Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200189 (University of Priština - Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Agiculture, Lešak)

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Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, Grant no. 451-03-68/2020-14/200189 (University of Priština - Kosovska Mitrovica, Faculty of Agiculture, Lešak) (en)
Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije, Ugovor br. 451-03-68/2020-14/200189 (Univerzitet u Prištini sa privremenim sedištem u Kosovskoj Mitrovici, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Lešak) (sr_RS)
Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије, Уговор бр. 451-03-68/2020-14/200189 (Универзитет у Приштини са привременим седиштем у Косовској Митровици, Пољопривредни факултет, Лешак) (sr)


The effect of climate factors on maize yield of late sowing date

Stojiljković, Jelena; Rajičić, Vera; Đurić, Nenad; Biberdžić, Milan; Luković, Kristina; Perišić, Vladimir; Zečević, Veselinka

(Kragujevac : University, Faculty of Agronomy in Čačak, 2024)

AU  - Stojiljković, Jelena
AU  - Rajičić, Vera
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Biberdžić, Milan
AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Perišić, Vladimir
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Two-year research was carried out in 2014 and 2015 on the territory of the municipality of Leskovac, on alluvium land type. In the experiment, 6 maize hybrids of different vegetation lengths 400-600 were sown (ZP 434, NS 4023, ZP 555, NS 5051, ZP 666, NS 6030). The hybrid NS 6030 (10.248 t ha-1) had the highest average yield in 2014, while the hybrid FAO group 400 NS 4023 (9.467 t ha-1) had the lowest. The highest average yield in the year 2015, unfavorable for corn production, was achieved by the hybrid FAO group 400 ZP 434 (6.938 t ha-1) and the smallest yield by hybrid FAO group 600 NS 6030 (4.980 t ha-1). In 2015, being that the average temperatures were warmer than in 2014, and it had fewer amounts and worse distribution of precipitation, late sowing had a very bad effect on all hybrids, especially on FAO 600 hybrids.
PB  - Kragujevac : University, Faculty of Agronomy in Čačak
C3  - 2nd International Symposium on Biotechnology, 14–15 March 2024
T1  - The effect of climate factors on maize yield of late sowing date
EP  - 53
SP  - 47
DO  - 10.46793/SBT29.05JS
ER  - 
author = "Stojiljković, Jelena and Rajičić, Vera and Đurić, Nenad and Biberdžić, Milan and Luković, Kristina and Perišić, Vladimir and Zečević, Veselinka",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Two-year research was carried out in 2014 and 2015 on the territory of the municipality of Leskovac, on alluvium land type. In the experiment, 6 maize hybrids of different vegetation lengths 400-600 were sown (ZP 434, NS 4023, ZP 555, NS 5051, ZP 666, NS 6030). The hybrid NS 6030 (10.248 t ha-1) had the highest average yield in 2014, while the hybrid FAO group 400 NS 4023 (9.467 t ha-1) had the lowest. The highest average yield in the year 2015, unfavorable for corn production, was achieved by the hybrid FAO group 400 ZP 434 (6.938 t ha-1) and the smallest yield by hybrid FAO group 600 NS 6030 (4.980 t ha-1). In 2015, being that the average temperatures were warmer than in 2014, and it had fewer amounts and worse distribution of precipitation, late sowing had a very bad effect on all hybrids, especially on FAO 600 hybrids.",
publisher = "Kragujevac : University, Faculty of Agronomy in Čačak",
journal = "2nd International Symposium on Biotechnology, 14–15 March 2024",
title = "The effect of climate factors on maize yield of late sowing date",
pages = "53-47",
doi = "10.46793/SBT29.05JS"
Stojiljković, J., Rajičić, V., Đurić, N., Biberdžić, M., Luković, K., Perišić, V.,& Zečević, V.. (2024). The effect of climate factors on maize yield of late sowing date. in 2nd International Symposium on Biotechnology, 14–15 March 2024
Kragujevac : University, Faculty of Agronomy in Čačak., 47-53.
Stojiljković J, Rajičić V, Đurić N, Biberdžić M, Luković K, Perišić V, Zečević V. The effect of climate factors on maize yield of late sowing date. in 2nd International Symposium on Biotechnology, 14–15 March 2024. 2024;:47-53.
doi:10.46793/SBT29.05JS .
Stojiljković, Jelena, Rajičić, Vera, Đurić, Nenad, Biberdžić, Milan, Luković, Kristina, Perišić, Vladimir, Zečević, Veselinka, "The effect of climate factors on maize yield of late sowing date" in 2nd International Symposium on Biotechnology, 14–15 March 2024 (2024):47-53, . .

Limitation and potential of wheat growing for food security

Laze, Ariona; Knežević, Desimir; Mićanović, Danica; Ivanović, Tatjana; Menkovska, Mirjana; Hagh Nazari, Simin; Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Zečević, Veselinka

(Kraljevo : Naučno poslovni centar WORLD, 2024)

AU  - Laze, Ariona
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
AU  - Ivanović, Tatjana
AU  - Menkovska, Mirjana
AU  - Hagh Nazari, Simin
AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
PY  - 2024
UR  -
AB  - Wheat is the staple plant species for production food and end food products for nutrition of majority world populations. The constraints of natural resources and an increase of human population, require increasing arable land for plant cultivation and improving crop yield for security of food. Existing limitations present a challenge to breeders to use classical and new biotechnological methods to create new varieties with higher yield, better quality and greater resistance to stress conditions. In addition, during cultivation, it is necessary to apply adequate crop nutrition and protection of crops from diseases and pests with mineral fertilizers in order to increase crop resistance and reduce the negative impact of stress factors, thus increasing yields.
AB  - Pšenica je osnovna biljna vrsta za proizvodnju hrane i krajnjih prehrambenih proizvoda za ishranu većine svetske populacije. Ograničenja prirodnih resursa i povećanje ljudske populacije, zahtevaju povećanje obradivog zemljišta za uzgoj biljaka i poboljšanje prinosa i kvaliteta za sigurnost hrane. Postojeća ograničenja predstavljaju izazov oplemenjivačima za korišćenje klasičnih i novih biotehnoloških metoda za stvaranje novih sorti sa većim prinosom, boljim kvalitetom i većom otpornosti na uslove stresa. Osim toga, u toku gajenja, neophodno je primeniti adekvatnu ishranu useva i zaštitu useva od bolesti i štetočina mineralnim djubrivima u cilju povećanja otpornosti useva i smanjenje negativnog uticaja faktora stresa, a na taj način i povećanje prinosa.
PB  - Kraljevo : Naučno poslovni centar WORLD
C3  - Food for the future - vision of Serbia, region and Southeast Europe = Hrana za budućnost - vizija Srbije, regiona i Jugoistočne Evrope : proceedings = zbornik radova / 11th JEEP International scientific agribusiness conference MAK 2022, Kopaonik, Serbia, 02.- 04. February 2024. = 11. JEEP međunarodna naučna agrobiznis konferencija MAK 2024, Kopaonik
T1  - Limitation and potential of wheat growing for food security
T1  - Ograničenje i potencijal gajenja pšenice za obezbedjenje hrane
EP  - 40
SP  - 30
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Laze, Ariona and Knežević, Desimir and Mićanović, Danica and Ivanović, Tatjana and Menkovska, Mirjana and Hagh Nazari, Simin and Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Zečević, Veselinka",
year = "2024",
abstract = "Wheat is the staple plant species for production food and end food products for nutrition of majority world populations. The constraints of natural resources and an increase of human population, require increasing arable land for plant cultivation and improving crop yield for security of food. Existing limitations present a challenge to breeders to use classical and new biotechnological methods to create new varieties with higher yield, better quality and greater resistance to stress conditions. In addition, during cultivation, it is necessary to apply adequate crop nutrition and protection of crops from diseases and pests with mineral fertilizers in order to increase crop resistance and reduce the negative impact of stress factors, thus increasing yields., Pšenica je osnovna biljna vrsta za proizvodnju hrane i krajnjih prehrambenih proizvoda za ishranu većine svetske populacije. Ograničenja prirodnih resursa i povećanje ljudske populacije, zahtevaju povećanje obradivog zemljišta za uzgoj biljaka i poboljšanje prinosa i kvaliteta za sigurnost hrane. Postojeća ograničenja predstavljaju izazov oplemenjivačima za korišćenje klasičnih i novih biotehnoloških metoda za stvaranje novih sorti sa većim prinosom, boljim kvalitetom i većom otpornosti na uslove stresa. Osim toga, u toku gajenja, neophodno je primeniti adekvatnu ishranu useva i zaštitu useva od bolesti i štetočina mineralnim djubrivima u cilju povećanja otpornosti useva i smanjenje negativnog uticaja faktora stresa, a na taj način i povećanje prinosa.",
publisher = "Kraljevo : Naučno poslovni centar WORLD",
journal = "Food for the future - vision of Serbia, region and Southeast Europe = Hrana za budućnost - vizija Srbije, regiona i Jugoistočne Evrope : proceedings = zbornik radova / 11th JEEP International scientific agribusiness conference MAK 2022, Kopaonik, Serbia, 02.- 04. February 2024. = 11. JEEP međunarodna naučna agrobiznis konferencija MAK 2024, Kopaonik",
title = "Limitation and potential of wheat growing for food security, Ograničenje i potencijal gajenja pšenice za obezbedjenje hrane",
pages = "40-30",
url = ""
Laze, A., Knežević, D., Mićanović, D., Ivanović, T., Menkovska, M., Hagh Nazari, S., Matković Stojšin, M.,& Zečević, V.. (2024). Limitation and potential of wheat growing for food security. in Food for the future - vision of Serbia, region and Southeast Europe = Hrana za budućnost - vizija Srbije, regiona i Jugoistočne Evrope : proceedings = zbornik radova / 11th JEEP International scientific agribusiness conference MAK 2022, Kopaonik, Serbia, 02.- 04. February 2024. = 11. JEEP međunarodna naučna agrobiznis konferencija MAK 2024, Kopaonik
Kraljevo : Naučno poslovni centar WORLD., 30-40.
Laze A, Knežević D, Mićanović D, Ivanović T, Menkovska M, Hagh Nazari S, Matković Stojšin M, Zečević V. Limitation and potential of wheat growing for food security. in Food for the future - vision of Serbia, region and Southeast Europe = Hrana za budućnost - vizija Srbije, regiona i Jugoistočne Evrope : proceedings = zbornik radova / 11th JEEP International scientific agribusiness conference MAK 2022, Kopaonik, Serbia, 02.- 04. February 2024. = 11. JEEP međunarodna naučna agrobiznis konferencija MAK 2024, Kopaonik. 2024;:30-40. .
Laze, Ariona, Knežević, Desimir, Mićanović, Danica, Ivanović, Tatjana, Menkovska, Mirjana, Hagh Nazari, Simin, Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Zečević, Veselinka, "Limitation and potential of wheat growing for food security" in Food for the future - vision of Serbia, region and Southeast Europe = Hrana za budućnost - vizija Srbije, regiona i Jugoistočne Evrope : proceedings = zbornik radova / 11th JEEP International scientific agribusiness conference MAK 2022, Kopaonik, Serbia, 02.- 04. February 2024. = 11. JEEP međunarodna naučna agrobiznis konferencija MAK 2024, Kopaonik (2024):30-40, .

