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Mikrobiološka aktivnost zemljišta i produktivnost različitih genotipova pšenice u održivom sistemu proizvodnje

dc.creatorCvijanović, Gorica
dc.creatorPetrović, Gordana B.
dc.creatorMarinković, Jelena
dc.creatorCvijanović, Vojin
dc.creatorĐurić, Nenad
dc.creatorRoljević Nikolić, Svetlana
dc.description.abstractThe agriculture is the main sector where the greenhouse emission is the least reduced. In total emission of the nitrogen the agriculture in EU-28 in 2013 participated with 93%. One of the ways to reduce the greenhouse emission in the field of the food production are the sustainable systems such as the Precision Farming and the Law Input sustainable Agriculture. Law input sustainable agriculture in the world presents the largest way of food production especially from the aspect of energetic efficacy and improvement of the environment such as the preservation of the land quality. Wheat has very important place in the human nutrition especially in the undeveloped parts of the world there is bigger amount of the researches that are related to finding of profitable ways of the production with preservation of environment. With that aim have been done researches on experimental plot (test parcel) of the Institute PKB Agroekonomik in Padinska Skela (ΨN 440 56', λE 250 28') in vegetative period 2015/2016. The aim of the research was to explore the possibility of the cultivation of four genotypes of the wheat (Ratarica, Pobeda, Nogal, Apač) (factor A) by using organic fertilizers in the saving and foliar treatments with liquid microbiological preparation on the height of yield and microbiologic activity of the land in rhizosphere of the wheat. For foliar nutrition there was used liquid inoculate EM Aktiv where were mixed various types of effective microorganisms: Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, Azotobacter chroococcum, Bac. subtilis, Bac. megaterium, Rhodopseudomona spalustris, Rodobacter sphaeroides, Saccharomyces carevisiae, Streptomyces albus, Streptomyces griseus. Fertilization: factor (B) was conceived in three variants. In the whole experiment in the autumn was put 400 kg NPK (15:15:15). For saving in the phase of twisting there were used: F1- mineral nitrogen fertilizer 150 kg.ha-1 (46% N); F2-1725 kg.ha-1 granulated poultry manure, (4,0% N, 2,7% P2O5, 2,2% K2O, MgO) 20 l.ha-1 of liquid microbiology inoculate in the soil + foliar treatment with 6 l.ha-1 of liquid microbiology inoculate in the phase of the tillering; and F3- 875 kg.ha-1 granulated poultry manure of the same formation + 20 l.ha-1 of liquid microbiology inoculate in the soil two foliar treatment in the phase of the tillering and stem elogation. The data were processed statistically by the method of the analyse of the variance by the method of two factorial split plot experiment and the importance of the differences between the treatment was tested with LSD test. Correlative coefficients have been also determined (Statistica 12.0). Examined variables statistically influenced with high importance (p<0,01) on the dinamics of the microorganisms (total amount of the microorganisms, numerosity of Azotobacter-a, free living nitrogen fixing and dehydrogenase activity). The best competitive relation with microbe population in rhizosphera had the sort Nogal where there was determined the highest numerosity of the examinees groups of the microorganisms that was in correlative relation with the height of the yield (6,80 t.ha-1). On the height of the yield significant influence (p<0,05) had a genotype, while the fertilisation din not have significant influence on the height of the
