one species, as with maize in maize-pumpkins intercropping, the competitive effect of the recessive species on the dominant is small.",
publisher = "Soc Field Crop Sci, Bornova",
journal = "Turkish Journal of Field Crops",
title = "Productivity of Intercropping Maize (Zea mays l.) and Pumpkins (Cucurbita maxima duch.) under Conventional vs. Conservation Farming System",
pages = "98-92",
number = "1",
volume = "20",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_650"
Momirović, N., Oljača, S., Dolijanović, Ž., Oljaca, M., Janošević, B.,& Simić, M.. (2015). Productivity of Intercropping Maize (Zea mays l.) and Pumpkins (Cucurbita maxima duch.) under Conventional vs. Conservation Farming System. in Turkish Journal of Field Crops
Soc Field Crop Sci, Bornova., 20(1), 92-98.
Momirović N, Oljača S, Dolijanović Ž, Oljaca M, Janošević B, Simić M. Productivity of Intercropping Maize (Zea mays l.) and Pumpkins (Cucurbita maxima duch.) under Conventional vs. Conservation Farming System. in Turkish Journal of Field Crops. 2015;20(1):92-98.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_650 .
Momirović, Nebojša, Oljača, Snežana, Dolijanović, Željko, Oljaca, Mićo, Janošević, Biljana, Simić, Milena, "Productivity of Intercropping Maize (Zea mays l.) and Pumpkins (Cucurbita maxima duch.) under Conventional vs. Conservation Farming System" in Turkish Journal of Field Crops, 20, no. 1 (2015):92-98,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_650 .

Crop interactions in green bean intercropping with lettuce and radish

Ugrinović, Milan; Oljača, Snežana; Momirović, Nebojša; Dolijanović, Željko; Jokanović-Brdar, Milka; Ðorđević, Mladen

(Sarajevo : University of East Sarajevo, 2015)

AU  - Ugrinović, Milan
AU  - Oljača, Snežana
AU  - Momirović, Nebojša
AU  - Dolijanović, Željko
AU  - Jokanović-Brdar, Milka
AU  - Ðorđević, Mladen
PY  - 2015
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/232
AB  - The scope of improving vegetable production through suitable intercrop combinations has not yet been exploited to its full potential. Research goals were to evaluate crop suitability for intercropping systems, to evaluate the effect of fertilization and sowing dates on productivity of green bean, lettuce and radish and to study the main factors responsible for crop performance when intercropped under field conditions in 2009-2010. A field trial was set up in a random block system with four repetitions on experimental field of the Institute for Vegetable Crops in Smederevska Palanka, Serbia. Green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as a main crop was intercropped with leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and radish (Raphanus sativus var. radicula L.). Also, all crops were grown in pure stands. The intercrops were created according to the method of replacement series. The treatments of fertilization consisted of following variants: control treatment without fertilization, microbiological and mineral fertilizers and farm yard manure. All the treatments were examined for two sowing periods, spring and summer. Yield variation was significantly affected by the year of sowing, fertilization and interaction of these factors. LER values were always larger than 1 in intercropping systems. The mechanisms involved in the overyielding were the green bean canopy plasticity and its temporal deployment asynchrony when compared with lettuce and radish, allowing reduction of competition for light and production factors. The study showed that green bean based intercrops might provide the higher total yields.
