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Prinos zrna i komponente prinosa sorti i linija ozimog dvoredog ječma

dc.creatorMadić, Milomirka
dc.creatorPaunović, Aleksandar
dc.creatorKnežević, Desimir
dc.creatorZečević, Veselinka
dc.identifier.issn0354-9542 (print)
dc.identifier.issn2560-3140 (electronic)
dc.description.abstractA comparative study on the grain yield and yield components of six winter barley cultivars and lines was conducted at an experimental farm of the Small Grains Research Centre in Kragujevac over a three-year period. The analysis included stem height, spike number per m2, kernel number per spike and grain yield. The smallest and greatest plant heights were found with the K-10-85 line and cv. NS- 293, respectively, regardless of the year of observation. A considerably lower stem height, as compared to the standard cultivar, was observed in genotypes NS-331, K-10-85 and ZA-88. Plant height and grain yield were substantially affected by environmental conditions during the observation period. These traits were also considerably affected by the genotype-year interaction. Spike number per m2 and kernel number per spike were significantly affected by year, the differences between the cultivars and lines observed in this study were not significant, and moreover, no important effects of the genotype-year interaction were registered. There were significant differences in grain yield between the genotypes studied, the highest and lowest being obtained by K-10-85 and KG-8/4, respectively.sr
dc.description.abstractU trogodišnjem periodu obavljena su uporedna sortna ispitivanja komponenti prinosa i prinosa zrna šest ozimih sorti i linija jecma na imanju Centra za strna žita u Kragujevcu. Analizirana je visina stabla, broj klasova po m2, broj zrna po klasu i prinos zrna. Bez obzira na godinu ispitivanja najmanju visinu biljke imala je linija K-10- 85, a najvecu sorta NS-293. Znacajno nižu visinu stabla u odnosu na sortu standard imali su genotipovi NS-331, K-10-85 i ZA-88. Uslovi uspevanja u posmatranim godinama imali su znacajan uticaj na visinu biljke i visinu prinosa. Za data svojstva javio se i znacajan interakcijski efekat izmedu genotipa i godine. Na broj klasova po m2 i broj zrna po klasu znacajno je uticala godina, a razlike izmedu sorti i linija nisu znacajne i nije bilo znacajnih efelkata u interakciji genotip-godina. Genotipovi su se znacajno razlikovali u visini prinosa, tako da je najveci prinos imala linija K-10-85, a najmanji KG-8/4.sr
dc.publisherČačak : Poljoprivredni fakultet, Univerzitet u Kragujevcusr
dc.sourceActa Agriculturae Serbicasr
dc.subjectstem heightsr
dc.subjectplant numbersr
dc.subjectkernel numbersr
dc.subjectgrain yieldsr
dc.titleGrain Yield And Yield Components Of Two-Row Winter Barley Cultivars And Linessr
dc.titlePrinos zrna i komponente prinosa sorti i linija ozimog dvoredog ječmasr



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