Impact of agro-ecological conditions and fertilization on yield and quality of triticale on pseudogley soil

Rajičić, Vera; Popović, Vera; Đurić, Nenad; Biberdžić, Milan; Babić, Violeta; Stojiljković, Jelena; Grubišić, Mirko; Terzić, Dragan

(AcademicPres, 2023)

AU  - Rajičić, Vera
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Biberdžić, Milan
AU  - Babić, Violeta
AU  - Stojiljković, Jelena
AU  - Grubišić, Mirko
AU  - Terzić, Dragan
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The results of the study of the influence of fertilization and calcification on the yield and yield components of winter triticale grown on low pH soil are presented in this paper. Five variants of fertilization were tested during three growing seasons. Trial treatments included different fertilization variants: V1-control, V2-N120, V3-N120P80K60, V4-N120P80K60 + 5 t ha- 1 of lime and V5-N120P80K60 + 5 t ha-1 of lime + 30 t ha-1 of manure. The results of the research showed that all yield components responded positively to the application of mineral nutrition by changing the production characteristics and grain quality. The variant with the combined application of NPK, lime and manure had the greatest positive effect on all tested parameters affecting triticale productivity. During the study, the highest yield of triticale 5.826 t ha-1 was obtained on the fertilization variant with the combined application of lime, manure and NPK fertilizers. The achieved increase in the grain yield of triticale was significant compared to the control and the NPK variant of fertilization. Highly significant positive dependencies were found between the grain yield with 1000-grain weight, and test weight and significant positive dependencies were found between 1000-grain weight and test weight. Theresearch highlighted the impact of different fertilizer treatments on the yield and grain quality traits of winter triticale.
PB  - AcademicPres
T2  - Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
T1  - Impact of agro-ecological conditions and fertilization on yield and quality of triticale on pseudogley soil
IS  - 4
SP  - 13387
VL  - 51
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Rajičić, Vera and Popović, Vera and Đurić, Nenad and Biberdžić, Milan and Babić, Violeta and Stojiljković, Jelena and Grubišić, Mirko and Terzić, Dragan",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The results of the study of the influence of fertilization and calcification on the yield and yield components of winter triticale grown on low pH soil are presented in this paper. Five variants of fertilization were tested during three growing seasons. Trial treatments included different fertilization variants: V1-control, V2-N120, V3-N120P80K60, V4-N120P80K60 + 5 t ha- 1 of lime and V5-N120P80K60 + 5 t ha-1 of lime + 30 t ha-1 of manure. The results of the research showed that all yield components responded positively to the application of mineral nutrition by changing the production characteristics and grain quality. The variant with the combined application of NPK, lime and manure had the greatest positive effect on all tested parameters affecting triticale productivity. During the study, the highest yield of triticale 5.826 t ha-1 was obtained on the fertilization variant with the combined application of lime, manure and NPK fertilizers. The achieved increase in the grain yield of triticale was significant compared to the control and the NPK variant of fertilization. Highly significant positive dependencies were found between the grain yield with 1000-grain weight, and test weight and significant positive dependencies were found between 1000-grain weight and test weight. Theresearch highlighted the impact of different fertilizer treatments on the yield and grain quality traits of winter triticale.",
publisher = "AcademicPres",
journal = "Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca",
title = "Impact of agro-ecological conditions and fertilization on yield and quality of triticale on pseudogley soil",
number = "4",
pages = "13387",
volume = "51",
url = ""
Rajičić, V., Popović, V., Đurić, N., Biberdžić, M., Babić, V., Stojiljković, J., Grubišić, M.,& Terzić, D.. (2023). Impact of agro-ecological conditions and fertilization on yield and quality of triticale on pseudogley soil. in Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca
AcademicPres., 51(4), 13387.
Rajičić V, Popović V, Đurić N, Biberdžić M, Babić V, Stojiljković J, Grubišić M, Terzić D. Impact of agro-ecological conditions and fertilization on yield and quality of triticale on pseudogley soil. in Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca. 2023;51(4):13387. .
Rajičić, Vera, Popović, Vera, Đurić, Nenad, Biberdžić, Milan, Babić, Violeta, Stojiljković, Jelena, Grubišić, Mirko, Terzić, Dragan, "Impact of agro-ecological conditions and fertilization on yield and quality of triticale on pseudogley soil" in Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 51, no. 4 (2023):13387, .

Assessing the Potential of Old and Modern Serbian Wheat Genotypes: Yield Components and Nutritional Profiles in a Comprehensive Study

Urošević, Dušan; Knežević, Desimir; Đurić, Nenad; Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Kandić, Vesna; Mićanović, Danica; Stojiljković, Jelena; Zečević, Veselinka

(MDPI, 2023)

AU  - Urošević, Dušan
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Kandić, Vesna
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
AU  - Stojiljković, Jelena
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - Creating wheat genotypes characterized by high grain yield, high protein content, and favorable amino acid composition is the main goal of breeders, especially in developing countries where wheat is a staple food. An experiment with 20 wheat genotypes, released through breeding activities in the Serbian region at different periods and adapted to its pedoclimatic conditions, was conducted with the aim of determining the genetic potential of the analyzed genotypes for grain yield and quality. Due to the divergence of the examined wheat germplasm, the factor of genotype had the largest share in the variation of all yield parameters (>66%). The genotypes Zadruga and Agrounija exhibited superior abilities for overall grain yield. Also, genotype Zadruga stood out in a distinct cluster group due to high values of both thousand grain weight and grain yield per plant. A continuous improvement in protein content was found, with newer genotypes having 17.13% higher protein content compared with older genotypes. Genotype Sloga stood out with the highest protein content (13.93%). On the other hand, the old genotype Balkan was distinguished by the highest content of nonessential amino acids (61.5 g 100 g−1 protein), which makes it a good genetic resource. Genotypes Agrounija (32.62 g 100 g−1 protein) and Tanjugovka (32.47 g 100 g−1 protein) had the highest content of essential amino acids. The highest AAS value was established for tryptophan (1.81) and the lowest for lysine (0.61). Genotypes Tanjugovka and Zadruga had the highest AAS, i.e., protein completeness. The genotypes Zadruga, Tanjugovka, Agrounija, and Sloga have demonstrated high-yield capacity and possess a favorable amino acid profile, making them promising candidates for enhancing the nutritional quality of wheat and potentially benefiting human health.
T2  - Agronomy (Special Issue Genetic Potentials and Breeding Progress in Cereal Grains)
T1  - Assessing the Potential of Old and Modern Serbian Wheat Genotypes: Yield Components and Nutritional Profiles in a Comprehensive Study
IS  - 9
SP  - 2426
VL  - 13
DO  - 10.3390/agronomy13092426
ER  - 
author = "Urošević, Dušan and Knežević, Desimir and Đurić, Nenad and Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Kandić, Vesna and Mićanović, Danica and Stojiljković, Jelena and Zečević, Veselinka",
year = "2023",
abstract = "Creating wheat genotypes characterized by high grain yield, high protein content, and favorable amino acid composition is the main goal of breeders, especially in developing countries where wheat is a staple food. An experiment with 20 wheat genotypes, released through breeding activities in the Serbian region at different periods and adapted to its pedoclimatic conditions, was conducted with the aim of determining the genetic potential of the analyzed genotypes for grain yield and quality. Due to the divergence of the examined wheat germplasm, the factor of genotype had the largest share in the variation of all yield parameters (>66%). The genotypes Zadruga and Agrounija exhibited superior abilities for overall grain yield. Also, genotype Zadruga stood out in a distinct cluster group due to high values of both thousand grain weight and grain yield per plant. A continuous improvement in protein content was found, with newer genotypes having 17.13% higher protein content compared with older genotypes. Genotype Sloga stood out with the highest protein content (13.93%). On the other hand, the old genotype Balkan was distinguished by the highest content of nonessential amino acids (61.5 g 100 g−1 protein), which makes it a good genetic resource. Genotypes Agrounija (32.62 g 100 g−1 protein) and Tanjugovka (32.47 g 100 g−1 protein) had the highest content of essential amino acids. The highest AAS value was established for tryptophan (1.81) and the lowest for lysine (0.61). Genotypes Tanjugovka and Zadruga had the highest AAS, i.e., protein completeness. The genotypes Zadruga, Tanjugovka, Agrounija, and Sloga have demonstrated high-yield capacity and possess a favorable amino acid profile, making them promising candidates for enhancing the nutritional quality of wheat and potentially benefiting human health.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Agronomy (Special Issue Genetic Potentials and Breeding Progress in Cereal Grains)",
title = "Assessing the Potential of Old and Modern Serbian Wheat Genotypes: Yield Components and Nutritional Profiles in a Comprehensive Study",
number = "9",
pages = "2426",
volume = "13",
doi = "10.3390/agronomy13092426"
Urošević, D., Knežević, D., Đurić, N., Matković Stojšin, M., Kandić, V., Mićanović, D., Stojiljković, J.,& Zečević, V.. (2023). Assessing the Potential of Old and Modern Serbian Wheat Genotypes: Yield Components and Nutritional Profiles in a Comprehensive Study. in Agronomy (Special Issue Genetic Potentials and Breeding Progress in Cereal Grains)
MDPI., 13(9), 2426.
Urošević D, Knežević D, Đurić N, Matković Stojšin M, Kandić V, Mićanović D, Stojiljković J, Zečević V. Assessing the Potential of Old and Modern Serbian Wheat Genotypes: Yield Components and Nutritional Profiles in a Comprehensive Study. in Agronomy (Special Issue Genetic Potentials and Breeding Progress in Cereal Grains). 2023;13(9):2426.
doi:10.3390/agronomy13092426 .
Urošević, Dušan, Knežević, Desimir, Đurić, Nenad, Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Kandić, Vesna, Mićanović, Danica, Stojiljković, Jelena, Zečević, Veselinka, "Assessing the Potential of Old and Modern Serbian Wheat Genotypes: Yield Components and Nutritional Profiles in a Comprehensive Study" in Agronomy (Special Issue Genetic Potentials and Breeding Progress in Cereal Grains), 13, no. 9 (2023):2426, . .