PB  - Sarajevo : University of East Sarajevo
C3  - Book of proceedings : Sixth International Scientific Agricultural Symposium "Agrosym 2015", Jahorina, October 15 - 18, 2015
T1  - Crop interactions in green bean intercropping with lettuce and radish
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_232
ER  - 
author = "Ugrinović, Milan and Oljača, Snežana and Momirović, Nebojša and Dolijanović, Željko and Jokanović-Brdar, Milka and Ðorđević, Mladen",
year = "2015",
abstract = "The scope of improving vegetable production through suitable intercrop combinations has not yet been exploited to its full potential. Research goals were to evaluate crop suitability for intercropping systems, to evaluate the effect of fertilization and sowing dates on productivity of green bean, lettuce and radish and to study the main factors responsible for crop performance when intercropped under field conditions in 2009-2010. A field trial was set up in a random block system with four repetitions on experimental field of the Institute for Vegetable Crops in Smederevska Palanka, Serbia. Green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) as a main crop was intercropped with leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) and radish (Raphanus sativus var. radicula L.). Also, all crops were grown in pure stands. The intercrops were created according to the method of replacement series. The treatments of fertilization consisted of following variants: control treatment without fertilization, microbiological and mineral fertilizers and farm yard manure. All the treatments were examined for two sowing periods, spring and summer. Yield variation was significantly affected by the year of sowing, fertilization and interaction of these factors. LER values were always larger than 1 in intercropping systems. The mechanisms involved in the overyielding were the green bean canopy plasticity and its temporal deployment asynchrony when compared with lettuce and radish, allowing reduction of competition for light and production factors. The study showed that green bean based intercrops might provide the higher total yields.",
publisher = "Sarajevo : University of East Sarajevo",
journal = "Book of proceedings : Sixth International Scientific Agricultural Symposium "Agrosym 2015", Jahorina, October 15 - 18, 2015",
title = "Crop interactions in green bean intercropping with lettuce and radish",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_232"
Ugrinović, M., Oljača, S., Momirović, N., Dolijanović, Ž., Jokanović-Brdar, M.,& Ðorđević, M.. (2015). Crop interactions in green bean intercropping with lettuce and radish. in Book of proceedings : Sixth International Scientific Agricultural Symposium "Agrosym 2015", Jahorina, October 15 - 18, 2015
Sarajevo : University of East Sarajevo..
Ugrinović M, Oljača S, Momirović N, Dolijanović Ž, Jokanović-Brdar M, Ðorđević M. Crop interactions in green bean intercropping with lettuce and radish. in Book of proceedings : Sixth International Scientific Agricultural Symposium "Agrosym 2015", Jahorina, October 15 - 18, 2015. 2015;.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_232 .
Ugrinović, Milan, Oljača, Snežana, Momirović, Nebojša, Dolijanović, Željko, Jokanović-Brdar, Milka, Ðorđević, Mladen, "Crop interactions in green bean intercropping with lettuce and radish" in Book of proceedings : Sixth International Scientific Agricultural Symposium "Agrosym 2015", Jahorina, October 15 - 18, 2015 (2015),
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_rivec_232 .

