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Stabilnost prinosa zrna genotipa ozime pšenice

dc.creatorPerišić, Vladimir
dc.creatorPerišić, Vesna
dc.creatorLuković, Kristina
dc.creatorBratković, Kamenko
dc.creatorZečević, Veselinka
dc.creatorBabić, Snežana
dc.creatorMatković Stojšin, Mirela
dc.identifier.issn(e) 2406-209X
dc.description.abstractBread wheat is one of the most represented field crops whose level and stability of yield is very important for the food security in Republic Serbia. In the paper was investigated stability of yield expression of 15 winter bread wheat genotypes in different agroecological conditions of Serbia, using the Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction (AMMI) model and GGE-biplot method of analysis. Aim of investigation was to determine which of applied analysis is superior in identification of the most desirable genotypes for cultivation in given environments. Analysis of variance showed that genotype and genotype-environment (G×E) interaction represent highly significant sources of variability in expression of grain yield. AMMI and GGE analyses were point out similar results and an indisputable conclusion is that multienvironment trials, besides routine usage of analysis of variance, must be analized with one of this two models, which combine analysis of variance and PCA analysis. AMMI analysis is simpler for interpretation and closer to the concept of view of the agronomical trial, while GGE analysis is more complex and gives more precise interpretation of “which-won-where“, i.e. for defining of narrowly adapted genotypes in given environments. Thus, G11 as the genotype with highest average yield is narrow adapted to the environment Sombor and can be recommended, as well as in the environment 2 (Kruševac), while genotypes with modest requests (G2) rather can be recommended for cultivation in the environment 1 (Kragujevac), which is characterized by less fertile soil and a smaller amount and uneven distribution of precipitation.sr
dc.description.abstractHlebna pšenica je jedna od najzastupljenijih ratarskih vrsta, čiji je nivo i stabilnost prinosa veoma važan za prehrambenu sigurnost Republike Srbije. U radu je ispitivana stabilnost ekspresije prinosa zrna 15 genotipova ozime hlebne pšenice u različitim agroekološkim uslovima Srbije, korišćenjem AMMI modela i GGE-biplot analize. Cilj je bio da se utvrdi koja od primenjenih analiza je superiornija u identifikaciji najpoželjnijih genotipova za gajenje u datim sredinama. Analiza varijanse je pokazala da genotip i interakcija genotip-sredina (G×E) predstavljaju veoma značajan izvor varijabilnosti pri ekspresiji prinosa zrna. AMMI i GGE analize su dale slične rezultate, pa je nesporan zaključak da je neophodno višelokacijske oglede, pored analizom varijanse koja se najćešće rutinski koristi, analizirati i jednim od ova dva modela, koji kombinuju analizu varijanse i PCA analizu. AMMI analiza je jednostavnija za interpretaciju i bliža je agronomskom konceptu poimanja ogleda, dok je GGE analiza kompleksnija i jasnija za interpretaciju gde ko pobeđuje, odnosno za definisanje usko prilagođenih genotipova datim sredinama. Tako G11, kao genotip sa najvećim prosečnim prinosom je usko prilagođen lokaciji Sombor, pa se prevashodno može preporučiti toj lokaciji ali i lokaciji 2 (Kruševac), dok se genotipovi skromnijih zahteva (G2) pre mogu preporučiti za gajenje u lokaciji 1 (Kragujevac), koja se odlikuje lošijim zemljištem i manjom količinom i lošijim rasporedom padavina.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Društvo selekcionara i semenara Republike Srbijesr
dc.sourceSelekcija i semenarstvosr
dc.subjectgenotype × environment interactionsr
dc.subjectinterakcija genotip-sredinasr
dc.titleStability of grain yield performance of winter wheat genotypessr
dc.titleStabilnost prinosa zrna genotipa ozime pšenicesr



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