dc.description.abstractPoljoprivreda je glavni sektor u kojoj je emisija štetnih gasova najmanje smanjena. U ukupnoj emisiji azota poljoprivreda u EU-28 u 2013. godini učestvovala je sa 93%. Jedan od načina smanjenja emisije štetnih gasova u oblasti proizvodnje hrane jesu održivi sistemi kao što je precizna proizvodnja (Precision Farming), i proizvodnja niskih ulaganja (Low input sustainable Agriculture). Low input sustainable agriculture u svetu predstavlja najšire prihvaćen način proizvodnje hrane, prvenstveno sa aspekta energetske efikasnosti i unapređenja životne sredine, odnosno očuvanja kvaliteta zemljišta. S obzirom da pšenici pripada veoma značajno mesto u ishrani ljudi i u razvijenim, a posebno u nerazvijenim delovima sveta, sve je veći broj istraživanja koja se odnose na iznalaženje profitabilnih načina prizvodnje uz očuvanje životne sredine. U tom cilju su sprovedena istraživanja na oglednoj parceli Instituta PKB Agroekonomik u Padinskoj Skeli (ΨN 440 56', λE 250 28') u vegetacionom periodu 2015/2016 godine. Cilј istrаživаnjа biо је istrаžiti mоgućnоst gајеnjа čеtiri gеnоtipа pšеnicе (Rаtаricа, Pоbеdа, Nоgаl, Аpаč) (fаktоr А) kоrišćеnjеm оrgаnskih đubrivа u uštеdu i fоliјаrnim trеtmаnimа sа tеčnоm mikrоbiоlоškоm priprеmоm nа visini prinоs i mikrоbiоlоšku аktivnоst zеmlјištа u rizоsfеri pšеnicе. Za folijarnu ishranu korišćen je tečni inokulat EM Aktiv u kome su se nalazile smešane različite vrste efektivnih mikroorganizama Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei, Azotobacter chroococcum, Bac. subtilis, Bac. megaterium, Rhodopseudomona spalustris, Rodobacter sphaeroides, Saccharomyces carevisiae, Streptomyces albus, Streptomyces griseus. Đubrenje faktor (B) je bilo koncipirano u tri varijante. Na celom ogledu u jesen je uneto 400 kg NPK (15:15:15). Za prihranu u fazi bokorenja je korišćeno: F1- mineralno azotno đubrivo 150 kg.ha-1 (46% N); F2-1725 kg.ha-1 granulirani živinski stajnjak (4,0% N, 2,7% P2O5, 2,2% K2O, MgO) + 20 l.ha-1 tečnog mikrobiološkog inokulata + folijarni tretman sa 6 l.ha-1 istog mikrobiološkog inokulata; i F3- 875 kg ha-1 granulirani živinski stajnjak iste formulacije + 20 l.ha-1 tečnog mikrobiološkog inokulata + dva folijarna tretmana u fazi bokorenja i vlatanja. Podaci su obrađeni statistički metodom analize varijanse po metodi dvofaktorijalnog split-plot ogleda, a značajnost razlika između tretmana testirana je LSD testom. Takođe, utvrđeni su korelacioni koeficijenti (Statistica 12.0). Ispitivane varijable su statistički visoko značajno (p<0,01) uticale na dinamiku brojnosti osnovnih grupa mikroorganizama (ukupan broj mikroorganizama, brojnost Azotobacter-a, slobodno živući azotofiksatori i dehidrogenazna aktivnost). Najbolji kompetitivni odnos sa mikrobnom populacijom u rizosferi je imala sorta Nogal, kod koje je utvrđena najveća brojnost ispitivanih grupa mikroorganizama, što je bilo u korelativnom odnosu sa visinom prinosa (6,80 t.ha-1). Na visina prinosa statistički značajno (p>0,05) je uticao genotip, dok đubrenje nije sttistički značajno uticalo na visinu prinosa. Đubrenje F2 je statistički značajno uticalo na visinu prinosa dok između F1 i F3 đubrenja nije bilo ststističke znač
dc.publisherBansko : Institute of Knowledge Menagement, Bulgariasr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Integrated and Interdisciplinary Research (IIR or III)/46006/RS//sr
dc.sourceKNOWLEDGE – International Journalsr
dc.titleMicrobiological activity of land and productivity of different genotypes of wheat in a sustainable system of productionsr
dc.titleMikrobiološka aktivnost zemljišta i produktivnost različitih genotipova pšenice u održivom sistemu proizvodnjesr



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