Postrni usev rotkve u organskom sistemu gajenja

Ugrinović, Milan; Girek, Zdenka; Zdravković, Jasmina; Đorđević, Mladen; Oljača, Snežana; Brdar-Jokanović, Milka; Zečević, Bogoljub

(Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela, 2014)

AU  - Ugrinović, Milan
AU  - Girek, Zdenka
AU  - Zdravković, Jasmina
AU  - Đorđević, Mladen
AU  - Oljača, Snežana
AU  - Brdar-Jokanović, Milka
AU  - Zečević, Bogoljub
PY  - 2014
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/159
AB  - Na oglednom polju Instituta za povrtarstvo u Smederevskoj Palanci, postavljen je dvogodišnji ogled s ciljem ispitivanja uticaja organskih đubriva na prinos po biljci rotkve u čistom i združenom usevu s boranijom. Korišćeni su dobro zgoreli stajnjak (FM) i mikrobiološko đubrivo koje sadrži Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus suptilis, Azotobacter chrocoocum, Azotobacter vinelandi i Derxia sp. Kontrolne tretmane su činile neđubrene parcele i parcele tretirane mineralnim đubrivom. Prosečan prinos po biljci rotkve za sve tretmane u obe godine istraživanja bio je 228,8 g. Najveći prosečan prinos po biljci (344,3 g), zabeležen je 2011. godine u združenom usevu kod tretmana mineralnim đubrivom a najmanji (178,2 g), zabeležen je 2010. godine u čistom usevu kod tretmana bez upotrebe đubriva.
AB  - Two year field trial was conducted in order to investigate the effect of different organic fertilizers, bacterial fertilizer (Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus suptilis, Azotobacter chrocoocum, Azotobacter vinelandi i Derxia sp.) and fuly decomposed farmyard manure (FM) on radish yield per plant in sole crop and intercropped with green bean. Unfertilized plots and plots fertilized with mineral fertilizer were used as a controls. The average radish yield per plant for all treatments in both years was 228.8 g. The highest average yield per plant was 344.3 g. It was noticed in the 2011th in intercropped radish on the treatment with mineral fertilizer. The lowest radish yield per plant 178.2 g, was recorded in the 2010th in pure crops on treatment without fertilization.
PB  - Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela
T2  - Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
T1  - Postrni usev rotkve u organskom sistemu gajenja
T1  - Organically grown radish as a subsequent crop
EP  - 137
IS  - 1-4
SP  - 129
VL  - 20
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3658
ER  - 
author = "Ugrinović, Milan and Girek, Zdenka and Zdravković, Jasmina and Đorđević, Mladen and Oljača, Snežana and Brdar-Jokanović, Milka and Zečević, Bogoljub",
year = "2014",
abstract = "Na oglednom polju Instituta za povrtarstvo u Smederevskoj Palanci, postavljen je dvogodišnji ogled s ciljem ispitivanja uticaja organskih đubriva na prinos po biljci rotkve u čistom i združenom usevu s boranijom. Korišćeni su dobro zgoreli stajnjak (FM) i mikrobiološko đubrivo koje sadrži Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus suptilis, Azotobacter chrocoocum, Azotobacter vinelandi i Derxia sp. Kontrolne tretmane su činile neđubrene parcele i parcele tretirane mineralnim đubrivom. Prosečan prinos po biljci rotkve za sve tretmane u obe godine istraživanja bio je 228,8 g. Najveći prosečan prinos po biljci (344,3 g), zabeležen je 2011. godine u združenom usevu kod tretmana mineralnim đubrivom a najmanji (178,2 g), zabeležen je 2010. godine u čistom usevu kod tretmana bez upotrebe đubriva., Two year field trial was conducted in order to investigate the effect of different organic fertilizers, bacterial fertilizer (Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus suptilis, Azotobacter chrocoocum, Azotobacter vinelandi i Derxia sp.) and fuly decomposed farmyard manure (FM) on radish yield per plant in sole crop and intercropped with green bean. Unfertilized plots and plots fertilized with mineral fertilizer were used as a controls. The average radish yield per plant for all treatments in both years was 228.8 g. The highest average yield per plant was 344.3 g. It was noticed in the 2011th in intercropped radish on the treatment with mineral fertilizer. The lowest radish yield per plant 178.2 g, was recorded in the 2010th in pure crops on treatment without fertilization.",
publisher = "Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela",
journal = "Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik",
title = "Postrni usev rotkve u organskom sistemu gajenja, Organically grown radish as a subsequent crop",
pages = "137-129",
number = "1-4",
volume = "20",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3658"
Ugrinović, M., Girek, Z., Zdravković, J., Đorđević, M., Oljača, S., Brdar-Jokanović, M.,& Zečević, B.. (2014). Postrni usev rotkve u organskom sistemu gajenja. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik
Institut PKB Agroekonomik, Padinska skela., 20(1-4), 129-137.
Ugrinović M, Girek Z, Zdravković J, Đorđević M, Oljača S, Brdar-Jokanović M, Zečević B. Postrni usev rotkve u organskom sistemu gajenja. in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik. 2014;20(1-4):129-137.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3658 .
Ugrinović, Milan, Girek, Zdenka, Zdravković, Jasmina, Đorđević, Mladen, Oljača, Snežana, Brdar-Jokanović, Milka, Zečević, Bogoljub, "Postrni usev rotkve u organskom sistemu gajenja" in Zbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomik, 20, no. 1-4 (2014):129-137,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_3658 .

The effect of liquid and soluble fertilizers on lettuce yield

Ugrinović, Milan; Oljača, Snežana; Brdar-Jokanović, Milka; Zdravković, Jasmina; Girek, Zdenka; Zdravković, Milan

(Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad i Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad, 2011)