Protein Content and Amino Acid Composition in Seed of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Urošević, Dušan; Knežević, Desimir; Branković, Gordana; Yu. Novoselskaya-Dragovich, Aleksandra; Kudryavtsev, Alexander M.; Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Mićanović, Danica; Zečević, Veselinka

(Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbija, 2023)

AU  - Urošević, Dušan
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
AU  - Branković, Gordana
AU  - Yu. Novoselskaya-Dragovich, Aleksandra
AU  - Kudryavtsev, Alexander M.
AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Mićanović, Danica
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
PY  - 2023
UR  -
AB  - The aim of this study was determination of protein content and amino acid composition in seeds of bread wheat, with particular focus of evaluation essential amino acids (EAAs). For analysis used flour samples of grained seed of 10 wheat variety, which selected in different breeding center (in Novi Sad and Kragujevac, Serbia). Kjeldahl method was used for determination of nitrogen (N) contents which value multiplied with coefficient 5.7 for computing protein content (protein contents = 5.7 x % N contents). Amino acids analyses of wheat samples were performed by ion exchange chromatography, followed by the ninhydrin colour reaction and photometric detection at 570 nm and 440 nm (for proline). The results showed that the mean protein content for wheat varied from the lowest value 10.24% in Ljubičevka to the highest 14.21% in Fortuna variety. The mean contents (g 100 g-l protein) of nonessential amino acids (NEAAs) were aspartic acid 5.42%, serine 4.23%, glutamic acid 18.51%, proline 12.18%, glycine 4.17%, alanine 3.64%, tyrosine 2.52%, arginine 5.02%, while mean contents of essential amino acids (EAAs) were threonine 2.86%, valine 4.52%, methionine 1.28%, isoleucine 3.87%, leucine 5.87%, phenylalanine 4.62%, histidine 2.46%, lysine 2.91%. The wheat variety contained relatively high concentration of the most deficient EAAs. The variety Ljubičevka contained relatively high concentration of the most deficient EAAs (threonine, valine, leucine, lysine,). The highest value (29.31 g 100 g-l protein) of total essential amino acids (TEAA), 59.79 g 100 g-l protein of total nonessential amino acids (TNEAA) as well as the highest value (90.35 g 100 g-l protein) of total amino acids (TAA). Obtained results provide variability of wheat variety on the base of amino acid contents and indicate reliable variety for selecting desirable parents in breeding program for improving nutrient quality.
AB  - Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio određivanje sadržaja proteina i sastava aminokiselina u semenu hlebne pšenice, sa posebnim fokusom na procenu esencijalnih aminokiselina (EAA). Za analizu su korišćeni uzorci brašna mlevenog semena 10 sorti pšenice, koje su selekcionisane u različitim oplemenjivačkim centrima (u Novom Sadu i Kragujevcu, Srbija). Za odredjivanje sadržaja proteinakorišćen je Kjeldahlov metod za određivanje sadržaja azota (N) čija je vrednost pomnožena sa koeficijentom 5,7 (sadržaj proteina = 5,7 k % N sadržaj). Za analizu aminokiselina uzoraka pšenice korišćena je jonoizmenjivačka hromatografija, reakcija bojenja ninhidrinom i fotometrijska detekcija na 570 nm i 440 nm (za prolin). Rezultati su pokazali da je srednji sadržaj proteina pšenice varirao od najmanje vrednosti 10,24% kod Ljubičevke do najveće 14,21% kod sorte Fortuna. Srednja vrednost sadržaja (g 100 g-1 proteina) neesencijalnih aminokiselina (NEAA) je nađena za asparaginsku kiselinu 5,42%, serin 4,23%, glutaminsku kiselinu 18,51%, prolin 12,18%, glicin 4,17%, alanin 3,64%, tirozin 2,52%, dok je srednja vrednost sadržaja esencijalnih aminokiselina (EAA) bila za treonin 2,86%, valin 4,52%, metionin 1,28%, izoleucin 3,87%, leucin 5,87%, fenilalanin 4,62%, histidin 2,46% i lizin 1,2%. Sorta pšenice je sadržala relativno visoku koncentraciju najdeficitarnijih EAA. Kod sorte Ljubičevka je nadjena relativno visoka koncentracija najdeficitarnijih EAA (treonin, valin, leucin, lizin,). Najveći sadržaj (29,31 g 100 g-1 proteina), ukupnih esencijalnih amino kiselina (TEAA), i najveći sadržaj (59,79 g 100 g-1 proteina) ukupnih neesencijalnih amino kiselina (TNEAA) kao i najveća vrednost (90,35 g 100 g-1 proteina) ukupnih aminokiselina ( TAA). Dobijeni rezultati predstavljaju varijabilnost sorti pšenice na osnovu sadržaja aminokiselina i ukazuju na pouzdanu sortu za odabir poželjnih roditelja u oplemenjivačkom programu za poboljšanje kvaliteta hranljivih materija.
PB  - Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbija
T2  - Genetika
T1  - Protein Content and Amino Acid Composition in Seed of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
T1  - Sadržaj proteina i sastav aminokiselina u semenu hlebne pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.)
EP  - 318
IS  - 1
SP  - 301
VL  - 55
DO  - 10.2298/GENSR23010301U
ER  - 
author = "Urošević, Dušan and Knežević, Desimir and Branković, Gordana and Yu. Novoselskaya-Dragovich, Aleksandra and Kudryavtsev, Alexander M. and Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Mićanović, Danica and Zečević, Veselinka",
year = "2023",
abstract = "The aim of this study was determination of protein content and amino acid composition in seeds of bread wheat, with particular focus of evaluation essential amino acids (EAAs). For analysis used flour samples of grained seed of 10 wheat variety, which selected in different breeding center (in Novi Sad and Kragujevac, Serbia). Kjeldahl method was used for determination of nitrogen (N) contents which value multiplied with coefficient 5.7 for computing protein content (protein contents = 5.7 x % N contents). Amino acids analyses of wheat samples were performed by ion exchange chromatography, followed by the ninhydrin colour reaction and photometric detection at 570 nm and 440 nm (for proline). The results showed that the mean protein content for wheat varied from the lowest value 10.24% in Ljubičevka to the highest 14.21% in Fortuna variety. The mean contents (g 100 g-l protein) of nonessential amino acids (NEAAs) were aspartic acid 5.42%, serine 4.23%, glutamic acid 18.51%, proline 12.18%, glycine 4.17%, alanine 3.64%, tyrosine 2.52%, arginine 5.02%, while mean contents of essential amino acids (EAAs) were threonine 2.86%, valine 4.52%, methionine 1.28%, isoleucine 3.87%, leucine 5.87%, phenylalanine 4.62%, histidine 2.46%, lysine 2.91%. The wheat variety contained relatively high concentration of the most deficient EAAs. The variety Ljubičevka contained relatively high concentration of the most deficient EAAs (threonine, valine, leucine, lysine,). The highest value (29.31 g 100 g-l protein) of total essential amino acids (TEAA), 59.79 g 100 g-l protein of total nonessential amino acids (TNEAA) as well as the highest value (90.35 g 100 g-l protein) of total amino acids (TAA). Obtained results provide variability of wheat variety on the base of amino acid contents and indicate reliable variety for selecting desirable parents in breeding program for improving nutrient quality., Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio određivanje sadržaja proteina i sastava aminokiselina u semenu hlebne pšenice, sa posebnim fokusom na procenu esencijalnih aminokiselina (EAA). Za analizu su korišćeni uzorci brašna mlevenog semena 10 sorti pšenice, koje su selekcionisane u različitim oplemenjivačkim centrima (u Novom Sadu i Kragujevcu, Srbija). Za odredjivanje sadržaja proteinakorišćen je Kjeldahlov metod za određivanje sadržaja azota (N) čija je vrednost pomnožena sa koeficijentom 5,7 (sadržaj proteina = 5,7 k % N sadržaj). Za analizu aminokiselina uzoraka pšenice korišćena je jonoizmenjivačka hromatografija, reakcija bojenja ninhidrinom i fotometrijska detekcija na 570 nm i 440 nm (za prolin). Rezultati su pokazali da je srednji sadržaj proteina pšenice varirao od najmanje vrednosti 10,24% kod Ljubičevke do najveće 14,21% kod sorte Fortuna. Srednja vrednost sadržaja (g 100 g-1 proteina) neesencijalnih aminokiselina (NEAA) je nađena za asparaginsku kiselinu 5,42%, serin 4,23%, glutaminsku kiselinu 18,51%, prolin 12,18%, glicin 4,17%, alanin 3,64%, tirozin 2,52%, dok je srednja vrednost sadržaja esencijalnih aminokiselina (EAA) bila za treonin 2,86%, valin 4,52%, metionin 1,28%, izoleucin 3,87%, leucin 5,87%, fenilalanin 4,62%, histidin 2,46% i lizin 1,2%. Sorta pšenice je sadržala relativno visoku koncentraciju najdeficitarnijih EAA. Kod sorte Ljubičevka je nadjena relativno visoka koncentracija najdeficitarnijih EAA (treonin, valin, leucin, lizin,). Najveći sadržaj (29,31 g 100 g-1 proteina), ukupnih esencijalnih amino kiselina (TEAA), i najveći sadržaj (59,79 g 100 g-1 proteina) ukupnih neesencijalnih amino kiselina (TNEAA) kao i najveća vrednost (90,35 g 100 g-1 proteina) ukupnih aminokiselina ( TAA). Dobijeni rezultati predstavljaju varijabilnost sorti pšenice na osnovu sadržaja aminokiselina i ukazuju na pouzdanu sortu za odabir poželjnih roditelja u oplemenjivačkom programu za poboljšanje kvaliteta hranljivih materija.",
publisher = "Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbija",
journal = "Genetika",
title = "Protein Content and Amino Acid Composition in Seed of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), Sadržaj proteina i sastav aminokiselina u semenu hlebne pšenice (Triticum aestivum L.)",
pages = "318-301",
number = "1",
volume = "55",
doi = "10.2298/GENSR23010301U"
Urošević, D., Knežević, D., Branković, G., Yu. Novoselskaya-Dragovich, A., Kudryavtsev, A. M., Matković Stojšin, M., Mićanović, D.,& Zečević, V.. (2023). Protein Content and Amino Acid Composition in Seed of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). in Genetika
Beograd : Društvo genetičara Srbija., 55(1), 301-318.
Urošević D, Knežević D, Branković G, Yu. Novoselskaya-Dragovich A, Kudryavtsev AM, Matković Stojšin M, Mićanović D, Zečević V. Protein Content and Amino Acid Composition in Seed of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). in Genetika. 2023;55(1):301-318.
doi:10.2298/GENSR23010301U .
Urošević, Dušan, Knežević, Desimir, Branković, Gordana, Yu. Novoselskaya-Dragovich, Aleksandra, Kudryavtsev, Alexander M., Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Mićanović, Danica, Zečević, Veselinka, "Protein Content and Amino Acid Composition in Seed of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)" in Genetika, 55, no. 1 (2023):301-318, . .

