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Productivity of green bean and intercropped vegetable crops in the organic farming system

dc.contributor.advisorOljača, Snežana
dc.contributor.otherMomirović, Nebojša
dc.contributor.otherZdravković, Jasmina
dc.contributor.otherSavić, Dubravka
dc.contributor.otherDolijanović, Željko
dc.creatorUgrinović, Milan
dc.description.abstractZdruţivanje (Intercropping), gajenje dve ili više razliĉitih vrsta na istoj površini u toku iste proizvodne sezone, jedan od prvih sistema gajenja biljaka u organizovanoj poljoprivredi, kroz istoriju ljudskog društva, opstalo je kao odrţivo rešenje koje se i danas, primenjuje u proizvodnji hrane za ljude i domaće ţivotinje. Cilj ovog istraţivanja bio je da se ispita uticaj zdruţivanja, Ċubrenja i rokova setve na morfološke osobine i komponente prinosa boranije i uticaj Ċubrenja i rokova setve na prinose boranije, cvekle, zelene salate, rotkvice, crnog luka i rotkve, kao i produktivnost zdruţenih useva boranije s navedenim vrstama povrća. Poljski mikroogled, postavljen po sluĉajnom blok sistemu u ĉetiri ponavljanja, u toku tri vegetacione sezone (2009 - 2011. godine), obavljen je na oglednom polju Instituta za povrtarstvo (Smederevska Palanka, 102 m nadmorske visine, 44o22’ severne geografske širine i 20o57’ istoĉne geografske duţine). Tretman zdruţivanja obuhvatio je zdruţene useve boranije i cvekle, boranije i zelene salate, boranije i rotkvice, boranije i crnog luka, boranije i rotkve i ĉist usev boranije. Tretmani Ċubrenja bili su kontrolni tretman bez Ċubrenja, tretmani mikrobiološkim, mineralnim Ċubrivom i stajnjakom. Svi tretmani ispititvani su u dva roka setve, prolećnom i letnjem. Praćene su morfološke i produktivne osobine boranije: visina biljke, visina do prve mahune, masa biljke, broj mahuna po biljci, prinos mahuna po biljci, duţina mahune, masa mahune, prinos mahuna po jedinici površine, ţetveni indeks. Praćene su i hemijske osobine boranije, sadrţaj suve materije i sadrţaj pepela u mahuni boranije, kao i prinosi zdruţenih useva koji su korišćeni za izraĉunavanje LER indeksa. Proseĉna visina biljke boranije bila je 35,83 cm, a proseĉna visina do prve mahune 14,15 cm. Na visinu biljke statistiĉki znaĉajno su uticali faktori zdruţivanja, Ċubrenja i roka setve, a na variranje visine do prve mahune Ċubrenje, rok setve i interakcija ova dva faktora...sr
dc.description.abstractIntercropping, growing two or more different crops on the same field during one production season is one of the first systems of plant growing in organized agriculture. Through the history of human society, it survived as a sustainable solution, which can be used in production of food or food, even today. The goal of this research was to examine the effects of intercropping, fertilization and sowing dates on morphological traits and productive components of green bean and the effect of fertilization and sowing dates on productivity of green bean, beetroot, letuce, radish, onion and white winter radish, as the productivity of green bean intercropped with previously mentioned vegetables. A field trial set up in a random block system with four repetitions, during three vegetative seasons (2009 – 2011), was done on an experimental field of the Institute of vegetable crops (Smederevska Palanka, 102 m above sea level, 44o22’ north latitude and 20o57’east longitude). The intercropping treatment included intercropped beetroot and green bean, letuce and green bean, radish and green bean, onion and green bean, white winter radish and green bean, and a sole crop of green bean. Fertilization treatments used were: control treatment without fertilization, microbiological and mineral fertilizers and farm yard manure. All the treatments were examined for two sowing periods, spring and summer. Morphological and productive characteristics of green bean were followed: plant height, first pod height, plant weight, number of pods per plant, pod yield per plant, pod length, pod weight, pod yield per area unit, harvest index. Chemical properties, dry matter and ash content were also monitored, along with the yield of intercropped species used to calculate LER index. Average plant weight was 35.83 cm, average first pod height 14.15 cm. Plant height was significantly affected by the factors of intercropping, fertilization and sowing date, variations of first pod height were affected by the sowing date, fertilization and interaction of these two factors...en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Beogradu, Poljoprivredni fakultet
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Technological Development (TD or TR)/31059/RS//
dc.subjectrok setvesr
dc.subjectmorfološke osobinesr
dc.subjectLER indekssr
dc.subjectgreen beanen
dc.subjectdate of sowingen
dc.subjectmorphological traitsen
dc.subjectLER indexen
dc.titleProduktivnost boranije i združenih useva povrća u sistemu organske zemljoradnjesr
dc.titleProductivity of green bean and intercropped vegetable crops in the organic farming systemen



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