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Influence of genotypes and environment on eggplant yield

dc.creatorDamnjanović, Jelena
dc.creatorPavlović, Suzana
dc.creatorGirek, Zdenka
dc.creatorSavić, Slađana
dc.creatorUgrinović, Milan
dc.creatorBrdar-Jokanović, Milka
dc.creatorPavlović, Nenad
dc.description.abstractJedan od ciljeva u gajenju i selekciji plavog patlidžana (Solanum melongena L.) jeste veći prinos, kao i prilagođavanje različitim uslovima sredine. Naša studija obuhvatila je 20 različitih genotipova plavog patlidžana. Ogled je realizovan na tri različite lokacije (Smederevska Palanka, Vranovo i Kusadak) po slučajnom blok sistemu sa 3 ponavljanja. Ispitivan je uticaj dva faktora na prinos po biljci: genotipa i lokaliteta. Dvofaktorijalna ANOVA je pokazala značajan uticaj genotipa, lokaliteta kao i interakcije genotip x lokalitet na prinos po biljci. Nakon analize 20 genotipova na tri različita lokaliteta zabeleženi prosečni prinos po biljci iznosio je 2,47 kg. Značajno veći prinosi po biljci u odnosu na opšti prosek, zabeleženi su kod genotipovia K13 (3,02 kg), K20 (2,99 kg), K21 (3,44 kg), K34 (4,35 kg), K39 (4,28 kg). Najveći prinos je imao genotip K34 na lokalitetu Vranovo (4,71 kg). Na lokalitetu Smederevska Palanka genotip K39 je imao najveću prosečnu vrednost, dok je najmanju vrednost prinosa ispod opšteg proseka imao genotip K1 (1,09 kg). Genotip K39 je imao značajno viši prinos po biljci iznad prosečne vrednosti i na lokalitetu Kusadak. Najstabilniji lokalitet na osnovu koeficijenta AMMI stabilnosti (0,92) bila je Smederevska Palanka, dok je najmanje stabilan lokalitet bio Kusadak (2,34). Genotipovi K13, K39, K36 sa prinosom iznad opšteg proseka, imali su malu vrednost PC1, što ukazuje da su bili pod manjim uticajem lokaliteta, tj. da su imali dobru stabilnost prinosa na svim lokalitetima. Genotip K34 se izdvojio kao najprinosniji genotip dok su genotipovi K21 i K25 ispoljili usku adaptabilnost u lokalitetu
dc.description.abstractOne of the goals in eggplant breeding (Solanum melongena L.) is higher yield, as well as adaptation to different environments. Our study included 20 different eggplant genotypes. The experiment was conducted at three different locations (Smederevska Palanka, Vranovo and Kusadak) using a randomized complete block design in three replications. The influence of two factors on yield per plant was examined: genotype and location. Two-factor ANOVA showed a significant influence of genotype, location as well as genotype x location interaction on yield per plant. After the analysis of 20 genotypes at three different locations, the recorded average yield per plant was 2.47 kg. Significantly higher yields per plant than the general average were recorded for genotypes K13 (3.02 kg), K20 (2.99 kg), K21 (3.44 kg), K34 (4.35 kg), K39 (4.28 kg). The highest yield had the genotype K34 at the location Vranovo (4.71 kg). At the locatio of Smederevska Palanka, genotype K39 had the highest average value, while genotype K1 (1.09 kg) had the lowest yield below the general average. Genotype K39 had a significantly higher yield per plant above the average value at the Kusadak site. Based on the results of AMMI analysis, it can be concluded that there are significant differences between locations, genotypes as well as interactions (Table 3). Of the total sum of squares, 86.10% refers to the effect of genotype, while the sum of squares of genotype × location is three times higher than the sum of squares of location (10.25% compared to 3.07%). The most stable location based on the AMMI stability coefficient (0.92) was Smederevska Palanka, while the least stable was Kusadak (2.34). Genotypes K13, K39, K36, with a yield above the general average, had a low value of PC1, which indicates that they were less influenced by locations, ie. that they had good yield stability in all locations. Genotype K34 stood out as the most productive genotype. Genotypes K3, K7, K16, K19 and K38 were below the average yield value but proved to be stable. The strongest interaction (ASV) was observed in genotypes K1 (below average yield) and K21, K25 (above average yield), where the last two are closely adapted to the location
dc.publisherBeograd : Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbijesr
dc.sourceSelekcija i semenarstvosr
dc.subjectAMMI analysissr
dc.subjectSolanum melongena
dc.subjectAMMI analizasr
dc.titleUticaj genotipa i spoljašnje sredine na prinos plavog patlidžanasr
dc.titleInfluence of genotypes and environment on eggplant yieldsr

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