AU  - Ugrinović, Milan
AU  - Oljača, Snežana
AU  - Brdar-Jokanović, Milka
AU  - Zdravković, Jasmina
AU  - Girek, Zdenka
AU  - Zdravković, Milan
PY  - 2011
UR  - http://RIVeC.institut-palanka.rs/handle/123456789/92
AB  - The aim of this study was to examine the effect of five liquid/soluble fertilizers on yield and yield contributing characters in plastic house grown lettuce. Bioactiv, Hascon M-10 AD and Herbagreen were splashed onto the plants; Foliacon 22 was applied within watering and Drin was used in both ways. The yield was significantly increased by all treatments, except for Bioactiv. Considering both the yield and other traits analyzed, the best results have been achieved by application of Drin within watering and it could be recommended for plastic house grown winter lettuce.
AB  - Cilj ovog istraživanja bilo je ispitivanje uticaja pet tečnih i lako rastvorljivih sredstava za ishranu biljaka na prinos i svojstva u vezi sa prinosom kod zelene salate gajene u zaštićenom prostoru u toku zime. Bioactiv, Hascon M-10 AD i Herbagreen primenjeni su folijarno; Foliacon 22 je zalivanjem a Drin je korišćen na oba načina. Zabeleženi su značajno viši prinosi po biljci na svim ispitivanim tretmanima, izuzev na tretmanu Bioactiv. Uzevši u obzir prinos i druga ispitivana svojstva najbolji rezultati su postignuti primenom preparata Drin zalivanjem, te bi se ovaj tretman mogao preporučiti kod plasteničke proizvodnje zelene salate u toku zime.
PB  - Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad i Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad
T2  - Savremena poljoprivreda
T1  - The effect of liquid and soluble fertilizers on lettuce yield
T1  - Uticaj tečnih i lako rastvorljivih sredstava za ishranu biljaka na prinos zelene salate
EP  - 115
IS  - 1-2
SP  - 110
VL  - 60
UR  - https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_2611
ER  - 
author = "Ugrinović, Milan and Oljača, Snežana and Brdar-Jokanović, Milka and Zdravković, Jasmina and Girek, Zdenka and Zdravković, Milan",
year = "2011",
abstract = "The aim of this study was to examine the effect of five liquid/soluble fertilizers on yield and yield contributing characters in plastic house grown lettuce. Bioactiv, Hascon M-10 AD and Herbagreen were splashed onto the plants; Foliacon 22 was applied within watering and Drin was used in both ways. The yield was significantly increased by all treatments, except for Bioactiv. Considering both the yield and other traits analyzed, the best results have been achieved by application of Drin within watering and it could be recommended for plastic house grown winter lettuce., Cilj ovog istraživanja bilo je ispitivanje uticaja pet tečnih i lako rastvorljivih sredstava za ishranu biljaka na prinos i svojstva u vezi sa prinosom kod zelene salate gajene u zaštićenom prostoru u toku zime. Bioactiv, Hascon M-10 AD i Herbagreen primenjeni su folijarno; Foliacon 22 je zalivanjem a Drin je korišćen na oba načina. Zabeleženi su značajno viši prinosi po biljci na svim ispitivanim tretmanima, izuzev na tretmanu Bioactiv. Uzevši u obzir prinos i druga ispitivana svojstva najbolji rezultati su postignuti primenom preparata Drin zalivanjem, te bi se ovaj tretman mogao preporučiti kod plasteničke proizvodnje zelene salate u toku zime.",
publisher = "Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad i Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad",
journal = "Savremena poljoprivreda",
title = "The effect of liquid and soluble fertilizers on lettuce yield, Uticaj tečnih i lako rastvorljivih sredstava za ishranu biljaka na prinos zelene salate",
pages = "115-110",
number = "1-2",
volume = "60",
url = "https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_2611"
Ugrinović, M., Oljača, S., Brdar-Jokanović, M., Zdravković, J., Girek, Z.,& Zdravković, M.. (2011). The effect of liquid and soluble fertilizers on lettuce yield. in Savremena poljoprivreda
Univerzitet u Novom Sadu - Poljoprivredni fakultet, Novi Sad i Naučni institut za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo, Novi Sad., 60(1-2), 110-115.
Ugrinović M, Oljača S, Brdar-Jokanović M, Zdravković J, Girek Z, Zdravković M. The effect of liquid and soluble fertilizers on lettuce yield. in Savremena poljoprivreda. 2011;60(1-2):110-115.
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_2611 .
Ugrinović, Milan, Oljača, Snežana, Brdar-Jokanović, Milka, Zdravković, Jasmina, Girek, Zdenka, Zdravković, Milan, "The effect of liquid and soluble fertilizers on lettuce yield" in Savremena poljoprivreda, 60, no. 1-2 (2011):110-115,
https://hdl.handle.net/21.15107/rcub_agrospace_2611 .