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Vegetable breeding in Serbia - state and perspectives

dc.creatorZečević, Bogoljub
dc.creatorGirek, Zdenka
dc.creatorĐorđević, Mladen
dc.creatorPavlović, Suzana
dc.creatorAdžić, Slađan
dc.description.abstractInstitut za povrtarstvo skoro 70 godina se na jedan veoma posvećen i istrajan naĉin uspešno nosi sa velikim i odgovornim zadatkom koji mu je poveren, a to je razvoj povrtarstva na ovdašnjim prostorima. Jedan prvenstveno dobro osmišljen poĉetni pravac, baziran na kvalitetnom izboru u pogledu ljudskih resursa, stvorio je ĉvrste osnove za uspostavljanje pravilnog pristupa u nauĉno - istraţivaĉkim i struĉnim aktivnostima koje su sprovoĊene u oblasti povrtarstva od poĉetka pa do današnjih dana. Pristup okarakterisan jakom i direktnom vezom izmeĊu nauke i prakse je bio i ostao glavna odrednica postojanja i funkcionisanja Instituta kroz dosadašnji period. Oplemenjivanje povrtarskih biljaka predstavljalo je konstantno najznaĉajniju aktivnost u radu u Institutut za povrtarstvo. Rezultati proistekli u procesu oplemenjivanja u Institutu za povrtarstvo u velikoj meri su uticali na proizvodnju povrća u Srbiji i regionu. Realizacija opštih i posebnih ciljeva oplemenjivanja primenom adekvatnih metodoloških pristupa na velikom broju razliĉitih biljnih vrsta uvek je predstavljao ozbiljan i izazovan zadatak. Broj sorti i hibrida povrća razvijenih u Institutu za povrtarstvo jesu dokaz da su ciljevi oplemenjivanja u dosadašnjem periodu u znaĉajnoj meri uspešno ostvarivali. Perspektiva oplemenjivanja povrtarskih biljaka u Institutu za povrtarstvo u velikom delu je bazirana na aktivnom i kvalitetnom ukljuĉivanju svih relevantnih ĉinilaca u definisanju jasnog cilja u pogledu odreĊivanja pozicije i uloge Instituta za povrtarstvo u Srbiji.sr
dc.description.abstractInstitute for Vegetable Crops, Smederevska Palanka for almost 70 years now, in a very dedicated and persistent way, successfully copes with big and responsible task entrusted to it, and that is the development of vegetable growing in Serbia. First of all well-designed starting line, based on quality choice in terms of human resources, has created a solid basis for establishing the correct approach in scientific and professional activities that are carried out in the area of vegetable production from the beginning to the present day. Strong and direct link among science and practice was and is the main determinant of the functioning of the Institute up to these days. Breeding vegetables has always been the most important activity of the Institute. Results that came from these breeding processes had a big impact to the vegetable production in Serbia and the region. The implementation of general and specific objectives by applying adequate methodological approaches to a number of different plant species has always been serious and challenging task. Number of hybrids and varieties that were produced at the Institute for Vegetable Crops are the proof that the breeding goals that were set long time ago successfully have been realized. The perspective of vegetable breeding at the Institute for Vegetable Crops was based on active inclusion and quality of all relevant factors in defining the clear goal and determinate the position and the role of the Institute for Vegetable Crops in Serbia.
dc.publisherBeograd : Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbijesr
dc.publisherBeograd : Privredna komora Srbijesr
dc.sourceZbornik apstrakata VIII nauĉno-struĉnog skupa iz selekcije i semenarstva društva selekcionera i semenara republike srbije „Genetički resursi, oplemenjivanje i semenarstvo u poljoprivredi Srbije-stanje i perspektive“sr
dc.titleOplemenjivanje povrtarskih biljaka u Srbiji – stanje i perspektivesr
dc.titleVegetable breeding in Serbia - state and perspectivesen



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