Maize yield depending on fertilization and soil compaction

Biberdžić, Milan; Barać, Saša; Stojiljković, Jelena; Madić, Milomirka; Rajičić, Vera

(Belgrade: The Balkans Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 2022)

AU  - Biberdžić, Milan
AU  - Barać, Saša
AU  - Stojiljković, Jelena
AU  - Madić, Milomirka
AU  - Rajičić, Vera
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Soil fertility is a combination of mineral and biological properties of
soil and the circulation of plant nutrients in the soil-plant system is constantly
happening within it. In order for the root system to develop and function normally,
it is necessary that there is enough oxygen in the soil. Only well-drained soils
provide enough oxygen and good activity of microorganisms. Since most of the
operations, from sowing to harvest, are performed with the help of heavy
mechanization, soil compaction occurs and its structure deteriorates. Within
compacted soil, there is a weaker development of the root system, weaker
microbiological activity, slowing down the absorption of water and nutrients,
thus slowing down the growth of plants. Growing plants on such soils result in
reduced yields and increased production costs. The aim of this study was to
determine the impact of manure and mineral fertilizers on soil compaction and
maize yield. The experiment was performed on the territory of the municipality of
Leskovac on smonica soil type. The experiment included four variants of
fertilization with organic and mineral fertilizers. Compaction was measured after
sowing and after maize harvest, by penetrologger Eijkelkamp hardware version
6.0, software version 6.03. The application of manure in combination with
mineral fertilizers significantly reduced soil compaction. The greatest
compaction was recorded at a depth of 40-50 cm, after which it stagnated and
slightly decreased to a depth of 80 cm. The average compaction measured after
harvest was 24.10% higher than that measured after sowing. The soil moisture
content was higher on plots with manure and mineral fertilizers than on nonfertilized
plots. Maize yield was significantly higher in variants where manure was used together with mineral fertilizers compared to variants with the only use
of mineral fertilizers and variants without fertilizers. Variants with the lowest soil
compaction achieved the highest yields. The recommendation to maize producers
is to apply more organic matter on heavy and compacted soils, primarily manure,
but also mineral fertilizers, in order to have high and stable yields.
PB  - Belgrade: The Balkans Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
C3  - Proceedeings of the 4th International Symposium: Modern Trends in Agricultural Production, Rural Development, Agro-economy, Cooperatives and Environmental Protection, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia 29 – 30. Jun
T1  - Maize yield depending on fertilization and soil compaction
EP  - 253
SP  - 241
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Biberdžić, Milan and Barać, Saša and Stojiljković, Jelena and Madić, Milomirka and Rajičić, Vera",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Soil fertility is a combination of mineral and biological properties of
soil and the circulation of plant nutrients in the soil-plant system is constantly
happening within it. In order for the root system to develop and function normally,
it is necessary that there is enough oxygen in the soil. Only well-drained soils
provide enough oxygen and good activity of microorganisms. Since most of the
operations, from sowing to harvest, are performed with the help of heavy
mechanization, soil compaction occurs and its structure deteriorates. Within
compacted soil, there is a weaker development of the root system, weaker
microbiological activity, slowing down the absorption of water and nutrients,
thus slowing down the growth of plants. Growing plants on such soils result in
reduced yields and increased production costs. The aim of this study was to
determine the impact of manure and mineral fertilizers on soil compaction and
maize yield. The experiment was performed on the territory of the municipality of
Leskovac on smonica soil type. The experiment included four variants of
fertilization with organic and mineral fertilizers. Compaction was measured after
sowing and after maize harvest, by penetrologger Eijkelkamp hardware version
6.0, software version 6.03. The application of manure in combination with
mineral fertilizers significantly reduced soil compaction. The greatest
compaction was recorded at a depth of 40-50 cm, after which it stagnated and
slightly decreased to a depth of 80 cm. The average compaction measured after
harvest was 24.10% higher than that measured after sowing. The soil moisture
content was higher on plots with manure and mineral fertilizers than on nonfertilized
plots. Maize yield was significantly higher in variants where manure was used together with mineral fertilizers compared to variants with the only use
of mineral fertilizers and variants without fertilizers. Variants with the lowest soil
compaction achieved the highest yields. The recommendation to maize producers
is to apply more organic matter on heavy and compacted soils, primarily manure,
but also mineral fertilizers, in order to have high and stable yields.",
publisher = "Belgrade: The Balkans Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences",
journal = "Proceedeings of the 4th International Symposium: Modern Trends in Agricultural Production, Rural Development, Agro-economy, Cooperatives and Environmental Protection, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia 29 – 30. Jun",
title = "Maize yield depending on fertilization and soil compaction",
pages = "253-241",
url = ""
Biberdžić, M., Barać, S., Stojiljković, J., Madić, M.,& Rajičić, V.. (2022). Maize yield depending on fertilization and soil compaction. in Proceedeings of the 4th International Symposium: Modern Trends in Agricultural Production, Rural Development, Agro-economy, Cooperatives and Environmental Protection, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia 29 – 30. Jun
Belgrade: The Balkans Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences., 241-253.
Biberdžić M, Barać S, Stojiljković J, Madić M, Rajičić V. Maize yield depending on fertilization and soil compaction. in Proceedeings of the 4th International Symposium: Modern Trends in Agricultural Production, Rural Development, Agro-economy, Cooperatives and Environmental Protection, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia 29 – 30. Jun. 2022;:241-253. .
Biberdžić, Milan, Barać, Saša, Stojiljković, Jelena, Madić, Milomirka, Rajičić, Vera, "Maize yield depending on fertilization and soil compaction" in Proceedeings of the 4th International Symposium: Modern Trends in Agricultural Production, Rural Development, Agro-economy, Cooperatives and Environmental Protection, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia 29 – 30. Jun (2022):241-253, .

The influence of climate conditions on maize yield in the southern part of Serbia

Biberdžić, Milan; Barać, Saša; Stojiljković, Jelena; Lalević, Dragana; Madić, Milomirka


AU  - Biberdžić, Milan
AU  - Barać, Saša
AU  - Stojiljković, Jelena
AU  - Lalević, Dragana
AU  - Madić, Milomirka
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Precipitation and temperatures are of particular importance for maize production. The aim of these studies was to analyze the yields of different maize hybrids in years that were both favorable and unfavorable for their production. Thus, the yield of maize in 2020 and 2021 was analyzed in the area of Southern Serbia (Leskovac). The year 2020 can be considered favorable for the production of maize, primarily due to the amount of precipitation during the vegetation (436 mm) and its proper distribution in the summer months. The year 2021 can be considered unfavorable for the production of maize, which is especially evident by the small amount of precipitation during the growing season (219 mm). The influence of the year, especially the climatic conditions of the year, was very pronounced. Thus, the average yield in 2021 was lower by 36% compared to 2020. The influence of hybrids on yield was pronounced, and differences in yield were statistically very significant. Hybrids with a shorter vegetation period had good yields in the unfavorable (dry) year, all due to the earlier passing of silking, fertilization, and grain formation phases. In years favorable for maize production, such as 2020, hybrids with a longer vegetation period showed their genetic potential for yield and were more dominant than hybrids with a shorter vegetation period. If maize is grown on dry soil, it is recommended to sow more hybrids of different vegetation lengths, for safer production.
T2  - Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences
T1  - The influence of climate conditions on maize yield in the southern part of Serbia
EP  - 74
SP  - 68
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Biberdžić, Milan and Barać, Saša and Stojiljković, Jelena and Lalević, Dragana and Madić, Milomirka",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Precipitation and temperatures are of particular importance for maize production. The aim of these studies was to analyze the yields of different maize hybrids in years that were both favorable and unfavorable for their production. Thus, the yield of maize in 2020 and 2021 was analyzed in the area of Southern Serbia (Leskovac). The year 2020 can be considered favorable for the production of maize, primarily due to the amount of precipitation during the vegetation (436 mm) and its proper distribution in the summer months. The year 2021 can be considered unfavorable for the production of maize, which is especially evident by the small amount of precipitation during the growing season (219 mm). The influence of the year, especially the climatic conditions of the year, was very pronounced. Thus, the average yield in 2021 was lower by 36% compared to 2020. The influence of hybrids on yield was pronounced, and differences in yield were statistically very significant. Hybrids with a shorter vegetation period had good yields in the unfavorable (dry) year, all due to the earlier passing of silking, fertilization, and grain formation phases. In years favorable for maize production, such as 2020, hybrids with a longer vegetation period showed their genetic potential for yield and were more dominant than hybrids with a shorter vegetation period. If maize is grown on dry soil, it is recommended to sow more hybrids of different vegetation lengths, for safer production.",
journal = "Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences",
title = "The influence of climate conditions on maize yield in the southern part of Serbia",
pages = "74-68",
url = ""
Biberdžić, M., Barać, S., Stojiljković, J., Lalević, D.,& Madić, M.. (2022). The influence of climate conditions on maize yield in the southern part of Serbia. in Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, 68-74.
Biberdžić M, Barać S, Stojiljković J, Lalević D, Madić M. The influence of climate conditions on maize yield in the southern part of Serbia. in Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences. 2022;:68-74. .
Biberdžić, Milan, Barać, Saša, Stojiljković, Jelena, Lalević, Dragana, Madić, Milomirka, "The influence of climate conditions on maize yield in the southern part of Serbia" in Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences (2022):68-74, .

