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Production of beans in variable weather conditions

dc.creatorPandurović, Željko
dc.creatorPopović, Vera
dc.creatorĐurić, Nenad
dc.creatorRadović, Gordana
dc.creatorMladenović Glamočlija, Milena
dc.creatorMaslovarić, Marijana
dc.creatorTomić, Vedran
dc.creatorMiloradović, Zoran
dc.description.abstractČetvorogodišnji mikroogledi su postavljeni 2015. godine i izvedeni na poljoprivrednim površinama sela Petkovica (opština Šabac). Predmet istraţivanja bila je domaća sorta pasulja Sremac, koja je sejana u prolećnom roku, a u 2018. godini i postrno. Proizvodnja je organizovana na vrlo siromašnom zemljištu teškog mehaničkog sastava sa preovlaĎujućom fizičkom glinom (oko 68%) pa je uz mineralna NPK hraniva korišćena i organska biomasa (kompost i saturacioni mulj). Pasulj je gajen na većim površinama uz primenu standardne tehnologije proizvodnje, a posle setve obeleţavane su eksperimentalne parcele. Tokom izvoĎenja ogleda detaljno su analizirani osnovni meteorološki podaci vodni reţim i raspored toplote u vegetacionom periodu pasulja. Prva i treća godina bile su sa značajno manjim količinama padavina u periodu april-septembar i sa dugim sušnim periodima tokom leta, dok su druga i četvrta godina imale vrlo povoljan reţim padavina. Varijabilnost vremenskih uslova značajno je uticala na visinu ostvarenih prinosa, a u četvrtoj godini omogućila i uspešnu postrnu setvu (Vasić i sar., 2007). Osnovni cilj istraţivanja bio je da se utvrdi koliki prinos zrna se moţe ostvariti sortom koja je tolerantna na sušu i podesna za gajenje u suvom ratarenju. Na osnovu ostvarenih prinosa, obračunatih materijalnih troškova i angaţovanja mehanizacije, odreĎeno je procentualno učešće varijabilnih troškova proizvodnje u ceni proizvoda. Dobijene vrednosti mogu posluţiti kao preporuka malim farmerima kako uz najpodesnije agrotehničke metode mogu ostvariti što veći bruto finansijski rezultat u proizvodnji pasulja.sr
dc.description.abstractThe four-year field trials were set in 2015 and carried out on agricultural surfaces of the village village Petkovic (municipality Sabac). The subject of the research was beans, domestic variety Sremac, which was sown in the spring, and in 2018, as stubble crop. Beans are grown on a very poor soil with a heavy mechanical composition with a predominant physical clay (about 68%). Therefore, organic (compost and saturated sludge) and NPK mineral fertilizers are used in the nutrition of plants. The beans are grown on large plots with the application of standard production technology. Experimental plots were marked after sowing. During the experiment, the detailed meteorological data were analyzed in detail by the water regime and the distribution of heat in the vegetation period of the bean. Basic meteorological data (water regime, and heat distribution) were analyzed during the vegetation period of beans. The first and third years were with significantly smaller amounts of precipitation in the period April-September and with long drought periods during the summer, while the second and fourth years had a very favorable precipitation regime. Variability of weather conditions significantly influenced the amount of yields achieved, and in the fourth year enabled successful stubble sowing (Vasić et al., 2007). The basic aim of the research was to determine the extent of grain yield can be achieved by a drought tolerant variety and suitable for growing in dry cropping system. On the basis of realized yields, calculated material costs and engagement of mechanization, the percentage participation of variable production determined is costs in the price of the product. The values obtained can be used as a recommendation to small farmers to achieve the highest gross financial result in the production of beans with the most suitable scientific farming methods.sr
dc.publisherPadinska Skela : Institut PKB Agroekonomiksr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31025/RS//
dc.sourceZbornik naučnih radova Instituta PKB Agroekonomiksr
dc.subjectvremenski i zemljišni uslovisr
dc.subjectsorta Sremacsr
dc.subjectprinos zrnasr
dc.subjectekonomičnost proizvodnjesr
dc.subjectweather and soil conditionssr
dc.subjectbean variety of Sremacsr
dc.subjecteconomic of productionsr
dc.titleProizvodnja pasulja u promenljivim vremenskim uslovimasr
dc.titleProduction of beans in variable weather conditionssr



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