Procena tolerantnosti različitih genotipova pšenice na stres saliniteta

Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Petrović, Sofija; Banjac, Borislav; Zečević, Veselinka; Pešić, Stanka; Brković, Predrag; Knežević, Desimir

(Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo, 2022)

AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Petrović, Sofija
AU  - Banjac, Borislav
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Pešić, Stanka
AU  - Brković, Predrag
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - U cilju procene tolerantnosti pšenice na stres saliniteta, sproveden je
dvogodišnji ogled sa 27 genotipova pšenice, gajenih na dva lokaliteta:
Kumane (solonjec, povećana zaslanjenost) i Rimski Šančevi (černozem,
kontrola). Stres zaslanjenosti je uticao na smanjenje prinosa zrna po klasu
za oko 30%, što ovu osobinu čini dobrim fenotipskim markerom uticaja
stresa zaslanjenosti na razvoj pšenice. Selekcija zasnovana na
vrednostima indikatora SP, ITS i IP favorizuje odabir genotipova Bankut
1205, Orašanka, KG-58, Jugoslavija, Renesansa i Harmonija. Iz grupe
genotipova sa visokim vrednostima SP, ITS i IP (klaster A), genotip
Harmonija ima nisku vrednost parametra IOS (0,52) i visoke vrednosti
ISP (0,84), IP (1,66) i prinosa zrna po klasu na solonjecu (1,50 g), što ga
čini veoma tolerantnim genotipom na salinitet. Parametri IOS i ISP
identifikuju genotipove koji se, bez obzira na nizak prinos, odlikuju
malom osetljivošću na stres (Šumadija, Rujna i Premija), zbog čega mogu
biti koristan genetički resurs u oplemenjivačkim programima.
AB  - In order to assess the tolerance of wheat to salinity stress, a two-year
trial was conducted with 27 wheat genotypes, grown on two soil types:
Solonetz (salinity stress) and Chernozem (control). Salinity stress reduced
grain yield per ear by about 30%, which makes this trait a good
phenotypic marker of salinity stress. Selection based on SP, ITS and IP
indicators favors the selection of genotypes Bankut 1205, Orašanka, KG-
58, Jugoslavija, Renesansa, and Harmonija. From the group of genotypes
with high values of SP, ITS and IP, the genotype Harmonija has a low
value of the parameter IOS (0.52) and a high value of ISP (0.84), IP
(1.66), and grain yield per ear on the Solonetz (1.50 g), which makes it
salinity-tolerant genotype. The parameters IOS and ISP identify
genotypes that, regardless of low yield, are characterized by low
sensitivity to stress (Šumadija, Rujna, and Premija), because these
genotypes could be a useful genetic resource in breeding programs
PB  - Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo
C3  - Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar
T1  - Procena tolerantnosti različitih genotipova pšenice na stres saliniteta
T1  - Evaluation of salinity stress tolerance in various wheat genotypes
EP  - 243
SP  - 234
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Petrović, Sofija and Banjac, Borislav and Zečević, Veselinka and Pešić, Stanka and Brković, Predrag and Knežević, Desimir",
year = "2022",
abstract = "U cilju procene tolerantnosti pšenice na stres saliniteta, sproveden je
dvogodišnji ogled sa 27 genotipova pšenice, gajenih na dva lokaliteta:
Kumane (solonjec, povećana zaslanjenost) i Rimski Šančevi (černozem,
kontrola). Stres zaslanjenosti je uticao na smanjenje prinosa zrna po klasu
za oko 30%, što ovu osobinu čini dobrim fenotipskim markerom uticaja
stresa zaslanjenosti na razvoj pšenice. Selekcija zasnovana na
vrednostima indikatora SP, ITS i IP favorizuje odabir genotipova Bankut
1205, Orašanka, KG-58, Jugoslavija, Renesansa i Harmonija. Iz grupe
genotipova sa visokim vrednostima SP, ITS i IP (klaster A), genotip
Harmonija ima nisku vrednost parametra IOS (0,52) i visoke vrednosti
ISP (0,84), IP (1,66) i prinosa zrna po klasu na solonjecu (1,50 g), što ga
čini veoma tolerantnim genotipom na salinitet. Parametri IOS i ISP
identifikuju genotipove koji se, bez obzira na nizak prinos, odlikuju
malom osetljivošću na stres (Šumadija, Rujna i Premija), zbog čega mogu
biti koristan genetički resurs u oplemenjivačkim programima., In order to assess the tolerance of wheat to salinity stress, a two-year
trial was conducted with 27 wheat genotypes, grown on two soil types:
Solonetz (salinity stress) and Chernozem (control). Salinity stress reduced
grain yield per ear by about 30%, which makes this trait a good
phenotypic marker of salinity stress. Selection based on SP, ITS and IP
indicators favors the selection of genotypes Bankut 1205, Orašanka, KG-
58, Jugoslavija, Renesansa, and Harmonija. From the group of genotypes
with high values of SP, ITS and IP, the genotype Harmonija has a low
value of the parameter IOS (0.52) and a high value of ISP (0.84), IP
(1.66), and grain yield per ear on the Solonetz (1.50 g), which makes it
salinity-tolerant genotype. The parameters IOS and ISP identify
genotypes that, regardless of low yield, are characterized by low
sensitivity to stress (Šumadija, Rujna, and Premija), because these
genotypes could be a useful genetic resource in breeding programs",
publisher = "Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar",
title = "Procena tolerantnosti različitih genotipova pšenice na stres saliniteta, Evaluation of salinity stress tolerance in various wheat genotypes",
pages = "243-234",
url = ""
Matković Stojšin, M., Petrović, S., Banjac, B., Zečević, V., Pešić, S., Brković, P.,& Knežević, D.. (2022). Procena tolerantnosti različitih genotipova pšenice na stres saliniteta. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar
Smederevska Palanka : Institut za povrtarstvo., 234-243.
Matković Stojšin M, Petrović S, Banjac B, Zečević V, Pešić S, Brković P, Knežević D. Procena tolerantnosti različitih genotipova pšenice na stres saliniteta. in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar. 2022;:234-243. .
Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Petrović, Sofija, Banjac, Borislav, Zečević, Veselinka, Pešić, Stanka, Brković, Predrag, Knežević, Desimir, "Procena tolerantnosti različitih genotipova pšenice na stres saliniteta" in Zbornik radova : Nacionalni naučno-stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem Biotehnologija i savremeni pristup u gajenju i oplemenjivanju bilja, Smederevska Palanka 3. novembar (2022):234-243, .

Stability performances of different wheat genotypes grown under favorable and salinity stress conditions

Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Petrović, Sofija; Banjac, Borislav; Zečević, Veselinka; Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana; Đorđević, Radiša; Knežević, Desimir

(Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2022)

AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Petrović, Sofija
AU  - Banjac, Borislav
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana
AU  - Đorđević, Radiša
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The present study was carried out to investigate the phenotypic variability and genotype ×
environment interaction (G×E) for spike weight of different wheat genotypes. The
experiment included 27 wheat genotypes, grown under favorable conditions (Rimski Šančevi
locality, Chernozem soil type) and salinity stress conditions (Kumane locality, Solonetz soil
type), during two growing seasons. Using the AMMI analysis of variance we found a
statistically significant (p<0.01) influence of additive and non-additive sources of variation
on the phenotypic variation of spike weight. Additive sources of variation (genotype and
environment) had a share of 62.29% in the total sum of square. The environmental factors
(growing season and soil type) contributed to the variation of spike weight with a share of
53.75% in the total variation of the experiment, while the factor of genotype had a
significantly smaller share (8.54%). The G×E participated to the total variation of spike
weight with 20.84%, where the first two principal interaction components (PCA1 and PCA2)
explained 91.74% of the interaction. The genotypes Harmonija, KG-58, Orašanka,
Renesansa, Morava, Perfekta and Bankut 1205 were characterized by high values of spike
weight and high stability. Genotypes Bankut 1205, Banatka, Grbljanka and Morava were in
positive interaction with the vector of environment Rimski Šančevi 2015/2016 (favorable
conditions), while the genotypes Harmonija, Gružanka, Oplenka, Šumadija and Premija
reacted well to salinity stress conditions of environment Kumane.
PB  - Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet
C3  - Book of proceedings : XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2022”
T1  - Stability performances of different wheat genotypes grown under favorable and salinity stress conditions
EP  - 134
SP  - 129
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Petrović, Sofija and Banjac, Borislav and Zečević, Veselinka and Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana and Đorđević, Radiša and Knežević, Desimir",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The present study was carried out to investigate the phenotypic variability and genotype ×
environment interaction (G×E) for spike weight of different wheat genotypes. The
experiment included 27 wheat genotypes, grown under favorable conditions (Rimski Šančevi
locality, Chernozem soil type) and salinity stress conditions (Kumane locality, Solonetz soil
type), during two growing seasons. Using the AMMI analysis of variance we found a
statistically significant (p<0.01) influence of additive and non-additive sources of variation
on the phenotypic variation of spike weight. Additive sources of variation (genotype and
environment) had a share of 62.29% in the total sum of square. The environmental factors
(growing season and soil type) contributed to the variation of spike weight with a share of
53.75% in the total variation of the experiment, while the factor of genotype had a
significantly smaller share (8.54%). The G×E participated to the total variation of spike
weight with 20.84%, where the first two principal interaction components (PCA1 and PCA2)
explained 91.74% of the interaction. The genotypes Harmonija, KG-58, Orašanka,
Renesansa, Morava, Perfekta and Bankut 1205 were characterized by high values of spike
weight and high stability. Genotypes Bankut 1205, Banatka, Grbljanka and Morava were in
positive interaction with the vector of environment Rimski Šančevi 2015/2016 (favorable
conditions), while the genotypes Harmonija, Gružanka, Oplenka, Šumadija and Premija
reacted well to salinity stress conditions of environment Kumane.",
publisher = "Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet",
journal = "Book of proceedings : XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2022”",
title = "Stability performances of different wheat genotypes grown under favorable and salinity stress conditions",
pages = "134-129",
url = ""
Matković Stojšin, M., Petrović, S., Banjac, B., Zečević, V., Roljević Nikolić, S., Đorđević, R.,& Knežević, D.. (2022). Stability performances of different wheat genotypes grown under favorable and salinity stress conditions. in Book of proceedings : XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2022”
Istočno Sarajevo : Poljoprivredni fakultet., 129-134.
Matković Stojšin M, Petrović S, Banjac B, Zečević V, Roljević Nikolić S, Đorđević R, Knežević D. Stability performances of different wheat genotypes grown under favorable and salinity stress conditions. in Book of proceedings : XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2022”. 2022;:129-134. .
Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Petrović, Sofija, Banjac, Borislav, Zečević, Veselinka, Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana, Đorđević, Radiša, Knežević, Desimir, "Stability performances of different wheat genotypes grown under favorable and salinity stress conditions" in Book of proceedings : XIII International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2022” (2022):129-134, .

Assessment of Genotype Stress Tolerance as an Effective Way to Sustain Wheat Production under Salinity Stress Conditions

Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Petrović, Sofija; Banjac, Borislav; Zečević, Veselinka; Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana; Majstorović, Helena; Đorđević, Radiša; Knežević, Desimir

(MDPI, 2022)

AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Petrović, Sofija
AU  - Banjac, Borislav
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana
AU  - Majstorović, Helena
AU  - Đorđević, Radiša
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - The creation of salt-tolerant wheat genotypes can provide a basis for sustainable wheat production in areas that are particularly sensitive to the impacts of climate change on soil salinity. This study aimed to select salt-tolerant wheat genotypes that could serve as a genetic resource in breeding for salinity tolerance. A two-year experiment was established with 27 wheat genotypes, grown in salinity stress and non-stress conditions. Agronomic parameters (plant height, spike weight, number of grains per spike, thousand grain weight, and grain yield/plant) were analyzed in the phenophase of full maturity, while biochemical parameters (DPPH radical scavenging activity and total phenolic content) were tested in four phenophases. Grain yield/plant was the most sensitive parameter to salinity, with a 31.5% reduction in value. Selection based on salt tolerance indices (STI, MP, and GMP) favored the selection of the genotypes Renesansa, Harmonija, Orašanka, Bankut 1205, KG-58, and Jugoslavija. Based on YI (1.30) and stability analysis, the genotype Harmonija stands out as the most desirable genotype for cultivation in saline conditions. The presence of positive correlations between grain yield/plant and biochemical parameters, in all phenophases, enables the selection of genotypes with high antioxidant activity and high yield potential, even in the early stages of plant development.
T2  - Sustainability
T1  - Assessment of Genotype Stress Tolerance as an Effective Way to Sustain Wheat Production under Salinity Stress Conditions
IS  - 12
SP  - 6973
VL  - 14
DO  - 10.3390/su14126973
ER  - 
author = "Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Petrović, Sofija and Banjac, Borislav and Zečević, Veselinka and Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana and Majstorović, Helena and Đorđević, Radiša and Knežević, Desimir",
year = "2022",
abstract = "The creation of salt-tolerant wheat genotypes can provide a basis for sustainable wheat production in areas that are particularly sensitive to the impacts of climate change on soil salinity. This study aimed to select salt-tolerant wheat genotypes that could serve as a genetic resource in breeding for salinity tolerance. A two-year experiment was established with 27 wheat genotypes, grown in salinity stress and non-stress conditions. Agronomic parameters (plant height, spike weight, number of grains per spike, thousand grain weight, and grain yield/plant) were analyzed in the phenophase of full maturity, while biochemical parameters (DPPH radical scavenging activity and total phenolic content) were tested in four phenophases. Grain yield/plant was the most sensitive parameter to salinity, with a 31.5% reduction in value. Selection based on salt tolerance indices (STI, MP, and GMP) favored the selection of the genotypes Renesansa, Harmonija, Orašanka, Bankut 1205, KG-58, and Jugoslavija. Based on YI (1.30) and stability analysis, the genotype Harmonija stands out as the most desirable genotype for cultivation in saline conditions. The presence of positive correlations between grain yield/plant and biochemical parameters, in all phenophases, enables the selection of genotypes with high antioxidant activity and high yield potential, even in the early stages of plant development.",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Sustainability",
title = "Assessment of Genotype Stress Tolerance as an Effective Way to Sustain Wheat Production under Salinity Stress Conditions",
number = "12",
pages = "6973",
volume = "14",
doi = "10.3390/su14126973"
Matković Stojšin, M., Petrović, S., Banjac, B., Zečević, V., Roljević Nikolić, S., Majstorović, H., Đorđević, R.,& Knežević, D.. (2022). Assessment of Genotype Stress Tolerance as an Effective Way to Sustain Wheat Production under Salinity Stress Conditions. in Sustainability
MDPI., 14(12), 6973.
Matković Stojšin M, Petrović S, Banjac B, Zečević V, Roljević Nikolić S, Majstorović H, Đorđević R, Knežević D. Assessment of Genotype Stress Tolerance as an Effective Way to Sustain Wheat Production under Salinity Stress Conditions. in Sustainability. 2022;14(12):6973.
doi:10.3390/su14126973 .
Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Petrović, Sofija, Banjac, Borislav, Zečević, Veselinka, Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana, Majstorović, Helena, Đorđević, Radiša, Knežević, Desimir, "Assessment of Genotype Stress Tolerance as an Effective Way to Sustain Wheat Production under Salinity Stress Conditions" in Sustainability, 14, no. 12 (2022):6973, . .

Supplementary data for article: Matković Stojšin M, Petrović S, Banjac B, Zečević V, Roljević Nikolić S, Majstorović H, Đorđević R, Knežević D. Assessment of Genotype Stress Tolerance as an Effective Way to Sustain Wheat Production under Salinity Stress Conditions. in Sustainability.14(12):6973..

Matković Stojšin, Mirela; Petrović, Sofija; Banjac, Borislav; Zečević, Veselinka; Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana; Majstorović, Helena; Đorđević, Radiša; Knežević, Desimir

(MDPI, 2022)

AU  - Matković Stojšin, Mirela
AU  - Petrović, Sofija
AU  - Banjac, Borislav
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana
AU  - Majstorović, Helena
AU  - Đorđević, Radiša
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
PY  - 2022
UR  -
T2  - Sustainability
T1  - Supplementary data for article: Matković Stojšin M, Petrović S, Banjac B, Zečević V, Roljević Nikolić S, Majstorović H, Đorđević R, Knežević D. Assessment of Genotype Stress Tolerance as an Effective Way to Sustain Wheat Production under Salinity Stress Conditions. in Sustainability.14(12):6973..
IS  - 12
VL  - 14
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Matković Stojšin, Mirela and Petrović, Sofija and Banjac, Borislav and Zečević, Veselinka and Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana and Majstorović, Helena and Đorđević, Radiša and Knežević, Desimir",
year = "2022",
publisher = "MDPI",
journal = "Sustainability",
title = "Supplementary data for article: Matković Stojšin M, Petrović S, Banjac B, Zečević V, Roljević Nikolić S, Majstorović H, Đorđević R, Knežević D. Assessment of Genotype Stress Tolerance as an Effective Way to Sustain Wheat Production under Salinity Stress Conditions. in Sustainability.14(12):6973..",
number = "12",
volume = "14",
url = ""
Matković Stojšin, M., Petrović, S., Banjac, B., Zečević, V., Roljević Nikolić, S., Majstorović, H., Đorđević, R.,& Knežević, D.. (2022). Supplementary data for article: Matković Stojšin M, Petrović S, Banjac B, Zečević V, Roljević Nikolić S, Majstorović H, Đorđević R, Knežević D. Assessment of Genotype Stress Tolerance as an Effective Way to Sustain Wheat Production under Salinity Stress Conditions. in Sustainability.14(12):6973... in Sustainability
MDPI., 14(12).
Matković Stojšin M, Petrović S, Banjac B, Zečević V, Roljević Nikolić S, Majstorović H, Đorđević R, Knežević D. Supplementary data for article: Matković Stojšin M, Petrović S, Banjac B, Zečević V, Roljević Nikolić S, Majstorović H, Đorđević R, Knežević D. Assessment of Genotype Stress Tolerance as an Effective Way to Sustain Wheat Production under Salinity Stress Conditions. in Sustainability.14(12):6973... in Sustainability. 2022;14(12). .
Matković Stojšin, Mirela, Petrović, Sofija, Banjac, Borislav, Zečević, Veselinka, Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana, Majstorović, Helena, Đorđević, Radiša, Knežević, Desimir, "Supplementary data for article: Matković Stojšin M, Petrović S, Banjac B, Zečević V, Roljević Nikolić S, Majstorović H, Đorđević R, Knežević D. Assessment of Genotype Stress Tolerance as an Effective Way to Sustain Wheat Production under Salinity Stress Conditions. in Sustainability.14(12):6973.." in Sustainability, 14, no. 12 (2022), .

Development of selection criteria for improving grain yield in wheat grown in different agro-ecological environments

Matkovic Stojsin, Mirela; Petrović, Sofija; Banjac, Borislav; Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana; Zečević, Veselinka; Bačić, Jasmina; Đorđević, Radiša; Knežević, Desimir

(Čačak : Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, 2022)

AU  - Matkovic Stojsin, Mirela
AU  - Petrović, Sofija
AU  - Banjac, Borislav
AU  - Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana
AU  - Zečević, Veselinka
AU  - Bačić, Jasmina
AU  - Đorđević, Radiša
AU  - Knežević, Desimir
PY  - 2022
UR  -
AB  - Various statistical methods were applied in this research: analysis of genetic parameters, Pearson’s correlation, genotypic and
phenotypic correlations, and Path analysis, with the aim of creating a selection criterion for increasing wheat grain yield. A twoyear experimental study was conducted with twenty-seven wheat genotypes, grown on two localities: Rimski Šančevi (Bačka,
Vojvodina), on Chernozem soil type; and Kumane (Banat, Vojvodina), on Solonjec soil type. The highest values of phenotypic
coefficient of variation (CVp) had the grain weight per plant (17.44% on Chernozem and 13.81% on Solonetz), while the lowest
value of CVp had the thousand grain weight (8.12% on Chernozem and 5.47% on Solonetz). On Chernozem, the value of the
genotypic coefficient of variation (CVg) ranged from 1.51%, in the number of grains per spike, to 9.17% in the spike length, while
on Solonetz, grain weight per plant had the lowest value of CVg (0.36%) and plant height the highest one (11.15%). At both
localities, grain yield was in highly significant and positive correlations with all analyzed traits, except with plant height and spike
length. In favorable environmental conditions (Chernozem), Path analysis revealed that grain yield directly depends on grain
weight per spike (0.317**), number of grains per spike (0.232**) and spike weight (0.209**), and other analyzed traits have a
positive indirect effect on grain yield over mentioned traits. Under salinity stress conditions, the grain weight per plant had the
highest direct effect on grain yield (0.891**), which makes this trait a good selection criterion in breeding for salinity stress
AB  - У овом истраживању су примењене различите статистичке методе: анализа генетичких параметара, Пирсонове
корелације, генотипске и фенотипске корелације и Path анализа, са циљем да се креира селекциони критеријум за
повећање приноса зрна пшенице. Споведено је двогодишње експериментално истраживање са двадесет седам
генотипова пшенице, гајених на два локалитета: Римски Шанчеви (Бачка, Војводина), на земљишту типа чернозем; и
Кумане (Банат, Војводина), на земљишту типа солоњец. Највеће вредности фенотипског коефицијента варијације (CVp)
има маса зрна по биљци (17,44% на чернозему и 13,81% на солоњецу), док је најмања вредност CVp установљена код масе
1000 зрна (8,12% на чернозему и 5,47% на солоњецу). Вредност генотипског коефицијента варијације (CVg) се, на
чернозему, кретала од 1,51%, код броја зрна по класу, до 9,17%, код дужине класа, док је на солоњецу маса зрна по биљци
имала најмању вредност CVg (0,36%), а висина биљке највећу (11,15%). На оба локалитета принос зрна је у
високозначајним и позитивним генотипским и фенотипским корелацијама са свим особинама, осим са висином биљке и
дужином класа. У повољним условима средине (чернозем), Path анализа показује да принос зрна директно зависи од
масе зрна по класу (0,317**), броја зрна по класу (0,232**) и масе класа (0,209**), док остале особине имају позитиван
индиректни ефекат на принос преко наведених особина. У условима стреса заслањености, највећи директни ефекат на
принос зрна има маса зрна по биљци (0,891**), што чини ову особину добрим селекционим критеријумом за повећање
приноса зрна у условима стреса.
PB  - Čačak : Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu
T2  - Acta Agriculturae Serbica
T1  - Development of selection criteria for improving grain yield in wheat grown in different agro-ecological environments
EP  - 87
IS  - 53
SP  - 79
VL  - 27
DO  - 10.5937/AASer2253079M
ER  - 
author = "Matkovic Stojsin, Mirela and Petrović, Sofija and Banjac, Borislav and Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana and Zečević, Veselinka and Bačić, Jasmina and Đorđević, Radiša and Knežević, Desimir",
year = "2022",
abstract = "Various statistical methods were applied in this research: analysis of genetic parameters, Pearson’s correlation, genotypic and
phenotypic correlations, and Path analysis, with the aim of creating a selection criterion for increasing wheat grain yield. A twoyear experimental study was conducted with twenty-seven wheat genotypes, grown on two localities: Rimski Šančevi (Bačka,
Vojvodina), on Chernozem soil type; and Kumane (Banat, Vojvodina), on Solonjec soil type. The highest values of phenotypic
coefficient of variation (CVp) had the grain weight per plant (17.44% on Chernozem and 13.81% on Solonetz), while the lowest
value of CVp had the thousand grain weight (8.12% on Chernozem and 5.47% on Solonetz). On Chernozem, the value of the
genotypic coefficient of variation (CVg) ranged from 1.51%, in the number of grains per spike, to 9.17% in the spike length, while
on Solonetz, grain weight per plant had the lowest value of CVg (0.36%) and plant height the highest one (11.15%). At both
localities, grain yield was in highly significant and positive correlations with all analyzed traits, except with plant height and spike
length. In favorable environmental conditions (Chernozem), Path analysis revealed that grain yield directly depends on grain
weight per spike (0.317**), number of grains per spike (0.232**) and spike weight (0.209**), and other analyzed traits have a
positive indirect effect on grain yield over mentioned traits. Under salinity stress conditions, the grain weight per plant had the
highest direct effect on grain yield (0.891**), which makes this trait a good selection criterion in breeding for salinity stress
tolerance., У овом истраживању су примењене различите статистичке методе: анализа генетичких параметара, Пирсонове
корелације, генотипске и фенотипске корелације и Path анализа, са циљем да се креира селекциони критеријум за
повећање приноса зрна пшенице. Споведено је двогодишње експериментално истраживање са двадесет седам
генотипова пшенице, гајених на два локалитета: Римски Шанчеви (Бачка, Војводина), на земљишту типа чернозем; и
Кумане (Банат, Војводина), на земљишту типа солоњец. Највеће вредности фенотипског коефицијента варијације (CVp)
има маса зрна по биљци (17,44% на чернозему и 13,81% на солоњецу), док је најмања вредност CVp установљена код масе
1000 зрна (8,12% на чернозему и 5,47% на солоњецу). Вредност генотипског коефицијента варијације (CVg) се, на
чернозему, кретала од 1,51%, код броја зрна по класу, до 9,17%, код дужине класа, док је на солоњецу маса зрна по биљци
имала најмању вредност CVg (0,36%), а висина биљке највећу (11,15%). На оба локалитета принос зрна је у
високозначајним и позитивним генотипским и фенотипским корелацијама са свим особинама, осим са висином биљке и
дужином класа. У повољним условима средине (чернозем), Path анализа показује да принос зрна директно зависи од
масе зрна по класу (0,317**), броја зрна по класу (0,232**) и масе класа (0,209**), док остале особине имају позитиван
индиректни ефекат на принос преко наведених особина. У условима стреса заслањености, највећи директни ефекат на
принос зрна има маса зрна по биљци (0,891**), што чини ову особину добрим селекционим критеријумом за повећање
приноса зрна у условима стреса.",
publisher = "Čačak : Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu",
journal = "Acta Agriculturae Serbica",
title = "Development of selection criteria for improving grain yield in wheat grown in different agro-ecological environments",
pages = "87-79",
number = "53",
volume = "27",
doi = "10.5937/AASer2253079M"
Matkovic Stojsin, M., Petrović, S., Banjac, B., Roljević Nikolić, S., Zečević, V., Bačić, J., Đorđević, R.,& Knežević, D.. (2022). Development of selection criteria for improving grain yield in wheat grown in different agro-ecological environments. in Acta Agriculturae Serbica
Čačak : Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu., 27(53), 79-87.
Matkovic Stojsin M, Petrović S, Banjac B, Roljević Nikolić S, Zečević V, Bačić J, Đorđević R, Knežević D. Development of selection criteria for improving grain yield in wheat grown in different agro-ecological environments. in Acta Agriculturae Serbica. 2022;27(53):79-87.
doi:10.5937/AASer2253079M .
Matkovic Stojsin, Mirela, Petrović, Sofija, Banjac, Borislav, Roljević Nikolić, Svetlana, Zečević, Veselinka, Bačić, Jasmina, Đorđević, Radiša, Knežević, Desimir, "Development of selection criteria for improving grain yield in wheat grown in different agro-ecological environments" in Acta Agriculturae Serbica, 27, no. 53 (2022):79-87, . .

Yield of some wheat varieties depending on fertilization with a combination of mineral fertilizers and zeolites

Biberdžić, Milan; Lalević, Dragana; Barać, Saša; Stojiljković, Jelena; Madič, Milomirka; Prodanović, Danijela; Rajičić, Vera

(Belgrade : Balkans Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, 2021)

AU  - Biberdžić, Milan
AU  - Lalević, Dragana
AU  - Barać, Saša
AU  - Stojiljković, Jelena
AU  - Madič, Milomirka
AU  - Prodanović, Danijela
AU  - Rajičić, Vera
PY  - 2021
UR  -
AB  - Zeolite improves the structure of the soil and reduces acidity,
which is of great significance for agricultural production that happens on soils
with low pH values. It has shown exceptional results in improving soil
characteristics, thus increasing the yield and quality of cultivated plants. The
aim of our study was to determine the yield and some qualitative properties of
numerous wheat varieties, depending on the mineral fertilizers and zeolites
application. The experiments were performed in 2018/19 and 2019/20, in the
area of Southern Serbia (Bojnik). The research involved 4 wheat varieties and
4 variants of fertilization, including mineral fertilizers and zeolite. The
combination of mineral fertilizers and zeolites did not show noteworthy
differences in the mass of 1000 grains when it comes to both varieties and
fertilization variants. Hectolitre weight of grain was significantly higher on the
variant with a combination of mineral fertilizers and zeolites than on the
control variant. All fertilization variants had a significantly higher grain yield
compared to the control variant. The variant on which the combination of
mineral fertilizers and a higher dose of zeolite were applied achieved a
significantly higher grain yield compared to the variant with mineral
fertilizers. Varieties Pobeda and Nikol, with the application of mineral
fertilizers and zeolite combination, achieved the highest yields. On acid soils, it
is necessary to apply fertilizers and soil improvers so that the yields of
cultivated plants will be satisfactory.
PB  - Belgrade : Balkans Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
C3  - Proceedeings of 3rd International Symposium: Modern Trends in Agricultural Production Rural Development and Environmental Protection, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia July, 01-03.
T1  - Yield of some wheat varieties depending on fertilization with a combination of mineral fertilizers and zeolites
EP  - 196
SP  - 188
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Biberdžić, Milan and Lalević, Dragana and Barać, Saša and Stojiljković, Jelena and Madič, Milomirka and Prodanović, Danijela and Rajičić, Vera",
year = "2021",
abstract = "Zeolite improves the structure of the soil and reduces acidity,
which is of great significance for agricultural production that happens on soils
with low pH values. It has shown exceptional results in improving soil
characteristics, thus increasing the yield and quality of cultivated plants. The
aim of our study was to determine the yield and some qualitative properties of
numerous wheat varieties, depending on the mineral fertilizers and zeolites
application. The experiments were performed in 2018/19 and 2019/20, in the
area of Southern Serbia (Bojnik). The research involved 4 wheat varieties and
4 variants of fertilization, including mineral fertilizers and zeolite. The
combination of mineral fertilizers and zeolites did not show noteworthy
differences in the mass of 1000 grains when it comes to both varieties and
fertilization variants. Hectolitre weight of grain was significantly higher on the
variant with a combination of mineral fertilizers and zeolites than on the
control variant. All fertilization variants had a significantly higher grain yield
compared to the control variant. The variant on which the combination of
mineral fertilizers and a higher dose of zeolite were applied achieved a
significantly higher grain yield compared to the variant with mineral
fertilizers. Varieties Pobeda and Nikol, with the application of mineral
fertilizers and zeolite combination, achieved the highest yields. On acid soils, it
is necessary to apply fertilizers and soil improvers so that the yields of
cultivated plants will be satisfactory.",
publisher = "Belgrade : Balkans Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences",
journal = "Proceedeings of 3rd International Symposium: Modern Trends in Agricultural Production Rural Development and Environmental Protection, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia July, 01-03.",
title = "Yield of some wheat varieties depending on fertilization with a combination of mineral fertilizers and zeolites",
pages = "196-188",
url = ""
Biberdžić, M., Lalević, D., Barać, S., Stojiljković, J., Madič, M., Prodanović, D.,& Rajičić, V.. (2021). Yield of some wheat varieties depending on fertilization with a combination of mineral fertilizers and zeolites. in Proceedeings of 3rd International Symposium: Modern Trends in Agricultural Production Rural Development and Environmental Protection, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia July, 01-03.
Belgrade : Balkans Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences., 188-196.
Biberdžić M, Lalević D, Barać S, Stojiljković J, Madič M, Prodanović D, Rajičić V. Yield of some wheat varieties depending on fertilization with a combination of mineral fertilizers and zeolites. in Proceedeings of 3rd International Symposium: Modern Trends in Agricultural Production Rural Development and Environmental Protection, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia July, 01-03.. 2021;:188-196. .
Biberdžić, Milan, Lalević, Dragana, Barać, Saša, Stojiljković, Jelena, Madič, Milomirka, Prodanović, Danijela, Rajičić, Vera, "Yield of some wheat varieties depending on fertilization with a combination of mineral fertilizers and zeolites" in Proceedeings of 3rd International Symposium: Modern Trends in Agricultural Production Rural Development and Environmental Protection, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia July, 01-03. (2021):188-196, .

Genetic potential of winter triticale as a healthy safe food

Rajičić, Vera; Terzić, Dragan; Popović, Vera; Dugalić, Marijana; Branković, Snežana; Luković, Kristina; Madić, Milomirka

(Novi Sad Ekološki pokret, 2020)

AU  - Rajičić, Vera
AU  - Terzić, Dragan
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Dugalić, Marijana
AU  - Branković, Snežana
AU  - Luković, Kristina
AU  - Madić, Milomirka
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The objectives of this study were to investigate: (1) the effects of cultivar, environment, and
their interactions on the grain yield, test weight and 1000 kernel weight of winter triticale, and
(2) the correlations between these traits in different environments. Based on the grain results
during a three-year investigation with two cultivars, it can be concluded that the grain yield of
triticale significantly varied across years, from 4.251 t/ha in 2010/11 to 5.791 t/ha in 2012/13 in
the study.
The investigated period clearly indicates that highly significant effect of year was found on
grain yield, test weight and 1000 kernel weight. Furthermore, test weight was highly significant
regarding the interaction of the year and cultivar and significant for 1000 kernel weight.
Environmental conditions have had a significant effect on grain yield and quality in triticale.
Grain yield shows a tendency to increase in the years having a higher total amount and better
distribution of rainfall during critical plant development stages.
AB  - Ciljevi ove studije bili su istražiti: (1) uticaje sorte, životne sredine i njihove interakcije na
prinos zrna, hektolitarsku masu i masu 1000 zrna kod ozimog tritikalea i (2) povezanost tih
osobina u različitim vegetacionim sezonama. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, tokom trogodišnjeg
istraživanja dve sorte tritikalea, može se zaključiti da je prinos zrna tokom godina značajno
varirao od 4.251 t/ha u 2010/11 do 5.791 t/ha u 2012/13. Analizom varijanse ustanovljen je
izuzetno značajan uticaj godine na prinos zrna, masu 1000 zrna i hektolitarsku masu. Štaviše,
hektolitarska masa bila je vrlo značajna i značajna za masu 1000 zrna kod interakcije godina x
Uslovi životne sredine su imali značajan uticaj na prinos zrna i kvalitet tritikalea. Prinos
zrna pokazuje tendenciju rasta u godinama koje imaju veću ukupnu količinu i bolju raspodelu
padavina tokom kritičnih faza razvoja biljaka.
PB  - Novi Sad  Ekološki pokret
C3  - Zbornik radova : Safe food XI eko-konferencija, Novi Sad
T1  - Genetic potential of winter triticale as a healthy safe food
T1  - Genetski potencijal ozimog tritikalea kao zdravstveno bezbedne forme
EP  - 159
SP  - 151
UR  -
ER  - 
author = "Rajičić, Vera and Terzić, Dragan and Popović, Vera and Dugalić, Marijana and Branković, Snežana and Luković, Kristina and Madić, Milomirka",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The objectives of this study were to investigate: (1) the effects of cultivar, environment, and
their interactions on the grain yield, test weight and 1000 kernel weight of winter triticale, and
(2) the correlations between these traits in different environments. Based on the grain results
during a three-year investigation with two cultivars, it can be concluded that the grain yield of
triticale significantly varied across years, from 4.251 t/ha in 2010/11 to 5.791 t/ha in 2012/13 in
the study.
The investigated period clearly indicates that highly significant effect of year was found on
grain yield, test weight and 1000 kernel weight. Furthermore, test weight was highly significant
regarding the interaction of the year and cultivar and significant for 1000 kernel weight.
Environmental conditions have had a significant effect on grain yield and quality in triticale.
Grain yield shows a tendency to increase in the years having a higher total amount and better
distribution of rainfall during critical plant development stages., Ciljevi ove studije bili su istražiti: (1) uticaje sorte, životne sredine i njihove interakcije na
prinos zrna, hektolitarsku masu i masu 1000 zrna kod ozimog tritikalea i (2) povezanost tih
osobina u različitim vegetacionim sezonama. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, tokom trogodišnjeg
istraživanja dve sorte tritikalea, može se zaključiti da je prinos zrna tokom godina značajno
varirao od 4.251 t/ha u 2010/11 do 5.791 t/ha u 2012/13. Analizom varijanse ustanovljen je
izuzetno značajan uticaj godine na prinos zrna, masu 1000 zrna i hektolitarsku masu. Štaviše,
hektolitarska masa bila je vrlo značajna i značajna za masu 1000 zrna kod interakcije godina x
Uslovi životne sredine su imali značajan uticaj na prinos zrna i kvalitet tritikalea. Prinos
zrna pokazuje tendenciju rasta u godinama koje imaju veću ukupnu količinu i bolju raspodelu
padavina tokom kritičnih faza razvoja biljaka.",
publisher = "Novi Sad  Ekološki pokret",
journal = "Zbornik radova : Safe food XI eko-konferencija, Novi Sad",
title = "Genetic potential of winter triticale as a healthy safe food, Genetski potencijal ozimog tritikalea kao zdravstveno bezbedne forme",
pages = "159-151",
url = ""
Rajičić, V., Terzić, D., Popović, V., Dugalić, M., Branković, S., Luković, K.,& Madić, M.. (2020). Genetic potential of winter triticale as a healthy safe food. in Zbornik radova : Safe food XI eko-konferencija, Novi Sad
Novi Sad  Ekološki pokret., 151-159.
Rajičić V, Terzić D, Popović V, Dugalić M, Branković S, Luković K, Madić M. Genetic potential of winter triticale as a healthy safe food. in Zbornik radova : Safe food XI eko-konferencija, Novi Sad. 2020;:151-159. .
Rajičić, Vera, Terzić, Dragan, Popović, Vera, Dugalić, Marijana, Branković, Snežana, Luković, Kristina, Madić, Milomirka, "Genetic potential of winter triticale as a healthy safe food" in Zbornik radova : Safe food XI eko-konferencija, Novi Sad (2020):151-159, .

Impact of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Grain Yield in Winter Triticale Grown on Degraded Vertisol

Rajičić, Vera; Popović, Vera; Perišić, Vesna; Biberdžić, Milan O.; Jovović, Zoran; Gudžić, Nebojša; Mihailović, Vojislav; Colić, Vladislava; Đurić, Nenad; Terzić, Dragan

(Basel : MDPI, 2020)

AU  - Rajičić, Vera
AU  - Popović, Vera
AU  - Perišić, Vesna
AU  - Biberdžić, Milan O.
AU  - Jovović, Zoran
AU  - Gudžić, Nebojša
AU  - Mihailović, Vojislav
AU  - Colić, Vladislava
AU  - Đurić, Nenad
AU  - Terzić, Dragan
PY  - 2020
UR  -
AB  - The objectives of this study were to investigate: (1) the effects of fertilization, environment, and their interactions on the thousand grain weight (TGW), hectolitre weight (HW) and grain yield (GY) of winter triticale, and (2) the correlations between these traits in different environments. The invariable nitrogen (80 kg N ha(-1)), potassium (60 kg K2O ha(-1)) and two phosphorus (60 and 100 kg P(2)O(5)ha(-1)) doses were used in Kragujevac location in central Serbia. Nitrogen was applied individually and in combination with two phosphorus rates and one rate of potassium fertilizer. Eight fertilization treatment controls and N-80, P-60, P-100, N80P60K60, N80P100K60, N(80)P(60)and N(80)P(100)were examined during three growing seasons. The yield and quality of triticale significantly varied across years and treatments. The average yield of all treatments in the 2015 growing season was significantly greater than in the previous years (3.597 t ha(-1)). Combined usage of NPK fertilizer (80 kg N ha(-1), 100 kg P(2)O(5)ha(-1)and 60 kg K2O ha(-1)) represented the excellent base for optimum supply of major nutrients, resulting in maximum GY (4.0 t ha(-1)). Negative and significant correlation was found between grain GY and TGW (-0.392*) in 2015, and positive highly significant correlation were in 2013 (0.648*) and 2014 (0.493*). The positive effect over complete application of fertilizer is the result of a lower pH value of the soil, as well as the low content of available phosphorus and potassium in Vertisol soil type. Optimizing fertilization for maximum profitability is of great importance in the future triticale production in Pannonian Environments.
PB  - Basel : MDPI
T2  - Agronomy-Basel
T1  - Impact of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Grain Yield in Winter Triticale Grown on Degraded Vertisol
IS  - 6
VL  - 10
DO  - 10.3390/agronomy10060757
ER  - 
author = "Rajičić, Vera and Popović, Vera and Perišić, Vesna and Biberdžić, Milan O. and Jovović, Zoran and Gudžić, Nebojša and Mihailović, Vojislav and Colić, Vladislava and Đurić, Nenad and Terzić, Dragan",
year = "2020",
abstract = "The objectives of this study were to investigate: (1) the effects of fertilization, environment, and their interactions on the thousand grain weight (TGW), hectolitre weight (HW) and grain yield (GY) of winter triticale, and (2) the correlations between these traits in different environments. The invariable nitrogen (80 kg N ha(-1)), potassium (60 kg K2O ha(-1)) and two phosphorus (60 and 100 kg P(2)O(5)ha(-1)) doses were used in Kragujevac location in central Serbia. Nitrogen was applied individually and in combination with two phosphorus rates and one rate of potassium fertilizer. Eight fertilization treatment controls and N-80, P-60, P-100, N80P60K60, N80P100K60, N(80)P(60)and N(80)P(100)were examined during three growing seasons. The yield and quality of triticale significantly varied across years and treatments. The average yield of all treatments in the 2015 growing season was significantly greater than in the previous years (3.597 t ha(-1)). Combined usage of NPK fertilizer (80 kg N ha(-1), 100 kg P(2)O(5)ha(-1)and 60 kg K2O ha(-1)) represented the excellent base for optimum supply of major nutrients, resulting in maximum GY (4.0 t ha(-1)). Negative and significant correlation was found between grain GY and TGW (-0.392*) in 2015, and positive highly significant correlation were in 2013 (0.648*) and 2014 (0.493*). The positive effect over complete application of fertilizer is the result of a lower pH value of the soil, as well as the low content of available phosphorus and potassium in Vertisol soil type. Optimizing fertilization for maximum profitability is of great importance in the future triticale production in Pannonian Environments.",
publisher = "Basel : MDPI",
journal = "Agronomy-Basel",
title = "Impact of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Grain Yield in Winter Triticale Grown on Degraded Vertisol",
number = "6",
volume = "10",
doi = "10.3390/agronomy10060757"
Rajičić, V., Popović, V., Perišić, V., Biberdžić, M. O., Jovović, Z., Gudžić, N., Mihailović, V., Colić, V., Đurić, N.,& Terzić, D.. (2020). Impact of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Grain Yield in Winter Triticale Grown on Degraded Vertisol. in Agronomy-Basel
Basel : MDPI., 10(6).
Rajičić V, Popović V, Perišić V, Biberdžić MO, Jovović Z, Gudžić N, Mihailović V, Colić V, Đurić N, Terzić D. Impact of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Grain Yield in Winter Triticale Grown on Degraded Vertisol. in Agronomy-Basel. 2020;10(6).
doi:10.3390/agronomy10060757 .
Rajičić, Vera, Popović, Vera, Perišić, Vesna, Biberdžić, Milan O., Jovović, Zoran, Gudžić, Nebojša, Mihailović, Vojislav, Colić, Vladislava, Đurić, Nenad, Terzić, Dragan, "Impact of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Grain Yield in Winter Triticale Grown on Degraded Vertisol" in Agronomy-Basel, 10, no. 6 (2020), . .